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January 02, 2003

Booby Traps?

Following up on my "Madman style bunnies" comment below, a question occurs to me:

Has anyone ever seen the Unablogger and the Madman together in the same room?

Posted by Nukevet at January 2, 2003 09:02 AM

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» Madman Maifesto from Diary of a Madman
After seeing a sly bit of detective work by nukevet that would seem to imply madman and the unablogger are [Read More]

Tracked on January 4, 2003 11:08 AM

» Madman Maifesto from Diary of a Madman
After seeing a sly bit of detective work by nukevet that would seem to imply madman and the unablogger are [Read More]

Tracked on January 4, 2003 11:08 AM


There's a new "bunny story" up, and this one even has a moral.No I didn't say I have morals I said the story has a moral. And best of all its TRUE.

Posted by: Madman at January 2, 2003 12:37 PM