Most aren't quite so bad as the Taliban, they had the death penalty for preaching any form other than their own twisted slant on Islam. But I do believe it's illegal to bring a bible into Saudi Arabia. So for them to be concerned for anyones religious freedom anywhere outside their borders jumps way past hypocrit.
I agree, they'd love to conquer Israel, failing that they hope to simply increase the arab Israeli population to the point they can take control and just vote it out of existence. The result would be the same though. Anyone care to suggest that if it did happen that explusions, prison and executions wouldn't follow?
I thought not.
Posted by puggs at June 22, 2003 12:38 PMYou mean the fiends might use democracy?
How can we stop their evil plans?
Posted by harmonia at June 23, 2003 05:46 AMJust like the Nazi's did the first time, and your Socialist party would like too. Once voted in somehow they seem to forget that "in power till the end of time" wasn't on the friggin ballot.
Still playing on the outer fringes of Scottish politics harm?
Posted by puggs at June 23, 2003 01:13 PM