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September 24, 2004

Not the MSM

Brent from The Ville said he didn't want a hat tip for finding this, but I'm going to give him one anyway.

If you want to see some GOOD news from Iraq, load up this pdf file from USAid and put it in your favorites.

Then, do the same with this photo album.

The album contains photos like this one

And captions like this:
Basra, Iraq, October 2003 - USAID partner, Save the Children, is working with community leaders to identify projects, both large and small, that will benefit the local community, including the rehabilitation of the Shatt Al-Arab Kindergarten in Basra, Iraq. The project was funded under a grant from USAID and contributions from the community.

After you've done all that, I ask that you do two things;

1. Go to their website and contribute

2. Tell everyone you think will listen about these folks (and even some who won't).

Thank you

Posted by Nukevet at September 24, 2004 06:16 AM
