December 01, 2003

So how much rage can a millionare doctor have against Mr. Bush? This much?

Oh, please,......................spare me the theatrics. Let me share a little bit on rage. Rage is the burning anger that comes from deep inside, so dark and hot that it barely knows restraint. Dean has a hot headed temper and a talent for throwing tantrums, hardly the stuff of rage. He's lived a privilged live, the best schools, the best excuses to stay out of Vietnam, (his own admission), the best clothes cars and lifestyle. What in the Hell has he known of rage? His rage is the fiegned righteous indignation of a richman's realization that there are POOR people out there. Not that he wants to give them his money......he wants to give them ours. Typical limousine liberal horseshit. Cruising through life doing good works by beating up on people who have far less and work far harder than he does.

He wants rage, then how about this kind of rage? The rage of growing up poor white trash, of being thought inferior because you didn't have the "right" family? The rage of guarding your two brothers backs through the school years, because they were mentally retarded and easy targets for bullies and thugs? The rage of fighting everyday of the school year, alone and always outnumbered? The rage of having illness strip your family away from you, one painful horror at a time? The rage of having your own body fail you when you need to depend on your ability to work and feed your wife and kids? The rage of getting up everyday and biting down the pain, fighting back the urge to throw up because your spine is damaged and going to work is akin to being beaten in your mind? The rage of knowing that maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky you will still be able to walk in your retirement years?

Rage? He has no idea what true rage is. It burns white hot in your veins, giving you strength, but constantly battling your mind for control. Rage is a beast, a rampaging thing of darkness that you bury deep down inside until you can vent it in harmless fashions. Pouring it out in torrents of pain and frustration. I do it away from my wife and children, I don't want them to see it, don't want them to ever fear me. I know rage very well and I truely doubt Dean fits the profile.

Rage is born of trauma, emotional, physical, it's not a stage prop for a crowd of mouthbreathing college richkids. Not a reasonable plank to run a campaign on. It's a deadend in and of itself. Dean uses it like it has merit, doesn't.

You control it, or it controls you. Dean's too stage managed to make me believe his rage is real.



Just to reassure,...I'm not unable to control it. Everyone has a dark side, I just know mine when I see it. The trick isn't to deny it's there, but to channel it as a resource. My wife, my kids need not fear me, I would end my own existence before allowing them harm. The reasoning mind over the instinctive brute is an age old battle, won most of the time by most people, but sadly, not by all. I just wished to allow a peek at what some turn away from, channeled correctly a man's rage is the source of strength and endurance when it would be all too easy to just quit.

Loved ones are perfectly safe as are innocent bystanders. But I truely am bearlike, in that if I percieved a threat to my family...........have you ever seen what a bear does to a deer carcass? Then the limits come off, the civilization, the reasoning,.......But I've made it through the first 44 years without loosing control, I don't intend to start now.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at December 01, 2003 06:31 PM | TrackBack

Being a Dean supporter, I understand why he's angry. I go to college and will pay back all $60,000 worth of my loans myself, which does not at the current time, nor will it in the future, make me rich. It's hard to not be upset that there are people out there who don't believe in basic human rights like food, shelter, healthcare, right to work, etc. And it's difficult to imagine members of the human race that are so coldhearted that they do not care about suffering around the world and here at home. As far as taxes are concerned, I will give up 30% of my paychecks willingly, to know that people eat and get some sort of support here. I will not give up 30% of my paychecks to pay for corporate welfare so that people like Cheney can walk off with 37 million dollar pensions while laying off wage earners of their companies. And I don't believe a man can be an adequate president if he drives his own oil company into the ground. It's a simple question of management and responsibility. This is why Dean's rage is real. It sucks to work towards a better world to have rich white college kids who have paid their way through ivy league schools, come out the ass-end with mediocre grades abuse the government of the most powerful country on earth. There are better things to work towards than what are on this admin's agenda.

Posted by: Anne on December 2, 2003 01:45 AM

Sadly for you Anne, Dean is one of those "rich white college kids who have paid their way through ivy league schools, come out the ass-end with mediocre grades abuse the government of the most powerful country on earth".

And by the way, why is health care a human right? You may be willing to give up 30% of your income to pay for things of that nature but, also sadly, you are already paying closer to 50%. How much more are you willing to pay? Another 30%? Why would you deny those who refuse to pay their own way the right of health care so that you can keep more than 20% of your income. You are so greedy!

Sorry hon, but health care is already available to anyone who wants it. You just have to pay the premiums. If you aren't willing to do that, then you have chosen your own destiny in that respect. Remember, if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. It is something called 'Responsibility'. They don't teach that in college, do they?

Oh and Anne, if you weren't paying so much in taxes, maybe you could pay off those student loans earlier, thereby saving on interest and giving you greater time and opportunity to become wealthy.

Posted by: analog kid on December 2, 2003 02:55 AM

First take a breath, paragraph breaks help. It looks like you would attempt to say all that in one breath.

Second you don't get it at all............

You are not working class college girl, I am. I sweat to earn, not sitting on my ass in class all day and complaining about injustice, the whole time milking the system that I'm bitching about.

You overlooked everything I said in order to justify Dean's bad temper. In my world little girl, Dean is the enemy, he would trash an imperfect system for a fictional paradise that only exists in so called progressive minds. It's a fantasy, a fiction. A very expensive one, and don't play the class warfare horseshit on me girlie, to me YOU are a fatcat. You are the rich, you are my enemy when you say higher taxes are just fucking peachy (as long as YOUR pet causes get funded of course). You just don't get anything at all.

How many lower middle class never gonna see a day in college whites do you see at Dean rallies? How many? You college kids wanna save the world.....fine. Start by dropping the wildeyed Bush lies and distortions so popular among the left, middle America will tune you out.

You say you want to help the little guy, the common people, why in the fuck are you college kids standing there alone with the dem hard left? You say Union, that's a joke, they represent less than 35% of working America, and a Hell of a lot of the rank and file (Hi mom!.waves at crowd) votes GOP sister. Thirty percent of my pay is a fucking lot to me, you wanna,...then write a fucking check and leave me the fuck out of it alright?

I don't trust Dean
Don't like him
don't intend to vote for him
and hope he gets his big fat insult spewing piehole glued shut.

Does that about cover it?




So then...what's your major anyway?

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on December 2, 2003 03:35 AM

BTW, nice volly AK, good form.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on December 2, 2003 03:40 AM

[i]basic human rights like food, shelter, healthcare, right to work, etc.[/i]

Really? You want to show me where that's written, please? Because as far as I know, most people on the left like to call their pet causes "basic human rights".

Figure it out, girlie. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness doesn't mean that life gets handed to you on a silver platter. You can whine and complain about your college loans, but some of us never got the chance to go to college. I'm one of them. And I'll be damned if I vote for some socialista utopian dreamer like Howie Dean. He's a liar, a fraud, and a crook.

Posted by: Raging Dave on December 2, 2003 04:42 PM
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