Comments: Montreal - puts the "France" in French Canadian

This makes me sick.
I'm with you nukevet...let's close it.

Posted by Fil at March 21, 2003 10:40 PM

They want to sit on their hands, fine. We should start screening everyone from Canada, treat them like anyone requesting entry from a hostile state. They can whine all they like, we don't have to treat them better than they treat us.

They hate our system so much, well lets see how quickly they whore themselves to chase dollars when the backlash begins. They can pat themselves on the back for being so superior while we withdraw our money. The last figures I saw said they got 40% of their GNP from trading with us. Our figure is 4%, who needs who exactly? We can buy from anyone, who will they sell to?

Posted by puggs at March 22, 2003 01:12 PM
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