June 30, 2003
Oh My G*D

There really IS a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy out there. Do we owe Bill and Hillary an apology?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:53 PM
Damn Trolls

Get rid of one, and onther pops right into place. This one has even less to say than Harmonia (I know, I know, you probably think that was impossible). At least Harmonia had the balls to post under her own nick. This wanker is from Houston, and using her work computer, it appears. I wonder why these numbnuts think that, just because they use a fake name and don't leave an e-mail address, you don't collect any information about them?


Hehe. A reader/commenter suggests the name "blogroaches". I don't know if they came up with the term originally, but it seems like it should become one of the blogosphere's unique words for daily use.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:48 AM
They've already prepared

I was able to saty away from the IMC sites for almost 3 days. But curisity got the best of me and lookee at what I saw when the page opened.


"One of the great puzzles of the attack on Iraq is the fact that the Americans have still not yet planted the weapons of mass destruction. With all the military in place it should have been a relatively simple matter to fly in some suspicious chemicals and laboratory equipment, and immediately 'find' them. Why hasn't this happened already? Did they try to do it and suffered some mishap which would account for the delay? Are they afraid that they cannot produce materials that look genuine? Are they afraid that someone in the military or the CIA would leak details of the planting? Obviously, being caught would be disastrous, so it will require a top expert to do the job."

Guaranteeing that the fools who follow them will continue to do so without question when the WMD's are discovered during the search of the 650+ sites left on the inspection list.

Posted by AnalogKid at 10:08 AM
Why I'm glad the doc got his permit

You have probably already heard of this one.

From the OC Register

"A Santa Ana man wielding a sword killed two people and injured three others before he was shot and killed by police today at Albertson's supermarket"

But did you hear about this?

From the Ottowa Citizen

"Police are looking for four young males following a machete attack on a 17-year-old Tuesday by a foursome wearing ninja masks."

Now think about what these two locations have in common. One doesn't allow handguns at all and the other makes them so difficult to posses, most folks don't want to go through the trouble to get one and a permit.

One pistol in the hands of an even semi-competently trained person could have stopped both of these attacks. But nope, the goverrnment officials wouldn't want that. Watch for more legislation as soon as they're done banning squirt guns.

Found at Drudge and FARK.

This reminds me a story a friend of mine from Hong Kong told me. They have these machetes that they use for harvesting watermelons. In the minor street gangs over there, they are what you watch out for, not guns. If you have a gun, that generally means you are 'Big Time' and should be left alone unless they are also from a 'Big Time' gang. It is mostly economics that causes this.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:26 AM
The truth is spoken at a University

It is exactly what the poverty pimps, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, don't want to get out. Especially to the upper middle class white youths at universities. They have almost been totally brainwashed into believing that white man is the only person deserving of blame.

"BATON ROUGE, La. -- Benin's ambassador has a message for all descendants of African slaves: His nation apologizes. "It's so easy to say white man did it to us, but we share in the responsibility," Ambassador Cyrille Oguin told an audience Friday at Southern University."

"Baton Rouge is the first of several U.S. cities where Oguin is formally apologizing for his country's role in the slave trade that brought Africans to America. Other leaders from the nation have made similar addresses in recent years."

I am surprised to even find this in print anywhere but places like Fox or NRO.

"Benin, a country of 4.7 million people, was called Dahomey in the 17th century, when it was a major supplier of slaves for white exporters shipping from what was called the Slave Coast. Some accounts say Dahomey rounded up more than 3 million people for sale to slave traders."

Found at Tongue Tied

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:55 AM
Hello? ESPN?

ESPN needs to pick up on this.

"Co-Ed Mud Volleyball Tournament is set for July 19"

OK, I know its in Idaho but c'mon. Co-ed's, bikinis, mud and lots of jumping. Whats not to miss?

Found at FARK

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:41 AM
The taxman is after your wallet

As usual.

From the NY Post

"New Yorkers dodging heavy taxes on cigarettes by buying from Native American sellers on the Internet could be hearing soon from the taxman. Under a settlement in the federal appeals court, the Ojibwa Trading Post, a popular online cigarette vendor based in upstate New York, has agreed to report its sales and hand over customer names to authorities every two weeks, effective immediately."

A retroactive tax for the folks smart emough to find a loophole. It would be so much easier and less costly to just forget about those who got around the tax and make the seller charge tax in the future.

But nooooooo! Every damn penny must be extracted. Try and fight it and you'll go to jail.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:34 AM
It's Europe's fault

An update to this post about the deforestation of Brasil's portion of the Amazon forest. It seems I was wrong about it being the fault of hippies in the US.

From Silent Running

"But wait a second...why are the Brazilians hacking up the jungle in the first place to plant all these soybeans? Simple. To make some money, basic capitalism in action, supply and demand. But, doesn't the US produce so much soy already that the market can't possibly be that lucrative? Nope - the US soy is practically worthless - in the markets either directly governed or taking their lead from the EUroweenies and their Frankenfood/junk science/monster-under-the-bed regulations"

"The soya boom has been fuelled by European consumers who have rejected GM soya from the US in favour of the conventionally-grown crop from Brazil. During the past three years, Brazil's share of the world soya market has risen from 24% to 34%, while the US share has declined from 57% to 43%."

Now that's funny. And SR even has some advice for this situation.

"Here's an idea - how about scrapping the junk science based EU GM regulations, and bursting the artificial, Eurocrat induced soy demand bubble? Be environmentally conscious! Smack an EU Bureaucrat today!"

Oh, like I wasn't going to do that anyway.

Link to SR found at Right Thinking from the Left Coast

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:23 AM
That's what they'd do.

You have most likely already seen the new Mikey Moore letter to GWB. I saw it last week on the Seattle IMC site but I couldn't get through the first couple of paragraphs, so I never got to the 'good part'.

Luckilly, Ms Rachel Lucas was able to do so. Which brings me to my point.

You may have heard the term 'Projecting'. It is when you accuse others of things that you do or would do in a certain situation. Example: a wife accuses her husband of cheating if he is late coming home from work. All the while, she is the one having the affair.

So guess what I get from this.

"You see, George, it's not the lying and the doctoring of intelligence that has me all upset. It's that you've had control of Iraq for over two months now -- and you couldn't even find the time to plant just a few nukes or vats of nerve gas and at least make it LOOK like you weren't lying to us."

If you've seen any of MM's movies you've seen him do this. He doesn't have the facts behind him so he makes up a situation to fulfill what he says is the truth. Just one example of this. I'm sure you have heard about how he faked the 'gun from the bank' sequence with a 'creative' edit.

I know, I know. Why do I need to point this out when the majority of us couldn't care less what this fat fuck says? Because if I didn't vent this, I'd have to hunt this sumbitch down and beat him silly.

And no, I still haven't finished the thing. (I got this far)

"If you had just dug a few silo holes in the last month outside Tikrit, or spread some anthrax around those Winnebagos near Basra, or "discovered" some plutonium with that stash of home movies of Uday Hussein feeding his tigers, then it would have said to us that you thought we might revolt if you were caught in a lie. It would have shown us some *respect*. We honestly wouldn't have cared if it later came out that you planted all the WMD -- sure, we'd be properly peeved, but at least we would have been proud to know that you knew you HAD to back up your phony claims with the real deal!"

I mean, never mind that he has no idea what intel GWB had. He just starts spouting off. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR/

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:55 AM
It's about time!

With their blatant bias toward the 'palestinians', I am surprised it took this long for Israel to do this.

"Israel declared over the weekend that it is cutting off ties with the BBC to protest a repeat broadcast on non-conventional weapons said to be in Israel."

The show can still be seen in all of Israel, but the BBC's insistance that this program is the truth was the straw that broke the camel's back for Israel.

"Before the broadcast Saturday, Israeli officials tried to pressure the BBC to cancel the broadcast, saying that the program was biased and presented Israel as an evil dictatorship, ignoring the existential threat it was facing."

You see, the folks at the BBC don't consider being surounded by multiple countires that want you wiped off the face of the planet a 'threat', per se. They figure that all of Israel's arab neighbors want to invade just so they can personally deliver them some cookies.

"It was decided that government offices won't assist BBC producers and reporters, that Israeli officials will not give interviews to the British network, and that the Government Press Office will make it difficult for BBC employees to get press cards and work visas in Israel."

I expect to hear the folks at the BBC cry 'censorship' and maybe even 'victim' this week. Watch for it.

Found at Drudge.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:32 AM
I hope Israel has read

The Koran.

From Front Page Mag.

"As U.S. Secretary of State Powell winds up his Mideast trip, Palestinian leaders appear on the verge of announcing a hudna. The Associated Press declared that "the success of peacemaking may well hang on a legal concept dating to the birth of Islam: a hudna, or a truce of a fixed duration."

"Would a hudna with Hamas really mark "the success of peacemaking," a "major breakthrough" toward a nonviolent future? The answer lies in the historical meaning of the Muslim expression, Hamas' track record, and the terms of the road map itself."

"Hudna has a distinct meaning to Islamic fundamentalists, well-versed in their history: The prophet Mohammad struck a legendary, ten-year hudna with the Quraysh tribe that controlled Mecca in the seventh century. Over the following two years, Mohammad rearmed and took advantage of a minor Quraysh infraction to break the hudna and launch the full conquest of Mecca, the holiest city in Islam."

"When Yassir Arafat infamously invoked Mohammad's hudna in 1994 to describe his own Oslo commitments "on the road to Jerusalem," the implication was clear. As Mideast expert Daniel Pipes explained, Arafat was asserting to his Islamic brethren that he will, "when his circumstances change for the better, take advantage of some technicality to tear up existing accords and launch a military assault on Israel." Indeed, this is precisely what occurred in Sept. 2000 when Arafat & Co. launched a terror assault upon Israeli citizens."

I believe that Powell & Co have not learned from their history and it will be Israel who will pay again. They need to dump all of the US funds and dump us while they take care of this problem once and for all.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:10 AM
June 29, 2003
You've gotta be kidding me

I followed AK's link to Inoperable Terran, who then led me to LGF. Terran's take on this is a given. But really, is there a single man or woman who has had any training in the service or police who doesn't look at this and just burst out laughing?

Must be the crouching leap frog, hidden acrobat school of combat. Cookies at recess, followed by repeated viewings of Hong Kong Fooey. After seeing this I'm reminded of just how goofy arab militaries look when they try and show off. I remember in 91 when CNN showed Egyptian comandoes in training, it wasn't only not pretty, it was drop dead funny. I remember they were showing off their hard won hand to hand skills by having a guy karate chop his attackers, except the only came up on que and then just stood there while the NCO gave them love taps on the shoulder.

Next thing you know they'll bring on the dreaded jumping off the swing at high arc move....oohhhhh, that'll be scarey.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:50 PM
The Palestinian choice for 2004

This article speaks for itself. Any American who thinks that the Greens have a point anywhere except on the top of their heads should read this. You just know that they pray for Nader to win, he wants to just hold hands and sing Kum Baya.

The Green Party organization opposed the U.S.-led war with Iraq. Its platforms champions cutting the Defense budget by half over the next 10 years, converting the economy to a �peacetime� use. It also endorses campaign finance reform and �a ban on Political Action Committees,� and restrictions on �soft money� contributions. On the Middle East, the Greens support �the right of a people to self-determination,� and peace based on �respect for civil liberties and human rights.�

A snowball has a better chance in Hell, but it's nice that terrorist enablers have let us know who they favor in the race, and why.


This is a very rich vein of hate and stupidity that I've stumbled on here. It just keeps getting worse. Case in point. We Americans are just too stupid to understand the situation, see if we were smart we could grasp why killing every living thing in Israel is a good thing. We could understand the purity and nobility of mindless charnage. See our real problem is we allow people uneducated as well him to vote, people who disagree. Darn old Constitution, that's the reason he can't have his way.......

Can anyone think of a better reason to think democracy works than to look at this retard?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 04:59 PM
Hamas claims to have standards?

For the utterly absurd slant on middle eastern dealings, you have to check arab papers.

Al-Hindi said: �Bush doesn�t see (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon�s crimes, he doesn�t acknowledge that assassinations are terrorism but he thinks that resisting the occupation is terrorism.�

No, he thinks your habit of blowing up buses and pizza shops to nail as many children as possible is terrorism you piece of shit.

�We don�t receive our financial support from Europe but from poor Palestinians and Muslims,� he added.

Right, those frickin "poor" Saudi princes had to forgo a new Volvo to buy you sacks of nails. Oh the humanity of such sacrifice. Saddam's money seems to have dried up, must be expensive to run and hide like a bitch huh? Well if you don't get any money from the EU why would you care if we ask them to cut it off? You can't even lie without fucking it up.

As I said, a bad day. I feel a bit better now.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 04:48 PM
A bad day

The one on the right is a classic case of arthritis of the spine, with the disc's damaged and destroyed. It's common to have it in the lumbar(lower back), cervical(neck), not so common in the thoracic(mid spine). I have it in all three, plus from my last appointment it's confirmed in my left shoulder as well. The last couple of years it's gotten a lot worse as my activity level drops the pain does slightly, but the arthritis advances more quickly from the decreased movement. Millions of Americans have it to some degree, in my case the result of a mutiple compression fracture when I was about 30. The shoulder was a separate injury.

This article give you a pretty good feel of what it's like to live with this. It deals with cancer patients, but the effects of the drugs I take are exactly the same. Drugs from the NSAID family are useless to me, Vioxx, Celerbrex, Napracin, even basic aspirin and Advil are impossible for me to take. I have developed an allergy to anything aspirin based. Taking any of these results in internal bleeding. Tylenol? Immune to it now, I'd have to take a dozen to feel any effect, which I used to do before I was diagnosed.

I'm not sure why I'm telling anyone this except to say that it gives me zero tolerance for whining. No acceptence of self selected losers who have nothing to really complain about except that they aren't king of the universe. So if I sound angry, I am. There are real problems that people have, life and death issues. It increases my empathy for people dumped on by fate, but makes me really hate people who cause their own misery then blame everyone else for it.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 04:00 PM
How did I miss this?

The SOVREN Pacific NW Historics will be racing at Pacific Raceway (aka Seattle International Raceway) next weekend. I just heard a commercial for it while the wife was watching the AM news. How did I miss this coming up?

This is one of the best events all year. If I owned a scanner I'd load up more pics than y'all probably want to look at of vehicles from the early 70's and older.

Sadly, I have travelling plans next weekend and may only be able to go 1 day out of 3. Crap!

Three years ago I got into a rolloing pissing contest with a guy in a brand new Lotus Elise on a two lane on the way to the second day of racing. I had an 89 MR2 SC and surprised the shit out of him when he took off and I was able to not only keep but make a pass. I'll never forget the look on his face when my primer grey MR2 overtook him shortly after the crest of a hill. The look showed that he had no idea what to do. And he never was able to overtake me.

When he saw me parking at the track he came over and demanded to know exactly what tricks had been wedged into the little 1.6L. We talked cars for about 45 mins. and I got to sit in his GT40 (hence the photo above) and ask him a bunch of dumb questions about it. After that I then made my way to the infield for my favorite spot on the hillside between turns 2 and 3A. After turn 2 you go down a long downhill into a set of esses. You go back up the hill through turns 6, 7 and 8.

Here's a trackmap.

Posted by AnalogKid at 11:36 AM
Yeah, I'm late in linking to it

But I just had time to read this op-ed piece, Moral Stupidity, this morning.

I always enjoyed Card's SF work, but this article spells it all out. And he calls himself a Democrat, to boot. He saves the best bit for last:

Meanwhile, of course, there will be a loud contingent of morally stupid Americans who will blame Israel for the suffering of the Palestinian people.

But as far as I'm concerned, those who find moral equivalence there are simply confessing that they not only know nothing of either ethics or history, but that they are determined not to learn.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:16 AM
I'd of never guessed

From 'Only in Israel" I found a link to this at Inoperable Terran. Take from it what you will, but I have no doubts that this goes on.

I couldn't wait any longer. The stories about the suicide bombers using ISM as a cover got me to do it.. I didn't mean to.. honest.. hehehehehehe.

The phone rang. A guy answered: "ISM, hello"
Now, what I did next came as a total surprise even to me.
"Hello, HELLO? This is a call from the National Socialist Party of Russia. We would like to cooperate with your organization in the battle against the evil Jewish occupying forces." I said in a horrible made up Russian accent
"Errr... Well... errr. I mean, Yes, we could use any help in fighting off the Jewish occupation of Palestine." he replied.
At this point I cracked and hanged up the phone so the guy wont' hear me laughing. His racist response though left room for more. I called again.
"ISM hello"
"Sorry, the line disconnected, it is me again"
"Yes, we were speaking about cooperating with ISM"
"Yes, what kind of aid can we offer you? Volunteers, money?"
"Financial aid would be very much welcomed, and we're always open for volunteers"
"If we send you money, can I be sure it reaches the resistance and helps conduct glorious acts like the ones we've seen in Tel Aviv? I don't want to invest in some organization that wouldn't fight the Jews" I pushed harder. He had to realize this was a prank. He had too. He can't possibly be dumb enough to fall for that, can he?
"We do not officially endorse acts of violence"
A ray of light? Could it be we were all wrong about ISM? I was quickly proven wrong, as the guy on the other side continued:

"But I can guarantee you that your money will reach the right hands in our struggle"
"Stop being diplomatic with me, I want to know if my money reaches the brave martyrs who sacrifice their lives to free Palestine from the Jews."
"I'm not supposed to speak about it..."
"This is a very simple question. Yes or No?"
"You're not jewing me, are you?" (It was so clear I was faking, a one-eyed squirrel would understand it, but not the boys at ISM)
"You know, cheating, lying, faking"
"No sir, of course not. I'm not Jewish; I'm telling the truth here."
Well at this point I laughed out loud.
"What's funny?" The ISM boy asked dumbly.
"Hope you'll be the next to get run over by a bulldozer and get faxed home to his family." I said the last phrase without an accent, and hung up.

Hopefully I've exposed ISM's racist thoughts, ideas and ways. Anyone who ever considered them "peace" movement is now realizing his mistake. Jewhating freakazaoids�
My Russian accent was so phony, at certain stages I wanted to laugh out loud� I have no idea how I managed to hold myself�
Now i know people are going to claim I'm faking it. Sorry. I didn't have time to record the conversation. It is for real though.
I didn't write it along, so it isn't word by word. But i didn't twist the meaning of any of the thoughts that ISM guy tried to convey.

Posted by AnalogKid at 10:50 AM
oooooooohhhh. Better not upset

The "Righteous Gentile".

This guy must go through TONS of tinfoil/year.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:39 AM
Cop Killer found

On Thurdsay evening, Chelan County Sheriff's Deputy Saul Gallegos attempted to pull over Jose Sanchez Guillen. Guillen pulled into a private driveway and fled on foot. Deputy Gallegos chased and tackled Guillen and a struggle ensued. Guillen got ahold of Deputy Gallegos' 40cal Glock pistol and fired two shots, one of them hitting Deputy Gallegos in the head. He then ran back to his car and fled the scene.

Guillen was finally captured this morning and will stand trial for the murder of Deputy Gallegos.

From the local TV news web article:
"Meanwhile, Sanchez's 40-year-old mother was being held for investigation of rendering criminal assistance and an unrelated count of forgery. She had been driving a white Chevrolet pickup truck Sanchez had later been seen in."

"Gallegos was married with four young sons. He worked for the Chelan Police Department for seven years before joining the sheriff's office. He served for six years in the Army Reserves and worked as a detention officer at the Chelan County Juvenile Center before joining the Chelan Police Department in 1995. In 1997, he was Chelan's police officer of the year."

Posted by AnalogKid at 10:32 AM
And here I thought that New Orleans "odeur"

Was just marsh gas. At least Baton Rouge didn't make the list.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:22 AM
Luckiest man now has luckiest woman

'Woman survives fight with black bear'

"BEAUSEJOUR, Manitoba (Canada) � A woman who fought off a black bear said the thought of her son having to watch the animal eat her helped her survive."

"She suffered several injuries in the fight, including a partially ripped scalp, a gash below her right eye and numerous lacerations and bite marks. Nearly three hours of emergency surgery was needed to repair the damage, she said."

And this was a bear that she described as being only the size of a German Shepard dog.

"I thought if this bear kills me, the person who's going to find me was my 16-year-old son, and I wasn't about to let my son see this bear eating his mom's carcass," Diane James said yesterday.'

Knowing kids these days, her son would've ran off for the camcorder and sent it into 'Jackass'.

Oh and by they way, Washington State Dept. of Game says that 'Black Bears aren't dangerous', when you call to let them know that there is one in you yard. I learned this when friend I work with (who, oddly enough, owns no firearms) called and asked me what to do to scare it off. He had called WSDOG and they told him just to stay in the house and the bear would just walk away. After almost 45minutes of driving, I arrived to find his dog dead, his whole family upstairs, and no bear.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:55 AM
Goofy TV

Every Saturday night after the wife is done with 'COPS', we watch this.

"Most Extreme Elimination Challenge"
Here's part of a NY1 News Review.

'Take one part �Jackass,� two parts �Iron Chef,� and about 18 parts insanity, and you have the recipe for �Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.�

"MXC, which airs new episodes Saturday nights at 9 p.m. on Spike TV (formerly TNN) has to be, hands-down, the most bizarre show on television. This whacked out hybrid re-airs episodes of the brutal 1980�s Japanese reality show �Takeshi's Castle� and then completely re-voices them with no literal translation whatsoever. The result is madness - complete madness."

It is all utterly, horribly true. At a kick in the pants to watch. For me it is my version of saturday morning cartoons.

"First off, people look like they are about to die. It hurts just watching one contestant trying to cross a mud pit on oversized rollers. The same goes for a guy getting pummeled by a falling boulder. But these are far from isolated incidents in a competition which also forces its contestants to jump on sinking rocks, do face plants on sticky paper, and be chased by psychotic clowns through a mud-smeared maze."

This is one of the funniest new shows out there. The wife is an addict and can describe the premise, plot and characters to just about anything on the tube, which is how she found this. You could say TV is here hobby.

Take some time to watch this show.

Link found at FARK

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:31 AM
Awwwww, Man

Louisiana DOES have an Indymedia outlet. Although it is a pretty pathetic little organ. Very few hits, and some numbnut named "Locutus" seems to provide about 90% of the content.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:29 AM
A Cheerful Story

To start your Sunday with.....

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:04 AM
High Tech Rifle

While it sounds promissing, I'm not real sure about this. An increase in firepower, greater accuracy, sensors, smart grenade rounds, it all sounds great but how much does it weight? Is it easy to clean, is it handy and quick to use, can it stand up to abuse in the field? I would be happier with a 7.62mm round, and the idea still is in development so we have time to look it over.

I believe in the KISS principle, "Keep it simple stupid". I just worry that we'd be buying a high tech toy just for the sake of it. It may work out fine, but I want to be convinced first. Will soldiers in the field like it? If they do, OK, otherwise we may want to think hard about this.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:06 AM
Just when they thought it was safe to be an Ass.

Cox & Forkum

While I don't agree with everything they do, this one made me laugh out loud. It reminds me that every time the dems start gloating about having George's back to the wall, this is what happens.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 01:41 AM
The Generals aren't always right.

Den Beste goes into great detail about Air Force doctrine. I believe from my own experiences in the ranks and from what I've read since that he's on target. My own views are far less detailed, but this article Mr. Beste points to covers it pretty well.

The A-10 needs a replacement, we've never had many, and the time for a follow on is nearly here. An uncomplicated, unsophisticated dumb as dirt tank killer. It doesn't need to be a dogfighter or a survive downtown Moscow design. Basic, and we need them in numbers. We can take the lessons learned from the A-10 and build on that. If we can build the Rapter surely we can do this.

Too many Generals in the Air Force are wedded to the knights of the air romance of fighter pilots. Aces, deep penetration bombing raids, are necessary but not the only job of the Air Force. It's primary job should be to augment and shield our ground forces. Keeping grunts alive doesn't have the glamor of flaming Migs, but someone needs to get their head screwed on straight about that if they think it's just an afterthought.

Maybe I'm biased, being trained to fight on the ground, by NCO's who were qualified Rangers gives me a more down to earth point of view. Aces may get drinks in the Officers Club, but they don't win ground, enlisted men with rifles do that. They should be reminded come budget time.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 12:53 AM
June 28, 2003
Magnum brand

Lookie what I got to play with today.

That's right, start drooling if you wish. That is the Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum, ladies and gents. I ran into a S&W; sales rep at the range today and he just happened to have one hiding on him.

Just joking, Shac could barely hide this thing in a vertical shoulder holster. But that's ok, I don't think you'd want to use this thing for self-defense anyway. Of course, the public was not allowed to fire the thing. But the rep was.

He put some 285gr (1100fps) rounds through it and, truth be told, the compensator works well. The felt recoil seemed to match that of a 6 inch 357mag. He made it known that some heavier (300gr-310gr @ approx 1600fps) rounds were going to be put out. He said that the recoil on those is a little more than that of a 44mag but less than a 454 Casull. He is a salesman, but I don't think that the folks who are going to want to buy this thing are going to flip flop on felt recoil.

Now here's the bad news. You can put down your $749 now and expect delivery of this big, loud, shiny baby to take more than 9mos. S&W; is looking at around 11-12mos before they start making deliveries.

Have a good weekend, y'all.
The fullsized pic of the .500Mag is here

Posted by AnalogKid at 01:43 PM
Got 1911?

Here it is.

That is the frame I picked up Friday setting on top of my thoroughly depleted parts bins (I only have 2 or 3 of everything, minus frame and slide). I'll be getting into fitting parts this weekend.

Yay for me, neener for you.

Posted by AnalogKid at 01:25 PM
Panties in a knott

I believe Occam's Toothbrush is correct about Davi Warren, Moe often goes to him. As terrorist/baathist/islamacist attacks have become a nearly daily occurance in Iraq the din of screeching wailing and outright cowardice of some in the media and political left have become almost deafening. Enough, this is coming from people who never would concede that we are right in any event. It's coming too from people who harbour some twisted fantasy that they can ride a parade of dead GI's into the White House.

The Iraqi army collapsed, but owing to U.S. foresight, training, and technology, there was little scorched earth. Now the second part is going badly, too -- though it is far from over, and the Western liberal media are at least keeping their part of the "bargain", with endless, misleading, "chaos in Iraq" coverage

Exactly right, this whining squealing wet their pants when things get tough crowd of professional malcontents is way past their fifteen minutes of fame.

It was almost too fast: for part of the problem when Baghdad fell was the U.S. didn't yet have enough troops ready for occupation duty. The whole 4th Infantry Division was still en route from its pointless wait to be allowed to pass through Turkey. A fairly brilliant job was done of cobbling together U.S. Army patrols, in the first couple of weeks, from troops that seemed almost outnumbered by media hacks. These latter, having been wildly wrong in all their own predictions about how the war would go, were now desperately trying to score after-the-fact "gotchas".

Emphasis mine, but you see what I mean from this analysis. The people doing most of this understand neither history, nor the long term goals of what we are trying to accomplish. Tie a knott in it and act like you got a swingin pair for Christ's sake. It's a war remember? At what point did these fucksticks decide that the Army that rolled up the Iraq forces like a cheap rug suddenly forgot how to fight?

An independent poll conducted earlier this month on Western sampling principles showed that 73 per cent of Iraqis thought the coalition were doing a very poor job, and 76 per cent wanted them to stay.

No popular support for kicking us out except in baathist strongholds, the Iraqi's want us to stay, most all the arrests and seizures of weapons come from Iraqi tips and sources. There are about six other nations preparing to send peacekeeping troops in support and reconstruction is just starting. When we start fielding the new Iraqi Army it will get easier.

So why all the panic?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 01:07 PM
Trees or beans?

For a while there, the enviro-weenies didn't know if they were going to cry for the trees or jump for joy as the price of soy dropped. But as you have probably already guessed, they decided crying was more to their liking.

"The deforestation rate in Brazil's Amazon, the world's largest jungle, has jumped 40 percent, sparking alarm on Thursday among environmentalists. "This is shocking," said Mario Monzoni, a project coordinator for Friends of the Earth group in Brazil. "The rate of deforestation should be falling, instead the opposite is happening."

"Most of the deforestation takes place due to burning and logging to create farms, and the jump in 2002 suggests soy farming is growing rapidly in the area. Brazil is expected to overtake U.S. soy production in a few years, making it the world's No. 1 producer of a crop that offers large profits for farmers and gives a sizable boost to Brazil's trade accounts."

So in effect, the vegans have been paying for the cutting down of trees in Sting's favorite garden.

Oh sweet irony!

Found at Right Thinking. Stop on by and wish Lee a speedy recovery from his recent surgury.

Posted by AnalogKid at 11:18 AM
Hey, Look

We're invincibly ignorant!

This guy went to the leftist troll school of data assimilation - you know, ignore or deny everything that doesn't support your cause.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:09 AM
More "Enlightened" Academics

Heh. This Oxford professor doesn't even try and hide his anti-semitic attitudes.

I don't even want to THINK what would happen to me if I refused to take a graduate student in my lab because of race or religion. But Oxford kisses it and makes it all better:

�Our staff may hold strongly felt personal opinions. Freedom of expression is a fundamental tenet of University life, but under no circumstances are we prepared to accept or condone conduct that appears to, or does, discriminate against anyone on grounds of ethnicity or nationality, whether directly or indirectly. This candidate is entitled to submit an application and to have it dealt with fairly according to our normal criteria.

Yeah, like any graduate student who received that kind of letter would ever want to apply for such a position. And I'm sure he would get a real fair hearing.

Doesn't every male Isreali have to do a stint in the army? If so, Professor Wilkie is saying that he would not feel comfortable taking an Israeli that was actually old enough to be applying for a position. Is there any doubt what would happen to Wilkie if he was responding to a Palestinian applicant, and said something like "I am not comfortable taking a candidate whose government supports suicide attacks against innocent civilians"? I bet the offical Oxford letter would be MUCH more strongly worded, and Wilkie would be in a lot more trouble. But hey, since it was a Jew, let's just offer some lukewarm platitudes and hope it all dies down. Now maybe I am misreading the Oxford administration, and they actually will do something here. But I'm thinking that this story will just quietly disappear, given the opportunity.

Found over at LGF.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:54 AM
Junkies without monkees

Oh the joy! Just north of me I will now have one of these.

"VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada will open North America's first legal safe-injection site for drug addicts later this year, a decision that drew swift criticism from White House drug czar John Walters. The so-called "shooting gallery" will be federally funded, a 12-seat facility where addicts will be given the equipment they need to inject safely under the supervision of nurses."

"It will open in September in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, an impoverished neighborhood known for crime and drug use, under funding the federal government announced this week. "They would shoot up under supervision," Zanocco said Thursday. After injecting, the users will be monitored in a "chill-out" room to check for overdoses, she said. The site will be exempt from federal drug laws to allow heroin and cocaine users to use it without fear of arrest.'

This all makes me wonder what kind of drugs the city officials are taking.

"Vancouver's police department was criticized by Human Rights Watch in April for a crackdown on drug dealers in the area. Police denied targeting users, saying they focused on dealers, but critics said the crackdown would alienate drug users from social services, leading to an increase in disease and death."

Oh no! Dead junkies. Big hairy deal. Apparently they haven't heard the rule 'Stupidity has two rewards. Injury and death'. I can think of a couple of countries Human Rights Watch's work would be more helpful.

The city has already 'deciminalized' marijuana, giving Washinton college students a nice 2 hour drive home while they're coming down. Now I have to worry about part time junkies commuting for some 'legal' horse.

I heard about this on my local talk radio station and then foud it also at Ravenwood's.

Oh, and the US Dept. of Homeland Security is just thrilled too.

'Asa Hutchinson, undersecretary for border and transportation security in the Department of Homeland Security, warned Thursday that such moves will bring tighter border controls against drug trafficking from Canada. "We're concerned about the increased drug activity coming from Canada," Hutchinson said during a visit to Seattle.'

"The United States is "adjusting as necessary our border inspections to address those concerns that we have," Hutchinson said. That means longer lines that slow the flow of commerce between the North American neighbors that share the world's largest trade relationship, worth more than $1 billion a day."

"Zanocco called the safe-injection program a way to help addicts begin rehabilitation. The federal funding of $900,000 requires a government research program on drug use."

So that is what Canada is doing with their 'surplus'. They are going to spend $900k in a year to lose a percentage of $1bn a day. Some figures are are as high as 5%. Sounds Canadian all right.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:45 AM
He bearly made it out alive

The new 'Luckiest Man on the Planet'.

"A retired Montana railroader turned mountain man said he was attacked by a grizzly Wednesday in the Tom Miner Basin, north of Yellowstone National Park."
The fact that he can say it makes him the winner.

"Bob Johnson, 55, remembers grabbing the bear by the nose with both hands as it tried to bite his face and throat. And he remembers taking an incredibly hard blow to the head. Doctors at the Livingston hospital used 75 staples to reattach his scalp to his skull. He also has a deep gash under his right arm, claw marks on his chest and back, bruises all over his body and some deep teeth punctures on his left forearm. Johnson still hobbled several miles to his truck and drove to the B Bar Guest Ranch for help. "He was not a pretty sight," said Aaron Davis, the chef at the ranch. "That scalp wound was downright gruesome."

Oh really?

"Johnson said he was moving quietly through the woods, looking for petrified rock and believes he probably awakened the napping female grizzly with a cub. He said he heard a sound, looked up and the bear was coming at him in full charge. The bear knocked him on his back and went for his face. "I thought, I'm gonna fight until I die," he said.

And that is why he is the 'Luckiest man on the Planet'.

Found at MT Politics.

I used to hunt just about anything the state of Washington would give me a tag for. I ran out of both time and got bored with hunting just about everything except black bear and cougar. We are allowed to take 2 bear a year and you get a cougar tag whenever you buy a tag for anything else. I haven't had time for pre-season scouting for a couple of years and, as a consequence, when I do go out I come back empty handed.

I am kind of a freak because I hunt with a shotgun using 3" mag 00 Buck and rifled slugs. My dad taught me how to both sit on a hill for a few days if necessary and wait and also how to 'Ghillie Up' and go for walks. The 'Ghillie' method is my favorite by far. And since I hunt for bear before deer season I don't have to get garbed in orange. I've scared too many hikers to count on my fingers when I'm in full dress. Imagine you're a yuppie out hiking with your friends and you stop for a water break and then the stump gets up and cusses at you because now he has to go somewhere else.

My scariest bear experience was about 7 years ago. I had come across a set of very (and I mean very) fresh tracks on my way to a favorite spot. I followed them for close to 3 miles, every now and then seeing a freshly torn up tree and even finding a, ummm steamer. All of a sudden I see my tracks and realize that this animal that had been making 6-7 foot high scars on trees had decided I was game.

I decided I would just continue on to my regular spot and see what happened. There was lots of hillside in between there and where I was and that is a good thing to keep between you and a bear. They have difficulty running across hillsides. They have to zig-zag up and down which gives you about an equal pace if you need to run and find cover. Cover is also a good thing to have between you and a charging bear. They can't think and run, so if you're behind something they slow down once they get close to figure out, 1.Why you stopped running, and 2. How they are going to get around it and to you.

That gives you the shot opportunity.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:35 AM
They had better not, it's gonna cost them this time.

A Franco-Iranian allience?, This article speculates on something that should be unthinkable. As low as my opinion of the French government is, could they really be this low down? I suspect,......YES!

Many thanks to Moe for the heads up at Occam's Toothbrush.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:12 AM
Now why are we supposed to tolerate Canadians again?

I found this comment piece while doing my daily rounds at the Globe and Mail in Canada. It primarily discusses the Supreme Court decision to strike down laws making homosexuality illegal. That isn't my complaint with him. Read the piece and see if you don't agree that we may as well be talking about soft wood sales, cause it's another let's bash America fest.

Note the court was not asserting that the Constitution protects the rights of gay people to equal treatment before the law, only that laws actively prohibiting homosexual behaviour were unconstitutional, in that society had evolved toward a greater acceptance of homosexual conduct, which would make laws specifically targeting homosexuals invalid under the due-process provisions of the Constitution.

Consider the contrast with Canada.

Some would argue that the courts here have perverted the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to extend benefits to gays not sanctioned by Parliament. But it was the federal government that revoked the sodomy laws in the 1960s, and provincial governments that led the way in the 1970s and 1980s in prohibiting discrimination based on sexuality.

First, I think almost nothing about homosexuals, it's as much a non-issue to me as to wether someone is from Idaho,....... "you are! That's nice, so what do you think about the war?" I don't judge peoples relationships unless they hurt other people. So I guess I think the court probably got it right. nuff on that.

No my problem is it's plain this fuckstick clearly believes he comes from a more highly evolved, more enlightened race of human. Oh yes sweet Canada, where bad people who vote republican will never be, where everyone is in total lockstep with the latest socialist approved societal trends. No, no backslidders here.................

Does this retard even read his own paper? There's enough miscreant behavior to go around thank you very much. You are not so fucking special. Get over yourself. Does he really think homophobia is not in Canada, or racism, or nazi's, anti-semites? He needs to get out of the newsroom and go to a neighborhood bar and ask them if they think gay marriage is OK, bet he gets more than he cares to hear about how enlightened his fellow citizens are.

He can sew on the Asshole First Class stripe now, the paperworks in the mail.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:00 AM
June 27, 2003
Hey, Did I ever post this link?

If not, it's a little tardy. But it is a really cool video. The files are not streaming, so you have to download the entire file, and then open with whatever media player format you chose. Get the best quality your download speed will allow. They are big files, but well worth it. As they say, "better late than never".

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:31 PM
Do you read Da Goddess Daily?

Well you should, because she finds things like this.

While you're there, help DaGoddess move by hitting her tip jar, if you're so inclined. But wait, you say, I don't see a tip jar. Could it be that she does this blogging thing purely for the love of it? Well, that may be. But the real question is - If there was a tip jar, would you help out? I know the Nukevet would.................

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:24 PM
Overheard at my "enlightened" Academic place of employment

"It's about time that old bastard died".
Yep, the compassionate left Why can't we libertarians and conservatives be more like them?

For the record - I thought Thurmond was a racist who was a relic from another age. But to celebrate his death seems just a wee bit ghoulish to me, and demonstrates just how psychotic many of those on the left have become.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:18 PM
Holy Shit, Batman

If phasers aren't to your liking, then how about a "conventional" weapon capable of firing a MILLION rounds a minute?

Some of the other technology mentioned sounds pretty amazing as well.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:09 PM
This story might sound crazy to you

But have YOU ever tried to find a parking space at JFK?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:13 PM
Correction and Explanation

First, the correction:

Paul over at Sanity's Edge pointed out that I dropped the ball on his site addy. This is the correct URL for Sanity's Edge. Adjust your bookmarks accordingly.

Then the explanation. I haven't been posting much the last couple of days (Did you even notice? DO you even care?). That's because it is almost July in Louisiana, which means it is time to grab the flyrod and the kayak and head to Lake Ponchartrain in search of this fellow:

But you have to be ready to meet up with his more aggressive roommate:

Hey, they don't call it Sportsman's Paradise for nothin'.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:11 PM
If the name PETA

Doesn't make your stomach turn, take a look at this.

And I don't mean 'People for the Eating of Tasty Animals'. They're ok in my book.

I know we already thought of these things, but a group calling themselves 'Consumer Freedom.com' has compiled a number of things about these folks.

"PETA�s connections to ALF and ELF are indisputable. �We did it, we did it. We gave $1,500 to the ELF for a specific program,� PETA�s Lisa Lange admitted on the Fox News Channel. PETA has offered no fewer than eight different explanations of what the �specific program� was, but law enforcement leaders have noted that since the Earth Liberation Front is a criminal enterprise, it has absolutely no legal �programs� of any kind."

"Most ominously, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk was involved in the multi-million-dollar arson at Michigan State University that resulted in a 57-month prison term for Animal Liberation Front bomber Rodney Coronado. At Coronado�s sentencing hearing, U.S. Attorney Michael Dettmer said that PETA�s Ingrid Newkirk arranged ahead of time to have Coronado send her a pair of FedEx packages from Michigan -- one on the day before he burned the lab down, and the other shortly afterward."

But Ingrid Newkirk, PETA's president, most telling comment, though, came in a 2002 U.S. News & World Report feature. �Our nonviolent tactics are not as effective,� she admitted. �We ask nicely for years and get nothing. Someone makes a threat, and it works.�

I think they sould start issuing tags with my hunting license for these guys.

Found at The Ville.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:42 AM
What do you mean you don't have your homework?

Looks like Utah is re-establishing authority in the classroom.

Teachers get preliminary OK to carry weapons

"The Jordan School Board gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a policy outlining the conditions under which district employees may carry a concealed weapon on school property with a valid permit."

I'm almost willing to lay down money that they're SAT numbers go up after this.

"Employees must keep the weapon concealed and employees who legally use a concealed weapon on school grounds do so in their individual capacities, not their scope of employment."

You mean they figured out that a person's individual rights don't stop at the schools property line.


Posted by AnalogKid at 05:24 AM
Final Update


"Military investigation concludes Rachel Corrie's death unintentional"

"The Military Advocate General`s office decided on Thursday to close the investigation into the death of US pro-Palestinian activist Rachel Corrie, reported Israel Radio."

"On March 16, Corrie, a 23-year-old college student was run over and killed by an IDF bulldozer."

"The Military Police investigating the accident concluded that the soldiers operating the bulldozer had no intention of harming Corrie. The soldiers took polygraph tests and video footage of the incident was examined."

Really? I never would have guessed.

Found at both Amish Tech Support and LGF.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:59 AM
Killing for Peace

They probably just don't want the body count to get behind during the 3 days that they will honor the proposed '90 day cease-fire'.

"Palestinian militants stepped up violence against Israelis on Thursday, dispatching bombers, roadside snipers and a teenage gunman even as Palestinian officials and militia leaders discussed the time and place to announce a three-month halt in attacks."

Yep, they're just working ahead.

"An Israeli motorist was seriously wounded in a shooting attack in the West Bank late Thursday, the Israeli rescue service and military said. The attack took place between the Palestinian town of El-Khader, near Bethlehem, and the West Bank Jewish settlement of Beitar Elite, they said. Two other people in the vehicle were not wounded."

"Earlier, a Palestinian teenager shot dead an Israeli phone company technician near the West Bank before he was seriously wounded by a security guard and captured."

A teenager. That's funny, I haven't heard of an Israeli teen taking a liking to sniping 'palis' for kicks.

"Palestinians also fired several mortar shells and homemade rockets at a Jewish settlement in Gaza and an Israeli community bordering the strip."

Oh those Jews. Always taking up the 'good' land where the 'palis' aren't living.

Normally this would show that they have a good work ethic. But, sadly, it shows somwthing else.

Found at LGF

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:23 AM
Why can't more French women

Be like this one? Heck, why can't more French men be like her?

"Sabine Herold, 21, has been called France's answer to Margaret Thatcher. Dubbed France's Lady Thatcher by the newspapers, Mademoiselle Herold has been leading the rallies against the unions who have been crippling her country."

She was in the UK this last week as sort of an 'exchange student'. From a report in the Telegraph, 'Here, she has been called Joan of Arc. "That is stupid," she says. "I love Britain. I love Margaret Thatcher. I love the way you have overcome the unions and are not afraid to privatise. I love the way you work so hard. In France, we have become lazy and staid. We think only of weekends, holidays and how great we once were."

Some other great quotes. They are taken out of context, but I made sure to not lose the original meaning. There are some complete excerpts in the 'More' section.

"Our Left-wing newspapers say that I must be rich not to champion the workers. They say I dress only in Hermes. But my coat is from Etam. My mother is a school teacher who refuses to strike, my father a professor. My brother is a table-tennis player. We are from a small village near Reims. We work hard but I have no family money."

"In France," says Sabine, "we have no freedom of expression. Being different is frowned upon. Everyone must conform. I want to give power back to individuals."

"In France, communism is not a dirty word - many of the trade unions are openly communist. Being Right-wing and libertarian is considered dangerous."

"It is a pity that France and England still fight," she says. "President Chirac was spineless over the war. I led a pro-war rally. I almost collapsed in shock when I heard he was up for the Nobel Peace Prize. It was Saddam Hussein's regime, not President Bush's, that was despicable."

Found at Samizdata.

Every 10 minutes, another French cabinet minister is on the phone, asking her to lunch. She explains that, before her first demonstration, politicians were desperate to distance themselves from the student rabble. "Now that they see the rallies are attended by ordinary, fed-up people, rather than nutters, they are all saying they are my best friend - when I haven't even met them. But I think I will meet the Prime Minister."

She wants to go to a bookshop. We pass the pile of Harry Potters, but she heads straight for Wilkes and Burke: "Your great writers about freedom". She is surprised by the amount of books that are anti-American. "I thought it was just us. In France, we are taught in school about American imperialism, that all Americans are either fat or work in sweatshops."

After lunch, we arrive at the Foreign Office to meet Denis MacShane, the Europe minister, who offers her a glass of champagne and speaks immaculate French. From his windows, we watch the state visit of President Putin. "He used to be a communist, no? It is funny to see him surrounded by gold carriages, when his people killed some of your Royal Family."

And here is a link to a previous Telegraph artilce about MS. Herold.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:04 AM
June 26, 2003
So who is Unilateralist?

The US is a unilateralist cowboy right, I mean us not caring what other nations say and all. "Important" nations that is, you know, the ones that constantly tell us just how important they really are, how vital, how needed. Countries like,say,........FRANCE! Yep the constant drumbeat of how we're just a rogue elephant stumbling about doing untold amounts of damage cause we don't listen to what other nations are telling us......................

That is the refrain isn't it.

So how exactly does this position not make them hypocritical slack jawed butt sucking weasels? No really, I want to know if they just can't see the contradition, or are they really that craven and decadent....

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:29 PM
I want to join

I was listening to my favorite talk show host, Washington local Brian Suits, last night and he was talking about these folks.

The Oregon Rangers

"Paul Ehrhardt, a volunteer with the Junction City Fire Department, started the citizens militia last summer, but it's something that has been brewing in his mind for years. While volunteering for the Bureau of Land Management, scouting for martens in the Coast Range, Ehrhardt stumbled on a plethora of garbage sites, dumped meth labs and small marijuana grows."

"I just get sick of our woods literally being taken over by the stuff," he says of marijuana patches that pepper the land. "There's not enough cops out there and there's not going to be. The only way any of it's going to change is if the public gets involved. And most people won't do it, and that's what makes the problem worse."

I wholeheartedly agree with these folks. But the local officials, of course, do not.

"I wonder what their motivation is," said Lane County Sheriff Jan Clements, who has never encountered the rangers. "It's kind of like wannabe police officers."

I think that the Sheriff might be a little afraid that the citizens will succeed where her department has failed.

And this is the key phrase that shows the ignorance of the media.

"They have bought themselves uniforms, made badges and carry weapons to protect themselves. But they have no more authority than any other citizen."

If this reporter had any kind of clue he would know that the citizen actually has more rights to arrest another citizen than a commissioned police officer.

Putting yourself in a dangerous situation might not be smart, but it is also not illegal. Neither is defending yourself in the dangerous situation.

I find it a bit amusing that when the citizenry gets fed up with crime and gathers themselves up to combat it, police administration officials get their feathers all ruffled. I don't know if it is a feeling of inadequacy or jealousy, but it is both laughable and annoying. And while I have friends on multiple local police forces, they know they could not help me in a dangerous situation. And that is fine with me.

The vast majority of the officers I have spoken to don't have a problem with folks like this as long as they are knowledgeable, and have some idea of what they are getting themsleves into.

In my dad's line of business, I got to grow up around the many police officers who would stop into my fathers store. I saw how tied their hands were, even off duty, and heard the stories of the revolving door justice system. That and my easily raised hackles are probably the biggest reason I never went into law enforcement.

I mentioned earlier that the police administrators attitudes towards citizen policing annoyed me. It is because they have forgotten how relatively new the idea of a a non military police force is in terms of history. Before the inception of large scale law enforcement organizations, governments used their armies, private contractors or citizens who were commissioned for service in a single case.

And while I agree with having a full-time, professional police force, their numbers are just not enough to cover every street corner every day. It is the job of the citizenry to fill in the gaps. But because of they're reliance on the professional police forces, most of them have forgotten their duties as citizens to look out for the welfare of others.

My only worry with these folks is that they will walk into a situation they aren't expecting. The types of dirtbag they are looking for (meth cookers and pot growers) have a habit of being nasty, setting bobby traps and making sure that those who come too close don't live to tell about it. The growers have to look out not only for law enforcement, but for rival growers and cookers. And there are certain places in both Oregon and Washington that you just don't want to hiking alone.

One of them is near my favorite place in the state, Olympic National Forest. Unfortuantely for me, it is near the best location for black bear during berry season. I have also heard stories of good areas for deer hunting in the northeastern part of the state that are just plain dangerous for a guy who is mandated to wear hunter orange. They have lost more than one hunter up there where it was suspected he walked into a pot growing operation and ended up as fertilizer.

But with this group in particular, my fears are probably unfounded. At the end of the show, Brian Suits let it be known that he does know some of these folks and may have served with a couple of them. Ex-Army cavalry scouts with Army Ranger experience generally do not rush into things.

So they get two big thumbs up from here.

Posted by AnalogKid at 10:48 AM
The future, and buddy it's sooner than you think

For a little more about US military lasers, check this out. Not to neglect the US Army, we also have this. I don't believe any other nation on earth is anywhere close to this level of transition from the last century to this one.

NATO can't have this, we should be very, very selfish with this level of technology. No licensing, no trading. Like stealth, this is something we need to hold close and guard well.


A follow up on the airborne laser.

30 April 2002

Laser Team Fires Up The Raygun - the only way to repeatedly hit a 'bullet' will be with a laser beam

The Air Force's Airborne Laser (ABL) team successfully completed test-firings of the first flight laser module (LM-1) in March. The firings produced record power levels of 118 percent of the laser's designed power output and exceeded the power requirements of the ABL mission.


Development of the ABL demonstrator now shifts to the ABL System Integration Laboratory, a new facility at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. There the ABL team will assemble the five additional laser modules, integrate them with LM-1, then perform a ground-based demonstration of the integrated high-energy laser that will fly on the first ABL system.

Oh the possibilities, not just for missile defense, but for mischief and mayhem. If you think they aren't thinking about the tactical uses, then you aren't paying attention. The tactical uses of a system that can kill from hundreds of miles out, renders everything else before useless. Imagine what a fleet of these could do to the worlds navies?

Years away? Yeah, but only a few, once we have a working prototype, production isn't far behind. And just as upgrades continue to cause the electronics world to evolve, so this will only improve.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 10:28 AM
Please, please , please

They have an idea. It is not a good idea. But if they go through with it, I'll make it a point to be at every rally.

"Violence in Self Defense"

"i think the Black Panthers had a great idea. show up to marches legally carrying rifles and weapons. after all, that is a guaranteed constitutional right courtesy of the republicans, right? and carrying a rifle is different than carrying a pistol. you have to get a permit for carrying a handgun, but any redneck with a pickup can have a gun rack. i wonder how differently police would treat a group of protesters when they see a bunch of people carrying shotguns and hunting rifles?"

Oh please do this. Just once. Please.

"the cops fuck us over because they know we won't do shit about it besides bitch and moan and maybe have a lawsuit which will never win, and if it does, will never indict the actual cops themselves. if the cops actually see that we are armed just like they are, i think it would level the playing field. they won't be so quick to come out swinging if they see that they may encounter serious resistance. i mean, come on, locking hands and forming lines to take over intersections only works till the cops show up, then its broken skulls, pepper spray and paddy wagons. they may be a little more polite if they see a few rifles or swords or baseball bats or sharp gardening implements, whatever. after all, non-violence is just getting our asses kicked. i'll look into the laws on carrying weapons more closely and write a follow up to this."

Just make sure you do it in or near Seattle. I would love to see this.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:05 AM
I left my bong, in Sacramento

Oh wait wrong city. That's ok, it has been years since I could do a good Tony Bennett anyway.

Well folks, the dippy hippies have run out of the ganj and are leaving town. That, and the conference is over and protesting with all the ministers gone would make them look even more dumb than usual. But they had a special something they wanted to give to 'The Man'.

Yes, that is the 'A' for anarchy spelled out for the helicopter pilots to see. If only they were smart enough to know that true anarchy would frown on even that amount of organization. Oh well.

They also left a buttload of graffiti. If you click on the link you can see the minority immigrant who owns the restaurant that was tagged haviing to clean it off after having worked until past midnight the evening before. You will also see an asshole calling himself "juan', defending the acts. "Small business owners are capitalists too. fuck them'.

One retro-active abortion coming right up.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:23 AM
I'm starting to like Powell more and more

I mean, if our enemies hate him this much, I got to like the guy a little.

From, of course, the IAP News:
"Colin Powell is Indulging in Sinister Lies"

Not just regular lies, but 'sinister' ones. I didn't Powell had that much talent.

"Powell, a former US general whose hands are stained with the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, is now indulging in sinister lies about the Palestinian �Israeli conflict. Some of these lies are uglier than a crime."

Just what type of crime are we talking about here? Oh, you mean letting the Jews breath air? I see....

"Powell, parroting his White House master, the equally mendacious George Bush, recently called Ariel Sharon, the certified war criminal, a man of peace!!"

Well, we keep sending pizzas to the IDF for offing scumbags who target innocent civilians. Maybe we should call him 'a man of pizza pies'? Would that make you happy? Oh wait, the Jews are still breathing. I guess not.

"Sharon�s criminal credentials are too stark and too conspicuous to not to be recognized by any human being with a shred of good will and moral honesty. Obviously, Powell has not even a shred of good will and moral honesty. He is a war criminal much like Sharon. Similar birds flock together."

Which is why, in your case, if I was the IDF, I'd want to be issued a shotgun. That way maybe I could tag a couple of 'birds' such as yourself in one shot.

"Now, Powell is disseminating another plethora of lies about the Palestinian resistance groups, claiming that they are �enemies of peace� and �impeding peace� between Israel and the Palestinians. Well, this is another horrendous lie by Powell. The real reason for the absence of peace in Palestine is the absence of justice in that land. It is Israel�s continuing occupation of the Palestinians� homeland and adamant refusal to end to this nefarious collective rape of the Palestinian people and their ancestral homeland."

Really? A while back, your 'homeland' was in Jordan. Got your asses booted out of there by your Muslim brothers. Why don't you go back and ask them for a sand lot? Oh , that's right! No Jews to kill there! I get it now.

"Needless to say, Israel, under America�s watchful eyes, is waging a slow-motion genocidal war on the Palestinians� very existence, rendering their daily life an enduring hell."

Well damn straight Skippy, I'll dial Ariel up right now and tell him to hurry it up 'cause y'all are suffering. That and your numbers keep growing not shrinking. Sounds like a bad plan for genocide to me too.

I think you towel is on too tight, ya retard.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:02 AM
He's failed

But I'll still vote for him.

It seems that the 'League of Conservation Voters' has given GWB an 'F' on their 2003 Presidential Report Card.

"After carefully reviewing the actions of President Bush and his Administration, LCV announced that he has failed the environment. Deceptively named initiatives such as "Healthy Forests" and "Clear Skies," mask the Bush Administration's agenda of allowing industry to increase their profits at the expense of environmental protection and public health. In particular, the Bush Administration has attacked, weakened or undermined laws providing clean air, clean water, and toxic waste cleanups."

This is code for 'He didn't listen to what we wanted him to do. They're such simple things. We simply don't know why he wouldn't make them law.

1. Tell all the forestry companies that they're out of business if they don't grow hemp.
2. Tell the American people they can't visit their National Forests by stopping the building of roads and closing traffic on all existing roads.
3. Tell folks who buy land and build their homes in rural forest towns that their houses can go up in smoke since we don't want the clearing of deadwood and undergrowth that forest fires use for fuel.
4. Make everyone stop driving gas powered cars and buy a 'Ed Bagley Special'.
5. Tell manufacturing plants that they would have to lay off half of their employees so that they could afford to make the air they have coming out of the factories cleaner than the air than they took in (just like most cars nowadays). AKA Kyoto.

Geez, he is such an unreasonable guy.

Found at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:37 AM
It has arrived

It showed up today. I'll be driving down to the shop to pick it up tomorrow.

It's an Imbel frame (the supplier to Springfield Armory) and I will be matching it to one of their slides. I will be taking the measurements and squaring things up over the weekend. More pics during the weekend.

I recently moved to a smaller residence and have miniscule shop facilities. As soon as I finish getting everything mounted to my new workbench I'll be getting this thing fit together. I hope I don't have to tighten the slide as I seem to have lost that tool in the move. I was not able to come up with a match barrel/bushing set for what I was willing to pay (less than $125) so I'll be dealing with an old Colt Series 70 barrel I had lying around. It should do just fine.

Around Christmas I hope to be putting together a Stainless/Satin Nickel 1911. What I will be calling my "Tuxedo Gun". Like I said before, something you could wear to a wedding.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:12 AM
A surge of sense

The Brits are holding off on adopting the Euro., and the EU's annoyed about it. I think it shows sound judgement, and a growing sense of unease with what the bureacracy of the EU is up to. Britain has always stood on it's own, I doubt that they've suddenly forgotten how, or that they believe they "need" the EU to protect or save them. This is good news for Britain and ultimately for us. If the price the EU wants for full membership is to turn their backs on the US, I'm not surprised that the trust of the EU is falling. Because you have to wonder why they would want such a thing if their motives were pure.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:20 AM
June 25, 2003
Orwell Quotes

Since AK pointed out that today is George Orwell's Birthday, how about a couple of quotes in Rememberance?

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

If large numbers of people believe in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech even if the law forbids it. But if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them.

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

And, of course, the most famous and most appropriate for our current times:

Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

I don't know, I'm ready to do a little violence on my own behalf, should the need arise.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:29 PM
Nope, Nope, just move along

Nothing to see here. Just a residential back yard.


Nope, nothing to see here either. Those castor beans are here because, errr, we're afraid of GM crops. Yeah, that's the ticket. Damn the US for trying to kill us Ba'athists with Frankenfoods!

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:24 PM
Happy Birthday George

Today is George Orwell's birthday folks.

If you see a hardcore lefty, remember that he/she is most likely shaking in their shoes that GWB and the Ashcroft Jackboot Brigades will swoop down and take him off to a re-education/death camp in the desert.

Yes, it is OK to laugh at him just for that.

If you feel really cruel, follow him or her around for a bit. And when he/she looks back at you, pretend you are talking into a mic on your wristwatch.

The wiser of us have always known not to trust government. These folks are just getting it. And it looks as if they drank the whole cup.

Of kool-aid, of course.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:32 AM
Just the facts, maam

What, are the Dems in Congress illiterate or something?

"Only two lawmakers review intelligence documents"

"Rep. Rob Simmons, R-Conn., spent about two hours reviewing more than 1,000 pages of documents late last week and said others should do the same because it could answer some of their concerns."

''I get frustrated when members of Congress make statements about intelligence information and yet either don't serve on the committee or don't access the information that's available,'' said Simmons, a former CIA intelligence officer. If they did, he said Tuesday, ''certain very obvious things would become apparent.''

Maybe it is because it contains things that they don't want to see. Like the fact that they need to STFU.

Of course if their mouths stopped moving, maybe their brains would start working. And then they'd have to switch parties.


''I refuse to'' said Rep. William Delahunt, D-Mass., who has asked for an independent commission to review the intelligence gathering. ''I want to see this information, but I want to have a public hearing. It's the American people who deserve an answer.

Be careful Billy. You may not get the answer you want.

Found at Right Thoughts.

Yes, I shamelessly stole the 'mouths/brains' line from Douglas Adams. He said I could when he autographed his books for me a few years back.


Posted by AnalogKid at 08:14 AM
It's all Greek to me

I know you've heard of the ruling that came down from the SCOTUS.

But if you want it explained to you in a readable form that won't cause you to fall asleep and drooling on your keyboard head over to 'Begging to Differ'.

"To explain why Michigan's policy favored blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans, but not other historically disfavored groups, Michigan professor Richard Lempert testified that Asians and Jews "were already admitted to the Law School in significant numbers." In addition, former professor Kent Syverud articulated arguably the most powerful argument in favor of racial diversity this way:

Syverud's testimony indicated that when a critical mass of underrepresented minority students is present, racial stereotypes lose their force because nonminority students learn there is no "minority viewpoint" but rather a variety of viewpoints among minority students."

Of course, if you went to a public school, that still may not be plain enough.
(But who am I to talk. I just dropped my spoon in my big bowl of corn flakes.)

Found at Ms. Rachel's place.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:40 AM
Phasers Locked

You may have seen this back in January but here's a gentle reminder. Prometheus is the name of NASA's nuclear engine program. If you've seen Final Impact, then that is what we're talking about here. It may take a decade or two, but finally we talking about something that will open the Solar System to us.

Then there is this little piece I found while looking for something, and I haven't seen it anywhere else. It's from the Knoxville News Sentinel.

It seems that the US Air Force is developing the systems necessary to adapt the high energy laser developed for the SDI program to a fighter plane as an air to air weapon. Assuming that it uses a similar type of mount, we are talking about an ability to kill any opponet in the pilots line of sight. That throws the rule book out the window, conventional dogfighting will be changed radically.

Ground targets you say? Sure, they're adapting for that too. Imagine an AC-130 that doesn't have to fly at night, because it's way above ground fire range. Orbiting the battlefield turning targets hotter than the surface of the sun on command.

I've seen reports that the Navy is also developing the weapon for fleet defense. Combine that with the newest generation of Hunter Killer subs and it will make any naval attack on the US fleets pure suicide.

Am I alone in thinking we may have, at least the near term, the future right by the balls. The EU can whine about wanting to counter balance the US's military power, but the huge gap we've seen is growing, and much faster than they could imagine. The 20th century was called the American century, I think we'll own the 21st as well.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:00 AM
One casket, coming up

In this entry, the doc linked to the story about this criminal piece of crap, using a fake gun to escape from his sentencing hearing and then to car jack a truck and make his escape. McCord was going to be sentenced to life in prison under Washinton State's '3-Strikes, You're Out' law.


Using tips from the Pierce County Sherrif, the police in the town of Monroe went to an apartment where McCord was thought to be staying. McCord actually was there and shot at police. One officer was hit in the arm and hand, and was airlifted to the hospital. McCord was shot 5 times and was also airlifted. McCord later died of his injuries.

As just an aside, this asshole's family is already in touch with a lawyer and they plan on suing the involved police agencies. They say 'He was a good guy'.

Could have fooled me.

Posted by AnalogKid at 02:11 AM
June 24, 2003

The last thing many an enemy has seen.

I stumbled across this artists site and brother is he worth a visit. He sells his work, but for those who just want to peek his gallery of available art prints is here.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 10:40 PM
Twisted Sister

Have I mentioned I like my music LOUD!

For some old fashioned Glam Rock fun check out this site. For their videos go here.

Earplugs optional...

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:03 PM
I wish I could believe this will make a difference.

A non partisan Israeli paper The Israeli Insider has this article on efforts to educate Muslims about the Holocaust. I'm too jaded to put any faith in it.

"From Remembrance to Peace" Arab participant Hyam Tahhous explained, "I feel so strange. My head is aching. My shoulders ache. I thought I knew how Jews feel about the Holocaust. This is a start. My hope is that every Arab will know what happened to the Jews here. People need to understand what has happened."

Upon hearing Tahhous's statements, Gina Ross, a Jewish participant, pointed out that she and her family still felt threatened by the danger of the Holocaust repeating itself. "My God, my kids are not safe from this danger yet. This could happen again and again. And when I hear her talk, I think, maybe not. Maybe this won't happen again if enough people have her courage."

Maybe, but the ones of humanity and courage aren't the ones doing the killing, they also aren't holding power in Palestine. But it can't possibly hurt, so luck to them.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 08:32 PM
Do Arab columnists all smoke crack?

An independent Yemeni newspaper online has this piece of self delusion.

Can the USA really want true democracy in Arabia?
By Abdullah Al-Rahim

Paragraph after paragraph is filled with contradictions, and a few outright lies.

America will have to address some basic but serious questions. Will America accept the transparency, accountability and the removal of corrupted despots that democracy will necessitate and which will surely put an end to America�s control of the region? Will the arms merchants and big businesses of America also allow the growth of a system which will put an end to the �we buy anything Uncle Sam sells us� mindset? Will America and its Western allies return the looted billions kept in their banks, as surely the Arabs and their new democratic regimes will demand? Will America withdraw its military bases from the region?

Unless all these conditions are met, no new democratic regime in Arabia will be granted legitimacy or can even hope to survive the wrath of a deceived people

Reading the article is becomes very clear that A. he doesn't believe America will install democracy. B. That it isn't a real democracy unless it imediately dives into the anti-American camp and ejects all American influences. Because you see Grasshopper, the Americans should know that we arabs understand and know democracy far better than they. For it is we who have called out for it for so long and practised it so well,......uh, whisper..mmmm......OK forget that last part............Basically if we give it to them, it's all a sham and that's that. No further debate required.

Today, the level of public awareness in the Arab world is almost at par with the level of discontent and the consequential public willingness to openly challenge the powers that be.

Would that be the arab world that thinks Jews did the Towers, or the part that thinks the CIA did it?

When America now calls for structural reforms in the Arab world, it is only repeating the popular demands that have been on the table and ignored for decades. However, while America has seemingly jumped on the Arab bandwagon of democrats and is also seemingly pursuing the same outcome, the agenda between the two, the Arab masses and America, is as different as chalk and cheese, despite the similarity of color.

Note to myself, never under any circumstances even if at the point of starvation, eat arab cheese....................He's right about one thing, killing Jews is not what we have in mind.

The Europeans will be the first to admit the contribution Arabs have historically made to their civilization in philosophy, the sciences and in all walks of life. Cordoba still stands as a testimony to the civilization Arabs brought to the heart of Europe. Indeed, even the great domes and other architectural marvels of the great churches of Europe can trace their origins to this center of the world.

Irony is lost on this fuckhead, if history is to be remembered in full, it was at the point of an arab sword you fucking hypocrit. You weren't invited to design buildings, you INVADED and OCCUPIED central Europe, remember now asswipe? You left because they chased your chalk white cheese eating ass back home, then proceded to do to your cities what you did to theirs. You qoute history, it'd be nice if you remembered all of it.

If this is the best they can do, the remaking of the middle east against their will should take about a year......

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 08:12 PM
HollyWood as a Zionist plotter?

Whatever opinion you hold on the film Matrix Reloaded, you have admit that it's more than a little amusing that an Arab online paper offers this review. I personally loved the movie, but I can understand taste being subjective that many may not. But this isn't why it's being banned in Eqypt, taste has nothing to do with it. No, the reason is that it's a blatant atempt to Christianize the world.........I shit you not.

Of course you have to consider the reviewer fondly qoutes Robert Fisk as well. So how bright could he be? You have to remember that Fisk is the ONLY western commenter that's trusted in the arab world. Certainly not the deep thinker in his family, the reviewer goes on at length about how the film is an attempt to further America's interests.

I wonder if HollyWood knows that? You wanna tell them they're in League with George Bush, or should I?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 07:07 PM
Tough Crowd
Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:30 PM
Hey, look

Mean Mr. Mustard's got t t-shirt too!

And if you want a real t-shirt that might actually accomplish something useful, you could always go here.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:26 PM

This is the cover photo for one of my veterinary journals. It is a painting called "Partners" by artist Fred Stone of Agoura Hills, California. The painting was meant to remember the heros of the Oklahoma City bombing. This painting is also part of a commemorative poster recently completed by Mr. Stone, intended to honor the firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11/01.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:02 PM
Sharkblog Wonders

How excited we should be over an offer of a cease fire by Hamas. The answer, unfortunately, appears to be "not very".

But the tactic of offering a cease fire, reorganizing/rearming, and then breaking the truce seems to be something they learned from a master.

Hudna has a distinct meaning to Islamic fundamentalists, well-versed in their history: The prophet Mohammad struck a legendary, ten-year hudna with the Quraysh tribe that controlled Mecca in the seventh century. Over the following two years, Mohammad rearmed and took advantage of a minor Quraysh infraction to break the hudna and launch the full conquest of Mecca, the holiest city in Islam.

If Hamas is offering a cease fire, they must be hurting. Do you give it to them out of the hope it leads to peace, or to you continue to be relentless in your pursuit until they are wiped from the Earth?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:29 PM
Why is it that people think

That being drunk or high should serve as a "get out of jail free" card (or, more appropriatly, a "absolve me of any responsibility for my actions" card). This is another story dealing with the "windshield murder" trial. Apparently, the defense is trying to absolve the defendant (yes, I know it's what they do) by claiming:

Prosecutors and defense attorneys in the murder case both said Mallard, 27, smoked pot, took Ecstasy (search) and drank heavily in the hours before she hit Biggs on a highway and drove home in the early hours of Oct. 26, 2001. The defense says Biggs' death was an accident, not murder.

It was an accident when she hit him (although, apparently, under the influence of drugs and alcohol). It became murder when she took him, still alive and stuck in her winshield, to her house, where she let him die of his injuries. Personal responsibility - rapidly becoming an extinct species here in the good old USofA.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:20 PM
Here's something you don't see everyday

A Right Wing Arab.

Head on over, where you can read sentiments like:

Where's the calls for solidarity from the American Muslim Council, Islamic Society of North America, and CAIR with their Muslim brethren in Iran trying to break free from an oppressive and cruel regime ? Oh wait wait, that's right, Bush is the real monster, crazy fascist loons who kill thousands of Muslims each day are of no concern to Muslim advocacy groups.

Yep, sounds about right.

Via The Ville

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:17 PM
Follow up to AK's post

Thousands starve, hippies carry signs in support

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:20 AM
RNS gets some linky love

Always amazing to see how Technorati Link Cosmos keeps track of things. RNS got a mention on the following blogs (not all of which share our veiwpoitns, btw....) over the past few days.


Chapel Perilous (not a fan of the Bush Administration, but that's OK. I suspect this may be Sylvain, but not sure)

Sanity's Edge

Not Quite Tea and Crumpets (eeeeew, crumpets)


Anticipatory Retaliation

Sharp Knife

RNS getting a little bit more linky love. I blame my co-authors.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:08 AM
Coming to a town near you

That's right, smelly hippies.

I haven't forgotten this demonstration, I've just been trying to ignore it. But that proved impossible, what with the asses they are making of themselves and now arrests. So here we go.

What the hell are they doing in that pic? I have no idea, but they say they're protesting 'Genetically Modified' foods in Sacramento.

Here's a rundown of events so far.

Hippies get wind of a Ministers of Agriculture event in Sacramento and decide to make a week of it (it's in northern California, go figure). So they load up all the patchoulli they can find an go. Some of them buy a bus to make the trip more 'ecologically kind', but it breaks down and they have to rent vans. The funny part of this one is that they say they have 47 people and that they rented 4 'mini-vans' to make the rest of the trip. But according to my math, there are either people riding without seatbelts on peoples laps, or they had to rent big old gas guzzling vans. But what do facts matter to these folks anyways?

The IMC folks give this protest it's own IMC website, BiotechIMC.org. And the fun ensues. You should go and take a look. Just make sure the floor around you PC is soft as you may fall out of the chair laughing.

On Sunday some of the protesters declared victory after some them were arrested. Later that day they 'held a circle' and decided to march in celebration of the victory. It apparently does take a village to look truly stupid.

For pics of the dodos (but when will they go extinct, you ask? When they piss me off enough.) go here and here. Apparently 'fat buds' were also packed. Watch out for costumes, puppets and illiterate graffiti and signs.

Yesterday, some of the non-arrested hippies (why they weren't arrest for just being hippies is beyond me. Must be because they are in northern California) gathered in a 'Peace Garden' to protest its future as housing. They brought out those pipes they lock their hands together in and all. Here is a report of that along with some pics taken during the arrests. Nasty fucking hippies. I wouldn't sit down in a sty like that unless my life was in danger. But, I guess to them, it is just like home.

And finally here is one wasted souls jail experience. Entitled 'Pigs Suck!'. I did tell you they were illiterate, didn't I?

If you know a member of your local police force, buy him or her a coffee or lunch sometime this week. These asses will be coming to a town near you, and you may not get a chance at that time to tell the police they're appreciated.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:32 AM
You will learn this

Whether it is the truth or not.

Say some at Cornell University.

"Cornell University�s professors and researchers are becoming increasingly brazen in their ideological war against President George W. Bush. During the last several weeks, a professor in the Department of Asian Studies has developed and advertised a new course on President Bush�s attempt to create �an imperial empire.� At the same time, a university-funded Latino research center is proudly selling propaganda posters that compare President Bush to former German Chancellor Adolf Hitler."

But those on the left will still deny that the campuses of America aren't run by those whose ideologies lean so far to the left, they've left Marx behind.

"Dr. de Bary has already reached his conclusions. He has decided that (i) the Bush administration has created a colonial empire; (ii) that the Justice Department has dismantled civil liberties; and (iii) that the administration has endorsed all racial profiling, which (if it were true) he equates with racial discrimination."

"When I asked Dr. de Bary whether conservative viewpoints would get equal time in �Empires and Imperialisms,� he replied, �It is my hope that the course will present diverse, critical opinions.� Somehow, Dr. de Bary�s �hopes� do not comfort me, especially when he also argued, �There is a variety of different perspectives expressed [in the Cornell Forum for Peace and Justice].� This is the classic problem among Leftist professors in academia�they believe that political diversity ranges the spectrum from McGovern to Mao."

If only I could get whacked in the head hard enough to believe Dr. de Bary

Found at The Ville.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:32 AM
Do you know what this means?

Take a guess.

From the IMC

"If radical conservatives can hijack the media,
the truth, and the Constitution,
citizens can hijack the meaning of a question mark! "

"Because Bush won't answer America's Questions: "Question W". Flood the environment with unadorned question marks. If we succeed, any and every ? will evoke the secrecy and dishonesty of the Bush administration."

Oh No! Not a '?' in chalk.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:31 AM
Pissin' on the wall

I never have, but since it is not illegal to do in San Francisco, I may make a special trip.

Look at the opportunity. Guevara, St. Rachel and Mumia. It's kind of a three-for-one deal.

Found at LGF

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:49 AM
Please, oh pretty please just do it

From the National Review online the following. Al Gore is back, and darn it all, he's really really vexed at all the conservative voices out there drowning out his message.
(imagine me holding my sides at this point), so he's gonna help fund raise and bank roll a LIBERAL news network. All the big talent covering all the IMPORTANT views in the country. hehehehehhehehehhe....hehehe..eheh......hhhmmmmm.

I wonder if Einstein here can spell "money down a rathole'?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:35 AM
Now the real seduction begins

I saw this piece on illicite romance between GI's and Iraqi women and thought, YES! Drudge did us all a favor with this one. I"m not suggesting this is some kind of plan or plot, far from it. It's nature, pure as it gets, a man and a woman find eachother, and come Hell or high water they'll find a way to meet.

Muslim culture overseas doesn't really understand us, we are the other, the boogeyman, the stuff of their nightmares. The ultimate result of the war is that now we are face to face, our cultures are tightly embraced and will be for a while. The effect of that is....predictable. War brides have come here from every war we've probably ever fought, and always will.

I believe this is very definitely a good thing. Old Achmed will maybe think twice about Jihad when he has grandchildren in Cleveland, or LA. No it wouldn't stop the crazies, but how about the rest of them? It's a grass roots merging, something beyond their control. Our culture being what it is, we'll absorb their best and change them forever as a result. We'll grant them something in return that no arab nation has had in a thousand years, the ability to earn selfrespect. As their government forms and rebuilds they'll see that we too are changing from close contact, that we see that they possess potential. Doubtless they will change far more then we, but it's happened before, Germany, Italy, Japan........

It all starts with that frst step, a man and a woman. I'm certain we'll carry the day now, nature is on our side.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:12 AM

I have found something via Drudge that just makes my eyes bleed.


Look I believe in a persons right to do anything that's not harmful to others as much as they like, really I do. I believe in live and let live. But I'm a creature of tradition and habit and this really bothers me. I am willing to let them live in peace free of any rude comments from me, after today.

But a movement? Excuse me a minute.....................................

WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM.!!!!!!!..................


I suppose the days when guys were more like Bluto than Olive are numbered now. Color me hopeless then, I'll get my ears pierced and eyeshadow on sometime after the end of time. I LIKE dragging my knuckles dammit!

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:33 AM
June 23, 2003
Seems pretty simple to me

This guy would have survived if he received medical aid. She didn't get him that medical aid. Therefore, she caused him to die, which is homicide.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:22 PM
A little advice, please

The Nukevet is considering acquiring a Rock River AR15. I have also shot Bushmaster's and Colts, and can't tell any real difference. I actually liked the trigger action a bit better on the RRA over the other 2. Am I missing something obvious about why the Bushmaster ($100+) or Colt ($300+) are worth more than the RRA model?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:16 PM
If you live in/around Tacoma, Washington

Harold McCord

Watch out for this nutcase.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:55 PM
What individual freedoms

OK, I'm not a smoker, but this is draconian.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:14 PM
Go read this

Now. Don't worry, RNS will still be here when you get back.

Via Instapundit

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:10 AM
Hey, looky

Hamas leaders must be getting tired of exploding in a fine, red mist.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:26 AM
I think some Muslims are starting to get it

Please make sure you read at least most of this essay, if not all. It is written by M.A. Muqetdar Khan titled 'A Memo to American Muslims'. Mr. Khan is Director of International Studies, Adrian College, MI.

The introduction and some quotes:

"In the name of Allah, the most Benevolent and the Most Merciful. May this memo find you in the shade of Islam enjoying the mercy, the protection and the grace of Allah."

"I am writing this memo to you all with the explicit purpose of inviting you to lead the American Muslim community in soul searching, reflection and reassessment."

"While encouraging Muslims to struggle against injustice (Al Quran 4:135), Allah also imposes strict rules of engagement. He says in unequivocal terms that to kill an innocent being is like killing entire humanity (Al Quran 5:32). He also encourages Muslims to forgive Jews and Christians if they have committed injustices against us (Al Quran 2:109, 3:159, 5:85)."

And this line is one I will be copy and pasting. For future reference.

"The Israeli occupation of Palestine is perhaps central to Muslim grievance against the West. While acknowledging that, I must remind you that Israel treats its one million Arab citizens with greater respect and dignity than most Arab nations treat their citizens. Today Palestinian refugees can settle and become citizens of the United States but in spite of all the tall rhetoric of the Arab world and Quranic injunctions (24:22) no Muslim country except Jordan extends this support to them.

While we loudly and consistently condemn Israel for its ill treatment of Palestinians we are silent when Muslim regimes abuse the rights of Muslims and slaughter thousands of them. Remember Saddam and his use of chemical weapons against Muslims (Kurds)?. Remember Pakistani army�s excesses against Muslims (Bengalis)?. Remember the Mujahideen of Afghanistan and their mutual slaughter? Have we ever condemned them for their excesses? Have we demanded international intervention or retribution against them? Do you know how the Saudis treat their minority Shiis? Have we protested the violation of their rights? But we all are eager to condemn Israel; not because we care for rights and lives of the Palestinians, we don�t. We condemn Israel because we hate �them".

Please, do read it all.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:54 AM

The headlines at Indymedia sites everywhere:

"9/11 High Treason Author Killed"

And "Brian Downing Quig was killed in a hit and run accident June 16. The Bush body count increases by 1."

You may remember Brian Quig from his Sept 1st, 2002 essay "9/11 High Treason!!". But if not here is part of the introduction to it.

"After turning on my TV to see the burning tower after the first plane hit the WORLD TRADE CENTER my attention was arrested like all others. When the second plane hit the second tower I said to myself WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? When the 3rd hijacked plane hit the PENTAGON, the first witnesses reported the "plane circled the PENTAGON in a sharply banked 270 degree turn that was distinctly different than any commercial plane and more like a military plane" and bypassed a straight in shot at the offices of the JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF only to hit an insignificant spot in the back of the PENTAGON. I said to myself then, IT IS NOT A REAL TERRORIST ATTACK!! THANK GOD!!"


"I can now give 25 compelling reasons to indict Daddy Bush, Cheney, the PENTAGON and the CARLYLE GROUP for the real terror behind 911."

I think I'll start a charity that takes donations to get these folks 'a life'. Oh wait, it is too late for this guy.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:29 AM
Coming out of the woodwork

But the full moon was last week.

I don't know how I found this one. Ok, I do (he was quoted at the Seattle IMC site).

Ladies and gents, I give to you "The Empire of Lies" by L. Niel Smith.

"The great libertarian author and teacher Robert LeFevre once told me that the first money the United States government ever spent was a $20,000 check from a Dutch bank, drawn on an account that didn't exist."

"Apparently this piece of financial chicanery was the doing of one Alexander Hamilton, who also favored deficit spending and maintaining a handsome national debt because he reasoned that if the government owed people money, they'd have an interest in making sure it survived."

"Thus the American Empire was born in the shadow of a lie."

Have fun with this guy folks.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:58 AM
Twilight Zone, you have a call waiting

From a Mr. Raving Moonbat on line 13.

Did you that you and I have been brainwashed into thinking the Muslims hate us? Niether did I!

But this guy calling himself 'Who' says so in his Seattle IMC post "Mind Control and Conspiracies of State-Corporate Bankerists"

"And, accusing one billion muslims of terrorism and frame-ups and mis-representation, manipulations and distortions. Maybe in the 50's MKULTURA were means of mind-control, however, the media and Hollywood is drug itself, based on creating visceral reactions, build and establish mythic archetypes, then stage events and rituals to fulfill the spread about mythology. And, you buy, for it has been instilled in you viscerally through the lure of sex and violence with the power of drama."

There is also a link to his site, oddly enough called 'Unabombers.com'.

Venture there at your own risk.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:42 AM
If you have some spare time

Head on over to the Portland IMC.

There, Alexander James will tell you all about the 'History of Money and Private Central Bank Ownership by Freemason/Zionist Mafia'.

"In this expose, we are presenting numerous quotes from past US Presidents and polictians and demonstrate how control and profits of the private Central Banks has been the catalyst behind many wars. Note that all four presidents who tried to end the banking monopolies were assassinated (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy) and anyone who tries to expose these Banking Dynasties is demonized like Rep. Congressman James Traficant in 1993 and many others."

But be careful. It is as long as any essay by the excellent Bill Whittle. But no where near the quality. There are a number of quotes, a few of which aren't the same as I remember them. But who really cares about accuracy when you're trying to get this important information out, right Alex.

Minor fisking below.

"Along comes an individual with a bit more of the accepted currency which he offers to lend to one who has less, so long as the poorer member agrees to pay back all plus a bit more� in a given time. Immediately the poorer member is now even poorer because has to pay back not only what he now holds, but also a percentage of what he holds which he has yet to find."

Oh, those evil rich people loaning others money.

"This transaction in itself will not have increased the overall produce of the community, yet now the lender owns a bit more of the overall wealth without having added anything to it. This action, far from having helped the poorer member has actually deprived everyone. One such transaction might not appear to make a huge difference, but multiply the effects and soon our lender will have a growing pile of currency which he has acquired while adding absolutely nothing to the community."

His kindness being rewarded, perish the thought.

"If the community we imagine once consisted of individuals trading fairly to survive, now everyone who owes is working for the lender."

Hmm, I've heard this somewhere before......

"The lender might seem like the good guy and the borrower might be grateful for the loan, but in fact, the contract entered into is no favour and the lender is really only preying on the poor and giving nothing."

Except taking the chance that the borrower won't pay him back. At which time he may not be able to recover his losses. But that is what the evil rich guy deserves, right Alex?

"Usury leaves a bad taste because it allows the rich to get richer while not actually producing anything new for the community while taking advantage of those less fortunate by making them even poorer."

Oh no! Not trading with interest! Hey Alex, are you sure your name isn't umm, say, Muhammed?

Alrighty then, Muhammed. What if the borrower is using this loan to start a business. Maybe a restaurant or a doctors office. Heck, he could be using the loan to go to medical school. Do you still think that that the borrower is going to be poorer? And do you still think the guy giving the loan is not contributing to society?

Ya fuckin' commie putz.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:14 AM
Speaking of high speed

The Comcast guy stopped by yeserday afternoon and I am now the owner of Broadband.

No more dial up for me. Well, except at work.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:52 AM
I was in need of a doctor

But not anymore.

It's about 3:30AM here and I just got back from my speed therapy session. My therapist for the evening looked quite like this (except in dk green with beter rims).

There were 8 of us tonight. A good group. All of sound mind and all with a certian lack of sanity. If you were on the I-5 corridor between Seattle and Tacoma you may have seen us. If you were in a dark blue AWD Eclipse, a red Honda Prelude or a black 90-92 (apporx) Corvette, I apologize, but you should have known your place. Don't make that mistake again.

My therapist was a 1993 All-Trac Celica owned by a friend. We have it tuned up to a dynoed 285hp. Very streetable but also very potent. If only it had a decent sounding tunage.

After a couple of hours of play, the rain started heading south and we called it a night. Morning y'all.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:48 AM
He Had Dignity

John Wayne

I can say in all honesty no man has shaped the person I aspire to be more than this man. The way he took possesion of a moment, as if he was preordained to stand the tallest, to cast the longest shadow. He wasn't a man as much as a force of nature, and he was my hero. He was often derided as just an actor, but to the millions of us who loved and admired him, he was so very much more. He had many lessons to teach, and I still choose to be an avid student. Click on the picture for a site dedicated to the man.

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them.

I was just eightteen when he said those words, he was the demanding father figure I needed when illness had struck down my own father. I took strength from his image on the screen at a time when I needed strength. He wasn't easy to please, he asked much, demanded much, but I knew he was a man that I desparately wanted to end up being like. Wether I succeeded or not, I leave that judgement to my wife and children, and the friends that I've made. But his greatest gift was to inspire. In yourself, in your family, in your country, believe in these things and just be a man.

"Well, my tail feathers may droop a little, and my waddle show, but I can still out crow anything in the barn yard."

I still laugh when I hear that line, as much as it pains me to know I feel that way a lot these last couple of years. He's still teaching me things.

"Now you'll show up at my place first Monday after school at 5 AM, and come with grit teeth--because, gentlemen, that's when school really begins."

"Injun'll chase a thing till he think he's chased it enough, then quits. Same way when he runs. Seems like he never learns there's such a thing as a critter'll just keep comin' on. So we'll find them in the end, I promise ya. We'll find 'em! Just as sure as the turnin' of the earth."

"Out here, due process is a bullet!"

"You're assignment tonight is strategic. You can't give the enemy a break. Send them to hell."

Qoutes, from some of his best known films. But see if you don't agree that considering the times, he's still talking to us. I could go on, but I'll just leave this last one here,

"Baby Sister, I was born game and I intend to go out that way."

By God I miss him............

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:42 AM
June 22, 2003
Dissed Down tha Bayou

Man, my adopted state is always in the news for screwed up reasons. Serial Killers, west Nile Virus, and now cockfighting. As a veterinarian, I assume I don't have to tell you what I think of this practice?

Dissed in Cajun Country

Cockfighters in Louisiana have sued to block a federal law banning interstate commerce in fowls because they say it discriminates against Cajuns (search) and Hispanics, reports The Associated Press.

Breeders of fighting cocks say the sport is integral to Hispanic and Cajun cultures, and claim the law denies people of the two cultures equal protection under the Constitution.

"The suit contends that the federal government should not be imposing its judgment on Louisiana -- that�s not federalism, that�s moral imperialism," said John Kramer, who is representing the group. "They�re dissing them, and dissing is not American."

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:16 PM

I wonder where this was/is headed?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:10 PM
Supreme Courts Attack

So, the Democratic Candidates for President all got together (yes, they needed a big room) to let everyone know that, even if the Supreme Court ruled the University of Michigan Affirmative Action admissions policies unconstitutional, they would still do everything in their power to be sure affirmative action lives on. (note that the forum has sponsored by Reverend Jesse's Rainbow/PUSH coalition)

A few choice nuggets:

�When I�m president, we�ll have executive orders to overcome any wrong thing the Supreme Court does tomorrow or any other day,� said Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri.

Ahhhhh. So anything the Supreme Court does that little Dickie decides is "wrong" will just be executive ordered away. Wonder what would happen if Bush tried that with abortion? (as I've stated before, I do believe Roe v. Wade was the correct decision - nukevet)

�We deserve a president of the United States who doesn�t call fairness to minorities a special preference,� said Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.

Hey, what about calling special preferences to minorities a special preference? If it was about being "fair", then perhaps we should do something about the level of education everyone receives, right?

Al Sharpton responded that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a black man who may vote against the university�s affirmative action program. He said Democrats shouldn�t be talking about getting more blacks in high places, but getting the right blacks.

�If we doubt that, just look at Clarence Thomas,� he said. �Clarence Thomas is my color, but he�s not my kind.�

I fail to understand how Sharpton, one of the most bigoted men in America, is being taken seriously by the Democratic rank and file. This guy is a liar, a cheat, and a racist. But he hates white people, so I guess that makes everything OK.

Of course, I guess Sharpton might look pretty reasonable if you line him up against Carol Mosely Braun..........

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:25 PM
Sign me up!

I want to go here.

You might be asking yourself "why", up until you get to this part of the article:

Set in some of the Caribbean's roughest waters, Isla Mona offers rugged adventure for those looking to hunt, explore caves adorned with petroglyphs, snorkel a pristine coral reef, spot rare boobies, hunt for pirate treasure, or investigate a lighthouse designed by Eiffel.

Any place I can go to spot rare boobies is OK with me. Hell, I'm even interested in sighting the not-so-rare boobies.

Isla Mona - come for the hunting, stay for the boobies

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:15 PM
T-Shirt Choices

Hey, if you don't want to buy one of my shirts, maybe you would look better in one of these.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:48 PM
No, No


Via Instapundit

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:57 AM
We have Jewish Neighbors?

From Cairo, Egypt, comes this gem from Al-Ahram Weekly.

"What Jewsih State?"

"US President George W Bush's reference to Israel as the "Jewish State" last week in Aqaba raised many eyebrows in the Arab world. Presumably the president is aware of the existence of some one million Arab-Israelis. And did the characterisation intend to negate, as it appears implicitly to do, the right of four million Palestinian refugees to return to homes from which they were forcibly expelled?"

Oh yeah, the 'palestinians' were expelled when they left so that Syria, Jordan and Egypt could try to wipe Israel of the face of the Earth without killing to many of them. I rememeber now.

If there is no other reason to win the War on Terrorism, it is to make sure that this little piece of revisionist history doesn't become permanent.

"The US president's real intentions, of course, will emerge with the positions his administration adopts in the not-too-distant future. Bush's proposed settlement for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is based on establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel, and not the "Jewish state", by the year 2005. It would be an insurmountable impediment to this vision if it includes plans to remove Arab-Israelis to the would-be Palestinian state, or denies the right of return of the four million Palestinian refugees."

I get it now. The Israelis cannot have "A Jewish State", but the 'palestinian' Musilms are, of course, allowed to have a Muslim state.

In fact, aren't most arab countries, "Muslim States". After all, a large number of them make practicing any other religion illiegal.

I guess I'll just have to ask the next Zoroastrian I meet.

Found, of course, at LGF.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:18 AM
Poverty Pimp Pops Pol

This is too funny. Al Sharpton and his run for the presidency are afraid to stand up for his past.

"Sharpton seeks apology from lawmaker"

"(AP) � An attorney for presidential candidate Al Sharpton is demanding an apology from a Michigan lawmaker whose letter last month said the Democrat has "a long-standing history of inciting bigotry and intolerance on a prominent stage."

To borrow a song title from the late, great John Lee Hooker, "You know, and I know" he has said alot of stupid shit. And "You know, and I know" that his whole run for the presidency is probably just another ruse of his that he'll use to bash 'Whitey" later on in life. And "You know, and I know" the only way he'll get elected is if the rest of the Democrat candidates all die from strokes while arguing amongst each other over how much 'National Health Care' is going to cost. And then, Gore would probably step back up to the plate, giving Sharpton more 'Whitey' material.

Next year is going to be so much fun.

Found at Tongue Tied

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:57 AM
Put your money where your mouth is


It seems that the countries of the European Union are "broke ass bitches".

I thought as much.

According to The Guardian, Blair admits that they will, in no way, be able to match the US funds going to the African Continent to fight AIDS.

"Tony Blair conceded today that a European Union donation to help fight Aids, TB and malaria would fall short of the $1bn (�600m) pledged by the United States. The prime minister had made a joint call with French president Jacques Chirac for the EU to match America's commitment to the UN's Global Health Fund, set up to fight the three killer diseases."

"Speaking at the EU summit in Greece, he said the smaller of the 15 existing EU members and 10 countries joining next year were not prepared to commit the money for 2004 because of "budget problems".

Oh, you mean that 25 countries whom are either full-on economic Socialist experiments or are trying to get out from under that burden, cannot come up with as large an amount of spare money to give to the starving and dying nations of Africa, as the EVIL Capialist US?

Who'da thunk it?

We've got the torch and we're walking towards the end of that big long cave folks, all you have to do is follow. I see Poland and some of the other former Soviet-Bloc countries looking our way. C'mon fellas, there's a whole world out there.

Courtesy of Right Thinking on the Left Coast.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:35 AM
Yes Virginia, there are anti-semites at


Here we go again. OK, so it never really stopped. I just ignored them.

A guy by the name of Andrei Kivesky posted this on the Seattle IMC site. He was responding to a NYT article about mobile home owning Floridians who are being told to move when the person that owns the land their mobiles sit on, sells the land to developers.

"Rich Jews drive poor whites out of their trailer parks"

"Jew Real Estate Developers drive what they call "white trash" out of their humble abodes. Won't it be great when Jews dial 911 and no competent White men come to their aid because they've nickelled and dimed us out of the places they've taken over? Jews suck big time, I'm SOOOO sick of them! They Bolshevikked Ukraine and Russia, they Zionized Palestine, and they are Jewing America. They will get their just desserts"

"Jews in the know are dismayed to find out that their figure of 6 million dead Jews in the Holocaust isn't actually true. Ironically, educated White people are disappointed as well. Kievsky"

So, I guess that since he is not dissappointed, he is uneducated. Because that name sure sounds 'white' to me.

The scariest part of the post os in the comments. A commenter comes in trying to chide him about his blatent Nazism and how the true evil is "The Bush Family Evil Empire" and he responds:

"I am a blue collar, working class guy and I can tell you that it's precisely the race mixing Jewish Marxism that drove the working class Whites into the arms of Limbaugh, Bush, etc. They have been damned and deceived and demonized as "oppressors" and "stupid white men" and their heritage reduced to "dead white males" (not even men, just males). Is it any wonder they cheer when Bush bombs the "sand n***rs? You did this to us with your politically correct crap."

"If you want to win the hearts and minds of the working class, you have to respect us as white people and cut out the anti-white rhetoric. There is plenty of common ground, and quite frankly, when America falls to crap you guys will need us a hell of a lot more than we need you."

"I know how to survive eating worms, grubs and wild plants and shooting songbirds and squirrels. We Nazis will survive. You can befriend us now, or tell us to screw off. We make very good friends, and terrible enemies. It's your choice. Kievsky"

After that, some guy calling himself 'Joe' writes a comment about how this post has to be a frame up by the JDF.

Funny stuff, go read.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:20 AM
June 21, 2003
I am So glad these yahoo's aren't in power

Slightly different but the same breed of snake. A case study in propaganda. This regards their initial response, but in the future I'll move to more current topics. It does clearly show where they are coming from though.

The mass murder of over 6 thousand people, which occurred in the USA on 11 September as a result of the suicide hijackings, was an unjustifiable act of terrorism. No matter that the terrorists' thought that they were targeting the symbols of US economic and military power, it was innocent men, women and children that died. The SSP shares the feelings of horror and sadness experienced by millions of people across the world.

(The sound of crickets)...................

Then the other shoe drops.

We also recognise that hundreds of thousands of men, women and children across the planet have in recent years been killed as a direct and indirect result of US attacks, bombings and sanctions. We reject the hypocrisy of Bush and Blair who can publicly mourn the deaths in the USA whilst attempting to justify the mass killings inflicted by the USA in Sudan, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Well shit, it is our own fualt after all......Who didn't see that one coming.

It is only recently that Bush and Blair have decided that Osama bin Laden is an enemy - they conveniently avoid explaining why the US Government armed and trained his movement in the first place!

Again a lie, a two fer actually. He was involved in the first tower bombings, we've been hunting him for a decade. Secondly No one crediable says Bin Laden recieved CIA money. We deny it, the Taliban deny it, the Mudjahadeen deny it, and Bin Laden denies it. The only ones who even make that charge are, socialists, or peaceniks. Bin Laden was self financed, his oil billions, remember?

In Iraq, according to the Food & Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, more than 5,000 children die every month as a result of US and British sanctions.

After the war and we can talk to the doctors in Iraq without Uday's goons looking in we find out that that charge is utter HORSESHIT!

* Racist remarks by Bush and Blair about defending the 'civilised world' are not only used to justify war abroad but will result in an increase in racism and racist attacks at home.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but I kinda recall that Bush actually got international praise for defending American Muslims and condeming pre-emptively any attacks against them. Strange they didn't notice that in Scotland.

The SSP can be proud that it has quickly responded to the 11 September atrocities in such a clear and principled manner. We have also played a positive role in supporting the creation of a broad Scottish Coalition for Justice not War.

Their response certainly was a stone cold comfort to an America still digging out her dead. On behalf of America I say,


I feel better now..............

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 11:37 PM
Just for the Hell of it

I have an old habit, engrained or inherited I don't know and don't care,... Counter attack. Know your foe, I'm not content to merely block, I want a throat to grab, an arm to twist as I put my opponent down hard.........a knee to the groin is a good place to land. So I do research.

I do not consider our resident troll anything more than a gadfly, harmless by herself, barely worth responding to. The movement she supposedly represents on the other hand is as close to old style Stalinist communism as anything likely to come up in the next decade. So I present this. Read and know your enemy.

This is one of several articles on their site.

This evening I'm with a group of young Afghhans. All of their fathers and uncles are veterans of the war against the Soviet Union.
Hassan, my translator is an activist with the Afghan Revolutionary Labour Organisation.

Very nice, except they don't make clear that the veterans fought on the Soviet side. There were no communists in the rebel camp.

This next entry deserves close scrutiny,

These youth are all anti-Taliban. "The Taliban are monsters cretaed by America and Pakistan because it suited them," explains Hassan, "Now it suits them to create a new monster."

In the west the socialists tell us that the Taliban and Bin Laden are a direct result of the Muslim peoples justifable rage against us. That they represent the Muslim world. In the Muslim world with people who have suffered greatly from the Taliban they say the opposite, the Taliban are an American construct(utterly false but that never stopped them yet), that we are the ones who put them in power(again false). I'll stop here for now, but this illustrates the cynical bald faced lies and distortions that we can expect form the world socialist movement.

They say the want peace at any cost while stirring up as much anti-American hatred as possible in the Muslim world. Now if they truely want peace why would they do that?

This is going to be a serious study, I want to know where these views come from so I can take them apart and put them on defense, as I said I like to counterpunch. As time allows I'll get additional items posted.

A note to harm; I am not attacking you personally, though it's tempting, I'm just going to point out some things you may or may not know. You take a cynics view of all things western, capitolist, and American. Why not turn that same eye inward and see who's really the cynical player, you may not like the answer.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 10:31 PM
Let me just take this opportunity

To say that I qualified at all 3 distances for my concealed weapons permit. I was a little worried, because I had never had to do a quick draw and hip stance at close quarters before, but it was way cool.

The other thing I learned is that I really need to take some tactical classes. It's great getting your basic patch and all, but a big part of the day was spent having to go through different scenarios, and deciding if lethal force was justifiable or not. Our instructors talked a lot about the "totality of circumstance", meaning that you had to instantaneously take EVERYTHING into consideration, and then make a decision that could be life altering if you choose wrong (ie shoot the high school kid who was just drunk and trying to get into a house he THOUGHT was his) or life saving if you choose right (It was really Derrick Todd Lee posing as a drunk high school kid).

I also learned that the average human being can cover 20 feet in less than 1/2 second. This was graphically demonstrated to us by having to draw a dummy weapon (obviously) and acquire one of our instructors before they could cover 20 feet and kill us with an edged weapon. I had my gun out of the holster and was trying to adopt a "traditional" stance when I got my throat cut. Hence the need to learn some alternative stances and abilities.

It took me a long time to decide that I wanted to get a CCW license. The main thing I learned today is that it is time to get serious about learning how to use this weapon. I re-upped my range membership, and signed up for some tactical shooting courses taught by our instructors.

Oh, AK - I went to the range last week, and put 500 rounds through the Kimber Ultracarry. At the end of the day, I was shooting a TIGHT cluster, center mass. That is the pistol I used to qualify with, and she didn't let me down.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:18 PM
Well Damn, they're popping out like rabbits.

This picture of the President came from a Cleveland alternative newspaper. Possibly the last place in Ohio where Ted(the Taliban weren't as bad as us)Rall actually has readers. What is it about urban centers that seems to make them a breeding ground for this type of masochistic ignorance? The water, the closed in spaces, the easy access to illegal drugs....?

Maybe they're just stupid. At least that is provable by the evidence.

In the words of Bill Clinton's 1998 impeachment, George W. Bush "has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States."

How can he bring disrepute from people like Rall when Rall has screamed "criminal" since the day he took office. It was a pre-existing condition on the left, the war didn't make them suddenly wise up to Bush's ways. "the manifest injury of the people of the United States" That statement is flat out false, proveably, cause we haven't exactly had anymore cities burning in the last year and a half have we. 70% approval ratings aren't enough, the mid term elections weren't proof, nothing short of Jesus Christ personally stuffing Rall's own cartoons up his ass will ever bang it into his head that the country is not waiting quietly to rise up in revolt against the illegal cabal in Washington.

I've decided to start a rumor, Ted Rall is Bobby Fisk's gay bath partner. Hell why not, if their burden of proof is so low as to allow opinion to replace facts, they can take it like,........well the usual way. Bet Rall plays the bitch role.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:55 PM
A for real Communist paper to eviserate, sniff, thanks Kid!

Being an old unrepentant cold warrior, I looked on the Analog Kid's find with considerable pleasure. After relentless hunting and mass conversions having driven the bloodied remnants into a few endangered species preserves, ala China, Cuba, and N. Korea I dispaired of ever seeing my old prey roaming loose in my personal free fire zone.

(Grinning woflishly), I'm soooo glad that a RED AS A BABOON'S ASS rag has surfaced. Let the hunting begin, no limit, take your fill, extra points for bagging the Bulls.

Now for a peek inside.

The conference reflected a deep sensibility that democracy � and life as we know it � are in grave danger. Gerald McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), spoke of a �widespread feeling of betrayal.�

Journalist Bill Moyers charged that �right-wing wrecking crews� are engaged in �a deliberate, intentional destruction of the United States of America.� He urged the crowd to �get back in the fight � the flame of democracy will never go out as long as there is one candle in your hand.�

So the commie likes Bill Moyers and leftwing Union Presidents, why is this no surprise? Does Bill know who's in his fan base? This may be that red's views on the Democratic conference, strange that she equates their goals with her own isn't it. If I were I democrat and got rave reviews from a communist, I'd smack my head into a tree.

The stakes couldn�t be higher in 2004. Take hope, roll up your sleeves and get involved.

Then the tag line that will make the democrats wish to God that some people wouldn't take their side.

Joelle Fishman is the chair of the Political Action Commission of the Communist Party USA. She can be reached at joelle.fishman@pobox.com.

It just doesn't get any easier than this.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:11 PM
I shouldn't have looked

So I figured I'd just take a quick look at the Seattle IMC site before getting on with the days business. Bad idea. I found this.

The Dog Ate My WMD's
By William Rivers Pitt

It starts all funny talking about how he's a 10th grade high school teacher and he's heard all the excuses as to why students can't turn their assignments in on time. He then applies that to the Bush Administration, yadda, yadda, yadda. Same old shit.

So I get done with as much as I can stand and go back to the header and see that he has posted an e-mail address. I look at it and try to figure out where he's got his account at and nothing in my know email vocabulary turns up. I figure it must be the school he teaches at. I mean, a leftie school teacher, who'da thunk it right? But I can't figure out what kind of name for a school PWW.org might stand for. So I punch in the address, and guess what pops up?

The People's World Weekly.

No kidding. This toe tag socialist bastard is teaching teenage children. I know I shouldn't be suprised, but damn.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:26 AM
Since it's Saturday morning

And my usual place that'll fix me dinner for breakfast (remember I work nights) is closed, I decided to stop by a newly reopened business for some of these.

A Punjabi husband and wife recently bought the old Dunkin Donut place just outside of the downtown area in the town I live in, and are making a decent wad of dough for themselves. (I know, I know, bad pun. Kid sitting in corner).

I swear to G*d the man got his Apple Fritter recipie from onhigh. I.can't.stop. eating.fritters.

Since it seems a large number of the world's population thinks that we Americans are fat and arrogant, why not make them right on at least on one count. Head on down to your local pastry shop and order up some fine heart stopping sweets.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:34 AM
I know it is Saturday and all

And a lot of folks who stop by during the week do not stop by on the weekends. But I am going to post this anyhow.

Found at Blogs of War via The Petrified Truth.

Retired LAFD firefighter, the father of Special Forces Staff Sgt. Brian C. Prosser, 28, of Frazier Park, Calif.

May 2, 2003
Dear President Bush

I've been wanting to do this since the fifth day of December, two thousand one. That's the day, on a hill in Afghanistan, my son and two fellow soldiers gave their all to the cause of freedom and their country, I have never spent one second thinking they died in vain, but yesterday watching you and the way you conducted yourself on the ship, I knew it was time to write. I guess the odds of this letter getting to you are about the same as winning the lottery, but I'm going to chance it anyway, because even if you don't ever see it, I will feel better for writing it.

There have been many thoughtful and unusual things done in the name of our son. One of the first ones came from the Army by allowing us to have his body here in California, for his hometown to pay their respects...before he went to Arlington. I have no idea where the order for that came from, but based on what I learned in my tour of duty; it wasn't from the company level.

To whoever is responsible for making that possible, I humbly say thank you and I'm grateful. His site at Arlington looks directly at the section of the Pentagon impacted on September eleven. A fitting place for a warrior, who lost his life in a battle, started that day, to rest.

When you were first elected, I was very happy and was thanking the "stupies" in Florida that made it possible. As time goes by, each day I'm more and more convinced it was divine intervention. I've not seen anyone more suited for his role, than you are...you are, for sure, the man for the hour. I wonder if you realize what great changes you are making possible in our country?

After my son died, I found myself doing things I never would have considered before (this letter is one). Along with this came some long hours of wondering and thought. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that what's been missing in our country is faith: And its demise came out of the Viet Nam "experience".

When I say faith; I'm not talking about only spiritual Faith. I mean faith in your parents, faith in your teachers, faith in the police, etcetera, etcetera. What's the first thing they teach you in the military? "Have faith in your buddy", " faith in your weapon", " faith in your commanders".

The betrayal of our troops and the rest of us created a whole new species of Americans prone to suspicion and distrust...toward anything...and it's lasted thirty years, through multiple Presidents.

I can tell you sir, based on the literally hundreds of people that have connected with me through the mail, or talking, or the internet, our country is getting well...and you are the main reason. For the first time in many years we have a leader that says what he means and means what he says...and then does it! That really isn't an overwhelming assignment, but for some, it's insurmountable.

By example, you are showing not only Americans, but the world in general, "Proud to be an American" is not an idle statement. As once it was, it is again becoming a lofty goal for people to aspire to...young and old.

I'm glad I've lived long enough to be a witness to this transition.

One other thing I noticed about your demeanor yesterday was you seemed less stressed and definitely at ease with the folks you were surrounded by...as they were with you.

Your job, if done in a conscientious manner, includes some decisions that can carry some hefty emotional collateral effects.

I have a piece of work on a wall in my home, written by somebody much smarter than I am, entitled "The Strength of a Man". Among other things, it says: "The strength of a man is not how much he can lift, it is the burden he can carry".

You show the effects of carrying the load necessary in protecting, not only your own people but the others in need, throughout the world. But more importantly, you show, also, the grit to get it done.

I hope none of what I've expressed here, has offended or upset you in any way. They are just some things I've needed to tell you for some time...as I said previously.

In closing, I'll share this: While you would not be considered a large man physically, the shadow you cast is as big as any in history...big enough to cover the World. I'm proud that you are representing me and the land that I love.


Brian Prosser

via the Los Angeles City Fire Department Chief Officers Association

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:37 AM
Not all polls are created equal

Certainly this one will not be touted by the left.

Iraq's 1st Public Poll Backs U.S.

"Sixty-five percent of Iraqis polled in Baghdad claimed they want the U.S. military to stay until Iraq is stable and secure; only 17 percent want American soldiers out now."

I wonder why they want the US to leave before Iraq is stable?
Hmmm, could it be.......power?

Eh, the article doesn't say that. In fact, the poll that cased the headline gets one sentence and a short paragraph. The rest is all doom and gloom and boo-hoo-hooing.

Found at LGF.

So was this (see below)

This is why I like these guys.

From Cox & Forkum

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:26 AM
Well Hi, I'm from earth, did you just land here?

Since we're travelin over to the borderline disturbed,(at least I am), take a look at this. Think all the worlds problems are tough? Not so! just take a gander at these little gems, ideas for solving every ill facing mankind. Politics is particularly funny, the ideas range from "yawn", to the truely, mamby pamby let's all just hold hands and buy the world a coke zaniness.

This one speaks for itself. This one is just too choice, and it's organic too! yeah buddy, don't want no artificial chemicals in my government, spoils the taste and makes me vote Republican! Bought to you by Ted, a musician, lives in an intentional community in rural Virginia. What? Like the Vatican or something? I suppose it would be impolite to referr to them as, say, maybe.....VIRGINIANS!

Please wonder over if you've a mind and partake in the pure stupidity that dwells in the webs subbasement. I can't promise you won't suffer any long term brain damage. Just in case, pack some heat..........

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 04:23 AM
This guy must have stock in Reynolds Aluminum

I was listening to the always entertaining 'Coast to Coast AM, with George Noory" show, as I usually do (hey, I work nights, what else is there to do?). When this guy named Jon Rappoport comes on and starts talking about SARS. He runs a 'news' site called "No More Fake News.com" and has some, ummm 'interesting' theories.

The SARS theory he was posing was this.

It was just Pneumonia and Tuberculosis outbreaks but was pumped up by the World Health Organization, backed by the American Centers for Disease Control to punish Canada for not backing the US against the war and to make them give us their support in pushing Genetically Modified Foods into Europe.

Oh yeah, and to break the economic backbone of Asian countries.

"SARS, at one level, is economic terrorism. At another level, SARS has elevated the power of the World Health Organization to an awesome height. WHO can now threaten a nation with status as a ROGUE that is carelessly permitting the spread of deadly disease around the world---and therefore, every nation must bow down to WHO's research findings and repressive political edicts on every new "outbreak" that comes down the pipeline."

"SARS is not a new disease. It is recycled and reshuffled old disease---pneumonia, flu, TB, lung infections---given a new label under the umbrella of the coronavirus. If the coronavirus has actually been isolated (discovered) at all---and there is doubt about this----it has shown itself to be no cause of disease. It is a dud, and the 11 elite labs around the world run by WHO and the US CDC should be brought up on charges for criminal fraud."

But wait! The tin foil hat gets tighter!
A guy called in to ask Jon his thoughts as to who may be behind it all. Could it be the G8, the Freemasons or maybe even General Motors? No kidding, he said "The Bilderburgers" are behind this. Their goal, population control!

"You must realize that the list of vague symptoms that make up SARS---fever, cough, or breathing difficulties---are also the symptoms of every basic lung infection, by any name. Once the coronavirus is seen for what it is-----a non-cause of disease----there is only one thing left. The list of symptoms."

Well, every year in the world, we see about 4.4 million deaths from acute lower respiratory infections.

TB kills about 3 million people.

Every year in Hong Kong, 3000 people die from pneumonia.

In Canada, roughly 7500 people die every year from flu/pneumonia.

There are about 1.9 BILLION cases of respiratory infection every year on the planet."

"Now ask yourself: do any of those illness situations provoke masks and heavy, heavy quarantines and travel bans and house arrests and prison sentences for people who spit on the sidewalk and the threat of death for anyone spreading "false information" about disease? Have we seen multi-billion-dollar economic losses (brought on by WHO) from this regular death and illness toll?"

"Of course not."

"But now, with about 9000 cases of so-called SARS and 900 deaths, we have hysteria and madness and repression. Dear reader, that is what is called an OP. An operation. An intelligence/propaganda operation aimed at creating these outcomes."

"This has NOTHING to do with a real response to disease. As we speak, groups in Canada are planning a class-action suit against WHO, CDC, and other perpetrators."

"Much hangs in the balance."

"The virus hunters now control virtually all new-disease research on the planet. They are unwitting (for the most part) agents of power players who want a world always on edge and in fear and behind closed doors. Without basic rights and without basic freedoms and without basic courage. It is now clear that the easiest way to accomplish this is by launching phony, non-harmful germ NAMES and disease NAMES at the global population----and coming in behind that with toxic drugs and political repression and propaganda campaigns."

I think he's been playing in the pharmacy.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:19 AM
Allright then

Orlando Deshouli�res

Known in some parts of the world as: Attila of Wraiths

The Great Archives Record: A needy and violent spirit.

OK which one of you reprobates spilled the beans? And I am not needy dammit! I just have sharing issues. Find your own corpse.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:48 AM
Damn Blood Suckers

No I'm not talking about the Democrats this time,

From Emma Davies,

Find Your Vampire Name

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:

Baron of The Far East

Known in some parts of the world as:

Morpheus of The Vrykolakas

The Great Archives Record:

Originated in Greece, in the fever of the Crypt.

Hmmm, no wonder I love Gyros.

Posted by AnalogKid at 03:36 AM
Mark Steyn scores a head shot

Once again my trip to Moe's is rewarded. Mark Steyn has totally ripped the floor out from under the Iraq is falling apart crowd.

Feel free to shoot the falling bodies

Update, The Voodoo Lounge also had it covered. The Dr. is in.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:53 AM
June 20, 2003
History, Blood, Fire and Honor

This is a portrayal of a Dauntless TBD Torpedo Bomber during the Battle of Midway. Torpedo 8, a squadron of fifeteen planes, 30 men, separated from the other planes in the strike, low on fuel, in badly outclassed aircraft. Attacked the main Japanese fleet on the 4th of June 1942. One by one they were shot out of the sky, desparately trying to close the range. Nobody ran, nobody faultered, they died to a man pressing home the attack. Finally having closed in the last survivng Dauntless, Ensign George Gay managed the only successful torpedo launch. He had pressed in so close that he barely cleared the deck of the Japanese ship he had attacked. Wounded, his gunner dead, he slamed into the water after finally being brought down by Zero's. He was the only surviver.

Sometimes it's suggested that we have no patience, that we're soft, or weak, that we don't have the guts to fight anymore. That maybe we're too dependant on comfort. I beg to differ...

Ask these gentlmen.

And these.



We haven't forgotten, since the the day the Towers fell we have been getting ready for this. We know the cost, our men and women in uniform know the cost, our families at home know the cost........ Maybe that makes us primitive in some eyes, but no one can say we lack people of courage, not anymore.......

We haven't forgotten.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 11:49 PM
At last a light bulb forms over their heads

The Globe and Mail is one of Canada's national papers. You can find a variety of opinion there right, center, left, looney left. I read this opinion piece where the author believe this is a bad thing. Now the idea that groups handing out American aid, food and money overseas might have to actually mention where it came from would seem to be a given. Not so, see they think it's destroying their independence. How it helps them to lie about where it comes from by omission is somehow not discussed. Typical rant about EVIL Bush subverting this, that, the other type of piece. But half of her last line should be tatooed on her forehead.

"This is not a lone wolf we are dealing with, it's a sheep-herder."

JACKPOT....................can ye say Bhhhhaaaaaaaaaa Naomi?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:32 PM
Self Fulfilling Prophecy

OK, they hate us, so we are informed by members of the hard left. They meaning the third world, nonenglish speakers, etc, etc. But you have to wonder a couple of things, is it what we do, or what we are. Also you have to consider where they get their information from, is it fairly reported, or is it blatant propaganda that Stalin could be proud of. Take a look at this paper and see if you think they have a clue as to what is really going on in the world.

Look at a couple of stories and it becomes clear as crystal that if America were incinerated tomorrow the editers would be dancing in the street. This piece deserves a fisking on a scale so grand, so special that I'm loathe to take it on. But if I may, just a few examples.

Iraqis say many buildings had been bombed unnecessarily, such as theatres, Baghdad's international fair, the Olympic sport building and many private homes. The Oil Ministry, however, stands intact and is guarded by US troops.

"Iraqi's say", nice way to throw out an accusation with out backing it up, with pictures or names dickhead. "Americans say" you probably hump goats and married your mom. Don't blame me or ask me to prove it, I'm just passing it on. "The Oil Ministry, however, stands intact and is guarded by US troops". Just in case anyone dared to forget it's all about (drumroll please).............OOOOiiiiiiiiiiiiiLLLLLLLLLL, (rimshot).

Besides the lack of water and electricity supplies, crucial services such as health and policing do not function properly. Only 7 000 of 18 000 police are back at work. The process is being delayed as all police officials are screened for Ba'athist connections. Iraqis blame the absence of police for the wanton destruction of property and increasing theft that now mark the city.

The screening is delaying the provision of all services as the US tries to eliminate anyone with the remotest connection to Saddam's party

This is so fucked on so many levels. "The process is being delayed as all police officials are screened", This is such a contradiction, we're delaying geting police back out on the street, as if it were deliberate, unmindful of the lawlessness. "Screened"?, as if we were engaged in a McCarthy style witch hunt, can this guy be fucking serious, we're supposed to hand out AK-47's to people who were shooting at us without checking to see if they might not have an agenda? Even Gaurdian South Africa can't be that stupid. We need to get murdering lawless thugs off the streets, fine. Somehow just reinstating Saddam's goons is gonna solve it? Excuse me a second,............


right, does this ignorant fool think for one second that if we did do that, he wouldn't be screaming "American supported thugs" the first time one of them went amuck and shot or beat somebody? As if they didn't learn it at Saddam's knee? That's exactly what he's suggesting. America unleashs killers on the streets, you can see the headline forming inside his cracked and distorted little skull. We do A we're to blame, we do B it's our fault, if we had done C and stayed home and Saddam was still happily torturing................
He'd do a story telling us how it's all our fault for putting pressure on these sensitive third world tyrants. You can bet his life on it.

I don't blame other peoples for hating us, I blame the so called world press for playing leftwing politics with what should be a straight up issue. I blame the world press for being dickblind asswipes who seem to think America is always wrong whatever the context.

I want a plane ticket, a passport, and a bat...................

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 08:32 PM
Well, Turn-About

Is fair play, no?

I previously commented on this HERE and HERE.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:12 PM
Intellectual Dishonesty

Go Read THIS.

Then THIS.

And finally, THIS.

To use that tired old saw of the VRWC - "We report, you decide".

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:29 PM
Repression, hypocrisy, ...and the ability to tell them apart

We are supposed to be living in a police state, so claims everyone from our resident troll all the way up their vaunted "intellectuals". Strange that if we are, they are still talking and not in prison or dead. Well I have given up on explaining anything to them, they have their "satan", their boogeyman, but for the rest of us an example of why they can never be allowed to rule. Why we can't stop paying attention.

No books are officially banned in Cuba, but access to state libraries is controlled and monitored through written requests. The Cuban government has dismissed the informal household collections, which now number around 200, as neither libraries nor independent, casting their owners instead as counter revolutionaries.

Last December, the founders of the independent library movement emigrated to Miami, citing state harassment. Then in March, with the world preoccupied with Iraq, the 14 who were arrested were sentenced in cursory trials to as long as 26 years in jail for treason, and their books and circulation records were confiscated.

Opposing points of view are being repressed, but not by who they'd like you to think.

He said a condition of the grant to form the panel, from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, was that all delegates should be professional librarians.

Mr. Kent, however, cast doubt on the professionalism of the Cubans.

"In our opinion, a librarian without a degree who endures persecution for defending intellectual freedom is more 'professional' than a librarian with a degree who does not defend intellectual freedom," he said.

This should be a no-brainer, a real police state imprisons and kills people for holding an opinion. A liberal democracy gets bashed as being Nazi Germany because we tell protesters they do not have the right to destroy public property.

Somebody will have to explain to me why this doesn't make someone hurling that charge at us a complete moron.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 04:53 PM

Several hits from domains in China. What's up wid dat?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:46 PM
This just in
Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:35 PM
Any guesses what this is a photo of?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:23 PM
What's Sauce for the Goose

Is Sauce for the Gander.

Hahahaha! Michel being accused of war crimes, and then WHINING about it. I wonder if there will be a push for Belgians, the self-imposed arbiters of war crimes, to be exempt? Certainly they better hope that past war crimes are never contested.

Michel, an outspoken critic of the U.S.-led war in Iraq, was furious about the allegations against him.
''This is extremely irresponsible. It's completely crazy and irrational,'' Michel told reporters at a European summit in Greece.
''It will ridicule Belgium on the world stage ... I'm accusing them of blackening our name.''
The government's decision last year to authorize the sale of 5,500 Belgian-made automatic rifles to the Nepalese government drew widespread criticism, sparked a government crisis and led to the resignation of one leading minister.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:44 PM
Can't you see the angst caused by the IDF

I mean, look at the tears on this young boy's face. What about the yarmulke, you ask - isn't that a Jewish child? Shouldn't the IDF be out shooting innocent Palestinian children like this:

So, let's see. Israel is trying to deal with its extremists to honor the provisions in the roadmap. And Hamas is doing what, exactly?


Oh, Yeah, Hamas is doing this for the peace process. How could I forget.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:09 PM
LEIU Protesters still bitchin' and moaning

Remenber the LEIU weenies I had here at the first of June.

Yeah, those ones. If you remember right, they got their asses kicked by the Seattle Police and the Washington State Patrol. You can read my original report here.

Well they're back. And, of course, they're whining. In this article in the "Seattle Weekly", they bitch about a dippy broad who got a bump on the noggin' and moan about the sight of a police officer with an AR-15.

First the boo-boo on her wittle head.

"Somewhere in the melee that ensued, Seattle police allege that Smith approached an officer and spit on his safety glasses and left arm, according to a police incident report. Smith was taken to the ground, the report says, but tucked her hands under her torso. An officer was able to extract them. Smith was arrested and charged with assault and obstructing a public-safety officer, both misdemeanors, and transported to the King County Jail."

"Smith, who says she's never been arrested before, says that police repeatedly slammed her head against the pavement while placing her under arrest and that she briefly blacked out. She says she suffered a concussion as a result and bled from her forehead. At the jail, she says she was not examined by a nurse until several hours after she was booked�and only after she made repeated demands for medical attention. The nurse, she says, told her she didn't have a concussion and that she should take some aspirin."

"At 3:30 a.m., Smith was released from jail. When she later returned to Olympia, she went to the emergency room at Capital Medical Center, where Constance Vasek, an emergency-room physician, examined her. In her report, Vasek wrote that Smith had a "closed" head injury, multiple contusions, and several scrapes elsewhere on her body. Vasek attributed the head injury to a blow from a police baton."

Yeah, and has this ER physician ever seen anyone hit in the head with a police baton? I have. And trust me, if you get hit an inch above and an inch behind the temple (where she alleges she was hit), you don't get up and you don't bitch about not getting "medical attention". Mostly because you're out for the next couple of days. Her wound, of which theres a pic of in the paper version, but not online, looks like she scrapped her head on the pavement when she was fighting with the cops. You can see the buising and the scrapes, but no tell-tale 'bump'.

One of the tactics the protesters pass on to each other in 'demonstration classes' is, if you are getting arrested, to bang yourself up and get a lawyer. I am hoping that these 'classes' get brought up in any investigation that may follow.

Now, on to the AR-15. Aka 'Big Bad Machine Gun'.

"So why would a Seattle police officer have an assault rifle at a street demonstration involving 500 protesters? Jim Pugel, an assistant chief of police, says the weapons have, in fact, been at protests for several years. "It's not a new policy. They've always been around," usually out of sight, says Pugel. The AR-15 is necessary on the scene in case a weapon appears in the crowd or if there is an armed threat against a police officer."

"For its part, Mayor Greg Nickels' office initially responded with laughter when asked to comment on the presence of the AR-15 at the protest. "I'm not going to have the mayor comment on a police operational matter," said Marianne Bichsel, a spokesperson for the mayor's office."

"Few others are quite so sanguine. "That's a big problem, police carrying machine guns," says City Council member Nick Licata, who plans to write police Chief Gil Kerlikowske about the matter."

First off, we'll start with the number of protesters. During the week of the demonstrations they kept saying 'over 1000' people had shown up. But now that they are trying to play the victims, the number has been cut in half. Hmmmm, interesting.

Next, the Assistant Police Chief's statement was correct. The Seattle PD has had AR-15's since 1998 and they were kept in reserve during WTO and the Mardi Gras riots. The reason I have heard that they were displayed in relatively small numbers here is because of the 'buzz' the protest groups created during the run-up to the event. So again, they started a big drama and are now playing the victims.

I absolutely love the response fro the mayor's office. It is exactly the response that the protesters deserved. Our resident socialist, Seattle Councilmember Nick Licata's response on the other hand, shows exactly why he is a worthless piece of shit. First, he called an AR-15 a 'Machine Gun'. If you don't know the difference between a 'machine gun' and a 'semi-automatic rifle', either go learn the difference or shut the fuck up.

Second, during the anti-war protests of February/March, Licata actually had the balls to demand that the police 1. stop arresting protesters who were stoping traffic in front of the Federal building in downtown Seattle, and 2. cut the number of police officers keeping an eye on the protesters, as the protesters found the police 'intimidating'. What a turd.

Posted by AnalogKid at 11:42 AM
Givin out an ass whoopins and lollipops

And I'm all out of lollipops.

I was listening to the replay of the Larry Elder Show yesterday evening on my local �Evil Right-Wing Talk Radio Station�, when he had a caller start going on with the soon to be tired old rant of, �Where are the WMD�s?� Whenever I hear this question asked I usually just tune out mentally, since it always ends up with the hippie screaming �Bush lied!�

But this caller twisted the question. He asked �How long until you hold Bush accountable for the WMD lie?�. Well, I answered it as if he asked me, and said �12 years�. After all, that is how long the anti-war crowd had given the UN weapons inspectors. Heck, they were willing to give them another 120 years to look for them.

But Larry gave the best answer in the world. �I am holding him accountable right now. I hold him accountable every day. But I am willing to wait until all 1000+ potential sites have been searched. Only around 300 have been so far. And then I�ll start asking questions. You can�t start accusing the man of lying if he hasn�t had the opportunity to show all of his evidence, now can you?�

Simple, eloquent, to the point and covering all bases. The guy was nearly dumbfounded. He, of course, had not heard of the 700 other sites that still had to be searched while watching the network or cable news programs. He was sure that we were all done looking around and had found nothing, thereby making GWB guilty. He waffled on his stance and then Larry let him go and cut to commercial.

Anyway, I was good to go for the evening after that. Until I read this piece of shit by Geov Parrish, in the �Seattle Weekly�. This guy almost makes �The Fisk� look rational (and I think he lives around here). His latest screed is all about why and how GWB should be impeached. Blah, blah, blah. Yadda, yadda, yadda. And maybe even bow wow wow. Well, maybe not, �cause this dog won�t hunt.

I�m pretty sure that what is pissing me off is that I can�t respond to the guy. And that is why I am grateful that the good doctor has let me scribble here. So here I go.

I�m not going to soil the doc�s place with quotes from what Parrish wrote. You can link to there yourself. (Just make sure to have removed all weighted objects from around your monitor). I am just going to lay out the reason that I don�t really care if we ever find WMD�s (even though we will).

We went into Iraq in 2003 because Saddam Hussein and his army invaded a sovereign nation.

Apparently, the left around the world has forgotten the early 90�s. Trust me, at times, I wish I could. But I think they're forgetfullness is more of a yearning for a return to the 1992-2000 years, when the US kissed the world ass (I will not stipulate where I think the ass of the world might be, but you can).

But let me just remind you all of what happened. Iraq invaded Kuwait. Saddam Hussein told his people that the land currently occupied by Kuwait had was theirs and it had been stolen (sound familiar?), and that he was going to get it back for them.

Whether or not they cared to go or wanted to go, he took his army and went. They invaded. They raped and pillaged and robbed and murdered. Some claimed that the US was supportive of this. This came from a question asked of the US, wondering if we would be abject to Iraqi �talks� with Kuwait about a land dispute. The US said it had no opinion, and Saddam took that to mean �invade�.

Well, it didn�t mean �invade. And along with a coalition, the US first formed a �Desert Shield�. Which then turned it into a �Desert Storm�, which then invaded Kuwait to remove Hussein�s troops. The Iraqis subsequently got their asses beat into the ground and chased them halfway to Baghdad. All the while the world media tried to get sympathy for the recently expelled Iraqi army by showing hours and hours of footage of the �Highway of Death�. I, of course had no sympathy, and just looked in awe at what our military was able to accomplish in record time. All I had to say at the time was �Ooo-rah� and �mega-hoowa�.

The reason we stopped chasing Hussein is still lightly disputed today. But the most honest answer that can be given is that the objective given for the coalition was not to depose Hussein, but to just get him out of Kuwait. Some of the coalition had only signed on with that stipulation. For some reason, they liked him in power.

Hussein then agreed to sign what is called a �Cease-Fire� or �Cessation of Hostilities�. The cessation was dependent upon a number of conditions, one of them being �Full disclosure all of nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry within Iraq�. If this was not done, the �cessation of hostilities� was negated and we were allowed to continue the March to Baghdad.

Sounds simple enough, huh? But nooooo. The UN put their meat fist into the process and had to start signing resolution after resolution. None of which had any more weight behind it than the paper it was written on. They wrote so many, that as of right now, I can�t remember if it was 17 or 18. Which, unfortunately, is nowhere near as funny as the �Dirty Harry� line (Do you feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?). Mostly because Hussein didn�t feel lucky, he felt victorious. He actually believed he had won the first Gulf War, because GHWB and Thatcher were no longer in power in their respective countries, whereas he still was.

He was laughing his ass off at the �World Community�. And I was actually able to picture him in my head doing the same dance Hitler did when the �World Community� did nothing after he successfully invaded Czechoslovakia (sorry, I don�t have the video). I think Bush must have seen this same vision in his head and that is what pissed him off. That America had been turned into a laughing stock by 8 years of �touchy-feely� politics. I know that the military felt that way. Ask anyone enlisted or commissioned during those years how crappy morale was. They�ll tell you.

The majority of the world was either frightened into not wanting to know or bribed into not wanting to care. But not the US. We were pissed off and growing sick and tired of the world not giving a crap about us. �Oh, zee Americans, zey got attacked. Boo hoo. Geet over eet�.

Oh yeah, Pierre? Go fuck yourself, you old french whore. The only reason you haven�t been attacked is because you give them whatever they want. Well, we aren�t gonna be pimped out. Somebody seems to have forgotten who �Bad, Bad Leroy Brown� is.

And there you have it folks, not only the �you haven�t found any WMD�s yet� whine. But also the �illegal war� bitch and moan, along with 70�s AM radio.

Posted by AnalogKid at 10:17 AM
Aren't they so brave?

Army Trashed in Milwawaukee

"Early Tuesday morning, windows were broken and paint was thrown at the U.S. Army Recruiting Center located on North Oakland Avenue. Although our motives ought to be self-evident, we act to condemn the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. The U.S. government validates its actions as altruistic; we feel it serves Western interests more than those of the Iraqis. We declare ourselves in solidarity with the Iraqi people, who suffered under the Hussein regime, and will continue to suffer under U.S. occupation. Solidarity."

My (and your) tax dollars are going to have to pay to clean up and rebuild this recriuting station. Who lets their children grow up to be like this? Oh yeah, fucking hippies.

If these bastards actually thought about how many servicemen/women had died so that they could do stupid shit like this and not be shot on sight, maybe they wouldn't do it.

Actually, no. They still would. Spoiled children that they are.

So, I guess if they don't care, and I see someone doing this, I can shoot them on site?

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:43 AM
All they can say is oops....

TV3 apologizes after "Bush Fascist" gaffe

sacasm on/No, the international media isn't full of socialists./sarcasm off

"A New Zealand TV station has apologised after a graphic labelling United States President George W Bush a "professional fascist" flashed up during its prime time news."

You know, this reminds me of something my dad told me in my teenage years. "If you ever hear someone call out 'fascist', 99 times out of 100, they're a communist or a socialist. Because a fascist is the only thing worse then themselves. It doesn't work to call someone a capitalist or a democracy lover. At least not yet."

That was from somewhere between 1985 and 1990. And, just like his quote about "Trust me, you'll wish you were back in high school before you turn 30. If for no other reason than all the free tail", he's turning out to be right. I'm looking into going to college again and the anarcho-communists are calling people 'capitalist' like it is a bad thing.

Probably because they act like fascists.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:17 AM
Time for plan B

Why don't I have a hard time believing this?

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) tell Abbas they won't stop terror attacks.

Maybe because of images like this.

Pic Courtesy of LGF.

The PFLP said after the meeting with Abbas that in principle it is opposed to the road map plan for peace in the Middle East "because it doesn't serve the interests of the Palestinian people." The group said a hudna with Israel was "impossible because there can be no truce with the occupation, which is one form of aggression."

But I guess that purposly shooting 7 year olds and killing women and children on public busses in not a form of aggression. Oh yeah, I forgot, it is retaliation. For what, I don't know. Oh wait, I remember. For tearing down a Jewish settlement and releasing prisoners like they said they would when the Israelis accepted "the Roadmap".

"A hudna (temporary cease-fire) should be the result of a comprehensive national accord and should put an end to all forms of aggression against the Palestinians, including assassinations, arrests, incursions and collective punishment," the statement added, calling also for the immediate release of all Palestinian prisoners.

Yeah, ok. The Israelis did that. And what did it get them? Dead civilians and IDF. I can't see them falling for that again.

Time for plan B.

And just to let y'all know, the headbands on those kids signify that they belong to the Al-Asqua Martyrs Brigades. They are celebrating the taking of the holy oath to die for Allah.

Seen an Jewish kids marching around with guns and professing their wanting to die for their religion?

I didn't think so.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:44 AM
June 19, 2003
Well Now, Ain't That a Kick In The Head!

For both the sake of justice delayed, and my own personal amusement I present this little morsel. You know on top of the fact that their economy is stalled, and tourism is off, I suppose I shouldn't enjoy this.

OK, so I'm a PRICK.



Weren't worried by that last link were you?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:38 PM
Remembering Who Your Friends Are.

"Peace-activists" opinion to the contary, the US had some stanch allies in the war for Iraq. Australia very proudly stood by us when we needed a friend, now it's time to return the favor. With the trouble in the Philipines, and Indonesia being a powder keg, the Aussies's could use a little support.

"Mr Howard said the Federal Government would consider any official requests from the US about basing forces in Australia.

Speaking in Brisbane on radio 4BC, Mr Howard said: "We haven't had any approaches. But clearly, if the Americans came to us with a proposal, of course we would consider it.

"We'd consider it very carefully . . . why wouldn't we? We're very close to them."

To put further icing on the cake, there's this little aside.

"A decision to base American troops here would further strain relationships with Australia's Asian neighbours, particularly in light of Mr Howard's previous suggestion of pre-emptive strikes on terrorist plotters.

An Indonesian presidential candidate warned last week that any US bases in Australia would lead to a "severe reaction" in the world's biggest Muslim nation. "

It scares the Muslims in Indonesia? Fan-fucking-tastic, these guys have gotten close to a free ride since Bali, because they know Australia doesn't have enough trained forces ready to seriously threaten them,.......yet. Now they can feel the fire, now they can see that acting belligerent and making threats may become expensive, very expensive.

They refuse reforms, deny that terrorists operate from Indonesia, and snort with contempt that maybe the rest of the Pacific might not want to become Muslim. Bali isn't Muslim, they are Hindu, they bring in the money, yet get treated like dirt by the Muslim majority. Perhaps if they desired to split off? Well, the Indonesians had better learn to play nice in a Hell of a hurry. Because whatever the Australians choose to do, we will not tolerate a direct threat to them.

We take care of our friends......and remember our enemies.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:06 PM
An Old Sin Revisited

The charge of anti-semetism is a thing not to be used lightly. It brings back all the symbols and images burned into our memories by the Holocaust. Mankind should have learned better by now, you would think. I found this piece in the Scotsman.

"This was not a one-off attack. It was part of a series which has sent the number of such incidents in London soaring by 75 per cent during the first three months of this year alone. Even now, few are willing to name this poison. Anti-Semitism is back. "

We sometimes see a tiny mention here or there in the world press about it's return, but not it's scope.

"But the headway made by anti-Zionism has created space where anti-Semitism has crept in. When "Jews" become interchangeable for the Israeli government, the line of racism has been crossed."

Deny it, scream about it, wail over repression, or censorship, it doesn't change what the so called peace movement has both become, and embraced.

"When politicians start playing name-the-Jew, anti-Semitism will not be far behind. When anti-Americans and anti-capitalists loosely include certain Jews in their demonology, by dint of their religion, this will rub off on protesters - who have never looked too closely at the facts. "

Read the article, and see if it doesn't ring true.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:00 PM
More ISM Nonsense

Most of it is the same old nonsense from Shapiro, the founder of ISM. You know, boycott Israel, yada yada yada, boycott the US, blowme blowme blowme, etc. But the last sentence caught my eye:

He said 1,000 activists from around the world would join the International Solidarity Movement next month to knock down a partly completed wall which the Israelis were building around the West Bank to annex land and water and further isolate and imprison the Palestinian population.

For some reason, the image of a turkey shoot just won't leave my mind..........

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:24 PM
More heroic assassinations by the darlings of the left

This time ambushing an ambulance.

Let's see - Saddam hides militia and bombs in Red Crescent Ambulances.

Saddam Loyalists attack and kill medics in a military ambulance.

Conclusion: America is the great satan. Yep, makes perfect sense to me.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:39 PM
Is this a typical practice in the US...

Or censorship by France?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:45 PM
Exceptions to every rule

I have noticed these rules before, but I have never had them spelled out so simply. I thought that Reuters had explained it when, after Sept 11th, they said they would not be calling al Queda members 'terrorists'. They used the old bullshit line of "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"

But Jeffrey Dunetz spells the rules out perfectly in a piece called "Except When You're Targeting Jews"

#1. Targeted killings of terrorists are okay, except when the terrorist is killing Jews.

#2. Civilian deaths are to be avoided, but cannot be criticized when the enemy is using civilians as human shields... except when you are targeting someone who is killing Jews.

#3. Do not hesitate to call terrorists "terrorists" -- except when they're targeting Jews.

#4. Weed out and fight terrorism wherever you may find it... except if the terrorists are targeting Jews.

It seems so simple now.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:09 AM
A pretty face and two warm


Ladies, have you been thinking learning to shoot, either for sport or defense, but are wondering who to talk to?

Gentlemen, tired of going shooting by yourself and wanting to find a way to get the wife/fiancee/girlfriend interested? Or do you worry about her needing to learn to shoot?

Well folks, I point to "The Liberty Belles"

No folks, she is not a little gal, that is a 50cal rifle.
(Eat your hearts out guys!)

Head on over to their place. They have up to date bulletins, news, views and facts. The "Hall of Fame/ Hall of Shame" sections are top shelf and on point. Make sure to check their "Events" section for happenings in your area.

Oh. And just a quit quote from their front page:
"Women must not depend upon the protection of men, but must be taught to protect herself" - Susan B Anthony, July 1871.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:05 AM
Earned her punishment

It seems that the International Solidarity Movement's founder, Huwaida Arraf, done went and got herself arrested. She joins her friends from the ISM who have been detained for trying to enter the "palestinian" settlements in order to support the terrorists. The ignoramuses who hang on every word from the terror supporting group are asking all of their 'people' to call the Israeli Ministry of the Interior, the US State Department and their reps in Congress to demand her release. The least I think we can do is call those same people and ask nicely that they lose the key to her cell.

"Huwaida began negotiating with soldiers to secure the release of 2 Palestinian men who had been detained in the sun with their hands tied behind their backs for over 3 hours. One of the men has a bad back and was detained while trying to cross the checkpoint on his way to an appointment with a physician. While Huwaida was negotiating with the soldiers a 3rd Palestinian man trying to cross the checkpoint was threatened by soldiers who held a gun to his head. Huwaida tried to negotiate with the soldiers over the treatment of the Palestinian man and was arrested. She was interrogated at Huwara Military Base and later taken to Ariel Police station where she was placed under arrest."

Oh no, the IDF doing their job! You know, checking to make sure no one who has a vest made of nails & C-4 gets through. Oh, the horror.

More like, 'Oh the propaganda'. How much you want to bet she made physical contact with at least one of the soldiers and the started in with verbal abuse? I've got $20 that says she did. They knew who she was and the hell that would fall upon them if anything 'untold' happened to her. Whatever she did (that wasn't mentioned) was most likely taken farther than even you or I American white boys could get away with.

If Arraf actually cared about the 'plight' of the 'palestinian' people she would help the IDF hunt down the persons they are looking for. Then, the terror would stop and the checkpoints would go away. But noooooo, she just demands things. Like freedom of movement in the midst of terrorism and free land that has been developed by the Israelis. Arraf is probably sorry they didn't martyr her. St. Rachel is still getting lots of press.

Speaking of "The Corriegated One', head on over to the ISM site and click on the "Lobby for Rachel" line. It will take you to a list of people to contact to get the US involved in an investigation of the Corrie squishing. A large number of these folks are also on the other list. So let's kill two birds with one stone here.

Even if we did go over and investigate this, once we came to obvious conclusion (that she was not smart enough to realize that diving under a bulldozer was fatal), they will only accuse the US of covering up the 'murder' of it's own citizen to help 'the jews'. So why bother.

Unless, in the process, the ISM morlocks all have conniptions and keel over.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:20 AM
If you listen reeeaaaalll close,

You can hear the moonbats go 'cooo cooo' (or is it coo coo ka choo?).

Remember when I wrote about GWB falling off the Segway? Did you know that it was all a plot by 'Big Oil'?

From USA Today,
"President's Segway tumble seems a tiny bit suspicious"

That's right folks, Bush fell of his scooter on purpose in an attempt to make folks not want them and to stay dependant on oil.

"But maybe Bush wanted to fall. Maybe he understands in a way few do that society is on the verge of a debate that could mold the future of transportation, much like the debate 100 years ago when cars first suggested that horses weren't the only way to travel."

"And if the future veers toward little two-wheeled electric-powered personal transporters, where does that leave ExxonMobil and Halliburton and the rest of the oil industry President Bush adores? Probably in the same sad league as the old Pennsylvania coal-mining companies, with Houston as the next Wilkes-Barre."

At first I thought he might be messing with my head. Then I read this,

"The conspiracy theory is bolstered by this: It's nearly impossible to fall off a Segway. Seventy-nine-year-old George H.W. Bush didn't fall off the one he got from his sons for Father's Day. Barbara Bush also got one, and she didn't fall off hers. Bush saw them through the Oval Office window and came outside to watch, recalls Kamen (the Segway's inventor), who has photos to prove it. This doubtlessly is when Bush first saw the potential of falling off one."

I seriously hope that this theory gets really popular. It might just prove to be the last gasp of a dead/dumb as dirt movement.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:23 AM
Far too young

Nothing left to say, they are burying him tomorrow. He arrived home with part of his unit on Monday.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 12:57 AM
June 18, 2003
e-mail suggestion

I had a reader comment that, while the luggage tag was nice, it was too small to make much of an impact(apparently not noticing the 8"x11" dimensions I put upon said object). They recommended a t-shirt for overseas travel.

We can whip one up in the RNS child labor sweatshops, but it seems a bit much to put on a single t-shirt. Maybe the flag needs to go on the back, and the message of love on the front?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:19 PM
Would this be racist

If the people in the ad were white?

I really don't know the answer. I feel a bit uneasy reading the words "Our people. Our Web. Our Way". But I suppose they are just targeting a demographic?

I found this after following a link to Al Sharpton's "exploratory" website. I lived in Manhattan during the Tawana Brawley affair, and you'll never convince me that this man is fit for public office. (Go here to read the Judge's ruling in the defamation case, or here for the Court TV synopsis)

Of course, this article from the "Revolutionary Worker" expressing outrage that Sharpton and the other Brawley "advisors" were ordered to pay damages for defamation shows that some leftists will believe anything, as long as they get to rage against "the man" (or America, don't ya know).

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:37 PM

I saw this from Nukevet, and what can you say? Madness, has the other half of the world just gone insane? Her goals are, maybe were pure, but dear God, did she have to do that?

I understand sacrifice, to be willing to die for someone, for something. This wasn't that, it was self imposed martyrdom, and it sickens me.

Somethings are that important, but there are other ways..... Other means. I see it as a horrible waste, I'm not sure wether it makes me want to scream, or just sit in the dark.

I hope the people she did this for are worthy. Crazy or not, I refuse to let it go by without note. No one should die that way.....

I'm hopeless in that regard. So I hope she recovers, I hope there are no more. She'll never know wether the world noticed what she did probably, but I'll make this tiny gesture anyway. In a sense she succeeded, to evoke reactions like mine and Nukevet's. Maybe it'll be better tomorrow, maybe.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:00 PM
Watch out, whiney GreenPeace Types

FrankenCoffee's gonna get ya!

Do Pro-"letting tens of thousands of Africans die because of unfounded fears about genetrically manipulated foods" activists even drink coffee?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:50 PM
Orrin Hatch

Is such a putz.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:19 PM


Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:51 PM
Like they say, Moose

Don't quit your day job.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:17 PM
France, friend of dictators everywhere

So now France is rounding up "left wing" dissidents - Iranians opposed to the Iranian Theocracy. Sure is great to see France supporting a fledgling democratic movement. Now if AMERICA were rounding up and detaining people, I'm sure the hew and cry would go up loud and clear from the left - but so far nary a peep over France's current attempt to curry favor with the Mullahs of Iran.

And for those of you who scream about Rachel Corrie "dying for what she believed in" - no, she fell in front of a bulldozer and was squashed. I'm betting she would have beat feet out of there if she knew what was about to happen.

This Iranian exile, however, is willing to die for what she believes in:

This photo horrifies me, as I am terrified of burning to death. That someone would do it intentionally creeps me out to no end. Surely the left will support these people as they battle for democracy in their homeland, right?

{we really need a cricket soundtrack here at RNS - ed}


This link takes you to a slideshow of several of the immolations.

WARNING - contains very graphic images.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:09 PM
Can't. Stop. Laughing.


Found via Dr. DNA over at the Voodoo Lounge, who apparently just had kittens.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:54 PM

It came up in a recent comment that the French have beatifull countryside, and excellent food. The implication being we are foolishly denying ourselves something special. Yawn, yeah, yeah, sure sure.

We've got somethimg special of our own. Everybody in the US has a place here that they love to go see. This is what I love about living here. One of the reasons anyway.

As far as food, the Euro's come here a lot for that. Because goat and geese are not what we eat here, we aim a little higher on the food chain. Mike the Marine is quite right about our eating habits.

Besides do you really want someone who's national dish is THIS, making suggestions on cuisine? They eat kidney's, do they even know we use them for cat food?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:30 PM
Leftist, you got some 'splainin to do

Tell us again who murdered all those Iraqi Children?

This article also deals with the "killing civilians in an Iraqi market" hysteria. Sure, you remember it, all of the barking moonbats carrying on about the piece of US missile found in an Iraqi market, and the ridicule of the official explanantion that a US missile locked onto a radar source. Turns out that it wasn't so ridiculous after all:

CNN has now admitted censoring reports of Saddam's brutality that could get its Baghdad correspondents into trouble, and the ABC's Mark Willacy conceded he faced a dilemma: "Do you fully report what you're seeing and what you're hearing or do you hold back in case you get deported?"

The answer for the diplomatic correspondent of Britain's Channel 4 News was to hold back.

"There was one occasion when we did censor ourselves," Lindsey Hilsum admitted last week.

She'd decided not to report that the US was right -- that she'd seen for herself on the night of the deadly explosion in a Baghdad market that Iraq was indeed hiding missile launchers in residential areas.

"If I'd said that, I think we would have been thrown out the next day," she said.

So, the US killed civilians because the Iraqi leadership hid missiles in a marketplace. Isrealis have killed civilians because the Palestinian leadership uses its own people to protect terrorists. But the left is somehow able to raise both Saddam and the PA to victim status.

I have said it before and I will say it again - the Palestinian people have been sold out by their leadership.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:38 PM
Just in time for the summer vacation season

RNS is proud to release their "bellicose" line of travel accessories. Although the collection is currently small, we hope it will grow with time.

For those of you driving your family in a gas-guzzling, air-conditioned SUV, dress up your ride with one of these high quality bumper stickers. Endorsed by Triple-A (Americans Against Asininity), receive 15% off your next gas purchase every time you actually follow the sticker's advice!

For those of you vacationing abroad, we offer this lovely luggage tag. Don't be like those weenie Canadians, wearing a tiny Canadian flag on their lapel so as "not to be mistaken for an American"; proudly proclaim your citizenship with this 8"x11", high quality travel accessory. Also available in Kevlar.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:36 PM
I've got tickets to the football match

But they call it stress.

Yet another reason never to go to the UK or especially start a business there.

It is called the 'Heath & Safety Executive Stress Code".

"Employers will have to protect their staff from stress - or risk legal action, a watchdog has warned. The Health and Safety Executive has launched a six-point code which firms must abide by. They must support their employees and ensure they do not feel overly pressured in their roles. Companies will be assessed to see if they have reduced stress to manageable levels. If fewer than 65 to 85% of all staff (employees) feel each standard has been met, the company will fail its assessment."

Small Business. Another casualty of the socialist "nanny" state. When your government runs your health care system, they don't want you stressed out. Heart attacks and strokes, don't you know. Even if the "stress" means you got a hot date or have tickets to a sporting event.

Head on over to Samizdata to read the rest of this killer of human initiative.

Posted by AnalogKid at 11:25 AM
For Dr. DNA

From the link you left in the comments yesterday, I thought you might like this.

Never let it be said I won't take the opportunity to post pics of Toyotas.

If you want to see the full race version, click here.

I may or may not know who owns this car.

Or who was driving this car.

Posted by AnalogKid at 10:40 AM
He's gonna be swinging, baby

What is the death penalty for treason in the UK?

I hope it is death by hanging. For this guy seemed to like swinging with the wrong folks.

Some of y'all might have heard about the suspension of British Labour MP, George Galloway. You know, the UK government official who took ill-gotten oil money from Saddam Hussein and talked nice about him. Well, he and the UK newspaper, The Telegraph, haven't been talking nice and he threatend to bring said newpaper "down in flames" after they said that they found documents that alleged he met an Iraqi intel officer.

He gave the usual answer of 'I don't have those documents at my disposal at this time, and I will not commit to saying whether or not I was there', damge control, lie through the teeth, etc.

But as of today, here's the headline:

"I was in Iraq on day alleged in memos, admits Galloway"

He still won't admit to meeting the Iraqi Intel Officer to discuss 'continuous financial support'. But I guess that the nearly $500,000 (375,000 British Pounds) just kind of appeared 'Harry Potter style' in his bank account.

I'm hoping that we can call this guy who traded his moral silence for money gained illegally through oil sales to France, Germany and (add your least favorite european country who was against the war in Iraq here) a swinger soon.

Exile is just too good for him. Unless we exiled him to a Shia neighborhood in Iraq.

UPDATE: Check you local Indymedia site for this gem.

Proving what good little lefties they are, the IMC'ers have started a movement to 'Un-Suspend Galloway".

What a bunch of non-thinkers. Yet some of them have the gall to say that they didn't support the Hussein Regime in their protesting the war.

Galloway supported the Hussein Regime, and they know this. And they support Galloway. 1+1=wake the fuck up, stupid.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:19 AM
She looked so threatening

Being Jewish and all.

"A 7 year old girl was killed and her sister and grandfather were wounded in a shooting attack shortly before midnight Tuesday."

"The 7 year old was critically wounded in the attack, but died despite efforts by Magen David Adom rescue workers to revive her. The second girl, aged 5 was seriously wounded and the grandfather was lightly hurt"

Geez, the three of them must have scared the pants off the "palestinians".

When the IDF accidentally kills a person under the age of 18, all you hear is "MURDERERS". Even when it was because some piece of shit terrorist was surrounding himself with women and children or has to shoot at a teenager who was shooting/throwing Molitov Cocktails at IDF troops.

But when a small band of these cocksuckers purposely targets a vehicle with 2 small children and an old man in it is always "they are fighting to be free from oppression".

Release the chains Mr. Bush.

Found at LGF.

I have changed my theory on how to solve the "palestinian problem". It is a little tougher than before. But then again, I'm tired of seeing these headlines. And hell, if the IDF will have me, I'd even sign on for it.

Stop giving Israel money. They do not need that pittance anyway. That way we will not be able to hold them back after the next bombing. When it happens, and it will, Israel will give a 72 hour warning to clear out. It doesn't matter where they go, just as long as they go. Those who leave will be allowed back after another 72 hours. After the first 72 hours is up, the IDF goes to town and acts like a pissed off pit bull in a daycare.

All who remian will die. Men, women, children, pets.

All who really wanted peace would have left. Anyone who stays must be a terrorist/terrorist supporter, for they stayed because they wanted to make Allah proud. Arafat would stay. So would the Al Asqua Martyrs Brigades. So would Hamas and so would any other fool dumb enough to think that they deserved land stolen from Israel.

Rinse and repeat after the next terrorist bombing.

Think this is tough, you should go through history and see what the "palestinians" muslim bretherin has done to them. They didn't even give them 72 hours of warning. And it wasn't even good land. It was just sand they wanted.

That is why todays "palestinians" want this land. Because the Jews have it.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:49 AM
Just 15 Minutes

Head on over to Just 15 Minutes.org and take a look at this petition. If you agree, then sign it.

"The U.S. House of Representatives routinely spends 15 minutes re-naming post offices, so it should spend 15 minutes to answer the question: Should the United States continue to support the United Nations?"

"Considering the abysmal performance of the United Nations in all aspects of the Iraq crisis and war, I believe now is the time to revisit this critical issue. More than ever, now is the time for the United States to get out of the United Nations. More Americans every day are questioning America's involvement in and support for the United Nations."

"Please schedule a 15-minute vote on H.R. 1146. Thank you."

H.R. 1146 is the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. Go here for the complete text of H.R. 1146.

Found at Right Thinking on the Left Coast.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:12 AM
From an old friend

I sometimes cruise by and peek at Occam's Toothbrush, just to see what Moe has found of interest. The article covers the arguement of wether we are or are not an Empire in the classic sense. There's a lot here, and you'd better make sure you have some time, cause the article is pretty long. But if you'll forgive me, I think it's worth reading.

This is the process, unconscious or deliberate, whereby a stronger power pulls a weaker one into its economic and cultural orbit. It is, but need not be, associated with the other more direct form of empire. As such, it is as old as humanity. Indeed, globalization is pre-human. Among flowers and trees, invertebrates and mammals, a continuous process of colonization takes place as successful species move into fresh territory, alongside existing organisms, which disappear if too weak to coexist. Homo sapiens, at the top of the evolutionary tree, was a globalizer ab initio, spreading into all the habitable portions of the earth�s surface. The more successful human communities spread their culture and their products�the two were usually inseparable and always remain close�from prehistoric times.

Strong stuff, but I think his points become clearer near the end.

"Traditionally, successful imperialism has reflected high birth-rates and the ability to export large surplus populations. The climax of European imperialism in the nineteenth century coincided with the European population explosion. America has never exported people overseas. On the contrary, its growing power and wealth has reflected its ability to attract and absorb them. That continues. American now accepts more immigrants than the rest of the world put together. The amazing ability of groups like the Cubans, the Hong Kong Chinese, the Vietnamese, and other new arrivals to strike roots and create wealth is a key part of America�s continuing success story. But America also has a high birth rate. Its population is now coming up to the 300 million mark. By 2050 it will be over 400 million."

I won't waste to much space excerpting any more, as I said it's long. As I understand it I believe he's making a natural order, survival of the fittest arguement. That we are an Empire in fact and scale, even if we fail some of the classic tests of empire. He thinks it's a good thing. I'm not certain he's wrong either. The word empire is tough to get around, I'm not comfortable with it. But damn if he doesn't make a good arguement. He admits we are something new, so maybe we need a new word. In any event we are what we are, and we're getting stronger.

"One thing is clear: America is unlikely to cease to be an empire in the fundamental sense. It will not share its sovereignty with anyone. It will continue to promote international efforts of proven worth, like GATT, and to support military alliances like NATO where appropriate. But it will not allow the UN or any other organization to infringe on its natural right to defend itself as it sees fit. The new globalization of security will proceed with the UN if possible, without it if necessary."

If he's right, and current trends continue, the world ain't seen nothing yet.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:47 AM
NO!..........Say it ain't so

It is without a doubt just the opinion of one, but I couldn't pass this up.

"Scottish politics 'nasty and vicious' "

Sounds familiar doesn't it?

Damn the coffee tastes good right now.................

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:26 AM
BBC: World Opinion of America is Not Good

Millions of Americans try to find another American who gives a shit.

I want to comment on the show on the BBC before I start working my way around the blogosphere and get my opinion convoluted or watered down.

First something funny. One of the panelists on the show was Bianca Jaggar. Do you know what she is famous for? Being married to Mick Jaggar. How that qualifies her to be an expert on foreign policy is beyond me. I just thought that was cute.

Anyway, the part of said show that stuck out in my mind was where they bashed the US for having a budget, that in 2004, will spend more on defense alone than the entire world combined. Yes, the enitre world.

They said this like it was a bad thing. They seemed to have forgotten that our defense budget (aka American Tax Dollars) is going to dimantle nuclear missles in the former Soviet Union. We are also clearing land mines in the Baltic States.

But their largest transgression is that our large defense budget means that Canada does not have to spend money on defense. Niether does Japan. Nor Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Mexico, any country in either of the Central or South Americas, Europe, or just about any non-hostile country in the world.

This leaves all of the money they would have had to spend on militaria in the world's general purpose fund bucket for them to spend on their socialized medicine programs or whatever they feel will make their citizens more dependant on the respective governments and not go to America.

Not once after this was mentioned did I hear a thank you from any of the panelists, nor did I see anything on the little Instant Message scroll at the bottom of the screen.

So, to the entire world. Since you expect the US to be the worlds Police Officer, Trashman, and Janitor. Since your precious UN sits on its hands while children are being murdered and eaten in the Congo(they would rather push through a legislation that would ban smoking tobacco than lend a hand). And since we will probably soon be asked to go help there. All the while being scowled at and told that the only reason we are going is to expand our Empire. I just want to say....

You're Welcome.

Actually, I wanted to say "Fuck you very much, now piss off".

But I'm not in charge.

PS - They also forgot to mention that the GDP of California (easily, the worst run state in the country), is still more than that of say, hmmmm fucking all of China. The rest of the world needs to sit down and shut the fuck up. If they don't want to get in the boat to the land of success, they need to get the fuck out of the way and leave us the hell alone. While they're still in the information age we'll be able to teleport to the fucking moon.

Oh yeah, by the way, who else's flag is on that rock? Yeah the Euros may have a probe going to Mars, but we have 2. And we've already been there. Japan's Mars probe is taking a shit in cold depths of space, and the Chinese are rethinking their trip to the moon.

While a number of the countires of the world are just OK, most of them are barely good enough to shine our boots. Yes, I like my jackboots nice and shiny. That way, when I'm planting mine in your asses, I can still see the shine of my smile. (yes, that is a euro bad teeth joke)

Posted by AnalogKid at 01:26 AM
June 17, 2003
The French

Mean Mr. Mustard has this comment up on something he got from Den Beste. The original piece Mr. Mustard is working from is here.

Clearly I can't hope to compete with these gentlemen, but I can't resist reaching for an oar. This is the bit that really annoyed me,

"At Citadine's Hotel, a familiar place on the American tourist path in Paris, manager Francois Montbellet has embraced the "Bonjour Campaign" and signed a contract promising to be more welcoming to tourists. A clerk at the reception desk welcomes a pair of arriving American backpackers with a clearly forced smile, but a smile nevertheless."

Just keep it Frenchy, it's far too late for that. Nobody wants to travel to a place where you feel you are just being tolerated. Where they treat you like an unwanted relative. I agree with Mr. Mustard, fuck em.

"Margot-Duclot had some advice for Americans. "There's a very simple thing you need to know. First, ask a French person if he speaks English before speaking to him in English. That's something a French person really doesn't like."

I'll try and remember that, like the next time I have a foreign national walk up to me and start asking something in their native tongue. I've been addressed in German, Russian, Chinese and Spanish. Not one walked up and said do you speak _______. They're nice people, friendly and we usually get to what they need. We get a few tourists and immigrants in central Ohio, enough to tell me that what he's asking is pure horseshit, and purely French. Piss on their feelings, they've made a national fetish of being arrogrant pricks, they can deal with it. The way he intends to get tourists back is to tell us how to appease their pride?.................Arrrrrrggggghhhhh....

Leave to the French to be shitheads even when they try and be a tiny bit humbler. Just foget it, try courting the Saudi's, pricks should hang with each other.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 10:12 PM
The Analog Kid must have alot of UK readers

Since we Americans get accused of being so provincial and ignorant of world affairs, I went looking for a Belgian view. Can't beat um up properly without intell. Among their headlines I found this.

"As the Government continues to fend off calls for a referendum on ditching the pound, the latest poll reveals that 63% of the public is now against adopting the single currency � up from 61% six months ago.

Support for the euro has fallen to less than a quarter � 24% from 28% � and support for European Union membership itself has fallen to just 30%."

I suspected all along that the people of the UK had more sense than our resident troll gave evidence to.

"Despite that, Britons continue to have little trust in the institutions which run the EU: the highest rating was a 34% trust level in the European Parliament, while only 32% trust the European Court of Justice, which rules on disputes over EU law.

Even fewer � 29% � trust the Commission, the EU�s civil service, and only 18% trust national government ministers to determine EU policy."

Emphasis mine, but the masses of UK citizenry just aching to join a united Europe seem a little scant on the ground.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:12 PM
What an Ass

I found this story over at LT Smash, after following a link from the Pirate King (aaaarrrrrgh, pirates)

It makes you wonder whatever happened to common decency and humanity.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:02 PM
learning, and Remembering

I've been busy learning how to convert bitmap to jpeg. I remember being told that bitmaps use more memory, and jpegs are better for posting. Don't wanna eat up too much bandwidth, that wouldn't be polite. So I'll only post smaller image files from now on. Course I'm still a novice, so if I'm wrong someone correct me.

I found the Official Air Force site, I've seen it before from various sources but today I got there from Google. As I said before the Air Force does know how to operate on the ground. Until 47 we were part of the Army.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 05:38 PM
You Might Have Fun With This

You know how police sketchs look? Ever wonder what someone would look like if you could play with it?

Take a peek at this site, Flashface. It's on a Russian server so I was surprised to find it. It's also in a flash format so I don't think you can save it to your hard drive. You can print it, you can also save it on site, and anyone can access it. You can't forward it by e-mail, he's blunt about that. You can also alter any face you find there, but you have to save it under a different title, overwriting is not allowed.

Go there, on the upper right controls, click on load face. Then click on puggs3. and you'll see an image that I humbly suggest is about 90% accurate. I do look a bit older than that though.

A background in art is helpful, but anyone can use it.

Have fun.


puggs5 is a little closer.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:48 PM
In response to the e-mail question

"So, what the f#ck is a Nukevet, anyways?", all I can offer is this

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 01:07 PM
Be nice, I'm expecting company

I have invited the folks from the Seattle IMC over for a round or two.

Yesterday, I pointed out a conversation I was having with them about an SUV tax-rebate in the clubhouse of hate that is Seattle IMC. Well, they decided I was an asshole and laid it on thick:

Written by someone calling himself 'E' - "It takes about the same amount of intelligence to use weapons to kill a would-be SUV destroyer as it does to want to even own an SUV in the first place. You poor brainwashed fool. I bet you're the one that I see every day unable to park. You are an obscene road hog. I HATE YOU AND OTHERS THAT SHARE YOUR MENTALITY--you make the streets unsafe for the real Americans like me that ride bikes. If you see yourself getting the finger, YOU DESERVE IT!"


Written by someone calling themself 'Mos Def' - "Analog-kid would only show up armed with an oversized cannon that would kill not only himself but a score of innocent civilians, as well. But let's find out- where do you park your piece of shit SUV analog? What a maroon...You days are numbered..."

Double Muwwaahhhahahahaha!

So I layered it on even thicker:

"Allrighty E, I would just as soon use my hands to stop an eco-weenie trying to damage my vehicle. I just didn't think you all wanted to get that personal. And about parking, my vehicle weighs 6000+ lbs. I can run over any bicycle, motor cycle, or civic that is in the spot my vehicle needs. So, just about anywhere I want.

And go ahead and give me the finger. Just don't expect to get past. Doors fly open all on their own you know. And real Americans don't ride bikes. Go ask anyone outside of the country how folks in the US get around. They'll tell you, "in big cars". Piss off and quit telling me what to drive."

"Mos Dum, just what do you consider an "oversized hand cannon"? I only believe in a center of mass, one shot one kill, pistol. I have survived an attempted mugging and an attempted carjarcking, no dead civilians. So go piss up a rope. Training pays off."

"And if you want to know where I park my truck? If you pulled out your head and deciphered my web address from my email, you could go there and see. But since I know you're not that smart, I'll just tell you. Right in front of my 8mpg prostreet car, and right on top of your weeinie mobile. Get a life. Stay out of mine."

So if they show up while I'm sleeping today, be nice. They are emotionally under-developed mental midgets, and a little sensitive about it. Try not to hurt them. But be careful, they bruise easily.

Yeah, I know my response was a little sporadic, but I had to cut and paste my responses since you can't see what you are responding to. Oh well.

Posted by AnalogKid at 10:12 AM
Follow up

Just as the good doctor posted about the "Equal response law" from EUnich land, so did Ms. Rachel Lucas. And you should go and read what she wrote.

I myself wondered if the EU folks would have jusridiction on blodgs who are hosted here in the US. As I seriously doubted that would be so, I decided that it would be a good idea to start a hosting service that catered to the more freedom loving Euros.

But I don't have that kind of $$$ so, if you make a fortune doing this I will only ask for 5% for the creative inspiration.

But back to Ms. Rachel. She has a very appropriate quote that todays European citizens will be hearing in 15 years, when they are European Union subjects.

"I worry about my child and the Internet all the time, even though she's too young to have logged on yet. Here's what I worry about. I worry that 10 or 15 years from now, she will come to me and say 'Daddy, where were you when they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?'" --Mike Godwin, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Things to think about.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:34 AM
Maybe we need a few documentaries

About how the world feels about France, North Korea and Russia.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:24 AM
Her debut

I have tallied the votes, figured the averages, and then set it on fire. I had the voodoo priestess urinate on it as she cut the heads off of 3 chickens.

And the answer seems to be:

Have fun folks.

As an aside, I look like this . At least according to the wife. Sorry Michele.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:18 AM
Metallica's Ulrich mad at US military

Probably because they didn't make the Iraqi's pay before using Metallica songs as Psyops.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:16 AM
A St. Rachel Memorial

Outside Nancy Pelosi's office.

Ok, it was actually a protest by the San Francisco IMC crowd outside Pelosi's office. But take a looksee.

"Stop U. S. support of apartheid Israel now! We must carry on Rachel Corrie's mission and honor the ultimate sacrifice that she made for the noble cause of justice and freedom for the Palestinian people."

See, it was just a memorial. The kicker was this line though.

"We believe Israel's racist government must be dismantled and transformed into a true secular democracy with equal rights for all in a one-state solution of Palestine-Israel, with equal rights for all regardless of religion, ethnicity, race or sex, including for all the Palestinian refugees who must be allowed their right to return to their ancestral homeland of Palestine-Israel, as it is their right according to UN Resolutions, International Law and world opinion. We believe there must be no double standards for Israel and Zionists."

Nevermind that the 'Ancestral Homeland' also belongs to Jewish folks and that the current version of "the palestinians" refuse to let the Jews anywhere near said territory.

The Arafat "River to the Sea" line was apparently forgotten by these folks.

Found at the newly redesigned Blogs of War.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:54 AM
Planned Parentstate

I found an excellent essay by Neal Boortz entitled, "The Democrat's (Secret) Plan for America", over at Ravenwood.

The talking points are as follows:

*Remove a majority of voters from responsibility for income taxes
*Shift Social Security and Medicare Taxes to the "Rich"
*Massive increase in Social Security taxes
*End the home mortgage interest deduction
*Socialized Medicine
*Tax your pension funds
*Tax your pension contributions also
*The Magic of Imputed Income
*Economically Targeted Investments -- controlling your pension fund investments.
*Force employers to pay for �family leave.�
*Seizure of property of those who flee Democratic tyranny
*Government paid childcare for majority of voters
*Government control of all childhood education (indoctrination)
*Government imposed limits on executive income
*Repealing the Second Amendment
*Destroy talk radio

You should go read it now.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:33 AM
Get well soon

Head on over to Right Wing News and tell Mr John Hawkins to get well soon.

John was heading back from the beach yesterday when, about 20 miles outside of Charlotte, he hydroplaned and ended up lowside on the highside.

Being one of the luckiest men on Earth, both he and his half Jack Russell Terrier, Patton, walked away with only minor cuts and abrasions.

He will be recovering today and getting back to blogging on Wednesday. But in the meantime, send him some kind words. He will need the kindness when he has to call his insurance company.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:09 AM
June 16, 2003
Here's a FAQ

That contains all kinds of useful information.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:36 PM
Words from the Master

I really love reading USS Clueless, the analysis I've found there always has the feel of truth. Here is his take on the Rumsfeld article I commented on. He goes deeper with much more detail, and I think it's well worth your time.

I admit his writing on technical matters is way over my head, but I can always find something there to read.

Besides, he smacks the French, I so enjoy smacking the French.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:33 PM
Revisiting a Sensible Voice

I went to Cato the Youngest's to see what he's been up to, ........rest assured he's on the ball. The report he found is telling in several ways,

"Within an hour, the troops were gone, taking four brothers from the Saleh home and two brothers from the nearby home of the Mejwal family.

"There are no weapons of mass destruction here," said Omar Saleh, 40, the elder brother of the four detainees. "This is not liberation, nor democracy nor freedom."

Very nice, old Uncle Sam being mean, however you need the following paragraph to put it in prespective.

Clothes and sheets were scattered on the floor, drawers were opened and their contents were strewn, and a splintered wooden cupboard bore the imprint of a boot. But a framed picture of Saddam was left undisturbed on the wall.

In a country where every public image of that Bastard is being defaced, where his followers are in fear of their lives from grieving families, in this village Saddam is remembered fondly. I think they had the right address. Why the weeping and wailing, the prisoners are not going to be shot, flailed, disemboweled, hung, burned, shredded or strangled, as was the previous local norm when Saddam still ran things. Wanna bet they are back home with a warning in a week? Further reason to doubt their innocence,

"U.S. commanders said the houses were identified by a prisoner who was captured Saturday after he and two other men fired RPGs at an American patrol. Two of the houses belonged to the two men."

Uh huh,...... no WMD's here, just thugs and RPG's. Why am I so unmoved by the opinions of these people?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 05:53 PM
It just gets funnier.

Another item from the bizzaro site Surfing the Apocalypse, finally Barney's true purpose is revealed. Quake in fear you Saddamites, justice is coming, and it's purple!

Do ya think the Indykids will hate this? Oh I hope, I hope, I hope..............

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:35 PM
This is Bad?

While checking out this site, I found this little bit of fun.

"Now the US wants control of space
By Julian Coman in Washington
(Filed: 08/06/2003)

The United States is planning to take control of parts of space and develop patrolling military aircraft in orbit as part of a revived Star Wars proposal for an American military empire above the ozone layer."

I don't doubt that some find it disturbing, but I like it. There will be no leapfrogging over us into space, no Sputnik in this century.

The EU, Japan and China will just have to live with the idea that like the seas and skies, we will own space. It's inevitable.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:15 PM
Get your own Friggen Domain

Samizdata points to the latest attack on Freedom of Expression to vomit forth from the EU.
The all-but-final proposal draft says that Internet news organizations, individual Web sites, moderated mailing lists and even Web logs (or "blogs"), must offer a "right of reply" to those who have been criticized by a person or organization.

With clinical precision, the council's bureaucracy had decided exactly what would be required. Some excerpts from its proposal:

"The reply should be made publicly available in a prominent place for a period of time (that) is at least equal to the period of time during which the contested information was publicly available, but, in any case, no less than for 24 hours."

Hyperlinking to a reply is acceptable. "It may be considered sufficient to publish (the reply) or make available a link to it" from the spot of the original mention.

"So long as the contested information is available online, the reply should be attached to it, for example through a clearly visible link."

Long replies are fine. "There should be flexibility regarding the length of the reply, since there are (fewer) capacity limits for content than (there are) in off-line media."

It's pretty zany to imagine that just about every form of online publishing, from full-time news organizations to occasional bloggers to moderated chat rooms, would be covered. But it's no accident. A January 2003 draft envisioned regulating only "professional on-line media." Two months later, a March 2003 draft dropped the word "professional" and intentionally covered all "online media" of any type.

Now, I'm certainly used to individuals using my bandwidth to try and forward their looney agendas. But it's pretty easy for me to ban them if they go too far (such as posting a Ted Rall cartoon in my comments, for example). But this is just plain old asininity at its finest.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:19 PM
Neighborhood Fools

A lot closer to home, the Cleveland Indymedia. Which goes to show everybody has got village idiots. I found this piece, look at it and tell me if there isn't a huge disconnect between the text and the pictures. They can't think everybody is that stupid.

I tried to comment, but it erased my comment when submitted and said required fields left empty,.... bullshit. I might believe it except I've seen the keep an idiot occupied for hours card, turn over. Turn it over and it says the same thing. I refuse to be a chimp for them, I'll just back up the hill and shoot from my own high ground.

Hell they can't even get their own propaganda right, and they expect people to listen?

Update, the comment did post after all. Why an error page came up is beyond me, but maybe the author will actually see it.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:04 PM
Borrowing a Page from the Analog Kid

This pissed me off. These inbreds can't even allow for any humanity in our military. Now it's all staged. When they stoop to this level, they can't be far from the bottom of the pit.

Thanks to Analog Kid for the direction in which to roam.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 01:29 PM
The Voodoo Lounge

Notices that civilian populations under attack seem to be asking a certain country for help. Hint: it ain't France.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:20 AM
Organized religion turning down $$$?

This post by AK got me wondering, what would happen if other groups within the church started protesting where the donations came from. Would the order come down from above (er, not ALL the way above, but just from the archdiocese) to refuse the money? I think the gun owners in the congregation should find groups that object to something about each of the donors, and find out if the church would kowtow to a few members with an irrational fear for other things as well.

"Turn down the money from the electronics store - some members of the congregation feel that the fact that most actors on TV are white anglo-saxon males is repressive to women and hateful to non-whites"

"Turn down the money from the appliance store - some members are uncomfortable with the effect dishwashers have on the environment"

"Turn down the money from Home Depot. A member of the congregation (I didn't think you could find more than 1 of these lot - ed) is offended by flush toilets."

"Turn down the money from the car raffle - we can't support raffling a product of a company that makes SUV's."

What a slap in the face - a group of Christians who share an interest in hunting (hence the "Sportsmen" apellation) try to do something nice for their Church, and get told that they're efforts are somehow tainted. Maybe their money would have been accepted if they were the local chapter of NAMBLA rather than a group of Christians who *shudder* like to hunt.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 11:05 AM
And don't forget!

Your opinions and suggestions are still being taken for the "Who's that Girl?" contest from Friday. Make sure to vote either by comment or email. Results will be posted tomorrow.

Hop to it sparky!

And Har, a contest is not hate. It is ridicule.

Learn the difference.

So far, you're either Elvira, Mistress of the Dark or a Moonbat.

If you care to send us a verifiable pic, I can stop the contest.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:07 AM
I'm a polluter

I hate to have to do this but check this out. I got a personal response from an IMC troll.

I posted a comment at the Seattle IMC on a post from some weenie asking for more government regulation on credit card companies. He doesn't think it is fair for them to actually expect college students to pay back the cards. He would rather have the government make a law saying that they can't make the offer to college students in the first place.

Here's my comment: "It is not the government's job do stop businesses from advertising. But apparently you want more "nanny laws".

It is the people's job to practice self control and personal responsibility , when it comes to their credit (among other things).

People blaming their bad credit rating on a company, when it was they're fault they overspent, their fault they didn't pay their bills and their fault that they even signed up in the first place, is a large part of what is wrong in America today. The "it can't be my fault crowd". Grow up.

P.S. the advertising laws against tobacco, alcohol, firearms, and all things sexual are also "nanny laws".

Now see what was written back to me By a guy calling himself "analog-man":

"You really need to be quiet in the future. Your comments are beginning to pollute this website. You do care about the environment-don't you? It is a matter of personal responsibility, analog-kid...

I normally don't get personally addressed messages from the IMC crowd. Especially ones accusing me of caring about the environment. So, I took his reference to "the environment" a little seriously and gave him my response:

"Hey piss-ant man,

What the hell does "the environment" have to do with personal responsibility?

But if you want my opinion, no, I don't really give a rat's ass about the environment. And nothing you, I, or a collective of whole countries is going to be able to ruin or save it.

What you enviro-weenies have forgotten in your self-important "I'm gonna save the world" little mind set is that the planet will take care of itself. It survived for billions of years without us. Making corrections, doing housecleaning, and killing off the things it didn't like. It is a living organism. From the molten core to the ozone layer.

Of course you and your eco-socialist friends know whats best for me and everyone else, huh?

And about my comments "polluting" this site. Quit your whining and get your own site. You can then ban the opinions you don't agree with. Just like the eco-socialists in the EU.

I now see what his "environment" reference meant. And wish I had answered differently. Oh well, maybe he'll stop by (I left my email address, so as not to be a troll). But for some reason, I doubt he will.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:46 AM
I'll take two

And from the Seattle IMC comes this "scathing" report about tax breaks for SUV owners.

"On May 23, Congress approved a four-fold increase to what many refer to as an already egregious "SUV tax loophole." This $100,000 tax break is part of the tax cut package intended to benefit small business owners wishing to purchase equipment for business purposes. Originally, the SUV tax credit was intended to benefit farmers and other businesses using light trucks for work purposes (i.e. contractors, landscapers, etc.). Once the SUV market exploded, and vehicles were becoming increasingly larger, clever accountants began to make use of a little known loophole in the tax code."

Not a tax break for small businesses! For the love of Pete!

"President Bush wanted Congress to increase the tax credit from $25,000 to $75,000, in an effort to jump start the economy. The US House of Representatives obliged, upping the ante to $100,000 until 2005. In all, 38 luxury SUV's will qualify for this tax break, according to the group Taxpayers for Common Sense."

Sounds great. But this is the reason I would support it:

"In my opinion, this is a slap in the face to environmentalists, as we will now see more Hummer H2's rolling off the dealership floors."

You mean all I have to do is have one of these and they will feel like they've been slapped? Well, sign me up Charlie! I'll take two.

If you go into the comments, let me know if you think my response to "eCO-WARRIOR" is threatening. I don't want to scare the poor darling.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:22 AM
Oh no, whatever shall we do?

From the Portland IMC site, I find that the US has been voted out of the Organization of American States.

What you don't know what the OAS is? Well neither did I until I read this.

"In a symbolic rebuke to the Bush administration, the member nations of the Organization of American States (OAS) have for the first time voted to exclude the US from representation on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, considered the most prestigious human rights monitoring body in the Western Hemisphere."

Oh, that OAS.

Why do they hate us? What ever can we do to make them like us? Should we accept more of their citizens up here? You know, the ones who would rather clean toilets here than do just about anything in their home country.

Wait a minute. I'm sensing that there is something else afoot.

'In private, several nations were critical of what they characterized as Powell's excessive and narrow focus on Cuba at the expense of other issues. "There is a readiness among member states to talk about Cuba, but in a balanced way, and not only about human rights," a senior OAS official said. "That is the problem," the official added. The Bush administration, he said, "has a very strong position, so there really is some difficulty in dealing with the issue of Cuba only in relation to human rights."

But that is the only issue the commission is supposed to cover. Please forgive us for staying on topic, you shit monkeys.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:09 AM
The charm of the EU

Imagine, for a moment, this.

Your neighbor tears down his barn. Needing money, he does it in sections so that the debris is reuseable. You buy the debris to use in the repair of your barn. You then get a letter from your local government saying that you are breaking the law and they want you to report to the police station "for an interview to establish your involvement in an "unlicensed waste management operation". This letter is from a local "Special Enforcement Officer". His job is to make sure you are in compliance with all of the new EU rules and regulations that are overtaking your once soveriegn nation.

I imagine most of you would respond in close to the same way that Geoff Bean did when his government did to him.

He sent a letter, "I am in receipt of your pompous and ill-informed letter. How dare you write to me in such terms, as if you were addressing a common criminal. Were I a one-legged homosexual Afghan refugee/terrorist living on the welfare state, you and your ilk would not dare write in such a manner for fear of having all the human rights lawyers in creation round your necks, but as you are speaking to an honest, hard-working and overstressed Englishman, you appear to think you can behave like all too many of the vast and ever-increasing army of totally useless, non-productive, arrogant and bloody-minded officialdom, who are now only too successfully doing more damage to this once great and free nation than was ever achieved by Adolf Hitler."

Couldn't have said it better my self.

But it is not over yet. The "Special Enforcement Officer" is demanding that Geoff submit to the "interview". But Geoff has reminded him that, "since slavery in this country had been abolished, he would expect reimbursement at �150 an hour or part thereof, plus VAT".

Go read the rest at Samizdata. The picture that accompanies the article alone is worth the trip.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:32 AM
Quote of the month

"Everyone thought Hussein had weapons because we knew for sure he had them five years ago and there was no evidence that he had disposed of them. The weapons-hyping charge is nothing more than the Iraqi museum story Part II: A way for opponents of the war -- deeply embarrassed by the mass graves, torture chambers and grotesque palaces discovered after the war -- to change the subject and relieve themselves of the shame of having opposed the liberation of 25 million people."

That is Charles Krauthammer from his Friday, June 15th article, "Hoaxes, Hype and Humiliation". In it he proceeds to rip down the arguments about WMD's and the Iraqi Museum from those who make a living bitching and moaning about Bush to anyone who will listen and believe.

I found this originally at The Ville. Who found it at Blogs of War. Who found it at the Washington Post.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:01 AM
The State of New Jersey supports terrorism

"Rutgers University Hosts ISM-Affiliated Group"

It seems that Rutgers University, a state run university in New Jersey, is going to allow a group called 'New Jersey Solidarity" host the 3rd national conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement in October. New Jersey Solidarity is part of a coalition of groups that make up the International Solidarity Movement (you know, St. Rachel's group).

Here is an excerpt from their site: "we stand for the total liberation of all of historic Palestine..."

Oh really? I wonder if they were this supportive when Gaza and the West Bank were owned by Jordan and Egypt? Oh, that's right! There were no "palestinians" before those countries tried to invade Israel in '68. How silly of me.

Here is what the writer of this article, Ami Isseroff, got in response to her email to NJ Solidarity representative Charlotte Kates asking about their support of suicide bombings.

"We support Palestinians' right to resist occupation and oppression, and do not feel that it is our place as a solidarity movement to dictate tactics of resistance to the Palestinian people. Why is there something particularly horrible about "suicide bombing", except for the extreme dedication conveyed in the resistance fighter's willingness to use his or her own body to fight?"

Poor little murderous bastards.

Found at Emperor Misha's.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:27 AM
Thank Tony Blair

We American's are nothing if not gracious, in our own way.

Well now's the time to be blunt about it. Head on over to Thank You Tony dot com and let him know we appreciate his support of the US during the Iraq War.

At the end of every week, the entires are printed onto paper and mailed to 10 Downing St.

If you think the left is getting a lot of play out of the "Where are the WMD's" tripe over here, you should take a look at what Blair is going through.

Go now. Write.

Found at Right Thinking from the Left Coast.

Posted by AnalogKid at 03:48 AM
Oh, jeez!

This is just dumb.

Unless they want to give the money to me.

"Church shuns gun-raffle donations"

"For the third consecutive year, a Catholic church in Hyattsville will turn down thousands of dollars in donations raised today during a gun raffle. The Catholic Sportsmen's Organization (CSO), which is based in Hyattsville, hopes to raise $6,000 during the raffle and wants to donate the proceeds to St. Jerome's Catholic Church at 5205 43rd Ave. But the Archdiocese of Washington has ordered the church not to accept the money because a few church members are opposed to guns."


I can understand Gulianni's refusal of monies from the arab prince after September 11th, but this is another example of sheer emotional stupidity.

If I ran the Archidocese I would tell these "members who are opposed to guns" to stuff it. And if they beefed, excommunication. Why would you want stupid people in your church?

I understand not wanting to own guns. I can even almost understand not letting your kids play at a friends if the family has guns in the house. But I do not understand being "opposed" to guns. It is just as dumb as being "opposed" to bath tubs. Which, by the way, kill more children and injure more people per year.

Posted by AnalogKid at 03:35 AM
What Do You Think?

For years I was a reader of the print National Review, the magazine of William F. Buckley, the godfather of modern conservatism in America. Once in a while I check in with the online version. Today I found this. Don't let the title put you off, he does indeed have relevant things to say.

"The Afghanistan campaign began on October 5, 2001, less than a month after 9/11. The application of focused military power literally shook the mountains where the Soviet army had come to grief a decade earlier. Soon after, Toby Keith sang about how "soon as we could see clearly through our big black eye, we lit up your world like the Fourth of July." That song was an enormous hit, and should have tipped the world off about America's mood swing. Peter Jennings, of course, was first to misunderstand comprehensively. He ruled that "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" was too angry, tossing Keith out of the ABC July 4th Special. One line in the song promises the terrorists, "you'll be sorry you messed with the US of A, 'cause we'll put a boot in your ass. It's the American way." Jennings received hundreds of boots in the mail. He got off easier than the Taliban, who thought we wouldn't act against them � far less act decisively � for giving bin Laden his base of operation."

In fact you can read the entire peice until the last paragraph and agree with most all of it. His analysis is good, it's his conclusions that are badly flawed. Example,

"If such an attack succeeds, the Democrats have been positioning themselves to benefit from it. All the talk of inadequate funding for homeland security � as if pouring money on Rainbow Tom Ridge will solve anything � is a predicate to their strategy. Bush will be blamed for protecting us inadequately. If the damage is sufficiently severe, and the economy tanks, they may even try to impeach him. If you think they can't do that, think again. "

I believe he's flat wrong for a couple of reasons. One, another 9/11 type of attack will not turn us against him, doubtless that would be the hope of the terrorists as well as a fringe group of Democrats. No, the response as he says would be Hell unleased on earth, with the one man in charge who we KNOW will not shrink from it. The man who broke the Taliban, who crushed Huessein. I give America more credit for sense and loyalty than that. Is that all it takes to make us turn and run to a new leader? Just kill enough of us? I don't think so.

Second, if impeachment were in the wind for a single failure, how did FDR survive Pearl Harbour? Kennedy the Bay of Pigs? I think he's engaging in a little rallying of the troops, a "don't get cocky" speech. Valuable but I believe he went too far over the top. I would argue that we aren't overconfidant nearly so much as we have come to realize just exactly how powerfull we really are. It's true prudence is always a virtue, however you can over do it.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 12:35 AM
June 15, 2003
Attitude Over Size

Jack Russell Terriers,

The most infectious of canine breeds, once one of these little dynamo's enter your life, they own you. Tennis balls are not safe in their presence, commercial chew toys don't stand a chance, save your money. They'll take on an opponent 10 times their size, so you have to be carefull.

Our Josie is Qween of her domain, all other doggies must pay homage. Cats...had better stay home. 14lbs. of raw aggression, God I love that dog. It's said that JRT's make bad dogs with kids, not in our exprience, she's been very tolerant. This isn't her, but it could be her twin. When I can figure out where we left the album and get the scanner hooked back up, I'll put up her picture, till then if you've a mind, here is the ultimate JRT site.


Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:11 PM
If you've never visted the Dissident Frogman

All I can say is, "Why the Hell Not?".

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:55 PM

Happy Fathers Day. It's only really had any meaning for me since April 13 1999. The year I became one. My relationship with my own father was strained, I loved him, respected him, but I didn't like him. Doubtless that I bare much of the blame for that, and his illness only worsened the situation. There is no fixing that now, it's far too late. When he passed away in 89 I was simply numb, undecided as to what to feel. I still don't know. But from that I learned some hard lessons.

That picture says everything about being a father that needs said. Tiny and fragile, so new to life with no fear, no hesitation. The protection and nurturing of that tiny life is entirely in the hands of the two who made it. What I learned is that bringing a paycheck home and paying the bills is not enough. They need more, they need your time, your love, they need to know that you will be there to hold them close when they stumble.

When you hear the word "Daddy" for the first time in a tiny voice the feeling is indescribable. Your heart feels like it swells in your chest and the air is far too thin. The weight of the responsibility suddenly doesn't feel heavy, and you realize that you would walk across fire to protect that voice from harm. That no personal sacrifice is too great to provide what they need. I can't look at my son and say, "sorry baby, daddy can't carry you today, it hurts". You suck it up and do it, because he wouldn't understand anything except that Daddy had rejected him. That's not going to happen. The same when his sister asks. That's some of what I've learned.

I am like my Father, yet not like him. I carry his blood and name, and I acknowledge the debt I owe him. I would not be who I am without him, he was my first hero and I don't have many. My daughter and son also carry his blood, and to complete the circle my son carries the name Charles as his middle name. He never will know his grandfather, but I will tell him. I'll tell him of all the good things I remember, of the fun times. He'll have the freedom to remember his grandfather without the prejudices I carry. I owe my father that much. I hope my children grow to be better than me, to be as good as their mother. I'd be proud if they are like me, prouder still if they follow their mothers path. That's not a bad thing to wish for.

There is no prefection in Fatherhood, you do your best and pray for strength when you need it. But look again at the picture, look at that small hand and I think you'll understand.

The picture came from this site.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 07:58 PM
Time to get Serious

Drudge has this report. It may be the only option left. If the Palestinians are so dsyfunctional they can't control their own, then maybe it's time to do it for them. Israel could use the help, and with US troops in the fight they can pull back and tighten their perimeter.

The Palestinians will have to make a choice, make peace, or be conquered and have it imposed. We'll get it one way or another. The only question is how much the Palestinians want it to cost them.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:45 PM
Don't wait until Christmas

Presenting "The Deck of Hillary"

"The folks who brought us the hugely successful "Deck of Weasels" playing cards are setting their sights next on Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"NewsMax.com, which cashed in on the military's "Most Wanted" deck by selling cards lambasting such appeasement-lovers as Hans Blix, Gerhard Schroeder and Sen. Ted Kennedy has just released "The Deck of Hillary" to coincide with the launch of her tell-nothing tome "Living History."

"The novelty cards, which each features a vintage Hillary quote, are split into four suits. Spades feature remarks by "The REAL Hillary" such as:

* "I mean you've got a conservative and right-winged press presence with really nothing on the other end of the spectrum."

* "People think that because I care so much about public issues, I should run for office myself. I don't want to run for office."

Clubs expose "The Feminist" side of Hill:

* "I have a pretty good antenna for people who are chauvinistic or sexist or patronizing toward women."

* "I suppose I could have stayed at home and baked cookies and had teas."

Mrs. Clinton's role as first lady is revisited with diamonds.

* "I knew nothing about my brother's involvement in these pardons . . . I had no knowledge whatsoever."

* "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president."

Of course, most entertaining are the hearts, which dredge up her greatest sound bytes on the subject of "Bill & Me."

* "What the president has told the nation is the whole truth and nothing but."

* "Who is going to find out? These women are all trash. Nobody's going to believe them."

Order yours first thing Monday. Be the first in you town to have this highly collectable set. You get a free 4 month subscription to News Max.com when you order.

Found at NY Post via Curmudgeonly and Skeptical

And to Mr. Schultz, I believe your 'speriment worked.

Thanks for the link.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:54 AM
Earning his way to his new post

Proof that they just want peace.

"Ahmed Jbarra, the Palestinian prisoner who was released last week after serving 28 years of a life sentence in an Israeli prison for planting a booby-trapped refrigerator at Jerusalem's Kikar Zion in 1975 and murdering 14 people, has been named a special adviser to Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat."

This sick bastard was released by Israel as a goodwill jesture at the beginning of the "Roadmap". Looks like they should have executed this fuck.

"Since his release from prison, Jbarra has become known as the "Palestinian Nelson Mandela," because he was the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner. Both Arafat and Abbas have endorsed Jbarra by giving him a hero's welcome and offering him senior posts in the PA."

This is not just disgusting, it is positive proof to any thinking person that the "palestinians" do not want peace, they just want dead jews.

Also found at LGF.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:41 AM
It's a girl!!

I was wandering around at Little Green Footballs and found this,

"Egyptian woman drowns self after having baby girl: Husband had said he'd kill her if child was daughter"

"An Egyptian woman married to a man with six daughters from previous marriages drowned herself Saturday just hours after giving birth to a girl because she feared her husband's reaction to fathering another daughter."

Of course, since it is at CNN, there is a logical explanation.

"Society in rural Egypt is largely conservative, and many parents often prefer having sons to daughters for cultural and economical reasons. Divorce is also considered a taboo in such areas. Many women would rather their husband take a second wife than be divorced. The husband, 38, had been married three times before. In each case, he divorced his wives after they gave birth to girls."

That makes me feel so much better. So I guess the practice of female circumcision, legalized wife beating, judicial rapes and stonings are ok too. As long as it is all in the name of cultural relativism.

This guys rage at his pecker not working properly has led to his ruining the lives of 3 women, and the death of another. If he were in America, NOW would have his not-functioning-to-his-satisfation nuts on a pole. And if he were from Texas, it would have been GWB's fault.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:09 AM
Oh yeah!

Well neener. Here we go with my favorite anime.

Cowboy Bebop.

With the action, suspense, comedy, drama and just plain old kick assness rivaling anything the bozozs in Harpywood could put out. Along with the best Jazz/Blues soundtrack you could hope for. Oh yeah, and it has the always lovely, Faye Valentine.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:32 AM
June 14, 2003
Anime and Guns

Meet Anna and Uni Puma, career criminals from Shirows New Dominion; Tank Police work. Congratulation Neal, you got me inspired enough to read the help files on image uploading. I just never got around to it before.

Yeah I'm one of those annoying people you can actually perform a task from a manuel.

Babes and guns are the mainstay of a certain strain of anime. I used to be a serious otaku but I've drifted away from it, sold my collection years ago. I do recommend one film though. Wings of Honneamaise. It's epic film making like Disney at it's best, but it ain't Disney. It has serious themes, and it's my among my favorites. For general anime information check this link site.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:30 PM
Who says Gilbert and Sullivan

Doesn't speak to today's audiences?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:17 PM
Cease Fire is Not in Our Dictionary

But apparently "civilian murdering subhuman" is.

If Hamas refuses to negotiate, then they need to be obliterated. Seems like a very simple equation.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:54 PM
Have I mentioned

That I love Anime?

What's not to love?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:15 PM
I'm off

No, not my rocker!

I'll be leaving the house shortly to put in an order for one of these.

I have assembled all the other necessary parts and priced the cost of a new finish. All in all, I will have less than $575 dollars into my new 1911. I have decided to go with a OD green parkerization and black hardware. It will be the ugliest gun I have made, I think. But that is OK. There are only two people I have to impress here. Me on the one end of the gun and the person stupid enough to get stuck on the other.

After I complete this one and make some mods to my truck, I will be building what I am going to call a "Tuxedo Gun". It will be a 1911 done in stainless, nickel and satin nickel.

You know, something I can wear to a wedding.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:48 AM
Get your flags out

It is flag day. Let 'em fly.

Head on over to Kim du Toit's place for some interesting facts and quotes.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:37 AM
Two to the chest and one to the head

That is how, and this is why, you make sure they're dead.

Brendon Fearon is the man who was shot and wounded by homeowner Tony Martin. Fearon, 33, made the conscious decision that his life was worth less than whatever Tony Martin had to steal. Fearon's partner and nephew Fred Barras, 16, did as well. Mr Barras paid for his decision with his life.

Mr. Tony Martin is still in jail for protecting his property while Fearon is out on the street. The court system says that Tony Martin is a danger to burglars.

Have you noticed we are in the UK yet?

So now read this. Frearon is being allowed to sue Tony Martin for "his injuries, which included a leg wound, have affected his ability to enjoy sex and martial arts and that he has suffered post-traumatic stress."

I seriously doubt if Fearon would be suffering these "injuries" if he had not been caught during the commision of a crime.

In America, not only would we have probably killed him (since we go to the range more often), but in most states, if you are commiting a crime and someone dies (victim or accomplice, it does not matter) you go to jail. In my home state, I believe it is a sentence of 20 to life.

The Judge in Nottingham County, Brian Oliver, seems to have forgotten Fearon's 30 criminal convictions and how he was, at the time, contributing to the delinquency of a minor. A delinquency that got the minor killed.

Why doesn't the judge just give Fearon a blowjob. Oh, that's right, he 'can't enjoy sex'.

Found yesterday at a number of places, but I linked there from Emperor Misha's

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:15 AM
Gettin' back at Whitey

Mike S. Adams, a professor at UNC-Wilmington, has decided that he was wrong to be opposed to affirmative action policies at our counrty's institutions of higher learning, and has changed his mind. And his grading policies.

"I have decided to abandon my long-standing opposition to affirmative action after listening to the oral arguments in the recent U.S. Supreme Court case challenging admissions policies at the University of Michigan. While listening to these recorded arguments, I learned that public universities have a "compelling interest in diversity" which supersedes simplistic notions of reverse discrimination. Now, because my views have changed, I am forced to alter my classroom grading policies."

"After I compute final averages, I will then implement the new aspect of the grading process which is modeled after existing affirmative action policies at the university. Specifically, I will be computing a class average which I will then compare to the individual performance of all white males enrolled in my classes. All white males who exceed the class average will have points deducted and added to the final averages of women and minorities."

And after reading his article, I am convinced that this would seem fair. (Just kidding).

"I understand that many of you may consider my new position to be unprincipled. Please understand, however, that the university has long abandoned antiquated principles of "fairness" in favor of identity politics. Also understand that my job as a university professor is to prepare you for the real world. After all, no one promised that life would always be fair."

Only those who support affirmative action would claim that someone had.

Found at Ravenwood

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:04 AM

Speaking of 'Impeachable Offenses", Seattle IMC has a link to a poll that asks you if:

"Lying about the reason for a war is an impeachable offence"

As usual, no punctuation or spelling skills. But we'll forget about that. What I would like to point out is that, surprise, they have a 94.7% YES vote. They are actually taking this poll seriously stating "Now, we know the truth and Americans must take the appropriate action."

Oooo, oww, oh. OK I'm better now. I have to remember to pad the floor.

The poll is at a place called, Official Spin. They call themselves "Europe's #1 News and Wire service" But if you go there, you'll see that it is more like MSNBC on qualuddes. Just off the top of my head I can think of some more accurate by-lines.

"All the News that is fit to Spin. As decided by us."

"America sucks."

And "We are jealous of the Americans, but don't tell anyone."

"Those American Bastards!" was taken and will soon be the new Hans Blix web site.

I can guarantee that if they don't get 100% on this they'll throw a fit about the "stupid Americans who came over and skewed our poll". Why do I say that? Well, because the left likes to think that euros constitute "The World Opinion" and there was this quote "Cast Your Vote. Opinion Counts. It's a European site, but what the hay. It'll be a world opinion."

How unfortunate that "The World Opinion" does count for jack shit inside the US border. And I know that none of them have the big brass ones to try that.

So head on down and put your middle finger up.

UPDATE: The Yes votes are down to 71.1%

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:28 AM

This was a piece of non-news when I first heard about it, but just like the pretztel incident, the lefties have decided that they now have proof that GWB is a moron. All because he fell off a Segway while at his fathers house in Kennabunkport.

They even go so far as to suggest that the spill was worse than was told. They want the whole story now! Damn, these folks need to get a freakin' life. Next, they'll try to say that this is an impeachable offense.

Here's the whole photo spread.

As an aside, Curmudgeonly and Skeptical has proof that Cheney is an ace on his Segway.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:53 AM
June 13, 2003

I'm going to share a little bit of truth today, my wife has two cousins who are veterans, one, named Josh is currently on active duty in the US Army. He's a good man, I've met him. Josh's wife has just lost her brother in Iraq.

June 10:

Army Pfc. Gavin L. Neighbor, 20, of Somerset, Ohio. Died as a result from wounds from a rocket-propelled grenade round fired from a nearby house. Assigned to Company C, 3rd Battalion, 325th Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.

I never met the man, but I did know him. Every man and woman who ever wore the uniform knows what I'm saying. The word is brothers, and in light of the times, sisters as well. He was just a man doing what needed done, we all knew someone like him. We all should feel the loss, of Pfc. Neighor, and all the other fine young people who we have lost. In a world where so many speak but so few act, he and the other fallen stand out as such an incredible beacon.

There is no way to express enough sorrow at their loss, the only thing is to be worthy of the cost they have paid. Their legacy will be written in the lives not lost, in the future of a people, in the heart of their families, in the hope of a better world.

In tribute and sorrow I offer this,

"We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival. "
--Sir Winston Churchill

God be with your family Gavin, sleep well.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:12 PM
Another reason to like Rummy

The Belgians are finding out there is a price for being pompous hypocrits. They want both our money and to appease the lunatic fringe, well then they get a choice, one or the other. Make up your mind fast Hercule, the clocks ticking.

I say hypocrisy because of little things like this,

"Indeed, Belgium has one of the worst records of any colonial power. In his book The Africans, David Lamb describes the late nineteenth century rule of King Leopold II "as tyrannical and corrupt as any African president in the 1980s."12 In fact, genocide was committed during civil wars in Rwanda and Burundi both before and after their independence from Belgium. At the end of the 1950s, an estimated 100,000 people were murdered in Rwanda, and another 200,000 were killed in Burundi in 1972. Furthermore, accusations have recently re-emerged in the media that there was Belgian involvement in the 1961 execution of former Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. Considering Belgium's interference in its former colonies, there may be other skeletons in its closet as well. "

Bad enough to be a camp follower of the French, worse to be found out in their old habits.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 07:42 PM
The blood of Israeli's is just as red

To any who love to cite the plight of Palestinians as justification for terror a little prospective.

"Between September 29, 2000 and June 1, 2003, Magen David Adom treated a total of 5456 casualties as follows:
688 killed, 478 severely injured, 685 moderately and 3605 lightly injured, among them 11 MDA staff members.
(IDF casualties treated by IDF medical personnel are not included in these figures.)"

So tell me how something like this is justified,

"June 20, 2002 - Rachel Shabo, 40, and three of her sons - Neria, 16, Zvika, 12, and Avishai, 5 - as well as a neighbor, Yosef Twito, 31, who came to their aid, were murdered when a terrorist entered their home in Itamar, south of Nablus, and opened fire. Two other children were injured, as well as two soldiers. The terrorist was killed by IDF forces. The PFLP and the Fatah Al Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack."

That story has haunted me ever since I first read it. Babies, not hit by accident or used as human shields by Hamas, but shot to death as they cringed in their beds. A cold blooded act of sheer evil, with the piece of filth standing over the body of their mother as he shot them. That woman died trying to shield her babies from gunfire with her own body. That is a level of love so great it staggers you to read about it.

That's what a real martyr looks like.........never forget that.

Tell me again why I should give a damn about what Hamas or any of those slack jawed shit eating bastards want. Please explain in detail if you like, I'm not listening.........

update; added another link.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 07:02 PM
On the Hunt

Our resident troll as well as many on the left keep bringing up the word quagmire. It's a tad premature to say the least, little more than wishfull thinking considering the war's only been largely over for a couple of months. This is the kind of thing that happens when the rebels come out to play. They say it's proof that we are universally hated by the Iraqi's we've liberated. I'm not so sure they pay enough attention when something like this little tidbit escapes them.

"A Pentagon official said most of the dead were non-Iraqis, apparently among the thousands of volunteers from other Arab countries who poured into Iraq before the war and who put up the stiffest resistance to the American thrust on Baghdad.

Pentagon and intelligence officials say the foreign fighters include Saudis, Yemenis, Syrians and Africans motivated primarily by anti-U.S. Islamic extremist ideology rather than support for Saddam. "

Another reason to be a little optimistic, "Capt. Chris Carter, commander of A Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, said the number of attacks was rapidly decreasing since the 3rd Infantry began aggressive patrols around Fallujah, a key center of resistance west of Baghdad. He said the Iraqis usually manage to escape, but their tactics are crude and largely ineffective.

Recent attacks involved wildly firing assault rifles or rocket-propelled grenades from outside the weapons' effective ranges, or planting crude mines along the road that can be spotted well before U.S. troops are in any danger.

"Overall, I think they are poorly organized and not coordinated," Carter said. "

I think I can safely say it's not an easy or quick thing that we hope to accomplish in Iraq. But come on, they have no co-ordinated leadership, no serious logistic support, and the local population hates their guts. That's a recipe for a failed insurgency if any ever existed. We're winning, and attention will soon shift to rebuilding over active operations. We will have a democratic Iraq, possibly sooner than expected.

Much to the annoyance of the worlds leftwingers.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:25 PM
Speaking of Dumb Animals Meeting a Mechanical Death

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:58 PM
Speaking of

Blind idealism and hatred for all who don't share your worldviews:

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:53 PM
About Damn Time

I always wondered why Israel let Hamas pull that old "political vs military wing" thing. Especially since the "political wing" of Hamas never did anything to dissuade the murdering wing not to target civilians.

Hamas unilaterally pulled out of the peace talks. Hamas organized and carried out an attack against an Israeli checkpoint, killing 5 soldiers. Hamas issued a statement saying, in effect, we will continue to attack Israel, and all Israelis are targets. So now Israel has returned the favor. If you're a member of Hamas, and Israel finds you, your life is forfeit.

Hamas has repeatedly said that they will not stop until Israel is destroyed. It seems your only recourse in the face of such a sentiment is to do unto others as they would do unto you - just do it first.

Hopefully Sheikh Yassin is feeling a little bit nervous these days.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 04:42 PM
Who's that girl?

You know her, you love her (ok, maybe you don't love her),

It is RNS's favorite lefty, Harmonia.

Have you ever wondered who is on the other end of the hotline to all things truly insipid? I have a bad habit of thinking up horrors such as these, and I want your opinion. Look through the photo selections below, and then either leave a comment or send me an email. Your suggenstions will also be taken. I will post the results monday if I get enough takers.









Pick one, pick two, just don't sit there and pick your nose.

Posted by AnalogKid at 12:12 PM
Speaking of Tenure

Stories like this always give those of us in academia pause. You never really know what a university committee might do - your qualifications are being judged by people who don't know you, haven't worked with you, and have a very good chance of disagreeing with you if you have a "conservative" bent.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:35 AM
It's Friday the 13th

You know how I can tell? No, not just the calender.

Rachel Corrie is graduating today.

Yes, you heard that right. St. Rachel of the Dozers is being memorialised today at that bastion of dipshittedness, Evergreen State College.

Her parents have apparently come out from Virginia (I think) to accept her diploma. The article didn't state what field of study her degree was in, but I think she has mastered pancakes, so maybe it was in cooking. I know it wasn't in probability physics, otherwise she would have know that diving in front of a bulldozer was not survivable. But, at Evergreen, they decided to teach paper-mache puppetry instead of that.

Maybe her parents should sue the school for killing her daughter. Now there's a lawsuit I could stand behind.

If you want to listen to this debacle of hate, you can listen to the webcast here.

I just want to know when her parents are going to bring her back to her worshippers.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:17 AM
Leaving them with only a pot to piss in

Holy Sh*t.

Well, not in their minds.

"Flush Toilets Called 'Environmental Disaster'"

"Forget the convenience and sanitation of the flush toilet that industrialized nations have enjoyed for most of the past century. A growing number of environmentalists are now advocating the expanded use of compost or dry toilets worldwide to combat what they see as an international water crisis."

"Warnberg laments the widespread use of flush toilets in the industrialized nations of the U.S. and Europe, and he does not want to see the flush toilet adopted by the developing nations in Africa and South America."

What a crappy attitude to have

"After having decided that "Thomas Crapper's flush toilet was a fiendish invention," Keenan bought a dry toilet and initially "basked in the warm glow of having done the right thing for the environment" before encountering a problem. "No matter what I tried over the years, there were always times when one could not lift the lid without several flies lifting off and heading for the kitchen," Keenan wrote."

Can you say 'naassttyyyy'. I ain't going to his BBQ. Of course, he'd probably only serve veggie burgers.

"Another purported benefit of dry toilets is the ability to use the composted excrement for fertilizing human food crops. But not everyone sees the use of composted human feces on food as a panacea. "It's dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. You are talking about all kinds of bacterial issues; human manure has human pathogens in it."

So yet again the left wants the poor of the world to stay that way or die. First they won't allow starving people to be able to eat genetically modified foods because, even with no proof, they think it may make them sick. But they don't think anything is wrong with making them eat food grown in their own shit, which will more than likely kill them.

Found @ Right Wing News.

Read below if you want to see something funny.

Thirteen percent of Africans have a sewage connection; that is, a flushing toilet leading to a sewage system, while for North America, the figure is 100 percent and Europe 92 percent.

Yep, almost 1 in 10 europeans use an outhouse.

Who's white trash now?

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:38 AM
Armegeddon must be near

This must be a sign of the apocalypse.

'An Iranian government official with ties to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says Tehran sides with the Americans on one big issue — Saddam Hussein's weapons. "Yes, we agree with the Americans. Our intelligence indicated that Iraq did possess weapons of mass destruction and was hiding them from the U.N.," the official said.'

Mt. Rainier hasn't been rumbling lately. No new asteroids have been spotted. We've got the locusts under control. Welfare mothers haven't had their wombs suddenly go barren.

So since my cat hasn't had a spat with either of the dogs in almost a week, and Iran is agreeing with 'the Great Satan', I'm gathering up the non-perishables.

I'm thinking tidal wave on the west coast. I don't know about the rest of y'all.

Found at Right Thoughts.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:14 AM
Ganging up

Head on over to this Portland IMC article.

It is titled 'Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho! Iraqi oil goes to Texaco', but that is not what I am wanting to talk about.

A poster calling himself "A Marine's Father" left this message.

"As you facists defend SADDAM.. My kid tells me that too many local people are thanking him each day he is there."

Now, while a Nazi media site is not the smartest place to venture into with views like his, I understand why he felt the need to post something. I have been blocked and my comments deleted too many times to count for writing things less 'offensive'.

But I think that things like this are out of line.

"You should be ashamed for letting your son risk his life in a foreign country to do nothing but further the goals of a group of insane tirants"

"who convinced the ignorant masses that anti empire means pro saddam"

"Mr. Marine, your use of capital letters and fatherly pride in your sons war crimes certainly convinced me that you are not a poor little man with nothing to be proud of and who is hiding behind the giant icon of fascism and opression that is the Amerikan flag."

Spelling mistakes, bad puctuation, and no knowledge of how to use a keyboard aside. I would like to ask that some folks with a little extra time head on over and make some factual corrections. Yes, it is pointless and yes, it will probably be deleted by the IMC censors and yes, you may get your IP banned, but why not show the guy some love?

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:56 AM
The future unfolds

Surprise, surprise.

Well not actually. It is just the natural progress of socialism.

'On July 1, a new EU directive goes into effect requiring all Internet firms to account for value added tax, or VAT, on "digital sales." The law adds a 15 to 25 percent levy on select Internet transactions such as software and music downloads, monthly subscriptions to an Internet service provider and on any product purchased through an online auction anywhere in the 15-member bloc of nations.'

15 to 25 percent?! Talk about gouging.

They're not only happy about putting their hands on any part of peoples money they can, they're glad the competition is gone.

"The overseas rivals have been exempt, making foreign firms an obvious choice for the bargain-hunting consumer. "It's a massive competitive disadvantage. It's good to see at last it being eroded," said David Melville, general counsel of UK Internet service provider Freeserve, a division of French ISP Wanadoo. Freeserve has lobbied furiously for the past two years to get the loophole closed, saying its chief rival AOL UK, the Internet unit of AOL Time Warner, saved 150 million pounds ($249.7 million) in tax payments over the years."

But never mind about a free market.

sarcasm on/What an annoyance it is, giving people a selection. Just because our product is a piece of shit doesn't mean it shouldn't be shoved down the throat of the consumer/sarcasm off.

Found, of course, at Samizdata.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:38 AM
June 12, 2003
Associate Professor or ABOVE?

Damn. Yet another reason to get tenure, I guess.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:00 PM

Free Aage!

(My first post about Aage can be found HERE).

Via Tim Blair

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:20 PM

Yep, hurry and sign those Kyoto accords!

Of course, it's never really about the science. It's about promoting some vision of a "save the planet" mission that may, or may not, have any basis in reality.

The high-profile political fight with Europe comes even as some Europeans say they have no evidence that genetically modified, or GM, foods are in any way harmful. EU scientists acknowledge that after dozens of studies that show no ill effects from engineered foods, their rejection is not science-based, but the result of paranoia following outbreaks like mad cow and foot-and-mouth disease.

Let's see - mad cow and foot and mouth disease are naturally occurring pathogens that we can do nothing about. But here, let's condemn thousands to die from starvation by attacking something we can do something about.

Simpering idiots.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 02:05 PM
It may have started already

Go here, read the whole thing. And remember what I said about gullible idealistc college student activists.

"A 20-year-old Western Washington University student faces up to life in prison for allegedly planning to bomb the U.S. Coast Guard station in Bellingham."

"In court charging papers, FBI agent James Powers said Revak discussed building a bomb and attacking one of three Bellingham buildings: the Coast Guard station, an Air National Guard facility, or an Army National Guard facility."

"Revak asked the student to help him plan the bombing of the Coast Guard station. The student said Revak was a "self-proclaimed anarchist" who was planning a revolution against the government and thought bombing the station would "make a statement"."

"The student said Revak told him where he would place a bomb, and that he would enter the station and kill the "desk jockeys" with an automatic weapon after the bomb attack."

"Revak gave him a copy of his manifesto to read. The document, in part, says: "So let this be our declaration of war. The argument has been made ... if you do not like it here, go somewhere else. Nay, there is another option: the option of unrest, protest, and if need be, revolution." The document goes on to say: "You need not worry about Osama or Saddam or the boogeymen, but if you are part of this empire, you should fear us. Our will is strong, our message is just, and we will prevail."

"Revak said he had identified a place where he could cut the fence by the armory and drive a rented truck through, possibly with an ammonium nitrate bomb. Revak said he expected to kill two or three guards in the attack."

"I would be like a kid in a candy store," Revak said.

Bellingham, Washington is barely south of the Canuckistan border. It is sort of a Seattle-lite. They have a large population of hardcore lefties and an almost Berkley-like college staff. Strange, when think that it is inbetween farm country, and a decent sized sea-faring community. I think the Canadian influence seeps down from the border.

I hope they don't put this guy in body-armor like the Unabomber. Those folks up there tend to take things personally. Oddly though (sarcasm), I haven't seen anything yet on the news about this dipshit. I found this at the Seattle IMC site. They are afraid that it will lead to a 'cracking down' on anarchists.

I don't think that their version of 'cracking down' is the same as mine.

Posted by AnalogKid at 01:01 PM
This ain't QVC

Many thanks to Michele@ASV for finding this.

From the 'Token Gesture' crowd comes this bit of vadalization.

A group called 'Unbrand America', a subsidiary of 'Adbusters', is asking all the anti-Bush folks to go around putting black dots on everything.

Now I know you're saying "Sounds great Kid, but what all is included?"

Well, just look at what you'll get....

"In the coming months a black spot will pop up everywhere . . . on store windows and newspaper boxes, on gas pumps and supermarket shelves. Open a magazine or newspaper - it's there. It's on TV. It stains the logos and smears the nerve centers of the world's biggest corporations."

But thats not all....

"This is the mark of the people who don't approve of Bush's plan to control the world, who don't want countries "liberated" without UN backing, who can't stand anymore neo-con bravado shoved down their throats. This is the mark of the people who want the Kyoto Protocol for the environment, who want the International Criminal Court for greater justice, who want a world where all nations, including the U.S.A., are free of weapons of mass destruction."

And as a bonus we'll include a FREE PLEDGE.....

Because my country has sold its soul to corporate power,
Because consumerism has become our national religion,
Because we've forgotten the true meaning of freedom,
And because patriotism now means agreeing with the president,
I pledge to do my duty . . . and take my country back.

Operators are standing by!

I will declare open season on vandals.

Be sure to wear your logo'd apparel folks. Because I guarantee you that if you see one of these types commiting vandalism, and you confront him/her, and he/she sees you wearing something like a Nike shirt or a FOX TV hat(they really hate Nike and Fox TV) they will probably try to put a black dot on you. At which time they become fair game.

Can you say 3rd degree assault and destruction of personal property? (Valid in Washington State only. Check your local jurisdiction for pertinent laws and ordinances).

Remember, "Only you can fight crime!"
Or is that 'Take a bite out of forest fires'? I get them confused.

But for some reason 'Peace, Love and Dead Hippies' is easy to remember. Go figure.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:34 AM
Leading by example

I picked this up at Misha's a couple of days ago and then lost it. But I found it again this morning.

"Over one thousand children are living as slaves on the banks of Ghana's Volta Lake, being used as free labour by local fishermen."

Why do we let people like Kofi Annan lead the UN? I say that if they cannot get SLAVERY out of their own country, they cannot be allowed the chance at telling the rest of the world how to do things or represent the UN to the rest of the world. Useless debating society that it is not withstanding, it still represents a standard to some nations in the world. Of course, those nations would never be allowed to hear of something like this and/or they're experienceing it.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:48 AM
The Last Action Hero

Arnold Schwarzenegger is making sounds like he might be, possibly, maybe, thinking about running for Goverrnor of California again.

Wouldn't it be great to have a governor of Cali with the word 'war' in his name. I could guarantee a 5% conniption fit rate in San Francisco alone.

If he could do only half of what Reagan did for Cali it would be a good thing. And he's got the right attitude already."Our elected officials in Sacramento are facing a budget crisis unseen in this state since the Great Depression, and it was entirely avoidable. Entirely avoidable. Teachers are getting pink slips, cops are getting laid off and the taxpayers are facing an increase in taxes and California's future is in danger."

That and he still has his sense of humor. "He pledged to stay married to Shriver in sickness and in health, Schwarzenegger said, adding, "And being a Democrat is a sickness."

And with the recall of Gray Davis become a 'when' instead of an 'if' thing, we may be seeing him start to hit a campaign trail of sorts.

Best line of the week, so far. "The actor mentioned the recall only indirectly in his speech, quipping at one point, "This is really embarrassing. I just forgot our state governor's name, but I know that you will help me recall him."

Thanks to Blogs of War for the tip.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:34 AM
Sell it to me

From the pages of Tongue Tied came a link to this article from Twin Cities' Star Tribune.
It's all about people getting uptight about advertising campaigns that make fun of stereotypes.

The opening line, "If you think diarrhea jokes are a bad way to sell Mexican food, you probably won't be stopping to eat at Chino Latino."

Another of the restaurant's slogans, "Third World Food, Sally Struthers Portions".

Even the old 'Cal Worthington' ads weren't this funny.

How about this one from the Japanese restaurant, Fuji Ya. Their ads feature attractive Japanese women posed with garbled English translations of Japanese characters. One example: "Eating us will bring smile."

"But some Asians aren't laughing. The local chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League sent a letter of protest to the restaurant". A letter? Over a broken english joke?

"Another stereotype is the Asian woman as the object of sexual desire, and we're trying to get away from that,' Her said."

Sorry Ilean, but just like the Catholic Samuri, I think Asian women are too damn sexy to ignore. You will never get that out of men's heads. Either of them.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:18 AM
June 11, 2003

Something different, the subject of tattoos. When I had mine done at the tender age of twentyone, it was bikers and servicemen, period. Piercings were unknown except for the earlobe. It's all over now, housewives and office clerks, businessmen and celebrities. It's THE popular art form of the late 20th early 21st centuries. It seems everyone is doing it now.

I confess I too am considering adding to my one, a colored Bald Eagle in the striking position, claws extended on my right forearm. My wife got her first one two days ago, an awesome wolfs head on her right calf. It looks like it was airbrushed on. The subject has never come up before and I'm curious. How many of the readers and commenters at RNS also have delved into this ancient artform?

I'm thinking of getting a bear on my left forearm, to sort of balance them out. piercing is out though, not a chance. The only steel inside my body has been either surgical, or accidental. Puncture wounds blow, don't wanna go there. Branding is way too extreme, you gotta be goth or off your medication to even consider that one.

Come to think of it, if I could find a brand that looked cool.........

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 08:53 PM
Peeking in somebodies yard

Since the subject of our Constitutional rights came up in the comments of my last post, lets take a look at how it works somewhere not so randomly selected. No constitution?, mmmm, bad, very bad. No Bill of Rights, tch tch, worse. Nothing really recognizable to an American as any kind of restrictions on government.

People can rule themselves as they like. They can like or not like our government. What I resent is the notion of being lectured on the rights in our constitution by someone who has never lived with them, and has been disdainfull of our form of government and culture. Possibly this is mean spirited, so I'm a Bastard. That's already established. I prefer to think of it as a bucket of ice water.


Our resident troll has kindly supplied the rope. I went a little deeper and found some interesting things

"In theory there is no body that can declare a law passed by Parliament as unconstitutional - though the full impact of the European Court is not yet known in 2002. "

Meaning that there is no national court able to say no to an act of Parliment, if the EU says no, well that's just spiffy. Is there any American who doesn't think this is ignorant? Back at you, girl you should understand the government you have before offering advice on ours.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 01:04 PM
Maybe something different for the arab world.

Like many I often pass by the Drudge Report to see what's going on in the world. Once in a while checking in on the Weekly Standard. Today I found this piece by Claudia Winkler on the new free press springing up in post war Iraq. I have several thoughts on it, but please take a peek.

My main thought is that finally the Arab world will have a vigerous competetive press. Not prefect or even necessarily fair, but like the western world a multitude of fact and opinion to choose from. More than one state funded officially sanctioned spoon fed source of information. That is a good thing.

Al Jareeza and the rest make a pompous show of saying they give the truth to the arab world. Even a causual observer knows better. They never give the uncomfortable "truths" to them. Full of western devils and Jewish demons, Islamic martyrs and victimized faithful, they merely serve them up what they want to see and hear, rather than what they should. An alternative free press in Bagdad can give them a view many haven't heard before. It also is starting to put the lie to some of the spin coming from the wars opponents.

Things are changing, and Iraqi views (no surprise) are not in knee jerk anti-American mode. You have to be French for that.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 09:51 AM
Mr Friedman, you can take those lips

And put them on my tukus.

From the Op/Ed page of the NYT (why do I let them keep sending these to me?), I think I found the the winner of the "Who Can Shove Their Head Up Their Ass the Farthest?" contest.

Oh, you didn't get notice of that contest? It is probably because you stop by here. Doing so has a tendancy to give your spine the proper stiffening so that you can't bend that direction.

Anyway, in an piece (of shit) titled "Read My Lips" Thomas L. Friedman uses a line he probably thinks is clever to talk about GWB's "Maniacal Tax Cuts". No, I'm not kidding. He actually uses that phrase.

"Democrats have been groping for a way to counter George Bush's maniacal tax cuts, which are designed to shrink government and shift as many things as possible to the market."

This first line is so telling. "Democrats have been groping", yes they sure have. And if they don't quit, they'll go blind. Oh wait, thats the other thing they do verbally.

And, silly me, I thought that this was the US where the "market" was given a shot at providing most everything. Europe is where "government" provides everything.

"When you shrink government, what you do, over time, is shrink the services provided by federal, state and local governments to the vast American middle class. I would suggest that henceforth Democrats simply ask voters to substitute the word "services" for the word "taxes" every time they hear President Bush speak."

What an ass. Oh, sorry. What a Marxist cocksmoking ass. Had to make sure I got my true feelings across.

"That is, when the president says he wants yet another round of reckless "tax cuts," which will shift huge burdens to our children, Democrats should simply refer to them as "service cuts," because that is the only way these tax cuts will be paid for � by cuts in services. Indeed, the Democrats' bumper sticker in 2004 should be: "Read my lips, no new services. Thank you, President Bush."
Whenever Mr. Bush says, "It's not the government's money, it's your money," Democrats should point out that what he is really saying is, "It's not the government's services, it's your services" � and thanks to the Bush tax cuts, soon you'll be paying for many of them yourself.

First of all tumbledickweed, it is MY money. And you know what, I don't mind paying for them myself. I get better service at a cheaper price than if I let the Feds take care of me.

Asprin has been consumed, I will be fine shortly. Thank you for reading.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:44 AM
Welcome to America

From today's NYT, a story of misguided youth. I mean, why would anyone want to move to America.

Cuban Music Star Defects to U.S.

June 10 � "One of Cuba's leading pop stars, Carlos Manuel, defected after crossing a bridge spanning the Mexican-United States border over the weekend and was released today by immigration authorities in South Texas."

"Mr. Manuel, 30, decided to defect last week after performing in Mexico City with his band, Carlos Manuel and His Clan. He walked over the bridge connecting the Mexican border city of Matamoros with Brownsville, Tex. Five members of his entourage � his mother, his sister, his sister's boyfriend, his cousin, who is a percussionist in his band, and a sound engineer � also defected."

"The repression of the recent months was one of the main aspects of my decision, it kind of crept into regular life," Mr. Manuel said, speaking in Spanish. "The other aspects were the bureaucracy I had to deal with to leave the island and the limits that put on my career."

Oh yeah, now I remember. We let you make all the money you can stand (minus taxes, but we're working on that), and we don't kill people who talk badly about our leaders.

Welcome to America, Mr. Manuel.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:07 AM
Hippies gettin' hassled by 'The Man'

Two cheers for 'The Man'

Because I needed something to make me laugh at work this morning, I went to the Portland IMC site again and found this.

"Portland Peace Encampment Raided: Signs and Art declared 'Offensive Littering'".

In case you didn't know, a gaggle of 'the smelly ones' (aka deluded humans, aka socialist pukes living off the dole, aka stupid fuckin' hippies) have set up permenant residence in one of Portland's city parks and called it a "Peace Encampment" (aka rat infested, garbage strewn, wearing down and killing the grass gathering place in the trees). Every day the Portland Police have to stop by to tell them to wake up, sober up, or clean up because they sleep there, get high/drunk there, and throw their trash around there.

It seems 'the smelly ones' (aka see above) have started 'getting fed up, dude'. Everyday I have been noticing more and more bitching from them about the cops stopping by to make sure none of the have OD'd.

"The Portland Police and Homeland Security raided the Portland Peace Encampment Monday evening, June 9th. The Portland Police threatened to cite the demonstrators with yet another ordinance, this time "Offensive Littering" for having signs and artwork on the sidewalk. The demonstrators moved their signs, art, etc. into Terry Schrunk Plaza, which is federal property. Homeland Security declined to cite the demonstrators or confiscate anything as long as the demonstrators agreed that they would "voluntarily" move their material if requested."

Don't you just love the way they make themselves sound so 'rebel' when they put in the part about the 'raid' and 'Homeland Security'. Of course, if they were rebels, could you really say they had a cause?

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:50 AM
Rules to live by

Found a list you might like at Stars and Stripes, in the form of a Firearms Refesher Course "From A to Z".

Some examples,

c... Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface. (I think the "c" is supposed to stand for Colt. But that is just one fellow's opinion. AK.)

j... The United States Constitution 1791. All Rights Reserved.

l... The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.

v... You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.

Plus 22 others that you may or may not have heard about. Since Mr Kennicott is at a blogspot address, I can't link directly to this. Look for the top post from 06/09.

Also, I can't for the life of me, remember who directed me to this. But thanks goes out to whomever you are.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:18 AM
Is that a "NO" vote

Senator Clinton?

You gotta read this (third from the top). Found at Curmudgeonly And Skeptical

"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York Democrat, paused for a moment in the Senate chamber yesterday to contemplate the vote on the judicial appointment of Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff � once a vocal member of her 'vast right-wing conspiracy'."

"She was the sole vote against Mr. Chertoff, who was confirmed 88-1 to a seat on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Before joining the Attorney General's Office, Mr. Chertoff led the Senate investigation into the Clintons' failed Whitewater land deal. At the Democratic policy table on the Senate floor, Mrs. Clinton appeared to clench and release her fists several times as she prepared to vote. Then she turned to the Senate clerk and jabbed a single finger downward."

And to the junior Senator from the State of New York, I jab a single finger upward.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:58 AM
June 10, 2003
Not Helpful?

This attempted assassination of a Hamas leader would seem to complicate the "road map" as much as the continued suicide bombings.

Of course, the Hamas decision to abandon the peace talks, forego a cease fire, and attack and kill 4 Israeli soldiers would seem to make their current protestations pretty farcical.

Rantissi is a key public figure who often defends Hamas or explains the Palestinian militant group's motivations to the world. He had been critical of Abbas for seeking peace through the U.S.-backed "road map," and he had said attacks on Israeli targets would continue.

So, if attacks on Israeli targets are going to continue, does Hamas get to complain when attacks against them continue? If you have a terrorist organization that refuses to participate in the peace process, and whose stated purpose is to destroy you - what options do you have for dealing with them? Do you unilaterally call a cease fire and watch your people die, or do you prosecute them more vigorously because the past to peace lies through their destruction?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:32 PM
"Will the last person to leave Seattle

Please remember to turn the lights out"

That was what a sign at the Seattle city limits said three decades ago. When the region's largest employer, Boeing, started letting employees go due to lack of work. People were un-assing the area in droves. All looking for work.

It seems that this may happen again. And I'm kind of looking forward to it. Boeing is getting ready to build a new "7E7", super-duper people carrier. But they don't know where. Cities across the country are competing with each other, trying to win Boeing's heart. And all the jobs. The city of Seattle and Washington state governments actually looked surprised when Boeing announced that it wasn't going to just plop it self down here and give it to them freely.

They both have been jerking Boeing around so much in the past couple of decades that, last year, Boeing moved it's headquarters out of Seattle to Chicago. The mayor and governor just about shit their pants. And now that the warm squishy feeling has gone away they have started to wonder where they might have gone wrong.

Hmm, let's see: no fix for the traffic problem (always in the top 5 in the US), raising of property taxes and business taxes and taking the union's side in labor disputes. Sounds like a reason to take the ball (money, jobs) and play elsewhere to me.

Boeing has cut 20,000 jobs so far in the last year and a half and plans to cut another 35,000 by the end of next year. And if Beoing does decide to move elsewhere, and these folks want to relocate, they can be the first ones picked. Sounds shitty, but you can't fault Boeing for wanting to make money. At least they're not moving to Mexico, Canada, or Taiwan.

The unions alone would make me want to leave. These guys get way too much an hour for doing far too little. The nickname for Boeing around here is "The Lazy B". I have grown up around lifetime Boeing employees, and I've heard some outrageous stories about the crap they were able to pull there. Good places to take a nap and not get caught (if you had one too many the night before), the "why I was only able to produce one part today and why it may not fit" excuse, etc.

Anyway, my reason for this little rant is this post I found at the IMC site, stating how we desperately need Boeing here, and why it is "Too important to leave in private hands".

Yes, you read that right. This little commie twit wants the State of Washington to buy Boeing and keep them here. I honestly laughed for a good 5 minutes after just reading the headline. As I got into the story, the laughter turned into pissed offedness at this asshole, grovelling at the feet of Boeing, begging them to stay.

I want them to leave for one simple reason. If the housing market stays as inflated as it is, I will never be able to own a house.

For what I pay for the house I am leasing, outside the city limits, I could double my square footage, double my lot size and cut in half the number of people who live near me. If I just move 50 miles away. Now, I like driving, but damn, a 100 mile commute per day? You'd have to be smoking something. That is a life ender around these parts. Remember, always in the top 5 worst in terms of traffic. I used to pull an 80 mile per day commute. 90 minutes in and 120 home. Fuck that. I want those housing prices where I'm at now. And one way to get that is for Boeing to leave. My current job would, in no way, be affected if they left. So neener.

It sounds greedy, selfish, etc., I know. But I'm tired of being considered "rich" by the IRS's standards, yet just getting by in real life. I'd like the two to meet somewhere in the middle.

So go Boeing. Go far, far away. Hell, I'd help you move, but then the IRS would think I'm a millionaire. And I don't work for free.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:13 AM
"I love it when a plan comes together"

Just as long as it is my plan.

The professional protest promoters, International A.N.S.W.E.R. (aka commies with megaphones, aka useful idiots and those who are not even that smart, aka college girls and the guys who are trying to get in their pants, aka the Amerka Sucks Crowd) have come out with their planned schedule for protests.

Here are some of the highlights:

Friday, July 4: "Thousands will march to protest George W. Bush in Philadelphia.
George W. Bush has been invited to the opening of the National Constitution Center. We need to be there to say No to U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad; No to Colonialism and Empire; End the Occupation of Iraq; No to Racism, Attacks on Civil Rights and Immigrants, the USA Patriot Act and the Shredding of the Constitution; and to Call for Funding of Social Programs - not the Pentagon's War Machine."

On America's birthday, they're going to protest for socialist, oops I mean social, programs. Why does that sound a bit off to me?

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 27: "Global day of protest against occupation and empire, and in solidarity with those who resist from palestine to Iraq to the Philippines to Cuba."

Who is occupying the Philippines? And isn't Castro the one who is being resisted against? Oh wait, this explains it all. "A.N.S.W.E.R. is organizing for mass U.S. actions that will take place in NY, Washington, San Francisco, L.A. and many other cities. September 27 is the third anniversary of the beginning of the second Intifada of the Palestinian people whose resistance against colonial occupation in the past decades has been the very center of the anti-colonial struggle throughout the Middle East."

Saturday, OCTOBER 25: "March on the Pentagon. The world unites against U.S. Militarism."

"Under the banner The World Unites Against U.S. Militarism, the demonstration will also demand an end to the looting of social programs by the war machine and the vicious assault on working and poor people at home and worldwide."

More crap about social programs. I am going to have to find that quote from their spokesperson about how they're not commie bastards.

And this last one is the funniest.

Saturday-Sunday, NOVEMBER 22-23: "Shut down the School of Americas. Annual mass action in Ft. Benning, Georgia, initiated and organized by the School of Americas Watch."

If they would pull their heads out of their asses they would notice that this school has been shut down since the mid 90's.


Posted by AnalogKid at 08:25 AM
Do they change diapers too?

I don't know how the folks who live in the UK stand it. I'm voting for annexing the good citizens to America and leaving the subjects behind. Just so I'll stop thinking about how creepy this is.

First, from Ravenwood, is this story. "Hamburgers, soft drinks and cakes could be hit with a "fat-tax" in a bid to combat Britain's growing levels of obesity"

I had a very short discussion on this subject with my mom at the age of 8. It was very short because, well, she's mom. It went something like this, "But I want to have pop with dinner." "No, you don't." And that was it.

Then, from Right Wing News, this tale. "The British government is studying a model to tax motorists country-wide based on the time they spend on the road, according to reports."

Before I got my license, I learned how to disconnect odometers. Dad didn't need to know I was driving to Canada (alcohol) on the weekends. He found out, of course. But I was able to drive a couple of weeks later. When I had ,um, earned enough money to buy a new set of wheels and tires.

And thanks again to Right Wing News, for pointing me to Samizdata for the scary part. "Across London, these posters can be seen telling us all that we are 'Secure beneath The Watchful Eyes' of the Metropolitan Police. I cannot tell you how much better that makes me feel. The imagery is pure 1930's/1940's and conjurors up the 'Golden Age of Totalitarianism'.

Ok, mom and dad never had any freaky posters. Well, that velvet Elvis painting was a bit creepy

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:37 AM
Reason #238

To invade North Korea

"Cannibalism is increasing in North Korea following another poor harvest and a big cut in international food aid, according to refugees who have fled the stricken country."

Cannibalism is INCREASING! What the fuck? Why haven't we invaded this shithole of a country yet? Even if we couldn't feed them all, we'd at least put them out of their misery.

"Aid agencies are alarmed by refugees' reports that children have been killed and corpses cut up by people desperate for food."

"Anyone caught selling human meat faces execution, but in a report compiled by the North Korean Refugees Assistance Fund (NKRAF), one refugee said: "Pieces of 'special' meat are displayed on straw mats for sale. People know where they came from, but they don't talk about it."

"If a funeral takes place during the day and the burial is performed that evening, the grave may be dug open and the body stolen before morning," said one refugee.'

'Another witness, named only as Lee, 54, said he feared that his missing grandsons, aged eight and 11, had been killed for food. As he searched widely for them, they boys' friends said they had vanished near a market.'

I was thinking about lightening the subject up by having the title say "What, did they run out of dogs?". But that only seemed to make the story more tastless. No pun intended

Thanks go to Emperor Misha for pointing the way to the Pogue Warrior.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:01 AM
I wonder

If any of this is in Hillary's new book?

Well, if it's not, at least it is the World Net Daily. Article by Joseph Farah
"Bill and Hillary Clinton and other top U.S. political operatives laundered money for Ehud Barak's campaign to become prime minister of Israel through Americans for Peace Now."

"Over the last five years, Marks' investigation show, at least $3.8 million has been raised by APN and transferred for use by Peace Now in Israel for its overtly political purposes."

"Bill Clinton held a major fund-raiser for APN in New York in 1998. Hillary Clinton served as honorary chairman of an APN fund-raiser the same year."

And if you don't know who Americans for Peace (appeasement) Now is, here's the skinny.

"Americans for Peace Now claims to be 'educational' in nature, it actually serves as a front for the activities of the Israeli Peace Now movement. The American support group admits as much in its official charter. Peace Now is hardly a group in the mainstream of Israeli politics. It's an extremist organization. The group is most well-known for its denunciation of Jewish "settlements" in supposedly Arab territory. Peace Now organizes rallies throughout Israel that give great aid and comfort to Arab terrorists."

Sounds like a lovely group of folks.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:42 AM
Not lost and found

Just lost.

With the total number of items stolen from the Iraq Museum of Anitquities down from the fictional 170,000 to the laughable 33*, it seems that maybe, finally, this item of non-news will drop.

But with this tidbit of news I bet the Iraqi archeaologists are feeling lucky that the Canadians didn't come along with us to Iraq.

"In the course of renovations, workers at the University of Toronto have accidentally thrown away a centuries-old collection of Ontario artifacts."

Worker #1 "Hey Pierre, ver deed jou put zos artifacts?"

Worker #2 "Over by zee pile of de debris. Vhy?"

Posted by AnalogKid at 03:47 AM
looky what I found in the road

Wandering not quite aimlessly about the web I happened to find this bit"o"roadkill. Does anyone actually believe what this guy says he does? Maybe I should duct tape his arms down, wouldn't want him to try and shield his face, that wouldn't be friendly. Then push him back out in the road. At rush hour. In front of a BIG truck.....Him go squuuuuuuissssssh!!!!!

I'm most definately this guys enemy, he really needs to understand the reasons why, he needs to stop the VIOLENCE. I'm not gonna kill him cause I'm insane or anything, I'm just missunderstood.

But if he wants to embrace me, I'll walk away with a new collection of pretties. smuck,....Stand toe to toe with me and we'll see who knows fear, hugger of smucks....Scare qoutes around terrorist, it's all our own fault, bend over and take it up the ass hugger of smucks!...........

Needless to say I was a bit vexxed, coffee anyone?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:51 AM
Paging Iron Man

I found this little item via Instapundit. This is all vision and hopefull speculation of course, but it is the direction some research is headed in. Nine out of every ten dollars spent on the planet on military R&D; is spent by the US. We are the 900lb gorilla, and we damn well plan to remain one.

Alot of comparisons to the Roman Empire have been made about America in the new century. Most of these are pretty self serving, some are silly and most are just wrong headed. One area where the comparison may well be right is in the power relative to the rest of the world we posess. We walk the earth like no one since Rome, able to crush any who dare to strike at us.

And that is where it ends. We have to feel the threat first. When someone in Paris or say...Scottland say they fear what we have become, most of us kind of give a collective shrug of the shoulders. We don't see how they could feel threatened by us, because they aren't likely to try and attack us. For them to loudly proclaim their fear is to me at least a sign of irrationality. They use the label Empire like they use the word Nazi, completely stripped of it's original meaning. So often that we barely notice when they say it anymore.

Possibly thats why all the screeching about WMD's and lies will come to nothing. They've so squandered their credibilty that they have little left. Nobody's paying much attention not when something like this turns up. My thanks to Analog Kid for finding it at A Small Victory. We both had our say, and I can't let it go. It took me a little while to meander to the end, but I'm tired and the point is made.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 01:17 AM
June 09, 2003
A pearl among pebbles

I frequently check the columnists pages of the Guardian, Britain's leading left wing paper. The reason? This man, the only regular columnist there that actually displays both a fondness for America, and a disdain for bullshit.

This is as damning an indictment of the whole looting mess as any I've seen. It's detailed, and damned if I know how it got printed in the Guardian. He must be the token alternative voice. Thats gotta be a lonely job.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 11:41 PM
Canadian Provinces

Refusing to support the federal government's global firearm registration requirement.

Can I get an "AMEN"? (yes, I know I'm the atheist one......)

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:30 PM
Headin for the Big Easy

Heya! It looks like Jeff over at Repatriate is headin down the bayou! We can always use the company down in this part of the country.

I was slow on the uptake getting Jeff added to the Reactor Core. Gentle nudging and threats of bodily harm by AK have rectified the oversite.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:58 PM
"Puppy Pooower"

What Common Breed of Dog Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla


Posted by Mark (puggs) at 01:05 PM
Let's see now

Making fun of Americans for being American shows how suave and sophisticated the French are. But making fun of the French for being French is petty and "sort of racist".

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:47 PM
"We should stop blaming each other"

Especially since it is now obvious that I was completely wrong.

So it's OK for this guy to make inflammatory statements about eh US because he was "angry" at the time, but now he doesn't want to be blamed for the ridiculous hyperbole and anti-American feelings he causes at a time that was crucial to the reconstruction effort. This is absolutely typical - these kinds of morons want to be able to say whatever they want, with as much vitriole and hatred as they want, and then be held completely blameless when it turns out that they are full of shit.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:12 PM
I was afraid of this.

What Common Breed of Dog Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

The wife has always wanted a bulldog. Now she has one.

Thanks to Curmudgeonly and Skeptical.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:00 AM
We're harder to get rid of than...

a stained blue dress.

It is just before 6am here in Seattle and the wife is watching the local news while she gets ready for work. They are showing highlights of today's "Today Show" and, of course, they had to show the clip of Hillary talking to Kaitie Couric.

Just to let you know, according to Hillary, "The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" is still alive and kicking and it is the only reason that "Monicagate" even happened.

Oh yeah, and the only reason Bill was impeached was because of the sex.

As hard as I try to not care, it just doesn't work.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:12 AM
I've been noticed

While taking her break at work yesterday, the wife found this.

(I apologize for my horrible photography)

It says "Wow dad, harassing peace protesters is easier than thinking!"

I'd take this as an insult and get angry, but even mean old me can't get mad at an autistic child?

To be honest, this 5x7 sticker was placed on an "Official Police Vehicles Only" sign on 4th Ave in downtown Seattle. But I'd like to think they're thinking of me.

Posted by AnalogKid at 07:47 AM
The blind leading the dumb

People who know nothing about war are talking about "the rules of war".

You may remember the two journalists that were killed in the Palestine Hotel in Baghad when a U.S. tank fired at what it thought was a sniper/spotter. And you probably know about the lawsuit being leveled in Spain by one of the journalists' families.

Well, now we have the loonies coming out and telling all who will listen about "the rules of war" as per the Geneva Convention. And their campaign is becoming an underground success with the usual suspects. Causing much chatter in the IMC and DNC worlds.

The trouble is, is that, per usual, those doing the reporting haven't the foggiest idea about what they are sqwaking about.

Take this quote, "Under the Geneva Convention, firing on media facilities is unequivocally illegal. In a court of law, be it international jurisprudence or otherwise, neither accident nor the perception of nearby threat stands as just cause or sufficient excuse for such action."

Ok, which one of you said "bullshit"? All of you? Good.

As I understand it, the vast majority of you who stop by RNS have either military experience and/or common sense. So this seems to be a no-brainer, right? Oh no, not for this crowd.

Check out this quote, " Of course, American soldiers do not operate under these (Geneva Convention) concerns. They are exempt from such battle-field limitations."

It must be opposite day. Because in my recent memory, the U.S.A was the only country who gave a rat's ass about that rule book?

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:32 AM
They won't even take the blame for sucking

Whoa, nelly! I found this place called "Truthout.org" where facts have benn declared an endangered species. One of the articles I found there was a speech from Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. The speech was given at the "Conference of the Campaign for America's Future".

In it, she talks about how folks on the left are asking "Where are the Democrats?" To which she responds "Where are you?"

She is blaming registered Democrats for being asleep at the wheel.
"All of you know who I'm talking about; I may be talking about you."

Talk about blaming the victim.

She lays into lawyers and judges. " So where are the lawyers and judges? Why am I not hearing your protests, your e-mails and phone calls, your high profile law suits?"

Women. "My sisters, where are the demonstrations against the war on women that is being waged every day in every way."

Seniors. "Seniors, where are you? I want to see sustained, loud, angry activity. After all, the Republicans still want to privatize Social Security and Medicare and cut Medicaid so they can give tax cuts to their rich friends and destroy those basic programs to boot. It's a twofer for them."

Environmentalists. "So where the hell are you? I want to read about you or even join you protesting at hearings in Washington or Big Oil shareholder meetings."

She then goes into full moonbat mode with her list of why they need to get off their asses.
#2 - "They control much of the media and that creates a very effective echo chamber for all their initiatives and smear campaigns. The June 2 ruling of the Federal Communications Commission lifting most restrictions on consolidation will allow the Foxification and Clear Channelization of even more."

And #4 - "They lie with impunity. Let's face it. They're liars. They lied about the reason they took our sons and daughters to war. They tout a child tax credit and then silently drop it in favor of more tax cuts for millionaires."

I think somebody's tinfoil hat is on too tight.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:03 AM
June 08, 2003


Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:31 PM
If I hadn't seen this 100 times before

I'd be homicidal right now.

From the IMC site, I bring you........

Another Holocaust denier!

This asshole shows us he passed a basic math course at his local community college night school.

And they wonder why they were pulled off of the Google News list of referers.

Definitely go through all the comments to read how some of the IMC regulars justify this guy.

The first time I ran across one of these pukes, I goaded him into a argument to the point of him wanting to meet me somewhere so he could "kick my jew loving ass". There is a soccer field in the Georgetown neighborhood in Seattle. 1am on a Tuesday morning. But oddly enough, he never showed up.

Posted by AnalogKid at 10:19 AM
You're a Baby Killer

In this post, I comment on my lack of military experience while expressing the hope that most Americans appreciate the sacrifices made by our armed forces. Unfortunately, Mollbot of "What Hath I Wrought" graphically demonstrates that many of those who have benefitted the most from these sacrifices appreciate them the least. Or, more probably, understand them the least.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:54 AM
They want a Revolution

Desperate to find something to get me fired up for a night of blogging on the deck, overlooking an as-yet-unnamed city south of Seattle, I went to my old mainstay, Portland IMC. Yes, I know, these quacks get old after awhile. But this talk of revolution from their side has been getting under my skin for a while now. I had started an essay on it a while back, but never finished it. So I will copy and paste what I had, and finish it tonight. I have a couple of boxes of Nestle Drumstick ice cream cones and two pitchers of peach iced tea, so here we go.

The summation of the artilce is this. The Federation of Anarchist Communists-Portland is calling an official meeting on June 12th. If you live in the Portland Metro area, and haven't laughed in a good long while, I encourage you to attend.

The meeting will be to form a "General Organizing Group" for the purpose of "exchanging ideas and information, collective action, and the building of a revolutionary anarcho-communist federation, which in turn will help build a anarcho-communist revolution."

This is funny for more reasons than I care to go into (commies and anarchists together, organized anarchists, anarchists with leaders, etc, etc).

The essay is below. Make sure you get to the end. That, like an ice cream cone, is where the good stuff is.

I am demanding that the far left's "revolution" start immediately!

All I hear from the far left is about how both of the dominant parties are corrupt or that America, as it stands, is the true threat to freedom in the world, or some such variant. They have their dumb little catchphrases about "evil corporations" and the constant conspiracy theories of a "shadow government".

But lately I have started hearing something that I have not heard seriously called for since the late 60's. I am hearing the call for revolution. And not a peaceful one, they want a violent overthrow of government. Quiet rumblings from the underbelly of the far left have turned into voices that no longer whisper. They are now speaking at room volume and are not afraid to be heard. These are not the impotent yammerings of individuals with a few followers. They are folks who have been in the game far too long and have been listening to themselves for far too long and have been �suffering under (scapegoat here)� for far too long, and they no longer wish to put up with (scapegoat here)�s �shit�.

And while I do believe in the quote from Thomas Jefferson that �The tree of Liberty must be fed with the blood of tyrants�, it is not for these bastards to decide who is a tyrant. For they have shown us that they cannot see one when he is brought before them.

Gone are those who believe that someday they will get a communist/socialist party candidate elected into a national office. They see it as suppression by both the Republican and Democrat parties. Their mantras of collectivism being squashed by the capitalist�s dollars. When in reality, it is just the American people seeing them for what they are.

We have been able to view the Democratic party's swing to the far left over the period of 3 decades. Since I have only been alive since the early part of 1972, I have had to go back through history, looking at many sources to see this transformation of a once great party into a sad collection of activists. Unfortunately for them, this is not enough for the people they think they are trying to please. The Ultra Left.

I use the term �Ultra Left� with utter seriousness. They are the communists, socialists, Marxists and anarchists that thrive in the city governments, classrooms, school boards, universities and unemployment lines across the nation. They saw places they were both familiar with and enjoyed being, and took them over. From these positions they wield any power they can assume with few if any repercussions. Making your life and my life hell in the process.

Those who either couldn�t get the requisite credentials to occupy these spots or were able to but decided they wanted to do something more, went out and started a special interest group. PETA is one of the first groups that come to mind. And they like that. Just like a wholly capitalist venture, name recognition is the name of the game in special interest politics. But even they are not a part of the Ultra Left. Some of their members may be, but as a whole they get the majority of their money from gullible members of the middle class who believe that this group has only the public�s best interest in mind. The groups that have spun off from PETA are ALF and ELF. These are the members of the Ultra Left. And these are the folks I wish to talk about.

If you look at the majority of your modern day activists, you will find them to be Caucasian, in their early twenties with an as yet unfinished college education. They enjoy music, art and travel, along with hanging out with friends. Sounds like your average young adult, right? Right.

But try to talk politics with them. If they have not been pumped full of leftist idealism by ex-hippie parents, more than a decade in the public education system has told them that they can be proud of themselves, but not of their world. They have been told of the suffering that is going on all over the planet while they live in relative splendor and luxury simply because they were lucky enough to be born here, and that they need to feel guilty for this. The blame for this discrepancy may not been made clear to them in school, and without a clear reason being handed to them, they have settled on a common denominator, Americans and their government.

It simply must be the reason. Mom and dad complained about the government all the time throughout the childhoods of these people. There was always something about taxes every year that they didn�t quite understand at the time. All they know is that if they work, they see a large amount of money taken out of their paycheck to pay for the biggest army in the world while poor homeless people eat out of garbage cans. They never actually see these homeless people doing this, but they are told about it.

And they remember hearing about protests against a war in a place called Vietnam over by Japan somewhere. In school, the teacher had told them about the radical student movement that the government had attempted to squash by shooting some of them and how brave those people were to go up against the government. They learned about how the government was sending all the 18 year old boys who were too poor to get out of having to go, over to that country to kill women and children.

And speaking of Japan, America was the only country to ever use a nuclear weapon against another country. And they were told that all things nuclear were bad. But that was World War II, which to them fell into the realm of ancient history. They only remembered an atomic bomb and that a guy named Hitler had done some bad things to Jewish people. There were all these pictures of walking skinny people, how gross. But the teacher had only spent a week or so on that before moving on to something called �The Cold War� and then JFK. Didn�t he know Marilyn Monroe or something?

But I digress. These people are the true worker bees of the movement. With no inclination to do a multi-source, independent review of history because, of course, they know it all already, they take their spoon feedings of selective information from their friends/mentors, �because the friend/mentor has been dealing with this since they were kids.� The parents of the friend/mentor would take them along to anti-Nuclear rallies and peace marches. Oh yeah, and every year they would light a candle for John Lennon. These �friends� are the ones raised by the idealistic parents. They are the organizers and leaders.

The organizers have been indoctrinated by their parents since toddlerdom that government kills people. Either by starting wars or by letting corporations walk all over the laws. The people who run the corporations got rich by screwing over their workers. Who do all the work, by the way. These kids have seen their parents struggle for these issues for years and get nowhere. They are told how much better off the people in Western Europe are, since the European governments care about them. These are the organizers and leaders. These are the dangerous ones.

If they can find an organization that fits with their belief structure, they will try it out for a while. But then they start to see the organization as �too big� and not getting anything done. More work, with no results. Just like what mom and dad did. So they gather up the friends they met there and start a new, smaller group that makes direct actions. It is the same message, except with immediate results and a decent amount of media attention. No standing around with a sign and yelling. Just �sticking it directly to those who deserve it�, in their minds. But even that eventually gets old. They realize that, except for a very small number of people, they can�t get any recognition for their heroic work to free the people from enslavement.

They see that there is no way that they will ever �make the changes that must be made�. Just like mom and dad. Their cohorts are getting restless and frustrated also. Remember, this is the generation of instant gratification.

Whenever they are outside, all they see are �stupid people� who don�t know any better than to go to work and buy things. These �stupid people� really need to be shown why the current vision of America is disgusting. But how to do this?

And this is where these people are now.

If there is one reason, besides comic relief, that I visit their sites on a daily basis and live in a city that they are trying to turn into a socialist Utopia, it is to keep an eye on them. I firmly believe that shortly after the elections in 2004, if Bush gets re-elected and gains more power in Congress, they will pop. Some group that is almost over the line now, will take it out on the citizenry. The first strike may not be in Seattle, but once one group takes the leap, others will follow. I picture a group like the SLA gathering momentum right now.

I have stated before that I talk to people about ELF/ALF activities here in Seattle. They have proven reliable in the past. About three days before the burning down of a building at the University of Washington a few years back, I was told that there were a large number of �out-of-towners� assembling (even if I had only known where, I would have taken a week off work to lie in wait for them).

These folks have recently told me of a group who are actually arming themselves. Rather well. Possibly even with body armor. They consist mostly of anarchists who believe that the FBI is coming after them. This group is widely known to have a camp in central Oregon. The FBI is watching them, but has yet to find anything to pop them for. All their purchases are being made legally by multiple persons, but they do not know where they are being stored. The current thinking is that they will be used for robberies and/or kidnappings. That is why I used the SLA as an example above. And remember what is happening on the 12th and with whom.

I am not wishing for this to happen. Ok, maybe I am just a little. But, only if I can be caught in the middle of one of their first strikes. I believe that these guys may set off a trend. If so, I do not plan on playing defense for the whole game.

Posted by AnalogKid at 03:18 AM
June 07, 2003
You couldn't make this stuff up

Following the Democratic parties candidates for president is never high on my list of to do things. But when I stumbled on this piece, well it just makes me wonder when some of them will get serious about leaving the loonier bits of their party home.

Choice qoute, "We're not crazy Klingon-talking freaks," Read said. "But we are crazy for Dean."' Yeah, you're not pagans or Elvis groupies either, but damn if I don't grant you the same status, unfortunate social outcast. I resent the Trekker Klingon referrence as well, Klingon's are sensitive, you boob.

The most telling line, "At the Stanford University student union, 75 people sipped Jamba Juice and read campaign handouts when Carolyn Curtis brought the meeting to order." Now if these people drank beer and sweated for more than minute walking from the limo to the air conditioned hall I'd be concerned. As it stands, people who produce outnumber them by too much for them to be doing anything more than pissing in the wind.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 08:43 PM
An old "Little friend"

Everyone, Say hi, I takes my new position on the left flank seriously. I don't believe in static defense much other than for harassment value, known positions are fixed targets. I like to roam. If I feel like walking on tippy toe, well then theres always this option.

Seriously though the most deadly weapon is the trained mind. A hunter will always be a hunter, and the best armed sheep is still an easy meal. A case in point.l

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 07:38 PM

Tomorrow is a special day, it's our sixth anniversay. Our plans are made, and the day will be ours. The day has though put me in a sentimental mood, thinking of things that always matter, even when we forget sometimes. I owe her my life, she is the reason I continue to fight nature and time.

Before we met I was going through a dark time, undiagnosed illness, pain, depression, death in the family, all bound up in a not so neat little ball. I wasn't suicidal, but as God is my witness I was selfdestructive. I put myself in situations that were just plain nuts, where I literally didn't care if I lived or not. I was apathetic to the outcome either way. She changed that.

It was a whirlwind courtship, I knew, just knew that she was the one. She brings me a peace that I've never known before. She is my first, last and only wife, there can never be another. In Honor of the day, and in Honor of my wife, I choose devotion as my first topic. Not just romantic devotion, but the very concept of it. At it's best it represents all of us at our finest, for a moment when we are what we wish we could be rather than what we are.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

So a small indulgence for me, I won't go the sentimental route often. And a toast, to what we aspire to. Family, friends........

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 05:34 PM

It was bound to happen. The seduction started the day I first arrived here at RNS as a viewer. Our esteemed host has graciously allowed me a priviledge granted only to one other. I hope to amuse, and maybe spark an exchange that I can learn from as well as anyone.

Nukevet and the Analog Kid are a strong team, I hope to add a little something if only on the margins. The three of us agree on much, but we are very different people. Just as the Analog Kid has struck out in slightly different directions I hope to do the same. But not too different.

Mostly I want to take this chance to thank the good Doctor and the Analog kid. Thanks Neal for your confidence, and thank you Kid for leading the way. I'll try not to disapoint. I promise to have something to click on next time. But I'm new at this and choosing the first topic is proving elusive. But something soon.

I can be found at this nifty new address puggs@nukevet.com provided by Nukevet.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:49 PM
Since I'm still in Charlotte

I might as well share the Carolina Barbeque Creed with you!

(From Trojan Horseshoes, home of the North State Blogroll, pointing the way to Crimen Falsi.

Now, Carolina BBQ is different than that of my home state (Texas), or my adopted state (Louisiana). In my humble opinion, the greatest Carolina innovation is the vinegar sauce recipes. But, I realize that BBQ is a special, private experience to most men, so I won't force my beliefs on you in this important area of spiritual satisfaction and happiness.

Oh, if you are going to visit NC in search of the "holy grub", go here for a little primer advice. It may keep you from asking the embarrassing question "are we going to barbeque that pig?".

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:24 PM
Business as usual at the NY Times

This time, it's dealing with the mobile labs found in Iraq.

Now there is certainly room to have more than 1 opinion on what the labs were used for. Never mind that these dissenters haven't offered any explanations for why conventional bio labs would need to be mobile, but that's a minor point. And never mind that 2 separate teams have reviewed the evidence and submitted a report stating with high confidence that the labs could be used for weapons purposes. A report that they signed, sealed, and delivered - putting both their expertise and their reputations out in the open for all to evaluate.

But the NYT, eager to push their bias no matter what, offers us a sterling analysis that includes statements such as:

In interviews over the last week, they said the mobile units were more likely intended for other purposes and charged that the evaluation process had been damaged by a rush to judgment.

Other purposes such as WHAT? You don't build conventional biological labs on frigging wheels. It's great for them to say they have other uses, but so far no one has mentioned even one plausible alternative use for these vehicles. As for the "rush to judgement" part - who's fault is that? With papers like the Guardian and the Times and the rest of that ideological ilk screaming about how the war is a fruad if WMD's aren't found yesterday, is there any wonder that there might be some time pressure.

"Everyone has wanted to find the 'smoking gun' so much that they may have wanted to have reached this conclusion," said one intelligence expert who has seen the trailers and, like some others, spoke on condition that he not be identified. He added, "I am very upset with the process."

Ah, yes, the "upset intelligence expert" who doesn't want to be identified. Unlike the people who analyzed the data, wrote the report, and signed their names - this guy is unhappy because, apparently, the MAJORITY of those who reviewed the evidence didn't agree with him. So now he hides behind a "on condition of anonymity" mask and snipes at the report. But hey, some chickenshit who didn't get his way disputes the majority opinion, which we at the NYT didn't like, so let's elevate him to "intelligence expert" status and pretend like his analysis is superior.

In a white paper last week, it (the Bush admin - ed.) publicly detailed its case, even while conceding discrepancies in the evidence and a lack of hard proof.

Let's see, the group that released the white paper detailed the flaws in its argument while presenting its case. Yep, you can certainly see how intellectually dishonest this process has been. In the world of cancer research, you are always looking for the authors of a scientific paper to point out the flaws and problems with their own work. People who do this effectively, and who try and address the controversial issues in their work up front are usually much better respected than those who try and hide the flaws in their work. But in this arena, apparently, admitting that there are shades of grey to the interpretation, and that you are missing potentially critical pieces of information is just used to reject your hypothesis out of hand, in this case purely because the NYT doesn't WANT the trailers to be mobile bio-labs.

In all, at least three teams of Western experts have now examined the trailers and evidence from them. While the first two groups to see the trailers were largely convinced that the vehicles were intended for the purpose of making germ agents, the third group of more senior analysts divided sharply over the function of the trailers, with several members expressing strong skepticism, some of the dissenters said.

This is really nice. Notice that 3 teams have reviewed the evidence, 2 of which concluded that they were mobile weapons labs. But the 3rd group was divided sharply (presumably meaning that they were split close to 50:50), with the "more senior analysts" casting doubt. So, even though the vast majority of those who looked at the labs thought they were weapons or dual use facilities (5/6ths of all those who reviewed the data?), the NYT tries to inflate the value of the dissenting 1/6th by labeling them as "more senior analysts". Note to the NYT - being "more senior" doesn't make you smarter. It also doesn't mean that you are current or competent when it comes to the latest developments in a specialty field.

My favorite bit, however, is this:

"I have no great confidence that it's a fermenter," a senior analyst with long experience in unconventional arms said of a tank for multiplying seed germs into lethal swarms. The government's public report, he added, "was a rushed job and looks political." This analyst had not seen the trailers himself, but reviewed evidence from them.

So, where to begin. Yet another "unnamed" analyst. He strikes the fatal blow of calling the report "political", but offers us no reasons why he makes such an assessment. Oh, and buy the way, he hasn't actually SEEN these trailers, but he can tell the NYT that the white paper is politically motivated and wrong because his barber's sister's mechanic saw a trailer once parked by a McDonald's in Baton Rouge, and that trailer didn't have any biologic weapons in it, either. He must be a really important, high ranking analyst if he hasn't even been asked to come and examine the trailers forming the cornerstone of this current issue. Surely he couldn't be trying to sink the government's analysis because he's disgruntled that his opinion hasn't been requested, right? Why, that's a political motivation, certainly far below the depths to which the NYT would stoop to attack Bush, right?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:46 AM
Momma always said

That it is good to try new things.

I will be up all night, as is my habit. And since the weather here has been quite balmy I will probably be pulling an "Acidman" and hanging out on the deck and surfing. Only instead of alcoholic beverages, I will have a large pitcher of homemade peach iced tea, which I have just finished getting set up for later.

If anyone thinks they will be alive and kicking at approximately 10-11pmPST, go ahead and leave a comment here or email me to let me know. I had some Instant Messaging software shoved down my throat during a recent "Microsoft up-the-butt update" (why do I need another chinese language translator program?), and was thinking I might want to put it to use. Having never participated in an ISM session, I'm wondering if it as overrated as most other things on the web (besides blogs), or if it kicks so much ass, I'll become addicted.

So come one, come all. Help keep me from having to reorganize my bins of gun parts while the wife sleeps.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:56 AM
I cannot think

Of any way to make light of this or otherwise crack a joke.

"My heart has turned into a sad block of pain. One day I will buy a weapon and I will blow away the fetters. I will propel my living-dead body into your arms, my father, and you will gather me into your hands."

'The rantings of a criminal psychopath or Mideast terrorist? No, it's from a prize-winning letter by seventh-grader Mahmoud Naji Chalilah, entered in a national children's letter-writing contest among Palestinians.'

This is disgusting. I can easily see this as even worse than sexually molesting a child. And I have a special set of homemade tools for those sick fucks. Anyone who tries to compare what the IDF may or may not do in the "palestinian" settlements to this is in need of some serious mental health counciling. Or at least an entry level course in deductive reasoning.

It makes this

Seem even more insightful, considering that it was orginally drawn in April of 2002 by Cox & Forkum.
And Thanks to LGF for finding the above WND article.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:40 AM
And now for something completely different

I signed up for a concealed carry course in 2 weeks. I am taking it with a good friend of mine, the guy who initially got me interested in handguns and helped me pick out my first 2 pieces.

I have been thinking about it for a long time, and wanted to be absolutely sure that I was comfortable with it before I did it. Probably the biggest issue for me is the reciprocity that Louisiana has with most of the southeastern states - I cross state lines a lot, and it would be nice to know that everything was completely covered and legal. Currently, I just remove my pistol from the truck whenever I am travelling to Texas or Mississippi.

So, in an informal straw poll, RNS wants to know: What is everyone's carry piece of choice? The handgun I keep in the truck is an Kimber Carry Pro .45ACP.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:33 AM
Speaking of Voices in my Head

Shhhhhhhhh. Be very, very quiet. See if you can hear the whisper of a new voice here at RNS.

For several months I have been trying to get Puggs to come out of the comments closet, and start posting some of his excellent content on the main page. Puggs was a little intimidated by the computer side of things (God knows I haven't found anything else that seems to intimidate him), and reluctant to jump right into the blogosphere.

However, after he responded to a request I made for surplus Claymores by commenting that he knew how to make a nasty little anti-personnel mine out of a shotgun shell, I knew he had to move into the limelight. Hell, I get tons of e-mail from people who already think Puggs is an author (or even THE author, since he actually responds to more comments than I do) So, unbeknownst to Puggs, I set him up an RNS authoring account, e-mailed him all of the specifics, and wait in breathless anticipation to see when/if he will take the bait.

If I can have both Puggs and AK at my back, I'm thinking we can take on just about all challenges. I would use a lot of military references here, like "covering my flanks" and "suppressing fire", but you guys know I was never in the military and that I would just be saying stuff I had heard from the movies.

So let me just say this: AK is somewhere over there to the right. Puggs is probably somewhere over there to the left, but he may have already worked his way around behind you. Welcome to RNS.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:11 AM
Of course it is all our fault

How could we possibly have been mistaken in thinking that the "palestinians" wanted to negotiate.

I got my daily NYT update and couldn't ignore their "comment of the day" item.

Dr. Abu Amr, "palestinian" Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas's chief negotiator with Hamas.
"As usual, the American pressure was counterproductive," he said. "They got the man to say what they wanted him to say, but they didn't consider the
implications on the ground."

We should have seen that asking Hamas to compromise by STOPPING THE MURDER OF ISRAELIS was just asking too much. How silly of us.

I am going to stand by my plan to end the hostilities.
Make Israel a temporary "51st state". For a period of 1 year, to be renewable a maximum of 5 times, they get favored nation status in terms of military trade and assistance. Create a DMZ, as in Korea, and let the IDF keep watch. Let only those who pass muster rules set by Sharon and his cabinet to cross. All others are screwed. Let it be known that any attack on them will be an attack on us. If a bus gets blown up, we find who that person was and where they lived. Then, fuck a bulldozer, with 1 hour of warning we carpet cluster bomb the neighborhood. Any accomplices found will be delivered the same treatment.

By the end of the 5 year term, all violent "palestinians" will either be dead, homeless or peace will magically break out under the threat of overwhelming superior firepower. I know it may sound a little tough, but at least the cluster bombs aren't spraying pork fat.

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:10 AM
Add my voice to the list

Saying "Thank You" to those in the armed services. AK penned a little screed about the movement of our troops in South Korea; a movement that has all of the younger Koreans who "hate" the US a little nervous. There have been quite a few comments to this post, including some by individuals currently or previously stationed in Korea.

I never served in the military. I went down to the post office and registered on my 18th birthday, and would have done what I was told in the unlikely event that the draft ever was reinstituted. I guess I don't really know how most in the military view us, the "citizens" of America. It would piss me off royally to go somewhere horrible, fight for my life to preserve the ideals I believe in, and then come home to hear some piss-ant pontificate on the horrors of war, how I was a baby killer and war criminal, etc. I hope that those in the military know that most Americans support and appreciate the sacrifices made on our behalf.

Anyway, the only point of my post is to say that I, for one, realize how lucky I am to live in a country where I am afforded the luxury of doing what I want, saying what I want, and having a dedicated force of men and women who see it as their duty to protect me and mine.

Memo to the ungrateful (Both American and French and South Korean and....): This attitude of "put your life on the line to protect me while I revile and vilify you" just really needs to stop.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:59 AM
Boot to the rear

Remember late last year when they asked all arab male immigrants 16 and over to please report to their local INS location? Well, about 82,000 men did exactly that. But now that all the papers have been shuffled, reshuffled and then shuffled one more time, it looks as if some of them are going to be getting the old heave ho.

"more than 13,000 have been found to be living in this country illegally, officials say".

Expect to hear the left come out in full force next week on this subject.

"Many had hoped to win leniency by demonstrating their willingness to cooperate with the campaign against terror. The men were not promised special treatment, however, and officials believe that most will be expelled"

"The deportations are a striking example of how the Bush administration increasingly uses the nation's immigration system as a weapon in the battle against terror"

It is a classic NYT article (which means you will have to log in to be able to read it. Sorry). They go straight for the tear ducts. First blaming the government for moving too slow to legalize the men (what?), and then whining about how this is going to "break up the communities".

I'm sorry, but you don't get to come here and willy-nilly away your time to apply for immigration. Hop to it, Hajii (sorry, was that insensitive?). Get your shit in gear, or get a boot to the rear. It is great that you have a job and all, but it would be really great if you'd get you card too.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:26 AM
I didn't forget

Some of you may have noticed that I didn't post anything in rememberance of D-Day yesterday. My apologies. I had not gotten off my ass early enough beforehand to do the research to give the day it's requsite respect. Basically, I remembered on Wednesday evening that it was on Friday.

I did, however, find a number of folks who had. So I decided to pick the best couple of them and feature them here today. The first is Ms Rachel Lucas with a photo essay. When you are done reading and looking at the pics, go donate to her history project.

And the other one is Samizdata, who puts the reasons for why on the screen with such utter simplicity that it is impossible to ignore.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:08 AM
When the sun beats down

And melts the tar up on the roof....

Well folks, it was 90+ here in Seattle on Friday. I got off work at 5am, and was home by 5:30 with the sun already up and 65 degrees. I got the stuff out to wash and wax the truck, did so, then went in the house and got myself cleaned up and went out for breakfast.

I had switched out of my Carhart gear and into a pair of khakis, a white cotton tank top (wifebeater tee), and a dark print shirt with my Galco Jackass shoulder rig underneath.

As I was walking out of the restaurant I saw my reflection on the side of my truck and wondered how the folks inside the restaurant handled me. It was nice to find out that even at 30+1, I could still pull off the "white pimp in the burbs/Sonny Crocket" vibe. I was ably assisted with the attitude to match by the 500+ watts of Steely Dan rolling out of my truck.

If I'd a had one of these

I'd a been dangerous.

Just wanted to let y'all know.

Posted by AnalogKid at 02:33 AM
June 06, 2003
I think this is the right decision

Convert to Islam must remove veil for Florida driver's license photo.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:45 PM
Yep, it's true

The acorn never falls far from the Oak.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 03:31 PM
Kill the Peace

Edition 1,423.

Let's see now, who controls Hamas?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:48 AM
Get a move on


Our troops in South Korea are going to be moving soon, so expect to hear the anti-US dodo's over there get reeeal quiet. Now that the folks we put on the DMZ aren't waiting to be overrun, and the SORKs are going to have to man that position, people over there are getting nervous.

"When people hear the news, their immediate reaction often is, 'What? Who's going to defend the border? Are the Americans moving south so that they can leave our country fast when the war breaks out?'" said Song Young-sun, an analyst in Seoul's Korea Institute of Defense Analysis."

But "The Pentagon says it can better deter North Korea by moving U.S. troops farther south from the Demilitarized Zone separating the two Koreas."

No date has been set for the move, but just the idea gives me warm fuzzies.

I never liked the idea that our service men and women were being used as a tripwire. Human fodder that were only there to try to draw the fire and slow down of the NORKs until we could get more troops over there. The expected KIA rate was over 95%. All the while being told to go home by the succeding generations. Squirm now, you little brats.

Thanks to Right Thinking from the Left Coast for the directional sign.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:12 AM
I've got the balls

But nobody wants to play.

Still no news on the anti-LEIU whiners. Just some more whining that is not even worth the energy it takes your monitor to display these letters. I did drive by the nutjobs near the University of Washington mentioned in the comments here yesterday (thanks Mollbot), but they were few in numbers and not at all lively. Plus, there is always a group protesting at a Starbuck's somewhere in Seattle. But I did find something funny.

Indymedia UK Reporter Undergos Surgery

"Guy Smallman, a photographer from Brixton and volunteer with Indymedia UK, was hit in the back of the leg by a grenade fired at close range, which tore off the back of his left leg beneath the knee."

I will have to talk to the folks in uniform I know and show them this article. I was only disappointed in the protesters until I saw that the non-lethals could do this. Why don't we have some of those?

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:58 AM
It's all Greek to me

I like the Greeks, they are a decent people who know how to kick some ass when necessary. But I think they need to stay up more on current events. Like, oh I don't know, The G8.

Greece offers free camp sites to EU summit protesters.

"Officials announced plans to provide free camping facilities in Thessaloniki, as well as free transportation and access to city venues to host gatherings."

Maybe I'm being too harsh on them. Keeping these violent professional protesters cordoned in a pen is not a bad idea. Especially if they can actually control the comings and goings of the protesters.

"Oops the bus has broken down. You cannot protest today. Sorry."

That would be funny. But not as funny as beating them with clubs as they sleep.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:25 AM
Sierra Club targets Ford

The Sierra Club is going to try to use Ford's 100th Anniversity against them in a report comparing the Model T's 25 miles per gallon versus the 22.6 mpg of the average new Ford.

Never mind the new safety features, fewer harmful emissions, and general utility of the newer cars. The Sierra Club fanatics want us all to go back to driving the horseless carriages.

Take a trip over to very industrious Ravenwood's Universe. He's got facts figures and other items I am just too lazy to Google. Plus, he's nice guy. As long as you're not an ignoranus.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:14 AM
New Dictionary Terms

Thanks to Ravenwood for pointing me to Tazteck.com. They've been coming up with new dictionary terms that we all can enjoy.

Take this example, which millions of families will be experiencing starting this July.

Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

Another one is a perfect definition of a large number of my fellow Seattlites (not you Mollbot).

Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

And of course this one explains why most of y'all stop by here everyday.
You've got Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

You know who you are.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:58 AM
Young Pyros in Love

ELF has set fire to 3 more houses under construction in 2 hits. One in Michigan and the other in California (of course).


"on june 4 at about 2:45 am elf set fire to a luxury home at 145 sterling oaks
drive in chico ca. we used a napalm incindiery. it would have burnt to the
ground if the pvc pipe containing water didn't put out the flame. the pvc pipe
caught on fire and released the water. the damage ended up being minimal to our disssatisfaction. we targeted these luxury homes due to the damage to the
bioregion that occurs through development. chico is slowly becoming victim to
sprawl and we will not sit back as all that is natural and beautiful is
destroyed. civilizaion as a whole has proved to be detrimental to humans and
non human animals. we won't settle for anything less then complete collapse.
liberation for all life"


A pair of houses under construction were burned in an upscale suburban
development in Washington Township, Michigan.
The two houses were both in late stages of construction. The two houses under
construction had a combined value of $700,000, she said.
Graffiti reading "ELF" and "stop sprawl" was spray painted on nearby
construction equipment.

A cottage industry has started on the east coast, with construction companies either letting their employees stay in the in the houses they are building or paying people to stay the night in them. If they could guarantee at least a phone line in the home I'd love to take them up on this offer. But why can't ELF just come directly to me? And why can't they properly use the CAPS button? All lower case or all upper case does not make you a rebel.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:23 AM
Principles of PC Theology

Go see this list now. It contains 52 points of PC Theology. I was very surprised to find this it at the Seattle IMC site. I hope that it will be left up long enough for y'all to read it.

Highlights include:

#7. The fact that Marxism caused a conservatively-estimated 100 million deaths in the 20th century does not mean that Marxism is bad or a failure.

#13. If one country is rich and another poor, it must be because the rich one stole all the wealth away from the poor one.

#24. The bombing of Hiroshima did not save any lives and was done because Americans are racists.

#32. Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and their friends are thinkers and idealists.

#34. If one tribe in Africa oppresses another tribe, it is all the fault of white people.

#35. The United States does not need any army at all, other than as a laboratory for social engineering involving women and gays.

#38. If there are proportionately more blacks in prison than whites, it is because the courts and police are racist.

#42. Hollywood actors are more sensitive and caring than the rest of us.

#46. Slavery was always practiced exclusively by white people.

And many more. I will be copy and pasting this into word and printing it out. The moment I believe one of them, I will have to stay away from IMC sites for a week

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:01 AM
June 05, 2003
Open mouth, Insert barrel Hippie

Read the entire thing

London (KurdishMedia.com) 04 June 2003:

"A mass grave containing the remains of 200 Kurdish children has been discovered in the liberated Kurdish city of Kirkuk, reported the KDP Arabic daily, Al-Taakhi."

"Citizens were discovered on May 30, 2003, in a communal grave close to Debs, in Kirkuk. However, this mass grave was different from other mass graves discovered since the fall of Saddam Hussein?s terrorist regime since it contained the remains of 200 babies, victims of the repression of the Kurdish uprising in 1991," Al-Taakhi noted. "Even the dolls were buried with the children," it added.'

"It is believed that the babies were buried alive. It was also reported in the local media that an adult female person had also been found in the mass grave. It was suggested that she could have been their minder."

I will take no more bitching about not finding WMD's yet. I will take no more whining, calling it an 'illegal war'. I will fire one written warning shot with this article. I have saved it and I will copy and paste it all over the next ignorant fuck who dares to use his freedom of speech here to spew hate about the US having no business in Iraq. Go somewhere else to do that you human piece of shit. Do not test me on this.

If you do, you might as well open your mouth and insert the barrel yourself. Don't forget to pull the trigger.

You are just wasting precious resources needed by better humans.

Thanks to Michele @ ASV.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:06 PM
I don't have time to deal with this bit

of leftist hysteria right now. Gotta go earn those CE credits. But go read it, Fisk it, discuss it amongst yourselves, and we can debate it later. I found the print version being handed out by some hippy guy in downtown Charlotte.

Even though it was the right being accused of "jingo-ism" after 9/11, you can read sentiments like this closing statement:

Are we so few, or are the numbers we see part of the Bush-Fox disinformation campaign -- like Saddam's missing uranium and his 25,000 liters of anthrax? This faint last hope will be tested in the presidential election of 2004. If the polls are right and Malone is wrong, as I fear, it's going to be a long, sandy century for the United States of America, for our children and grandchildren and all those sweet singing children yet unborn.

There you have it. Leftists of the world, UNITE! Stop the Bush/FOX administration - it's for the children.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 10:45 AM
It's killing me

Nothing happened LEIU-wise again Wednesday.

Helloooo, smelly hippie, where are you? Is the 'man' keeping you down? Why don't you come out and we'll play nice, OK? (snicker, snicker).

Long story short, for once the entire city council isn't buying the "the cops started the whole thing" story. And since the numbers of police on scene aren't being slashed, the pukes are afraid of getting their butts kicked again. But they aren't being silent about it. You can read about the city council ignoring and then shutting the protesters out.

Or you can read the post from the boyfriend of an ACLU "legal observer" who got thwapped by non-lethals here.

More pics of the action are here.

If name-calling gets you riled up go here and here.

If you want to read the lawyers trying to get business from the arrestees and the arrestees whiny responses.

Or you could just stop by Seattle IMC. They have people posting audio clips and one of them even made a theme song. Isn't that just precious?

If these dingleberries wait until Friday (the one day of the week I absolutely, positively have to be at work early) to start some shit. I will be very vengeful. I may even have to send a hippie into white slavery just for pissing me off. Eh, I could use the money.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:14 AM
More Nazi Comparisons

Take a look at this pic.

Guess where I got it. Nope. Not there. Some eco-weenie calling himself "the eCO AVENGER" is comparing the Nazi deathcamps to the thinning out of Canadian Geese in our city parks.

Every year we are attacked by Canada when they send us their geese. They take over our parks and shit all over the place, attack children (I know that sounds funny, but trust me, you don't want to get bit by one of these mean bastards) and cause traffic accidents.

The envirowhackos wouldn't let us spray something on the grass that would give the geese stomach aches without actually hurting them. Nor would they let the city council have dogs scare them away from the park. The city gave up and is now trapping and corraling them into an airtight container and feeding them CO2.

Now these folks are seeing how nice the city was being with the first two suggestions and are now demanding that they implement them.

But all that aside, why can't these fucks see Auschwitz and the other Nazi camps as a place where PEOPLE were killed. They pulled this shit earlier this year with that PETA broad comparing the jews with KFC chickens (which by the way, they want gassed with CO2 as a "kind kill" method before they will lift their boycott and stop their pickets).

Once again, the people who want us to give them control of this country's future, have forgotten to read about the past.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:02 AM
Whitey is at it again

Thanks to Tongue Tied for pointing this story out.

New York State Supreme Court Judge, Donna Mills, was found passed out, slumped over the steering wheel of her Rolls-Royce and reeking of alcohol after crashing into two parked cars. Officers said she was virtually incoherent and slurring her speech after she regained consciousness with the help of medics.

They arrested her for DUI and she was taken to the precinct where she refused to take a blood alcohol test. Now here's the punchline. In her recent court date she accused the police officers of targeting her because she is black.

According the article, a shouting match took place between Mills' lawyer, Paul Gentile, and Judge Ralph Fabrizio in the Bronx courtroom. Gentile accused the court of singleing out Mills' to "not be given any courtesies whatsoever". To which Fabrizio warned him that to theorize a conspiracy upon the court was sanctionable. I wonder what kind of "courtesies" Mills' was expecting?

The funniest part is that the arresting officer was a Latina female. But I guess any whitey will do.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:02 AM
Cold hard cash

I hate banks. I believe that the only reason for their existence is for me to walk into one someday and be given a target opprotunity. Even though it would completely mess up a day's activities and get my gun taken temporarily, I easily think it would be worth the trouble. But that is just me. That aside, I do have a single account that I use for holding a small amount of money.

But one of the few things I buy every payday is 4-5 of these.

They're about $5 each and easy to store. At least until you get a couple of ammo cans full of them.

I do this because I can't save money for shit. If I got it, I spend it. And this is the best way I have found to keep me from buying a new gun, or car parts, or CD's, or whatever I think I need at the time because no retail stores will take them as currency. But the price of silver stays pretty stable, so they will always hold their value.

My local place is The Northwest Territorial Mint, but you can go to any coin shop to buy rounds from the Fed ($8 ea.) or a local mint. Or you can buy commemorative ingots. They all stack the same.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:00 AM
June 04, 2003
What a bummer, dude

Tueday at the anit-LEIU rally..... nothing happened. That pisses me off almost as much as what happened yesterday. I left for work early and headed up to the the massing area and no one was there. Ok, there were people there, but they all looked like they were on Ritalin.

So here's a run-down of the reprocussions of yesterdays action. The 12 people that were arrested yesterday were released later that evening. Tuesday morning some folks showed up at city hall to complain to the city council about the "police brutality" Monday. The normally left leaning city council had the doors chained shut to keep them out, and the protesters were once again, not happy campers. The deputy police chief stepped outside and read a statment that basically said "if you show up at a rally with backpacks containing ball-bearings and mason jars full of urine or fire propellant, you are no longer a peaceful protester." This really harshed the mellow of those gathered. Their response was "but those people don't represent us. Why do you want us to police our own ranks?" Go figure.

Then a magically peaceful rally happened. It included no property damage nor any "police brutality".

Meanwhile over at the Seattle Indymedia site, the moonbats were spraying their guano everywhere. One included a commenter giving instructions about how to set the police officers on fire. More crap here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, andhere. More pics are here, here and here.

The second to the last of the non-photo posts asks for Chief of Police Gil Kerlikowske's resignation. Which makes me wonder how much these dipshits know about the recent history of Seattle. For those of you who don't live here, the last guy who held the Chief's position, basically got cut loose because of they way major events were handled. We had a guy beaten to death in full view of the police on freakin' Mardi Gras.

The protesters are basically all upset that they weren't allowed to act like spoiled children and break other peoples stuff. Tuesday, the police let it be know that they were going to review the video they took on Monday and make arrests during the week of those they could ID. This put the IMC'ers in a tizzy that a gallon of LSD couldn't re-create.

I will continue to go to the massing points and at least try to get my own pics. I would have today, but they would have looked just like fans of 'The Greatful Dead' met 'The Living Dead'. Or basically a large group of 'The Brain Dead'. But I digress.

Posted by AnalogKid at 08:33 AM
Auschwitz Visit by Bush

Following up on AK's post below, detailing how far the Indymedia crowd will go to demonize Bush. I think the easiest way to tell the difference between Guantanamo and Auschwitz is that the Jewish prisoners usually ended up like this:

While the Arab prisoners have ended up like this:

Yep, they got so fat that the US had to give them new blue jeans prior to their release from "Gitmo, camp of death". No word on whether the Germans offered their Jewish prisoners new clothes to go along with their new sveldt body types induced by being dead at Auschwitz.

Interestingly, the man that the Indymedia group wants to elevate to victim status so they can better demonize Bush has produced scenes like this:

Hey, at least it looks like Saddam gave his victims new clothes to wear. Maybe he isn't such a bad guy, after all. Especially since Saddam was forced to kill all of those people because of the US, don't ya know.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 08:14 AM
Howdy from Charlotte, NC

Sorry for the light posting. I am away at another conference (this time attending rather than presenting, for CE credit hours to maintain licensure). Not nearly as much fun as cruising around the Gulf of Mexico, but what can ya do?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 07:41 AM
Righteous Shooting Update

If you read yesterday's righteous shooting you probably saw the last line before the editorial part saying that if the police changed their minds about filing charges, I'd let you know. Well, they're thinking.

An uproar arising over some of the facts released is making the Tacoma PD get the prosecution mice spinning in their treadmills. No real word yet, but a certain crowd is whining over the fact that the entry wound on this two time felon, is in his back. The disabled 64 year old man is having to justify his actions to these people. His story is as follows.

He was lying in bed shortly after noon when he heard a large bang coming from the back door of his house. He retrieved his pistol, a 9mm auto (hit the MORE button for a short rant on this), and could hear the suspects walk through the house. He then saw one of them come into the doorway. The suspect turned and yelled to his accomplice to come back to the room, then turned to the homeowner and said "I'm gonna get you". The homeowner then aimed his pistol and fired 1 shot. The suspects ran off and the homeowner called police.

Pretty straight forward. The suspect was found 12 hours later in an empty house in the neighborhood, after reportedly calling the police to tell them someone shot him. Although that phone call is being called into question at this time as well.

Another crux seems to be that the homeowner did not give the man a verbal warning before firing. Oddly, nowhere in this story did I hear that the homeowner was an on-duty police officer. That is one of the main reasons I would never want to be policeman.

Listening to the leftie radio stations here in Seattle, you'd think that it was a right to be able to kick in someone's door and walk through their house, possibly taking what ever you want, as long as they didn't physically hurt the occupants.

More follow-up as the info comes through.

9mm. Heh. Never send a boy to do a man's job.

Take a look at the time frame on this. It took 12 hours for this guy to bleed out. No major trauma damage, and he was able to run at least 10 blocks and break into another house. He must have been smart enough to know the cops had put out an APB to the hospitals on his ass. I guess that is something a career criminal learns.

No true disrespect to those who are fans of the 9, or the people who like to shoot it (Mrs. duToit, I'm nodding your way). While I am a big fan of the 45ACP, I realize that it is a cartridge that not everybody can handle. I am a bigger fan of people being effective with what they shoot. Some of the people I have sent to this site since I've started here will know what I mean when I say practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, etc.

One of them is a guy 6'7" and over 250lbs. He's been using a 9mm for over 3 years now, and he is damn good with it. He just doesn't feel ready to move up. And I would never rush someone out of effectivness. I will only motivate them to go as fast as they feel they can.

As much as I would hate to get shot, I think a 9mm would be the last major caliber someone would want to throw at me. They'd better hit the head or a major artery and hope I bleed out before I find them and use their skull as a urinal.

How's that for motivation?

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:33 AM
You didn't want to know this

While visiting Michele's place I came across some very sad information she found at Jane Galt's.

Microscopic analysis of WTC dust by Nicholas Petraco, BS, MS, DABC, FAAFS, FNYMS
at The New York Microscopic Society lecture held at AMNH 28 May 2003

45.1% Fiberglass, rock wool (insulation, fireproofing)
31.8% Plaster (gypsum), concrete products (calcium sulfate, selenite, muscodite)
7.1% Charred wood and debris
2.1% Paper fibers
2.1% Mica flakes
2.0% Ceiling tiles (fiberglass component)
2.0% Synthetic fibers
1.4% Glass fragments
1.3% Human remains
1.4% Natural fibers
trace asbestos (it became illegal to use during the construction of the WTC)

Other trace elements: aluminum, paint pigments, blood, hair, glass wool with resin, and prescription drugs were found.

Sort of a reminder as to where we've been and why we don't want to go back there.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:03 AM
June 03, 2003
Righteous Shooting

With Mr Kim du Toit taking some needed downtime for family business I feel I should inform you of a local "Righteous Shooting"

At approximately 12:30 in the afternoon on Monday, a 64 year old disabled man hear a large banging noise at the back door of his house. He grabbed his gun and headed in that direction. He came around the corner to see two adult males walking into his house having just kicked in the door. He then opens fire. The two suspects then fled and the disabled man the calls police. The police investigate and find forced entry at the door and a trail of blood leading out of the man's yard.

Later that night, the police get a phone call from a man stating he had been shot in the back. They get to the address the call had came from to find a house devoid of furniture with a corpse inside.

From the article " Officer Mark Fulgham, of the Tacoma Police Department, said the 33-year-old suspect was well-known to officers, and had a lengthy criminal history, including robbery."

So far they have stated that no charges will be filed against the disabled man. If that changes, I'll let you know.

And I agree with Kim about the lack of useful information. What caliber did the guy use? Shot out of what? Where did the bullet hit? How deep was the penetration? We need to know this information!

Posted by AnalogKid at 09:42 AM
They're Heerree...

It has started. The socialists descended upon Seattle's shopping district to have a rally opposing the LEIU (I'd give you a link to their site, but it was under a constant barrage of attacks and was taken down). After the speakers were done accusing Bush of being Hitler, they marched a couple of blocks to the hotel where the conference was taking place.


Her shirt says "The Pigs will Pay"

Two words, property destruction. The same crap these pukes started at the WTO conference began. Windows, newspaper boxes, trash cans, etc.

Once at the hotel, one of these fine, upstanding citizens managed to climb onto the awning above the entrance to a nearby busines and set fire to the flag on top of it. When he climbed down he was promptly arrested by undercover police. Of course the protesters didn't like that one of their own had to bear the consequences of his actions and started to assault the cops, and then the shit hit the fan.

I got the pics above, here. No, I don't know why they tied themselves up with police tape either. I'm sure it has some deeeeep meaning. There are more here. If you want to see the projectiles shot at the protesters go here.

Of course the freaks felt the need to bitch and moan about getting peppersprayed and non-lethaled. The funniest one is here. I cannot see how anyone can lie to themselves like this guy does. There are more here, here, and here in decending order of stupidity.

If this is going to be anything like 3 years ago, both the numbers of protesters and police will double tomorrow. The protesters will point their anger at the police and begin a charge and assault their line. The shit will hit the fan, etc. I will try to be there live tomorrow and get my own pics. I promise to try to find some prozac and have the wife hide my axe. Wish me luck.

Posted by AnalogKid at 05:38 AM
Think fast hippie

I am sure you all heard about the President's respectfull visit to the Nazi death camps, Auschwitz and Birkenau last week. Well, so did the Indymedia folks. I'll give you the headline, you yell explicatives, then continue to read.

"Brainstorming for Guantanamo, Bush Visits Auschwitz"

This could almost be funny. If you take into account that a large number of these folks are Holocaust deniers and believe that these camps were built by the US Army under orders of the ZOG. And add to that how well the guys actually in Gitmo are treated.

But I don't want to do that. Instead, I want to throttle the next hippie I see. The post has a photo of the Gitmo prisoners on the cargo plane on their way over with the black hoods on and cargo straps binding them. They are essentially comparing that to being loaded into a rail car with over 100 other people for at least a 4 day trip. No food, no where to relieve yourself and exposed to the elements. Whereas whole families were herded up in ghettos and taken to a guaranteed death sentence, these 18-40 year old men were captured as enemy combatants in a war zone. And when we are sure they have no more useful information, we fly them home.

The main body of text consists of an AP story. But then the freaks start doing the old "Bushitler" comparisons. Including this line of fiction "Yes, George Bush became a master propaganda artist and one can tell that he took extra time studying Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, which got him his best C at Yale ever."

Pure emotion, absolutely no thought. The only thing that the Nazi death camps are to these folks is a propaganda tool, just like Hitler. They don't see the significance.

Posted by AnalogKid at 03:54 AM
Product Placement

We'll start out the day with a product from a company that doesn't really need any endorsement, but here I go any way.

Ladies and Gents, Wilson Combat Magazines.

The magazines pictured are their 8rnd #47D's. I have 15 of them. Even under some of the worst conditions, I have never had a magazine related malfunction using these mags. Sand, mud, water and long drops have made my mags a bit ugly, but hasn't hurt them a bit. I'm 6'3", which means that every time drop a mag it falls at least 5ft. Generally onto concrete but occasionally into dirt or sand or snow. Never a problem.

I maintain my mags like I maintain my guns. According to the military, magazines are considered a part of the gun, and should me considered as such when you get home and clean you firearm. I number mine in groups of three. One in the gun and two more I keep with me. And I rotate them every 3-4 weeks so that the springs don't go flat.

The mags in the pic have the standard thickness bumper pad. These are my two spares. The third one that I keep in the gun has an extended base pad (47DE). The reason I do this is that even in a minor altercation that includes the discharge of firearms (usually totalling less than 5 rounds) you are guaranteed to have to dump your first mag. Either to reload or for the police when they arrive.

Just to let you know, they will keep your gun. For a long time. Usually 4-8 months, so own a spare. And there is no use complaining if it comes back with some chicken scratch engraving on it, so get over it. Either sell it or get it refinished. No they won't pay for the refinishing. The funny part is that around half the guns I have seen come back from evidence or property rooms have the engraving on a part of the gun that has no serial number (slide, barrel, grip, stock, etc), so rebuilding is also an option.

Posted by AnalogKid at 02:55 AM
Never, ever, ever

underestimate how f#cking stupid people can be.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 12:03 AM
June 02, 2003
Speaking of Foot in Mouth Disease

Here's a nice little takedown of Sean Penn's $120,000 tantrum, published by the NY Times.

The obligatory teaser:

His 40,000-word screed reads like a term paper fueled by a combination of pot, grade A acid, and Viagra. In the ad, the star calls the American flag a �vulgar billboard� for US corporate interests. He blasts the Bush administration as tools of oil conglomerations, and says we slaughtered thousands of innocent Iraqis for no reason at all.
Interestingly enough, not one of his 40,000 words mentioned the Iraqi�s newfound freedom of speech, or the Shiites� freedom to worship their god as they please, or about the torture chambers Saddam forgot to show him during his Baghdad tour last year.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 06:01 PM
Once again

The Dixie Chicks "open mouth, insert foot".

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:27 PM
Let's get ready to rumble....

It's on, boys and girls. Today is the first day of the LEIU meeting here in Seattle. And in scanning the Indymedia sites I find that an "Un-Welcoming Committie" of smelly hippies has been organized to "show 'The Man' they're not wanted"

I think you might be as interested as I was to know who is organizing this event. Hmmmm, we've got Not in Our Name (NION - Seattle), Palestine Solidarity Committee, Federation of Northwest Anarchist-Communists (FNAC), Freedom Socialist Party, Green Party (Seattle), and the International Socialist Organization just to name a few. Sounds like a lovely bunch. But why would they have to worry about police agencies nationwide being able to share information?

So keep your eyes on the news. I'm warming up the cattle prod. Woe betide all who wish to loot in my vicinity.

Posted by AnalogKid at 06:51 AM
Don't judge a book....

I don't know how many of you buy books on a regular basis, but those of you who do have probably experienced stickershock at the Barnes and Noble. I, myself go to a small set of chain stores that sell used books, called "Half-Priced Books" because of the prices being charged these days.

This article in the Herald Tribune talks about these issues from the perspective of the publisher, the author and the buyer. It also has a story from the most recent American Booksellers Association get-together that walks into the subject liberal vs. conservative authors. It talks about a lunchtime forum where Bill O'Reilly and Tucker Carlson were to go up against Al Franken an Molly Ivins.

Long story short, Carlson cancels at the last moment and the moderator of this forum, former Colorado Democratic Congresswoman, Pat Schroeder borrows the Fox byline and says "This is my idea of fair and balanced."

How sad. Ol' Schroder unknowingly admits that her sides' bitching and moaning do not a solution make.

Thanks to Right Thoughts for pointing it out.

Posted by AnalogKid at 04:46 AM
Nice dreams

Why do 48% of Americans oppose George W Bush?

This was the line in bold print that caught my eye. It was an ad on the back page of one of the local weeklies that the wife brought home this week. It has a web address, so you know I'm going there.

It contains your typical "Patriots for Peace" junk, a transcript of a Howard Dean speech and articles on "Dangerous Military Policies" and "Bushonomics for the Wealthy". It also has a "Beating Bush" discussion list that reads like an Indymedia website. I may have to do a report on just this list. I am amazed how people can hate so deeply, and then turn around and talk about peace.

But back to the 48% figure. According to a Quinnipiac University poll, 48% of Americans would vote for an unnamed Democratic candidate, compared to 44% saying they would vote for Bush. Their number one candidate is... yup, Hillary with 37%. In fact they they dedicated an entire section of the poll to her. But when they removed her from the running, Lieberman got 21%, Kerry got 12%, etc. But I found it particularly funny that Moseley-Braun and Sharpton were not at the bottom of this list.

So, we have here a poll which is half based upon a person who is not even a candidate. That is funny enough. But then you look way down at the bottom at the date of the poll. March 6th, what the hell? Why is this nearly three month old poll news?

Oh well, the democrats hold onto the memory of JFK as if it were their last welfare check. Even though, thanks to McGovern, he wouldn't recognize the party of today.

Posted by AnalogKid at 03:57 AM
Dumb and Dumberer

Also pointed out by LGF, is a story from the Anchorage Dailey News about a co-conspirator of St. Rachel of the Dozers', who should have been denied re-entry to the US.

Megan Eirman recently got back from 7 weeks in Israel. She snuck in under the guise of a tourist and snuck into and out of the "palestinian" settlements in order to help them propagandize whenever the IDF so much as let loose some flatulence near a "palestinian".

It is a heart-warming, almost made-for-tv-movie story about a union organizing mom and her non-conformist daughter. Mom didn't want her to go over so badly that she refused to put any amout of cash towards her daughter's travel expenses. Mom's own words, "I was worried she'd get lost in the hatred along with the rest of them."

Of course Megan was working towards sainthood according to her letters she sent to her mom, "Feb. 20: I saw my first dead body today. ... A 23-year-old boy is dead. ... He left his house at 5 a.m. to go to the Mosque to pray. ... He saw that the military vehicles were at the end of his street, so he turned to go back inside and was shot in the neck." 23 year old boy? 5am to the mosque? Turned away and was shot? I saw her picture attached to the article and thought she had "the look of the simple", but she's got the naivete of a 4 year old. And, apparently, she thinks her mother does too.

"She wrote of driving around in an ambulance with a dead man, stopping along the streets to ask if anyone knew who he was. It turned out this one was a terrorist." This one? Just how many dead guys in ambulances does she ride around with? Is this some kind of necro fixation?

I will never understand these people. And I am almost sure that I never want to, lest I need to start taking heavy psycotic meds.

Posted by AnalogKid at 02:25 AM
Hell is for Children...

...at least according to Yasser Arafat.

According to IMRA (Independant Media Review and Analysis), Arafat met with a group of children on International Children's Day (June 1st) and "devoted his remarks to encouraging the children to be 'shahid' (die for the cause)."

This came from a video tape from an Israel Channel 2 news correspondent. The reports author, Dr. Aaron Lerner, along with the news reporter, Ehud Yarri, noted that "Arafat said nothing in his remarks about peace or reconciliation".

Why is this prick still alive? Anyone, anyone?

Found at that bation of hate (at least according to Indymedia) Little Green Footballs.

Posted by AnalogKid at 01:04 AM
June 01, 2003
It's been a quiz kind of day.....

And since Da Goddess stopped by and took the geek quiz, I felt I had to reciprocate and take the "what movie quote are you? quiz.

I must say, the results are really not all that surprising.......

You are... The Silence of the Lambs - "Hello,
Creepy little f*ck, aint'cha? You thrive on
intelligence and impeccable manners, which is
probably what makes you so scary. You may seem
a little crazy, but there's method to your
madness. When you love, you are willing to give
your to someone special... still beating.

What movie quote are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 05:23 PM
I am the Alpha Geek

OK, Analog Kid claims he is a Geek. I'm not too sure about this, as gun sports and knowing how to break down a VW beetle and rebuild it as a turbocharged street rod that can kick a Ferrari's ass are not typically skills associted with geekdom.

I went and took this little quiz:

You are 64% geek
You are a geek. Good for you! Considering the endless complexity of the universe, as well as whatever discipline you happen to be most interested in, you'll never be bored as long as you have a good book store, a net connection, and thousands of dollars worth of expensive equipment. Assuming you're a technical geek, you'll be able to afford it, too. If you're not a technical geek, you're geek enough to mate with a technical geek and thereby get the needed dough. Dating tip: Don't date a geek of the same persuasion as you. You'll constantly try to out-geek the other.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com

And see that I score about a 64%. There is another geek test out there that I took recently (it had over 100 questions: anything over 12% was "geeky" - I got 45%.) Unfortunately, I couldn't find this more complete version of geeky testiness.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at 09:23 AM
Popularity Contest

Mr. du Toit is taking a little family time this week and is reposting some of his earlier work. This piece caught my eye.

It seems that the myth "Only a few rednecks go hunting" is exactly that, a myth. In fact, about 16.7 million "rednecks" go hunting every year.

His post has an entire list of common activities from bicycling to basketball to golf to skiing. And I believe you'll be suprised where shooting sports appears on this list.

And this word from Kim pretty much sums up the entire reason why I try to get as many people as I can to become gun owners. "I also know that of all the above activities, shooting is the one most likely to be under-reported, because people don't like to tell strangers about their guns. Call us gun owners paranoid, but no one is likely to bust in your front door to confiscate your frigging golf clubs."

Posted by AnalogKid at 03:21 AM
Positive reinforcement

His Imperialness, Emperor Misha I, has announced his "Pizzas for Peace" program.

Words from the Emperor himself, "As we all know, the only REAL way of getting anywhere near anything resembling peace in the Middle East is to put an end to the existence of all the Paleswinian terrorist swine. Until every last one of the toddler-murdering kamelfelchers are sent off to the eternal dirt nap, neither the Israelis nor the Palis will ever know peace. We suggest that for every murdering bastard assuming room temperature, somebody sends the IDF a pizza."

It is as simple as going here and giving a donation.

So go. The IDF got two yesterday. One of them exploded after being hit by small arms fire while trying to jump a fence. I wonder what he might have been planning?

Posted by AnalogKid at 02:54 AM
Say Hi Pt.2

Everybody say hi to Ellie.

Ellie: aka Ellie peanut, Ellie smelly, supermodel, punkin

Ellie is a 4yr old Rottweiler. We adopted her from the local rescue agency 3yrs ago. This is a very typical pic of her as she is always in motion. If she is standing still she is either eating or sleeping. Whereas Russell will bark at anything, Ellie likes to sit around the corner and lie in wait. I have been the subject of one of her practical jokes more than once. She has been known to be a ham to visitors and needs to be told how pretty she is on a regular basis. I must not tell her that she is now worldwide, her ego wouldn't fit in the house

Posted by AnalogKid at 02:14 AM