December 03, 2003
Even more funnies

If you can stand more, here is a satire piece from, depicting a fictional report from professional fool, Sean Penn reporting from Iraq for the San Francisco Chronicle.

A snippet;
I bounded off the plane this morning at the Saddam Hussein Airport, which they now call Baghdad Airport. It’s a freakin shame to give such a marvelous facility such a crappy name. It is always so much more interesting to name a place after a person rather than for another place. The new regime here seems very grounded in the mundane. No sensibilities. But more about that later.

The first thing I noticed on the way to the hotel is how bumpy the roads are. They’re a freakin mess. I thought Bush was going to see to it that the infrastructure was repaired, but nothing has been done yet. I thought it was obvious that smooth roads would show the Iraqis that we care about them. It’s a freakin shame that nobody cares.

Posted by AnalogKid at December 03, 2003 12:31 AM | TrackBack
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