November 23, 2003
Someone else who wasn't impressed

By the "anti-Bushies".

Since it's Zeyad from Healing Iraq, I guess he gets to have an opinion. If that's OK with JarJar and Frederico, of course.

I was ashamed and depressed watching those brainwashed and deluded demonstrators in London carrying signs calling for abandoning Iraq and for an end to aggression. While I can understand people who hold peaceful principles against wars in general but nevertheless wish to see Iraq free and prosperous, I fail to understand the logic behind the thinking that appeasing and understanding terrorists will make this world a better place. It was all the same 'No blood for oil', 'Not in my name', 'Bush is Hitler', 'Stop the war', 'End the occupation', 'Bring the troops home' nonsense over and over again. It was almost like one of our masira's in the dark times of the previous regime. If those people truly dislike Bush they should have kept their mouths shout about other issues which they can never understand and sticked to anti-Bush slogans. The only thing that warmed my heart was watching different self-respecting people carrying banners that said 'Mr. Bush you are most welcome, this lot does not speak for me'. I ditto that and add that this lot surely does not speak for Iraqis either. I'm sure Saddam is proud of you and clapping his hands in glee watching from whatever gutter he is hiding in right now. The fact that Al-Arabiyah station decicated two whole hours covering these demonstration while not a single subtitle about the anti-terrorism crowds marching in Iraq only disgusted me the more.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at November 23, 2003 08:22 AM | TrackBack

Still obsessed I see with our triumph in London!

Dont worry boys, you can always take a break from gnashing your teeth by taking on an killing a dangerous pumpkin!

Posted by: ddf on November 23, 2003 02:44 PM

No thanks, We'll just continue to remove psycotic, genocidal, mass murdering dictators, since pussies like you can't handle the job.

Run along home now, little child!

Posted by: Raging Dave on November 23, 2003 06:03 PM

Ooooh, Harmonia - must be tough to find out that the people who know the most about the Iraq situation under Saddam see you as hand-wringing apologists for a massively brutal regime.

Actually, as with all things, you will completely ignore the reality of the situation to post your snarky little one-liners that are insipid, vacuous, and a complete waste of time. Well, I guess in this case the "comments' reflect the "commenter" - since that describes you to a "T" as well.

Posted by: Neal (Nukevet) on November 24, 2003 09:59 AM
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