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March 29, 2004

France is a Rouge Corpse

Dead, but lifelike.

Smiling, but soulless.

Nidra Poller is an American Jew, currently living in france, and finding it difficult to stay and survive.

"Jews are being persecuted every day in France. Some are insulted, pelted with stones, spat upon; some are beaten or threatened with knives or guns. Synagogues are torched, schools burned to the ground. A little over a month ago, at least one Jew was savagely murdered, his throat slit, his face gouged with a carving knife. Did it create an uproar? No. The incident was stifled, and by common consent�not just by the authorities, but by the Jews."

"Some Jews are simply frightened; they are reluctant to take the subway, walk in certain neighborhoods, go out after dark. Others, clearly identifiable as Jews, are courageous and defiant. Many, perhaps the majority, show no outward signs of Jewishness and do not seek to know the truth about the rampant and increasingly violent anti-Semitism all around them. If you are Jewish but do not defend Israel or act too religious or look too different, you are not yet a target�so why insist on monitoring the danger when daily life is so delicious?"

"I am, or was, the first American-born generation in a family that fled Europe before World War I: a lesson in the wisdom of leaving before it is too late. Now I am the first stage in the story of a three-generation "French" family. Why don�t people just pick up and go while they still can? It�s always the same. There is an ailing grandmother, a son in medical school, a daughter who just got married, a business too good to throw away and not good enough to sell. There are in-laws and obligations and unfinished business and . . . hope. Hope that it will all blow over. That people will come to their senses, reason win out, normal life resume. And so, blinded by hope, people minimize danger and cling to an imagined stability."

Go read the rest.

A while back, I heard Michael Medved talking about french Jews leaving france for Israel.


France is a rouge corpse.

Found @ Spot On

Posted by Nukevet at March 29, 2004 07:55 AM

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» Sleepy Bollocks • Fais Dodo Judas Mon P'tit Fr�re from the dissident frogman
Ariel Sharon issued an appeal for all Jews in France to leave and move to Israel. In doing so, he's not only right; he's also catching on a trend that's been going on for more than a year (see also... [Read More]

Tracked on July 20, 2004 12:51 AM


This exact chain of events happened in Europe almost 70 years ago... this is disgusting and frightening.

Posted by: Mollbot at March 29, 2004 08:00 AM