April 30, 2003
When it comes to prosecuting War Crimes

Isn't Belgium acting rather, um, unilaterally.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:56 AM
Isn't hacking someone's website

you know, illegal?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:45 AM
Even fast track executions of dissidents

Can't keep Cuba off the UN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION.

You know, the same UN body that voted the US off because of our poor human rights record? Have Robbins and Sarandon been executed? What about Alterman, the Dixie Chicks, or Martin Sheen? Hmmmmmm, maybe we better round a few of these guys up and at least torture them a bit if we want to get back into the good graces of the UN.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:08 AM
April 29, 2003
Mail call for M. Chirac....

What he said.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:51 AM
April 28, 2003
Good thing the UK has politicians to decide what is "best" for it's people

Or else they might go and do something Crazy!

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:28 PM
April 27, 2003
Well, well, well

What have we here?

If this is true, it is time to really evaluate any and all relationships we have with this country.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:53 PM
April 26, 2003

Thanks to Beaker's Corner for the tip.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:32 PM
Ahhh, but of course

Castro comes up with an explanation for his recent crackdown on dissidents. And it's one that should be good for a lot of mileage with the left -

It's all America's Fault!

We should have seen that one coming.......

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:41 AM
Well, we've seen slogans for

Party naked, surf naked, and now, apparently, fly naked!

This sort of puts that whole "mile high club" thing in a rather gruesome light.

Speaking of Gruesome.........

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:30 AM
Speaking of Organized Religion

Have more people been killed:

1) In the name of organized religion

2) Because of their religious beliefs

3) 1 and 2 are the same, just depends on which side of the fence you are on at the time the killing starts

4) By Secular Utopian evils, like Communism, Socialism

5) By the horrible evils inherent in the pursuit of Capitalism

And really, think about the answer a bit before you just decide to start bashing Capitalism in a leftist frenzy of "must protect Marx"ism. Really try and count up the numbers, and let me know what you think.

My choices, in order, would be 3), followed by 4), with 5) running a VERY distant 3rd.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:11 AM
Another Troll for Woody

Randy, apparently from Australia, opines:

Dear neo-conservative redneck yanks, keep wishing for your white middle class brave new world, but while ever there are free thinkers like Woody, you will never get it. And no, John Howard doesn't speak for all Aussies

Ok, where to begin:

1) neo conservative - actually read the blog, and you will see posts stating that I am an atheist, and not a big fan of organized religion in general. I have also supported gay rights, abortion, and have one of those little Darwin fish on the back of my truck. Hardly neo-conservative, I think.

2) Redneck - I really wish you guys would get a little better at your regional insults. Is someone from New Zealand the same as someone from Australia? Are Scotland and Ireland the same? No, I don't think so. And rural people from Louisiana are not "rednecks". The racially derogatory term you are looking for is "Coon-Ass". Do try to do better in the future.

3) Actually, I would more prefer an upper-class brave new world, regardless of skin color. Why is it always about race with "you people"? In fact, how do you know what color my skin is?

4) And I know that John Howard doesn't speak for all Aussies, just most of them. Just like George Bush doesn't speak for all Americans, just about 72% of them. Like the old adage goes - you can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time.

Yes, Woody is a free thinker. It just so happens that his ideas are idiotic and totally out of touch with reality. Read Sam's response to your comment for a few of the reasons why. And Sam has a perspective that definitely excludes him from the "you yanks" classification (unless, of course, the US imperialistic hegemon has claimed Estonia in the last couple of hours).

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:06 AM
What's the last sound a non-Iraqi defender of the Saddam regime hears after saying the following?

But wait! I'm here to help you fight the infidels!


Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:30 AM
April 25, 2003
Come down the Bayou

for a little music, that is.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:01 PM
Let's see now,

Canada believes the US should abide fully by the proclamations of an international governing body (in this case, the UN). Why, then, the ballistic response to the WHO's decision to warn against "non-essential" travel to Toronto?

Just another fine example of "do as we say, not as we do" diplomacy.

An Instapundit reader has some comments about helping Canada during their international entity-induced crisis. Or not.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:56 PM
Let me just say

That 2 way satellite internet access sucks. I have paid a ton of money for 2 weeks worth of spotty internet coverage, followed by several months of TRYING to get someone to come out to my house and fix the damn thing. I should have known that there was a problem when it stopped working after 1 day.
I really believe that Skycasters sold me a proverbial pig in a poke. I was assured that they could cover my small business needs, and now I am still without internet access.

So now I'm back to looking at dual speed ISDN as my only alternative. Which sucks, but not as much as Skycaster's 2-way satellite service.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:40 PM
Freedom of Expression - as long as it's PC, that is

OK, I don't have a lot of strong feelings about the Battle flag of the Confederacy. And I don't really believe that Georgia's "historical importance" argument is that genuine, since it was added to the state flag in 1956, not 1865, etc. However, the debate in the Georgia legislature is sort of interesting, and the legal maneuvering is pretty intense. The passage that caught my attention, however, was this one:

But white Democrats in urban areas, as well as all black Democrats, generally oppose the idea of a referendum. They fear that if the decision is left up to the public, the Confederate battle flag (search) � sometimes called the "Southern Cross" � will once again be on Georgia's flag, as it was from 1956 until 2001.

You have to remember that the Civil War, and the aftermath of reconstruction, left some very deep scars on the Southern states. If a majority of the people want the Confederate flag as a part of the state flag in Georgia, then shouldn't it be there? Or, is it like the swastika, a symbol that just can't be tolerated, no matter what? And remember, the swastika was around as a mystical symbol centuries before Hitler perverted it to his needs. But what would the world say if a majority of Germans voted to have the swastika become a part of their national flag?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:45 AM
April 24, 2003
Ahhhh, Georgie-Boy

What the hell have you been up to?

Oh, and when they start asking tough questions, just blame the underlings!

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:35 PM
BBC "Impartiality"

Apparently the BBC is the only bastion of "impartiality" in western media. Funny that Dykes accuses both FOX and CNN of "gung-ho" patriotism. Also pretty amazing that he didn't dislocate his shoulder while patting himself on the back for his stewardship of the BBC.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:26 PM
April 22, 2003
Impossible, you say?

Remember the mantra "Iraq and al Qaeda are not the same"? Sure is getting harder to make that claim with a straight face, don't ya think?

The event was peaceful for the most part, although the U.S. military said Tuesday that police in Karbala arrested six men who had been planning to blow up two of the city's mosques.

Five of the detainees claimed to be members of Saddam's Baath Party, and one said he belonged to al-Qaida, said Capt. Jimmie Cummings, spokesman for the Army's 82nd Airborne Division. The men were arrested Monday and have been handed over to the 101st Airborne Division in Karbala, Cummings said.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:04 PM
I've got a Woody

For some reason, this post about Woody Harrelson from way back in October of 2002 is still getting comments. Must be linked to somewhere out there. Woody has a few supporters, but most commentors seem to think he is a total prat.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:46 PM

Below, I compare Susan Sarandon to a Palestinian child, both of whom are flashing a "Peace" sign. After further consideration, I feel that perhaps I have been unfair. After all, one of these individuals is immature, gullible, and unable to really form a coherent thought or logical argument.

The other is actually a very young Palestinian girl who probably has no idea what the "Peace" sign means, or that she is holding a poster with the picture of a terroist on it. I feel I have been very unfair to the child, comparing her to someone who knows exactly what she is doing. Therefore, I retract my comparison, and apologize to the child.

Never let it be said that RNS isn't willing to rethink its position on the issues.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:15 PM
As the saying goes....

Life is hard, but it's harder if you're stupid

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:19 AM
April 21, 2003
Yep, that's my Alma Mater

Texas A&M; University

A proud inhabitant of Moore Hall during my undergrad years.

Just absolutely fills me with Moore Hall Pride. Join me in a round of the Moore Hall Yell:

Moore Hall Truckers
Bad Mother Fu, er, you get the picture
The best damn dorm on campus

Thanks to John over at Blogs of War for the trip down memory lane.

Oh, yeah, we can call them corp turds, but you better not call them anything but "sir".

And while we're at it, go and sing along with the Texas Aggie War Hymn.

Don't know the words? No problem -

Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck
Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck
All hail to dear old Texas A&M;
Rally around Maroon and White
Good luck to dear old Texas Aggies
They are the boys who show the real old fight
That good old Aggie Spirit thrills us
And makes us yell and yell and yell
So let's fight for dear old Texas A&M;
We're gonna beat you all to Chigaroogarem
Rough, Tough, real stuff Texas A&M;
Good bye to texas university
So long to the orange and the white
Good luck to dear old Texas Aggies
They are the boys who show the real old fight
'the eyes of Texas are upon you'
That is the song they sing so well
Sounds Like Hell
So good bye to texas university
We're gonna beat you all to Chigaroogarem
Rough, Tough, Real stuff, Texas A&M;

Saw varsity's horns off
Saw varsity's horns off
Saw varsity's horns off
Short! A!
Varsity's horns are sawed off
Varsity's horns are sawed off
Varsity's horns are sawed off
Short! A!

Hey, I didn't write it, I just went to school there.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:41 PM
Don't Despair, Susan

Your message IS getting through!!

You keep up the good fight!


OK, you decide. Is the picture of Churchill below in ANY way related to Sarandon above? Yeah, they are both making a little "V" thing with their fingers, but that's about it.

Gotta love that revisionist history, though. It must be what allows you to overlook hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead to point an accusing finger at the US.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:48 PM
Damn looters

Shamelessly stolen from American RealPolitik

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:32 PM
This is horrible

Loyal Citizen Victor points the way to this story of Iraqi and Kuwaiti civilians buried alive

ROYAL Marines were racing against time last night to free prisoners believed to have been buried alive by Saddam Hussein�s fleeing forces.

Engineers were called in after officers heard scratching beneath the plinth of a wrecked statue of the tyrant in Al Faw.

Locals said they had seen two coachloads of prisoners being sealed in a secret chamber under the site.

LCV is also keeping tabs on how long it takes Jeanine Garofolo to apologize. It seems like a story like this should be enough to make her step forward, don't ya think?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:28 PM
Maybe I need a gimmick

OK, Anna has her bunnies (and the AoD)

Madman uses boobs

Maybe I can lure them out of retirement if I fuse the 2? (I'm not confident that this tactic will be that effective on Anna, but you never know......)

Both of these blogs have been light on the postage lately. Hopefully it is just post-war doldrums, and nothing permanent.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:12 PM

Perhaps we've been too critical of our German "allies".

Found via The Sarge (while you're at the Sarge's place, read the comments about the German military)

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:32 PM

More Photoshop Goodness

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:19 PM
Don't like the Foxnews coverage of the search for Iraqi WMD's?

Then how about that of the warmongering, Bush loving New York Times?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:55 AM
April 19, 2003
What the hell is it

About Tennessee policemen and dogs?

Of course, you all remember brave officer Eric Hall, who panicked and killed a family pet during a completely bogus traffic stop.

And now we have word that a man who entered a burning building to save his dog has been arrested for failing to heed the order of police to "stay back".
It just doesn't make any sense - it was his apartment that was on fire, it was his dog trapped in the building, and he made the decision to go in and save the dog after it became obvious that it wasn't a priority for either the police or firefighters to intervene on the animals behalf (and I'm not saying that it should have been - they have other concerns). But many people in the US see the family pet as a member of the FAMILY, and this guy just couldn't stand by and watch his dog get roasted alive (the dog was trying frantically to escape through a glass sliding door, and could be seen by the apartment owner and other onlookers).

Anyone else get a visual of Eric Cartman from South Park running up to the guy, just after he has saved his dog from a burning building, and throwing a tantrum while screaming "respect my authoritah!"?

The police and firemen defend their position, saying it was too dangerous for anyone to enter the building to save the pet. But somehow, a man with no protective gear of any kind was able to enter the apartment, save the dog, and get out suffering only a small cut on his arm in the process. And if you want to charge the guy, then fine. But do you really have to put a guy who just lost everything he owns in a fire in HANDCUFFS and take him away?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:21 PM
April 18, 2003
Maybe he can ask OJ for help

Authorities have arrested Scott Peterson for the murder of his wife Laci and her unborn child.

The guys not giving up without a fight, however:

Meanwhile, Kirk McAllister, Scott Peterson's attorney, says his client still hopes his missing wife and son will be found alive.

McAllister told the Modesto Bee he has spoken regularly with Peterson this week.

"His thought is that certainly, for somebody, this represents a tragedy," McAllister said of the discovery of the bodies. "He is hoping this doesn't mean that his search for Laci and the baby is over."

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:19 PM
April 17, 2003
Remember the Alamo?

Apparently the military brass at Fort Sam Houston feel compelled to warn military personnel about wearing their uniforms in public. What a disgrace.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:49 PM
Baghdad Bob, is that you?

Wow, talk about alternate reality.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:53 PM
You're not disabled....

you're just a lardass.

An attempt to define obesity as a disability? Maybe in certain medical conditions, but not for the vast majority of overweight people. Stuff like this makes tort reform seem perfectly reasonable.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:36 AM
Seduced by the anti-war argument

Joshua Claybourn finds himself lured over to the side of moral equivalence and sanctimony (er, sort of).

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:28 AM
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy

Daschle in trouble.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:23 AM
April 16, 2003
Wow, here's a shock

Olympic athletes bend drug rules.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:20 PM
The only good Iraqi

is a dead Iraqi?

Gotta get that body count up as high as possible, ya know.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:18 PM
Speaking of Morons

This guy needs to do some jail time.

This sentence makes NO sense to me:

Police spokesman Wayne Frisbie said investigators wanted to talk with Diaz before deciding whether to file charges against the man. He remained in police custody Wednesday.

You gotta press charges against this idiot. If you let the fans bum rush referees/umpires with no consequences, we'll end up with the same hooliganism that has plagued some UK soccer venues. Morons need to be shown the errors of their ways - even if it takes a 2x4 to make them see the light.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:41 AM
If you think the looting in Iraq was bad....

Then what about the violence at the peace protests?

What a bunch of morons - lets try and immolate some innocent people to show that we are against violence against, um, innocent people.

Forget the rubber bullets and tear gas. If I'm a Greek policman and someone hurls a molotov cocktail at me, I want them to meet some kind of ordinance that would help them to shuffle off this mortal coil.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:33 AM
April 14, 2003
Why am I not surprised

This sentence says it all.....

U.N. weapons inspection chief Hans Blix said his inspectors never found evidence of such labs.


Of course, to be fair to Blix, the only way we will find most of this stuff is if the people who helped hide it in the first place come forward and help us out. Otherwise, much of it will stay hidden beneath the sands of the Iraqi desert. Or at least those items that haven't already been shipped of to Syria, that is.

But then you have THIS.

And the question still remains - if Sadaam wasn't up to something, then why didn't he cooperate fully, open anyplace and everyplace in Iraq that the UN wanted to investigate, and end all of the sanctions years ago. It will be an interesting hunt, none the less.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:45 PM
Tenure packet submission duties

Are going to keep me snowed under for the next little while. My packet was well received within my department and college, but now I have to buff and polish it as it heads over to the University committee and Chancellor - where the REAL decision gets made.

Wish me luck - or not - if you're so inclined............

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:19 AM
April 11, 2003
What? CNN didn't tell us everything they knew

Gee, I wonder why they would agree to be a party to such an agreement. Keeping a bureau in Baghdad but not reporting on any of the horrible stuff they knew about the regime. Isn't that sort of, I don't know, like being an information ministry for Saddam?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:36 PM
Oh, Gee

However did they manage to escape?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:30 PM
April 10, 2003
A handmade sign

along the highway on my way to work:

"Only Assholes Litter"

This has been a public service message brought to you by a private citizen of the state of Louisiana.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:09 PM
Nuclear Weapons?

Naaaaw, we don't have any of those, either.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:49 PM
Maybe there would be less gloating

If the left would just admit that, perhaps, they got things a teeny bit wrong.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:46 PM
Even though he did everything possible to prevent it

Chirac "happy" about fall of Saddam regime.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:39 AM
Not every Iraqi welcomes the Coalition Forces

Isn't it great to see a country have the freedom to debate and disagree. Isn't it great to see a people have the right to an opinion, even a contrary one?

The story isn't that not every Iraqi is happy to see the US forces. The story is that they have the freedom to express whatever opinion they wish, without having to worry about Saddam's thugs stringing them up, cutting out their tongues, and leaving their corpse as a warning to others.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:36 AM
April 09, 2003

Robert Fisk is such a putz.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:54 PM
Note to al-Jazeera

Once you lose your reputation, you lose everything.

To quote one newly-enlightened viewer:

"We discovered that all what the [Iraqi] information minister was saying was all lies," said Ali Hassan, a government employee in Cairo, Egypt. "Now no one believes Al-Jazeera anymore."

I don't know what's more pathetic: the fact that there were people in Arab countries so gullible that they believed this type of propaganda, or the fact that there are Westerners so filled with hate against the US that they STILL believe this propaganda.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:23 PM
Leave it to the Guardian

To be a "quisling" for the Bush administration. How dare they suggest that the damage at the Palestine Hotel was caused by anything other than the bloodthirsty Americans.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:15 PM
My God, What have we done.....?

Gee, look how horribly unhappy these people are over the fall of the Baath party in Iraq. Now you can certainly understand why the anti-liberation types were so adament that Saddam remain in power to torture, plunder, and murder his populace. Think how much happier they would be if the US had never gone in and unilaterally interfered.

The caption:

A Kurd chants "George Bush we love you" during celebrations in the streets of Sulamaniyah, in northern Iraq on Wednesday.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:57 PM
Literally, or Figuratively?

Saddam "way underground".

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:48 PM
Let's see if I got this right

The non-Iraqi "I wanna be a martyr" brigade is fighting harder to save the Saddam regime than the actual citizens of Iraq are? Dosn't that tell you SOMETHING?

Best line from the article:

"They stand, they fight, sometimes they run when we engage them," Brigadier-General John Kelly said.

"But often they run into our machine guns and we shoot them down like the morons they are."

Every jihadist we kill now is one less we have to deal with later. Seems awfully neighborly of them to come to Iraq and saving us the trouble of ferreting them out later.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:46 PM
The RNS Idea of a "Human Shield"

Is this

and this

but DEFINITELY not this:

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:26 PM
What's the difference

Between a Northern Fairy tale and a Southern one?

The Northern fairy tale begins with "Once upon a time"

the Southern fairy tale begins with "y'all ain't gonna believe this shit....."

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:18 PM
Another Anti-Liberation wet dream

Bites the dust.

I mean, bites it HARD

Via Drudge.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:55 PM
April 08, 2003
Payback, as they say

is a bitch.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:49 PM
April 07, 2003
Hey, look

Scotland does have a news source besides al-Jazeera and the Guardian.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:41 PM
Instead of comparing Osama bin Laden to our founding fathers

Perhaps the liberal democrats could use these people as a more appropriate example of what people are willing to face for the chance of freedom from oppression. Just a thought.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:01 PM
WMD? No Way!


No, seriously, WAY.

I wonder if Saddam really did die in that first night's attack, and those left in charge just didn't have the stomach to use the WMD arsenal. But, I'm sure some of our anti-liberation friends will tell us that Saddam's really not such a bad guy, because he had these weapons, and didn't use them when he had the chance.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:22 PM
What's a poor liberal to do

Maybe this report is why our type 2 troll has gone into hiding.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:09 AM
April 05, 2003


he's curious.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:55 AM
April 03, 2003
The Horrors America Has Visited Upon Afghanistan

Will undoubtedly be repeated in Iraq. Oh, the humanity!

Kudos to the Noble Pundit for an excellent photo essay.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:08 PM
Great Big Cahones of Steel

'nuff said.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:33 PM
Way too much free time

Coming soon, Weekend at Saddam's II; Where's Osama?

Hahaha! Then I find this over at Unigolyn.com. Much better than my rip-off of an old "B" movie poster.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:17 PM
Ahhh, those funny anti-liberation protestors

Are at it again.

An isolated incident, you say?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:59 PM
Like shooting fish in a barrel


Wrong. (thanks to Instaman for this one)


It's like that scene from Austin Powers between Dr. Evil and his son. I get to be Dr. Evil, and every time you try to say something, I can just say "wrong".

This is sort of the visual I get. Your perceptions may vary (OK, so I had too much time on my hands).

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:53 PM
Conventional Wisdom Says

That children first learn to hate at home.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:18 PM
Remember all of those dire warnings

To the Republicans about not politicizing the war?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:05 AM
April 02, 2003
What he said

Which country is engaged with the world and which is the irrelevant backwater? The one sending Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships with food and supplies up the mined Shatt al-Arab? Or the one that wants to stick with Hans Blix even after he's quit and gone back to Sweden? Who are the real internationalists and humanitarians? The young men and women of the British Army? Or the masturbatory poseurs of the Canadian Liberal Party who refuse to lift a finger to stop Saddam from feeding his subjects feet first into industrial shredders but noisily insist on their right to participate in the "humanitarian" work afterwards because everyone knows Canada's indispensable? Sorry, folks. The humanitarian work's going on right now, and you chose to sit it out.

Must. Stop. Laughing.

Thanks to Digital Paces for the pointer to the whole article.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:04 PM
If I hadn't already dumped Radio Userland in favor of MoveableType

I certainly would now.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:24 PM
We had 12 MIAs

From the 507th. Now we have 11 shallow graves, and one Private with broken legs, a broken arm, and a gunshot wound.

But please, let's do everything we can to assure that Saddam stays in power.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:16 PM
As Popular as Stalin?

Daniel Drezner has some nice liberation tidbits, you know - where people who actually lived under the regime of Saddam get to say what they think.

Here's the best bit:

"American troops found that the fleeing Baath Party and paramilitary forces had set up minefields on roads and bridges leading out of the city. Late today an American engineering team was clearing the third of such fields, this one with 30 mines, by detonating them with C4 explosives.

Lt. Col. Duke Deluca, noting that the mines had been made in Italy, said, 'Europeans are antiwar, but they are pro-commerce.'"

If you're looking for quotes about evil Americans and the horrors of the war, don't bother following the link.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:59 PM
Instapundit has a little test

For Saddam and Osama.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:54 PM
Have I Mentioned

That you're WRONG?

As in, incorrect? (and this from the bastion of right wing debauchery, the New York Times)

People rushed to greet them {Coalition forces, ed} today, crying out repeatedly, "Thank you, this is beautiful!"

Two questions dominated a crowd that gathered outside a former ammunition center for the Baath Party. "Will you stay?" asked Kase, a civil engineer who would not give his last name. Another man, Heider, said, "Can you tell me what time Saddam is finished?"

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:48 PM
ELF backs Saddam

So, the Environmental Liberation Front chooses to back Saddam, the man arguably (or not) responsible for 2 of the greatest man made ecological disasters in modern history.

It's not anti-war, it's anti-American, plain and simple.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:21 AM
April 01, 2003
Anti-liberation protestors

just exude class.

Michele has the photo evidence.

And then there's always this poll - not anti-war, just anti-American.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:26 PM