Comments: All I want is

Well done Neal.

Posted by puggs at March 23, 2003 11:26 PM

What a convincing argument, Iraq is Germany in 1939 as it has an eagle!

Let me retort thus:

Posted by harmonia at March 24, 2003 09:20 AM

Wow, Harmonia, resorting to Ted Rall for your arguments now?

I suppose you just chose to ignore the dead bodies. And your continued denial of the horrors in Iraq in order to cling to your "America is Evil" belief indeed amazing to see.

Posted by Neal at March 24, 2003 09:37 AM

And when have I ever said America is "evil" neil

Is there someone else posting in my name here, cos I would never say something as asinine as that.

Or is it easier to argue with your imaginary straw man than with me?

Seriously though, you cannot be happy with how things are going, we were sold this war on the basis that Iraqis would not fight and instead throw flowers in front of our troops. Its not quite working out like that.

Posted by harmonia at March 24, 2003 10:24 AM

Harm, you don't have to say the words to convey the message. What about your little Ted Rall offering above. And you have no IDEA how hilarious it is to hear the word "strawman" come out of your mouth. We're not laughing with you, Harm, we are definitely laughing at you. Your arguments have no cohesion, no consistency, and are made up primarily of hateful comments and snide, sneering remarks.

Harm, you are the most intellectually dishonest person I have ever tried to debate. Your arguments are repeatedly addressed by me and other commenters, and you just abandon the argument, declare victory, and move on to the next selective interpretation of facts. You ask for "evidence", and when it's provided you ignore it and change the subject.

Posted by Neal at March 24, 2003 10:47 AM

Ted Rall? Getting booed and heckled is not the same as being repressed. If it were he would have been hauled off in chains long ago. Amazing how when you hold a fringe arguement, as Rall does, you get to call everyone Nazi's for not kissing your feet. In case you haven't noticed Harm, Rall's biggest beef is that he's ignored.

Bush never, ever said that this would be quick or easy Harm. Go back and read the speechs. The quick and easy line is a pure media construct. So don't even say you are so disappointed in our leaders for that, when you have ridiculed them every step of the way.

It's war Harm, there is no such thing as an easy one. I would have thought someone as cynical as you would know that.

Posted by puggs at March 24, 2003 11:33 AM
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