Comments: Ratcheting up the Rhetoric

Full disclosure, my wife and I make together about 29,000 a year. We are in the loosely defined working poor group. While it's never easy we're doing OK, we live in an area where prices aren't so high as on the coasts, and we have a nice modest home and I get good health insurance from work.

I have no interest in confiscatory tax policy, a man or woman should get to keep most of what they earn regardless of the amount. I don't want to punish people for making more money than we do, I want to make it possible for our kids to make that kind of money. That's the American dream isn't it, that you can help your children move up to a better life than you had? Every time I hear some crackhead "expert" explain how the right tax policy will usher in somekind of workers utopia I put my hand on my wallet. Don't keep changing the rules while the game is in play, find a fair middle ground then leave it the Hell alone.

Democrats will do what they always do, talk up the poor, meaning welfare people, then bend over the poor working family and pump it hard. I don't trust them, don't like them, and wish they would stop saying they are on my side. I have nearly thirty years of experience telling me they're full of shit. When the average democratic politician qualifies as a millionaire, when they talk about wealthy people as if they didn't fall into that group, when they talk about patriotism as if they were discussing something dirty,.....Trust has to be earned. They don't get it just because they demand it.

Posted by puggs at May 31, 2003 11:58 AM
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