December 03, 2003
Fiscal Responsibility

Since some of our commenters have expressed concern over the, um, "welfare" of the US economy, I thought I better add a little stock ticker into the mix.

After all, we would hate to miss the DJIA surging above the 10,000 mark, now wouldn't we?


OK, so some of you non-browser updatin, no JAVA havin MoFos had trouble with the ticker. It has now been axed. Relegated to the "it was a good idea, but....." bin of history.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at December 03, 2003 01:45 PM | TrackBack

Heya Doc,

That ticker is causing me some upload problems. I have to answer a 'yes/no' before it'll let the page load.

Posted by: analog kid on December 3, 2003 03:11 PM

It doesn't even show up with my browser... I had to switch to IE to even see that there was something there. And IE needed a plugin for it too.

Posted by: Mollbot on December 3, 2003 03:38 PM

It was a good idea Neal, I thought it was cool. It loaded OK for me with no trouble and I only downloaded a plugin once. Still, after my previous trouble I'm fairly religious about IE and windows updates.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on December 4, 2003 11:21 AM
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