November 24, 2003
My Final Thought

On the Miami riots we spoke about over the weekend.

Here, here, here and here.

I would like to thank all the police agencies who helped keep the creepazoids under control. I have seen what happens when you let these animals run loose and no city deserves that. Except maybe Frisco. I mean, they let the nut jobs who puked and shat on the federal building go with no charges. Frisco deserves what they get.

I would like to point out this snippet that I found on my local IMC. Spelling and grammar errors included. Sadly, the little stoner who posted it was too wasted to put the link in.

"All targets are members of teh Council of the Americas, a militantly pro-ftaa group. Activists are being asked to locate home addresses of local managers, franchise owners, CEO's etc, as well as thbeir local branch of the Intercontinental Hotel chain(host of the FTAA and councilmmeber), and drop by late at night at hourly or half hourly intervals sounding air horns and drums to deny them sleep until they agree to call off the Miami police."

Posted by AnalogKid at November 24, 2003 12:12 AM | TrackBack

What a bunch of bozos! If they don't like it, it shouldn't happen.

I think should be arrested for disturbing the peace.

Posted by: Emily Nelson on November 24, 2003 03:09 PM
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