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March 17, 2004
Even more irrefutable facts
The BBC went to Iraq to guage the hatred towards the US invasion.
A total of 2,500 Iraqis were quizzed for a group of international broadcasting organizations including the BBC in a poll to mark the first anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion.
Almost half (49 percent) of those questioned believed the invasion of their country by U.S. and British troops was right, compared with 39 percent who said it was wrong.
Some 57 percent said that life was better now than under Saddam, against 19 percent who said it was worse and 23 percent who said it was about the same.
Iraqi people appeared optimistic about the future, with 71 percent saying they expected things to be better in a years time, six percent predicting it will be worse and nine percent the same.
Overall, 70 percent said that life was good now, compared with 29 percent who said it was bad.
Some 85 percent identified restoration of public security as a major priority, against 30 percent who wanted elections for a national government and 28 percent an economic revival.
Just a quarter said they had confidence in U.S.-led occupation forces to deliver their needs. There were far higher levels of confidence in Iraqi religious leaders (70 percent), local police (68 percent) and the new Iraqi army (56 percent).
Fifty-one percent were opposed to the continued presence of foreign forces in Iraq, against 39 percent who supported it.
Asked what political system they believed was needed in their country, 86 percent said they wanted democracy, but 81 percent said a single strong Iraqi leader was needed.
Opinion was evenly split on whether the invasion of Iraq. The poll found that 41 percent believed that the invasion humiliated Iraq while 42 percent said it liberated the country.
And here is a real surprise,
A separate poll of British people suggested that a slim majority -- 48 percent to 43 percent -- supported UK involvement in the war.
You mean that the whole of the UK (except for Tony Blair) isn't against the war!?!?!?! How can this be?????
Posted by Nukevet at March 17, 2004 07:26 AM