January 28, 2005

I got your Exit Strategy right here!

Bend over whiner, and I'll give it to ya!

Hoon and Rumsfeld agree Iraq exit strategy

The US and Britain have privately agreed an exit strategy from Iraq based on doubling the number of local police trainees and setting up Iraqi units that would act as a halfway house between the police and the army.

The agreement was reached on Monday between the US secretary of defence, Donald Rumsfeld, and his British counterpart, Geoff Hoon.

It was based on recommendations from retired US general Gary Luck, sent to Iraq by the Pentagon last month to look at the failings of Iraq's security force.

Now that the 'Worst Economy Since Hoover' meme is gone, it will be nice to get rid of this one too.

Especially after Ted 'The Drunkard' Kennedy's words yesterday.

Kennedy First Senator To Call for Withdrawl from Iraq

Senator Ted Kennedy says the American military's continued presence in Iraq is fanning the flames of conflict. The Massachusetts Democrat is calling for a "new plan" to bring US troops home.

In remarks prepared for a speech in Washington, Kennedy says the US military presence in Iraq "has become part of the problem, not part of the solution."

Kennedy is not the first member of Congress to call for withdrawing troops, but he's the first senator to do so.

Now let's all open our history books and remember what happened the last time Kennedy demanded a pull out of the Army from a foreign nation.

A treaty was approved and signed to help out South Vietnam that included monetary and material help. After the pullout, Kennedy and his ilk voted against the appropriations to actually honor the agreement and MILLIONS OF VIETNAMESE WERE ALLOWED TO BE ENSLAVED AND SLAUGHTERED.

Never again.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:21 AM | Comments (1)

January 24, 2005

If only this were real

I think everyone in the country would be much happier.

From The Diplomad,

Dear Concerned Citizen:

Thank you for your recent letter roundly criticizing our treatment of the Taliban and Al Qaeda detainees currently being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Our administration takes these matters seriously, and your opinion was heard loud and clear in Washington.You'll be pleased to learn that thanks to concerned citizens like you, we are creating a new division of the Terrorist Retraining Program, to be called the "Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers" program, or LARK for short. In accordance with the guidelines of this new program, we have decided to place one terrorist under your personal care.

Read the rest and tell me if you find the liberals maybe changing their tune on Gitmo.

Found via Some Poor Schmuck

Posted by Nukevet at 03:01 AM | Comments (0)

January 17, 2005

Let's Play "Name Your Cuts!"

I found this story at the Kos IMC:

[Bush] plans to fulfill his pledge to halve the record $413 billion federal budget deficit by submitting a 2006 budget next month that includes nothing for some programs. He wouldn't name them.

"We will present a budget that wisely spends the people's money, that cuts the deficit in half, that will enable me to get up in front of the people and say those programs that aren't working won't be getting extra money, and some of the programs won't be getting any money at all," he said.

Sounds like a plan to slow down and/or stop the deficit spending to me, and it is about damn time.

Your task is to think of what you would like cut and put it in the comments section.

Posted by Nukevet at 11:07 AM | Comments (9)

January 14, 2005

New Voting Laws: My Preference

I have listed out what I would like to see done in the realm of voter reform, for Washington State inparticular, natioanlly in general.

I am pulling no punches here on anyone other than our service men and women due to their sacrifices. Please follow the 'MORE' link.

Prepare to be insulted or prepare to applaud.

The Governors race here in Washington State has been a microcosm of what we�ll call �Election Difficulties�. We�ve got felon voters, dead voters, people with multiple registrations and probably illegal aliens voting too. We also have missing ballots, �found� ballots, late ballots and odd-ball provisional ballots.

I originally got the gumption up to write up my ideas for �voter reform� from a link to the comments section of Blogs For Bush that was linked to by The Valiant Elephant at Four Right Wing Wackos.

The commenter, Almiranta, had some good ideas that I would like to see, but I don�t think she is going quite far enough.

One idea of hers I would really like to see is this,

I�d really like to see a serious effort in the next two years to clean up the voter registration mess, as a start. Maybe one way to do this would be to send a letter to every registered voter, informing him/her that this registration must be renewed within a certain period of time, by filling out and returning a form, to be kept on the books. As the notices would be sent to the supposedly legal residences of the registered voters, this would be a first step in weeding out the fake addresses.

Further, each renewal of voter registration would contain information that providing false information to register someone who does not meet the criteria of a registered voter is a felony, punishable by jail time and/or substantial fines. This would eliminate the claim that �I didn�t know it was wrong� to register, or vote, if the person is not a citizen, or is a felon, etc.

As she states shortly thereafter, even in doing this, there would still be some room for serious fraudsters to have their way. Which is where I come in with my point that I don�t think is mentioned enough.

Voting is a right, but that right also brings with it RESPONSIBILITY.

You do have an actual responsibility to vote. Some people shirk off this responsibility with either disregard for the process or just plain laziness. And that is fine. If there is one thing that being a Republic that functions via capitalism shows us is that you can eschew your responsibilities, but not without consequences. Basically meaning that if you don�t vote, you don�t get to complain about what you get, governance wise.

If you want to exercise your right to vote, these are your responsibilities: be willing to be open about it and do your research and follow up.

On the subject of being open about it, I mean that you need to bring your ID to your registration office and to your polling place and don�t get offended if someone asks you for it to verify your identity.


No one would want the bank to give their money away to an imposter, why would anyone mind being asked for ID to do something even more important such as voting? This will keep all but the very seriously criminal people from registering and/or voting under someone else�s name.

As for ID, the only thing that will be accepted is a driver�s license from their state of residence (and therefore the state they�re voting in), a state issued identification card or a military ID card.

No passports, no consular metricula cards, no student ID�s and no security badges.

Again, this is about responsibility. If you want to vote, you have to be willing to prove to the state that you are. Yes, it is possible to counterfeit any of the listed forms of ID, but again, it is another deterrent. We will never get perfection when we cross people and politics, but we can make it as difficult and dangerous to offenders as possible.

So we now have the vast majority of the illegal, dead, pets and multiple voters cleared off the registration rolls. Now we�ll move to your voting place.

Your Polling Place:

Again, you will need to show your ID and your voter ID card in order to prove that you are who you say you are before you get your ballot. No ID and voter card? No ballot. Not even a provisional one. You then have to sign off next to your name in the registration book as usual.

But your ballot now looks different.

Your new ballot has a serial number and barcodes on it. After you make your choices, you take it back to where you signed the book and that person checks it over to make sure you have filled in your ovals correctly or all your chads have fallen out. Once that it has been established that you have completed your ballot correctly, that person signs it and puts their designated poll worker number on the line at the bottom of the ballot.

The poll worker also folds the ballot along a serration and then tears off the serrated tab and gives it to you. On this tab is a serial number that matches your ballot and a bar code that corresponds to that number. The bar code is also on the ballot.

Absentee Ballots:

While I deplore the idea of absentee ballots as a rule, I do see their necessity. And that is why I do not think anyone but those who actually need them should get them. You should have to apply to get your absentee ballot every election. Placement on a �permanent absentee ballot list� is right out. No more of that. If you cannot take your responsibility to vote seriously enough to drag your ass down to your polling place, then don�t vote.

If you know you are too infirm to make it to the polling place you or your relatives can apply to have an election volunteer come to you up to 10 days before the election to have you fill out your ballot. The person too unfirm to go to the polls must be conscious enough to mark the ballot themselves. A family member present is not able to handle the ballot.

If you know you will be gone during the election, on a business or vacation, you may go to your county elections office and cast your ballot up to 10 days before the election. The poll book with your name in it will be found and you will have to show your two pieces of ID will have to be shown and you will have to sign the book.

This basically leaves deployed military that are eligible for an absentee ballot. Everyone else has to make the long and hard trek to your polling place.

Remember, voting is a responsibility.

Absentee ballots are the same as the new polling ballots, with the removable tab that you can keep, except that you need to sign both the ballot and the removable tab for the purpose of matching the two.

Are you done voting now? No.

Checking and, if necessary, disputing your ballot:

As the machine counts your vote, it scans the bar code and records the selections made as it counts the votes for each candidate. It then sends the selections that correspond to the bar code to a hard drive and within one week of the election your county elections board has to make the information on those hard drives available via the internet or phone-computer interface. You then have two weeks to call in or log in and check to make sure your vote was recorded correctly.

You do not have to do a check back, but again, it is your responsibility to do so. Also, the number on the tab is not recorded anywhere by the state so as to make it impossible for the state to track you and your vote selections.

If the recorded vote is not correct, you now have to go to your elections office with your photo ID, your voter registration card AND the tab with the bar code and ballot number on it and apply to have the correction made.

The application is simple and gives the county time to find the box with the ballots from your precinct and then your polling station and then your ballot number. They are also allowed to call in the poll worker who signed and numbered your ballot. To be able to correct your ballot, you have to prove that there was an error on the ballot, such as an oval being marked incorrectly, a hanging chad or a vote selection being changed. If a seeable error was made, the poll worker gets it put on their record. After a certain number of errors, say 15, the poll worker is let go and can no longer work in elections.


Machine recounts are automatically conducted with the result between two candidates is with 1% of the votes cast. A request for a machine recount to be done with a spread further than 1% can be done, but must be paid for, in total, by the requestor before hand and afterwards if there are any overages. A hand count may be done after a machine recount, but only the spread is less than � of 1% and if paid for in total by the requestor. That will be it with the recounts.

Other Special Circumstances:

One of the reasons that King County is giving for the discrepancy between the number of ballots and the number of people who are known to have voted on November 2nd is that there are a number of people on a protected list due to their being victims of domestic violence. That discrepancy currently stands at 1800 more ballots than voters.

Do I believe that there are 1800 people in King County who are victims of domestic violence? Sadly, there are probably more than that. Do I believe they are all on the protected list. Nope.

All of the above listed provisions will also apply to protected domestic violence victims, but their names have to show up on the list of people who voted somewhere. Their status of being on a special protected list can have a code which makes their address appear as 123 A St Anytown, WA 98999 for all I care, but they have to be able to match a name on that list to a person who is known to have voted.

There will be no registrations allowed with the address of the county voting office. To be able to vote locally, you need to be able to prove that you have lived locally for at least 30 days. 90 days is a better idea. Registrations need to be made prior to 30 days before the election. If you are a military voter, you may sign up to vote on the day of the election, and do not have to follow the residency rules, provided that you have a letter from your commanding officer stating that you have been recently posted in the county and have your military ID.

Primary Elections:

With Washington�s new �Top Two� or �Bayou Primary� system, we are now looking at having election count squabbles take place over primary races in the very near future.

A �Top Two� Primary is when you have a field of candidates for a position, but they are not separated by party. The top two candidates are voted into the general election even if they are from the same party.

While you may come up with a clear winner for the top spot on the general election ticket, the new thinking is that there may be a close race between the number two and number three candidates, leading to an incredible mess with the number three candidate fighting the count in order to get into the number two spot.

With Washington�s Primaries being held in September, this could become very messy and lead to not being able to have a general election on that position due to an ongoing recount or court fight.

Which is why we need to hold primaries in the summer or earlier.

There is a reason why politicians in office like having primaries held as late as possible. It is the same reason why McCain-Feingold was passed, because it protects incumbents. With only two to three months for the challenger to fight the incumbent on the issues, the challenger is at a severe disadvantage.

For both of these reasons, all primary elections should be held in July at the latest. March would be better. Give the candidate�s time to argue, dig dirt or do whatever they want to do. Politics is dirty business but is incredibly entertaining. I demand my entertainment on the political scale for at least six months before I cast my final vote.

In fact, I take voting so seriously that I believe that the first Tuesday in November should be declared a sort of National Holiday. We already have laws on the books requiring employers to give their employees available time, albeit unpaid, to go and cast their vote.

Why not just make a day of it. You will not get paid for this day if your employer deems it so and you do not go to work, but you are not required to stay home before or after you vote.

The special requirements of the governmental bodies:

The government is required to keep their voter registration databases in proper order. Any and all voters can request a copy of the list at any given time. The local coroners are required to notify the proper county after the issuance of a death certificate so as to get a person removed from the list. Any failure to notify the elections board will be met with a $10,000 fine for the coroner�s office.

Any failure to properly maintain the list to an accuracy of within 10 days of the current day, if it is 60 days before an election, or within 20 days of the current day if there is no election pending, results in a $25,000 fine against the elections office. Ten fines and the Elections Commissioner is to be replaced.

In conclusion:

Do I seriously believe that any of these suggestions will be taken seriously, let alone put into effect? No.

People are lazy and easily sated and politicians are even moreso.

Christine Gregoire has commissioned some backasswards committee to study election reform, but it is not just the �election� that needs reforming. The voters are at fault as well.

If there is anything you think I have missed or anything you think I am wrong about, please feel free to comment or e-mail.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:43 PM | Comments (6)

January 05, 2005

Those eevviill capitalists!

Always keeping the little guy under their bootheels!

Ignorance shrouds capitalism's profound impact on reducing poverty

It should come as heartening news that 2004 was one of the most prosperous years in history. Not because the U.S. economy grew by a solid 4.3 percent, but because developing countries experienced an explosive 6.1 percent economic growth.

According to a recent study by the World Bank, 2004's growth reflected "an expansion without precedent over the past 30 years." Equally encouraging, the report notes that "the rapid growth of developing economies ... has produced a spectacular, if not historic, fall in poverty."

Amazingly, the World Bank report did not get much coverage in our mainstream media. It seems the press was more interested in covering the evils of globalization than in taking notice of how world trade -- which grew by an astounding 10.2 percent this year -- is driving economic growth.

When Americans do hear about the World Bank, it's usually because an unruly mob is protesting against it. The protesters are long on rhetoric but short on facts.

sarcasm set to stun/ I never would have guessed that! /sarcasm off

Found @ MuD & PhuD

Posted by Nukevet at 10:53 AM | Comments (0)

November 30, 2004

Phony Controversy

Oliver Stone makes another box-office bomb. Yeah, I know, Big Surprise!

Since there is no such thing as 'bad publicity' the the media is trying to pump up his numbers a bit by stirring up some controversy.

Alexander the (not so) Great fails to conquer America's homophobes

According to the article, I'm supposed to be shocked and surprised that Alexander was probably bisexual.

Oooooh, scary! I may have been publically educated, but I do already know that a large number, if not most, of the folks from those times were swinging the bat for both teams.

And because I listened to the film critics who panned this film and I decided not to see, as the majority of Americans probably did, I am, once again, a homophobe.

I listen to the Michael Medved on a daily basis (usually the rerun of his show via the web). In his review, he pointed out that Stone might try marketing the movie on the 'bi-sexual Alexander' controversy.

He also said that it was a horrible film with unintelligible battle scenes, supposedly stoic lines from Anthony Hopkins that are so stupid you will laugh out loud and the ass-ugly (IMO) Angelina Jolie pretending to have a speech impediment.

Found @ TBIFOC

Posted by Nukevet at 10:34 AM | Comments (3)

November 29, 2004

In Search of Self Reliance

Tribe plans severe health-center cuts

Puyallup Indian health officials are planning severe cuts to services and staff to counter decreasing federal funding and rising patient levels.

The authority "is experiencing severe financial difficulties and has determined it must take drastic steps in order to survive this difficult period of time," Rod Smith, executive director of the Puyallup Tribal Health Authority wrote.

Some patient services also will be reduced or suspended, and eligibility requirements will be more stringently enforced to reduce the patient load, Smith said.

The authority includes a pharmacy, a medical lab, a radiology department and optometry and dental clinics. It also offers mental health counseling, physical therapy and chemical dependency treatment.

The center's programs are paid for with federal funds and state grants. The tribe contributes no money.

And therein lies the problem.

The Puyallup Indian Tribe has one of the, if not THE, most successful casino organizations in Washington State.

Even if you are only 1/4 Puyallup Indian, you still get a yearly check from the tribe. In recent years, that check has been in the range of $10,000.

So, since the health care center only services people affiliated with the tribe, and the tribe in literally raking in money, a majority of which is coming from the pockets of the palefaces, why in the hell are they getting any damn federal money?

There are enough members of the tribe that those yearly checks could be cut by as little as 20% and they would get more cash than the feds give them.

Once the tribe proves itself 'self reliant' all federal monies should be cut. Treaty or no. The chump change that the government gives them is miniscule compared to what they get from gambling.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:18 AM | Comments (0)

Those Homophobes

That is what the Dems like to call anyone who voted for GWB.

But maybe they should look at their own party members in such Democrat strongholds such as, oh say....Portland, Oregon.

Precinct figures released by Oregon counties this week provide a divided portrait of Portland area Democratic voters.

While Democratic nominee John Kerry won almost all the urban and nearby suburban precincts, results show that his backers parted ways on the controversial gay marriage ban.

Kerry received more than 90 percent of the vote in some inner-city precincts of southeast and northeast Portland, according to an analysis by The Oregonian newspaper.

But when it came to the heated ballot measure, many of the voters who brought Kerry his Oregon victory departed from the Democratic orthodoxy and helped provide the winning edge to the initiative which banned same-sex marriage in Oregon.

I am not a Democrat, therefor while I do support it, I do not think that people who oppose gay marriage are homophobes.

So if the Democrat Party wants to keep up with calling names to those do oppose gay marriage, they should lift up the covers and realize exactly who they're in bed with.

Actually, I hope that they will keep alienating those people, so that maybe they won't vote. Or at least not vote Democrat.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:29 AM | Comments (0)

November 13, 2004

And they call Americans 'prudes'

If you follow this link to the story, I'm in the accompanying pic.

EDMONTON - The University of Alberta Pandas volleyball players are willing to make their point about the female body. Even if it costs them a point every time they do it.

The team is flouting new rules established for Canada West university volleyball that forbid them from changing from warm-up T-shirts into game uniforms at courtside. Doing so leaves them momentarily exposed in their sports bras.

"Maybe it makes people uncomfortable -- maybe it does in our own gym as well. I don't know," said 22-year-old Panda Janna Konihowski. "But we aren't ashamed of our bodies. Should we be? Should we be hiding in the corner?"

Oh no! They're in their sportsbras! How risque!

What is the difference between a sportsbra and a sports-bikini top that an Olympic beach-vollyball player wears? I'll tell you; A bikini top hides less.

And just between us guys, I'd probably go to indoor volleyball games if they would play in their sportsbras. Same goes for women's baksetball.

Did you see me in that pic? I'm in the middle of the huddle.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:42 AM | Comments (2)

November 08, 2004

An open letter to the folks who �Want Gay Marriage Right Now�

I was formulating this post in my head when the Doc came in and posted his thoughts, opinions and experiences on the matter.

Since then, I have heard the Democrats cannibalize their own party by blaming 'The Gay Lobby' and San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom, for the election's loss.

While I doubt that the lobbyists will listen, or even read this, I though it would be "A Good Thing" to put it up. It's rude and crude, but it treats everyone the same, which is exactly what they say they want.

In order to save space on the front page, I'm putting it the extended entry.


Knock it off this very minute.

To start, I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the idea of two men or two women getting and being legally married. Likewise, I would have no qualms with them moving in right next door to me.

But you have pissed off a large portion of the country with your all or nothing measures, so, as of now, you have nothing, and it will continue to be as such until you calm down and think this through.

During the run-up to the election I kept hearing about how Bush�s policies didn�t take into account that he would have to win �the hearts and minds� of the Iraq people. Well, have any of you folks on the pro-gay marriage part of the argument tried to win the hearts and minds of the American people?

The answer to that question is unequivocally �no�.

Either activist courts full of unaccountable judges have run the idea through their gavels and forced folks to accept it or elected officials have made end runs around current laws to force the issue to the aforementioned judges so as to get legislation forced through.

All this does is give ammunition to the folks who ARE morally opposed to you so that they can create and try to pass things like The Defense of Marriage Act� and make you look like spoiled children when you do not get your way.

You know this and yet you keep trying it again hoping for a different result.

And each time you do, you piss of people like me. I hold no religious views that would stand in the way of your ascension to full legal marriage status and I want to be empathetic to your cause, but each time you do things like I have mentioned above you make my case, and therefore your case, harder to plead to those who might be sitting on the fence or be willing to compromise with something like �civil unions�.

But no, you keep banging your head against the wall and getting madder when the wall gets harder as your head gets bruised.

You cannot screw the idea of gay marriage onto the end of a broom handle and tell the American public to tilt their collective heads back and open their mouths so that you can ramrod the idea down their throats. You will get knee jerk refusals each and every time.

I think the root of this difficulty is that someone has convinced you that �marriage� itself is a right. That train of thought has no rails to roll on.

Please, just for a moment, think about this.

Currently in America, and in the past, people were refused the ability to marry by the state due to age or that they were currently married to someone else or because they wanted to marry someone who was too close of a relative.

Does this sound like a �right�?

OK, maybe it does sound like my gun rights in this modern day, selective, elective and other than the proclamation made by John Ashcroft in 2001, not a collective right. But on the whole, there is no evidence, other than one opinion in a personal writing of a Supreme Court justice, that marriage is, has ever or should be a �right�

And don�t get all huffy about having gay marriage compared to polygamy, incest or underage marriage. All out of the norm forms of marriage are atypical and should be considered equal.

Just because you �love� someone of the same sex enough to consider cohabitation and marriage doesn�t make you or your relationship any better or more important than someone who �loves� more than one person or someone whose �love� is a cousin or is fourteen. That is one of the arguments you use against those who do not support gay marriage. That their �love� is no more important than yours, and yet you use to put yourselves above these other atypical relationships.

If you look at American history you will find that the readers of the Book of Mormon have had on and off approval of polygamy in their own house of worship. And I mean no disrespect to the followers of John Smith�s writings. I could have used other branches of other religions such as the Hindus or sects of the Muslims to talk about polygamy, but we are discussing a uniquely American question here, so I chose you. If you are offended, my apologies, please step down past this for a couple paragraphs and rejoin us there.

But back to the Mormons, they moved away from persecution in order to live the way their sect required/suggested. Once they got to their current location, those outside their religion that had arrived later still persecuted them, not just for polygamy, but because they were different, but they stood their ground and eventually formed their own state. But guess what, polygamy was still not accepted and it is illegal to this day, in America and in the state that hosts their main house of worship.

These very patient people who do selfless works all over the world tried winning hearts and minds with reason for over 150 years and they still were not successful. You all seem to think that forcing the issue will make it happen faster because �you�re right and everyone else is wrong�? What a pigheaded notion! Get over yourselves!

Please, I�m still have trouble finding someone who can tell me what is wrong with polygamy (other than the Analog Wife, of course), so why doesn�t someone on the pro-gay marriage side of the debate who feels insulted by having their relationship compared to it take a try?

It doesn�t hurt anyone who doesn�t volunteer to be in the relationship and having three or four or five incomes in a single household can only be a good thing for the living conditions of all involved. Something this harmless should be a �right�, right?

Or how about a pair of cousins marrying? The medical community has come out and confirmed that the harm to potential offspring of a couple of this nature is only marginally more dangerous than two strangers of the same race having children.

A few years back, a brother and sister were discovered to be married in either Michigan or Wisconsin (you�ll forgive my forgetfulness). This was only discovered after a death in the family and they attended the funeral. They had three very healthy and active children over the years. And as a bit of trivia, this pair wasn�t from �down south� or one of the other typical places most folks joke about relatives marrying, they were from Pennsylvania.

So, other than the repulsion that takes over most people�s minds with just the thought of even seeing their siblings unclothed, why should this be illegal? No one is getting hurt and since it is all about that thing called �love�, who are you to say this should be illegal?

Now, even stretching the boundaries of reason, which I have done above twice, I still cannot come up with an argument advocating two twelve year olds or a 12 year old and a 30 year old getting married. There are little to no financial benefits and the vast majority of twelve year olds are not mentally, and therefore emotionally, mature enough to take on the task of marriage.

But if there is one thing that America stands for it is the ability to mess your life up as often as you want, mostly because we have enough opportunity here for folks to patch up their lives once they�ve taken the wrecking ball to them. So if someone wants to do something completely stupid like gamble their life savings on a 250 to 1 long shot or get married at twelve to their first cousin who is also married to their aunt once removed, who is to say that this should be illegal?

After all, �Equal Opportunities for Everyone� do not mean only the positive opportunities.

And if you do support any or all of those forms of marriage and gay marriage, why is it that I�m not hearing support for them?

And one other beef I have with the pro-gay marriage lobby, stop comparing yourselves to the Jews of Europe in 1938, Rosa Parks and the marchers in Selma, Alabama. You are not fighting for the right to vote, the ability to eat in the same restaurants as heteros and not a single one of you has been asphyxiated and put into a human sized oven. All you do when you make those comparisons is reveal how shallow you are and how little you know and understand history.

Likewise, do not, I repeat, DO NOT compare anyone who isn�t behind you 100 percent to the Nazi�s or the Klu Klux Klan. Likewise, do not call them homophobes. I swear, the next jackass that does that to my face will wake up in pain.

I want to help you. I so want this discussion to be over with. And I suspect that millions of Americans who feel the same as I do want it over with as well. We have many other things that are way more important to fix in this country and we don�t have time to for a group of spoiled children who just want and want and want without a little giving.

I guess my final message on the topic is this; Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If you push slowly, you still get the ball moved and it won�t come back and bloody your nose.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:36 AM | Comments (1)

November 05, 2004

One of them got the Message

Atrios, usually somewhere out in the cosmos mentally, actually got a Bush Quote right this time and deciphered it correctly.

Today Bush said:

I will reach out to every one who shares our goals.


My way or the highway.

What, like he's actually going to listen to you, Atrios?

He got a higher precentage of the vote than your media darling, Clinton, ever did and his coattails were long enough to help knock off your leader in the Senate.

Why would you expect him to drop to his knees and beg for your involvment? Had the situations been reversed, you wouldn't want your guy to do that.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:12 AM | Comments (0)

F the French

Before we start thinking we have some Bush-haters in the MSM here in America, we need to look across the pond. Rather, Brokaw, etc. don't hold a candle to these guys.

French News Vid #1

French News Vid #2

Found @ The Drunk Report via Right Thinking from the Left Coast

Posted by Nukevet at 09:35 AM | Comments (0)

November 04, 2004


I found these on a left wing website today. They were posted on Monday with the following by-lines.

Republican Headquarters, 1 November 2004

Republican Headquarters, 2 November 2004

Looks more like what is happening to the DNC to me.

And it doesn't look like the lefties in Oregon are taking things very well.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:16 AM | Comments (0)

October 26, 2004

Oh, that liberal media (Part 982)

I wonder who these guys want to win?

BBC World, the BBC's global commercial service, has unveiled details of its US election coverage.

The 24-hour news and information channel will provide analysis over the next two weeks, with live election night coverage fronted by David Dimbleby.

BBC World will also broadcast a special edition of 'Question Time' featuring film-maker and author Michael Moore, columnist Richard Littlejohn and former Bill Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal.

Other discussion programmes feature guests such as Madeleine Albright, George Soros and former CIA director James Woolsey.

Electon night coverage, on November 2, will include a live six-hour results programme including US and international reaction. Hourly news bulletins will support this coverage.

BBC World is broadcast in 200 countries worldwide and reaches 25m households.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:26 AM | Comments (0)

October 25, 2004

Following the rules

Court stays Michigan provisional ballot ruling

They're actually saying that if you cast a provisional ballot outside of your home precinct, you know, near where you live, that they won't count it.

How dare they make people follow the rules!

And, of course, the Dems are flummoxed and blubbering about how the court is helping disenfranchise 'the poor and minorities'.


Found @ Murdoc Online

Posted by Nukevet at 09:08 AM | Comments (0)

October 16, 2004

Oprah Kills!

We need to do something about this menace!

Woman Waiting In Line For Oprah Show Dies

She must have been worried that Oprah would give her a car.

Found @ The Interested Participant

Posted by Nukevet at 12:19 PM | Comments (0)

September 17, 2004

Blood in the Water

The other Dems are smelling it. And they're pissed.

Longtime Democratic insider Tony Coelho lashed out at the John Kerry presidential campaign, characterizing it as a campaign in chaos. With yet another appointment of a former Clinton administration staffer to Kerry�s team on Tuesday, Coelho argues the problem is worsening.

�There is nobody in charge and you have these two teams that are generally not talking to each other,� says Coehlo, who ran Al Gore's campaign early in the 2000 presidential race. As Coelho and other detractors see it, there is a civil war within the Kerry campaign.

And then there is this line,

"(I)n the Democratic Party the consultants get paid for the creation and the placement of [advertising]. Republicans only pay you for the creation.�

You should really swing by the Kos IMC to hear how freaked out the left are over the fact that the Kerry campaign is spending the money as ignorantly as possible.

My sides are beginning to hurt.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:27 AM | Comments (0)

September 16, 2004

Surprise, surprise

The BBC interviewed Kofi Annan yesterday.

In the interview, Kofi takes the side of ANSWER and says that the invasion of Iraq was 'illegal'.

He can't seem to name which law or laws we broke that makes it illegal, but by golly, he's sure we did something wrong.

I am going to go along with the Interested Participant's response on this one.

Shove it, Kofi

Posted by Nukevet at 09:55 AM | Comments (0)

September 07, 2004

Playing the left for suckers

I speak of the bums in San Francisco.

As soon as the traffic lights turn red on the long road into San Francisco from the airport, a platoon of beggars converges on drivers. Without any pretence about washing car windows, they had written out a novel pitch for cash: "Hungry, Homeless, Bush Out."

They fall for it everytime.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:50 AM | Comments (0)

September 06, 2004

Oh, Canada

Oh the wonders of socialized medicine!

Hospitals in Ontario say they're facing a shortfall of $600 million and they say that makes it almost certain there will be cuts to services, including day surgery and emergency room care.

The Ontario Hospital Association says administrators have no choice but to cut medical services because of a 2004 law that says the province's 159 hospitals must balance their books by 2005-2006, and can no longer run a deficit to maintain services.

Ah Ha! Just as I thought!

Socialized medicine isn't that wonderful!

Posted by Nukevet at 08:29 AM | Comments (0)

August 30, 2004

In my mind

A lot of hay was made last week, over Bush telling the AP that he made a 'miscalculation' with the amount of opposition in post-war Iraq.

I was going to post on this last week, but this is what I get for losing the story in my favorites section.

Let me just say, in my mind, I would rather have a President in office who cannot see the future, than one who cannot see the past.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:11 AM | Comments (0)

August 27, 2004

Some folks say

That Kerry is turning into Bush by trying to move towards the center.

He's got at least one thing down.

"The truth, which is what elections are all about, is that the tax burden of the middle class has gone up while the tax burden of the middle class has gone down." -- John Kerry, quoted by the Associated Press, August 25, 2004.

Can we stop calling this a 'Bushism' now?

Found @ Ravenwood's Universe

Posted by Nukevet at 06:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 24, 2004

Bring. It. On.

Somehow becomes Call. It. Off.

Pat Oliphant, who appears in the Washington Post and many other newspapers, offered a cartoon showing the Swiftees as Bush-backing deadbeats sitting round a bar bitching: "I never seen Kerry do nothing hee-roic," says one loser. "Damn right," says another. "You and me was right there in latrine maintenance. We orta know."

The redneck spelling's a nice touch, ain't it? I wonder which of the anti-Kerry campaign's 254 Swift vets, including 17 of Lieutenant Kerry's 23 fellow officers, Oliphant thinks were in latrine maintenance. Maybe he's got in mind fellows like Paul Galanti, who appears in the latest anti-Kerry ad and whose plane went down over North Vietnam in 1966. He was held in the "Hanoi Hilton" Viet Cong POW camp until 1973. That's seven years getting tortured by the gooks, only to be mocked by some lame-o cartoonist as a redneck latrine operator.

I've never quite understood the preferred formulation of big-time Democrats � that "of course" they support our troops even though they oppose this war. But in practice they "support our troop" � singular � just Lieut Kerry and the handful of Swiftees willing to appear in public with him. The rest can go to hell and any of 'em impertinent enough to question the Senator are just "sleazoids" wading through their own backed-up latrine. I wonder if the Kerry campaign and its media cheerleaders have really thought this one through.

All in all, an amazing site. Watching Kerry turn into a giant crybaby because someone is being "mean" to him doesn't do much to enforce my confidence in his abilities to deal with the really tough issues.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:54 PM | Comments (0)

August 20, 2004


Drudge is reporting that the Kerry camp is trying to squelch publication of the Swift Vet's book. They had no problem with Michael Moore's tripe - even embraced it and gave it a seat in the presidential box of the DNC. But when a group of veterans try and tell their version of events - this is the reaction.

Bush has been bashed, lied about, demonized, and insulted repeatedly, and he just takes it and stays on target and on focus. Kerry take a little heat, and completely unravels. And yes, it is a little heat compared to what Bush has endured.

I hope this backfires and kicks them in the ass big time. First the "brown books", and now an attempt at outright censorship. Perhaps Kerry can schedule a book burning at his next campaign site to complete the censorship trifecta. First try bullying, then try censorship, and, if that fails, why not just destroy as "evil" the books after they've been printed?

Posted by Nukevet at 04:43 PM | Comments (0)

July 23, 2004

It's all Bush's Fault!

From the 'Stop the NRA' website.

In 5 legislative days, these banned guns -- including Uzis, AK-47s, and Tec-9s -- will be coming back to our neighborhoods, courtesy of President Bush, unless the Assault Weapons Ban is renewed

You bet your ass.

The left is now trying to blame the upcoming non-renewal of the AWB on Bush. They say that when Bush said he supports the AWB and that he would sign it if it was put on his desk, he actually MEANT that he would lobby for it to be pushed through Congress.

What a bunch of pussies.

If you don't think you can stomach actually stopping by their site, here is some of the manure they're spreading....

With some commentary by yours truly

In most states, 18-year-olds will be able to walk into gun stores and buy new American-made AK-47s.

After filling out federal paperwork and an NICS background check. Just like today.

In many states, it will be possible to bring concealed TEC-9 assault pistols, loaded with thirty rounds of ammunition, into bars, churches and sports arenas, and even public schools or universities.

No matter what Michael Moore tells you, You try to conceal something 9 inches by 11 inches by 2 inches in your pants. No fair letting Sandy Berger make an attempt.

In many states kids as young as 13 will be able to buy brand new American-made AK-47s at gun shows and through the classifieds.

Huh? 13 year olds at gun shows. Folks, watching Bowling for Columbine on a 24 hour loop isn't such a good idea. I don't know anyone who would sell a 13 year old a gun out of his garage, let alone at a gun show.

New assault weapons will be advertised over the internet.

Imagine that! Using the internet for commercial enterprise! Why hasn't anyone thought of that before!

New rapid-fire ammunition magazines that allow guns to fire up to 100 rounds without reloading will be mass-produced and sold on a cash-and-carry basis to anyone, with no questions or background checks

I already covered this one. Just where do they not do background checks in these people's world?

So there you have it, frightwigging and lies. Like we should expect anything more from the gun grabbers.

Now follow their advice and call your Senators and Representatives.

And thank them for not falling for this crap.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:00 AM | Comments (2)

July 14, 2004

What bias?

By now, I'm sure you've heard about the soon-to-be-released Moore style documentary covering the subject of Fox News = White House mouthpiece.

Then please explain to me why Fox's poll on the subject of the gay marriage amendment is almost exactly the same as CBS's?

CBS News. 5/20-23. MoE 3%.

Favor Legal Marriage 28
Favor Civil Unions 29
No Legal Recognition 40

Fox News. 5/18-19. MoE 3%.

Favor Legal Marriage 25
Favor Legal Partnership 26
No Legal Recognition 40

Hmm, you'd think that the mouthpiece of George Bush would have skewed the poll to be more in line with GWB.

Somebody must have forgot to 'Do the Skew'.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:31 AM | Comments (0)

July 09, 2004

Moonbats! Activate!

Watch for more of the "Bush was AWOL" crowd to comeout of the woodwork with this news coming out.

Pentagon Says Bush Records of Service Were Destroyed

Set up BatBoys and BatGirls.

We've got real bats for you and they're chock full of Clue.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:05 AM | Comments (2)

June 16, 2004

Seen the light

Even the left of Canada have figured it out.

Two Liberal candidates running in rural ridings in B.C. are calling for an end to the controversial national gun registry.

Doug Stanley, the Liberal candidate in the riding of Southern Interior, told an election forum in Trail the registry was a "definite mistake."

I'm hoping that this isn't just some election stance because they're trying to get elected in farm country and that they actually believe this. They still favor the registration of handguns. But Canuckistan's laws have had that on the books for decades (I'm pretty sure it is almost as old as our 1932 creation of registration of Class III's, but I could be wrong).

Hopefully though, pols like these two will be the beginning of a movement to get rid of this cheeseheaded scheme. And maybe it'll lead to the repeal of some of their other stupid gun laws.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:56 AM | Comments (1)

May 11, 2004

Well, tell her to stop throwing spitballs then

Kerry Warns Opponents Not to Attack His Wife.

LOUISVILLE, KY. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry warned his political opponents on Monday against attacking his outspoken wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, saying, "They're going to have to go through me."
The Massachusetts senator also sought to dispel the notion he was aloof, asking one television interviewer: "Have you had a beer with me yet? I like to have fun as much as the next person, and go out and hack around and have a good time."

Worth an estimated $500 million, born in Mozambique and fluent in five languages, Mrs. Kerry can be controversial and blunt, disclosing her Botox injections, her prenuptial agreement with Kerry and the fact he was in the bathroom when he got word of his wins in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Look, I have absolutely no objections to a man defending his wife, but if she's happy to toss verbal hand grenades into passing crowds of reporters, he'd better either tell her to butt out, or get over the fact she's gonna draw fire.

She's not an innocent bystander like Chelsa was, or the Bush girls. She's a player, and that exempts her from any kind of diplomatic immunity from partisan attacks. I will never say a bad thing about Kerry's children, his first wife, or any member of his family that happens to stray by.

Teresa gives the center and right of America the finger, she's gonna get slapped back. It's that simple. So spare us the whining Senator. This isn't Boston anymore, the center and right in the rest of America isn't neutered like the types you are used to, we have teeth.

So put yourself down for another Purple Heart and shut up. Oh, one more thing, don't suck up, it makes you look even more like a dork.

"Have you had a beer with me yet? I like to have fun as much as the next person, and go out and hack around and have a good time."

"Hack"?...I rarely drink beer, if I do drink, it's usually burboun, but anything you can put a match to will work. No chasers Senator, that's cheating. If you order a lime with that................I will so slap the snot out of you. I don't do childrens drinking games.

It's supposed to be like paint thinner, that's the point.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:44 PM | Comments (0)

April 25, 2004

Marching for Chioce

So I'm watching the "March for Women's Lives" rally on C-Span right now.

What a crock of shit.

It is a nothing but a large John 'F*ckface' Kerry rally.

And if you are a male and at this thing, you are only there to try and get laid.

Pro-Choice my ass.

They are only Pro-Abortion.

Just like the people who are against abortion are not Pro-Life, they are Anti-Abortion.

They are not 'Pro-Choice' becuase they do not support a woman's right to choose to defend herself with a firearm.

They are not 'Pro-Choice' becuase they do not support a woman's right to choose to educate her own children.

All they care about is a medical procedure that is constitutionally guaranteed in over 40 states. EVEN IF ends up being over turned.

You cannot have ONE opinion on ONE issue and call yourself 'ProChoice'

The Black Women's Health Project' Rep was just on-stage decrying the 'caps' on welfare that tell women and families on welfare THAT HAVING MORE CHILDREN WILL NOT GET YOU MORE MONEY.

Gloria Feldt President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America got on stage and said.....

"Let's kill John Ashcroft and get his right wing arms off our privacy."

Camryn Manheim (of 'The Practice' fame) wants "our uteruses put into a lock-box and keep their hands off them".

Not a problem Cammie.

She also said "Beware Bush, when women vote, Democrats win!"

I don't know what to say to that.

But I'm sure the female visitors of RNS have a few chioce words.

UPDATE: I think the Analog Wife is trying to kill me. She just grabbed the remote and changed the channel to Showtime's re-running of Bowling for Columbine.

UPDATE 2: Now she changed back to the rally and I just saw the dumbest sign on the whole damn planet.

"Queer Rights are Reproductive Rights"

Huh? What? What group DOESN'T REPRODUCE?

That's it! I'm off to the range to test my new SKS.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:41 PM | Comments (5)

April 19, 2004

Union guys can't take a joke

Shortly after I arrived at work on Friday, the union shop steward (the one I spoke of at the end of this post) walks on up to me and tries to make a joke.

He asks me "if I know who has the largest number of troops in Iraq, after the US and UK?"

Just to let you all know, this guy would vote for Hitler over Bush, as long as Adolf ran on the Democratic ticket. So I'm guessing that he read the story with the estimate of 18,000 mercenaries in it, making them the largest COALITION force after the US and the UK.

But he didn't say COALITION FORCE.

So I said "Syria an Iran"

To which he said "F*ck you", and walked away.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:54 AM | Comments (4)

April 15, 2004

Where is the outcry?

On any given day, you can hop on the net and read someone crying about "those poor wittle palis being walled off from being able to bomb Israelis".

But have you heard about this yet?

The government of Rio de Janeiro state yesterday proposed to build a wall around its sprawling favelas in an effort to help control rampant crime in the picture postcard city.

If you knew nothing about the left (meaning, you know nothing of 'Caterpillar Corrie' and have no opinion on the UN), which would YOU think the left would be seething over?

Israel building a barrier that is 97% chain-link fencing to keep suicidal religious zealots from coming into a major metropolitan area and blowing themselves up, killing mutiple innocent civilians in the process?


The largest city in Brazil, building an ACTUAL WALL to keep THE POOR inisde their own neighborhoods so that they do not pick the pockets of tourists?

Maybe someone should tell Kofi about this? That way, he can break the "Man with the longest list of things he is ignoring" record.

Found @ Insignificant Thoughts

Posted by Nukevet at 09:10 AM | Comments (0)

February 21, 2004


Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday.

Well the big hulla-ba-loo (I always liked that word) in San Fran has started a blogverse wide discussion of the gay marriage issue hasn't it?

Over at Who Tends The Fires, Ironbear is offering his own unique perspective on gay marriage, and civil disobedience. If nothing else, you will be entertained.

If you are looking for some info, or maybe some ideas to help solve this situation, I recommend Donald Sensing. He is a Methodist Pastor and former Army Officer, who proposed solution seems plausible to me. Check it out and see what you think.

Finally, if you are itching to fight strawmen, head over to 4 Right-Wing Wackos, scroll down to Feb 19th, and help Raging Dave and AK.

And check out the other posts at these sites, all of them have plenty of great posts.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:23 AM | Comments (3)

December 22, 2003


The cost of surfin Yahoo.News.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:14 AM | Comments (1)

December 14, 2003

What is wrong with this picture?


This was pointed out to me by Cait, and you just have to roll your eyes at the pompous pigeyed dumbass at the ACLU who had a problem with this.

If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the
Marines pictured are bowing their heads. That's because they're praying.
The incident took place at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday of the
corps, and it has the ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees," says
Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, "on federal property and on
federal time. For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion, and
we must nip this in the bud immediately." When asked about the ACLU's
charges, Colonel Jack Fessender, speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said
(cleaned up a bit), "Screw the ACLU."

Allow me.


I apologise to everyone for posting what has been revealed as a hoax. Mollbot pointed it out. I am sorry for incorrect information conveyed. My own fault, and I blame no one else but myself. Cait, no worries, I still luvs ya. Neal is quite right in the comments, it so looks like something they would do that I took it without question.

Now,....that said. I take back nothing on the ACLU. They can simply rot in their little utopian PC Hell. If I have inadvertently insulted them by mistake for something they didn't do, oh well. If they dislike my tone and candor in the level of contempt expressed.....

Good. I made my point then.

Fuck them. They can wrap themselves in the mantle of protecting the world from backsliding into a theocracy from now till Hell freezes over, it won't change what they really are. They are censors, bigots and intolerant fools. They protect the most gawdawfull shock speech you can imagine. Wallow in it's filth and smile the smile of a canary with a mouthful of kitty fur.

Just try and say a simple prayer of thankfullness to God, and they shriek in rage and torement.

Marines, Sailors, Army and Air Force have chaplins because.........they want them. Nobody is compeled to pray, and guess what? They choose to. The ACLU will defend the most outrageous of choices, save the choice to be normal and humbly Christain, or Jewish. Be a Muslim and toss people out of windows, you will find them ready to say the Evil Bush cabal drove them to it.

I'm sick of it. Right up to my eyes I'm sick and tired of the double standards, the hypocrisy and distortions. The hyperbole and wailing. I'm sick of them.

These Marines are doing something that Marines have always done. They are Honoring the Corps. It's an almost holy thing for them, Never a Marine, I understand and deeply respect them for their fidelity, the deep traditions of sacrifice and brotherhood that they have. What kind of a grinch souled shriveled little cretin do you have to be to tell them that they shouldn't be allowed to do it?

The ACLU steps forward here, again.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:25 AM | Comments (8)

December 11, 2003

Madeline who?

Oh that's how it's played, give the Europeans the respect of an upraised middle finger in response to their back biting craven behavior, and end up with the dreggs of past democratic adminstrations wailling over it.

Several times this year, Secretary of State Colin Powell cautioned that countries that did not assist in Iraq's liberation from Saddam Hussein could not expect to be rewarded.

Still, Germany called the decision unacceptable.

Right..............they may feel free to go fuck themselves now. It's OK, we'll wait, I got a newspaper here somewhere.........What goes around comes around, these pissant hypocrites have been making a fortune off Saddam's mafia state, they threw away their only chance to do the right thing. Now they are upset because they are getting their proper level of respect?

Screw them, the proper level of respect that they deserve is laying on the bottom of as many as 270 mass graves. They can dig for it themselves. Nobody else cares anymore about their pride.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:14 AM | Comments (0)

December 07, 2003

Oh Hell no, Did I really see her say that?

Hillary the first, Grand Dame of liberalism has just made a startling confession. This report from Drudge concludes with this bombshell.

"This administration is in danger of being the first in American history to leave our nation worse off than when they found it."

My emphasis, well this sheds a whole new light on the 92 campaign now doesn't it? Bill was lying about Bush 41's record all along! Thanks for clearing that up your Hillaryness, and here from the rhetoric coming from you and your dem friends, I thought you were saying no republican president ever did anything good. Everytime there's a race for president your side starts bitching about how "THEY WILL ROLL BACK THE CLOCK ON A CENTURY OF PRORESS!"....

Stop the lies already, nobody has been put against a wall today, no one has been locked away for slandering Bush, and Social Security will go bust because idiot whiners and oppurtunists like you will not allow any corrections to save it. It will run out of money because you keep people too afraid to accept changes, and it keeps your fat pink ass in the Senate.

So what will you say in twenty years when the money runs out Hillary?


Posted by Nukevet at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)

December 04, 2003

HEY, You wanna piss off bab's?

Looky, see this picture? She sued a group for ten million dollars to keep the unwashed masses from seeing it. Sniff her privacy is DESTROYED NOW, sniff,....whimper, whine, moan.......

Drudge was kind enough to point this out. The super rich aren't really human are they? I could care less about her personal life, where or how she lives, I just enjoy the fact that our seeing this picture pisses her off.

Some posters maybe? T-shirts?

Posted by Nukevet at 02:14 AM | Comments (1)

November 15, 2003

The anti-war left is offended, again.

I came across these little back and forths at Instapundit. It appears that they are in a huff over the "unpatriotic" thing again. (Via t a c i t u s). Poor babies, their sensibilities are offended by the suggestion that they are acting like a traitous fith column (which many are indeed doing). The examples are legion,

Rall (Red as a baboon's ass) commie revolutionary.

The Democratic Underground (also known as dimwits united).

A columnist or two.

I could give a rat's ass that they are offended. They offend me by being usefull idiots to America's enemies, I don't expect that to shut them up, which is what they are demanding. "I will scream Hitler, Nazi, baby killing warmonger as much as I like,....but don't you dare be mean to me!".


The complete hypocrisy of their position is as plain as the point on their cone shaped heads. "chickehawk, warblogger" is common enough, they demand the right to say coward, but get insulted over being called traiter. Double standards anyone?

People like Rall are like rats, parasites feeding off something far bigger and grander than their tiny little minds can concieve of. He'll never make anything on his own, he's not that smart, he simply exists at the sufferance of others. He spews hate as many of the others do, but has a skin as thin as a butterfly's wings. For the record do I think someone can disagree about military action and still love America?


But that's not what's happening here, our people are sacrificing their lives and idiots like these applaud because it damages Bush. Filthy traiter sounds just about right.

As does hanging.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:33 PM | Comments (2)