Comments: Peta wants to sabotage Thanksgiving

Please post this number on your site and urge all turkey eaters to flood PETA's toll free line. 1-888-VEG-FOOD (888-834-3663) press option #1.

I called a total of 10 times today. What the hey....I was off work. Moby sounds like such a nerd.

Posted by Brent at November 26, 2002 10:06 PM

The more I read about PETA the more convinced I am that these people never had a friend in High School. For years they've been hectering the rest of us, well I'm not ignoring them anymore. Now I'm laughing at them. What a pack "o" dorks. OK guys, I'm using my dearly departed mothers recipe for roast turkey on thursday, and will serve it with a glazed ham....................Allow me to bask in your disapproval, come on, really lay it on me.

Sorry, but I'm a predater, a knuckle dragging, chest beating, swing from the trees carnivore...........And you know what? My wife likes me that way,.......go figure.

Posted by puggs at November 27, 2002 02:34 AM

I must be doing something right as a parent. If you ask my son what he wants to eat for dinner, he'll reply that he doesn't care, as long as it has meat.

Posted by CGeib at November 30, 2002 12:43 AM
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