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February 14, 2003

Speaking of Egg sucking butt weasels

Tariq Aziz refused to answer a question because it was asked by a Jewish reporter.

Posted by Nukevet at February 14, 2003 06:15 PM


Don't forget my personal favorites, these quaint little phrases, dickcheese, buttmunch, mouth breathing retard, buttmonkey, dickbreath, pussbucket, and scrotum. Just a short list.

Hmmmmm, maybe I ought move in different circles, but I have colorful friends.

Posted by: puggs at February 15, 2003 12:35 AM


Posted by: Sylvain at February 16, 2003 06:44 PM

Why hello Syl, I didn't hear you walk in. March in any protests today? I was merely commenting on my fondness for the phrase "Egg sucking Butt Weasels". There's nothing as heartwarming as a well delivered insult is there? Ice cold and rammed through the heart, dipped in sarcasm and delivered with a smile.

Hay a nice day Syl.

Posted by: puggs at February 17, 2003 01:09 AM

oops, Thats "have" a nice day.

Posted by: puggs at February 17, 2003 01:11 AM

I'll be honest with you puggs.
I hate protests, and those who participate in them.
I won't comment on them because I won't give them notice.
I never have and never will participate in one, as I know full well how pointless and destructive they are.
And I don't protest getting rid of Saddam, it should have been done instead of enabling him in the first place. I credit Bunny's dad for that.
Nope, the man must get out of Baghdad.
But then, I won't say I back the grandson of a Nazi-sympathizer either.
Bush is dangerous to this country, but Sadda, is potentially moreso, so I'm in favor of dealing with him.

Posted by: Sylvain at February 17, 2003 03:28 AM

Oh, and as far as my comment, I view Israelis and Palestinians pretty much the same way--I admit I didn't check to see if the reporter was Israeli or merely jewish.

Posted by: Sylvain at February 17, 2003 03:30 AM

THe reporter was Israeli. Are you suggesting that Aziz would have similarly snubbed a Palestinian reporter?

Posted by: Neal at February 17, 2003 08:06 AM

Yeah, I saw that after my last comment, and didn't want to leave yet another comment on it.
I'm not suggesting anything, really.
NOr will I defend something some Iraqi official says.
I'm merely saying I don't generally differentiate between Israeli and Palestinian, other than the obvious racial difference.
Both commit, and live with, terrorism in one form or other. There are something like 160 UN resolution Israel has violated since it's inception, and no one has ever questioned that.
We can't use UN violations as an excuse to go to war with Iraq without also pointing out the many other countries that have more broken rezzes under their belt than Iraq.
That said, I still think Saddam should be dealt with.
Perhaps Israel and Palestine and Saudi Arabia and all the other cretenous regimes in the ME will topple after Iraq.
One can only hope.

Posted by: Sylvain at February 17, 2003 10:11 PM

The difference is that Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. And all you have to do is look at that huge number of resolutions passed against Israel, while other countries are let off the hook, to realize just how much of a laughing stock the UN really is.

Posted by: Neal at February 18, 2003 10:04 AM