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October 31, 2004
Another misrun government agency.
Thanks to GHWB and his signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, every county in every state had to either add point to point rides to their current mass transit system or create one out of thin air.
This story out of Fairfax, VA (registration required) shows an inept group of unelected county employees letting the program go to hell while they sit around and drink coffee all day and feel good about themselves because they're 'helping the disabled'.
Now don't get me wrong. I have no beef with a public entity contracting to a private firm for these services. In fact, I prefer it that way.
I also have no qualms whatsoever with that private firm making a good American profit off the deal. After all, it is called 'business'.
I worked for one of these agencies for almost three years, locally in the greater Seattle area. Thanks for the 85 or so paychecks, taxapayers. I did a good job for you and would do it again if I could make the kind of money I'm making now, but I can't, so I'm making sure your trash and recyclables gets picked up instead.
What I DO have a problem with is the county employees sitting around and drinking their coffee and feeling good about themselves, all the while not keeping an eye on how the private firm is doing with the job they were contracted to do.
The county is now saying that they may have been fleeced to the tune of $3,000,000 in just under 4 years.
That is gross incopetence.
And just like The Poor Schmuck, whom found this story, I can guarantee you that no one will lose their job or be demoted or docked pay or anything that you would think of that would be a suitable punishment for acting as an office-chair ass-groove installer masquerading as a public official.
Posted by Nukevet at October 31, 2004 09:49 AM