AK, this is your fault, I followed your link to the good Watcher of Weasels, then to the esteemed Pave France: The British need more parking. Where upon this Hasbro Toy of an aircraft carrier came to my attention.
Mr. Moll.........pay special attention please.
Flaws in the "de Gaulle" have led to the use of propellers from it predecessor, the "Foch," because the ones built for "de Gaulle" never worked right. Worse, the nuclear reactor installation was done poorly, exposing the engine crew to five times the allowable annual dose of radiation. There were also problems with the design of the deck, making it impossible to operate the E-2 radar aircraft that are essential to defending the ship and controlling offensive operations. Many other key components of the ship did not work correctly, and the carrier has been under constant repair and modification.
I must congratulate the humor of Gunsniper in the comments section, it was his idea. For those of you who do not remember the Thunderbirds..........
A reminder.
Kind of makes sense now doesn't it. The French have been getting their design ideas from a Brit sixties kid TV show for Christ's sake. Weren't the French supposed to have been good sailers once upon a time?
So.............um,.............You don't think she MEANT to lie do you?
Me too.
Bab's, recipient of the Hoisted by her own Petard Award. Hollywood Looney Left Catagory.
I stand amazed at the self pity evident in this article.
They came to play,
On Thursday, as trade ministers from 34 countries drafted a blueprint for free trade in the Western Hemisphere, demonstrators threw water bottles and other objects at officers, set fires in the street and used slingshots against police. Riot police responded with tear gas, rubber bullets, batons, concussion grenades and stun guns.
and got shown that police do not like to be beat on.
Police made 172 arrests, compared with 570 during the Seattle protests. At least three officers and about 140 demonstrators were treated for injuries in Miami.
I wonder if they learned how to spell "PUSSY" while in college?
Cory Fischer-Hoffman, 20, said she was on the front line of a standoff with police when officers advanced on the crowd. She said she was hit in the face with a club but was not seriously hurt.
"We were just standing there, totally peacefully," she said. "I was honestly looking this guy in the eye with a peace sign, and then all of a sudden, boom. There was no provocation."
(cough,...horseshit......cough), I believe that, like I believe Jarjar changes his underware more than once a year. For examples of "no provocation", see the second paragraph.
demonstrators threw water bottles and other objects at officers, set fires in the street and used slingshots against police.
They are soooooo lucky they did it in Miami, rather than in a certain sunny isle down south.
"Coming on the heels of the mass arrest and summary trials of at least 75 Cuban dissidents -- most of whom received shockingly lengthy prison terms ranging up to 28 years -- these executions mark a serious erosion in Cuba's human rights record."
And this is the system they want to adopt?
These kids are such idiots.
Ak's post below reminded me of Harold Pinter, one of the letter writers to the guardian. His contribution,
Dear President Bush,
I'm sure you'll be having a nice little tea party with your fellow war criminal, Tony Blair. Please wash the cucumber sandwiches down with a glass of blood, with my compliments.
Harold Pinter
That Harry Pinter. Don't forget your HAZ-MAT suits if you go there long. Oh by the way, a strange similarity I happened to notice,
And a close relative.
Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Stuck up mock intellectuals are the strangest of all. Half his website is devoted to glowing reviews by groveling toadies, the other half devoted to his own glowing reviews of himself, his life and his glorious works, of which not one in twenty people can name more than one.
This guy should marry a mirror.
I have sinned, insulted the kingdom of rats, and those who care for them. I officially and formally apologise to the good LC Victor. Now put down the torchs,....
I'll be good,............for a while anyway.
Thats why she defaced our flag,
It's the man, not us, that's the lie that keeps getting repeated by the lefts apologists. The pictures say different. That's not a picture of Bush, not an image of him or his works. That's our symbol that whore has defaced, our's,... not any one man's. She damn well knows she just spit on a whole people, and I'd really like the facade of lies to stop.
The anti-war left is what it is, insanely anti-American to the core. You have to be blind as Hell not to see it. I hope that wench fell right on her big plush British ass climbing down.
Might suffer brain damage that way............If it wasn't already too late.
I was simply reading a post at IMAO and went here, which in turn led me here. I don't know how Frank J. restrains himself at IMAO, the first one, Treason online is simply the ravings of a Jew hating nut/closet Nazi. The Zionists are gonna getcha!.......................Whhhuuuoooooo,....I'm so afraid now.
This little line,
There should be no question now that The League of Liberals is unbearably Liberal. We are truly the "party of inclusion" and we may see applications from LITTLE BROWN POOHBALLS and the INSTYPOOHBAH.
should haunt him, seeing as how he linked to this. Which led to this Nazi c**ksucker!
When this tide finally comes it, it will resemble the Iranians who walked over tall mountains in order to get at the Shah�s men in Tehran. Remember, they walked over big tall mountains, not a silly little wall. The red tide will be unstoppable, because it will carry with it not only the living, but also the ghosts of the women and children that the Zionists Jews have tortured, raped and killed since they first invaded the Middle East.
Exactly when the red tide will arrive is impossible to say, just as it was impossible for the CIA and the Mossad to forecast that Iran was about to be freed by its own people. On the morning of 11 February 1979, Savak torturers were happily electrocuting their Iranian citizen victims, but by late afternoon the same day, were having the electrodes attached to their own testicles by the citizens themselves. It really was that fast for Iran, and so it will also be for the Jewish State.
Some Zionist Jews will escape, because as always the big bosses have a plan. Yes, there is yet another ambitious Zionist plan for the greater good of themselves. As many as 250,000 may escape the Middle East under the auspices of this top-secret �Fortress Americas� initiative, but that is the absolute maximum figure. The rest will be left in Palestine, the land they defiled, as a mass sacrifice for the angry red tide.
As I was saying, Nazi cocksucker.
There is no answer to this kind of lunatic hate, save a straight jacket. I bet his nickname is giggles, because that's the mental image of himself that he creates for me. A demented Peter Lorre giggling hysterically as he contemplates mass murder.
He claims to be on a partial disability, fine, I'm not in top form either but even if he was entirely fit, I could take him in less than a minute. Stuff him in a yamaka and take him to temple. I hate a bigot, a nazi bully and terrorist sympathsizer, so maybe I'll just circumcise him instead. Course the knife might slip............oops.
I'm ready,
I humbly request of my Captain the privilege of storming the enemy bridge. I promise no survivors, no quarter. Oh, I also found a target list. Many pretties to be collected here, much good killing.
Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam --Today is a good day to die.
War isn't for the weak willed, you must be ruthless. No quarter, no hesitation. You must become Shiva, the bringer of death.
Always a warrior,
At some point a chump happens by bringing up contempt of such overwhelming levels that words simply fail to convey the depths of disgust he causes. Rall is such a piece of waste, a filthy chunk of vomit.
The only thing his image should be used for other than scaring away rats. Inside the red is fifty points, a clear bullseye is one hundred, but don't expect a kill shot.
His brain is in his ass.
No I do not advocate his death, that's too easy, to soft. I want him to feel pain for a good hundred years first. So by casting my special voodoo spell I borrowed from Wednsday, any sharp objects lodged in this are all to the good.
If he had a full body shot online, the bullseye would be on his nuts.
Drudge brings this skunk to the picnic.
NEW YORK -- George Soros, one of the world's richest men, has given away nearly $5 billion to promote democracy in the former Soviet bloc, Africa and Asia. Now he has a new project: defeating President Bush.
"It is the central focus of my life," Soros said, his blue eyes settled on an unseen target. The 2004 presidential race, he said in an interview, is "a matter of life and death."
Soros, who has financed efforts to promote open societies in more than 50 countries around the world, is bringing the fight home, he said. On Monday, he and a partner committed up to $5 million to MoveOn.org, a liberal activist group, bringing to $15.5 million the total of his personal contributions to oust Bush.
That's nice, so I presume Mr. Moneybags will promptly cut his wrists when Bush wins in 2004....No?
"It's incredibly ironic that George Soros is trying to create a more open society by using an unregulated, under-the-radar-screen, shadowy, soft-money group to do it," Republican National Committee spokeswoman Christine Iverson said. "George Soros has purchased the Democratic Party."
That ass has been on the auction block WAY too many times for Soros to help much. A dried up ten dollar whore with a mink and a diamond is still a dried up ten dollar whore.................Soros can spend himself into poverty and he will not be able to buy the White House, Perot couldn't, and he at least wasn't a head up his ass leftist fool.
So please feel free to pump your money back into the economy, as much as you like. And when the FOX headline reads,..."Billionaire finances democratic frontrunner, donates millions." you can bet the best politician money can buy line is running through everybodies head.
Package shit as pretty as you like, it's still not gonna sell.
The character from the films of George Lucas that everyone loves to hate. The infamous Jarjar Binks.
His profile;
Jar Jar eventually became a Senior Representative for Naboo, serving alongside Padm� Amidala in the Galactic Senate. While his compassion spoke volumes of the quality of his character, his inherent gullibility and trusting nature were easily exploited by the less scrupulous in the field of politics. For many, Jar Jar was but a joke, the subject of derision, but in the corrupt inner confines of Senate, his lanky frame stood as a rare example of non-corrupt politician interested only in the greater good of the Republic and his people.
A retard with a heart of the gold, the movie Jarjar that is. Our Jarjar?........
It can be revealed, Jarjar is an eater of GunGan energy balls..........EEEeeeeeewwwwwww.
Well, lacking his own pair, it seems he has to compensate somehow.
I found this just a few minutes ago on instapundit. Andrew Sullivan was kind enough to hold it up for all to see.
Warning, this is NOT going to be family safe, or very PC, it's going to be what I would say face to face.
I Hope the Bloodshed Continues in Iraq
Well, that should bring the bats out of the attic with fangs dripping. I won't be hypocritcal. It is politically correct, particularly in any Dem discussion to hope and pray and feel for our troops and scream "bring them back now". I'm fighting something bigger.
I'm a 58 year old broad and I can tell you that what is going on in our country isn't the usual ebb and flow of politics where one party is in power and then another; where the economy goes through ups and downs.......yawn, yawn--just wait a bit and things will turn out peachy keen. That stupid la-la land is over.
I realize that not every GI Joe was 100peeercent behind Prseeedent Booosh going into this war; but I do know that that is what an overwhelming number of them and their famlies screamed in the face of protesters who were trying to protect these kids. Well, there is more than one way to be "dead" for your country. They are not only not accompishing squat in Iraq, they are doing crap nothing for the safety, defense of the US of A over there directly. But "indirectly" they are doing a lot.
The only way to get rid of this slime bag WASP-Mafia, oil barron ridden cartel of a government, this assault on Americans and anything one could laughingly call "a democracy", relies heavily on what a shit hole Iraq turns into. They need to die so that we can be free. Soldiers usually did that directly--i.e., fight those invading and harming a country. This time they need to die in defense of a lie from a lying adminstration to show these ignorant, dumb Americans that Bush is incompetent. They need to die so that Americans get rid of this deadly scum. It is obscene, Barbie Bush, how other sons (of much nobler blood) have to die to save us from your Rosemary's Baby spawn and his ungodly cohorts.
Two words.--Ignorant cunt.
I can tell you now that if this raving idiot shared a cell with ten male gorillas and got herself gangfucked to death, I would sleep just fine. She has crossed the line. This isn't politics anymore, she openly calls for the deaths of our service people so she may forment revolution, she spits on everything 98% of us agree on.
This is a time for the gloves to come off, no niceties for her, no novicane, no pads, she gets the full crowbar of justice.
Gavin was by all accounts a good man, a decent kid, and he's gone now. A member of my wife's family and he is no more. How did he die?....What the papers didn't say, he had half his head blown off by an RPG. Not a pretty bloodless movie death, but a horrible rending realtime death in combat. That this sow draws oxygen from a world that nurtured boys like him offends me. I, God help me, can't help but think if granted God like powers for only a second she would be cast screaming into the deepest bowels of Hell. These are our blood for Christ's sake, our brothers, our sisters, our kin. These aren't some faceless corperate boogeyman she can rant about while sipping her herbal tea and rolling her eyes at the people of her own nation. These boys and girls are our life, our hope, the best of us all. Damn her to Hell, she would rot slowly if there were real justice. Evil is the word, manifest drooling and slavering evil.
This is what she fears.
The future of Iraq is joined with ours now. Every baby saved, every school built, every hunger fed, are a bridge to a region where fear and death are as alien and repugnant as this putrid old cow. A region where jihad is greeted with horror and not joy. More of her fear,
Rotting wretchs like her are rarely seen in the daylight, for good reason. There isn't a deadman or woman in all of Iraq that wouldn't be of greater value than a thousand of her. I pray she has the stupidity to say these things in public, so that she can be the subject of the fury of the boys and girls families who worry themselves sick with fear.
I once spent a time talking to a woman who was shopping late, she was tired, so tired. She fumbled everything, dropping her keys, her wallet, speaking almost incoherently. Finally I walked over and asked if I could help, what was wrong.
Her son had just arrived in Iraq with the 82nd.
So I pulled her aside, and we talked for a bit. About her children, nearly all grown, and mine. We talked of a parents fears, we talked of her son's bravery, of her husbands service, of mine. We shared a bit more than strangers should, but by God I would give anything to take the place of even one of those kids going over. She said her husband felt the same, but we're both to old, to busted up to be accepted anymore.
So the children will continue to go.
I gave her the only thing I could, my prayers for her son, and my thanks for me and my family. I couldn't ease her fear any, but for a moment anyway, I let her see her son as I and many others do,....a hero. A smile and tears of gratitude are what she gave me, and do you know I still think about her and her son, whom I'll never see. I still worry about them.
A right thing, not the frivilous politics of progressive trend and college greens, but the common sense of a rancher. We are trying to do what is nearly impossible, free a people of tyranny and ourselves from fear. It isn't rocket science, evil must be rooted out, driven from it's hole and killed.
That Dem underground wench can stand aside, and hate until it eats her up like cancer. But we are on the side of the angels here, of that I have no doubt.
Gavin did his part, that nameless boy is doing his, I won't suffer an insult to them. Not now, not ever.
Does anyone think the looney left isn't a drooling pack of hate filled retards?
Kind of them to clear it up for us like this.
I found this while following cross links from a page I found at Bsti's Chapel Furnace.
If you thought they had hit bottom, guess again. Now b and I will never agree on politics, that's not why we are friends. I'm also sure he does not endorse this kind of thing, he dosen't trust Bush no, but Jesus this stuff is extreme.
I am a Chaplier, I have posting privileges at the Furnace. It's pretty much politics only so check it out if you care to. Warning, all views are aired there, from libertarian to progressive, to wicked little ol me, Cait is there as well. It's neutral ground so to speak, like Holy ground in the Highlander series. Please no harsh words, some of us are friends even though we disagree totally on issues. Speak your mind though, I do.
But as far as these pointy headed ass bandit commie targets of oppurtunity are concerned, feel free to give em a broadside. With the power vested in me by no one except the Satanic part of my nature, I declare them a free fire zone.
No limit, toe tags are provided.
That this simpleton hails from here. Dennis the Menace strikes again, opening his mouth to reveal just how much of a nutjob he really is. This, from Josh at Bushblog.
I am running for President of the United States to enable the goddess of peace to encircle within her reach all the children of this country and all the children of the world. And to protect our children from poverty and war, to hold them in the light of grace, and to hold them in the power of peace.-Kucinich
Josh declines to comment, so please, allow me.
AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGHHHHH.....................................! Ican't believe this inbred can generate enough wattage in his brain to draw a breath. What a retard, "Goddess"?............I'll bet he keeps his cheap toupee on a special Atlantian crystal at night to ward off negative thought waves.
I can't believe he comes from my state, please, will someone from sunny California come claim him?.....................I'll toss in a free flea dip and neutering!
Really, I'm sure I can find a broken bottle and some kerosene.
I will proudly endorse. Maybe I'll have to start going to the WTO summits and help the folks a Bureaucrash do their thang. Which is pissing off NGO wannabe anarchists.
Go watch the videos. And laugh, laugh, laugh.
Well Hell, he's been a politician for two days and can weasal as readily as any of them now. If you had any doubt's about his fitness before, your bullshit meter ought to be pegged out now. He really meant to say he was 180 degress opposed to war in Iraq..........oooops. Guess his pro war stance wasn't popular at the Democratic Hitler Youngen at the local college.
So,........do you want to bet his views will change again if he gives a speech to the VFW? Nah, me neither. He keeps turning around on positions like this, he's gonna get tagged as Whirling Wesley.
This is just too funny, to win a primary, he's gonna say whatever it takes.
And now we should trust him?......................................Bwwhhhaaaahaaahaaaaa.
Or, as I like to call them, the Kyoto Accords.
Canada is learning this the hard way, and now even poor little Brussels is finding out that someone has to pay the bill.
Another Bali bomber faces the Hangman.
After hearing the sentence, Mr. Samudra, who has shown a belligerent demeanor throughout his three-month trial, shouted, "America, Australia go to hell!"
I'm so hurt, sniff......I may take some solace in the fact that this protohuman will never, ever kill again. While I take no pleasure in death, I feel nothing for this guy's date with a dirt nap other than relief.
And now,.......we'll get his friends too.
Jimmy (my brain hurts when I think) Carter is up to his usual blame everybody BUT the tyrant tricks.
"Unfortunately, both sides have violated some of those agreements," Mr. Carter said, criticizing Pyongyang for enriching uranium in order to make bombs. "At the same time, the United States has refused direct talks, has branded North Korea as an axis of evil, has declared an end of no-first-use of atomic weapons, has invaded Iraq (news - web sites) and has been intercepting North Korean ships at sea."
Just exactly how calling the Norks what they are, and how Iraq factors into any agreements with them is left to the imagination of everybody concerned. He thinks direct talks are vital? Mr. multilateralism is my religion says we should exclude the Japanese and the South? Has he forgotten to wind the little propeller on his beany hat today? I hate to break it to his toe sucking peanut chewing self, but not swearing off first use of nukes has been our policy for twenty years. A threat severe enough will not be allowed to fester. Even Clinton understood that. Nork ships at sea, yeah, you remember, the shipment of scuds to yemen we intercepted last year? How friggin uncoth of us, huh Jimmy?
This man is a moron, a certified, born again, please Mr. bad guy do me up the butt asshat of the first order. The older he gets, the farther his brainwaves seem to get apart from the plain of reality. He can take his shiney knob polished Peace Prize and insert it sideways. with lots of peanut butter if he must.
His words clearly show, once again, he takes the side of a murdering tyrant over his own country. If we would just be nice and not scare the Norks, give them nice things, then everything would be just fine.........
This guy needs to stop trying to think, he's embaressing himself.
From Drudge. First, AL FRANKEN is an asshole, certified, point blank, no excuses, brain dead, self satisfied, I hope he eats shit, born again asshole. Just so you know up front what I think of him. This interview is almost painfull in it's repeated attempts to prove that he's not only smarter, but that he's really, really, REALLY funny. Honest Injun. If this doesn't scream "this guys a fucking asshole in ten foot letters" then nothing else does.
Franken even writes of baiting Barbara Bush, the former first lady, on a January 2000 plane trip, imitating her son's manner of laughing and suggesting that would be good fodder for comics -- until she dismissed him with a scowl.
Dickhead wasn't happy being a FUCKWAAH, (thanks Cait) no, he had to seek out an insult the man to his own mother in a private moment. But's it's funny you see, he's such a comic genious and all that stuff........If my mother was still alive and some asshole sought her out because he just fucking had to hurt her to jerk off his pathetic little pecker of an ego, I'd hack his balls off and force the fuck to chew them good and proper. How on earth can you be so fucking retarded and still be able to breathe. The Franken post that Neal gave, I commented that he was gentler than I would have been, but dammit if Franken is allowed to be "Mad", then I claim the same ground. Fuck him, his pissing in the fountain grin, and his mental health issues and his probable drug habit........My, now that wasn't fair was it,.......fuck fair. He wants war, he better buy vasoline, cause he's destined to get cornholed by people much brighter than himself, ......which seems to be everyone.
But in writing such a strident book, doesn't he risk being branded the sort of ideological warrior he spends so much energy attacking?
"First of all, I'm funny," Franken said. "It's done for comedic purpose. And I don't lie."
Oh well then shit, I take it allllll back, Al says he don't lie. That makes it carved in stone then doesn't it. Because he's funny, (so he says) he gets license to lie, distort, and defame, all in the name of humor. The President, networks and conservatives of every type spew lies at every turn according to him. everyone is a big fat liar, except him, cause he says so.
I'm so fucking glad he settled that, aren't you?
PS, Now that was almost theraputic, I feel better now.
We all remember this tragedy, too bad Mikey won't go to Irag to film his next propaganda, oops, "documentary" opus....................
Fiction to follow....
"Jeez, it's hot, these patrols suck ass Sarge!" Looking down from his perch atop the turret, the sargent smiled. Yeah, but you know the drill." Suddenly looking up, snapping his fingers to alert the gunner, the sargent spots a bizarre sight. The gunner swings the turret to follow the sarge's gestures, bringing the 120mm main gun and co-ax to bear.
What the FUCK is that?........Sarge,.....Do you think it's friendly?
Shaking his head, "Not a chance pvt. that's the Joker in the deck, and he's packin." Sharply the Sargent orders, "Load HE, close range target, fire on command!..................
Only the hum of the engine and crackling of flames can now be heard.....Looking shaken, the pvt. looks up again from his sights. Do you think it's dead?
"I"m pretty sure we nailed it clean, but just in case." Keying his mike, "Driver, run over the remains, then back up slowly, .............We're taking no chances on this. Freakin things are as hard to kill as vampires.........."
"Where the Hell is that garlic the First shirt's wife sent him anyway? Ask around, this one's not going going to reanimate!"
End fiction....
This little bit of theatre brought to you for no other reason than I found it an amusing thought. Stone me if you will, but I still think it's amusing.
I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it.
Garrison Keillor
I really, really do NOT like Garrison Keillor. His homespun homilies and crackerbarrel charm is as phoney as his deep concern for the common man. Just to show that when you are a zealot, that consistency is your enemy, and because I wish to give Garri the finger, I present this little study in contrast.
From the current issue of Time.
Of course, the Terminator is no Jesse (the Body) Ventura. The Body was a troubled soul who, we discovered in the course of four years that got longer and longer, truly despised politics and the limelight and growled and ranted and threw snits and went and sulked in his tent. He was like the turkeys that are bred for white meat and grow enormous chests and are unable to walk around on their little ankles and have to be kept in hammocks and fed through a tube. He was something of an embarrassment. The Terminator is a charming man with a geezer brain trust of Warren Buffett and George Shultz, and the three of them may give Gray Davis, who was too clever for his own good, his comeuppance. But I doubt the Terminator would win if he were running in Minnesota. We've seen that movie already, and we wanted to leave after the first 20 minutes.
From a Wellstone lefty screed.
(Jesse Ventura, of course, wouldn't have been caught dead blathering at an F. Scott Fitzgerald dinner about how proud we are of the Great Whoever-He-Was and his vision and his dream blah-blah-blah, and that was the refreshing thing about Jesse. The sort of unctuous hooey that comes naturally and easily to Norm Coleman Jesse would be ashamed to utter in public. Give the man his due. He spoke English. He didn't open his mouth and emit soap bubbles. He was no suck up. He had more dignity than to kiss the president's shoe.)
You go for a walk on a summer night and notice the little ramps carved into curbs at street corners. People sat through a lot of meetings to get that accomplished. It was a boon to the wheelchair crowd and also to parents pushing strollers and kids riding bikes. It made life slightly more civil and friendly. Government works through small, incremental changes, and action heroes are much too high and mighty to take notice of these or other small details, but the changes are real, and in the end, we prefer government to heroism. My 5-year-old daughter can look forward to opportunities larger than those her grandmothers enjoyed, in a world in which men and women move freely as equals. No hero strode upon the scene and brought that about; it happened through politics. It wasn't based on anger toward men but on the love of liberty. You will never hear about it on Fox, but that's the truth, baby.
The Black Flag.
It was a dreadful low moment for the Minnesota voters. To choose Coleman over Walter Mondale is one of those dumb low-rent mistakes, like going to a great steakhouse and ordering the tuna sandwich. But I don't envy someone who's sold his soul.
He's condemned to a life of small arrangements. There will be no passion, no joy, no heroism, for him. He is a hollow man. The next six years are not going to be kind to Norm.
Well, cough, which is it Garri? Arnie shouldn't win because we don't need heroes in politics, Coleman should have lost because we do. While we're at it, are you schizo all the time, or just this time?
The Black Flag.
Norm got a free ride from the press. St. Paul is a small town and anybody who hangs around the St. Paul Grill knows about Norm's habits. Everyone knows that his family situation is, shall we say, very interesting, but nobody bothered to ask about it, least of all the religious people in the Republican Party. They made their peace with hypocrisy long ago. So this false knight made his way as an all- purpose feel-good candidate, standing for vaguely Republican values, supporting the president.
You don't hear this from AM radio, which is packed with angry men with chain-saw voices chewing into liberals 24/7, or from Ann Coulter, who is selling the old Stalinist line that dissent equals disloyalty. Or from the aging adolescents at Fox News, who enjoy peeing in the political swimming pool. But when you get among the real people who are actually engaged in public life, they tend to be well-mannered and respectful of the process and the humanity of those who take part. That's the difference between entertainment and politics. Of course, the Terminator could choose to go this route, and if he did, he could be a good Governor and make up for all the god-awful movies. There is always that hope.
I am willing to be lectured on political hygiene from several people, about proper and respectfull debate. Garrison (The Republicans will get you) Keillor is not only not on the list, I feel like I need a shower after reading his swarmy ,heh, wisdom. Having a soft monotone voice may get you on MPR, but it's hardly proof of intelligence, let alone wisdom. I resent being talked down too, I resent hypocrisy for a quick partisan shot, I resent being taken for a boob by a guy who probably let himself get chased home from school everyday, and I resent that he spouts this crap unmindful of the fact some of us can remember what he said the day before yesterday.
Stick to kiddy books Garri, you aren't very talented at this.
You know how I can tell? No, not just the calender.
Rachel Corrie is graduating today.
Yes, you heard that right. St. Rachel of the Dozers is being memorialised today at that bastion of dipshittedness, Evergreen State College.
Her parents have apparently come out from Virginia (I think) to accept her diploma. The article didn't state what field of study her degree was in, but I think she has mastered pancakes, so maybe it was in cooking. I know it wasn't in probability physics, otherwise she would have know that diving in front of a bulldozer was not survivable. But, at Evergreen, they decided to teach paper-mache puppetry instead of that.
Maybe her parents should sue the school for killing her daughter. Now there's a lawsuit I could stand behind.
If you want to listen to this debacle of hate, you can listen to the webcast here.
I just want to know when her parents are going to bring her back to her worshippers.
Many thanks to Michele@ASV for finding this.
From the 'Token Gesture' crowd comes this bit of vadalization.
A group called 'Unbrand America', a subsidiary of 'Adbusters', is asking all the anti-Bush folks to go around putting black dots on everything.
Now I know you're saying "Sounds great Kid, but what all is included?"
Well, just look at what you'll get....
"In the coming months a black spot will pop up everywhere . . . on store windows and newspaper boxes, on gas pumps and supermarket shelves. Open a magazine or newspaper - it's there. It's on TV. It stains the logos and smears the nerve centers of the world's biggest corporations."
But thats not all....
"This is the mark of the people who don't approve of Bush's plan to control the world, who don't want countries "liberated" without UN backing, who can't stand anymore neo-con bravado shoved down their throats. This is the mark of the people who want the Kyoto Protocol for the environment, who want the International Criminal Court for greater justice, who want a world where all nations, including the U.S.A., are free of weapons of mass destruction."
And as a bonus we'll include a FREE PLEDGE.....
Because my country has sold its soul to corporate power,
Because consumerism has become our national religion,
Because we've forgotten the true meaning of freedom,
And because patriotism now means agreeing with the president,
I pledge to do my duty . . . and take my country back.
Operators are standing by!
I will declare open season on vandals.
Be sure to wear your logo'd apparel folks. Because I guarantee you that if you see one of these types commiting vandalism, and you confront him/her, and he/she sees you wearing something like a Nike shirt or a FOX TV hat(they really hate Nike and Fox TV) they will probably try to put a black dot on you. At which time they become fair game.
Can you say 3rd degree assault and destruction of personal property? (Valid in Washington State only. Check your local jurisdiction for pertinent laws and ordinances).
Remember, "Only you can fight crime!"
Or is that 'Take a bite out of forest fires'? I get them confused.
But for some reason 'Peace, Love and Dead Hippies' is easy to remember. Go figure.
Two cheers for 'The Man'
Because I needed something to make me laugh at work this morning, I went to the Portland IMC site again and found this.
"Portland Peace Encampment Raided: Signs and Art declared 'Offensive Littering'".
In case you didn't know, a gaggle of 'the smelly ones' (aka deluded humans, aka socialist pukes living off the dole, aka stupid fuckin' hippies) have set up permenant residence in one of Portland's city parks and called it a "Peace Encampment" (aka rat infested, garbage strewn, wearing down and killing the grass gathering place in the trees). Every day the Portland Police have to stop by to tell them to wake up, sober up, or clean up because they sleep there, get high/drunk there, and throw their trash around there.
It seems 'the smelly ones' (aka see above) have started 'getting fed up, dude'. Everyday I have been noticing more and more bitching from them about the cops stopping by to make sure none of the have OD'd.
"The Portland Police and Homeland Security raided the Portland Peace Encampment Monday evening, June 9th. The Portland Police threatened to cite the demonstrators with yet another ordinance, this time "Offensive Littering" for having signs and artwork on the sidewalk. The demonstrators moved their signs, art, etc. into Terry Schrunk Plaza, which is federal property. Homeland Security declined to cite the demonstrators or confiscate anything as long as the demonstrators agreed that they would "voluntarily" move their material if requested."
Don't you just love the way they make themselves sound so 'rebel' when they put in the part about the 'raid' and 'Homeland Security'. Of course, if they were rebels, could you really say they had a cause?
I'd be homicidal right now.
From the IMC site, I bring you........
This asshole shows us he passed a basic math course at his local community college night school.
And they wonder why they were pulled off of the Google News list of referers.
Definitely go through all the comments to read how some of the IMC regulars justify this guy.
The first time I ran across one of these pukes, I goaded him into a argument to the point of him wanting to meet me somewhere so he could "kick my jew loving ass". There is a soccer field in the Georgetown neighborhood in Seattle. 1am on a Tuesday morning. But oddly enough, he never showed up.
Convert to Islam must remove veil for Florida driver's license photo.
Read the entire thing
London (KurdishMedia.com) 04 June 2003:
"A mass grave containing the remains of 200 Kurdish children has been discovered in the liberated Kurdish city of Kirkuk, reported the KDP Arabic daily, Al-Taakhi."
"Citizens were discovered on May 30, 2003, in a communal grave close to Debs, in Kirkuk. However, this mass grave was different from other mass graves discovered since the fall of Saddam Hussein?s terrorist regime since it contained the remains of 200 babies, victims of the repression of the Kurdish uprising in 1991," Al-Taakhi noted. "Even the dolls were buried with the children," it added.'
"It is believed that the babies were buried alive. It was also reported in the local media that an adult female person had also been found in the mass grave. It was suggested that she could have been their minder."
I will take no more bitching about not finding WMD's yet. I will take no more whining, calling it an 'illegal war'. I will fire one written warning shot with this article. I have saved it and I will copy and paste it all over the next ignorant fuck who dares to use his freedom of speech here to spew hate about the US having no business in Iraq. Go somewhere else to do that you human piece of shit. Do not test me on this.
If you do, you might as well open your mouth and insert the barrel yourself. Don't forget to pull the trigger.
You are just wasting precious resources needed by better humans.
Thanks to Michele @ ASV.
It's all about racism.
It would be nice to see someone, just once, take responsibility for their misdeeds.
�I don�t understand why I am the bumbling affirmative action hire when Stephen Glass is this brilliant whiz kid, when from my perspective � and I know I shouldn�t be saying this � I fooled some of the most brilliant people in journalism,�
Explain to me again how affirmative action benefits anyone?
And now it's gamblers vs. Casinos
Once again, we see the old "everyone is responsible for my actions but me" syndrome. The few "compulsive" gamblers I've known didn't need to be in a casino to find something to bet on. But of course, the casinos are the target because that is where the plaintiffs (and their attorneys) stand to make the most money.
Randy, apparently from Australia, opines:
Dear neo-conservative redneck yanks, keep wishing for your white middle class brave new world, but while ever there are free thinkers like Woody, you will never get it. And no, John Howard doesn't speak for all Aussies
Ok, where to begin:
1) neo conservative - actually read the blog, and you will see posts stating that I am an atheist, and not a big fan of organized religion in general. I have also supported gay rights, abortion, and have one of those little Darwin fish on the back of my truck. Hardly neo-conservative, I think.
2) Redneck - I really wish you guys would get a little better at your regional insults. Is someone from New Zealand the same as someone from Australia? Are Scotland and Ireland the same? No, I don't think so. And rural people from Louisiana are not "rednecks". The racially derogatory term you are looking for is "Coon-Ass". Do try to do better in the future.
3) Actually, I would more prefer an upper-class brave new world, regardless of skin color. Why is it always about race with "you people"? In fact, how do you know what color my skin is?
4) And I know that John Howard doesn't speak for all Aussies, just most of them. Just like George Bush doesn't speak for all Americans, just about 72% of them. Like the old adage goes - you can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time.
Yes, Woody is a free thinker. It just so happens that his ideas are idiotic and totally out of touch with reality. Read Sam's response to your comment for a few of the reasons why. And Sam has a perspective that definitely excludes him from the "you yanks" classification (unless, of course, the US imperialistic hegemon has claimed Estonia in the last couple of hours).