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November 11, 2003
And even this
Exist because of this
And them
Posted by Nukevet at November 11, 2003 04:12 AM
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American Realpolitik, Bill Hobbs and Instapundit link to Donald Sensing. Hobbs also links to South Knox Bubba. Instapundit also links to a Sunday Observer column. Jason Trommetter has links to online Veterans Day Greeting Cards. A Small Victory has lin... [Read More]
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Tracked on November 11, 2003 12:26 PM
and lets not forget this!
Posted by: hjhjh at November 11, 2003 06:29 AM
That's our JarJar. Completely ignores multiple posts dealing directly with issues he/she/it raised, to try an leave some stupid little inflammatory crap in a post remembering veteran's day.
The meanness of that tiny little soul becomes more apparent every time I let this moron back into RNS. You would hink that, just once in a year and a half, JarJar would have made an intelligent argument, and then defended it in some kind of reasoned debate. It really must suck to be such a hater that all you can do is pine for the good old days - you know, when Saddam was murdering women and children by the bushel.
Posted by: Neal at November 11, 2003 07:55 AM
The same old tired argument
"Saddam did this, Saddam did that" how does any of that excuse what your troops are doing now, in this case killing children.
Could I get off a murder charge by pointing out that Al Bundy killed far more people that me?
Of course not, your crimes are not excused by the crimes of others.
Try getting a new argument, that one has more holes that a swiss cheese.
Posted by: hjhjh at November 11, 2003 09:14 AM
Hahahaha! Once again, JarJar's "sterling intellect" shows through. Al Bundy is a character in a sitcom called "Married, with Children". Hey, wait a minute, that's a FOX vehicle, owned by Rupert Murdoch - so you mean you REALLY DO watch Foz, ef Harm?
I believe the name you are looking for is "Ted Bundy", if you wanted to invoke the name of a serial killer.
As far as your "argument" - the child is "alleged" to have been killed by US troops by the people who were rioting. As always, this claim will be investigated and, if found to have merit, dealt with accordingly. And yes, I intend for "argument" and "alleged" to be in sneer quotes, just like "sterling intellect" above.
Let's see - Saddam supporters claim we blew up a Mosque - turned out to be their own bomb making facility IN the mosque that blew up.
Saddam supporters claim we bombed a marketplace - turns out we did, but only because a JDAM locked on to a radar guided missile that Saddam had hidden there.
Saddam supportes claim we killed a family in cold blodd - turned out it was a car hijacked by Islamists using the family as shields for their attempted suicide attack.
So what, exactly, is your point? That Saddam supporters claim that America has committed all kinds of atrocities? Well, no surprise there. That innocent civilians get killed in war, especially when used as human shields? No surprise there, either.
The thing that strikes me the most about your continued alignment with the Saddam loyalists is just how alike you 2 really are with regards to ideology. Hate the US, excuse everything else. I notice you haven't commented on the story below about 300,000 Iraqi's in mass graves, or the op-ed talking about Vietnam. that's because your arguments have no substance, no subtlety - vacuous remarks intended solely to inflame, not debate. The funny, yet sad, thing is that I'm sure you think you're being terribly clever and sophisticated. Little wonder that we think the inhabitants of the "EU" (yep, more sneer quotes) are elitist morons who are mortgaging their future for the sake of appeasement now. We already pulled our ass out of the fire once when you tried that tack, what makes you think we will do it again.
The stupidity, hatred, and meanness of your postings here is staggering in scope. I've given you 2 chances, the next banning is permanent. Yeah, you'll crow about how being banned must mean you "scored some points", but I will just let anyone who reads your drivel be the judge of that.
Doesn't it hurt to be that stupid? They say nature abhors a vacuum, so doesn't the constant negative pressure on your ear drums as intelligent thought tries to gain entrance give you constant headaches?
Posted by: Neal at November 11, 2003 09:57 AM
Ah so that's were the phrase "much sound and fury signifying nothing" comes from.
How many times do you have to be proved wrong? WMD's, Jessicca Lynch, The Iraqis welcoming you with open arms, Iraq being invaded sorting out the middle east peace process, uranium from Africa, all lies and all swollowed whole by you and your chums.
"The stupidity, hatred, and meanness of your postings here is staggering in scope. "
Hatred? you ever notice the bile you and your pals spout? i dont recall ever wishing any of you dead, or threatning to kill anyone, never mind laughing about p*ssing on graves but of course you only see what you want to see, as per usual.
It's your site, ban away (for the tenth time not the second as you fatuously state) Like the fool who puts his fingers in his ears to block out reality, keep hiding from reality, go shoot some pumpkins again, its all you are really worth
Posted by: gfh at November 11, 2003 10:45 AM
Alrighty jarjar, I'll give 10 minutes of my time. Which is way more than you're worth, but I have a question.
Exactly which 'lie' did I 'swallow whole'? (something I would think that you have more experience with)
WMD's? Did you read the Kay report at all or just the Guardian's headlines?
Jessica Lynch? The part about where she was taken prisoner or the part where she was raped while wounded and fading in and out of conciousness?
Iraqis welcoming us with opening arms? Have you seen any of the polls coming out of Iraq, or are you sure that those are all a US conspiracy?
Invading Iraq sorting out the ME peace? Exactly where was the last terroist strike on US soil? Do you think that our being there has any influence on Iran letting the IAEA back in? The 'palestinians' are sending fighters to Iraq. I think that that would mean one less murderour land grabber in Israel?
Uraninum from Africa? I think you can blame that on the bad french intel. Oh wait, france can do no wrong in your mind.
How about the lies you have swallowed.
War for Oil? Yes, I have 20 barrels of crude all to myself.
100.000 dead civilians? You folks are having to include the people killed by the foreign jihadists and the baathists in the count now. Never mind that Saddam (who you do support) was killing at a rate of 30 people a day and we are expecting to find 300,000 people in mass graves.
The reason france, Germany and Russia were against the war was because they were for peace? No, they were FOR lining their wallets with Iraqi blood money. Same goes for the UN.
Should I go on?
As for your acusation of hate, I may piss on someone's grave because I like to anger useless little insipid mental midget monkeys like you, but not out of hate.
But what do you say about comparing someone to Hitler? Is that not hate? Especially when you have no comparative facts to back it up. It just proves that you folks have nothing on your side but a large group of childrens emotions.
Piss off, jarjar. When the real world comes a-knocking, you'd better run and hide. Stay in your teletubby land for as long as you can little child.
Oh and when you die, could have a relative send us your obit with grave location? I piss at least 3-4 times a day. Thanks.
Posted by: analog kid at November 11, 2003 12:05 PM
Once again, JarJar lies to make things sound even more dramatic than they are. You have been banned exactly 2 times. Not one, not 3, and certainly not 10.
But, when the facts don't back you up, you just make shit up anyways, so why should this be any different?
Like I said, it must either be very painful or very blissful to be so mind numbingly stupid. But, I guess there are advantages to waking up in a brand new world every day.
Posted by: Neal (Nukevet) at November 11, 2003 02:00 PM
This JarJar piece of shit sounds like he(?) would be 'perfect' for spitting on soldiers at the airport.
He also sounds perfect to be a volunteer for testing a vaccine for a flesh-eating virus.
What's the matter JarJar? Couldn't find any bums to offer blowjobs to?
Get sucker punched by a Girl Scout selling cookies?
Just can't accept that your philosophy isn't selling like it did before the Iraq War and that people are OPENLY calling you a spazoid piece-of-shit?
People like you are the reason that I'm afraid for when my daughter starts dating...that I'd actually have to listen to your mealy-mouthed bullshit and 'play nice' just to ensure my daughter isn't embarrassed.
People like you are the reason that random acts of violence are still perpetrated and in your case - justified.
People like you are the reason that when the police start THONKING protestors in the head with their nightsticks that I chuckle and don't really concern myself with your civil rights being denied and/or violated.
I consider myself an 'open-minded' individual and I try extremely hard to actually listen to other points of view from people that don't agree with me; "agree to disagree".
But fuck-stained, pecker-tracked, gerbil-loving retards like you are the reason that most intelligent people just do not give a shit what you think and chuckle when you get thonked by the police or the Girl Scouts.
Please feel free to spontaneously burst into flames, fall off your balcony, and/or get sodomized by angry goats.
Posted by: Mad Mikey at November 11, 2003 03:37 PM
"WMD's, Jessicca Lynch, The Iraqis welcoming you with open arms, Iraq being invaded sorting out the middle east peace process, uranium from Africa"
If this is the best you can do, don't bother.
Posted by: dr.dna at November 11, 2003 06:09 PM
Re hatred, see above.
Little boys with little toys, a good warning to us all of where you can end up when hate consumes you.
Off now to get ready to welcome your president, in a peaceful manner (you may have to look that word up)
Look out for me on the news, should be easy enough to pick me out amongst so few people.
Posted by: hjjhj at November 11, 2003 06:21 PM
And yet you're such a pathetic fuckweasel that you have to troll other people's blogs making an ass of yourself.
Yes, you will be in the minority, as you always have been. You're the group that wanted Saddam still alive and murdering. You're the group who allowed all those mass graves, rapes, and torture to continue.
Bravo, JarJar. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Posted by: Raging Dave at November 11, 2003 07:11 PM
Harm, you have to learn to tell the difference between hate and disdain. The fact that your an intellectually dishonest lying sack of rabbit excrement just brings out the worst in people. Thing is, I suspect Mikey or Dave would have no problems sharing those sentiments to your face, if you were ever brave enough to voice them when they were around. But you won't, of course. And as for your "chicken hawk" rebuttal that is sure to follow, rememebr that most of these guys, including Puggsly, have served in the armed forces.
As far as "greeting" our president, why don't you fashion one of those cute little fake explosives vest out of toilet paper rolls like your friends the Palestinians are always doing for their kids. Then, run towards the official motorcade screaming "Free Palestine, death to the Zionist hordes!"
Let us know how that works out for you.
Posted by: Neal at November 11, 2003 08:50 PM
Great post, good defense, a shame Jarjar of the undescended testicles isn't here in the states. The vibes from all that patriotism would make him shrivel up like the wicked witch of the east.
Of course a poser like him always shrivels up when the challenge is joined.
Posted by: Mark (puggs) at November 12, 2003 12:26 AM