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May 26, 2004

A Call to Arms

Or keyboards.

From Aaron the Liberal Slayer

The campaign to link the word waffles to John Kerry has gotten attention.

MoveOn thinks they�re shrewd by buying the Google Adword waffles.

Gee� so shrewd that if people click, it depletes MoveOn�s coffers.

As they say in Chicago, click early, click often.

Here� let me point you to the Google results.

UPDATE: It now seems that MoveOn's link at Google has disappeared.

Either they have chickened out, or Google has pulled the link. Or both.

Posted by Nukevet at May 26, 2004 06:10 AM


Nice work Analog,if we could only get organized enough to crash the site.

Posted by: tree at May 26, 2004 06:46 AM

I'll settle for making them spend $$$ to protect Kerry.

You know, the guy they're not connected to in any way (wink, wink).

Posted by: Analog Kid at May 26, 2004 07:50 AM

That's pretty stupid on MoveOn's part, but what else would you expect from them.

I'm not seeing an adwords link on the right-side bar at google.com. Did they chicken out already?

Posted by: JonB at May 26, 2004 06:31 PM

Actually Jon, it does seem that they have wussed out.

I logged off and then back on and tried it, only to find them missing.

Posted by: analog kid at May 26, 2004 07:19 PM

Hahahahaha! I wonder how much it cost them before they got a clue to their own stupidity

Posted by: JonB at May 26, 2004 08:49 PM

I don't know how the google ad things works, but you think maybe you buy a certain number of "clicks" and once they've been used up the ad rotates to the next guy in the queue? Totally speculation, but that could be why it disappeared so rapidly... buncha people clicking close together.

Posted by: Mollbot at May 27, 2004 07:50 AM

AdWords works like what Mollbot says.

Want a double guaranteed winning strategy?

Bookmark https://la4israel.org/wordpress/#googleads and look for and click lefty GoogleAds on my site. It pays me and depletes the funds of the enemy.

Posted by: Aaron's Rantblog at May 28, 2004 06:47 AM