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If we had that many on a anti-war protest we would go home and give up.

When you get a million please do let us know.

Posted by harmonia at March 26, 2003 11:03 AM

Let's see, population 280 million, percentage in favor of the president and the war 72.

It's not about raw numbers Harm, if you really thought so, you WOULD have given up by now.

Posted by puggs at March 26, 2003 11:24 AM

Well firstly I am in the UK so our population is not 280 million

Secondly do you count everyone who is bedridden as pro-war, everyone who is ill supports this slaughter?

Just a little point, the London demonstration was the biggest political event in Britain ever, not since 19 or 18 whatever but the biggest one in our long history.

Finally, so if you had 12 on a pro-war demo does that mean 259,999,988 people are against it.

Crappy logic mate.

Posted by harmonia at March 26, 2003 11:30 AM

I was referring to our own population Harm, you do know that there are 280 million of us don't you.

Since when does your medical condition dictate your politics? Thats shallow. I'm disqualified from further military service, does that mean I need your premission to hold an opinion?

My point is that in America at least, when you hold the overwhelming majority opinion, you don't have to march. If your view preveiled in the UK, would you bother marching?

Posted by puggs at March 26, 2003 11:58 AM

Ahhhh, Harmonia math strikes again. And once again, the big picture is completely glossed over, to try and score some kind of gratuitous point.

As puggs pointed out, when you get >72% of the US population to join in protest, please let us know. Otherwise you are just a mewling minority. Let's see - 72% of 280 million is about 200 million. Hell, when you get that many WORLDWIDE, please let us know.

Posted by Nukevet at March 26, 2003 02:42 PM

When Clear Channel manages a million pro-war people drop me a line too!

Posted by harmonia at March 27, 2003 05:41 AM

Sticking your fingers in your ears won't help Harm. There's nothing left except to finish it. If you really want to end it, try putting pressure on Iraq to surrender. If peace is your goal, why not consider that as an option?

But peace isn't really the goal of the peace movement is it. Not when the defeat of the US and Britain is more important to you than ending the fighting.

Posted by puggs at March 27, 2003 09:13 AM

Puggs when did you get to be a mind reader?

Or is it that not having psycic powers you are just imagining what is on my mind?

Dont even try to imagine you know what I think, but it is interesting that you seem to think that somehow we are responsibile for whats happening, not our governments who launched this crazy war.

But of course, with you being a mind-reader, you already knew that.

Posted by harmonia at March 27, 2003 10:48 AM

Psycic,.... nah, I've been called lots of things, but never that. My personal favorite was knuckle dragging sociopath, cave dwelling trogledite was a close second. I don't bite as often as I used to, but I still got the fangs.

I don't care whats in your head Harm, but the effect of your position is exactly what has been pointed out by others as well as myself. Delude yourself if you like, but ending the war now is giving Saddam a license to kill at whim. Who else will step up to stop him, your friends in the peace movement have made him the favored victim of western imperialism. Your friends will do NOTHING, and you know it. If you can't stop a democracy from doing something, how much less a fascist like Saddam?

Posted by puggs at March 27, 2003 11:15 AM

First, most in my (rather stereotypically large) Hispanic family are Republicans. This should annoy the Democrats in no small way.

Second, I dont feel I have to demonstrate FOR the war, we already are the majority.

Unlike the troll, if I wanted to share my point of view, I would march ALONE if I had to. I do not need a mob behind me. The 12 Hispanic kids seem to have more cojones than he.

Posted by DustPuppy at March 28, 2003 01:01 AM
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