December 02, 2003
Doktor Kidd's Rectal-Cranial Impaction Clinic

Mr Greg Dyke, BBC General Director, is in need of a glass stomach.

"News organisations should be in the business of balancing their coverage, not banging the drum for one side or the other. This is something which seemed to get lost in American reporting of the war,"

What Mr. Dyke does not see is that, his method of reporting isn't as 'unbiased' as he believes it to be. When you only report the bad news coming from the war zone, you are helping break down the morale of both the soldiers and those on the homefront. Which means that you are helping the enemy.

My diagnosis: His ideological differences with Mr. Blair and Mr. Bush combined with his preference to only publicize news stories that are demoralizing and his statements above leads me to believe that he is suffering from a severe case of Rectal Cranial Impaction that is proving to be contagious to those who read his agencies work.

Nurse: Jarjar, the doctor will see you now

Posted by AnalogKid at December 02, 2003 12:55 AM | TrackBack

Me got crowbar! Me help!

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on December 2, 2003 03:54 AM

I've also heard that called "a head-rectum inversion".

Posted by: Cait on December 2, 2003 06:38 AM

** need of a glass stomach.**

I like that. In the aviation community, we're big on checklists. For instance, when you do something especially stupid while flying an aircraft:

1 - Attempt to correct problem. If problem corrected, remove cranium from rectum.
-If problem remains, leave cranium in place and repeat step 1.
-If problem compounded, proceed to step 2.

2 - Carve hole in abdomen.
3 - Raise seat.

Posted by: Mike the Marine on December 2, 2003 07:54 AM
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