Comments: And the light bulb finally goes off

Congratulations on one of the most lucid explanations I have seen regarding pre-emptive war. No nation wants war but at a time when a first strike can mean the end of a nation is there any reason to observe traditions that died with the nuclear bomb? We have all ready done this during the Cuban crisis, as I recall neither Russia nor Cuba had attacked the US but steps were taken that could have included an invasion of Cuba.

Posted by Thomas J. Jackson at March 23, 2003 12:27 AM

Yes, in this day and age reactive = way too late, and non-military target destroyed.

Terrorists made the rules, now they are upset when we play by them.

Posted by Neal at March 23, 2003 08:44 AM

No seriously, this is sickening. You comparison of this war and the treatment of cancer is completely illegitimate. Treating he cancer in an animal does NOT affect the other animals around it. The loss of INNONCENT AMERICAN LIVES? Okay sorry, but soldiers and not considered innoncents. Although it's horrible to think that many Americans and Brits WILL lose their lives, they are NOT to be mistaken as innoncents in this war. They are casualties of an inane American government, intent on proving to the rest of the world that THEY are the super-power.

Don't get me wrong. I'm as afraid of the middle-east as much as the next person but what the US is doing is WRONG. All it is doing is futher antagonizing the region and proving to countried like North Korea that they NEED to scramble to get nuclear arms to protect themselves. I have heard some american politicians comment that 'This is only the first [middle eastern country on the list]'. Well great shit that's lovely. You're going to find a nasty surprise when you go back for round 2, 3 years from now. The middle east will actually HAVE weapons of mass destruction (not like this scud missle bullshit) and they will USE them against the western super-power.

How about we all snap out of it and realize that you can't stop violence with more violence.

Why are Canadians booing the american national anthem? Well, it IS pathetic the way that we are expressing our outrage with the US, but it IS outrage none-the-less. Who the hell are YOU to decide that you have the right to risk world peace.

Saddam was in no way an immenant threat (as Hitler was, for example). We had time to convince the French that something needed to be done and we had time to do it properly. Should we have sat back and done nothing? Absolutely not. But do YOU have the right to label a regime as illegitate and therefore bomb the hell out of INNOCENT CIVILIANS? Hell no.

Oh and feel free to close the borders. When you're done bombing the hell out of Iraq and can't get your pussy hands on any oil, you're going to come begging to your neighbours to the North - because trust me, we have enough oil so satisfy our own needs AND make a killing off of our neighbours to the south.

Posted by Trepex at March 23, 2003 10:07 AM

We aren't "bombing civilians" you pimp. When even Robert Fisk admits in the Independant that the bombing is extremely accurate and that civilians are out in the street watching it, you have no credibility.

If you're gonna ooze propaganda, at least stick to the same sheet of music as the rest of your friends.

Canadians hate us according to you, yet you want to take our money. Couldn't find work in a quality brothel? I would suspect whoring is kind of humiliating, so just stop selling us stuff. We'll buy elsewhere, and Canada can fund itself on pipe dreams and hot air.

Round 2 will be easier than one, you don't read much do you?

Posted by puggs at March 23, 2003 10:44 AM

Trepricks web page, Jesus what a goat cheese. He Le hates eveything American. Go figure.

Posted by puggs at March 23, 2003 11:56 AM

Yep, he's firmly in the "America sucks" camp. I was going to link to it, but decided not to give the little Canuck troll any traffic.

Posted by Neal at March 23, 2003 12:22 PM

BTW Neal, the cancer analogy was dead on target. I should have said that first, but couldn't resist a little troll hammering. I'm so weak.

Posted by puggs at March 23, 2003 09:00 PM

Trepex said: "How about we all snap out of it and realize that you can't stop violence with more violence."

Lessee. I'm on the street, getting mugged violently. I pull out a weapon, and commit violence on the mugger with a round to the head. Dunno 'bout you, but I thing that stopped that violence pretty damn quick.

(Story for illustrative purposes only--I haven't ever been mugged despite having worked in Washington DC for the past six or seven years.)

Why didn't you say "An eye for an eye leaves both men blind?"

Howzabout "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."

Try this: "One, two, three, four, we don't want your stupid war!"

Little teeny-tiny aphorisms do not an argument make. . .But allow me to continue fucking you in your ass:

"The middle east will actually HAVE weapons of mass destruction (not like this scud missle bullshit) and they will USE them against the western super-power." Got news for you , fuck-nugget. They'll use them anyway, whether we were fighting this war or not. This way, we're just doing unto others before they do unto us.

"Who the hell are YOU to decide that you have the right to risk world peace." World peace, world shmeace. We're just looking out for number one.

Besides--who else is going to do something about world peace? The UN?

The UN is deader than John Lennon. Imagine.

(BTW, I was using all those aphorisms to fuck with your head, you short-sighted jackass.)

Been reading too much anti-American stuff lately to be nice to a citizen of a country that can't give a person cancer treatment without a 6 to 8 week wait after the diagnoses, and can't even keep a hockey team in it's capital city. Canada is nothing other than a little brother trying to throw it's weight around because it's riding on the coattails of it's bigger, badder brother.

Keep a civil tongue, Trepex, or we'll kick your country like the little yappy dog that it is, then just take the fucking oil without so much as a by-your-leave.

I just deleted the nasty joke about your mother and the name of your blog. dpworld. . .yeah. . .

Posted by Loyal Citizen Victor at March 23, 2003 09:28 PM
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