December 01, 2003
The Useless Debating Society

Just another reason that the UN should be drop kicked off of America's shores and their land sold off to the highest bidder and the money used to fight terrorism or buy those who voted for Bush ice cream.

� The 114 members of the Non-aligned Movement voted against U.S. supported positions 78 percent of the time. This group includes all the world�s dictatorships and terrorist states. It considers Cuba�s Castro, Libya�s Gadhafi and Syria�s Assad heroes.
� The 22 members of the League of Arab States voted against U.S. supported positions 83 percent of the time.
� The 56 members of the Islamic Conference voted against U.S. supported positions 79 percent of the time.
� The 53 members of the African Union voted against U.S. supported positions 80 percent of the time.

The U.S. authorized over $12 billion in direct financial aid to 142 countries in the FY 2002 Foreign Operations Appropriation. Six countries: Israel, Afghanistan, Colombia, Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan received the greatest amounts, about $6 billion. Israel voted with the United States 93 percent of the time. The five others collectively voted against the United States 79 percent of the time.

And what about votes cast by the United States so-called European Union friends? These 15 weak-kneed allies collectively voted against the United States more than 50 percent of the time.

Let's see, we are the largest contributer of troops whenever they ask, we give out more 'foreign aid' than the rest of the world combined, we take in more refugees than any other country in the world, etc, etc.

And yet, as a group, they still want to see a mushroom over one of our major cities.

Found at Judicious Asininity

Posted by AnalogKid at December 01, 2003 12:40 AM | TrackBack
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