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February 06, 2004

The numbers don't lie

I found this over at Aaron the Liberal Slayer's place, and he found it at Cold Fury.

This graph shows the numbers of both the intercepted 'palestinian' bombers and the ones who were sadly successful.

Notice that since the building of the security fence (and remember, it is a fence), the number successful bombers has gone down and the number of intercepted bombers has gone up.

This is the reason that terrorist supporters like the ISM hate this barrier with a passion.

Posted by Nukevet at February 6, 2004 04:49 AM

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» A Picture That Speaks For Itself from Knowledge Is Power: SondraK.com
Let's hope the trends continue to rise and fall as the fence grows longer. Sadly, you'd think Israel would be getting allot more support for such a non-violent solution. I find it to be very telling. (good find, AK)... [Read More]

Tracked on February 6, 2004 03:35 PM


Thanks for the shout out.

Posted by: Aaron's Rantblog at February 6, 2004 05:10 PM