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April 30, 2004
Suck on this, Leftie bastards.
Army Honors Football Star Killed in Afghanistan
Pat Tillman, the former National Football League player killed in combat in Afghanistan on April 22, has been awarded the U.S. military's prestigious Silver Star posthumously, Army Special Forces Command said on Friday.
Tillman died at age 27 when his patrol was ambushed close to the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Army Special Forces Command said Tillman led the lead section of a platoon when the platoon's trailing team came under enemy fire.
It said that while his part of the platoon was out of danger, Tillman maneuvered his team back toward the fray in order to protect the rest of the platoon, and directed gunfire at the enemy. It said he lost his life, but his efforts helped prevent the rest of the platoon from suffering any casualties.
If the left is going to repeatedly call Kerry a 'War Hero' because of his medals, they damn well better start doing so for a man who actually did give his all to his country.
How much do you want to bet they won't?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:56 PM | Comments (1)
Wait a minnut.....
How come our own SondraK didn't enter?
Oh, that's right, she was picking a fight with Frank just a little while ago. Still, she's gotta be able to hold her own against any of these other contestants, right? Right.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:22 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
More from Rene Gonzales
You know, the UMass graduate student who wrote that Tillman got what was coming to him for being a GI Joe? This is a bit more amusing, although I suspect it is a joke - that's what makes it so funny - you can't tell!
Posted by Nukevet at 07:01 PM | Comments (0)
Tribute? or are different motivations at work?
Ted Koppel's Nightline has long been regarded by many conservatives as something like a subdivision of the DNC. I actually haven't watched it in years, still this bit of grandstanding raises some questions.
In a statement on its Web site, Hunt Valley, Md.-based Sinclair Broadcast Group - whichs owns 62 stations, including six ABC affiliates - said tonight's program "appears to be motivated by a political agenda designed to undermine the efforts of the United States in Iraq."
The show responded with a statement: "The 'Nightline' broadcast is an expression of respect which simply seeks to honor those who have laid down their lives for this country."
They plan to give about two seconds per name, expanding the list to all Iraq related deaths including the noncombat ones. They call it tribute, yet is it really? How many people really visualize the real gravity of numbers when they simply see the statistic, when they don't actually see the coffins lined up? Koppel and his defenders say as much, they also openly say things like this.
And I have to admit, as I looked at the names of all those good people - men and women - who gave their lives fighting a war that appears to be grounded in deception at worst and governmental stupidity at best, I have to wonder just what we are trying to prove.
Kind of blows the whole just a tribute statement right out of the water doesn't it? But if it's dramatic impact to draw attention to deaths that could be prevented by oh, ....say cutting and running home like cowards? Begging the world to forgive America for being evil enough to actually fight back against the islam'o'nazi bastards,.... so why draw the line merely at war? I mean Ted makes the supreme sacrifice in his world of giving a whole 40 minutes of airtime to his little project. How about this rampant killer of American's? Just a little time with a pad and pen, 255,100 people will die from the top three cancers this year. If Ted read off their names, it would take about 8500 minutes, or a little over 141 hours. That's how many people will die of those cancers this year. Koppel chooses to air the names like this simply because the numbers are small enough for him to be able to do so. Kind of show's how Ted's priorities are just a little skewed to the easily done cheap shot. Spare me also the crocdile tears by the supporters of this piece over the lives of soldiers lost, because I don't believe for a microsecond they would care to do this if the war had occurred in 98 when Clinton threatened to act similarly. Tribute's could be done on a far more sensitive basis outside of sweeps week.
I believe in the rightness of the war. I believe in the men and women fighting it. I also believe it's tawdry political theatre the way Koppel plans to do this. It's pretty obvious that he and his ilk think support with be driven down if only we could see the cost in real terms. We're stronger than that, we'll survive his little bit of theatrics. It's just a shame that he has to make our Honored dead a stage prop for a naked political agenda, it would be more honest if he just ran "Vote for Kerry" spots disguised as news,.....
Aw shit that's right,........he already does that.
Update,.. a link from Instapundit. and since I've left a comment there, I've gone back to expand a little and to correct a few typo's.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:32 PM | Comments (5)
Would you to play a game?
The Baron du Toit has a some questions for you. Three actually.
Question 1: If you could only have one handgun, which would it be?
Question 2: Ditto for a rifle (exclude shotguns for the purposes of this).
Question 3: If you were told you could only drive one car or truck for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
Head on over to his place to see the parameters for this quiz.
If you do end up answering, let us here at RNS know too.
My answers...
1. 1911 (duh)
2. M-21 (for those who do not know, this is what you could call the 'sniper' version of the M1A/M-14)
3. 1970 Dodge GTX (this one was the hardest. My answer may change from time to time, but this has always been in my Top 5)
Now it's your turn.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:37 AM | Comments (6)
It's not about guns
It's about control.
From Rivrdog comes an update on the Bravo Sierra Police Chief situation.
Quoted from a radio interview broadcast on KXL-AM (750khz) radio in Portland, OR at 0712 this morning:
"It's not about whether somebody needs this or it's a right, it's about OUR (emphasis his) need to control this."
FYI - I'll take Rivrdog at his word on this quote. I've met the man and have no reason to think he is making this up.
This Sheriff deserves to be recalled for this statement. He has admitted that he thinks he should be able to personally control the 2nd Amendment rights of everyone within his jurisdiction.
I'm sure I do not have to tell you how wrong this is.
99% of the time, I and standing shoulder to shoulder with the police when their critics come out and try to say that the police are 'heavy handed' or 'racists'.
I will argue and fight with any left-wing protesting prick or prickess when they whine about getting tear gassed after their 'peace rally' gets violent.
I have attended these rallies. I have seen the 'protesters' cross police lines, spit on the cops and call them every name in the book trying to get the cops to react in an ugly manner. I have no sympathy for the leftists when they get a good beat down or feel the burn of pepperspray. The majority of them are getting off light.
But gun owners are doing nothing but abiding the law. We are often assisting the police in apprehending or stopping crime and criminals.
And yet we end up with guys like this numbnuts in charge.
Which is why I do not want King County Sheriff Dave Reichert to head off to the House of Representatives in Jennifer Dunn's place. He is firmly behind the owning of all types of firearms by those within his jurisdiction (including Class III, even though the state doesn't feel that way yet). He has stated this multiple times. It is one of the platforms he is running on his HoR campaign.
But so are all of his competitors running for that nomination.
But I have heard nothing of that sort from any of the people trying to take his place in the Sheriff's Office if he does win. And I am worried that it is because they don't think that way.
I have scanned the updates and meetings of both the Nat'l Assoc of Police Chiefs and the Int'l Assoc, but have come up empty. The Euro Commisars of the Int'l crew met up two weeks ago in Belfast, but I doubt that impending US Firearms Legislation was on that agenda or that Seattle Chief Kerlikowske or Multnomah County Sheriff Guisto attended that one.
I'm still looking. But it may just be two twits in the corner of the US spouting off.
Let's hope anyway.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:46 AM | Comments (3)
Caption contest
Staring intently off into space while humming the 2001 theme, Dennis re-enacts his descent from the mother ship.
"Come forth my children,....and pull my fingers!."
"Does this outfit make my ass look big?"
Noticing the rapture on the face of the girl on his lower left, Dennis had to laugh inwardly. "Jesus, hippy chicks are easy." He then gave his aid the high sign to escort her to his room at the Outpatient Facility for the Slightly Wacked.
I'm tired and can't think of any more right now. So have at and let the fun begin.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:40 AM | Comments (4)
Bada Bing
Remember the train explosion in NorK-land?
Here are a couple aerial pics
Too bad a certain crazy, poofy haired dictator left on time.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:08 AM | Comments (0)
April 29, 2004
Blog Pimpin'
Since I missed my chance to help Raging Dave promote his Spirit of America Auction of one of his hand crafted belts ,the winner was David K. @ $60 (you all can still donate and get a good belt for a good price that will help a good cause)......
I can at the very least pimp the new CD by The Shooting Gallery titled "Dark and Bloody Ground".
In case you have a short memory, Brent from The Ville is in a blues rock/rockabilly that goes by the name of The Shooting Gallery.
Their website is here. It has reviews, pictures, news, and some free Mp3s.
And you can buy a copy of the CD here.
Mine is en route. Neener.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:49 AM | Comments (1)
Pimp Calls For War
Jessie jackson, one of the original Poverty Pimps, has called FOR a war.
But not a War on Terrorism. Or a War on Black Poverty. Or a War on Whiteys Who Make Jessie Look Bad.
He has called for the UN to delare war on America.
In comments made before and during a speech at the 21st Century Black Massachusetts Conference in Boston on April 3, the Boston Herald reports, Jackson condemned U.S. efforts to remove Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein from power. He called the U.S. liberation of Iraq "a crime against humanity" and said Iraqi deaths resulting from the actions of U.S. forces are "murder." He encouraged the United Nations to sanction the U.S. and consider the use of military force.
......................sorry, I had to get a glass of water to help me recover from laughing my ass off.
I've got an idea, let's put Jessie Jackson in charge of the UN. He can't do too much more worse of a job than Kofi "The Blind Man" Annan.
I still think we should have sent him to Haiti instead of wasting the Marines time.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 AM | Comments (3)
worthy investment
Beefing up Army Humvees. Worth every penny.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:56 AM | Comments (0)
I see a pattern
Perhaps you saw my fisking of some comments made by Seattle Police Chief, Gil Kerlikowske (aka Jackass).
Well, it seems that Rivrdog found the same bile being spouted by Multnomah County Sherrif, Bernie Guisto.
It was so bad that Rivrdog had to hoist the marine signals "Bravo Sierra with two repeaters".
Now, I am trying to look up when the last time the National Association of Chiefs of Police (and the Int'l group as well) got together.
You see, crap like this just doesn't 'happen'. I smell a campaign by the left to try and force the re-signing of the AWB.
"But AK, these guys are Police Chiefs, they're not on the left!"
Bravo Sierra!
Remember a while back, when the firefighters union came out rooting for Kerry. These assholes are standing shoulder to shoulder with them.
If this is true, I'm going to be very unhappy. And if you thought that people didn't like The Hulk when he got angry, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:52 AM | Comments (1)
Gettin' Busy
Our man Dogtulosba has been busy.
Head on over and watch him take a dive.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:33 AM | Comments (0)
Speaking of things that leave you
Er, speechless.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:00 AM | Comments (1)
It takes a villiage
To have an idiot.
Jim McDermott is the idiot in my villiage.
Rep. Jim McDermott, a Washington Democrat who criticized President Bush while visiting Baghdad, omitted the words "under God" as he led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance this week.
Dim Jim then offers two excuses as to why he omitted the line.
Excuse #1: Spokesman Mike DeCesare said McDermott told him that as a child he had learned the pledge without the phrase "under God." The phrase was added to the pledge in 1954.
So I guess that he wasn't listening during those 15 YEARS he has spent in the HoR. That I could almost believe.
Excuse #2: "Basically he caught himself up," DeCesare said, adding that McDermott was unsure whether to include the phrase "under God" while the 2002 ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is being reviewed by the Supreme Court.
Then maybe he is unfit to serve as a Representative since he forgot his college civics class that says while things are being thought over by the SCOTUS, the rules stay the same.
I really don't see the brouhaha over the phrase "Under G*d" in the pledge. Mostly because I don't care enough either way. But when Baghdad Jim makes an ass of himself, repeatedly, I gotta let you all know.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:05 AM | Comments (1)
April 28, 2004
Trouble telling moonbat species apart?
Maybe you need to watch more edumacational television.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:12 PM | Comments (0)
Hate that defies logic
Over at Kos' IMC they are all a-twitter over this USN&WR cover
Here's Kos' comments:
"War hero John Kerry is depicted in a suit and tie."
"AWOL coward George Bush, who explicitly refused overseas duty and spent time playing all-day pool volleyball games with "ambitious secretaries" is depicted in military dress uniform."
And here are a few of his reader's comments:
"Seeing him doesn't change this, since I know there is a hero inside. His record will prevail."
"I saw the cover and went to their site and fired off a ferocious email calling them on their bias. I demanded a statement and some acknowlegement of the "lapse in judgement."
"The next time anyone mentions "the liberal media" I will pull this out. What an outrage. All this anti-Kerry rhetoric is turning the Dean supporter into a strong Kerry man. I am pissed off!!!"
But what they sheep over at Kos' IMC haven't figured out is that IN 1971, KERRY WAS PROTESTING THE WAR. HE WASN'T IN UNIFORM.
Finally, at the 1/4 page mark, one of Kos' fellow posters at The Daily IMC, DHinMI clues the lemmings in...
"In 1971 we know that Kerry wasn't wearing full battle garb; he was wearing suits like the one in the photo."
But that just isn't good enough for the Kos IMC crowd...
"This was my point. USN&WR, could have picked another period of time, couldn't they? They did this on purpose."
"Technically accurate? Perhaps. A fair portrayal? Not really."
Poor wittle soft-skulled Kos readers!
Your candidate is a lying, snobbish prick. Get over it.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:32 PM | Comments (0)
Some things leave you speechless
and this is one of those things.
Oh, yeah - Michael Moore can kiss my butt.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:05 PM | Comments (0)
The Soundboard: Hypocritical Beasts Edition
The Beastie Boys
Those f*cking Beastie Boys.
Tonight, on the Fox TV show "The O.C.", the Beastie Boys will debut the first single on their new album, titled 'Ch-Check It Out'.
Normally, having a favorite band get their song put on prime time television is a good thing. But, seeing as how the Boys are steadily pissing me off as of late with their Democratic Underground style rants against the Bush Administration and the war in Iraq (of which there will be more than a few on this new album, I hear) and their hypocrisy, I'm becoming more and more ready to use their discs for target practice.
What hypocrisy, you ask?
From the track "Puttin' Shame in Your Game" of their 1998 release, "Hello Nasty"
Don't grease my palm with your filthy cash
Multinationals spreading like a rash
I might stick around or I might be a fad
But I won't sell my songs for no TV ad
And 5 years later, they can't even wait for a 'TV ad', they have to go for prime time, prime demographic.
What's next, are all three of them going to wear S&M gear and have 'wardrobe malfunctions' during halftime of the next Superbowl?
And it isn't like this is a new stance for them. On their 1992 release, Check Your Head, they said
Everybody's rapping like it's a commercial
Actin' like life is a big commercial
So this is what I've got to say to you all
Be true to yourself and you will never fall
On the track "Pass the Mic".
By the time of the aforementioned album 'Hello Nasty', they were using their fame to sell everything from shoes to dolls.
Now don't think I've found some commie red 'anti-capitolist' streak here. I'm all for people making large amounts of cash.
But if they are going to decry others doing it, then they should not do it themselves.
So, here is my proposition....
Any song of theirs is free game. You request it, I'll post it
And the links above lead to their songs, not to lyrics pages.
Is there a song of theirs that you like, but don't want to buy the whole album (even used)? Hit me up.
I've got at least 90% of their music. Some of it is on LP's, so I won't be able to offer it all, but I'll try to find it on CD used and post it then.
If you don't like the Boys, then you're a mile ahead of myself. I'm still working on never listening to their stuff again.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:53 AM | Comments (2)
Let the fretting begin
The criminal enablers/true-believers in gun control are starting to worry about the sunsetting of the "Assault Weapons Ban". Hence the alarmist article/report by the lamestream media here in Seattle, which I shall commence fisking.
There is a poll connected to this article. GO THERE NOW and help bend the curve.
Fisking to start in 3...2...1...
Local Police Make Plea On Assault Weapons Ban
By Essex Porter, KIRO News
SEATTLE -- With the federal ban on assault weapons set to expire, Seattle's police chief made a plea to the president Tuesday.
Because he's a pansy turd of a police chief. During the March 2003 anti-war rallies, he caved in to nearly demand made by the demonstrators. Including, but not limited to decreasing the number of cops on the street because the protesters said they "felt threatened".
Inside the Seattle Police evidence locker, there are assault-style weapons. If the ban is lifted, it will again be perfectly legal to sell them.
Yes, it will be perfectly legal to sell them to law abiding citizens! Oh the horror! As of now, the only people who can buy them are CRIMINALS, you halfwitted, grovelling hopolophobe.
Supporters of the ban say it has worked -- that after 10 years, far fewer of the guns traced to crime are assault weapons.
Supporters of the ban also say that the only people who want to own a so called 'assault weapon' are either terrorists, gang-banger or militia member.
How odd. I want one, but I'm am not included in any of the above groups of people.
The Gun Fearing Wussies are wrong again.
"I believe I've been shot at by one of those. I don't want to be facing them, that's for sure," said Tom Fitzgerld of the Seattle Police SWAT Team.
But at least the city cares enough to arm you appropriately, pal.
How would you like to be facing down some homegrown islamofascist with a pelletgun. That is what the people who want the AWB re-signed are willing to 'allow' me to have. At least until someone puts an eye out.
In the evidence vault, dozens of assault-style weapons -- one of them called the Street Sweeper -- are all illegal to sell since Congress banned them in 1994.
Wait, just a few sentences back, the gun grabbers claimed that fewer crimes were being committed with 'assault weapons'. I've seen the Seattle PD gun vault! It ain't that big. And Seattle likes to melt the guns down after they're done with them. So where'd all these ones come from?
Western Washington mother Heidi Yewman is a graduate of Colorado's Columbine High School. Some of her former teachers were killed by assault weapons. "It astonishes me that we are not willing, our government is not willing to keep these banned," she said.
And here comes the tear jerker. The AWB sure didn't stop Klebold and Harris. Oh wait! NONE OF THE GUN LAWS ON THE BOOKS STOPPED KLEBOLD AND HARRIS.
But gun rights advocates say the number of crimes committed with assault weapons is few. "About 2 to 3 percent of the crimes reported involve these so-called assault weapons and that's not me talking, that's the Justice Department," said David Workman of Gun Week.
OH NO! FACTS! Backed up by a source! How dare he do that!
Workman said gun control advocates have another agenda. "They're not really interested in banning certain semi-automatic firearms, the ultimate goal is to get them all. Whether it's a semi-automatic rifle or your grandpa's 12 gauge shot gun," he said.
Yep. After the 'assault weapons' are taken care of, the anti-gunners will start up the "Shotguns are very dangerous weapons. Only a criminal would want a shotgun" cry.
President Bush has promised to sign a renewal of the assault weapons ban, but he doesn't appear to be pushing for one.
Because it took him a bit to figure out that gun control is a losing issue.
"Members of Congress: shame on them if they don't pass this out and put this on the president's desk," said Gil Kerlikowske, Seattle Police Chief.
And shame on you, Kerlikowske, for being a dumbass. I would take one Sheriff Dave Reichert over a dozen of the likes of you. And I'm very happy I no longer live within your cities limits.
Kiss my ass, Kerlikowske.
Despite the demand to continue the ban, there is no evidence the Republican-controlled Congress will pass it.
Because they HAVE figured out that gun control is a losing issue. Hopefully.
But here in Washington, it is not over.
I am hearing whines and moans from members of city, county, and state lawmakers saying that if the AWB doesn't get re-newed, they'll try to get a statewide version passed.
I am taking apporpriate measures.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:50 AM | Comments (5)
Bow Wow Wow, Yippie Yo, Yippie Yay
John Kerry is in the Doghouse with the Villiage Voice.
This may be difficult, but try to picture yourself as a 'cultured' ast coast liberal. You think the NTY is a bit too 'right wing' for you So where do you go for you political reading after you're done with The Nation?
Why The Villiage Voice, of course.
This should scare Kerry a tad...
Note to Democrats: it's not too late to draft someone�anyone�else
With the air gushing out of John Kerry's balloon, it may be only a matter of time until political insiders in Washington face the dread reality that the junior senator from Massachusetts doesn't have what it takes to win and has got to go. As arrogant and out of it as the Democratic political establishment is, even these pols know the party's got to have someone to run against George Bush. They can't exactly expect the president to self-destruct into thin air.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:31 AM | Comments (1)
The Rolling Memorial
Found @ Who Tends the Fires
These are only half the pics. Go see the rest.
The truck's owners are John & Amy Holmgren. They live in Shafer, Minn. They thought this would be a nice tribute to the people that lost their lives. It has every name of each person that lost their life on 9-11.
This concept was thought up by John and Amy, and totally paid for by them. John says that it will take awhile to pay the loan off that he had to take out to do it but, thought this was the least he could do.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:24 AM | Comments (7)
Tomorrow, I finish lecturing in my course, although I still have to give the final exam on Monday. Life gets a little easier after that.
As for tonight - it's off for the Nukevet birthday dinner. My soundtrack contribution should give you some idea of where I'm at chronologically. Emotionally is a different matter altogether.
I did, at least, have time to make a new banner. We'll see how long the tank lasts....
Posted by Nukevet at 01:21 AM | Comments (1)
April 27, 2004
Security Breach at RNS
Puggs lets the kiddies play while he takes a little siesta.......
....all missiles away.
Shamelessly stolen from the Curmudgeon.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:55 PM | Comments (7)
Let's play!
I found this at the good Emperor Misha's.
So, should this be answered in the tone it's offered? Or should I try the more civilized, educational path? First it's pretty obvious that math isn't the strong suit of this bimbo. Considering this little tantrum completely ignores the FACT that Saddam was butchering his own people to the tune of hundreds of thousands, her numbers are pretty well debunked here. So this is not about the real numbers, if it were we wouldn't even be having an arguement. This is about the left's hatred of Bush, and it's childlike attempts to discredit him with a sneer and made up numbers.
Now, for the tone...If bimbo's mom had had an abortion think of all the cases of crabs that could have been prevented, all the VD, all the inane sign waving by a smug lefty who wouldn't give a thought to Iraqi dead if the numbers were in the millions,.....as long as she couldn't pin it on a republican. You see dead people only exist if you can say it's the conservatives fault. That the war has resulted in millions freed and tens of thousands spared from the torture cell and firing squad don't count, because the "wrong" man did it. I suspect if Clinton had done it, that the protests would be as muted and nonexistent as they were over Kosovo. Only a republican can wage war apparently.
This skank is the face of the national democratic party for me. All, bile and catty smugness, all morally superior behind it's coffee house's and campuses. Never having to struggle for life, never having to feel the wolf at the door, completely incapable of even understanding the basic concept of evil. Saddam was a cardboard cutout to them, they never really saw him as a real monster, a beast. That kind of fear and loathing they reserve for simple political differences in their own country, that kind of judgement they reserve for us.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:29 PM | Comments (4)
Neal, do have Wednesday morning off?
Because Cedric Richmond of Orleans Parish is declaring WAR on the Second Amendment in Louisiana. Just go to the Legislature homepage and view instruments by Legislator, and pick Richmond there.
Richmond is proposing ballistic 'fingerprinting';
handgun registration - with a $25 dollar surcharge on handguns to pay for it;
'assault weapon' ban - with contradictory definitions of 'assault weapon';
arresting people with firearms within 1000 feet of a 'parade route', unless they are on duty police. Own a store by the parade, and keep a gun? Arrested. Off duty cop working security at a resturant 3 football fields from a Gay Pride parade, arrested. Driving by a block over? Arrested.
Neal if you can, go to the Capitol on Wednesday at 9:30am, House Committee Meeting for Criminal Justice, Room 6. Please write your House and Senate members, too.
The bills in question are HB 241, 243, 244, 245, and 1222
Posted by Nukevet at 06:01 PM | Comments (1)
Will we become what we fight?
Eric the Mad Monk, from Who Tends The Fires - a great blog I would highly recommend, is having a discussion about whether or not we will become like the terrorists we fight if we cheer for the deaths, or become desensitized to possible civilian casualities in the places where these monsters live.
While I do not agree with his assessment of the situation, it is a very good read.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:36 PM | Comments (1)
You Found Me Beautiful Once
Honey You Got Real Ugly.
Isn't it funny how the Left is against Capital Punishment, but for the abortion of those who annoy them?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:29 PM | Comments (1)
Proper Respect
Pat Tillman will not be forgotten as quickly as the anti-war types would prefer
Arizona State and the Arizona Cardinals announced the establishment of an annual business school scholarship in Tillman's name.
ASU athletic director Gene Smith said the Sun Devils will retire Tillman's No. 42 jersey after the 2004 season.
The Cardinals said they will retire Tillman's No. 40 and plan to name the plaza surrounding their new stadium under construction in suburban Glendale the Pat Tillman Freedom Plaza.
Spoons' idea of Pat Tillman Stadium was a bit much to ask for. And while I would have liked for it to happen, having people walk through a memorial to Mr. Tillman before attending a game works for me.
After reading a large amount of the life of Mr. Tillman that has come out since his death, I think he would think it a bit much, but he would have accepted it.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:26 AM | Comments (0)
The out-of-towners
It seems that the Dems are going to have to 'slum it' at their own national convention
Word is that money is so tight for various state Democratic organizations and for the DNC that their requests for bids for parties and receptions are being turned down by a number of big-time party planners and caterers in Beantown.
Say it ain't so!
"All of the money is being funneled into the campaign against Bush and the Republicans, there is no money for pyramids of shrimp or open bars with small batch bourbon," says a DNC fundraiser. "We'll leave those kinds of things to our corporate sponsors."
But then the Corporate Types may want to attend! I hope that they don't mind the hard left anti-corporate types don't say anything too embarassing.
The lack of big-time money for big-time partying is coming at a critical time for Boston's Democratic Mayor Tom Menino, who had been promising the city a huge windfall from having the Democrats in town for a week.
That's OK. Most Bostonians have gotten used to being lied to by now.
Over the past month, it has become apparent that any cash coming in will be more of the "light breeze" variety.
More like "The Silent Fart" type.
Union shops -- from construction to video production -- are complaining that they aren't being given work. That instead, the DNC and the convention planners are going out of state -- a kind of state to state out-sourcing for cheaper labor.convention.
Noooooo! Out-sourcing union labor jobs! But how!?
I'll tell you how. The Dems care less about outsourcing than they do about having a party. But enjoy the ride, union boys.
And that smoke that is being blown up your ass is just part of the stage show.
Found @ Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
Posted by Nukevet at 07:16 AM | Comments (1)
You left out we also drown kitten's
Indymedia,...You know it's really hard to explain how a group of people so brain dead can still suck up so much oxygen. They laughed and jeered at Pat Tillman's death, and now say crap like this.
U S snipers in Iraq shoot kids, ambulances
author: For New Standard
'Getting aid past US snipers is impossible'
by Jo Wilding
The sources are the Guardian, heh,...and someone named Dahr Jamail. so let's see what we can learn about him shall we?
Hmmm,....There's this piece.
Once we turned off the highway, which the U.S. was perilously holding onto, there was no U.S. military presence visible at all, as we were in mujahedeen-controlled territory. Our bus wound its way through farm roads, and each time we passed, someone they would yell, �God bless you for going to Falluja!� Everyone we passed was flashing us the victory sign, waving and giving the thumbs-up.
Nice of the prick to let us know who's side he's on isn't it? Seem's for someone who uses the word mercenaries as a dire insult, he seems awful concerned about asking for money. He also has some pretty evil admirers. It becomes clear that his audience from a quick search is largely the pro-islamicist, communist, progressive fringe. The US is the Evil Empire and of course it will always commit atrocities band of usual suspects.
About the author of this report there is virtually nothing except that he is supposedly in Iraq and is from Alaska. Since we only have the word of a hardcore leftist shill site on that, I begin to wonder how much of this is written even with the author even facing in the direction of Iraq. Nothing he reports, and I mean nothing is backed up by other sources. Which brings to mind this question,....When a hundred known reliable good people tell you one thing, and an unkown person of questionable loyalty tells you the opposite, how likely is it that he's either crazy or lying through his teeth?
Thought so.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:06 AM | Comments (0)
The beginning of an out of control tailspin perhaps?
Following this link from Instapundit, I read this fascinating post at Captain's Quarters.
A Whiff of Desperation at the Gray Lady
UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! I listened to a small bit of Kerry's interview on ABC this morning, and I detected more than a whiff of desperation in his attitude too. Even Charlie Gibson wasn't buying Kerry's explanation, and if Kerry loses ABC, things are definitely going downhill. More on that in this CNS News piece. Here's the description, with a startling observation by Gibson:
That the lies are over medals is beside the point to me, it could as well be over anything else. The real meat of it, is when challenged over something he's done, Kerry continues to lie about it, changing the story from day to day, never once even sticking to one of his many versions of the event. Like a top wobbling badly, unable to right itself bouncing from one side to another. He's actually losing the confidence of serious players in the National media over his botched dealing with this.
When the biggest charge against Bush is that he isn't forthcoming enough, do you really want to fire him to put an apparent serial liar in his place? If you are a democrat, you've gotta be depressed over Kerry's gyrations, if not,.....
Then just admit that ethics plays no part in politics as you practice them and be done with it.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:14 AM | Comments (0)
April 26, 2004
My worst day at the range
Still beats my best day at work.
So I went off to the range yesterday afternoon. Since my usual spot (Wade's) won't let the 7.62×39 round be fired inside, I decided to pay a visit to a place I haven't been to in over a decade.
All was going well. I arrived, paid my range fee, made my way to the rifle range and unloaded my stuff. I then found my shooting bench, got set up and headed downrange to set up my target.
First shot with the new SKS. 100yds. I got all snugged up and pulled the trigger.
And immediately punched myself in the nose.
You see, I neglected to remember that the stock was built for 5'5" Chinese guys. Not for 6'4" Yankee Dogs with long monkey arms. The receiver came back with the recoil and gave me a 'reminder tap' on the tip of my schnoz.
My nose didn't bleed, but I deserved to have it do so.
But that was OK. I learned my lesson and continued on.
A few rounds later, I reach for my spotting scope. And, because I'm an idiot, I didn't notice that during the process of lighting off the SKS, the excess gun oil put there by the guns previous owner (what I like to call bug juice) had gotten all over my hands.
And I dropped the dang scope. It hit the table, gathered momentum and went over the edge and onto the concrete.
But that was even OK. It was a $30 clunker that I picked up at a garage sale a while back. And I continued to just shoot and hope for the best.
But doing so leads to things like this
Click for supersucky larger view)
The larger holes are the SKS. It shot to the left. Way left. The problem has been corrected. The smaller holes are the 10/22. I had it sighted in for the 60ft range at Wade's but that made it shoot about 4 inches low at 100yds.
But since I couldn't see the itty-bitty holes made by the 22LR 100yds away and the rangemaster only stopped the firing line every 15 minutes, I had alot of waiting time and did alot of guess shooting.
But that was OK, because I eventually got it re-dialed in.
And then, as the final insult of the day, I finally get both rifles dialed in and get to putting down some halfway decent groups. And as is wont to happen with myself and battery operated devices, the digital camera died.
But as the saying goes, "My worst day at the range is still better than my best day at work."
Now here is a guy who's day at the range at least went a little better than mine.
Head on over to Mr. Dogtulosba's place and let him know we haven't forgotten about him.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:31 AM | Comments (6)
Oh no, tell me I didn't just read this right.
This puff piece on Kerry from the Boston Globe, is fairly strained at making him look bright. After all the giggles and insults directed at Bush for his level of intelligence by liberals, you have to laugh at this paragraph.
"When he does this thing where he is going on too long, he is sharing with you his internal thought process of how he got from here to there," his former counsel Winer said. "There have been things that he has rejected from a staffer or a friend, which then I have heard him [adopt] three months later, and that is because three months later he has worked it through and internalized it and he knows it is his .
Does it always take three months for the light bulb to go off over his head? Or was he a little brighter than normal that year?
The gest of the article is that his flip flops, his wildly meandering from one position to it's opposite, his say whatever pleases the yokels today manner is all proof of his exceptional mind.......
In anyone else it would suggest a conman's personality, someone without integrity. Which makes this second half of the above paragraph even more ironic.
I can't tell him what to do. [His wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry,] can't tell him what to do. [Chief of staff] David McKean can't tell him what to do. [Media adviser] Bob Shrum can't tell him what to do. You can suggest it, and maybe he'll do it and maybe he won't. But he is not going to surrender that personal autonomy that is the core of [his] integrity."
The core of his integrity?............The core of his integrity is that he doesn't have any. Independence is fine, great, but stubbornly having a contrarian position just for the sake of it, then doing a 180 three months later? And doing it often enough to form a pattern, to generate buzz among your fellow Senators?
The Globe couldn't spin this any harder if they stood in a centrifuge. Kerry's an odd duck, a contrarian, with a serious habit of sucking up and pandering to his audience of the moment. The Globe can say this shows he has a keen mind, I prefer another description.
Game show host.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:17 AM | Comments (0)
Gonna have a good time
Last week, my friend and co-worker, Don, invite myself and the Analog Wife out to his place for a special function he was hosting on Saturday.
You see, his daughter if in the FFA (Future Farmers of America, for those urban types) and raised two pigs for competition. One of the pigs won a total of $425 in competition. The other didn't.
It no win, no nuthin'. We hungry.
The Result
(click for supertasty supersized)
That is less than one half of it. The spit wasn't big enough to hold a whole side, so Don cut it behind the shoulders.
Please forward any complaints for the photo to 'kissmyassvegan@eatmorepork.com'
And boy was it tasty. Basted in BBQ sauce, beer and garlic, it had me going back for seconds (OK so I went back at least four times for extras. You ain't my doctor).
And Don will be bringing me leftovers on Monday. Mmmmm.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:18 AM | Comments (2)
Even More Double Standards
Some of those on the left are wondering why Bush's pollnumbers are going up and Kerry's are going down.
Maybe it is because of Kerry's hypocrisy. The most recent example
Democrat John Kerry on Sunday criticized the firing of two cargo workers who photographed flag-draped coffins of U.S. soldiers, saying such images shouldn't be hidden from the public.
So let me get this straight, these 'contract employees' broke a rule and they were fired BY THE CONTRACTOR for doing so, and he thinks that they shouldn't have been.
I wonder if he would have the same opinon if, instead of the contractor being Maytag Aircraft Corp, the contractor was, say, Halliburton?
Found at Some Poor Schmuck
If you missed my opinion on my this story, it is here.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:40 AM | Comments (0)
No good choices, no easy ones.
The debate over abortion is without end, and the one sparked by AK's post has moved me to comment on it for what may be the first time here at RNS. I promise to do equal damage to feelings on both extremes. First, you all know that I'm a father of two with one on the way. My feelings on this are pretty deep, for that I make no apology.
I won't get into the details of when life starts, or wether it's murder or not, you either believe it is, or it isn't. In truth I have alot of sympathy for the pro-life camp, for the arguements, not the methods or the means they use. Abortion is something that makes my skin crawl, how could anyone defend it as just another choice. Like choosing the color for the bathroom decor or the kind of car you buy. If it is indeed just another type of choice, the closer analogy would be choosing to sacrifice a kidney, or a limb, for that's the kind of impact it will have on many of the women who make that choice. For those who do it and walk away with nary a second thought, I feel sorry for the lack of humanity they have, the lack of doubt. I once would have hated someone for making that choice, but I've let go of that kind of certainty.
I recognize that in a perfect world, abortions wouldn't happen, because no one would need to feel they had to do it. I have also seen the faces of too many young mothers to hate them for being trapped, for being human. I don't have any hate for them in me to find. I wish they were smarter, made better choices, hadn't been so casual with the birth control. I wish many things. But we still are dealing mostly with people who are barely adult, if they've even made it that far. Abortion shouldn't be a first result method of birth control and for many it is. This doesn't even count the ones who were abused, and for them I feel nothing but compassion. A jumbled way to say, it's far more complex an issue than single line answers can solve.
So the best we can do I believe is to allow it to remain legal, as much as it pains me, because the alternative is worse. Restrictions on it being as easy as getting an aspirin, but not impossible either. I believe we can end abortion by winning hearts, by changing minds, by teaching children well and giving them the loving homes they need. By being better parents, and by encouraging others who have children to lead by example rather than edict. You can't force someone to feel pro-life, that's the way of our enemies.
For the majority of us, I think my view is an easy one to live with. The greatest mistake the hardcore pro-choice defenders make, is they say the stupidest things in it's defense. You would think that having an abortion is so grand and wonderful, that you should run out and get inseminated just to have one done from listening to them spout on about it. They are tone deaf to the fact that many if not most of the pro-choice camp is not leftwing, not gay, and not full of zeal for a procedure that at best, is a necessary evil. When they realize that most view abortion as regretable maybe they will stop making enemies, and start changing minds. Maybe when you can here one of them speak and not come away thinking they believe every girl seeking the procedure got raped by her father, got abused by her uncle,....maybe then they'll be worth listening too.
The debate has been largely framed by the two most extreme ends of the spectrum, the most die hard believers. Possibly it's time the rest of us took it back and dealt with it as adults, we can do better.
Just to make sure no one believes I keep my lady barefoot and pregnant. She makes the reproductive choices in our marriage, and always has. She decided the times and she decided with my support. I'm realistic about this, she has the burden to bear, she chose to bear our daughter, our son, and our son to be. It's her decision to make. I've been graced with the love of a good woman, that's enough for any man. The children are just an added gift, for which I'm humbly greatful. She didn't do it to please me, to win my love, that surrender was signed long ago.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:55 AM | Comments (0)
April 25, 2004
Marching for Chioce
So I'm watching the "March for Women's Lives" rally on C-Span right now.
What a crock of shit.
It is a nothing but a large John 'F*ckface' Kerry rally.
And if you are a male and at this thing, you are only there to try and get laid.
Pro-Choice my ass.
They are only Pro-Abortion.
Just like the people who are against abortion are not Pro-Life, they are Anti-Abortion.
They are not 'Pro-Choice' becuase they do not support a woman's right to choose to defend herself with a firearm.
They are not 'Pro-Choice' becuase they do not support a woman's right to choose to educate her own children.
All they care about is a medical procedure that is constitutionally guaranteed in over 40 states. EVEN IF ends up being over turned.
You cannot have ONE opinion on ONE issue and call yourself 'ProChoice'
The Black Women's Health Project' Rep was just on-stage decrying the 'caps' on welfare that tell women and families on welfare THAT HAVING MORE CHILDREN WILL NOT GET YOU MORE MONEY.
Gloria Feldt President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America got on stage and said.....
"Let's kill John Ashcroft and get his right wing arms off our privacy."
Camryn Manheim (of 'The Practice' fame) wants "our uteruses put into a lock-box and keep their hands off them".
Not a problem Cammie.
She also said "Beware Bush, when women vote, Democrats win!"
I don't know what to say to that.
But I'm sure the female visitors of RNS have a few chioce words.
UPDATE: I think the Analog Wife is trying to kill me. She just grabbed the remote and changed the channel to Showtime's re-running of Bowling for Columbine.
UPDATE 2: Now she changed back to the rally and I just saw the dumbest sign on the whole damn planet.
"Queer Rights are Reproductive Rights"
Huh? What? What group DOESN'T REPRODUCE?
That's it! I'm off to the range to test my new SKS.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:41 PM | Comments (5)
Who knows what would have happened
had Pat Tillman chosen a different path?
The sad thing is, I still think something like the "alternate reality" over on Bastardsword is still going to happen. But it won't be because Pat Tillman didn't try and stop it.
And, if you leave some hate filled troll shit in my comments section over this post, I will hunt you down and kick the shit out of you. Clear?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:30 PM | Comments (3)
Not 100% Cajun,
Posted by Nukevet at 05:21 PM | Comments (1)
I don't know what art is,
If you would like to own the original art for this image, then follow the link above, and place your bid. It's for a great cause, and nobody does political cartooning better than C&F.
I made a little pledge from RNS for $100 (hehe I'm not obligating any of you guys, just thought it would be better coming from the blog itself). I think it would it would look great over the fireplace in Pugg's den.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:07 PM | Comments (1)
Yet another reason
The UN should never set foot in Iraq again
Israel a 'poison,' says UN envoy
The United Nations attempted yesterday to distance UN Secretary General Kofi Annan from his top envoy's description of Israel as "the great poison" in the Middle East but Israel said it wasn't satisfied and is considering a formal protest. The flap erupted when Lakhdar Brahimi, who is trying to help Iraqis agree on a transitional government to take power June 30, gave an interview to France Inter radio Wednesday criticizing Israel's policy and U.S. support for it.
Brahimi, a UN undersecretary general and special adviser to Annan, said his effort to help establish an interim government in Iraq is being made more difficult by Israeli policy toward the Palestinians.
"The problems are linked," he said.
Sorry pal, I think the problem is that the Iraqi people hate the UN for letting Saddam trade oil for influence while they starved and died.
But go ahead, blame it on Israel. If it rains in So Cal, the anti-semites blae it on Israel.
Found @ Spot On
Posted by Nukevet at 08:38 AM | Comments (1)
For Puggs
Found @ MT Politics (who found it @ A Coyote at the Dogshow Blog)
In light of the rising frequency of human /grizzly bear conflicts, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game is advising hikers, hunters, and fishermen to take extra precautions an keep alert of ears while in the field. The Department has posted the following notice:
�We advise that outdoorsmen wear noisy little bells on their clothing so as not to startle any bears. We also advise outdoorsmen to carry pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a bear.
It�s also a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear activity.
You should be able to recognize the difference between American Black Bear and Grizzly bear feces (scat, spoor, dung). Black bear scat is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly bear scat has little bells in it and smells like pepper.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:22 AM | Comments (9)
April 24, 2004
Google Bomb!
OK, go to Google.com, and type in the search term "waffles".
Posted by Nukevet at 05:08 PM | Comments (2)
I wonder
If, following the death of Pat Tillman, Michael Moore has anything to say to his fans?
It is really sort of sickening that a man like Pat Tillman gives up fame and fortune and, ultimately, his life - so that a fat sack of shit like Moore can make money spewing his anti-American crap in the comfort of his multi-million dollar home.
As for the Indymedia crowd - start your "revolution" any time now. Please.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:05 PM | Comments (1)
A great idea
If you haven't visited the Spoonman lately, here is one of the best ideas I have heard in a long time...
I have a suggestion for a fitting memorial. His team, the Arizona Cardinals, are moving to a new stadium starting with the 2006 NFL Season.
I think the Cardinals should forego the usual practice of selling the naming rights (they don't appear to have been sold yet), and call it Pat Tillman Stadium. Sports heroes are often held up, rightly or wrongly, as role models for children. It'd be great if the stadium could be named for a true role model and hero.
Arizona Cardinals
P.O. Box 888
Phoenix, AZ 85001-00888
(602) - 379-0101
Monday morning, get on the phone to Phoenix.
I'm going to a cookout later today an I will be passing out this info to people there.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:24 AM | Comments (2)
April 23, 2004
WASHINGTON � Former NFL defensive back Pat Tillman (search) died while serving as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan, U.S. military officials confirmed to Fox News on Friday.
So very, very proud, and so very sorry. He had it all, money, fame,...and he gave it all up. He traded a life of comfort for one of sacrifice, of duty, of Honor. He did something that seems almost uncomprehensible to some. But not to all. He gave up in the end everything he had.
He gave it for us.
Rangers lead the way.
Some people just couldn't freakin wait a day to act the fool. No brains, no balls, no spirit, no soul,......must be indymedia again.
The link to indyland just gets worse, the lies, the hate. I refuse to let this post become a conversation about them. I finally found a picture of Tillman in uniform. He's the important one to remember, and I choose to remember him like this. He is belittled because he is what the selfappointed rebels hate the most. He's a symbol now, the best and brightest, the most favored, yet he gave up everything to fight for what he believed in. He had the courage to have a life that mattered to more than himself. Something that the dolts at indy miss completely, his very life reputes everything they believe, and that's why they hate him. It's also why they can never hope to drag him down, muddy paws may grasp, but real heroism, real courage is out of their reach.
He served, and he helped to end this.
He walks with angels now.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:16 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack
Papa's got a brand new...
When I posted the link last week about the $300 CETMEs, I wandered down to one of my local firearms retailers to see if, by chance, they may have had one or more in stock.
Sadly, they didn't.
But they did have this....
It is an early Norinco SKS. Machined reciever, screw-in barrel, folding spike bayonet, and, of course, matching serial numbers, right down to the press in the stock (which still has the original cleaning kit in the cubby).
All for $160.
I also picked up 20 of the ten-round stripper clips for $7.
The usual retreat for the Blastorama (Wade's of Bellevue) won't let the 7.62×39 cartridge be fired indoors, so an alternate location will be found and invites will be going out shortly.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:35 AM | Comments (4)
The Soundboard: Earthday Refrain
For the day after Earthday, I have found a song that sums up my attitude towards the Enviro-Nazis.
I did get a request in the comments, but requests will have to wait for another time. "Jerry was a Race Car Driver" is more in tune with when I conduct my 'Speed Therapy" sessions.
And I have a very special plan for one of my formerly favorite bands in the very near future that I'm sure you will all enjoy.
And now...
Here you go,
Posted by Nukevet at 09:33 AM | Comments (0)
A good idea
That needs to be taken further.
Idaho County Sends Mexico Bill for $2M
BOISE, Idaho - A county commissioner in Idaho has billed the Mexican government more than $2 million for services provided to illegal immigrants. Robert Vasquez mailed the bill to the closest Mexican consulate, in Salt Lake City. He claims Canyon County is owed more than $1.4 million for the costs of jailing illegal immigrants over past two years, and more than $575,000 for providing medical care during that time.
I found this @ Right Thinking on the Left Coast.
I started reading through the comments and found another idea that needs to be looked at.
RTLC commenter, Matthew Spence
While we're at it, we should also bill France (Spit) for the cost of the D-Day invasion (In today's dollars, of course) and Germany for the Berlin Air Lift...I like this idea!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:00 AM | Comments (2)
Works of fiction
Take a walk over to the Spacecraft Blog and follow the link to "The Worst Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Ever" poll.
I wanted to nominate this story I found an some inane leftie blog, but there is no science in it. Not even journalistic science.
A brave and harrowing report from inside the besieged city of Falluja where ordinary people are trapped in the cross-fire.
You can taste the drama-mama cooking within her first four paragraphs. The rest of the story is full of heresey, third and fourth hand tales and just outright bullshit.
The sad thing is that some folks out there read this as gospel because it fuels their hatred of the US. They actually believe that an American Marine would kill a grandmother or child running for cover because their predecessors told tales about the 'war crimes' of soldiers in Vietnam.
They have no knowledge of tactics, procedures or protocol of the military and think only the worst of folks who wear the uniform.
Oh and just to let you know, because I disagree with the people behind the particular blog I found this article at, I am a 'close minded, racist, anti-gay, knuckle-dragging, Neo-Con Christian'.
And these folks all swear they'll be voting for Kerry.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:49 AM | Comments (1)
April 22, 2004
More double standards
Some of the folks on the left are whining about the woman and her husband from Maytag being fired for snapping and distributing the pic of the flag draped caskets being loaded into a plane in Iraq.
Namely, folks over at Kos' IMC
Neither the woman or her husband HAVE to be in Iraq. They are over there as contractors working for money.
Hey lefies, they're mercenaries.
SCREW 'EM. Remember?
Posted by Nukevet at 11:54 PM | Comments (1)
The Soundboard: Earthday Edition
I was having a difficult time finding a song to dedicate to the Eco-Nazi's for their little celebration of hugging trees.
Until I reach the letter 'P' in my alphabetically organized CD collection.
So here we go with a double shot of Primus
Now go wipe your ass with a fuzzy wuzzy bunny rabbit!
Posted by Nukevet at 10:31 AM | Comments (1)
I'm a little unhappy with the Blogosphere Today
And with Fox News
I first saw this story over at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
Illegal Arms Shipment Seized En Route to U.S.
But I didn't click on the link.
I then saw it at 4 Right Wing Wackos
Raging Dave made a rather funny quip at which I giggled an evil giggle.
Until I clicked on the link.
While the poking fun at the stupidity of the New York Post reporter and at Fox for using the stupid reporters story is all well and good, I am afraid that people aren't seeing the real story here.
Before I point out the real story here, I want to express some anger over this line,
"The ship's deadly hoard of more than 7,500 terrorist-grade rifles and machine guns"
I know that the press are ignorant, but jeez-louise, can you get anymore dramatic?
And this line,
The AK-47s had been tampered with so they couldn't be rapidly fired, but the modification was one that could easily have been reversed, authorities said.
Fuck "the authorities"! Again, ignorant people shouldn't write on subjects they don't know anything about. Would anyone like to know how to make a Ruger 10/22 rock & roll? That is a modification that can be easily done AND reversed (and no one could ever tell you made the mod). But I don't hear anyone calling the 10/22 "terrorist-grade".
Now onto the real story that it seems everyone missed,
"Documents showed the cargo containers were ultimately headed to a large U.S. company based in Georgia."
While the NYPost and Fox would like to imply that these guns were on their way to some crazy Imam in Georgia so that he can distribute them amongst his 'followers', that is simply not the case.
Back in the mid 80's, there were 3 main importers of the first SKS's and AK-47's into the US. One was in So Cal, one was in Las Vegas AND ONE WAS IN GEORGIA.
Where do Glock's come from? Yeah, yeah, Austria. But they enter America through Smyrna, Georgia!
Someone is gambling here.
They have put a minimum of 1.25 MILLION DOLLARS on the line, gambling that the Assault Weapons Ban will be going bye-bye later this year so that when it does, they will be the first in line with some prime MACHINED RECIEVER ROMAINIAN AK-47's.
According to the AWB, the guns cannot be SOLD. It mentions nothing about POSSESSED. If, through some deal with the devil, the AWB does get re-signed, the gambler can make most of his money back selling the parts.
That's the real story here. Start saving now, folks. I've seen all grades of the Romainan AK. They are of an above average quality and can cost a bit more than others.
And, although I don't have 1.25 mil to gamble with, I would like to propose a wager myself.
I will bet that I am right in my interpretation. The first 5 people wanting to bet $20 that I am wrong are in. All bets will be paid via PayPal
And to let you all know, I am holding back on some info. Including about why the cash was also in the load.
And when I am proven right, I can either buy 1000rnd case of ammo or half of another SKS.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:19 AM | Comments (5)
Make them an offer
Everyone has been linking to articles like this one about the removal of Spanish troops from Iraq. But I haven't seen anything beyond that.
So I would like to propose an idea.
For the Spanish and Honduran soldiers and officers who are being ordered home but want to stay in Iraq to continue the fight, Jobs and US Citizenship.
You and I both know that there are probably a good percentage of those men that DO want to stay, whether it is for vengance, sense of duty or pride of purpose.
Why not offer them asylum in our camps?
I'm sending off e-mails on this. Why don't you?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:11 AM | Comments (4)
Neal! Look out!
And arm yourself appropriately!
Kerry Sees a Little Vietnam in Louisiana Coastline
Be careful, Neal You never know when he'll have a 'flashback' and start committing more 'war crimes'.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:00 AM | Comments (0)
April Rain
It's damp here now, rainy and slightly cold. I find more and more I don't need to look out the window or turn on the TV to see what the weather is to be like on a given day, I have other means. It's an achey day, one of those where you feel the cold deep in your bones, a curl up and read day. I find myself longing for this. For the advance of spring.
T.J. Evans Park, it's right on the edge of town. Quiet and beautiful, the fishing is fair, but I fish to relax, not to win trophies. My wife almost always catchs more than I do, and that's fine. I so love the green of the place, the crispness of the air, and the shining of the sun on the waters. I'm at home here, as if my soul were a part of the greater spirits guarding this old place. Left from the last Ice Age, the passing of a glacier carved these hills and ponds. They feel both new and fresh, yet timeless in the serenity it inspires in me. It's not just this one park, but the whole of the Ohio Valley that soothes me. Silly in this age of travel, I know, but my days of roaming are done. My roots are here, my wife's, family, friends, and the gentlness of old souls who sometimes speak to us in the dancing of the rain, the slight breezes of the night. They all whisper the same soft word....
I can survive and live anywhere, but to be happy, truely at peace, I need the small valleys and hills of this humble place. I need the peace of it. Our town is growing, expanding little by little, and in the not too distant future, we'll be another suburb of Columbus, having grown into each other. Our children may never see this place as I do, but things do change. I only hope they find a patch of earth that they can calll home. No shame, no false pride, just simply....home.
A lot more grey hair this year, the aches are wearing, never ending. So maybe I'm a little overly sentimental about trivial things. Too ready to latch onto small comforts, tiny pleasures. Maybe, surely that's nothing to feel bad about. The doctor's are doing their work, and therapy continues,... I just feel so very tired, so tired. I hope to have many more years, I just am starting to fear that they may be......difficult. I'll take it like a man, but can be forgiven certainly for a longing for the pain to fade, to just be left in peace for awhile. I'm not sorry at all for this life, not a bit. I have my wife, our children, our coming treasure. A man would be a fool to wish everything away for the price of comfort. Something to value, but not at the price of losing a place in my home with my loved ones. So I resolve to complain less, and just to think of the value of what I have, as opposed to a dwelling on what isn't. Pain, can be endured, it can't kill by itself, can't eat you, can't steal away your children if you fight back against the despair it travels with. Not if you hammer it back for the sake of what is dear to you. You will endure.
Solace and strength are where you find it, for me a small measure comes from the soft green of old Indian lands. I share some of their blood, as most of the locals do, some of them lives on in us. I'm glad for that too. I'm glad for the return of the green, and the warm.
I so yearn for the warm again.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:02 AM | Comments (0)
Common dreams maybe, but not a damn lick of sense.
I found at Michael Moore's website a list of the news sites he likes to read. At least he calls them "news" sites. A casual glance reveals that they are just about all purely opinion oriented, highly leftwing and at least in this case,...delusional.
"I do not mean this as a criticism of the United States," he said. "I know the Americans are good men and women. But please try to make them understand; many people in my part of the world feel they have been forced to try to keep up with you, in a race we do not really care to run. Your technology is amazing, but America seems spiritually polluted to many of us. Your ways are not our ways, and while we were tempted for a while to think that your ways should be our ways, we do not think that anymore.
This is the problem, Ms. Williamson, and there will be terrible consequences in the world if Americans do not come to understand this. Islamic terrorists have had such success - if you would call their campaigns a success - because they have been able to persuade millions of peasants that America is bad. It was not too difficult to do, Ms. Williamson. All they have to do is describe the television programs you export to this part of the world, and people are horrified.
OOHHH!,........(SMACK).....That's it, we caused it all by being so, unpure, so "polluted". We just gosh darn brought it on our "left brain oriented" selves,....sniff, if only we were more like Oprah!........Not the tinest inkling that maybe the savage bastards of the middle east should try being civilized, only that we need to knuckle under to the islamicists, mustn't offend them with our unclean selves and all.
Not in your life time you bimbo.
If you read down at the bottom, you'll see the author "Marianne is a part of a citizen lobbying campaign to create a U.S. Dept. of Peace." Remember who brought that bit of lunacy to national attention? OH YEAH! ..............
Well now, her idea's been endorsed by a certifible nutjob, glad that's settled. It just oozes credebility now doesn't it? And Mikey reads this for "news". Kind of explains alot, like Mikey can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. Hell, he doesn't even try.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:19 AM | Comments (0)
April 21, 2004
Two America's?
This National Review article by Jonah Goldberg touched a nerve with me. It dances around a common theme with a thought I've had for awhile now.
Professional liberals have invested a vast amount of time and energy popularizing the notion that the worst thing in the world is to question the patriotism of someone to your left. I agree that it's not very nice, especially if it's unfounded. But I don't think questioning someone's patriotism is any worse than questioning their decency.
For generations, Democratic candidates and liberal journalists have asserted with impunity that Republicans, by their very nature, hate blacks, gays, children, the poor, the environment, animals, and immigrants.
Can you be liberal and be a patriot at the same time, of course, but that's not the issue. The issue is piss poor judgement, lack of long term understanding of national interests and of using the funding of defense projects as barganing chips to spend on sucking up to your very left of center base. Kerry voted against every defense program that he could according to most reports, the Apache, the MX.......A traitior, no,......a dunce, well yes he is. Physical courage doesn't automatically define you as a always correct on every issue, Colon Powell, Kerry, Oliver North,.......there were many people who served with Honor, but who disagree on virtually everything else. By the same token, Esinhower never served in actual combat, yet he commanded the Allied armies to victory, so the issue of service itself is rendered mute. For example, my father was a draftee, he served in the occupation army in Austria in the early fifties during Korea. I was a volunteer, a regular during the last decade of the cold war. Who was more patriotic?... we both served, one during a hot war, one volunteered,....neither saw combat.
A false question as you can see.
The real contention I think lies deeper. Always running just below the surface, it comes up for air during the election cycle. We saw it starkly in 2000, and it's breaching the surface again. The real issue I suspect is two completely different ideas of America. It's more than mere politics, that would be easier to soothe, no this is much more bitter. Kerry to an extent, Dean certainly represents the hardcore left vision of America. One that says that if you oppose me, you aren't wrong,....you are evil. Evil in the classic.... burning of hospitals, raping, pillaging, drowning kittens for fun kind of evil. They can work up a hatred for us that they would never dream of for someone like Huessein, someone like Kim in Korea, or Castro. They are either minor players with whom they can deal, or not even thought of at all. Their boogey men aren't ever foreign, they are always domestic. Their constant references to Joe McCarthy are projection, because they are the ones seeking heretics. We didn't win the 2000 election, all even handed reports to the contrary, because we are all liars and thieves to them. It's impossible that we didn't steal the win, didn't do to them what they have historically done to us through their big city political machines. Impossible that we aren't as dark as the face they see in the mirror every morning.We are the counter roluntionaries, the heretic, the other.
Never mind the fact that members of their own families may vote republican. That just proves to them how insideous we are, corrupting good democrats like that. Before some of you scoff, my own uncle Joesph, my mothers brother, is an old new deal democrat. We never talk politics, because frankly he made up his mind that FDR was a God and hasn't had a new thought since 1938. That's what we're dealing with. Social Security? He's utterly convinced that it's all his own money that has been secretly saved for him by his benevolent Uncle Sugar Daddy to pay back to him over time. We all know that's not how it works, never how it's worked. The money he gets now comes from me and you. It's pay as you go, there is no savings fund. He'll tell you that he's fond of me, but I've let those bastards in the GOP brainwash me into voting against the working man. My own experiences don't count, my own service, my own thoughts or opinions,...I've been tainted by the evil republicans....The other side, the hardcore of leftists and true believer democrats, this is what we are to them. We are the lost souls to the one true faith.
We all know how absurd that is. Nukevet has his opinions, the Analogkid his as well. I respect them all, and we agree on the big things. But we are in the final sense, each unique in his approach. We are still friends and still talking to one another without the angry defensiveness you get from the left anymore. We all recognize there is no such thing as one true opinion, no others need apply. That's what's been lacking for a very long time from the left in this country. When you really look hard at it, it quickly becomes apparent which group is the more open, more inclusive. The left counts skin color, counts religion as some kind of totem to diversity, they never count differences of opinion. Not allowed in their world, that would be so, so, so,..........republican. I grew up in a republican family, and never, not once heard my parents denergrate a man or woman because of his or her skin color or religion. No,...I had to meet democrats for that. I never heard the n-word used at home, no Jewish slurs, none of that. As I grew and went into the work place, I quickly found out that the hardest, most bitter of dividers were usually the old union guys. For blacks and Jews they had a lot to say,...for anyone crazy enough to vote republican? Well they should all be just locked up the thieving crooks!!!!! And how about that Jimmy Carter? He's such an honest man, Nixon was so evil, and whats a nice white kid like you wanna vote for Reagan for anyway? Don't ya know he's gonna start WWIII for those "kikes" on Wall Street? Didn't yer mama teach ya right?
Better than theirs did I think. I didn't learn to hate someone for being different.
So you see, I've had an education on the enclusive, caring, feeling left. An education on the tolerance of hardcore democrats. An education on group think, as practiced by the last bastion of Orwell's nightmare left in America. The left makes a big show of skin color and ethnic differences, but it demands uniformity of opinion. So it weaves together separate groups like so many game pieces, without ever really recounciling them. Big city union types, inner city blacks, college age credit card Marxists, all held together by a common hate of new ideas and sometimes, eachother, rather than a common goal. It's not a pretty image the democrats have deep inside where they think we can't see. The GOP isn't perfect, I can see it's flaws as do many of you. I can however breathe here, free of the fear that I'll be condemned and driven out into the night because I don't share every single group opinion on every issue.
So two America's, one growing, breathing and looking to become greater, better than we have ever been. The other bitter, defensive, shrinking in size and looking to expell anyone foolish enough to challenge their dwindling zone of single mindedness. Anyone not part of the rigid structure they would impose.
Anyone who rejects their bitter vision of an America under siege not from without, but from the forces of some nebulus foe they define as the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy. Our enemies from without they consider a mere police problem, best kept out of sight lest they actually have to deal with it.
In short, it's about one America facing the future on it's feet, confident and strong in it's uniqueness. The other cringing with it's head bowed asking for forgiveness from a world left that doesn't care, and longing for a place were everyone thinks just like them.
This turned out longer than I thought it would. I hope I didn't ramble too much, but really I think this is pretty much true. How else to explain the hatred, the bitterness. It can't be just being a sore loser, it's way to deep for that. It's almost as if the second Civil War is being waged, not with guns, but with ideas and words. The left represents the aristocracy of the old south, money and manners, yet decadent and based on a wrong premiss. The center to right have come to symbolize the Union under Lincoln, the new, the value of the individual over all. The left fights by consuming itself, turning on it's own, by spending the seed corn, in the end they can't come up with anything new to gain strength from. The right, has become the party of ideas, of the future. We gain strength and numbers as the left continues to drive out those who think maybe they shouldn't continue down that road.
Still wether I'm dead wrong on this, or right, I'm optimistic about our future. America has never really looked back in our two hundred plus years. We've always found a way to keep moving forward. Always found a strength many never really thought we had, until it was needed. The opponents to our future have always been with us also, and they've still not learned how to restrain this giant. We may pause on occasion for 4 to 8 years, but the flow is always forward, never back. Kerry even if he were to win can't stop that progress, much as his most ardent lefty voters hope he will. A bump in the road, but not a halt. Academic, since I have faith that Bush has the shared faith that most of us have in own destiny, and will be rewarded in Novemember for it.
However it comes out, we'll forge ahead. We don't know how to do otherwise.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:41 PM | Comments (1)
Ohhhh, baby
Raging Dave Approves, and so do I
Posted by Nukevet at 05:27 PM | Comments (1)
Nothing else to say
Posted by Nukevet at 05:23 PM | Comments (1)
Right in the middle
of grading mid-term exams, and trying to finish up the clinical oncology course (30 hours in just 2 weeks!).
So, as your assignment in my absence, go read this.
Orson Scott Card nails it again.
For the past two years, I could have sworn it was a bunch of fanatical Muslims under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden that hijacked four planes and crashed three of them into American buildings.
But now I learn that these events were actually caused by George W. Bush. I know this because I've heard noble patriots like Richard Clarke come forward and blame him for it.
It's time for a few doses of reality.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:17 PM | Comments (0)
I used to muck through the swamps of various IMCs looking for complete and utter idiocy. But I soon tired of the blatant anti-semitism, the conspiracy theories and most of all, I got tired of having their repetitive "Call for Revolution!" never come to fruition.
Most of you have noticed the almost daily Kos posts (like the play on words?) appearing here at RNS.
I have come to the conclusion that Kos is an IMC. And I will treat him as such.
So, from yesterday's posts we find Kos and his followers scatching their heads as to why Bush's team would want Kerry's millitary records released. He agrees that since both Bush and Weasly Clark released their records, Kerry should release his.
But he thinks it should be done so that "Kerry should ..... and use it as an opportunity to highlight Bush's lack of effective service."
What a twit. He hasn't quite figured out that when it is shown that the papercuts he gets are worse than the injuries that earned Kerry his Purple Hearts, Kerry's "War Hero" staus will be damaged. I also want to find out who put in the request for Kerry's Silver Star.
And just like any IMC anywhere in the world, it is the commenters who provide the real entertainment. They delve in arguments abou th Kerry's electability and the reasons why he won in the primaries.
And then it degrades into conspiracy theories and the Kerry 'supporters' (aka ABB types) calling each other names.
Pure comedy.
Dukakis Part Duex
Posted by Nukevet at 10:22 AM | Comments (0)
Marines are brave
And water is wet.
From the good Dr. Horsefeathers comes a tale of a Marine that is being called a hero by his fellow Marines. One Sgt. Kenneth Conde Jr.
Conde, McKenzie and Cox kept searching for the enemy. They exposed themselves to the fire - the only way they could get a good look at enemy's firing positions. As they pushed forward, Conde was able to take out two shooters, but then things took a turn for the worse.
"I was running and I watched as I got shot in the left shoulder," Conde said. "I remember seeing a red mist coming from my back."
Even though he saw himself get shot, it didn't occur to Conde to quit fighting.
"I didn't really realize I had been shot until one of the Marines said something," he added.
"We helped him up so he could get to the corpsman to get bandaged up," McKenzie, 22-year-old from Bonaqua, Tenn. "We made sure to kill the guys who shot him."
"He always told us that he would lead us from the front, and that we would never do anything if he wasn't doing it too," Cox explained. "After being in that firefight with him, I will always know that he is true to his word."
Yes, Mr Rooney, these guys are heroes. Just because you think they're too stupid to see that their Commander is Chief is abusing them doesn't give you the right to call them anything else.
Semper Fi
Posted by Nukevet at 07:48 AM | Comments (2)
Gone shooting
Not me this time, I'm talking about Mollbot.
Pete, the gunsmith @ Wade's has nearly completed repairs on Mollbot's Kimber Pro-Carry and he got to shoot it yesterday, with decent results.
While not a half bad grouping, don't be giving the guy jeers, he was concentrating more on the gun actually functioning, not accuracy.
Pete modified the malfunctioning part instead of making Mollbot wait for Kimber to get off their lying asses and send the proper one (we're 6 weeks on, so far). It works well enough now, but I don't think Mollbot will be either forgetting or forgiving Kimber for being pricks about this problem.
On another note, Frank J of IMAO fame went shooting recently. He doesn't actually say when, but I would guess that it was sometime over the weekend.
Also, with decent results
I sent him an e-mail about the Blogger Blastorama a week or so before the event, but I never heard back from him. Now I find that he actually went to the range, but by himself and he took no 'in the booth pics'.
This will not do.
While I am not wanting to bicker with the ever-hilarious Frank, but golly gee-willikers, give a brother some love here.
I think I will have to use some of Frank's tactics against him when the next Blastorama rolls around (tentativly, May 15th) to try and get a plug from him.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:39 AM | Comments (9)
April 20, 2004
The biggest "war profiteer" of all
This bit of lefty bile was found at Cox & Forkum, via Instapundit. This excellent deconstruction of Mad Mikey's latest pile of steaming wisdom is from Right Thinking from the left coast. After reading this I really can't understand how that shitbird Moore still has any fans. He doesn't even try anymore to hide his lies. The thing about blogging is fact checking makes an outright lie impossible to hide. But Moore with a staff and a pile of money can't do what any humble blogger can do from a home computer, check his facts. Some things are subjective, but to deliberately distort or make up qoutes from a speech where the text can be checked?................
Mad Mikey is a bad liar, it speaks volumes about the intellectual depths that the hard left lurks in. What a herd of sheep.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:34 PM | Comments (1)
The man with no plan
On Russert, and everywhere else, Kerry keeps saying that he wants the UN to 'take over' for the US Military in Iraq.
First off, that should be considered an insult to every member, past and present, of the US Military. Is he suggesting that the UN could raise an army that is a competent as ours?
Maybe he didn't get the memo about the UN evacuating non-essential staff from Kosovo.
Or maybe he doesn't read the papers,
Two Americans and a Jordanian have been killed after violent emotions over Iraq boiled over into a shootout between members of the U.N. law enforcement mission in Kosovo.
Or maybe he's hoping to get a chance to grovel in front of the masters of slime
Russia said Friday it strongly opposes any U.N. resolution endorsing an investigation into allegations of corruption in the U.N. oil-for-food program for Iraq.
Golly Mr. Kerry, why would you suppose that the country that easily got 1/3 of the $$$$ from Hussein's regime doesn't want an investion into the matter?
Question of the century.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:56 AM | Comments (0)
Need a good read?
Then go now to Repatriate and read Jeff's take on the subject of Bullying.
Jeff writes:
"OR, if you're like me and favor the direct approach, One Call Does It All:
"Yeah, this is Jeff D. Listen, asshole. If your kid lays another finger on my son, he'll be sucking beans through a straw for the rest of the school year after I break his jaw. And after I'm done with him, I'm gonna come over to your house and smash your head in with a fuckin' brick! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!!"
I think I can agree with his solution to the problem.
Although, I must add that my statement would include the phrase "If I have to come over there, you'll wish you'd have pulled off your own head".
Posted by Nukevet at 09:24 AM | Comments (2)
Clearing out the links bucket
I found a 'My Favorites' folder with a couple old links in it that I will be going over here.
First, before Kos' 'Screw Them' comments, he posted this story up.
Avoiding attacking suspected terrorist mastermind
Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant with ties to al-Qaida, is now blamed for more than 700 terrorist killings in Iraq.
NBC News has learned that long before the war the Bush administration had several chances to wipe out his terrorist operation and perhaps kill Zarqawi himself � but never pulled the trigger.
So, we now have PROOF that al-Qiada was in Iraq, that they were possibly building CHEMICAL WEAPONS and that Hussein probably knew about it.
I thought that maybe he was schizophrenic. Now I have proof.
Next, found @ Samizdata
Posted by Nukevet at 09:08 AM | Comments (2)
Remodeler denies building
Poor Ms. Gorelick. She seems to have gotten a case of amnesia (or stupidity) from 'ol Tricky Dick Clarke.
The memo in which she helped extend 'The Wall' that kept the federal law enforcemnt agencies from talking to each other from 1995 to 2001 has already been declassified. So anyone can read it.
And then she goes and says something like this,
First, I did not invent the "wall," which is not a wall but a set of procedures implementing a 1978 statute (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA) and federal court decisions interpreting it.
Now, I will give her credit for not actually 'inventing' the wall.
But, if you look at American Law as a house that is put up for occupation by a new family every four years, then you can see Ms. Gorelick as a member of the third 'family' to live in the American Law house since the original 'wall'.
Then, during her 'residence' in the American Law house, she decides that an existing decorative half-wall NEEDS to be extended to keep the house from collapsing.
And then, a few years later, after another 'family' has taken residency in the American Law house, the ceiling in the next room buckles and collapses. A subsequent investigation shows that the tension and pressure from her wall extension caused the buckling.
And yet she is still looking around for a different contractor who will say that it was the boogeyman hiding in the attic who caused the ceiling to buckle.
Because back in reality, her very own memo reads as follows,
That AUSA[Assistant US Attorney] will continue to be "walled-off" from participation in the on-going criminal investigations and cases will continue to abide by all FISA dissemination provisions and guidelines.
She, herself, calls it a wall. Where does she think the terminology came from?
Found @ Juicious Asininity
Posted by Nukevet at 07:13 AM | Comments (0)
Blair opening a rift?
I doubt that the comments of Tony Blair are intended to force a break between him and George Bush. Probably more a play to the anti-semtic hard left in his own party. The left has it's own yahoo's, especially the socialist ones who routinely polish Arafat's ass with kisses. I think Bush did what he had to, we can't be a fair broker between two warring parties when one of them is Hellbent on the utter destruction of the only real democracy in the middle east. When the one tragets the children of the other, when one sees peace as merely a step on the way to genocide.
Abdel Aziz Rantissi was a baby killing piece of shit, he was a legitamit target, and death came not soon enough to him. The line to piss on his grave should encompass every decent human being. There is no justification for suicide bombers killing civilians in mass, the Palestinians apologists can whine about due process, but in this case due process was served up with a Hellfire missile.
Justice was served, on to the next target.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:18 AM | Comments (1)
April 19, 2004
Hey, it's my birthday next week......
While I don't want you to go to any trouble or expense, I really would like to have one of these.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:21 PM | Comments (4)
A confession
I am a big-time Genesis fan. No, not a Biblical Genesis fan, and not a pop-culture/Phil Collins as lead singer Genesis fan (You know, everything done by the band since "And then there were three").
So, I offer my own soundboard contribution - this one seems to be just a wee bit prophetic, seeing how criminals are currently treated in the UK.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:18 PM | Comments (7)
I guess this must be one of those evil American soldiers that Moore want to die in abundance so the US is forced to withdraw from Iraq.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:24 PM | Comments (1)
Such a beautiful young woman
Such an ugly, ugly man (and I'm not talking physical appearance here).
Yeah, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. But they really need to charge this guy with a Federal "murder during a kidnapping" crime, which does allow for the death penalty. Just in case. That's all I'm saying.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:53 PM | Comments (1)
To a fanatic we all look alike
There isn't any real difference at all between Bush and Kerry, if you are a British leftist that is. Oh he spares no insult to the Republican to be sure, but as far as he's concerned, Kerry is also a bad, bad man. Why, because he to his credit doesn't subscribe to the tail between his legs theory that Dean loved, and Kucinch mumbles as mantra. The author is a member of this group. All well and good, except that if you notice it's a private charity group, which if the author is any indication of, falls into the America is the biggest threat to world peace camp.
You have to be a special kind of moron to blame a nation for defending itself. You have to be really extra special stupid to think as this author seems to that Islam is irrelevant to the war we're in. To adopt his view, is to accept that Afghanistan and Iraq were merely preordained targets of American "neo-con" imperialism. The Towers he didn't mention, Saddam's years of savagry dismissed out of hand, Bali, Madrid,.......not worth his time.
I'm really glad he's feeling excluded from the debate, that his side isn't being listened to. They shouldn't be because this clown isn't in opposition, he's on the other side to paraphrase Professor Reynold's. He's as much our enemy as the grinning thugs of the arab street dipping their hands in blood and running around in circles. His level of intellect usually requires a major head trauma to reach.
I wonder if's he's had a catscan lately?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:32 PM | Comments (0)
We've talked about the "dangers"
of depleted Uranium before. Michael Fumento does it better.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:24 PM | Comments (1)
risks vs. benefit
AK's venture into KOSland and observation of the socialized medicine debate reminded me of this. Have you ever heard of Thalidomide? Anyone over 40 or who has any knowledge of postwar Europe has probably heard of it. Europe and Canada flush with the boom of reconstruction after WWII all widely embraced cradle to grave government provided health care. They got cavalier about drug approval, didn't see the need for long term drug testing as our FDA did at the time. This is the consequence of being overly confident in how much you know about such things.
According to the March of Dimes (MOD, November 1998), "More than 10,000 children around the world were born with major malformations, many missing arms and legs, because their mothers had taken the drug during early pregnancy. Mothers who had taken the drug when arms and legs were beginning to form had babies with a widely varying but recognizable pattern of limb deformities. The most well-known pattern, absence of most of the arm with the hands extending flipper-like from the shoulders, is called phocomelia.
The affected babies almost always had both sides affected and often had both the arms and the legs malformed. In addition to the limbs, the drug caused malformations of the eyes and ears, heart, genitals, kidneys, digestive tract (including the lips and mouth), and nervous system. Thalidomide was recognized as a powerful human teratogen (a drug or other agent that causes abnormal development in the embryo or fetus). Taking even a single dose of thalidomide during early pregnancy may cause major birth defects."
Those of us who remember this have good reason to suggest that the advocacy groups pushing for rapid approval of perscription drugs are being reckless. Yes people are suffering and certain drugs may help them if approved. But they can also result in a debacle like Thalidomide. The effects of which have devastated families all around the world, except for here.
AK's allusion to the perils of radical drugs in socialized medicine are apt. Think about it, you don't pick your Doctor, your hospital, even your type of treatment, the system perscribes what it wants. The system as we have seen is also being pressured from AIDS groups and congressmen to hurry up and push through new drugs as rapidly as possible. Once approved, loss in the system to wreck havoc if they prove to be flawed.
Europe and Canada paid for that mistake once already, but haven't really taken the lesson to heart. We should be very carefull to not embrace a system that gives the Doctor's loyalty to the government, rather than the patient.
A generation is too high a price to pay for a second chance.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:33 PM | Comments (0)
Shooting Sports
The Blastorama, you gotta love it.
Besides myself, your players for this weekend at the range were...(click for large pics)
Raging Dave (Dave's range report is here)
and Mollbot (Mollbot's range report is here)
And thought I was doing rather well (24 rounds/21ft)
And since Kimber STILL isn't done with Mollbot's Pro Carry II, I lent him mine. And look what he did
Eh, I can live with it.
The tentative date for the next Blastorama will be May 15th. So get ready.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:57 AM | Comments (0)
Home Sweet Home
Sondra's Cousin Joe has arrived home.
Head on over and leave a message.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:13 AM | Comments (1)
Moonbats planning ahead
I can't believe the left can take themselves seriously with crap like this.
New Reports on U.S. Planting WMDs in Iraq
BASRA -� Fifty days after the first reports that the U.S. forces were unloading weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in southern Iraq, new reports about the movement of these weapons have been disclosed.
Sources in Iraq speculate that occupation forces are using the recent unrest in Iraq to divert attention from their surreptitious shipments of WMD into the country.
An Iraqi source close to the Basra Governor�s Office told the MNA that new information shows that a large part of the WMD, which was secretly brought to southern and western Iraq over the past month, are in containers falsely labeled as containers of the Maeresk shipping company and some consignments bearing the labels of organizations such as the Red Cross or the USAID in order to disguise them as relief shipments.
Oh wait, these people hate as a hobby. I guess I can believe it.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:01 AM | Comments (1)
Union guys can't take a joke
Shortly after I arrived at work on Friday, the union shop steward (the one I spoke of at the end of this post) walks on up to me and tries to make a joke.
He asks me "if I know who has the largest number of troops in Iraq, after the US and UK?"
Just to let you all know, this guy would vote for Hitler over Bush, as long as Adolf ran on the Democratic ticket. So I'm guessing that he read the story with the estimate of 18,000 mercenaries in it, making them the largest COALITION force after the US and the UK.
But he didn't say COALITION FORCE.
So I said "Syria an Iran"
To which he said "F*ck you", and walked away.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:54 AM | Comments (4)
They Get it
And yet they don't.
So I'm lurking over at the Commie Kos' place and watching this discussion on socialized medicine.
I had to stop when this was said,
"When I lived in Boston in the early 70s I belonged to Harvard Health, an HMO. Only back then HMO stood for health maintenance organization, and everything you needed to maintain health -- regular doctor visits, dental, even optometry was free or very low cost. We were young and healthy and didn't go to the doctor more often than we needed to just because we could. But the system encouraged people to go once or twice a year for check ups, the idea being that we'd become more health aware and that problems would be diagnosed and treated earlier, keeping us healthier at less cost. What a concept, eh?"
I had to stop because I was laughing my ass off.
"the system ENCOURAGED people to go once for twice a year for check ups"
Does the government ever ENCOURAGE people to do things?
So this yutz would be happy, no, not happy, exhilarated, about paying AT LEAST 9 PERCENT MORE in taxes so that people who don't want to work can go to the doctor for free when their flatulence smells extra bad or so a crack-head can spend winter in 'rehab'. And he'll then probably squeal with pleasure when he gets a notice telling him that he HAS to go for his REQUIRED government check up.
I wonder if people like him will realize their stupidity when, since we are not allowed to test on animal any longer, they get the notice that they've been selected for REQUIRED experimental medical testing.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:40 AM | Comments (0)
April 18, 2004
OK, now they really, really blame us for everything
File this under Pope is Chatholic, bear shits in the woods, and Arabs, Muslims blame U.S. for Rantissi killing That was a given, they blame us if the well dries up and Achmed didn't get any the night before. My reaction to this is probably typical of most Americans.
So what.
What are they gonna do? Fly high jacked planes into our office towers? Murder our citizens? Make up outrageous conspiracy theories and involve the Jews as masterminds of it all?........Oh right, they do that already. The notion we should be concerned because now they are really, really mad at us is a farce. We're already paying that bill. Brought to us by the rabid irrational tribal hatred of a backward xenophobic culture that would rather die in flames than allow that they may need to grow up and live in the 21st century. That blood fueds a thousand years old are suicidal in an age where their chosen target can step on their armies like so many frightened field mice.
We are their enemy because they won't give up on the bloodlust that grips their imaginations. We would be perfectly happy to leave them alone, except the baby killers keep coming, which they of course refer to as martyrs. So call me cynical, but pissing off someone who already wants you and your children dead seems a wash don't you think?
Posted by Nukevet at 04:51 PM | Comments (2)
I've said all along
That the failure to find WMD's in Iraq is worrisome. Not because it means Saddam didn't have them, or because it means that "Bush lied, people died", but because it means that we don't know where he hid them while France and Russia bought him time. Well, it seems like we're starting to get some idea where they are.
Actually, Syria has been at the top of the list for a long time - it's just been hard to prove. It's only a matter of time before one of these WMD attacks is successful. Of course, it will all be the USA's fault.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:42 PM | Comments (1)
Rall, you suck ass......
This shitbird communist wack job just keeps on grinding it out.
Wed Apr 7,11:03 PM ET Add Op/Ed - Ted Rall to My Yahoo!
By Ted Rall
Only Lunatics Keep Fighting an Unwinnable War
I don't care that I'm not the bear I was, I would love to be locked in a room for five minutes with Teddy. This asshole makes statements like this....
Hey, it's the least we can do--after all, Iraq wouldn't need new schools or hospitals if we hadn't bombed their old ones.
That's a lie you ignorant jerk, name a hospital, name a school that was bombed. Name one............show me the press reports, show me the link. I can't believe opinion or not, that a newspaper actually pays this lying socialist hack to spew this kind of outrageous bullshit. This kind of off hand drive by allegation is exactly why the left is doomed to stay in the wilderness. Whatever issues the rest of the nation may have with the GOP, they can be sure that they love their country and wish us to win the war. You can't say that about that slug Rall. He wants, hopes, desires, Hell he lust's for us to loose miserably. Fuck him.
I don't care that he has issues, I don't care that he couldn't see right from wrong if Jesus Christ himself descended from on high to drive it up his ass with a bulldozer. I especially don't care if he were to have a brief glimmer of his own worthleeness and stepped off a tall building. I just wanna know what asshat pays him for this. He exists only to spew hatred and wallow in the infamy it gets him.
His contempt for us as a nation shines through everything he writes. He talks of those poor,...
U.S. soldiers lie dead, young lives sacrificed on the altar of the vainglorious ambitions of an insane cabal of neocon morons hell-bent on transforming the Middle East into an American Raj
Yet turns right around in the same piece and slanders them as murders...You can't play that both ways Rall. You are not on our side, actively sympathize with the enemy then play the weeping sister for our poor young men sacrificed. His piece is shot through with distortions and lies.
In the calculus of hearts and minds, anything short of 100 percent popularity qualifies as total failure. It's an impossible standard, which is why no nation has ever successfully invaded and occupied another in the 20th century.
Somebody go tell Japan, Germany and Italy that they successfully repelled the Allied occupation, I doubt they know that. Rall has once again stumbled on a truth that oddly only he seems to see. This piece is proof that anyone who reads him and thinks he's insightfull or accurate is as much an idiot as he is. The final verdict.
Ted Rall, you eat shit.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:09 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack
aging hippies
People's Republic of San Francisco, the battle is joined.
The MoveOn political action committee, the political branch of MoveOn.org, coordinated bake sales from Maine to Hawaii that offered such treats as Beat Bush Brownies and No C.A.R.B. (Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Bush) Meringues. Early estimates Saturday placed the national tally for the bake sales at about $250,000.
I'm sure the RNC is as concerned about this as I am,....(yawn). Go for it Granny, your days as a commune pass around night time squeeze toy may be over, but Hell, you can always bake for socialism......
Oughta have a dope dog sniff those brownies first though, old lefties smile way too much for it to be a natural high.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:06 PM | Comments (0)
April 17, 2004
Hell is a little more crowded today
Rantizi, son, and bodyguard are all dining in Hell tonight.
Their ride for the evening was an IDF missile. Their dinner companion is Shiek Yassin.
Dinner shall consist of burning coals, broken glass, and razor blades, all washed down with crude oil derived from pig shit.
After dinner entertainment will be provide by Satan.
Enjoy your sojourn in Hell, you child murdering bastards.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:22 PM | Comments (7)
the greatest of creatures
Inspired by the trials of Cami, I went looking for a few lines of verse to best describe the way dogs ennoble our lives. Because that's the word, ennoble, they grace us by their friendship, their devotion, their love and their courage. No other of God's creatures that I know of will be adopted into the family of man, share his home, his family, his food and shelter, and return that kindness with the total devotion of self. A dog will fight to the death to protect your children, your home,.... complete courage, unselfish love.
Angels have many faces, many incarnations it's said.
I know what our Josie, our Jake, our Lizzy mean to us. They share in everything we do, and are as dear to us as our own children. So I did look for a verse that says what I feel about this, and I just couldn't find one that said what I want to say. So maybe this will say it, I hope so. I don't know Cami as Neal does, but I know my babies. I know my Josie. I'm greatful that Cami is alright, like everyone else who loves dogs, I've lost a few in my time. That is a pain just as severe as any, and I've tasted enough of those to not be nuetral on the subject.
Cami is part of a family, and that is enough, enough to cause me to wish her the best. So much the more because a life that would be missed, is a treasured life.
Be happy Cami, you've earned it.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:34 PM | Comments (2)
As requested
Camion Update:
Cami says
For the first time in her life, blood is actually flowing in the direction it should (through the lungs, rather than around them). She is doing great. It's amazing how sick she was, and we didn't understand (sometimes dogs and cats are too damn stoic for their own good).
Thanks to everyone who wished her well.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:03 PM | Comments (3)
Another reason everyone needs a gun
Random Numbers had a run in last night with some barking moonbats. It appears that they decided that his pro-Bush posters needed to be knocked down.
So they threw beer bottles and rocks at the sign, which happened to be INSIDE his house. Thus, they broke one of his windows in their troglodytic attempt at fun and political discourse.
They also managed to scare his wife into being unwilling to STAY IN HER OWN HOME alone.
So Random Numbers has decided to purchase one or more firearms, and to attempt to catch the perps int he act next time. I suggested a .357 Mag revolver and a 12 gauge shotgun.
Anyone with any helpful advice for either goal, please head over and share.
A later post indicates that one of the Union toadies last night asked about his house out of the blue, so the scumbags may work with him.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:02 PM | Comments (4)
Off to the range again
Welcome to the April Blogger Blastorama
Gather up a group of friends and and head off to the range for some good times.
And if you're in the Seattle area, meet us here.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:46 AM | Comments (1)
Since you aren't at the range
Do me one favor.
From C. Dodd Harris @ Ipse Dixit (who got it from Long Story, Short Pier) comes an exercise in oddity (aka a meme).
1) Grab the nearest book
2) Open the book to page 23.
3) Find the fifth sentence.
4) Post the text of the sentence.
Reaching over to the bookstand, I'm grabbing the closest fiction and the closest non-fiction book (I have difficulty reading to much of one or the other at once, so these are the two I'm going through now).
1. "After supper, he said he was tired and went to sleep without even taking a bath."
2. "I never say that young second lieutenant again, but I still haven't forgotten his kindness to me that afternoon."
Book info below
1. Inspector Imanishi Investigates by Seicho Matsumoto.
It is an expansion on the basic detective story, set in Japan in the early 1960's. Plot twists galore and a peek onto Japanese culture make it as good, or even better than Doyle's Holmes.
2. With the 41st Division in the Southwest Pacific: A Footsoldiers Story by Francis b. Caranzaro
It is a memoir that follows Catanzaro as a "Jungleer" from New Guinea to the Phillipines. It is written simply and honestly, tossing nothing to the wayside.
I've read both of them at least once previously to my current run through.
I recommend both of them.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:35 AM | Comments (3)
Gee, Thanks Again California!
It all started in the late 70's/early 80's.
California started sending its citizens to Washington State. They arrived and immediately started whining about the rain. They raised the property costs and clogged traffic with their numbers and their inablility to drive on wet pavement.
And then they began to take over the local governments. Doing their darndest to make everything just like the state they missed so much.
And all was not well in the Emerald City.
And now, in an effort to keep up with the stupidity of the 9th Fecderal Circuit Court, the 4th Circuit, in Los Angeles, went and released King County, Washington native, Edward Stokes. A convicted serial rapist who had decided that LA held a better selection of victims for him to choose from.
Why did they do this?
Becuase his last victim was so distraught from being raped that he committed suicide shortly before Stokes' trial. And therefor, Stokes' attourney was not able to cross-examine him.
Yes, I said him. Stokes likes teenage boys. He has admitted to over 212 victims to his therapist.
And now Stokes has returned to his old stomping grounds. He applied for a Washington State drivers license in the first city he drove through, Vancouver Wa. (not to be confused with Vancouver B.C.). And later, he purchased a Costco membership in his old hometown.
He's back.
On a tip from a citizen, the Vancouver PD investigated the address he used when he applied for the drivers license. The person living at that residence confirmed that Stokes does not live there and there has been a felony warrant issued for his arrest on charges of perjury of official documents.
Now, we just need to find him.
The good news is that with all of the press that his return is getting, some of his previous victims have decided to make themselves known and are willing to press charges. DA's across the state are working overtime taking statements and checking the statute of limitations on these allegations.
Thanks again California.
On another note, I have been listening to the local left wing talk radio shows and been laughing my ass off. Some of the callers have JUST figured out that electing liberal judges who are endorsed by the ACLU might not be a good idea after all.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:51 AM | Comments (9)
April 16, 2004
In gun news
Today, I got the new Spring 2004 J&G Sales catalog in the mail.
Damn you J&G!! Why do you tempt me?
A toss-around semi-auto 308 for under $300!
While I flog myself mentally for not keeping funds available for something like this, let me remind everyone that the Blogger Blastorama is tomorrow.
Wade's of Bellevue @ 10AM (map)
Or, if you're hungry IHOP (map) @ 9AM
Come one, come all.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:01 AM | Comments (6)
Just one fellow's opinion
Before du Toit, den Beste, Lileks or any of the blogoverse's other master ranters get ahold of this, I just want to put my thoughts down on the recent al-Qiada offer to the world, minus the US and Israel.
I'm not as articulate, but I get my point across.
And here we go....
They're running scared. They've realized that we're serious. And they've figured out that we can and will win. And even if we have to twist a few arms in the process, we will gather up the rest of the world and go to their homes and kill them.
They want to drive a wedge between the US/Israel and the rest of the world because they know that they can draw this fight out for centuries instead of a generation or two if they can get some of our allies to fall off the bandwagon.
They learned this tactic from the arguments in the UN during the 'Rush to War' with Iraq. They saw that Saddam's bribes to france, Germany, etc helped Saddam hold power for a few extra months.
They know that if they can bribe states with immunity from attacks (however temporarily), they'll have bought themselves some time.
I don't care if OBL is dead or not (FYI, I think he's a degrading stain on a cave wall right now), whoever made this offer has just realized he is a coward.
Just like al-Sadr realized he is a coward.
Both of these individuals want to meet Alah. They just don't want to have to die to do so. That makes them cowards.
Al-Sadr also realized (too late) that encouraging the killing of Marines is a good way to meet Allah. That is why he is currently 'negotiating'.
My advice to any who will listen is: Kill them now.
Stop negotiating and go for the throat. If they're scared now, l guarantee that the look on their face at the moment of their death will be priceless.
Don't make me come over there. I'm not ready yet.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:52 AM | Comments (0)
E-friggin-nuff, these halfwits are just begging for it now.
Glenn Reynolds points to this retarded bit of ignorance that passes for political discourse in Florida amongst the anti-war left. The link to the ad reported on is here. Read with caution and touch only with rubber gloves.
The Bush Bunch calls the Iraqis insurgents. Did you know that Britain called the American revolutionaries insurgents and traitors? The Iraqis aren't insurgents. They're Iraqi patriates [sic] who want us the hell out of their country, and we should get the hell out of their country now!
Warning much profanity to follow, daddy's gonna yell.
These fucking nitwits are lower than bacteria on the evolutionary chain. Tell me Ken, how many suicide bombers did George Washington send against the British in New York? How many British merchants were rounded up and shot through the head to send the proper message that "patriates" were fighting back? Buy a fucking history book you dickhead, that is if you can understand the big words without a special ed tutor. You just compared the fathers of modern democracy to a bunch of fanatical death junkies hopped up on dreams of 72 pieces of ass. Congratulations, you've proven that a human can live without a single uncorrupted brain cell in his bone filled skull. Cretins like you should have to live among the "patriates" you seem to want to blow. When they get done slicing you up for fun, they can always return your pathetic remains to the earth, at least as worm food you would serve a necessary function for once in your wretched existence. You worthless bag of lefty horseshit.
Club Vice President Edna McCall told the DRUDGE REPORT Tuesday morning: "We want to get our country back. In Iraq, we're in deep trouble. If we don't try to get this situation cleared up, we are finished."
When asked if the ad was a challenge to inflict violence on Rumsfeld, McCall explained: "'Pull the trigger' means let Rumsfeld know where we stand, not to shoot him!"
"We are getting raped, and they are planning to steal the election again."
McCall said her club is in direct contact with John Kerry campaign.
"We're all working together."
Oh how do I loathe thee, let me count the ways. I loathe thee to the depth and breadth my soul can reach......
You just made a call to war, a civil war between reason and mind numbingly stupid paranoia. The right wingers'll get ya if you don't watch out, better get them first!...Hate to burst your little fictional conspiracy bubble bitch, but Gore lost. He lost because retards like you in your own beloved dim party couldn't design a ballot simple enough for your own base to fill out correctly. He lost when his legal gymnastics failed before the rule of law, you remember, the pesky old Constitution? The fact is you and your ilk of hate mongering scum can't get over the fact you didn't win, and can't win when you actually say what you think. People see you for what you are.
An idiot.
You and Ken are losers who can't begin to understand the reasons why. You are a loon, a moonbat, a raving fucking lunatic and people had best hide sharp objects when you are around. The utopia you would usher in would be a Hell on earth, because no one suffers more under a fanatic than a nonbeliever. I reject your slack jawed little fantasy as does anyone with reason. Even Kerry who would use you will drop you like a red hot iron when your names are mentioned in public. You are poison and the leadership of your party knows it, even as they milk you like a cow for their own benefit.
Stupid, nuts, and used like a ten dollar whore.
No wonder you're so bitter.
I feel better now.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:42 AM | Comments (0)
F the French
Gee, thanks frenchies....
Nearly 10,000 blank French passports were stolen in February
And that ain't the half of it
The Feb. 3 incident, the FBI said, also included the theft of 5,000 blank French driver's licenses, 10,000 blank car ownership certificates, 25 titres de voyages (Geneva Convention travel documents) and 1,000 international driver's licenses without any identification numbers.
I wonder how this might have happened?
(spoken quizzically with my right index finger on my chin)
sarcasm set to stun/ Do you think that france's growing fanatical Muslim population might have had something to do with it?/sarcasm off
Posted by Nukevet at 07:21 AM | Comments (4)
I could be agreeable to this
For a price.
Vinny @ Insignificant Thoughts finds an article with this premise.
Send only the willing: Let those who joined Guard or Reserves pre-9/11 opt out
(I could not find the link to the actual article, and am taking Vinny at his word on this article)
Yes, you heard that right. If cowardice or 'conscientious objection' suddenly strikes a VOLUNTEER member of the armed services, they can 'Just Say No'.
And I would be OK with this with these concessions:
1. They take a General Discharge
2. They agree to give up all future benefits, including, but not limited to all medical and dental, college tuition and GI Bill benefits.
3. They work with their branch to REPAY, in full, any and all monies spent training them for their current and any past MOS.
If they are willing to turn their back on the country, the armed forces and their fellow soldiers, they need to do so in full.
And then they can get the fuck out!
I would like to add a #4 The person agrees to have IDIOT tattoed on their foreheads for going through Basic Training without figuring out that their job decription includes KILLING PEOPLE.
But I digress.
In other news, Sgt. Hook (currently in Afghanistan) puts Andy 'The Looney' Rooney's questions to some of his fellow soldiers and gets the answers you would expect to get from soldiers who would not 'opt out' (aka heros).
Posted by Nukevet at 06:55 AM | Comments (1)
Bad News for Dems
Like myself, Lee @ Right Thinking from the Left Coast used the Turbo Tax software to do his taxes. However, I do not know how to do screengrab magik and could not do this,
Also, when I saw this screen pop up, I said "Well, duh!".
In total, the wife and I payed approximately $1100 LESS than last year. This fact became immediately apparent when the software told us we were getting a refund this year.
Some clarifiaction for Kos and friends; a REFUND is actually a citizen getting some of THEIR money back from the fed.
I never knew I was 'rich'.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:34 AM | Comments (2)
More bad news for Dems
Chicken (Not So) Little Kennedy must be having a conniption over this news
Grads see brighter job prospects
WASHINGTON — Good news, Mom and Dad. Your soon-to-be college graduate might not have to move back home, after all.
After years of barely any activity, the job market for college seniors and graduate students finally appears to be picking up. Firms are interviewing more, giving more offers and even bumping up pay a bit.
I keep hearing about a 'jobless recovery', but I ain't seeing it.
Found @ Ravenwood's Universe
Posted by Nukevet at 06:22 AM | Comments (1)
The Grouchy Old Cripple (in Atlanta) fisks an article on the subject of Bush's recent backing of Israel in the Atlanta Urinal and Constipation.
By the time the GOC is done, he's not the only one who needs crutches.
A snippet,
AJC: "You'll have no takers for this,'' said Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council.
GOC: Y'know what? We don't give a shit! We ain't asking. We're telling.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:15 AM | Comments (0)
Return to Sender
Location: FRANCE
UNITED NATIONS, April 14 -- Large amounts of nuclear-related equipment, some of it contaminated, and a small number of missile engines have been smuggled out of Iraq for recycling in European scrap yards, according to the head of the United Nations' nuclear watchdog and other U.N. diplomats.
ElBaradei said an IAEA investigation "indicates that large quantities of scrap, some of it contaminated, have been transferred out of Iraq, from sites monitored by the IAEA." He said that he has informed the United States about the discovery and is awaiting "clarification."
"Clarification" = Having the frencies double check the serial numbers.
Found @ the Junk Yard Blog
Posted by Nukevet at 06:08 AM | Comments (0)
April 15, 2004
I'm going to show you
Hey, Kos - screw him, too?
Posted by Nukevet at 11:57 PM | Comments (2)
No, Not Metrosexual -
Posted by Nukevet at 06:27 PM | Comments (6)
Today is the day: Part 1
Today is Buy A Gun Day.
Brought to you by Aaron the Liberal Slayer
Recognize either of these two fellows?
I don't have one for myself yet. Mostly because I keep the pics of me well hidden (don't want to go scarin' the children, you see).
But here's one,
And that reminds me, this weekend is the April Blastorama (nice how that all ties together, huh?)
While I will be spending enough money to buy a whole gun, I am only picking up one of these today.
While not a complete firearm, the liberal pucker factor of the black plastic alone is worth the expense.
Sadly, Aaron was only able to collect $280 towards his first gun. Just over half of a Springfield Armory XD-9 and not quite 1/3 of a 1911. But if you've a couple $$ to spare, he's still taking donations.
Now get out there and at least by some ammo today.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:17 AM | Comments (5)
Today is the day: Part 2
From the Grouchy Old Cripple (in Atlanta)
John 'Friendly (with YOUR money)' Kerry's planned tax form
On a more serious note, I was doing my daily dredging of the Kos and found this,
....start by looking only at what the tax cuts will have cost through the end of 2004: $749.1 billion. And let's say the economy continues to create 300,000 jobs a month from here to the end of the year, something even the pollyannas in the Bush administration wouldn't predict. At the moment, Bush is still 1.84 million jobs in the hole, but 9 more months at 300,000 jobs per month would leave him at the end of the year with a net of 860,000 jobs created for his first term. That gives us the following:
$749.1 billion (cost of tax cuts, 2001-2004)
/860,000 jobs
= $871,046 per job
Anything in there stick out to you?
Yep, the COST of the tax cuts!
I cannot believe that these people can take themselves seriously and still believe that the tax cuts COST the government money!
And that is not the pure idiocy!
That takes place in the comment section.
"I've maintained for a long time that the best way for the government to create jobs is to start a jobs program; you know, spiffing up the National Parks (which could use some spiffing), putting up windmills for electricity,.... etc."
"But that approach smacks of socialism, and it's too simple."
Posted by some Marxist nitwit named "Draco"
Somebody needs to take an economics class before he opens his socialist pie-hole on governmental monetary matters.
I still cannot think of a good reason why it is illegal to publically flog dim bulbs like these.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:08 AM | Comments (0)
Where is the outcry?
On any given day, you can hop on the net and read someone crying about "those poor wittle palis being walled off from being able to bomb Israelis".
But have you heard about this yet?
The government of Rio de Janeiro state yesterday proposed to build a wall around its sprawling favelas in an effort to help control rampant crime in the picture postcard city.
If you knew nothing about the left (meaning, you know nothing of 'Caterpillar Corrie' and have no opinion on the UN), which would YOU think the left would be seething over?
Israel building a barrier that is 97% chain-link fencing to keep suicidal religious zealots from coming into a major metropolitan area and blowing themselves up, killing mutiple innocent civilians in the process?
The largest city in Brazil, building an ACTUAL WALL to keep THE POOR inisde their own neighborhoods so that they do not pick the pockets of tourists?
Maybe someone should tell Kofi about this? That way, he can break the "Man with the longest list of things he is ignoring" record.
Found @ Insignificant Thoughts
Posted by Nukevet at 09:10 AM | Comments (0)
One opinion on a man with many
From Flashbunny
And yet, when out in the open, he cannot come up with an opinion that pleases a good number of his supporters
During a question-and-answer session with the audience, retired college professor Walter Daum angrily accused Kerry of backing an imperialist policy in Iraq and called on the candidate to demand the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops.
You voted for this," Daum shouted. As he spoke, a group stood silently and unfurled a large sign that read, "Kerry take a stand: Troops out now."
Maybe Kerry should have Teresa invest in this experiment,
Known as Gravity Probe B, it is to be launched Monday. When it goes up, the probe will take with it the work of generations of scientists and engineers. Over the years, nearly 100 Ph.D.s have been awarded for work on the project. In pursuit of their goal, the engineers have built the roundest balls ever made.
The probe contains four gyroscopes to measure whether and how the spinning Earth twists space-time around itself like leaves in a tornado to produce the effect called gravity. The answers, say scientists, will allow physicists to calibrate the black-hole dynamos that produce the monstrous energies of quasars, and perhaps find evidence of new forces in the universe.
Einstein described space-time as a kind of sagging mattress where matter and energy, like a heavy sleeper, cause planets, falling apples and even light to follow curved paths instead of straight ones. But just as stirring a thick milkshake with a spoon will cause the cup holding the drink to turn, a massive rotating object will slowly drag space-time around with it. The effect, called frame dragging, is so tiny near Earth that for many years physicists despaired of being able to test it.
That way, he could learn how to bend space and time and make his opinons match up.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:46 AM | Comments (0)
Retrosexuals of the world, Unite!
From Raging Dave (a retrosexual) of Four Right Wing Wackos fame has a list of requrements for Retrosexuals.
My favorites:
A Retrosexual man opens doors for a lady. Even for the ones that fit that term only because they're a female.
A Retrosexual DEALS with IT, be it a flat tire, break-in into your home, or a natural disaster, you DEAL WITH IT.
A Retrosexual not only eats red meat, he often kills it himself.
A Retrosexual will have at least one outfit in his wardrobe designed to conceal himself from prey.
A Retrosexual knows that owning a gun is not a sign that your are riddled with fear, guns are TOOLS and are often essential to DEAL WITH IT. Plus it's just plain fun to fire one off in the direction of those people or things that just need a little "wakin' up".
He's looking for suggestions to add to this list, go help him out.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:43 AM | Comments (0)
You gets no credit
What's the difference between the left-wing "Air America" and static/white noise while you sleep?
Static won't give you nightmares.
Taking a cue from Lee @ Right Thinking on the Left Coast
It will be a wonderful day when Congress doesn't argue about fully funding the military and the left has to hold a bake sale to keep their talking points mouth organ on the air.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:30 AM | Comments (0)
I know that this is Oliver Stone were talking about here
But jeez-louise, I cannot fathom the depths of his cluelessness.
I must say, you're really picturing [Cuba as] a Stalinist state. It doesn't feel that way.
I guess that Stone never told Castro that America is better than Cuba.
No surprise there, I guess.
Found @ the Ace of Spades
Posted by Nukevet at 08:17 AM | Comments (0)
I think that they just make sh*t up
From the Guardian Corrections Dept.
In our report, Life after Living Marxism, page 10, July 8, we referred to the Reason Foundation and said its "leading writer, the syndicated columnist Sandra Postrel, is author of the libertarian book The Enemies Of Freedom and frequently talks at the Hudson Institute". The Reason Foundation points out that no one of that name works at the Foundation or for Reason Magazine. The editor-at-large and former editor of the magazine is called Virginia Postrel. She is a columnist for Forbes and the New York Times but not a "syndicated" columnist. Her book is not called The Enemies Of Freedom. It is called The Future And Its Enemies: The Growing Conflict Over Creativity, Enterprise and Progress (Free Press). The Reason Foundation says Ms Postrel has never been to the Hudson Institute and has no connection with the organisation.
Found @ Samizdata
Posted by Nukevet at 08:12 AM | Comments (0)
Get someone else to stroke your vanity, it's time for truth.
A fair broker, middle man, even handed peace maker. That is what the Palestinian apologists say they want us to be. What is left unsaid is far more revealing. "Don't upset the arabs, feed their false pride, treat them gently and with respect no matter how outrageous or criminal their behavior. In effect, kiss their ass."
Bush's comments on the right of Palestinian refugees to return to ancestral homes in what is now Israel were the most contentious. Veterans of the peace process acknowledge that giving all 4 million refugees the "right of return" was a passionate but impractical demand that would eventually be dropped in a final negotiation. But Bush's unequivocal dismissal of the idea infuriated Palestinians and their supporters.
I'm really frikken tired of this round robin of self styled experts telling us we mustn't upset the arabs, that we must say pretty words and puff them up so we can get a deal. After all, it's worked so damned well for the last fifty years now hasn't it? These experts think they may understand the face that arabs show in public, but they don't understand jack about reality. For instance,
White House officials insisted that nothing Bush told Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon prejudges the outcome of final negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. But many Palestinians and their supporters fear that they will never get to that point. They assume they will be obliged to settle for Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and a small portion of the West Bank. Palestinians claim both areas in their entirety.
A half truth is the same as a lie. They don't merely claim the West Bank and Gaza, they claim all of Israel as "Greater Palestine". Palestinain maps still show no state of Israel, just Palestine. Remember that crippled bastard leader of Hamas that the Israeli's finaly caught up with? The spiritual icon to suicide bombers and baby killers?
Martyr in a Wheelchair? The Life & Death of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
They still can't find the truth with it sitting on a pile of corpses. The time for coddling these killers and their toadies is done, past. Maybe it's time to say the real truth, make peace or suffer. They can have peace any time they like, but that isn't the goal, and you have to be blind or struck dumb not to see what they are after. So maybe this won't lead to a settlement that the Palestinians like, tough shit. It's time they learned that we see them for what they are, not what their propagandists say they are.
Time to kick over the card table and bring in a new sealed deck.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:18 AM | Comments (0)
April 14, 2004
Kos is as clueless as he believes everyone else to be
Following AK's lead on KOS, I found this. Kos qoutes from an article critical of Bush, with this telling paragraph.
But he did far more, reaching for the kind of language about America's moral mission in the world that seemed drawn from the era of Teddy Roosevelt, whose speeches he keeps on the coffee table of his ranch in Texas. He described an America chosen by God to spread freedom. He never used the word "crusade," which touched off a firestorm of criticism in the Muslim world when he uttered it soon after Sept. 11, 2001. But he described one.
Teddy Roosevelt is a bad role model? Since when? Maybe in Ivy league progressive thought camps, but to America at large he's still an impressive man. Still a worthy president. He believed in American exceptionalism, believed in our strength of will, our moral course in human events. He disdained the tired decadence of Europe and stood up for our own values over those of a collection of fading Empires.
This makes him a bad model?
There comes a time when your own words betray your true self. When you can no longer pretend to be one of us any more. If you reject TR, then you might as well give up the charade. Americans do believe we are special, because we are, and deriding that strong sense of national pride and identity as somehow not being right or somehow primitive when they allow all other nations that same priveldge, says he's a fool. A self loathing America is always wrong clown of epic proportions.
Bush will win, not nearly so much because I'm for him, but because an ass like KOS is against him. You can tell much about a man by his enemies. Bush is lucky, he couldn't ask for a better negative example than KOS. Analysis requires more than just stringing words together, anyone can do that, the papers are full of them. Insight is what makes an analysis worthy of note, and sadly for him, KOS's insight is as limited as you would expect of someone with blinders on.
For the record, education doesn't equal wisdom, KOS would do well to remember that. History is made by those willing to risk more than ridicule, it's made by those willing to shed their own blood for what they believe. No baracade was ever breached by a college lefty waving a textbook from the safety of his computer nook. Those of us who bear scares know better than that. Wether on the battlefield, on the streets or in forging a future for our families, make no mistake, those who believe as we do will fight for what we believe.
We've done it before, and running away now isn't on our list.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:22 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Meet Cpl Fernandez (second from right)
Cpl Fernandez (aka Roger) works in my division of TCIDNN. He went to Iraq with the 81st Armor Brigade back at the end of February. Roger recently sent this pic back to his wife, who then sent it to his boss to print and post at work. It took me a while to get my hands on a copy since, while we work in the same shop, he drives for the residential branch and I work in the commercial branch.
Our employer IS paying the difference between his mil check and his usual check. Which is very good because he is a father of two.
Mega-Hoowa Roger. Come back safe
Posted by Nukevet at 10:34 AM | Comments (3)
I don't like slasher flicks
OK, so I don't like most movies in general. But the slasher flick is a person bain to my entertainment needs. I always over-analyze them and, if I wrote their scripts, they'd be real short movies.
But the Analog Wife loves these movies.
For instance, she finally got her copy of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 25th Anniversary Special Addition" this last weekend. She had waited until she got it to see the new version of the movie and now went and rented it.
She couldn't understand why I didn't want to join here in watching the two back-to-back.
Here's my thing; when I'm watching the movie, I cannot stop thinking of how, if just one of the characters had possessed a firearm and was halfway decent in putting it to use, Leatherface would have been a hurting unit.
So, if you don't want to be a victim of a slasherflick villian, join us at the Blogger Blastorama this weekend or get your own group together and meet up your local range.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:24 AM | Comments (2)
Not only is he a coward
He is also a bad judge of character.
So you're a war supporter, and Iraq is going to hell. You want to pull the troops out, but doing so might require admitting defeat. And admitting defeat would mean that the bloodbath in Iraq was all for naught.
What to do? Easy.
Blame Iraqis. Talk about how the US came in, altruistic at heart, hoping to spread "freedom" to the Iraqi people. And then, pointing to the current broad-based rebellion, screech about how "ungrateful" the Iraqis are to the US for bringing said "freedom" to the country.
And then cut tail and run.
Watch the Right. It's gonna happen.
I guess that this is another instance of him projecting his weak will onto those who think differently than him. Helping him not feel like such a coward.
The word 'differently' is the key word in that sentence.
You see, it those on the left who 'cut and run'.
Fat Teddy K "Cut and Run" on Mary Jo Kopechne
And John 'Fraidy Cat' Kerry took three band-aids and then 'Cut' out of Vietnam and then 'Ran' all over his fellow veterans.
Once again, Fuck you Kos.
Folks like myself are made of stronger stuff than pussies like you.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:14 AM | Comments (4)
Your suggestions please
The Set-Up from The Mudville Gazette:
Kerry�s 25 minute speech was interrupted briefly by a small group of protesters who put �flip-flop� sandals on their hands and clapped and chanted that Kerry �flop-flops� on issues.
�I�ll make a deal with you,� Kerry responded. �I�ll send people to George Bush�s rallies and they can clap their unemployment checks together.�
Your assignment:
To create a more "Kerry-like" comeback.
My contributions:
I'll send some phony foreign leaders over and they'll flap their fake world opinons together.
I'll send some Californian 'undocumented workers' over and they'll clap their Metricula Consular and voter registration cards together.
You have your instructions, now do your duty.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:59 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
He causes me misery
If you haven't read about Kerry's version of the 'Misery Index', take a looksee here.
I can tell you that evertime I hear Kerry or one of his zombies speak, it causes me misery.
But here is something that should cause him misery.
Machine tool demand up over 50%
U.S. machine tool demand edged up in February and rose over 50 percent from a year ago, offering the latest evidence that demand for manufacturing equipment has begun to improve after a multi-year slump, two industry trade groups said Sunday in a joint report.
You don't need machine tools if you're not biulding things.
And if you are building things, you need employees.
Ta Da! Manufacturing Jobs!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:23 AM | Comments (0)
Camion Update
Well, we made it to A&M safely, but little Cammy had a very rough day. She was suppose to get evaluated today, and have the coil procedure tomorrow. However, she arrested when they were trying to do her ultrasound. They were able to resuscitate her, and took her directly to the cath lab. They were able to place the coil successfully, and she is resting comfortably, although not out of danger. I was supposed to head back to Baton Rouge, but decided to spend the night here in College Station. If all goes well tonight, I will try and make it back to BR with her tomorrow. As I said before - if you're so inclined, wish her luck. If you already wished her luck, thank you. She needed all of the help she could get today.
I'm on a crappy little dial-up connection here at the College Station Ramamda Inn. Probably no more updates until I get back to the Red Stick.
I'll leave you with a little quote I saw while I was waiting to find out if she was going to make it:
"Give me an army of West Point graduates, I'll win a battle. Give me a handful of Texas Aggies and I'll win a war!"
--Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:26 AM | Comments (2)
I finally saw it.
Matrix; Revolutions,.........Ehhh,....I loved the FX, but the story left me feeling very disappointed. The huge giant mecha influence from anime is very evident. The gamers will recognize the Battletech look. It's pure fantasy I know, but jeez, they should at least have talked to someone familiar with combat tactics before they tried to film it.
1. The APU's were well armed, yet lacked both armor and any effective means to resupply ammo.
2. The infantry did not support them, but fought independantly as small teams without any orders it would seem except for get killed.
3. No effort was made to have a stock of EMP weapons to repulse any mass wave attacks. Pull back your APU's and just skirmish until the main body advanced, then trip an EMP. Bring up another EMP on an elevater and wait for the next wave, if they dared.
4. You play to your strengths and the enemies weakness, this wasn't done. The fight should have been forced in a bottleneck. Attack them in the tunnels, don't wait for them to come at you in the open where their numbers would overwhelm.
5. No attempt to form any meaningful reserve to counter-attack.
6. As to the machines, they fought just as badly, no weapons except for claws for crying out loud. If the humans could build an autocannon for the APU's than surely the machines were just as able.
There are many more things to say about that battle, those of you schooled in tactics could do better in detailing them. But really, this was comic book stuff thought up by 10 year olds. Their general should have been "making shells". They should have armored their APU's and provided armored carriers for the ammo problem. They used a mix of high and primative tech, when if they had aimed less high could have been far better balanced and far more effective.
They could build a twenty foot tall combat mech, yet couldn't provide a simple fire control system or steel plate to protect the pilot?
Arrrggghhh.........some people shouldn't do war movies.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:56 AM | Comments (4)
April 13, 2004
Uh huh,..
This sounds better than it is. Just a little bit of exercise and it'll be all better, or at least feel better, so they say. Maybe I'm a touch grumpy on it because I know something about it, and brother, it ain't that simple.
The pain increases if you do two things, too much, and too little. The only path to alieving some of the pain is to find a happy middle, not so easy when you work, when you have small children. I have never been able to find that medium, the sensible center of activity. I do everything, and I mean everything as if I were the last man holding a bridge. No prisoners, no quarter, no mercy, it's all balls to the wall. It's made me a good airman, a good employee, and I hope, a good husband and father. But the middle isn't where I have ever gone.
To complicate things, I'm being treated for a pinched nerve between C5 and C6, so doing anything hurts. The doctor confirmed it, and I'm being dragged kicking and screaming back to therapy on Friday again. Traction sucks. But I do want to be able to turn my head and use my left arm so.........I still do what I have to. The plumbing needs fixed, I do it. The floor redone, that too. roofing, light carpentry, all that. I used to enjoy it, but now it's a simpler matter of doing it to save money because money spent on a contracter is money not spent on my families other needs. So you do what needs done. I just want to be able to wire a ceiling fan like I just did and be able to feel my left hand afterwards. It blows dropping the same frigging screw 27 times because I can't feel it in my fingers.
The thing about being treated, is that no disrespect to medical professionals intended, I always end up feeling like a kid on the first day of class. I'm learning, but changing the habits and behavior of a lifetime is hard. Having always been the ironman, the guy who got it done when others couldn't, it's maddening to be told I have to ease up and let others shoulder more.
I don't know how to do that very well.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:29 PM | Comments (0)
An understandable request by grieving parents
This breaks your heart, and also makes you wonder how you would act if it was you in this situation.
The sacrifices some families make to preserve our nation are almost beyond comprehension. But they do it, proudly, painfully, they struggle on. We as a people learned this from the Sullivan's, that we can afford to be kind and bring their other children home, they can, if the other girls agree. But that decision as pointed out by the Pentagon,...is theirs to make.
As it was when they took the oath.
However this comes out, wether those girls,..those women decide to come home or to continue the fight, they've earned respect.
Bless them all.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:25 PM | Comments (1)
War over sewers?
I've heard of wars for land, money, idiology, survival, freedom, religious tolerance and even over a woman's love, (Troy)...........But over public sanitation?
The list of Shiite grievances was long, the religious leaders said. They repeatedly demanded improved security, democratic self-government, jobs and, perhaps most urgently, the installation of sewers and water systems that had gone neglected for decades under a regime dominated by Mr. Hussein's minority Sunni Muslim sect.
Budda boom......
Right, the Shite's are pissed because they haven't gotten the sewers that they demanded the day they were liberated. Does anyone else here think that he's lying through his teeth? Granted a moderate Shite is like a shark with three teeth missing, still not a pleasurable thing to be bitten by,.....but come on. He could find better justifications than that to wage jihad couldn't he?
Like maybe he's a little miffed that we didn't just hand Iraq over to him and his goons once Saddam was gone....
But that would be telling, wouldn't it?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:07 PM | Comments (1)
Doing it again!
Here we go with the Blogger Blastorama for the month of April.
Once again we will invade Wade's of Bellevue (map) and take over many lanes as necessary.
It will take place on this Saturday, April 17th @ 10am.
We will, of course, also be overrunning the local IHOP (map) at 9am and confiscating their pancakes (they can keep the waffles).
Again, I would like to put a personal invite out to anyone who would like to join us. Whether you are a novice or an expert, come on down and we'll put some rounds downrange.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:12 AM | Comments (0)
Help a Sister Out
Ms. Sondra K is wanting to take her "Tax Cut For The Rich" and use it to purchase a firearm for self defense.
And she is asking for suggestions.
While she is leaning towards this,
I am trying to steer her towards something more along the lines of this.
Remember, she has only been shooting regularly for a few months now, so she is not a novice but also not an expert.
And I agree with Mollbot. I like the girl in the pic too, so I brought her on over to RNS.
You gotta love a well armed woman in cammie jammies. G*d knows I have (in another life).
Wrestling with sprout eating, college hipster chicks gets boring after a while.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:10 AM | Comments (2)
Richard Clarke is a lying turd: Part #652
Just when I thought I'd gotten over the whole Richard Clarke Lie-a-thon, I get wind of this story from one of my local talk show hosts.
Clarke book has errors about arrest of Ahmed Ressam
By Mike Carter, Seattle Times staff reporter
If you don't remember who Ressam was, let me fill you in.
In late 1999, Ressam was caught at the US-Canadian border with a trunkload of explosives in his car.
Why do I remember this? Because it caused the then Mayor of Seattle Paul Schell (aka Mayor McCheese) to shut down all Millenium Celebrations going on in Seattle a week before New Year's Eve.
And why do I call Tricky Dick Clarke a liar (besides the FACT that he is)?
Because all of the points that he got wrong in his book could have been found IN ANY ONLINE NEWSPAPER ARCHIVE IS SEATTLE!
If this shitless puke cannot get this story right, why should anyone believe him on what color the sky is?
I would like to take a moment to thank ABC for this though.
Clarke, now working for ABC, snubs other news organizations
Thank you, ABC, for taking this bicycle seat sniffing, wanna-be human off his media blitz.
Oh, THAT liberal media.
Second link found @ the Poor Schmuck's place
Posted by Nukevet at 07:04 AM | Comments (0)
Educational and informative at the same time
It seems that the Socialists are good for something (besides target practice). Get ready for something you were probably never taught in school.
A prime ministerial hopeful in India’s upcoming parliamentary vote has promised in his election manifesto to change the name of India back to “Bharat”, its original pre-colonisation Hindi name.
"For centuries, the name of our country has been Bharat. But the British, during their 200-year rule, changed it to India," said the manifesto of the Samajwadi (socialist) Party led by Mulayam Singh Yadav.
"The party feels that changing the name of the country was wrong and as soon as we come to power, the first thing we will do is to amend the constitution and change the name of India to Bharat after consultations," said the manifesto released at the weekend."
Thanks to Lee @ Right Thinking on the Left Coast. Stop by here and check out the last line of his post.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 12, 2004
Sun and Fun
Let it never be said that bloggers don't like to have fun.
Or that we won't travel a bit to have said fun.
This weekend Mollbot, Raging Dave and the Raging Girlfriend and I went to visit Ivan (click on the links to see Mollbot's and Dave's rendition of events)
(All pics get bigger when you click them)
I have heard that he is called Crazy Ivan by his friends.
I can't really figure out why.
Anyway, we all hustled on over to the Tri-Cities area of Washington state so that we could meet up with Ivan and his wonderful invention, the MARS.
You see, Ivan has a nice sized swath of land and has built himself a range.
125yds from the bench.
We all got to shoot Ivan's 50BMG boltie.
And for those who think that a 50BMG boltie is a shoulder bruising projectile thrower, here is a 12yr old firing it.
Some myths are exactly that.
And after that warm up we got into lighting off our own weapons
There's Dave and his '03 Sporter
And Mollbot with his father's Winchester 94
We took a break around noon or so for the pot-luck portion of the event. There were large quantities of elk chili eaten along with a smattering cornbread, prawns (my addition) and then double fudge brownies for dessert (a gift from Mollbot).
Here is a group of well fed, happy people ready to go shooting once again.
At the end of the day, we decided that the MARS System was getting lonely and found a target that had been asking to be ventilated. So Dave did exactly that.
That would be dirt flying in the background. We all took turns with the MARS that afternoon, I just suck at photography and didn't get many great pics and only greatness is allowed at RNS (and here come the choruses of "so what are you doing here Kid?" Funny ha-ha).
I would like to thank our host for the wonderful hospitality this weekend. I had a great time and will be back next year, or sooner Mr. Ivan..........?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:07 AM | Comments (7) | TrackBack
Don't Forget
Only a few more days until April 15th.
AKA Buy A Gun Day
And don't forget to help Aaron out with his 'Help Buy Aaron Buy His First Gun' fund, while you're there.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:55 AM | Comments (0)
Road Trip
The truck gets its first long distance trip starting tomorrow. I have to run a little "mission of mercy" for a little puppy with a congenital heart defect. We tried to fix it surgically here, but that failed. Now she is having significant problems, and her only real chance is a cardiac cath and having a coil placed in the defect. I am taking her to my alma mater, Texas A&M, to see if they can do it. If things go well, she should be fine and be able to live a normal life. If not, well........
Her name in Camion, which is French for "truck" (since all she does is ride around in it with me). If you're so inclined, wish her luck. I will post some photos of her later.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:50 AM | Comments (3)
Posted by Nukevet at 04:44 AM | Comments (0)
Anti-war protesters aren't dissenters, they are seditious bastards
There was a 'Iraqi Insurgence Solidarity Day' in San Francisco today. Take a look at these pictures.
Calls for 'Solidarity' with the 'Insurgents of Falluja' - you know guys who set fire to people who guard food for a living.
Calls to 'Support Our Mutineers' and 'Free Hasan Akbar '. You know the guy who decide to roll grenades into a tent full of OUR soldiers.
Now look at the text of this law:
SECTION 3. Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully make or convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States, or to promote the success of its enemies, or shall willfully make or convey false reports, or false statements, . . . or incite insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States, or shall willfully obstruct . . . the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, or . . . shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the Constitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States . . . or shall willfully display the flag of any foreign enemy, or shall willfully . . . urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production . . . or advocate, teach, defend, or suggest the doing of any of the acts or things in this section enumerated and whoever shall by word or act support or favor the cause of any country with which the United States is at war or by word or act oppose the cause of the United States therein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both....
Seems to be an apt description of the Indymediots starring the pictures above, no?
This law was repealed in 1921. Has the day come to put one like back on the books?
These people are not dissenting loyalists, they are seditious, backstabbing scum who OPENLY CHEER FOR THE OTHER SIDE. They mourn TERRORISTS and MURDERERS while maligning AMERICANS who were AMBUSHED and MURDERED defending FOOD.
How long are we supposed to tolerate this kind of 'speech' from these Fifth Columnists? I ask because my patience has worn very thin, and those MARS kits look mighty tempting.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:12 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
April 11, 2004
Just doing my part
For JFK II's run for the presidency
Posted by Nukevet at 03:16 AM | Comments (2)
April 10, 2004
Note to the 9/11 commission
As you continue your quest for "root causes" of 9/11, and seek to find out "what went wrong?" and "what could we have done to prevent it?" - try and remember that if we had spent less time worryig about whether Clinton got a blow job in the oval office and more time worrying about national security, maybe it wouldn't have happened. In other words, we let petty, partisan politics interfere with the primary responsibility of government - protecting the populus. You know, sort of like the partisan politics and grandstanding that are in evidence in your very own hearings today. It seems to me that step number one to preventing another terrorist attack would be to let those responsible for that particular responsibility do their jobs without political hacks trying to back them into corners and point fingers in classic "20-20" hindsite.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:04 PM | Comments (0)
Takin' the show on the road
Myself and some of the Blastorama Crew Have been invited to join a gentleman in the eastern half of our state for a get-together that involves the use of large quatities of ammuntion.
I'll be gone all day, not getting back until late, etc, etc.
Pics will be posted on Monday.
In the meantime,
Head over to Ms. Sondra K's place and let her introduce you to her cousin Joe, Command Sergeant Major of the 504th MP Battalion, just back from Iraq.
I was not able to meet him myself, but I'm sure that when he comes back to the area, there will be meals paid for, range fees bought, and as many rounds of his choice of alcohol as he can stand waiting for him.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:34 AM | Comments (1)
April 09, 2004
Friday Funnies
During last summer in the south end of King County (the most populous county in Washington State that screws up all of our elections here) this was called into the local 911 center.
7/11/03 @ 13:08:57
"Reporting party says that there is a naked male in a red wrestling mask is masterbating in traffic again."
Posted by Nukevet at 09:35 AM | Comments (7)
Back seat drivers commission
As the title of this post suggests, I don't think very highly of the September 11th Commision. And I'm sure that most of you don't either. I consider it a group of former politicians getting their daily photo-op and acting like, well, politicians.
We already know who was resposible for September 11th. Al-Qiada. What else is there to learn?
We also already know that:
1: The FBI and CIA weren't talking to one another. This had been going on for decades because they were set up that way to keep American's civil liberties safe. And,
2. Political correctness inside the FBI, INS, FAA, etc had basically hamstrung any effort to get any info other agencies.
Sprinkle that with not having any intel people on the ground in the places where they should have been to be able to get good intel and the either absent or weak responses to acts of terrorism in the past, and you get September 11th.
None the less, I watched a good portion of the testimony of Dr. Condoliza Rice yesterday, and then read the transcript for the parts I missed.
Besides a couple of the commissioners treating Dr. Rice like a 8rd grader who stole the opposing team's mascot, I thought it went over pretty well.
Especially this bit. Rice rope-a-dopes Kerrey and leave him as her bitch.
Kennedy sycophant Bob Kerrey was asking about the phrase "Tired of swatting at flies" that was supposedly said by Bush about his wanting to change tactics in the hunting of al-qiada.
KERREY: You've used the phrase a number of times, and I'm hoping with my question to disabuse you of using it in the future.
You said the president was tired of swatting flies.
Can you tell me one example where the president swatted a fly when it came to al Qaeda prior to 9/11?
RICE: I think what the president was speaking to was...
KERREY: No, no. What fly had he swatted?
RICE: Well, the disruptions abroad was what he was really focusing on...
KERREY: No, no...
RICE: ... when the CIA would go after Abu Zubaydah...
KERREY: He hadn't swatted...
RICE: ... or go after this guy...
KERREY: Dr. Rice, we didn't...
RICE: That was what was meant.
KERREY: We only swatted a fly once on the 20th of August 1998. We didn't swat any flies afterwards. How the hell could he be tired?
RICE: We swatted at -- I think he felt that what the agency was doing was going after individual terrorists here and there, and that's what he meant by swatting flies. It was simply a figure of speech.
KERREY: Well, I think it's an unfortunate figure of speech because I think, especially after the attack on the Cole on the 12th of October, 2000, it would not have been swatting a fly. It would not have been -- we did not need to wait to get a strategic plan.
Dick Clarke had in his memo on the 20th of January overt military operations. He turned that memo around in 24 hours, Dr. Clarke. There were a lot of plans in place in the Clinton administration -- military plans in the Clinton administration.
In fact, since we're in the mood to declassify stuff, there was -- he included in his January 25 memo two appendices -- Appendix A: "Strategy for the elimination of the jihadist threat of al Qaeda," Appendix B: "Political military plan for al Qaeda."
So I just -- why didn't we respond to the Cole?
RICE: Well, we...
KERREY: Why didn't we swat that fly?
RICE: I believe that there's a question of whether or not you respond in a tactical sense or whether you respond in a strategic sense; whether or not you decide that you're going to respond to every attack with minimal use of military force and go after every -- on a kind of tit-for-tat basis.
By the way, in that memo, Dick Clarke talks about not doing this tit-for-tat, doing this on the time of our choosing.
I'm aware, Mr. Kerrey, of a speech that you gave at that time that said that perhaps the best thing that we could do to respond to the Cole and to the memories was to do something about the threat of Saddam Hussein.
Bob Kerrey, you are now Condi's bitch!
While there are a number of other defining moments in the transcript, I would like you take a look at the portion of Rice's testimony when being asked questions by former Washington Senator, Slade Gorton.
While he didn't throw any softballs, he also did not treat her like this,
Pic courtesy of Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
If you read the fisking of Maria Cantwell by Mollbot in the post below, Cantwell is the person who beat Gorton out for the Senate seat.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:53 AM | Comments (4)
Too 'smart' for their own good
The Grouchy Old Cripple starts off with this line by Thomas Sowell,
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.
And proceeds to make braindead lefties cry.
I have mentioned the creed I live by here before,
"I take no shit and I kiss no ass. I expect nothing less of everyone else."
I learned a long time ago that anyone who considers themselves an 'intellectual' is full of shit. So, I therefor have a tendancy to make them not want to hang around by violently trying to remove their heads from their asses.
As an added note, I have discovered that this activity can get you in trouble. 'Intellectuals' are more fragile than quiche.
I wonder if that is because they eat a lot of quiche? Hmmm, more study on this will be necessary.
Hey Doc, do you think I can get a grant for this study? I could start with the folks on the grant committee.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:53 AM | Comments (0)
The sinking of teeth into a liberal's ass
Is the sound you'll hear if you follow this link over to Morpholine and read the written near human rights violation of a fisking that Mollbot pulled off on Senator Maria Cantwell (Commie) WA.
A sample....
Cantwell: "The higher unemployment rate doesn't count the 1.7 million people who are so discouraged they have stopped looking for work,"
Mollbot: "And they're so discouraged why? Perhaps because they know they can continue to excercise their kiester on the couch and receive their little Dolist Dollops o' Joy™?"
Posted by Nukevet at 06:42 AM | Comments (1)
April 08, 2004
Oooooooh, the facts make my head hurt
Bob Kerrey, listening to Dr. Rice's testimony
Posted by Nukevet at 10:12 PM | Comments (2)
Hey, Zapatero
Japan says thanks a lot.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:09 PM | Comments (0)
Go read
So, tell me, do women belong in combat?
Posted by Nukevet at 06:14 PM | Comments (4)
Kathryn Cramer - the face of the left
OK, I haven't been following the Kathryn Cramer debacle all that closely, but her behavior seems to be pretty symptomatic of the left's response to challenge in general, especially when such challenge is justified. That response, in case you haven't guessed, is to first try and hide the evidence, followed by an aggressive smear of those with the audacity to question their authority, followed by a claim of vast right wing conspiracy, and an effort to claim victim status. Kos followed this script to a "T", and the Cramer loon has the routine down pat as well.
It all started when Cramer "investigated" whether Michael Teague, the merc killed in Iraq, was the same as a prominent member of the Aryan Nations with the same name. Now, even a little bit of research makes it pretty clear that they are not, but Cramer carried this thread for a while, even posting pictures of the 2 men and saying that she just couldn't be sure because, well, all mid-30 bald white guys look the same. Once this began to get a little attention, she was well and truly trashed by people who were horrified that she would publish such an accusation without a single shred of evidence. Her behavior then became truly Kos-like - first the "I'm sorry, but....", followed by deleting the original post, followed by hysterical threats to sue anyone who says anything even remotely mean to her, and then, finally, inevitably, the cries of victim hood. She claims multiple death threats against herself and her family, but there isn't any tangible proof of these charges (I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm just saying that I haven't seen proof that they exist, and her behavior tends to make me doubt her veracity). She's decided to delete many posts she doesn't like, post the IP address of any commenter she doesn't agree with, has identified Charles Johnson of LGF fame as her main adversary, and allowed the address of someone named Charles Johnson to be posted in her comments section for several hours. Turns out is wasn't THE Charles Johnson, just like it wasn't THE Aryan Nation's Michael Teague.
Now, let me be really clear - I think trolls are despicable. I think that anyone who makes death threats while sitting behind their cozy monitor is a coward and a moron - and probably open to criminal prosecution. Is Cramer doing what she has to do to protect herself with all of this IP posting and posturing about suing and calling the Westchester county DA? Possibly. The thing I keep coming back to, however, is that she made the conscious decision to post something hateful and vile about a man who died in a horrible fashion, doing what he believed in. All indications are that Michael Teague the "merc" was a guy that really believed he was making a difference, really loved his family, and will be greatly missed by his friends and family. So, what possible reason is there for Cramer to even engage in this exercise? To make it acceptable for Kos to say "screw them"? To prove to herself and her sycophants that they are well and truly justified in hating these people, and that they're just horrible, racist, murdering scum that deserves anything that happens to them? To validate her worldview that it's OK to demonize these men, because one of them was a white supremacist asshole?
Well, like I said - Cramer has done her best to make her words disappear. She has decided that if she deletes the post and all comments she doesn't like - then everything should go back to "normal". She's even made it impossible to search for the word "Teague" on her website - go give it a try, she has made it a "suspect" word. She's supposed to be an author and SF anthology editor of note. She should know that words matter - and that vile and hateful words matter more than most. You can't post mean spirited crap on the friggin INTERNET and not have people take you to task for it. The worst bit is the "poor me" posturing. We're supposed to believe that Michael Teague deserved what he got, while Kathryn Cramer is a poor, persecuted victim of the VRWC. Sort of brings that ol "you reap what you sow" adage home to roost, doesn't it?
OK, So see if you can tell the difference between these 2 bald white guys:
Posted by Nukevet at 03:33 PM | Comments (2)
And we should care because....?
I'm sure we've all heard the seething and whining over the (hopefully non) accidental bombing of a wall surrounding a mosque in Fallujah yersterday.
But I have a question,
If the people who were said to have been inside the mosque compound, supposedly praying, were actually INSIDE the compound, wouldn't they be supporters of the Islamofascist whackjobs holed up inside the compound and not civilians?
And, wouldn't that make them targets?
And we should care that they got blowed the hell up (supposedly while praying) because....?
I'm going to wait a bit before I start to worry too much about it. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Apache pilot could see something going on inside that area of the compound that would have been very unkind to the Marines on the other side of the wall.
Also, I would like to present this little factoid for you to feed to the weenies that bitch and moan about us popping off high explosives inside that 'holy ground'.
"A Serbian Orthodox priest and his son, injured in a NATO hunt for war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic, were reported to be in a coma on Friday."
Nevermind that it was NATO.
And nevermind that the fight is still "Clinton's Non-UN Supported War".
NATO troops were given the OK to set off high explosives in an Orthodix Church during the hunt for a war criminal.
Why the hell can we not do this in a fucking mosque that is being used as a de facto Firebase for terrorists?
Posted by Nukevet at 09:46 AM | Comments (2)
Tell me if you think this is too
"Tinfoil Hat"
Remember 'Global Crossing'?
It is/was a telecom type company that, during the late 90's, laid the first 2.56 terabit capable fiber-optic cable across the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean through it's subsidary Asia Global Crossing. Thereby linking North America and Asia to the fastest data tranfer system in the western hemisphere's marketplace.
Now, it is undeniable that this cable system made available and cost effective the outsourcing of IT and customer support phone room jobs to places such as India. Since the companies doing the outsourcing companies could either use this new line or the now 'freed-up' older lines.
So, from this, I conclude that, while outsourcing has been going on for decades, the recent run of outsourced tech sector jobs were facilitated, at least in part, by the line laid by Global Crossing.
This company also formerly employed the current DNC Chairman, one Terry McAuliffe, as a 'consultant'. Said 'consultant' made in upwards of 18 million dollars from his sale of Global Crossing stock just BEFORE the company lost a lucrative military contract.
AND, high up Global Crossing officials gave oodles of cash to, yes, the Clinton Administration. If you listened to right leaning talk radio during the GC scandal, or later, when they were comparing the lack of hullabloo over GC to the screams and cries from the Dems during the Enron fiasco, you'll remember all of the facts (otherwise, just Google 'Terry McAuliffe' and 'Global Crossing' together).
When you add this info to my conclusion above, it seems that outsourcing is not GWB fault (which it never was anyway), but the fault of the Dems.
AND, when you add the fact that the line GC laid across the Pacific is now owned by the ChiComs (and they are making $$$ from each bit of info going across), I think it becomes time for a firing squad.
So, what do you think, should I check my baseball hat for a tinfoil liner?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:50 AM | Comments (1)
What if.....
Not only would they be the most bloated, hateful and ugly couple in DC...
They could share each others meds
Posted by Nukevet at 07:20 AM | Comments (1)
MoveOn (dot org) nothing to see here
Posted by Nukevet at 07:09 AM | Comments (0)
April 07, 2004
I never listen to NPR anymore
So can someone confirm this Newsmax story?
I'm always a little leery of accepting newsmax at face value, but I could see Kerry saying this. And, if he did, tell me how safe you feel with this man protecting our country. Calling the man responsible for the deaths of US military a "legitimate voice"? Of course, he tries to weasel out of it, but really only makes things worse.
Speaking of al-Sadr's newspaper, which was shut down by coalition forces last week after it urged violence against U.S. troops, Kerry complained to National Public Radio, "They shut [down] a newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq."
In the next breath, however, the White House hopeful caught himself and quickly changed direction, adding, "Well, let me ... change the term 'legitimate.' It belongs to a voice � because he has clearly taken on a far more radical tone in recent days and aligned himself with both Hamas and Hezbollah, which is a sort of terrorist alignment."
But Kerry again seemed to voice sympathy for the Shiite terrorist when asked whether he supported al-Sadr's arrest. "Not if it�s an isolated act without the other kinds of steps necessary to change the dynamics on the ground in Iraq," Kerry told NPR, in quotes first reported by the New York Sun.
So if it's an isolated act that his men only killed 20 US military men, all's forgiven?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:46 PM | Comments (1)
I'm just sayin'
If there are ANY attacks against Christians by Islamofascists over the Easter holidays, I don't ever want to hear anything about the "Holy month of Ramadan" again.
That is all.
Plans for an Easter attack foiled by premature explosimication. Remember all of the handwringing over how we couldn't possibly attack during the Holy month of Ramadan? Well, it seems like our enemies (I'm sorry, should I call them insurgents?) have no such concerns.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:37 PM | Comments (1)
More evil unilateralism in the war on terror
I mean, every aspect of unilateral and pre-emptive action is to be highly condemned, right?
Not a registered user of the NYT's website? Well, here's a little taste:
With a new threat of terrorism coursing through Europe, intelligence and police authorities say they are acting more aggressively, with greater emphasis on pre-emptive action to roll up networks of Islamic militants whose members may not have committed crimes, but who have the skills or ideological resolve for violence.
The best bit, however, deals with the French:
The French had kept a group of Moroccan-born militants under surveillance for some time, but had no specific cause to arrest them when the police struck in dawn raids on Monday, seizing 13 men with suspected links to the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group.
A senior French official admitted as much on Tuesday, saying "There was no evidence they were preparing an imminent attack in France." The crucial factor was that they had traveled to Afghanistan, where they learned to use weapons and make explosives.
"When they come back, they have certain ideas and certainly a technical capacity for action," the French official said.
The new French counterterrorism motto, he said, is "Every time we discover a cell, we eliminate it as a pre-emptive measure." (_emphasis added_)
Ohhhhh, I forgot. There's only outrage when it's America acting in a pre-emptive manner. I'm sure there won't be any giant papier mache puppet marches to decry the French actions.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:25 PM | Comments (0)
Last week,
I showed you the "azaleas in bloom view" of the house. This week, it's the Terraserver satellite view.
Pretty cool, eh? You can tell that the image was taken in the winter, since the sun is low on the Southern horizon (note the big shadow of the house). Also, the big blob in the front yard is a huge old oak tree, also with substantial shadow. As you can tell, we are very rural, with no close neighbors. After almost 15 years deep in the heart of NYC, that's exactly how I like it.
Yes, the house really has a name. It was built in 1802, and was a working indigo plantation before "the war".
Posted by Nukevet at 06:49 PM | Comments (0)
Gee, ya think?
A judge ruled Monday that Thomas will be evaluated by a mental health professional.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:35 PM | Comments (0)
What kind of monster
Does something like this?
If that was my dog, there'd be a little more "ball kicking" going on. Freaking heartless moron.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:33 PM | Comments (2)
Is it progressive thought
to believe that all members of the military are stupid, unedumacated welfare cases?
Oh, sorry. Progressives don't have thoughts - they have dogmas.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:41 PM | Comments (0)
You have to look really hard for the silver lining.
With everything that has happened in Iraq over the past 36 hours, I think we all just need to stand firm and maybe send a message to some people in DC.
Here is a sample of what I sent up the chain of command.
"I know that the world is watching our fighting men and women in Iraq, waiting for the smallest mistake or civilian casualty, but you cannot keep the Marines hobbled as they are now.
Marines are not good at playing nice. I would almost go as far as to say that it is one of the things they are horrible at. Marines take things. Things like enemy lives, buildings and acreage. Let them loose to do this and you will have both won the 'hearts and minds' (and respect) of the Iraqi people and peace."
Eh, I tried.
But in all of the reporting of the happenings of yesterday, I found something that shows we are still winning. No matter what the left says.
"There was constant pressure, but not constant firefights," Dempsey said. "There wasn't a time when the soldiers in there could have simply stood up and said, 'OK. That was interesting. Let's leave now.' Whenever they moved, there was somebody trying to suppress them."
American troops managed to reach their wounded and began pulling them out. Military officials said they got unexpected help from some Iraqi civilians who offered their cars and, in one instance, a bus, to take wounded troops to safety.
The majority of civilians know who is there to free them and who is there to shackle them.
And to the men who lost their lives, both American and foreign, I think that everyone will agree on a resounding,
"Thank you...Semper Fi"
Posted by Nukevet at 10:00 AM | Comments (0)
Memo to A. Morrissette
Woodlawn High School ninth-graders who gathered yesterday for an assembly on anger management instead got an up-close lesson in violence, when a shoving match grew into a melee that led to two arrests - including one student's mother - and 11 suspensions.
Don't make me use sarcasm, you daughter of a silly person.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:41 AM | Comments (0)
The 'Outsourcing' Boogeyman
I'm sure you remember John "(Ab)Fab" Kerry saying that he would create 10 million jobs during his administration. But, and I'm trying to remember where I saw this, it seems as that there are only 8.6 million unemployed people in the US.
So, this leads us to one of three possible conclusions:
1. Some of us are going to have to take second jobs to keep Kerry happy
2. It gives us some inkling as to his immigration policy
3. He will make the US job market more 'european', ie mandating 30hour work weeks (while keeping the yearly income the same), thereby creating more need for workers. Nevermind that it makes the price of everything go up (while, again, yearly salries stay the same).
But I will now end all of the nightmares of a John Kerry presidential domestic economic policy and move onto to crux of this post.
Can you say "U.S. receiving more 'outsourced' jobs than it's losing"?
I knew you could!
And that link was found here.
In-sourced jobs are worked by people who have faces and personal stories. Given that a Presidential campaign is underway, it will be short work for the Republican ticket to arrange visits to the Honda, whose Ohio factories employ 14,000, or the vast Michelin tire factory in South Carolina. President Bush might even want to take the wheel of one the Kentucky-made Toyota Solaras as it is loaded for shipment back to the Japanese market.
Toyota has even joining the NASTruck circuit.
You did know that the trucks had to be manufactured in the US to join that league, didn't you?
Well, now you do.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:55 AM | Comments (0)
NBC (re)training
Our friend, Dogtulosba, checks himself into the blogging chair during a break in his schooling at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
The Tunnels of Ku Chi
Iraqi Tossed Salad
And after you're done reading that post, scroll down the page for a bit. He has been checking in every now and then and gives us pics of his trip to St. Louie and shows us "the easiest way to get back to the TOC when doing a three-hour day Land Navigation run"
Stay safe, sir.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:34 AM | Comments (0)
Na na na na, na na na na hey hey hey
Tim Giago, an Indian activist, who was previously rumored to be running against Tom Daschle in the Democratic primary for the latter’s South Dakota senate seat, is now running as a third party candidate. This could take votes away from Daschle and give John Thune, the Republican challenger, the victory.
Found @ Spot On
Posted by Nukevet at 07:26 AM | Comments (0)
I haven't been cut off again.
I have been very very very busy, not important to anyone but us maybe, but my daughters Birthday party is on Easter Sunday. She'll be five. I haven't had a chance to draw a breath, let alone post or check mail. I and my wife decided spur of the moment last minute that we should redo the living room before Easter, OK, so I promised her we could do that. She then dropped the I'll never be happy till we replace the carpet bomb......
Short Of it, we have a new laminate hardwood floor in the living room, we're painting now, as I reconfigure pre-existing inset shelves to make a stereo nook for my baby's sounds. Old cherry shelves, some paneling tomorrow, some more painting, finish trim, she picked out native American borders and she'll be putting her collection of Indian stuff in there too. With luck we'll be done by Friday, maybe. We'll both still working fulltime and we only have half days to use. I'm also having the worst flairs of my life right now, the floor about did it for me, but I can't quit now, not now, we're over the hump and the rest is easy compared to what we've finished. But I fall asleep right after we stop at midnight, and start again as soon as we wake, pausing only for the kids and work.
For those you think I'm nuts and should slow down,...I'll see a doctor Friday anyway and some things aren't up for negotiation. I promised my wife, and I won't break a promise to her for Heaven or Hell. I'll make it, I always do. Plenty of time to rest later, and truthfully,....my wife's family, they are coming over in small groups to help, my brothers.....
They are concerned that I'm pushing too hard. Maybe, but it makes me feel humbled. I've never really thought about how much people can care, I'm always surprised that a grumpy bear like me could have people like that in my life outside my wife and kids. I'm not used to it, I was always such a loner before. I think I've been a little blind, and maybe thoughtless. Definitely thoughtless. I resolve to do better in the future.
Still gonna be stubborn though, nobody would know me if I gave that up.
I'll pop in when I can, but regular posting may take a few days. Just another day in paradise.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:16 AM | Comments (1)
The Lefty Loon Library of debating skills!
No wonder they all sound (and "debate") alike..........
Posted by Nukevet at 02:52 AM | Comments (0)
April 06, 2004
Well, if it's Dr's orders
Posted by Nukevet at 11:36 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack
Can we clear up 1 little issue?
It's not a bias, it's an agenda.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:49 PM | Comments (0)
If it was such a priority
Wouldn't it be mentioned at least once in 45,000 words?
The final policy paper on national security that President Clinton submitted to Congress � 45,000 words long � makes no mention of al Qaeda and refers to Osama bin Laden by name just four times.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:56 PM | Comments (1)
The Passion
Posted by Nukevet at 05:54 PM | Comments (0)
The guy just doesn't know when to lay off.
"Let's make it clear -- our regular armed forces don't like the mercs. That's why no one responds to mercs in distress (like the four in Falluja)."
"Our men and women in uniform deserve all the support we can muster. They are myred in an impossible situation by a government that doesn't know what it's doing. They are doing the best they can. The mercs, on the other hand, choose to be in theater "looking for good money and the taste of danger".
And he, yet again, proves to all that he knows not of what he speaks,
An attack by hundreds of Iraqi militia members on the U.S. government's headquarters in Najaf on Sunday was repulsed not by the U.S. military, but by eight commandos from a private security firm, according to sources familiar with the incident.
Before U.S. reinforcements could arrive, the firm, Blackwater Security Consulting, sent in its own helicopters amid an intense firefight to resupply its commandos with ammunition and to ferry out a wounded Marine, the sources said.
Provided Kos pipes down on this issue, I will wash my hands of it. Either he doesn't care or doesn't know who he is pissing off. Probably the latter. He needs to remember that there is a difference between being brave and speaking your mind and being stupid.
I'm just sayin'......
I don't know. But I have a feeling he thinks he can milk his original idiocy for hits that he doesn't need, and will continue his lip flapping.
So I am pre-emptivly calling up the 10% theorum (explained below).
But on a lighter note, Ironbear has written a parody for Kos.
Ground Control to Major Kos
Ground Control to Major Kos
Take your fuckwit pills and put your tinfoil helmet on
Ground Control to Major Kos
Commencing postings, redirect is on -
Check your typos and may God's love The Red Book be with you
I'm sure you can guess the song, now head on over and read the rest.
10% of the population of any group, be they dentists, mechanics, ditchdiggers or bloggers, will be assholes/wackjobs/full-on psychos.
They also go by the name of 'Some People'
As in "Some People ruin it for everybody else".
Posted by Nukevet at 10:33 AM | Comments (4)
He did what?
So, as you all probably know, I live in Seattle. And guess who forgot who died 10 years ago yesterday.
And guess who felt no remorse for forgetting the day that Cobain took a 12ga breathmint?
Yep. Me.
Sorry folks, but maybe I can explain it like this.
We have 5 rock stations here in Seattle. I have all of them (plus a dozen or so other stations of different genres) programmed into my trucks stereo. I can hit them sequentially and hear Nirvana's Greatest Hits ANY GOT DAM DAY OF THE FREAKING WEEK, 365 DAYS A YEAR!!
I don't care what other bloggers say about being sick of Nirvana or about being tired of hearing how Cobain and crew 'revolutionized' rock.
Until you have lived in the guys backyard, you have no idea how sick some people are of that spiel.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure Cobain was a decent fellow (even if he was blind, deaf and dumb enough to marry Courtney Love) and I am absolutely positive that his music inspired people, because I see them, whacked out of their damn heads, everyday.
He just didn't have that effect on me. Sorry Kurt. No hard feelings.
I am grateful to Cobain for one thing though.
Dave Grohl showing his licks in three bands nearly simutaneously. QOTSA, Probot and, of course, the Fighters of Foo.
And just to let anyone who gives a rip know, I drive past Hendrix's site (a real music 'revolutionary') at least once a week on 'around town' business.
RIP Cobain. Tell Layne Staley hello for me.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:53 AM | Comments (2)
It's officially a quagmire
For once, I will agree with the AP.
Boston's Democratic Convention a Quagmire
This ought to be hilarious!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:31 AM | Comments (0)
Kewl Wallpaper
From Mr. Spoonman I give you a link to some of the coolest non-booty wallpaper around.
Courtesy of your friends @ Springfield Armory.
And speaking of Springfield Armory, your faithful Liberal Slayer, Aaron is ony around half way to his new Springfiled XD.
Make this Buy a Gun Day one to remember for the man.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:18 AM | Comments (0)
A pair of stiffs
Lucky stiffs that is.
Both The Poor Schmuck and The Rivrdog are on the road again.
Rivrdog will be picking up his new yacht sometime this week.
Check out the craft here
And The Schmuck is on an extended family outing in Florida.
Check out his vacation digs.
Man, I need to make more money.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:06 AM | Comments (1)
The Internet is full of Interesting Shit
Came from here.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:26 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
Speaking of Class
Perhaps a certain someone should go read this and see if he gets any ideas.
Er, then again, perhaps not.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:40 AM | Comments (0)
April 05, 2004
The Soundboard: Kos I want to
Over the weekend, I put more than my two cents in on the whole "Kos, Screw Them" issue. That was a nickel. Today, I'm going to 'drop a dime on his ass'.
But first, I would like to make a musical dedication to Kos.
When I cooled off from the initial blast of this stanza and chorus immediately popped into my head.
"Well I hope you live long now, I pray the Lord your soul to keep
I think I'll be going before we fold our arms and start to weep
I never thought for a moment that human life could be so cheap
But when they finally put you in the ground
We'll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down"
It took me two days to figure out where it came from.
It came from here,
Tramp the Dirt Down - Elvis Costello
Costello used the song to put a slap across the face of Ms. Margaret Thatcher, so be careful when you listen. The remainder of the lyics will be in the extended entry.
And now, the rest of the story.
Over the past couple of months, I have been stopping by the Emporium of Kos Worship about every other day or so. After Kerry's eagerness to change his opinions according to how many votes it would get him was brought to the forefront, Kos started a series of "Bush Flip-Flops" posts. Post 1, Post 2, Post 3)
But, from this LGF post, I would like to let you know what Kos thought of Kerry just a few short months ago.
"As for Kerry, screw him. His new slash-and-burn tactics are not only harmful to the party, but they�re not helping his popularity in the least ... Kerry is going down, and he doesn�t give a damn who he takes down with him."
If I had more time, I'd bet money that I could show Kos flopping like the carp at the end of Faith No More's video for their song 'Epic'. And I may just get more time soon.
Next, we have Kos claiming that the majority of the people who were angry (you know, eevviill Republicans) are/were violent, hate spewing racists.
Sorry Kos, you can play the race card all you want, but the folks who were angry at what you said have the Royal Flush, which beats that card. The Royal Flush link goes to the Official Kerry Blog, which has decided to de-link his cowardly and ignorant ass. And as of my writing this, I haven't been able to find Kos' post acknowleging said de-linking.
Anyone want to start a pool on the date and time?
You all should really try going over to the Kerry blog. There are some real Kos worshippers in the comment there who claim that the de-linking is about "sensorship" (I'm not kidding! Multiple people there spelled it that way multiple times).
I think that "sensorship" has something to do with communications with the planet that anyone who could vote for Kerry must live on. You'd figure that the Dems whine about being censored enough, that they'd know how to spell it by now. But I digress.
And Kos, until you produce one of those e-mails, I doubt that most sane people will believe your claims on that. Everybody I read daily posts the majority of their hate-mail. Why don't you try some disclosure?
And as for Kos' ads, the last pol who was advertising before Kos showed his true colors dropped her ad on Sunday with this disclaimer.
So Kos, when you gonna take down her ad?
Now he says he has a new pol lined up who want to advertise on his site. The guy must be a complete twit, since he admits to knowing what was said by Kos and thinks that those word were "relevant".
I wonder how small a military/ex-military vote this dweeb will get.
In closing, I would just like to point out how stupid Kos is. And in doing so, I don't want to have anyone consider this a threat in any way, shape or form.
I'm just sayin'.....
He says "Screw Them" about the deaths of four 'Mercenaires'.
I think he has forgotten that these guys get paid to use a variety of weapons. And, yes, kill people. FOR MONEY.
That would be one of the very last group of individuals I would even think about pissing off.
I'm just sayin'.....
I saw a newspaper picture from the political campaign
A woman was kissing a child, who was obviously in pain
She spills with compassion,
As that young child's face in her hands she grips
Can you imagine all that greed and avarice
Coming down on that child's lips
Well I hope I don't die too soon
I pray the Lord my soul to save
Oh I'll be a good boy, I'm trying so hard to behave
Because there's one thing I know,
I'd like to live long enough to savour
That's when they finally put you in the ground
I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down
When England was the whore of the world
Margaret was her madam
And the future looked as bright and as clear
As the black tarmacadam
Well I hope that she sleeps well at night,
Isn't haunted by every tiny detail
When she held that lovely face in her hands
All she thought of was betrayal
And now the cynical ones say that it all ends the same in the long run
Try telling that to the desperate father
Who just squeezed the life from his only son
And how it's only voices in your head
And dreams you never dreamt
Try telling him the subtle difference
Between justice and contempt
Try telling me she isn't angry
With this pitiful discontent
When they flaunt it in your face
As you line up for punishment
And then expect you to say "Thank you"
Straighten up, look proud and pleased
Because you've only got the symptoms,
You haven't got the whole disease
Just like a schoolboy, whose head's like a tin-can
Filled up with dreams
Then poured down the drain
Try telling that to the boys on both sides,
Being blown to bits or beaten and maimed
Who takes all the glory and none of the shame
Well I hope you live long now,
I pray the Lord your soul to keep
I think I'll be going before
We fold our arms and start to weep
I never thought for a moment
That human life could be so cheap
But when they finally put you in the ground
We'll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down
Posted by Nukevet at 10:22 AM | Comments (3)
A special Edition of the Blastorama
A few weeks back, in the comments section, you may have seen mention of this,
That is the MARS (Modular Assault Rifle System) created by our friend Ivan.
Here is a little info:
The MARS is a combination trigger activator/weapons mount for the Kalashnikov rifle series, and will work with any combination of them, AK, AKM, 47/74 Mak-90, Maadi etc.
A single MARS will mount and fire at full auto rate two semi auto AK style rifles simultaneously via a crank mechanism, or any 3/8" square drive, or 1/2" axle hub pulley, trip wire, electric motor, cordless drill, pendulum motion sensor, or kinetic energy stimuli.
Firing rate is capable of emptying a 75 round drum in 10 seconds, and is BATF legal in any state that allows trigger activators.
Can you say "YEEE_HAWW!!!!!"?
Now, Ivan lives on the eastern side of Washington State near the area known as the 'Tri-Cities' and has his own range.
Myself and a couple of Blogger Blastorama regulars have been invited to spend part of the upcoming Easter weekend with Ivan. He would also like to put out the invite to anyone else who would like to join us.
If you are interested, just e-mail me for directions.
And for those of you cannot make it, pictures will be posted the following Monday.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:04 AM | Comments (3)
I, too
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!
If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!
How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Via Michele
Posted by Nukevet at 01:28 AM | Comments (6)
April 04, 2004
Hey you.
Yeah, you with the Che t-shirt, Kafiyyeh, and "no blood for oil" poster. C'mere - I wanna ax you something.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:32 PM | Comments (3)
My thought on Kos
AK did a very nice job commenting on the entire "Kos" situation. The guy is just another example of how far into dementia the left has really fallen. We get commenters who are all bent out of shape when someone suggests that we act like the leftists already claim we do - rounding them up, concentration camps, the horrors of "Ashcroft's America", etc. I wonder if any of them have been over to the daily Kos to condemn what is, rather than mere hyperbole in response to hyperbole, real hatred. I'm guessing that none did, and in fact the people who scream about "leftists" being rounded up probably feel more than justified in claiming that the mercenaries "got what they deserved". Anyways, I really have nothing to add, but I can sum up my feelings about Kos and his ilk pretty succinctly, using an old West Texas saying (at least my grand-dad said it a lot when I was a kid) that was reserved for the vilest of the vile:
I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire
To get the authentic West Texas flavor, be sure to pronounce fire as fahr.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:21 PM | Comments (2)
AAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh hell no!
Real?....couldn't be,.....could it?
(tromp, tromp, tromp),...............Frying pan (toss),...steam iron (hurl),.........cinder block...nah! (fling)..............mumble,....mmmmmm....ahhh yes here we go, (lifts acme anvil high over head).
Shit, I still don't believe it. and now I need a new anvil..
Must lie down now..
Dammit this is so freakin nuts.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:05 AM | Comments (0)
A day late (or two)
A hearty (and belated) welcome back to the du Toit family.
If you havn't yet stopped by Kim's or the Mrs. respective places recently, do so today.
In honor of their return, I offer a Blast Ad that I believe conveys a message that Kim would agree with (among mixed company. Something a bit more rude would probably be in order when amongst men only).
Welcome back, Kim and family.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:31 AM | Comments (0)
Keep your ears open
The Formula One Gran Prix of Bahrain is scheduled to start in just under three and a half hours from now.
You read that right. Bahrain. In the ME by Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
After Spain's most recent bombing, I am hoping that the Islamofascists take kindly to the automotive entertainment being offered and leave it alone.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:14 AM | Comments (2)
April 03, 2004
Hellboy is coming to theaters this week, my wife and I hope to catch it. It looks like a Hell of a ride.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 PM | Comments (12)
My union? hardly,.....The DNC already owns it.
The UFCW is a pretty big national union, I joined because I had to to be employed by the company I chose. I never trusted the union, frankly, never paid much attention to it. It was always that leftist rag of a newsletter I threw away with the free car loan and pizza ads in the mail. I understand they have a function, a purpose, I just wish it was a constructive one on my behalf and not a leftist rant for socialist government.
February 13, 2004--The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), today announced its support of Senator John Kerry for President. The endorsement is based on Senator Kerry�s commitment to provide every American with affordable health care.
I have health care, why? Because years ago my union negotiated it at the barganing table. They cut a deal with my company. That's what a union is for right?
Wrong apparently.
My union is now convinced that only by electing the right people, (all leftwing democrats strangely enough) can we force the government to play sugar daddy to our every need.
They can go fuck themselves. I'm fed up with my union working for it's own political agenda over my needs and my friends because they are too fat and lazy to do the hard work of organizing and barganing. They get their fat checks wether I get any benefit or not, they can say I should have dental insurance, but it never gets raised at barganing time. No, they would rather attend the democrats fund raisers and sit around and stroke themselves with some fantasy of power if their "man" gets the White House.
Time after time I see good people leave, because they broke some small rule or another and the union sits on it's hands. And time after time I see some candyass slacker who wipes his ass on the rules get rehired because the union fought for weeks to get them back in. Good workers don't seem to count as much as halfwits who read the manuel as holy writ and say the proper things when the union reps are around.
I have no faith the union would fight for me, none at all. The reps don't talk to me, haven't since they asked me if I would like to have a payroll deduction made weekly to their political action scam. I made the mistake of telling them the truth. I told them I was a republican, and why should I give them my money to get democrats elected? ...Stoney silence, you would think I'd just asked to sodomize their daughter. Freedom of thought?....in America?
Not in the UFCW's world.
I can tell you for a FACT, the union can endorse whoever they want, it won't matter a bit come election time. Because I know my coworkers, and their opinions are as diverse as the general publics.
The UFCW is kidding itself if it thinks it's opinion matters to us.
What do I want from them?
I want them to be even handed, I want them to consider talking to all sides with a fair mind. I want them to work at what their job is supposed to be, organizing and barganing for workers with their employers. Not being rah rah girls for every politician who promises a free ride. I want them to try to organize Wal-Mart, not to find a way to shut them down. I don't want those people to loose their jobs, I want my union to be as concerned for those workers as they say they are for ours. They play it as if it were a zero sum game, that we can only benefit if nonunion companies are crushed like bugs.
And unions continue to shrink. Maybe a little bit of open fair minded organizing minus the workers of the world unite bullshit might just gain some members. Maybe listening to workers rather than Che' wanna be's over what needs done will get them paid attention to. I would like more health care, but I want it through my job, I want it paid for by us, I want it fair, and I want it free of who ever sits in the White House.
I want my union to do what it's supposed to do, and stop trying to buy it at the ballet box.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:27 PM | Comments (3)
My nickel
Because two cents isn't enough to explain my thoughts on Fallujah.
I can't really give you any new links that you can't find everywhere else. But here they are anyway.
The screen grab of Kos' proud statement of "Screw Them"
His post trying to cover his ass
LGF's post about Kos trying to cover his ass by deleting the original statement from the internet archive
Michele's post on the matter: The Daily Coward (a sentiment I will expand upon shortly)
Junk Yard Blog having 'had it' with the anti-American Left
The Spoonman having discovered a new type of weasel to watch "Kos Weasels"
And finally, a post on three of the four individuals who were killed in the ambush by Jay Reding
Some of you may have noticed that I have stayed away from this topic. I apologize if I seemed to be ignoring it, but I have my reasons. The first one being that I had met Mr. Zovko. I did not 'know' him. You could say that I had met him in passing a couple of times.
That said, I think I now have to admit that I know quite a few individuals currently in Iraq who are not wearing the uniform of any participating coalition nation. When I heard that the attack had happened and that the victims of the attack were private security personnel, I decided to hold off on commenting until I got a call or the names were released.
I want to make one thing very clear. I have a deep vein of respect for people who were doing what Mr. Zovko, Mr. Teague and Mr. Helvenston were doing. And yes, I think the word 'mercenaries' is a respectable word to describe their occupation. Others may disagree. But their disagreement will be because the word has been degraded in polite society, and even further in the world of Kos and his readers, to mean something it doesn't.
Some people can do things better than others. If you consider soldiering a skill, you could say that these three gentlemen were good enough at it to be highly paid for doing a job.
America probably wouldn't exist without mercenaries. It can be argued that their help during the Revolutionary War helped put us over the edge (Lafayette anyone?)
So, while I should be insulted by Kos' use and definition of the word, I'm not. Because I know he is just clueless about the subject.
Now, since I cannot say anything that someone else has not already said about his original statement, I am going to focus on his half assed 'excuse'.
In his cowardly response to the beehive he shook, Kos tries to bring in his childhood as a possible excuse as to why he said what he did.
But because his head is regularly up his ass, he actually shows that he is an idiot who does not learn from his childhood.
"Unlike the vast majority of people in this country, I actually grew up in a war zone. I witnessed communist guerillas execute students accused of being government collaborators."
Boo-fucking-hoo. Let's all feel sorry for little baby Kos.
You are an adult, aren't you Kos? You do know how to 'deal with it', don't you? Or is that papercut you got last week still giving you nightmares?
Communist guerillas, huh? So why exactly do you espouse the virtues of and advise your readers to vote for the very people who supported those guerillas, Kos? Or the people who support men like Castro who are still committing atrocities like the ones you saw, Thereby making sure that more and more children will have to witness those things?
Please Kos, tell me why? I really, honestly want to know.
Then, in his last line he proves that he missed the point of the rage from folks like myself.
"So not only was I wrong to say I felt nothing over their deaths, I was lying. I felt way too much. Nobody deserves to die."
What you felt was way too much hatred for Bush. And while you were doing that, you were excusing the actions of that mob. What a sick fuck you must be.
It wasn't the fact that they were killed that pissed most folks off, Kos. They were in a war zone. Things like that have a tendency to happen.
And while every death, American, Brit, Pole, Spaniard, Italian, Japanese and IRAQI CIVILIAN is, in and of itself, a horrible thing, the killings weren't the reason we were pissed off, Kos.
It was the desecration of the bodies, asshole. Even the Muslim clerics who cannot bring themselves to condemn the killings condemned the atrocious behavior of the crowd afterwards.
Ten minutes after I heard the news report, I knew that Islamic leaders and 'spokespeople' were going to condemn the act of the desecration of the bodies but not the killings. Are you that out of the loop of reality to not be able to figure that out for yourself?
Also in his piss poor rebuttal, he says
"So I struck back".
Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but you have withdrawn your 'strike back'. You have even gone so far as to make it impossible for anyone who wasn't intelligent enough to get a screen grab (myself included) to see your 'strike back'.
You sir, are a coward.
In polite and civilized society, you are allowed to retract a statement. But only with an apology to those whom you offended. An apology consists of admitting you were wrong and being solemn in your recant. You are not allowed to act as if you never said such words, thereby running away and showing the weakness of your convictions.
You have not apologized for your words. In fact, you have only shown your cowardice and the cowardice of those who read and support you and then offered further insults.
So, you and your sycophants can continue to circle jerk each other in your emporium of Kos worship. They can continue to suck your e-dick and you can continue to offer insincere thanks.
But know this,
You are the lowest of the low. You are one of a very few whom can count on being stabbed in the back by people just like yourself because they are the only ones who can stand your presence.
You look down on the men who died in Fallujia just as you look down on anyone who is selfless enough to serve something as abstract as an ideal.
But those men mean more to the freed citizens of Iraq than 1000 of the likes of you. The only people who appreciate you are the people who rape and kill women and children for the hell of it. People like the Baathists in Fallujia. People who would kill you, not because you are an American, but because you are weak (but they might first treat you like a goat).
Fuck you Kos. Fuck your readership. Fuck every single one of your advertisers who does not remove their ads from your page.
May you someday know what it means to care about something that doesn't revolve around you.
I apologize for the profanity used in my statement. I will admit to not being a man of words.
But I am a man of my word. Unlike Kos
Posted by Nukevet at 11:33 AM | Comments (11) | TrackBack
A once and future ass
I know nothing of Kos, Eric brought him to my attention. Ak has said he would do a piece, and I expect that he will do a magnificient job of it. I followed one of Instapundits many links on it and ended up at Jay Redding's. As a former airman, as a father, as a man I'm offended on so many levels by this.
Let's begin with this.
And Kos says "screw em."
The XBOX reference was telling. He thinks we'd all agree with his scabby little view if only we could see it was real. But no, we need shocks like this to wake us up, cause we're too dumb to see.....
To see what exactly.
To see as Chris Hitchens said that they plan this for all of us if we fail? Is that what Kos wants us to see?
I doubt it. Kos is an ass, an unthinking lefty blowhard who engaged in a rare moment of honesty, he really said what he meant. So will I.
He will never probably read this, but if he does,......I mean every friggin word.
Kos, I hope you know sorrow as great as the one you just pissed on. I hope you cry and wail, rent with unspeakable grief, and in that moment I hope you run into someone like....yourself. A hipster asshole who just looks on your grief and laughs. Someone who grinds your pain into the mud with a callous shrug and then walks away smuggly happy that his job as a speaker of real truth is done. Leaving you to sit there and wonder why anyone could be so mindbendingly cruel, so dark natured as to do such a thing. I hope you get a long look in that mirror, because you will see who you are.
They were good men by all accounts. Professional soldiers for years under their nation's flag. They were contracters yes, hired to protect other civilians. In Kos's eyes that makes them tools of some evil Bush cabal. That makes them worthy of death at the hands of a mob.
How many soldiers do you know? How many friends do you have over there? Any?......... None?
I have two friends there. I know two others, and my wife's cousin just re-enlisted to go back over there again. This is real to me Kos. I know whats at stake, probably far better than you. Certainly those men know it better. As did those slain at Kallujah. Spare me the lame excuses about what you meant and where you were born.
I don't care.
I won't ask for an apology to those mens families that you won't give. I won't ask anything. Because you aren't worth a pile of pigshit. I would go if I could, but I can't. I would gladly be among men like that, be amongst people who matter, who are making a difference. Men who pay with their blood and flesh the bill that you would ignore until the executioner came for you. They matter. They were loved, now they are missed.
and I've already forgotten your name.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:44 AM | Comments (1)
Lies and the lying liars that spout them
No, this isn't about Al Frankenstupid. I don't live in a city that broadcasts his show and even if I did, I would fear that my IQ would fall even even further than normal by listening to him.
This is about the econazis and ANWR.
Take a look at this pic
These are the pics that the eco-weenies show when they talk about ANWR. But the fact that these pics are of a part of ANWR that is hundreds of miles from where the drilling would occur draws back the curtain on the Big Lie.
This is where the drilling was originally proposed
Not exactly as picturesque is the phrase that popped into my head immediately. I guess that if it isn't pretty, it isn't worth being saved. Or shown, according to the enirowackos.
But, according to Mr. Bill Hobbs (whom I borrowed these pics from) we are getting around the eco-nazi roadblock by drilling directionally here.
"Alaska Governor Frank H. Murkowski announced yesterday that the state will open for oil drilling certain areas off the coast of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge."
"The plan will even allow for "directional drilling" into the so-called "1002 area," the tiny area of ANWR that the Bush administration has sought unsuccessfully to open to oil exploration."
"The 1002 area could produce up to 1.6 million barrels of oil per day. Directional drilling from the off-shore leases will allow oil companies to drill horizontally into the 1002 area and get at that oil."
Posted by Nukevet at 07:55 AM | Comments (4)
The best line yet
In this post from yesterday that contained the infamous 'Kerry snowboarding' pic, Max Darkside gifts us with the funniest line I've hear in a while about Mr. Heinz-Kerry.
"I stood up on that board before I fell down"
Thank ye, Mr. Darkside. My co-workers are worried because I actually laughed at work. And my boss is thinking of docking my pay for having actually enjoyed myself while on the clock.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:32 AM | Comments (0)
Pick a number
Er, sort of a guy thing.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:29 AM | Comments (13)
April 02, 2004
As Requested.....
Posted by Nukevet at 07:22 PM | Comments (6)
I hesitated to post this
A little quiz......if you like IQ tests.
Congratulations, Mark!
Your IQ score is 131
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills � which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
I know that kind of thing is usually kept private,...still, not bad for a poor white trash kid with just high school huh? Our daughter has been recommended to skip preschool and go straight to kindergarden next year. Her brother already speaks in complete (though abrupt) sentences and he's two and a half.
As god is my witness they'll go to college.
Does explain why no one will play Trivial Pursuit with me anymore.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:09 PM | Comments (4)
irony.....and a touch of insight
I found this at the Voodoo Lounge.
Look familiar? Read the name..........Dr. Suess, beloved childrens author. Hater of Nazi's and lover of peace right?
It's far more complex than that, my memories of Suess are not so pretty. I remember his denounciatons of Johnson and Nixon over Vietnam. His rabid embrace of the counterculture anti-war movement. Many at the time said it was his love of peace and his fondness for children that led him there.
I'm not calling Suess a communist, the communists are doing that. I'm just pointing out a simple thing, like many of the antiwar types today there are hidden agendas at work, clouded motivations. They aren't antiwar nearly so much as simply serving other interests.
It makes you wonder just exactly whose interests they are serving, since they clearly aren't our own.
Food for thought.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:42 PM | Comments (10)
Spring in Louisiana
Means the Azalea's are in bloom (yes, da Nukevet needs to mow the lawn).
Posted by Nukevet at 05:53 PM | Comments (2)
Hey, Zapatero
How's that appeasement thang workin' for ya?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:31 PM | Comments (0)
Like I said
Something's just not quite right.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:44 PM | Comments (0)
Haha! Hahahaha! Whooooowheeeee, he, hehehe. Oh, my (wipes away tears) - how embarassing.
So much for the jobless recovery, eh?
Posted by Nukevet at 02:55 PM | Comments (2)
Having fun VS Gettin' the job done
Who would you vote for?
Pics shamelessly borrowed from Judicious Asininity
Posted by Nukevet at 09:02 AM | Comments (7) | TrackBack
And speaking of Condi's upcoming testimony
I doubt that I am the only one who finds this funny?
I found this is at Protein Wisdon via Ipse Dixit.
And speaking of Ipse Dixit, he and some friends went to the range recently. I saw his post and e-mailed him about the upcoming Blastorama. I haven't yet gotten a response, but I'm pretty sure that Mr. Harris is just really busy blog-sitting over at Insignificant Thoughts.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:50 AM | Comments (1)
A question
With all of the talk about the September 11th commission, Clarke, Condi's appearance, etc, etc, I have a question for you all.
When all is said and done, will there really be anything 'discovered' other than there was little to nothing we could have done to stop it?
For your time to read and answer the question I give you this link to a terrorism timeline from FPM.
It starts at Jimmeh Cahtah, goes through Reagan and GHWB, continues onto Clinton and ends, of course at GWB and lists every terrorist act in the respective Presidents time in office.
Notice who has the most acts under his watch.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:38 AM | Comments (2)
The Wonders of Socialized Medicine: Part 372
I'm sure you remember the kid whose brain tumor took 7 (or so) trips to the hospital to be found.
Well folks, I think we have a new record in what I will now call 'Botching'.
A family claims doctors failed to spot their mum was dying from cervical cancer in NINE smear tests at one of Britain’s “super hospitals”.
Stepping Hill Hospital, in Stockport, Greater Manchester, was yesterday named among the first ten flagship foundation hospital trusts.
But the family of Muriel McGahern, 50, claimed that nothing was done despite tests over three years confirming she had “abnormal cells”.
She was only diagnosed as having cancer after eventually being admitted with ANOTHER problem.
Daughter Michaela Sleigh, 32, said: “We want answers. They kept saying there was nothing to worry about.
“In my view my mum was killed by that institution — yet now it’s called a Super Hospital.”
Stockport NHS Trust said they were investigating the allegations.
I bet the woman will be dead before their 'investigation' is over.
Like I said before, I'd rather be alive and have a $50,000 medical bill than be dead for free.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:30 AM | Comments (0)
April 01, 2004
Tawana Redux?
OK, I really don't want to doubt this young woman's story.
But doesn't it seem a little too pat, a little too contrived? And is it just coincidence that she was allegedly attacked 2 weeks ago, knocked unconcious, dragged into an alley, but neither robbed nor injured?
Like I said, I really don't want to doubt the story, and am glad that she is alive and unhurt. But something about the story just seems a little off.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:03 PM | Comments (0)
New Truck Arrival
OK, so da Nukevet now has a new set of wheels. F250 Supercab with 6L powerstroke diesel. I was looking into satellite radio to help with those long distance drives. Go to the xmradio.com site and see......
I don't wanna start running things down in the new truck while in a blind rage, so perhaps I should pass on the XM. Although, from what I hear, it doesn't sound like "Air America" is going to stick around very long.......
Posted by Nukevet at 08:32 PM | Comments (2)
Be careful what you wish for.
The Iraqi baathist goons in Fallujah want to confront Americans? Then they get what they ASKED for.
They should start running......................Justice is coming on steel tracks made in Ohio.
Give my regards to Satan when you get off the elevater to Hell asswipes.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:20 PM | Comments (5)
But they also discount the fact that, as the IHT article points out, the Democrats don't have any higher regard for European opinion than the Republicans do, and are no more enchanted by the Europeans as any kind of role model. The main difference between the parties when it comes to foreign policy is that the Democrats are willing to smile and nod at the Europeans before ignoring them, whereas the Republicans are more straightforward in expressing their disdain.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:01 PM | Comments (0)
Hey, Britain,
How safe do you feel now?
Downing Street said Miss Hughes resigned because she misled Parliament over the row about her handling of eastern European migrants.
Documents leaked by the Conservatives earlier in the week alleged that the Home Office failed to act on warnings 18 months ago of an eastern European immigration racket and routinely allowed bogus visa applicants to enter Britain.
Nice to know that your very own minister of immigration is just really not all that concerned about who enters your country, legal or not, eh?
Posted by Nukevet at 04:48 PM | Comments (0)
And the winner is.......
And this year, there's a tie for first place......
1st Place Tie: Sex-Week at Yale co-sponsored by Wicked Pictures
Yale University student sponsors �Sex Week at Yale� using Yale funds, Yale facilities and with the support of Yale faculty and administrators. Several of the events were co-sponsored by Wicked Pictures, an adult film company that provided one of the keynote speakers�porn star Devinn Lane.
Multicultural porn considered �scholarship� at the University of California Santa Barbara
A University of California, Santa Barbara student received acclaim from professors and administrators for his Chicano Studies thesis on �Gay Men of Color in Porn.� The project was presented as part of the UCSB Multicultural Center�s tax-payer funded �Race Matters Series� in an effort to legitimize pornography as an academic pursuit.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:22 PM | Comments (0)
But of Course
LGF points out that comments not in line with the author's worldview seem to be being systematically deleted. In that case, why even have comments?
Now comments off altogether.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:43 PM | Comments (16)
Oohhhhhh, So
That's where Puggs has been
Computer problems, indeed.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:36 PM | Comments (1)
The Soundbaord: Intro to Cadillacn'
Cadillacn' is a phrase that a friend of mine, Mr R. Jackson, came up with to describe a certain style of jazz.
Picture this,
It is a warm spring/summer day. You are driving around in your 1972 Cadillac El Dorado convertable, on your way to the marina to take your yacht out for a spin. Some might call this 'maxin & relaxin'.
But Mr. Jackson and I call it 'Cadillacn'.
Now, not just any jazz will do for Cadillacn'. It needs at least one of two instruments; a Hammond B-3 organ and/or a Baritone Sax. Preferably both.
On the sunny days that can occasionally happen here in Seattle (but don't tell anyone) when I still had my Supra, I would take the targa top off and pop in some Cadillacn' music and hit the road. 90db, 80mph, the wind in my hair and no particular destination.
In the summer of 2000, this was one of my favorite tunes.
So here you go,
Bag of Jewels - Lou Donaldson (link deleted)
Originally recorded and released in 1968 on "The Finest Name in Jazz", Blue Note Records, Lou Donaldson's 'Midnight Creeper' album gets it moving.
With Lou on the Alto Sax, Blue Mitchell on Trumpet, Idris Muhammad on Drums, Lonnie Smith (writer of Bag of Jewels) on the Hammond B-3 organ and the great George Benson on Guitar.
Remember those last two names, you'll be hearing a lot from them througout this spring and summer.
And if you don't like jazz, tough titties. Download this and buy the album.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:02 AM | Comments (1)
Help Aaron Buy a Gun
And not just ANY gun,
His First Gun.
Now that our bear has found his way home, you may have noticed that the "Have You Seen Me?" tab has been replaced with one of Aaron's BAG Day tabs.
While buying a gun for yourself this April 15th is an important thing, so is helping Aaron become a gun owner.
Mr. The Liberal Slayer will be helping me promote our upcoming Blogger Blastorama and, in return, we will be helping him get his word out.
And to put my money where my mouth is, I have given a piece of my latest paycheck to Aaron for his 'Buy Aaron a Gun' Fund.
If you can do so as well, just remember, Aaron lives and works in LA.
By him getting a pistol, he will both be protecting himself and his family and pissing off every city official in LA and most of the rest of the ones in California.
And that is worth a $5 donation in and of itself.
And while I would prefer that he get the stainless Springfield 1911 over the XD-9, for half the price, it is a good choice. He has let me know that he has shot the XD-9 recently and did rather well with it. So more power to him.
Now head on over and give until the criminals hurt.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:23 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
"send in the clowns!"
Al (I'm my own best fan) Franken is on a mission. Though his media fans try to omit that mostly. CNN gave him a somewhat somber, thoughtful appearence, trying to paint him a concerned and troubled voter type.......
Franken turns serious when discussing Bush.
"This is a president who ran as a uniter not a divider and he's the most divisive president that I can remember," Franken said. "He had an opportunity to lead us in a new American century united in purpose and sacrifice and blew it completely. He wanted for some reason very, very, very badly to attack Iraq ... (which) I think has damaged the war on terror."
FOX makes no pretense about what he is.
Franken and his ass sucking friends have never, ever been ready to accept leadership from Bush. The hysteria started the morning after the 2000 election from the brain dead left and hasn't lessened one bit since. To insinuate that he was willing to be brought together in a common goal with anyone to the right of Mikey Moore is a bald faced lie. Remember the antiwar protests started before the first shots were fired, the don't you dare defend us Mr. Bush marchs? That was just a couple of weeks after 9/11.
Franken has a temper.
A onetime high school wrestler, the 52-year-old Franken's recent antics have earned him the label of comic brawler: he tackled a heckler at a political event and offered to fight a magazine editor who said Democrats had "sissified" politics.
Call me out you pussy.....go ahead. (Smile), I'm younger, but nearly disabled, you should feel confident so please do. Come on, you can take me, you know you can...........
The rest of you hush, here Franken Franken,........nice Franken, come and take the juicy bait.
I'm just a harmless woodland creature.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:53 AM | Comments (2)