November 25, 2003
Self Help

As a footnote to my rambling post yesterday on the subjuect of gun control, I would like to show you this pic,

This is Scott Eizember. This knuckle-dragger is facing two counts of first degree murder in the October 18th shooting deaths of A.J. and Patsy Cantrell of Depew. He also faces one charge of shooting with intent to kill in the shooting of Tyler Montgomery and a charge of assault and battery with a deadly weapon in the beating of Montgomery's grandmother, Carla Wright during his 5 week robbery and murder spree in Texas and Oklahoma.

You can read all about it here.

What does this have to do with gun control, you ask?

He was shot and wounded by a person with a concealed pistol license. A little more practice with that pistol and the State of Texas might not have had to worry about trying the bastard or covering his medical bills.

Posted by AnalogKid at November 25, 2003 12:54 AM | TrackBack

As a counterpoint to the insanity in England, I can pretty well assure you that here in Texas, the licensed shooter will damned sure be no-billed by any grand jury (if it even gets to a grand jury).

Posted by: Cait on November 27, 2003 03:07 PM
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