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October 19, 2004
In the Mail
More Busy-Busy at work as we lost one of our day crew and I'm picking up a nice chunk of the slack (yay! 60 hour work week!). But since I cannot leave you all with a whole lot of nothing, I'm going to go through the State of Washington Voter's Pamphlet I got in the mail yesterday.
Starting at the top
Since I'm pertty sure you all know who I'm voting for, I'm just going to slide through the Presidential candidates.
One thing I did notice was that Bush's statement sounds like he is actually talking to you, minus the gramatical errors. Very plain and to the point.
Kerry's statement, on the other hand, is mostly anti-Bush bullet points.
Of course after the major parties we have the fruitcakes.
*Mr. "I don't use zip codes 'cause I'm a freak" Badnarik and the Libertarians.
*Workers World cult leader, John Parker, and his $15 per hour minimum wage pipe dream (How's that $12 Big Mac?).
*Green Weenie Cobb and his rant for his instant runoff national voting circus proposal.
*Socialist Workers Party candidate, James Harris, and their 'immediate and unconditional withdrawl of troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Korea, Haiti, Columbia and Gitmo' speil.
*More bullet points from Peroutka and the Constitution Party.
*The Socialist Equality Party's Bill Van Auken "Fighting against the profit system".
*And last, but not least, Nader. Yep we got Nader on the ballot here. Go Nader!
On the Senatorial fights, we have Patty bin Murray versus George Nethercutt. There is also a Libertarian and a Green candidate for this spot (Mills and Wilson, respectively), but neither of them will get even 1% of the vote, so lets keep it in reality.
Nethercutt broke his promise to follow his self installed term limits as a member of the House. But Patty thinks bin Laden builds daycare facilities. That and the only women who should wear tennis shoes should be practicing kick-boxing is very tight spandex for my entertainment.
Gotta go with Nethercutt.
In the Battle of the Nutjobs, we have Carol Cassidy trying to take away the House seat from Baghdad Jim McDermott.
When you look up 'The Religious Right' in the dictionary, you will see a picture of Carol Cassidy. She is the homophobe that folks like Atrios try to make Bush out to be. But McDermott took money from Saddam and kissed his ass for the privilege to do so.
Gotta Go with Cassidy.
All the In-State contests will be below
Here I'll cover the statewide offices. Later this week, I'll tackle the issues such as the statewide Initiatives and Referendums and some of the district contests.
But here we go.
For Washington State Governor the Dem candidate is former Washington State Attourney General, Christine Gregoire.
The Republican is small business owner and former state Senator, Dino Rossi.
The Libertarian is Ruth Bennan.
Lawyer vs small business owner vs looney.
We've got one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and MD's running for the hills due to high insurance rates.
I'm going for Rossi. Plus, it'll be cool to have a Governor named Dino.
I don't know crap about the four folks running for Lt. Governor, but the Repub asks if I want Washington to be "A Prosperous State or A Welfare State". Gotta check the box with his name in it.
I'm going to want to keep the current (R) Secretary of State, Sam Reed. He's battled with low funds from the current Dem Governor and has modernized a good deal of the voting equipment here and I have no doubt he would act according to the law and in the peoples best interest should a 'Florida 2000' happen here. The Dem canidate looks like my crazy Aunt, Donna, and the Libertarian choice talks about the Diebold conspiracy in her statement.
Going with Reed.
I hate to say this, but I'm going to have to do some more research on the State Treasurer position. The incumbant, Democrat Mike Murphy, has done a good job, so far as I can tell, and I remember a story about him standing up to the Governor on something or other. I'm going to have to look that up and contemplate that before I make my decision.
The State Auditor position in Washington is basically a eunich behind a fancy desk. The Washington State Legislature castrated that position in the 70's and has never seen fit to restore the powers of that particular office. It doesn't really matter who Washingtonians put there, the person is powerless to do much but write memos.
But if Dino wins, I'd bet good money that he fights to restore that office. Hmmm, more research.
For State Attourney General, Rob McKenna is the only choice. Current AG and Gubenatorial candidate, Gregoire cost state taxpayers millions of dollars by farting around and missing filing deadlines on important cases. McKenna has more time in front of the bench than the other three candidates (Dem, Lib and Green) combined. I think he knows how to file a brief.
Incumbent Commisioner of Public Lands and former smoke jumper, Doug Sutherland, is the only choice for the job. Why even consider anyone else?
For the Non-Partisan Superintendant of Public Instruction I was a bit perplexed. Until I read the statement of Judith Billings. She calls 'No Child Left Behind' an unfunded federal mandate and comes out strongly against performance testing of teachers and standardized testing of students.
Non-Partisan my ass. Going with Terry Bergeson.
And last on the list of statewide offices is Insurance Commisioner.
Again, I don't know enough about any of these folks other than the incubant has done an OK job, so far as I can tell. More research is needed.
Posted by Nukevet at October 19, 2004 02:22 PM
Thanks for the wrap up. I haven't opened my ballot yet, but when I do, I'll at least take your comments into consideration.
Posted by: Easycure at October 19, 2004 03:56 PM
I checked out all the candidates (and their supporters/opponents) on that new-fangled InterWeb, since either the mail or the upstairs neighbors "disappeared" my voter's pamphlet that should have arrived with my absentee ballot. Oh well, it's online too.
It's amazing how you can no nothing about a candidate, see an endorsement from the League of Women Voters, and know precisely whom NOT to vote for.
The only trouble I had was the PUD Commissioner position. NO info to be found on either candidate so I didn't vote. I assume either one of them will probably continue to provide electricity and sewer services, anyway. Hope so.
Posted by: Mollbot at October 19, 2004 10:26 PM
grr... "know nothing."
Posted by: Mollbot at October 19, 2004 10:27 PM