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May 13, 2004

You know, those schools

Atrios recieved a request from an Army public affairs specialist, Terry L. Welch, currently stationed in Afghanistan.

Here is part of Welch's letter.

It seems that the children of Afghanistan want nothing more than they want a pen.

It was explained to me that the villages through which I traveled (near Kandahar, where I'm based) are so poor that a pen is like a scholarship to these children. They desperately want to learn but, without a pen, they simply won't. It's a long story. I won't bore you with it. Trust me, though, when I say that it would be a big deal if even a few of you could put up the call for pens for me. Anyone interested in helping out could either send some directly to me or go to these sites and send them, where you can find them for as cheap as $.89 a dozen.

I saw the request and decided to send $10 bucks worth of writing utensils after this upcoming payday.

But then I thought, I wonder how many Afghan girls will be receiving these pens?

It reminded me of the ANSWER/NOIN folks who were against us going to Afghanistan to kick out the Taliban.

The Taliban. The Taliban who wouldn't let advanced mathematics be taught, who wouldn't let science be taught, who distorted the history that was taught, who required that each student know the Koran backwards and refused to let ANY female even learn to read.

Now, apparently, the kids in Afghanistan, including the girls, have only the want of a 20th century scratching tool so that they can learn.

I wonder where they will be doing their learning at?

Could it possibly be in a school that was liberated by one of George Bush's Afghan Coalition members?

You know, those schools.

My rant to the wayside, here is the address you can send contributions to.

Terry l. Welch
105th MPAD
Kandahar Public Affairs Office
APO AE 09355

Office Max seems to be the prefered eevviill global corporatin to go through to get them there.

Posted by Nukevet at May 13, 2004 07:18 AM
