Comments: Like hell they will

I intend to write every one of my elected representatives and demand that France be excluded from any contracts with Iraq for at least two years.


Posted by Don at March 17, 2003 06:36 PM

It's shitty, but Bush will probably accept France's postition to "help" after all the conflict is over and all the real "work" has been done. Its funny that France is only around during the "pat on the back" part of a war...the re-building era.
What a cop-out..."We'll help after you do the work"
Screw France!

Posted by Fil at March 17, 2003 09:33 PM

I don't believe we'll let France off that easy. They all but declared themselves our enemy, so they should expect to be treated badly. But surprise, according to news reports the French are "shocked" that Americans are pissed at them. Apparently we are being unreasonable because we are beginning to return the favor and treat them as they treat us.

Fine, the third world already hate the French for their colonial past. They are in danger of adding the bulk of the west as well.

Posted by puggs at March 18, 2003 01:00 AM

There's already 'talk' about NOT honoring the oil contracts that Saddam negotiated with France and Russia.


Posted by Mad Mikey at March 18, 2003 08:22 AM

We really need to squash these frogs.

I say we cut all ties with France for good.

Posted by Brent at March 19, 2003 12:32 AM
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