(not so) FAQ
Who are you?
My name is Neal Mauldin. I am an associate professor of veterinary oncology at Louisiana State University. My CV, in PDF format, is here if you’re really interested.Why are you subjecting the world to this?
I started blogging in September of 2002. It was primarily a way for me to express some of the angst, frustration, and uncertainty I felt over world events. I stopped blogging for a few months (as explained in this post), and then recently decided to resume because I enjoy having a place to express my views.Why should we care what you think - about anything?
You shouldn’t. This blog is for me, not you. Read it, don’t read it - I don’t care.What’s your commenting policy?
I don’t have one. I suspect that nasty and abusive or threatening comments will just disappear. Don’t whine about censorship - I pay the bills, I make the rules. If you can’t express yourself without profanity or excessive hyperbole, then go somewhere else - there are lots of places in the blogosphere where that kind of behavior is admired. I don’t really have anything against profanity, I just won’t tolerate it when it’s being used to abuse someone else.I read a couple of your posts, and it’s obvious that you’re some kind of right wing ideologue.
Not really. I am fiscally and militarily conservative, but socially liberal. As a quick guide to a few of my beliefs -I don’t believe in God I believe abortion should be legal I don’t believe abortion should be a routine form of birth control I believe in the second amendment I support the military I believe it is possible to criticize Israel without being antisemitic I believe that much of the criticism of Israel is antisemitic I believe you should be able to marry whoever you want, and receive equal protection under the law I support President Bush in the war on terror, social security reform, and some of his education initiatives I oppose President Bush on Intelligent Design, his immigration policy, and Medicare reforms I think cold tacos make an excellent breakfast food I am proud to be an American I believe we should blame the terrorists for terrorism I believe that fundamentalism of any flavor is a danger, with the potential to do great evil
Why don’t you believe in God?
I just don’t have the faith required to overcome my skepticism, especially in light of my scientific background and focus. I sometimes envy, and certainly don’t begrudge, people who do have that kind of faith. However, I despise proselytizing. I believe in freedom from religion as much as I do in freedom of religion.
Were you ever in the military?
No, the closest I ever came was going down to the post office and registering for the draft when I turned 18. And please, spare me the chickenhawk arguments. I fully realize that the freedoms I enjoy are because others have fought, and died, to protect them. Do you?