November 24, 2003
An antidote to rall

United in our common interests.

Fools will always be among us, especially hateful soulsucking fools like Rall, the worst of the breed. But I thought maybe after seeing this picture, that we should pause to remember the dream. Something far deeper, and grander than the simple insect like mind of Rall could understand.

A small ceremony on a Korean base, with the children of one of the men allowed to stand proudly beside their father. This says alot about us as a people, and it says everything important. They are soldiers, professionals...............yet they are citizens just like us. They love their kids, their families, they give their time, their freedom, and if necessary, their very lives for us....................These are our own. Wether the great great grandson of a long past Confederate Cavalry trooper, or the proud child of Korean parents, who has sworn an oath to serve us in arms, to earn a place among us for his children. They are all our people.

It's trendy among some to disparage our ways, our institutions, our values as mercenary or venal. They simply do not understand, and never will. You are one of us in your heart, not in your luck of birth. Rall may have been born here, but he is not one of us. He's other, alien. He has the right to live, to work, to prosper if he can,.............but our respect is not a given.

I'll save my feelings of gratitude and respect for someone far more important than a hack cartoonist. I'll save it for men and women like these, some not even born here, but all more American in their souls than Rall will ever be. People like him will sadly always chase attention, always shock, always insult. Always be the whiney voice of doubt , hate and fear. He would have us surrender, walk away from a fight for our very survival.

We say different.

"We will not go quietly into the night,
we will not vanish without a fight.

We're going to live on,
We're going to survive."

We are better than he, better than that.

And we will win.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at November 24, 2003 01:54 PM | TrackBack
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