The Army is pushing to get this weapon sooner than planned, largely because of problems that have continued to occur with the M-16. This is a good source about the weapon.
I wish they would reconsider the 7.62mm round though. Knock down power is important. AK is the resident expert, and I value his judgement, so what do you think about it my friend?
I am of the school that wants the M14 brought back to the frontline soldier. But that gun does not sit well with today's 'Kinder/Gentler" armed forces brass that makes that decision. Imagine a minimum height/weight requirement male/female trying to hump that thing around all day.
But, I heard over at the Kim's place that with the battery pack that this new gun requires, the total weight is over 50lbs. Plus, they're thinking of keeping the 5.56 round.
So, to be fair, I would steal the MG-42, update it (not another M-60) and get a new SAW in 7.62NATO (2 each per squad) and give everyone else a sub-machinegun (which is really all the A-4 is). Something like a MAC-10, UZI (we know it works in the sand), or MP5.
Or shotguns. You all do not know how badly I want shotguns to be in the hands of our armed services. There is nothing better for the type of urban fighting we have been doing lately, it'll put a man down out to 75yrds (w/a full choke), and just the report from one is likely to scare the wahabbi out of the enemy.
On a lighter note, think of all the surplus shotgun ammo in 10 years.
Posted by: analog kid on November 26, 2003 02:42 AMAK, I agree with almost everything you said, but have you looked at the articles suggesting a 6mm or 6.5mm cartridge? Something like the .243 Winchester? Recoil would be less from that round out of a M-14, G3, or FAL style rifle than the .223 out of the M-16, and its stopping power is almost as good as the .308's for the first 200 yards. Since .243 uses .308 brass, the mags could be kept, and conversion of the rifle would be simple. Plus each soldier could carry more ammo that way. Otherwise I think your idea (MG-42, shotguns, sub-machineguns) is right on.
Posted by: Eric Sivula on November 26, 2003 12:47 PMWelp, there's always the AK47/MS/74 family of weapons.
And gimme back my M1911.
The OICW should be allowed to die, neigh, forcibly assisted in it's death.
Rebarrelling the M16/M4s to 6.5mm and keeping existing brass and magazines would work for me.
Posted by: St Rachel O'Caterpillar on November 26, 2003 01:25 PMHeya Eric, I've read everything I can on the 6.5 round and, while I would be happy if they did upgrade to that, I just really like my idea.
Maximum damage capabilities and all.
Posted by: analog kid on November 26, 2003 02:46 PMI understand AK, but I like the more ammo, more dead people theory.
Can you imagine how bad the .308's would be with the 168 grain boat-tail hollowpoints that hunters use?
Posted by: Eric Sivula on November 26, 2003 05:08 PMYep. And I'm thinking of 550 rpm of Golden Saber 45ACP out of a MAC carbine or 12 guage 1 ounce Hydra-Shock slugs out of the new Combat Match Rem 1100.
Posted by: analog kid on November 26, 2003 06:21 PMGet rid of the M-16, and don't ever allow that abomination pictured to come into production. A 40 POUND BATTERY PACK???? Dear god help the 11C who already carries close to 120 pounds on his back! LIGHTER, YOU OVER-PROMOTED DIPSHITS, LIGHTER!
I agree with AK on some things. Shotguns would be one of the best weapons for urban combat. Subguns would be just as good. I think that if we know that we'll be in urban areas, give one or two people a heavy long-gun or a SAW, and equip the rest with MP-5's, greaseguns, Uzi's, or shotguns, and please god get rid of that crappy M9 9mm piece of shit pistol.
I've never fired such a crappy gun in my life.
Posted by: Raging Dave on November 26, 2003 06:29 PMCrappy gun doesn't begin to cover the M-9.
In test trials, when they were reaching their 5000 round mark, 2 guns had their slide rails crack and break. Guess where the rear of the slide went.
They did beef up the design, but I always wondered how much it cost Beretta for the military to forget that bit.
Posted by: analog kid on November 26, 2003 07:05 PMI have to laugh. I know next to nothing about guns, and other than a 22 the only real gun I've fired is my father in laws 9mm (don't ask what brand, I have no clue).
But I DO know what a shotgun is, and I find it extremely funny that gun experts like you guys think it best to be used in Iraq (which I agree with, noting your reasons).
Guess it's kinda the "old reliable" then?
More the matter of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". A shotgun is one of the most reliable guns out there, simple to maintain, and does much damage in a short space. Just about perfect for urban close combat. A semi-automatic shotgun can spread more damage over a wider range with less hassle than almost any other close combat gun. And with a few minor modifications, you can adjust to just about any combat situation.
Hell, a shotgun slug can go through walls. The 5.56 poodleshooter might, but not likely.
Posted by: Raging Dave on November 28, 2003 11:25 AMThanks for the mini-lesson Dave. I've learned quite a bit from you guys about guns.
Shotguns slugs.. I have heard about those. Something about the size of the hole it will leave in the torso of a person who gets in the way.
If it's not inapropriate here, but I need to ask...
If I want to buy a 9mm without spending my life savings, what should I get?