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May 26, 2004
Double Linkage
I found a couple of good items at The Junk Yard Blog and figured I'd just put them into one post.
First up, Mr. Preston does some math....
The United States remains al-Qaida's prime target, the report said. An al-Qaida leader has said 4 million Americans will have to be killed "as a prerequisite to any Islamic victory," the survey said.
Four million American dead. That's a little over half the population of New York City. Or four times the population of Rhode Island. Or slightly less than the entire population of Maryland.
Put another way, al Qaeda wants to kill eight times as many Americans as died in the entire Civil War, or 20 times the number we lost in World War II. In some ways those numbers are abstractions, so look at it this way: 9-11 was a drop in the bucket. If it had its way, al Qaeda would repeat that feat but magnify it by roughly 1,333 times. And we aren't talking combat deaths here. Al Qaeda wants to kill you while you cut your grass, sit at your desk, take your child to the zoo or fly across the country to visit your grandparents. And it wants to kill your family, your children, your friends and neighbors and everyone else it can kill as long as they are Americans. And they won't stop at four million like it's some kind of magic number or bright red line: Four million is the minimum they believe they need to kill in order to defeat us. The minimum. They'll kill ten million or a hundred million or a billion if they can.
Later on, he finds something troubling about John "Frenchface" Kerry's inspiration.
John Kerry, Democrat nominee for President, has chosen "Let America Be America Again" as his campaign slogan. What that's supposed to mean isn't clear, and it's certainly not as good as past campaign slogans like Reagan's "Morning in America." Even Clinton's Fleetwood Mac crap was better than Kerry's slogan.
As Chris noted a few days back, the inspiration of Kerry's slogan is poet Langston Hughes. Hughes was a Communist. Not a lefty, not a "liberal." An actual Red. A big fan of V. I. Lenin, etc. And he hated, hated, Christianity:
"Goodbye, Christ Jesus Lord God Jehova, Beat it on away from here now. Make way for a new guy with no religion at all-- A real guy named Marx Communist Lenin Peasant Stalin Worker ME-- I said, ME!"
That's his poem, "Goodbye Christ." The man who wrote that wrote Kerry's campaign slogan.
Why would John Kerry choose a Communist's mantra as his campaign slogan?
Why would John Kerry help Communists win Vietnam, for that matter, and why would he help Communists fend off American-backed freedom fighters back in the 80s? The one thing that is consistent about flip-flopper John Kerry is that if there is a Communist in a fight against America or our allies, Kerry tends to instinctively take the Communist's side. He has even managed to cast a vote or two for Fidel Castro.
Kerry is the most liberal (meaning furthest to the left, therefore closest to the Reds) Senator we have. He draws inspiration from Communist Langston Hughes. To say that he's out of the political mainstream is to utter the understatement of this campaign year.
Posted by Nukevet at May 26, 2004 06:08 AM
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» Laura Bush likes Langston Hughes; why doesn't James Taranto? from Media Matters for America
In the May 24 edition of his "Best of the Web Today" column, The Wall Street Journal's OpinionJournal.com editor, James Taranto, wrote: "Langston Hughes, the poet who inspired John Kerry's new campaign slogan, 'Let America be America again,' turns out ... [Read More]
Tracked on May 26, 2004 05:34 PM
» John Kerry's new campaign motto from Drumwaster's Rants!
John Kerry has chosen a vaguely patriotic sounding motto for his 2004 Presidential campaign: "Let America Be America Again". As if somehow we've stopped being Americans. I'm of the opinion that the world is so shocked because we started being... [Read More]
Tracked on May 26, 2004 08:34 PM
» Langston Hughes, Part II from all-encompassingly
I was going to originally comment on Travis' post, but given the length of my comments, felt it more appropriate to just post something myself. Let's just say I see Langston Hughes in a different light. He was one of... [Read More]
Tracked on May 28, 2004 09:45 AM
This and that picture of Kerry schmoozing with his buddy Daniel Ortega of Sandinista fame really make you wonder. Or just confirm beliefs.
Posted by: Chris Van Dis at May 26, 2004 02:58 PM