When your point of view isn't selling, when you can't win, can't gain followers, can't scrape enough pennies together to buy a clue, you do this.
We are a collective who had considered the shortcomings of the organized resistance to the 2002 World Economic Forum here in New York City, while recognizing the strength of the anti-war demonstrations throughout February and March of this year. We have therefore created this resource to help encourage a decentralized, autogenic mobilization to supplement the marches and rallies that will be organized against this convention. We respect and welcome a diversity of tactics and encourage autonomous groups to use their creativity to subvert this carefully staged affair to reclaim our streets and our lives.
The math is simple, they can'y win, so they intend to trash the events of those they hate. Free speech anyone?...........Oh, sorry, I forgot only these putrid little retards get to have a say, anyone else they just try and trash. They wanna march fine, enjoy the balmy New York weather. But how well would it be recieved do you think if a group of republicans got together and announced they planned to disrupt and subvert the Democratic National Convention? Not the same they say?.......Really, how about anarchists playing at brownshirted thugs? How about dems turning a blind eye to what the more sanity impaired among their followers plan to do?
I actually welcome this, it's George's ticket to a landslide of historic preportions. Because when John and Jane Doe plain American sit down to watch the news what will they see? They'll see these idiots burning flags, throwing red paint, screaming, attacking police, trashing stores and total mayhem. Does anyone think for a second that this is going to make them feel sympathy for this group of asspirates?
Me neither.
Like the spoiled rich kid going to a birthday party for someone else, and throwing the cake on the floor because he just realized he doesn't get to keep the presents. That'll show em............
Is my contempt showing?
Posted by Mark (puggs) at November 30, 2003 04:56 PM | TrackBack"To print 5,000 stickers, we've been quoted a price of over $800. To this end, we've held benefits, but we are still short of this first target."
Well, that's pretty pathetic.
Posted by: Donnah on November 30, 2003 06:30 PMIf they made sense, they would not be progressives.
Posted by: Eric Sivula on November 30, 2003 10:56 PM