Comments: Study of Contrasts

I noticed how most of the soldiers in close proximity to Hillary were really, really interested in their food - they would look at their trays alot. And Hillary was just chit-chatting away with some femme officer right next to her.

Of course, these subtle nuances will not be picked up by people not paying attention.

Posted by Mad Mikey at December 3, 2003 09:46 AM

I ironclad garuantee you that the fact many New York soldiers refused to be interviewd for People's puff piece will never be mentioned by them. Not worthy of comment.

The Hillary entourage does what richbitch liberals always do. Talk up the common man, and then shit on the hired help, and if anyone doubts that is exactly how they view the military, then they need new specticles.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at December 3, 2003 01:47 PM

I emailed that Hillary story to AK yesterday. As I told him, as a Marine officer, this is a simple concept for me to grasp: THE TROOPS EAT FIRST. You take care of your people before you take care of yourself. God help us all if Hillary ends up running the show in 2008. I'll probably have to do like the wife wants and move down to the islands off of Honduras until the Wicked Witch of the West Wing leaves office. I don't want to have two Clintons to choose from when asked the question "Who was the worst President of all time?".

Funnily enough, when I read the Hillary story, the FIRST thing my mind went to was ol' Bill's haircut. Obviously our brains are wired the same way, Neal.

Posted by Mike the Marine at December 3, 2003 02:49 PM

Mike... speaking of That Which Must Not Happen in 2008, you need to read the book by Tom Kratman that I wrote about in my latest post.

Posted by Mollbot at December 4, 2003 05:23 AM
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