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July 13, 2004

13 days

The left is scrambling to bring up the renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban before Congress retires in 13 days.

Action Alert
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
1023 15th St. NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-408-0061

There are less than 15 legislative days before the federal Assault Weapons Ban expires!

The current ban on military-style assault weapons is set to expire on September 13, 2004 unless Congress and the President act.

Help us keep these deadly weapons off the streets.

We need your help to generate as many calls and emails as possible to your members of Congress.

So get to it!

Go to their website, get all the information they are handing out AND CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND TELL THEM TO LET THE BAN EXPIRE!

And when you hear the left talk about Republicans using scare tactics to get Americans to vote for them in the up coming elections, point them to posts like this.

Between the assault weapon boogeyman, the environmental frightwigging, the class warfare and the GOP = KKK crap the Democrats spew, I think we know which party is really trying to scare the general public.

Posted by Nukevet at July 13, 2004 08:38 PM


You picked on Holden over at Eschaton for posting some "fun with concealed weapons" stories, of which you claimed none involved CCW permit holders. I don't expect to change your mind about anything, but I wanted to let you know that at least four of his stories did involve CCW permit holders (I bet the fifth one did too, but I couldn't find it anywhere). See https://tinyurl.com/56gs9 and https://tinyurl.com/5acod if you are wondering whether or not "an armed society is a polite society".

Posted by: Rick at July 13, 2004 09:58 PM

Oh really, Rick.

Why don't you try sending me a link that isn't banned by my employer. You know,
something from a news source. Preferably with a tale of the whole story around
the exposing of the weapons.

You and poor wittle Holden make it sound as if those wielding the firearms are
just psychos whipping out their pistols. Did the Georgia woman get threatened
by the other mother? How about the guy in Michigan? Was the Pennsyvanian man
have his neighbor threaten him with a snow shovel?

The guy in the elementary school and the guy in the movie theater were idiots.
10% of any population are going to be idiots. At least we police our own.

And 'I picked on Holden'? What, is he not an adult? Can he not back up his own

I notice that no one will argue the percentages I posted. The AWB is a load of crap that hasn't saved one life. You know it and Holden knows it. Anyone with an IQ above room temp knows it. And it should not be renewed.

Posted by: AnalogKid at July 13, 2004 11:23 PM