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March 31, 2004

a sin as old as time

Well, at least someone over there is admitting the obvious.

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in the EU

"Europe has a problem with anti-Semitism," adding that "it has been getting worse over the past two to three years." "Although it is not easy to generalize, the largest group of perpetrators ... appears to be young, disaffected white Europeans," noted the report, which looked at incidents in the 15 current EU member states.

Now, what are they going to do about it?

I suspect, they will do nothing. The universal european trait is never seek to solve a problem when you can just let it fester, or just blame it on America. For a group of people so fond of pointing out their enlightenment, they seem a tad bit backward on social skills. We won't even discuss the blatent hypocrisy of lecturing us on the morals of war and peace, economics and race when they can't even notice they're standing in a cesspool when they do it.

At least we try to be better than we were. Compared to them............

Expect a flood of Jewish refugees in the next few years, we should welcome them all. Because we remember and the next Hitler will probably have a French name.

Posted by Nukevet at March 31, 2004 06:08 PM
