November 27, 2003
First southerners, now everyone in uniform.

I don't like Dean, I believe he's a political hack, a slick wanna be used car salesman of a populist clown. But I never really worked up any anger about him till I read this from Drudge.

Active duty soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines are upset over being forced take part in a military repatriation ceremony today for remains believed to be those of the non-military brother of presidential candidate Howard Dean, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

During the Vietnam War, Dean's brother and an Australian friend treked into Laos as civilians -- and were captured by the Vietcong and killed.

Military Honors are reserved for those who have actively served their country, wether in uniform or in office. NOT for the dumb as a sack of hammers hippy stoner who stumbled into a war zone and got himself killed by sheer stupidty. When every veteran dies, he has the right to be carried to his rest draped with the flag he defended. He has the right to be Honored by the nation who called him to serve. Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, among others recieve this Honor.

Dean or his people using the military to put a varnish of repectability on a stupid act that got his brother killed is beneath contempt. This is Bullshit, it cheapens the ceremony, cheapens the value of real service, and he should be ashamed of himself for even contemplating doing it. You want to talk about wrapping yourself in the flag for political gain? Will some Dean supporter please explain in detail why I shouldn't want to kick his ass over this?

I buried my father under such a flag, my wife her grandfather and uncle. I won't allow this to go by without comment. Dean's an asshole.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at November 27, 2003 01:34 AM | TrackBack

I had an uncle that was originally listed on the wall as MIA (Air Force, shot down near Hanoi). His remains were recovered and the mark next to his name was changed to KIA. That article said that they had unidentified service members remains still to be identified and I know what their families would think about Dean�s brother being bumped ahead of them. To me that is a bigger tragedy than the honors.

Posted by: AWolf on November 27, 2003 01:37 PM

It all blows, every bit of it. I can't imagine how anyone could be so tone deaf as to do something like this. It sends all the wrong signals. Indifference to the families involved, claiming military Honors unearned, and manipulation of a non-political process all just because Dean wants to be president.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 27, 2003 03:48 PM
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