December 14, 2003
Here's a laugh.

From Instapundit to Oxblog, in which this link is displayed. Josh is right, it's still funny.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 05:26 PM
Damn you Neal! I just took a drink of coffee....

When I reloaded the page. That freakin burns dammit. Breakfast blend goes out poorly through the sinus's.

Great cheesecake though. Like noseart.

I owe you one now.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 04:56 PM
Where Eagles dare

Clint Eastwood and Sir Richard Burton, not on the best fifty guy films maybe, but my first pick. A very old movie, and it's probably been on TV a tousand times. I still watch it when it's on. Great guy film, lot's of action, a bit of cleavage, and tons of explosions and dying Nazi's.......

What's not to like?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:39 AM
I guess they do need help with the big words....

What do you call it when the two richest and fatest kids on the block try and tell you that you should join their club? But only of course if you agree to allow them to run it forever, make all the rules and promise to stay silent and bow and scrape alot?

Does it sound like a Constitution? Or a version of the Cosa Nostra's protection racket?

Thankfully, the smaller Euro states are saying not a chance. They find the prospect of France running their lives as repulsive as we do. And you have got to love the Poles, courage and, how that must really gall the French. France and Germany want an empire by proxy, they provide all the brains and half the money, they just want the others to pony up the balls and men. What a deal, and now why do you suppose the Poles and Spanish think it's bullshit?

Maybe because it is?

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 03:06 AM
November 23, 2003
Bush gets a good review in the Guardian?

If wonders never cease, the Guardian has at least some columnists who while they never could be called conservative, aren't blind to certain realities.

Even some of the most vigorous Bush-whackers pronounced themselves quite impressed. I would judge that he exceeded most people's expectations, even if we must allow for how grass-cutting expectations of the President are on this side of the Atlantic. The Liberal Democrats' Menzies Campbell, one of the most trenchant opponents of the war against Saddam, no Bushie he, emerged from his private talks with the President to announce that he was 'most certainly surprised at the extent to which the caricature of him was inaccurate'.

Damn, they are sounding more moderate than the BBC now a days. Of course maybe they just want to keep breathing.

For this form of terrorism, the front line is wherever the bombers can strike. Islamist extremists have killed the citizens of countries that supported the removal of the Taliban and the toppling of Saddam. They have slaughtered Italian policemen in Iraq and young Australian holidaymakers in Bali.

The terrorists have been equally delighted to kill the citizens of countries that volubly opposed the military action in Iraq. They have massacred French technicians in Karachi and German tourists in Tunisia.

The hallmark of this terrorism is that it kills anywhere anytime in any numbers that it can. The victims are American, European, African, Asian and Hispanic, Jews, Christians, Hindus, atheists - and Muslims. In Istanbul, as so often before, these people have no compunction about murdering their own faith.

Keep writing stuff like this and they'll lose all their socialist readers. Not that they would understand it if they read it anyway. Still it's refreshing to see that even the Guardian can print a piece that clearly understands that this war is for all of us, and not some distorted construct for profit as the peaceniks would portray it.

As for those protesters who toppled that papier-mch� Bush in Trafalgar Square, they were made to look naive. The bombers, if they could, would happily slaughter them too. It is a delusion to think that all that is needed to make the world safe is a change to the occupants of the White House and Number 10. Charles Kennedy could be Prime Minister and Michael Moore might be President of the United States. Al-Qaeda would carry on killing. Because, to them, freedom is an ugly thing.

While the mental image of Mikey the Unclean in the White House is enough to make you retch, the point is well made. Our leaders are not the bad guys here. He's too kind as well, naive is too easy, they ended up looking like drooling morons. This is about agenda's, they want power and hope to ride Al Quada's coattails into it. Which makes them parasites, craven, evil minded, cowardly little gobs of spit not worth a decent person's time.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 02:05 AM
November 19, 2003
Ohoh,..........I want one Santa.

Great for scratching that hard to reach itch.

I've had some fun with it's cousin,

but I feel the need to spread the love at an even higher rate.

Think Fredrico would approve?

Nah,............which makes me want one even more.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 06:20 PM
November 10, 2003
would you like some fries to go with those--

Twenty milimeter cannon shells in your ass? Perhaps a nice shake or soft drink?

Joyriding in an airplane is not a healthy passtime these days. It shouldn't be. I'm glad even if the Homeland Security people can't quite get their act together, the blue suiters are on it.

Go Air Force.

Update, ask and ye shall recieve Radtec, some additional information. It appears to be a pilot with a case of brain fart. A nearly fatal one, I bet he has trouble getting insurance after this.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 01:26 PM
November 05, 2003
It's out, finally out!


'The Matrix Revolutions" has made it's debue, we'll definitely go see it. I LOVE big shiney metal things that go....BOOM!

Just remember one thing, be prepared.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at 04:57 PM