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June 28, 2004
Go ahead, scoff at this
Posted by Nukevet at June 28, 2004 11:42 PM
This is so cool. It's taken a while, but they finally have arrived.
Still a big job cleaning up all the vermin, but they will get it done.
OT: What the heck happened to FRWW and Spatulaville? I'm getting a Blog Not Found...
Posted by: JonB at June 28, 2004 11:51 PM
I get the same message for 4RWWs. Raging Dave - you out there???
Posted by: Neal (Da Nukevet) at June 29, 2004 12:16 AM
Hell if I know.... I can't get in. I'll try to get a hold of Tim and see what's up.
Posted by: Raging Dave at June 29, 2004 12:30 AM
Dear Puppets, it's all your problem now, I'm running off as fast as I can.
All the best
Posted by: harmonia at June 29, 2004 01:05 AM
God bless G.W. Bush !
Posted by: Colt Springfield at June 29, 2004 01:12 AM
Perhaps Harm should read a bit more and STFU
In the poll, conducted June 9-19, 68 percent of Iraqis expressed confidence in the interim Iraqi government, and 79 percent said the new government would make things better for Iraq. Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and President Ghazi al-Yawar also drew strong support, 73 percent and 84 percent, respectively.
Yes, those 'puppets' are really unpopular. Aren't they guys?
Posted by: Analog Kid at June 29, 2004 01:20 AM
Oh yeah, but the Al-Zarqawi types are really speaking for the average Iraqi when they blow up their children in repeated attempts to get at us and cow the populace aren't they harm?
When they have their own government and the bombings and killings continue against them, they'll do what they have already begun to do. Blame their so called arab friends for playing at war in Iraq instead of their own backyard, and defining jihad as fighting to the last Iraqi civilian.
The Iraqi's will not be so kind as to suddenly turn on us as you would like. That path would simply exchange a Huessein for a mullah. Some of them may like that exchange, but most would not, and they'll fight to prevent it.
We will of course, lend a fist as needed. So how is that running away? We still have 150,000 people there. You call them puppets, yet claim Bremer is running out on them,...so when did you decide that Bremer should stay harm?
Or is that simply a cheap throw away comment without a thought to what you have said before like always?
Posted by: puggs at June 29, 2004 03:27 AM
That some sort of independent thinktank?
"The Iraqi's will not be so kind as to suddenly turn on us as you would like"
Do you read the news? a large proportion have already turned on you.
As for the puppet remark, you appointed the government, it was not elected by any Iraqi, so puppets they remain.
Posted by: harmonia at June 29, 2004 05:27 AM
Ooooh, wrong again harm. The council was appointed, yes, but it is, even by your standards, very bi-partisan. This council elected the leaders that were asked about in the poll.
Some puppet government, we got there. And remember, if they ask us to leave, we're gone.
As for the "large portion of Iraqi's that have already turned on us", please show me some numbers. Some figures. Some kind of proof. Can you oujia board it to me? Or is your crystal ball aout of the repair shop?
You're talking out of your ass and you know it. Look at the nationalities of the insurgents we've already captured or killed.
Gee, a large number of them seem to not be Iraqi. I wonder why?
Posted by: Analog Kid at June 29, 2004 06:56 AM
harmonia,wool makes me itch!Lamb rib chops are good though.Women w/ hairy armpits are nasty.Mcewan's ain't bad though.Border collies are the most arrogant canine on earth(I know they're sheep crazy),I like darts though.
You're from a cool place,so why be so uncool?
By the way,if it weren't for the U.S.,sie wird Deutsche sprechen.
Hoot man,Colt Springfield
P.S. If I could afford it(oh but that's Bush's fault),I'd like to visit your country.As a 6' 4" , 285 # Texan I guess I'd go over like a turd in the haggis-but haggis IS turds.Do you like the Cocteau Twins?-I know they're not Scottish.
Posted by: Colt Springfield at June 29, 2004 06:57 AM
You still haven't addressed a single question directed at you harm.
You prefer a Bin Ladenite? Or,.. or no, that's right, you said we should have just left Saddam in place didn't you.
NATO is now coming on board, with American control to ensure free elections, and they still won't ask us to leave. Germany still hasn't, neither has Japan, or Italy.
Don't confuse polling numbers that say they want and end to occupation with a desire to embrace the terrorists. That would be dumb. Now that our forces will be pulling out of the major cities, you'll find little enthusiasim for a return to the bad old days.
From your own link.
"In the poll, conducted June 9-19, 68 percent of Iraqis expressed confidence in the interim Iraqi government, and 79 percent said the new government would make things better for Iraq. Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and President Ghazi al-Yawar also drew strong support, 73 percent and 84 percent, respectively."
You really don't comprehend what's going on.
Posted by: puggs at June 29, 2004 08:19 AM
Harm-wakey,wakey.It's 08:23 AM your time.A little too much Newcastle Brown last night?Is docha an sin nach eil tuit eamas air bith ann?
Posted by: Colt Springfield at June 29, 2004 08:28 AM
Harm,are you on the dole?You've been up awfully late.I guess a little smuasasaich bod is out of question?But,since you're on the dole I'll show up @ my conveniencefor some piseag.I'll even bring the Newcastle,it's much better than Mcewan's anyway. Colt Springfield
Posted by: Colt Springfield at June 29, 2004 08:44 AM
Ah yes, it's the typical Harmonia that we know. Show up with some half-baked bullshit, and when she gets utterly bitchslapped with her own crap, she hides, snivels, whines, and ignores the truth. She'll be back to spew more of her inane crap on another thread.
She's just that predictable. Stupid fucktards with their heads up their ass normally are.
Posted by: Raging Dave at June 29, 2004 05:53 PM