March 02, 2005
Looking in the Wrong Direction
While the World Left are busy comparing Bush to Hitler, someone else is quietly creating his own private "People's Party".
With President Putin's popularity in sharp decline, the Kremlin has set up a new Russian youth movement to ensure its control of the streets in the event of mass anti-government protests.Hundreds of youths, many belonging to the president's cultural society "Walking Together", held a meeting in a house owned by the Kremlin Property Department to launch the group at the weekend. The organisation, which leaders hope will attract 300,000 members, was christened "Nashi" [Ours], a word which in Russian has chilling nationalist overtones.
I wonder what kind of oath one has to take to join? Does one have to swear allegiance to Putin or just to 'Mother Russia'?
The American left even went so far as to label those of us on the right "Digital Brownshirts". I wonder what color shirts these creeps will wear?
When two outsiders � one from an opposition party, the other a journalist � sneaked into its founding conference, they were humiliated and one was beaten.
The New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Found at DANEgerus
Posted by Nukevet at 08:15 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 24, 2005
What's 1.3 billion divided by 750?
Just a little bit over 1.7 million. As in dollars. Per player. Per year. To play hockey.
How the NHLPA could screw this up so badly, I'll never know. An entire season cancelled. Most of the NHL "talent" playing in Europe for a fraction of what they would have made here under the worst of circumstances. Well, the greedy bastards got what was coming to them.
It's just a shame that those of us who love and play(ed) the sport for free have to take it on the chin and watch an entire season go down the tubes.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:09 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 23, 2005
Bite me, eh!
So a couple of the cattle in the Canuck�s herds contracted Mad Cow disease and we here in the US stopped buying it, and in fact banned it from importation.
But they still want us to pay for it,
Canadians want U.S. to pay for beef banCall it the stampede from up north.
Under an obscure provision of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canadian cattlemen are asking the U.S. government to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to cover losses they incurred when the border was closed to Canadian beef after mad-cow disease turned up in Alberta.
With the ban set to be lifted early next month, the case spotlights NAFTA's little-known Chapter 11, which allows companies to claim damages from governments if their laws or actions damage trading partners.
I call it ignorance from up north.
If it had been our fault that their cattle had caught MCD, I could see this. If it had only been a false alarm I could see it. But they�re beef was diseased and we�re still going to have to pay for their problem?
Sounds like international welfare to me.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:51 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
February 21, 2005
Rudeness Unpunished
Here�s the story;
Over the weekend at CPAC, John Fund of the WSJ wandered into Blogger�s Corner and sat down at the private laptop of Adam Doverspa, RedState.Org blogger, and just started typing away.
Now, there is some speculation that Fund may have thought that the laptops were public access and not private property, but I�m pretty sure that after the short conversation with Doverspa, that misconception was cleared up.
Yet Fund continued typing for a good twenty minutes afterwards.
He then left, but came back for another bite at the apple on another blogger�s laptop.
While right-wing bloggers are scratching their heads wondering what was up Fund�s ass, left-wing bloggers are actually taking the lead in calling Fund a wanker and an assholewhich, in light of the story told, seems entirely appropriate, in my opinion.
Here is a lesson for all bloggers on both sides of the ailse:
Do not let the �real journalists� intimidate you.
If they are being rude and/or inconsiderate, make it your task to remind them that they are not our betters.
First step would have been to inform Fund that the laptop was not for public access.
If he apologizes tell him that he can continue to use the machine for $5 per minute, cash only.
Remember, the only difference between �real journalists� and bloggers in that most bloggers do not get paid to report. If they want to hold their incomes above our lack of same, make them pay a finders fee on equipment (that $5 per min is a quick $100 for Fund's 20 minute session).
If he blows you off and/or comes back rudely, you remind him again he is trespassing on your private property, preferably with an explicative like �Ass Pirate� to get his attention.
If, once again, he does not apologize, the laptop gets closed on his apparently self-believed golden fingers.
Any further resistance is to be met with measured force.
You want an Instalanche? Get John Fund to attempt to assault you and then kick his ass.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:24 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 19, 2005
Another reason to kill all the lawyers
Watch for this to hit our shores sooner than any of us would like,
'Immune' criminal strikes againStavanger police are at their wits' end after having yet again to release a criminal that new laws say cannot be prosecuted.
According to new rules in the Norwegian penal code, the 30-year-old offender, who has broken the law for years, cannot be arrested and jailed.
Late Wednesday night Stavanger police were involved in a car chase, but when they found out who they had caught, they had to let him go. Because the man has been declared mentally handicapped he falls outside of the criminal justice system.
The man has broken into cars and homes, committed thefts and minor drug offenses but as long as the crimes are below a certain gravity he is has an effective license to commit crime, newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad reports.
The diagnosis means that he cannot do prison time and new rules prevent him from being put into preventative custody. Mentally handicapped criminals can only be sentenced to forced care in a medical institution in the case of serious crimes according to new laws.
District attorney Tormod Haugnes said that bank robbery or arson resulting in death is necessary before people like the 30-year-old can be put away.
"Psychiatrists have asserted that he is not capable of showing guilt or understanding how to behave in society without help. So he must get help," Elden told Stavanger Aftenblad.
Holy crap, that applies to just about every single gangbanger I have ever met. They weren�t �Mentally Handicapped�, they just had no damn morals.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:32 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 16, 2005
I meant to post this yesterday
But oh well�
Having elected Howard Dean as their new leader, the Dems have effectively cut off their own hands.
Which is just as well as they had already sewn their eyes and ears shut anyway,
Personally, I am applauding Scott Ott at Scrappleface for being the closest to the truth with comedy in this post.
My favorites,
The DNC, under Howard Dean's leadership, envisions a future of...* Protecting the Social Security system by declaring an end to "the crisis" and reducing news reports about the instability of the system.
* Protecting the unemployed by repealing the Bush tax cuts so that lawyers who get wealthy from class-action lawsuits can pay more taxes to support people who lose their jobs when their companies go bankrupt because of the high cost of insurance and litigation.
There are more where those came from.
Another thing I have noticed is that the left wing of the blogosphere is getting mighty brave.
I don�t mean brave in the real sense, like the bravery shown by our fighting men and women, I mean brave as in sort seen in a Hollywood action flick where the hero�s lackey in the film charges alone into a large group of the enemy with a half-empty M-16 when the enemy is clearly armed with tanks.
They come out about the same as the guys in the red shirts from the old Star Trek shows.
Here are two quick examples from the Klueless Kos Klan.
First up, from Kos Kontributor, Chris Bowers
I've got something to say.What we need are Democratic strongmen who will walk up to those conservatives in favor of the war and punch them in the face.
We need Janet Reno to find these hawks, have ATF agents with automatic weapons arrest them, and place them in an offshore prison where we can hold them without charges and declare them enemy combatants.
Maybe this is all too elaborate. Perhaps we should just drop bombs on their homes.
We do this because they are enraged at the prospect of being tolerant.
We do this because they are not real patriots.
We would rather hit them with baseball bats than talk to them.
Oh really Chris? How unkind of you to forget to invite me to your little shindig. Big brave man you are there. Step up and follow the trackback. I know you want some of this.
This next one is from �Sue in NH�.
Now, little Suzy has a dirty mouth. Mostly because her parents were too "Open Minded" with her upbringing. So open minded, in fact, their brains fell out. And Suzy's did too.
Seeing as how we like to keep a blog that the whole family can enjoy here at RNS, I�m going to do a little editing,
I'm a republican. F*ck you.I'm a republican. I have my own pile of money. F*ck you.
I'm a republican. My kids go to private school. I don't care about your kids, or public schools. When my kids are better educated than yours, they will get better jobs and make more money than your kids. F*ck you.
I'm a republican. I have a job with health insurance. If you were not so lazy or stupid, you would have a good job with health insurance too. It sure is sad when you go bankrupt after a catastrophic health crisis, but its probably your own damn fault anyway. F*ck you.
Now, I�ve read all of those that follow and I can only agree with Dirty Little Suzy on three points, my job, democracy and taxes. The rest of her speil is just hateful stereotyping.
Big surprise there!
And lastly, Atrios calls Reynolds an idiot because the Instapundit can tell the difference between a Presidential candidate and a hack reporter.
Not that the Professor needs someone to defend him, I just thought I'd point out that in Eschatonland, there is no difference between the two.
Like I have said in the past, the Dems thrive off of their hatred. Dean�s new position is fuel on that fire. Let's just watch them implode from a nice safe distance and hopefully one of two things will happen;
1. The Repubs will win their majority in the Senate in 06 and a then the White House again in 08
2. The left will finally get off their collective (and collectivist) asses and start on that �Revolution� thing they have been screaming about for nearly 40 years.
On second thought, maybe both of those things will happen. I haven�t bought all this ammo for nothing.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:10 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
Liberal Ideas Never Work
Oh Canada, with their excellent liberal thoughts that led to their firearms licensing and registration system never could have predicted something like this,
Criminals are renting guns for the weekend like some people rent movies, Ontario Attorney-General Michael Bryant said Tuesday.Mr. Bryant said local and provincial law-enforcement officials tell him guns are being rented out for short periods of time, making it difficult for prosecutors to trace them.
Gee golly willakers, Bob and Doug! You mean that criminals will not respect your laws and even come up with schemes to foil even your best laid plans!?!
Those mean old criminals!
Add to that, the farcical �Ballistic Fingerprint System' that is dying a slow death (hopefully) on the east coast.
Imagine, the liberal gun bigots supporting an evidence gathering system that would stand a good chance of imprisoning the wrong person if this type of thing happened in their jurisdiction.
Oh wait, I forgot, the left doesn�t care about controlling criminals, they only care about controlling guns.
Found @ Right Thinking
Posted by Nukevet at 08:17 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 15, 2005
No More Cheap Dates
It looks like Hizbollah is having trouble finding �volunteers�.
Hizbullah Lifts Pay for Sucide Attacks to $100,000The Lebanon-based Hizbullah terror organization has announced that it is raising the compensation it pays out to families of suicide attackers from $20,000 to $100,000.
Bank transfers and e-mail intercepted from the organization by they PA reveal this new development, reports Arutz-7's Haggai Huberman.
How much longer until they have to start using the disabled for their murder plots?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:56 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 14, 2005
Just one thing
I would like to point out just one thing to the lefties in the blogosphere.
Crow all you want about offing of Talon News� Gannon/Guckert, we don�t care.
Your biggest find is that he may be, gasp, a homosexual! Heaven forbid!
The Analog Wife was telling me about how the talking anus� on Air America are trying to blame the Valerie Plame outing on Gannon/Guckert.
Sorry guys, no proof. But nice try. Much too convenient!
On the other side of the blogosphere, Dan Rather has had his blatant bias shown to the American people and CNN�s Eason Jordan has gone down in flames.
BTW lefties, bitching about losing and calling VRWC bloggers the "Son's of McCarthy" doesn�t make you look any better and actually shows off your historical ignorance.
Go ahead lefties, put that �L� on your foreheads now, you�ve earned it and it fits.
I�d like to end this post with a joke, courtesy of Laurence...
Q: How many CNN executives does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: The US military deliberately targeted that light bulb to burn out!
HaHa!(Nelson Style!)
Posted by Nukevet at 03:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 13, 2005
Terrifying Indeed
The Klutz over at Kicking Broadswords is taking an American Presidency class and has a frightening experience,
My American Presidency class had just gotten out and a couple of us stood around discussing politics.The teacher (Democrat) asked if there was anything we agreed with about the Democratic Party and the president of the College Republicans brought up public education. I did my John Dewey socialist rant and when that didn't seem to work I brought up the Constitution. I asked him where in the Constitution the feds have the power to control education. He acknowledged that it didn't but remarked:
"I don't really believe in the Constitution"
Upon uttering that sentence the teacher should have been immediately stripped of tenure and ran off the school grounds.
Tarred and feathered would be a preferable addition, but I would also settle for him to be set on fire.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:20 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
February 10, 2005
Crackin� the Whip
The poor wittle fwenchies lost their delovely maximum 35 hour work week yesterday,
French kiss adieu to the 35-hour weekMuch of France was due to bid farewell to its guaranteed short working week last night with parliament set to pass an unpopular labour reform bill that is feeding discontent with the Government of Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
Mr Raffarin insisted yesterday that big protest marches at the weekend would not divert his drive to undo the compulsory maximum 35-hour week, the measure that was the prime legacy of the previous socialist government.
The new legislation will allow people to work up to 48 hours a week if they and their employers agree.
The reform of the flagship socialist law has rallied the feuding opposition and the unions in common cause.
In reality, employers will be able to force longer hours for the same pay, they say.
"What is being offered is a fool's bargain," socialist former labour minister Martine Aubry said.
Yes Martine, your offer to keep the work week at a maximum of 35 hours was a fool�s bargain. Only fools would take it.
After working 58+ hours last week and on track to do so again this week, I can honestly say that my heart pumps purple piss for you Martine.
Found at Dissecting Leftism via The Happy Carpenter
Posted by Nukevet at 08:53 AM | Comments (0)
February 09, 2005
Two Hours!
Two Freaking Hours! That is all it took for the �palestinians� to break the cease fire!
Israeli Military Reports Cease-Fire ViolationIt took just a few hours for the first violation of the new Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire to be reported.
The Israeli military says Palestinians opened fire on a car near a Jewish settlement on the West Bank and threw firebombs at troops that came to investigate. No injuries were reported.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas met in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, Tuesday, and pledged to stop the cycle of attacks and military retaliation.
Abbas said he told Sharon that Palestinians will halt all violence against Israelis. Sharon also made a similar pledge, saying, "Israel will cease all its military activity against all Palestinians everywhere."
The leaders didn't sign any formal cease-fire document.
Which is good, because it wouldn�t have been worth the paper it would have been written on.
Found at Right Thinking
Posted by Nukevet at 09:34 AM | Comments (0)
February 08, 2005
Naaaaaw, can't happen here,
I especially like the bit about the Dutch boy being asked if he was a racist for having the audacity to show his country's flag on his backpack. I loved his answer - "no, my mom is black".
Oh, yeah, and Muslims aren't a "race" - they're a religion - big difference.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:55 PM | Comments (0)
The Truth?
You can't handle tell the truth.
This is a work in progress that I am making available due to the current interest in Ward Churchill�s writings. I show that Churchill has committed research fraud, and very possibly committed perjury as well. This article analyzes Churchill�s fabrication of a genocide. Churchill invented a story about the US Army deliberately creating a smallpox epidemic among the Mandan people in 1837 by distributing infected blankets. While there was a smallpox epidemic on the Plains in 1837, it was entirely accidental, the Army wasn�t involved, and nearly every element of Churchill�s story is a total invention. My goal here was to show how and why Churchill engaged in such blatant fraud, and why no one has challenged him on it until now.
I didn't think Churchill should be fired for his hateful nonsense (now the people who granted him tenure are another story). But allegations of fraud and plagiarism strike at the very heart of what academia is about. One can only wonder if he will actually get challenged on this, or whether he'll get a free pass because of his "ethnicity".
Note to the tenured faculty committee - it should serve as a warning when a potential hire has no publications in a refereed publication.
This would be like me being hired and given tenure when the only things I had written were for Cat Fancy magazine and Dog Lover's World.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:43 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Howard Dean's Last Opponent Bows Out of Chairman's Race
Found at Right Thinking
Posted by Nukevet at 08:40 AM | Comments (1)
Its Called Recycling
Say it one time with me� FREAK!
Apartment floor collapses from weight of old magazinesA Tokyo apartment floor has collapsed from the weight of old magazines and newspapers piled up over 20 years, police said.
No one was seriously hurt in the collapse, but daaaamn!
Posted by Nukevet at 08:33 AM | Comments (0)
February 07, 2005
Three Days of the Kos IMC
So, I�ve been collecting these links from the Klueless Kos Klan and trying to figure out what, exactly I am going to do with them.
Let�s see�.
Feb 3,
Because they hate everything and everyone attached in any way to the Bush Administration, on of the Klan decided to check the background of Ms. Sofia Taleb Al Souhail, the Iraqi woman sitting behind Laura Bush at the SOTU address.
Turns out, she is everything Bush said she was. Heaven forbid that Bush be proven to be honest.
Feb 4,
The government lawyers lost a case against the tobacco companies in the D.C. US Court of Appeals. Seems they wanted, big surprise, more money.
Since they went through their first wad of cash like crap through a goose and they saw that their cash cow still had some cash in it, they went for another milking and lost.
The Klan members whine and seethe.
Feb 5,
Juan Cole gets his ass handed to him by Jonah Goldberg for saying that the 1997 Iranian �elections� were more democratic that the 2005 Iraqi elections.
Big baby Juan comes back with a response of,
Jonah Goldberg is a Doody-Head! (paraphrased, of course)
Is that the best you can do, little man? I thought you were some sort of professional writer or something?
Poor wittle Juan. Can�t make your hyperbole stick, so you just attack the messenger. Politics of Personal Destruction, ineeed.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:35 AM | Comments (0)
February 06, 2005
Government in Action
Washington State isn't quite this bad,
Sex offenders found to bypass residency lawsAnalysis: Many area schools have criminals living too close
Loren Underwood and his wife, Catherine, were convicted in 1997 of having sex with an underage girl. Having served more than a year in jail, they're now living in an upstairs apartment within 1,000 feet of not one, but two East Toledo schools. Boys and girls pass underneath their living room window every school day.
That's illegal under Ohio's law that prohibits sex offenders from living so close to a school.
It's also not unusual.
In fact, one in four of Lucas County's more than 600 registered sex offenders live within 1,000 feet of a school, according to a Blade analysis.
"There's a whole lot of sex offenders and not a whole lot of area," said Lucas County Deputy Ernie Lamb, who for seven years has knocked on doors to verify sex offenders are living where they say they are.
Here in Washington, if I remember correctly, the government doesn't know where approximately 20% of the sex offenders even are.
Mostly this is because sex offenders are legally allowed to register as 'homeless' once they are released.
Welcome to the Liberal Utopia.
Found at The Interested Participant
Posted by Nukevet at 06:41 AM | Comments (0)
February 03, 2005
Real Injun Kit
Hmmmmmm, so not all is as it seems to be, eh?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:02 PM | Comments (1)
It's business as usual in the great state of Louisiana!
And notice the Kennedy connection! Huey P. would be proud.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:51 AM | Comments (0)
January 30, 2005
A Ted Rall disciple
On the wrong side of history. Go figure.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:35 PM | Comments (0)
Stupid Criminals
John at Some Poor Schmuck works at his local 911 call center and he gets some unusal stuff coming down the pipe. This Thursday was �Dumb Criminal Day�.
Here are some samples,
Just had a call of someone trying to cash a stolen check. Shouldn't be too hard to solve. The suspect left his inmate ID card there.
Now we have a robbery of a liquor store in a small town of about 600 people. The suspect is a 50 year old male with a long criminal history that has lived in town all his life. Everybody recognized him. He also dropped his day planner.
There was an arrest made in a shooting that occured here a couple of months ago. Just to show you what kind of people we are dealing with here, the suspect had to be interviewed in the hospital. He was sitting at a computer and stuck a gun down his pants. He shot himself through the penis, one testicle and into his thigh. Luckily for him it was a .22 pistol.
As John said, �Rocket Scientists I tell you!�
Posted by Nukevet at 12:46 AM | Comments (0)
January 28, 2005
James Wolcott, Loser.
Kathryn Jean Lopez, Inattentive?
I watched the press conference that Lopez speaks about at NRO�s The Corner that is linked to in Wolcott�s post and I do not agree with her description of the events.
"I only saw parts of it so I'm not going to be particularly helpful in relaying specifics--but, wow was he in a good mood. You almost get the impression he enjoys doing these now.�
I don�t know which part she saw, but I watched the entire nearly 45 minute Q&A; session and I only saw Bush smile a few times, and that was when he was cracking a couple of jokes when the attitude got too hostile in the room.
The reason I am questioning her attention span is that James Wolcott uses it to bash Bush over the deaths of the Marines in the helicopter crash from earlier that morning.
DUBYA'S ZIPPITY DO-DAH DAYPonder that a moment. The White House announces a press conference in the morning. After the announcement comes the news that 31 Americans died in a chopper crash in Iraq (6 others died today in seperate incidents). The president takes the podium fresh with the knowledge of that tragedy--and radiates a cheerful disposition bantering with the press about senior citizens and their faulty memories. She can't see something scarily wrong with that? She doesn't spot some sort of emotional disturbance or disconnect? Imagine if Bill Clinton had been chirpy and chipper having just received the news of 31 soldiers dying in the theater of combat--Rush Limbaugh would have devoted three hours to it, and Fox News would have dragged Dick Morris out of the all-you-can-eat buffet for his "expert analysis."
When Bush did address the soldiers' deaths, he said that we "weep and mourn" when Americans die, but as he was saying it his hand was flatly smacking downwards for emphasis, as if he were pounding the table during the business meeting, refusing to pay a lot for a muffler. The steady beat of his hand was at odds with the sentiments he was expressing--he didn't look or sound the least bit mournful or sombre. And why should he? Death doesn't seem to be a bringdown for him. There isn't the slightest evidence that he experiences the anguish LBJ did as casualties mounted in Vietnam. His record as chief executioner in Texas is of a man for whom the death of another is an administrative detail, a power exercise.
It sounds as if Wolcott didn�t watch the conference either. Typical for him.
When Bush was getting the general questions from the press, he looked annoyed quite often, as is usual for him. He would try to lighten up the mood every now and then by cracking a joke and even had one reporter who was standing to his right tell him �Now don�t go messing me up� when he restated her question while asking her to clarify her question. All in all, it was tense at times but there were no confrontations.
When Bush spoke about the Marines, he was somber, he spoke of them honorably and he looked as if he was remembering the moment, earlier that morning, when he was told of the crash.
So, Wolcott continues his usual course of being a misleading jackass and giving folks like the Kos Klan, who seem to take everything Wolcott says as gospel, something false to bitch about, and Lopez needs to stop commenting on things she doesn�t have the full board of information on.
Just goes to show how one off-hand comment can and will be taken and snowballed into something it is not.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:37 AM | Comments (6)
January 25, 2005
How the left supports our troops
Keep an eye out for this to wander on through the halls of Congress.
Dear Mr. President,We write to urge you to take immediate steps to begin the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.
Although the initial invasion of Iraq may have occurred with minimal troop deaths, the subsequent occupation of the country has been anything but successful. Already more than 1,300 American troops have lost their lives since the war began on March 19, 2003. At least 10,000 American troops have been injured as well, and it is impossible to know exactly how many thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed. Despite the enormity of the war�s casualties, the Iraqi insurgency continues to grow stronger with every passing day.
Iraq is no closer to becoming a stable democracy today than it was two years ago, as evidenced in recent weeks by the daily torrent of insurgent attacks on American forces and Iraqi civilian leaders.
Again, while it may be logistically difficult to immediately remove every American soldier, we urge you to take immediate action to begin the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. This is the only way to truly support our troops. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Rep. Lynn Woolsey
That is the partial text of a letter that is being sent to the Oval Office on behalf of some of the Democrats in the House. The list of those Representatives is at the bottom of that letter. Check to see if you recognize any of the names.
At the ardently left wing website and Democrat mouth piece, Common Delusions, ummm, I mean Common Dreams, Norman Soloman comments on this letter.
Sixteen members of the U.S. House of Representatives launched an initiative in that direction on Jan. 12 with a letter to President Bush urging him "to take immediate steps to begin the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq."Led by Rep. Lynn Woolsey of California, the signers contended: "It has become clear that the existence of more than 130,000 American troops stationed on Iraqi soil is infuriating to the Iraqi people -- especially because Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction and did not have a connection to the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, or to the al Qaeda terrorist organization. Indeed, the very presence of Americans in Iraq is a rallying point for dissatisfied people in the Arab world."
Few media outlets beyond California did any substantive reporting on the letter. But it could turn out to be an initial step on a long journey for efforts to achieve a congressional cutoff of funds for the Iraq war. Such efforts can only be successful if immense grassroots pressure develops to compel members of Congress to take action.
Rep. Woolsey is set to take another step by introducing a resolution in the House of Representatives calling for U.S. troops to come home from Iraq as soon as logistically possible. Her office told me on Jan. 19 that Woolsey's resolution -- still in draft form and not yet circulated to House members -- was scheduled to be introduced in late January.
Their basic plan of attack seems to be, �get the troops out now or we�ll fight funding the effort�.
Way to support the troops there, jackass!
Of course, those of us on the right have known that the left�s weakly spoken �We Support Our Troops� line was a load of horse hockey.
They support the troops as long as those troops have low pay, low morale, out of date equipment and are sitting around doing very little so that the Dems can use them as a test bed for social engineering.
Bush is getting set to ask for another special appropriation of $80 Billion to fund Iraq, Afghanistan and some things here at home. Of course, you might not know that the money was going somewhere other than Iraq if you listen to the nightly news.
Make sure that any of these chuckleheads who are from your state get a verbal kick in the pants for their now barely invisible disdain for our fighting men and women.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:25 AM | Comments (5)
January 24, 2005
Going Unilateral
That seems to be what the The Center for Constitutional Rights are doing to try and get Donald Rumsfled tried on 'War Crimes' charges by going to Germany and demanding that the Office of the German Federal Prosecutor file charges.
German law allows German courts to prosecute for killing, torture, cruel and inhumane treatment, forcible transfers and sexual coercion such as occurred at Abu Ghraib. The world has seen the photographs and read the leaked �torture memos�. We are doing what is necessary when other systems of justice have failed and seeking to hold officials up the chain of command responsible for the shameful abuses that occurred.
Make sure you read that last sentence again.
Lee at Right Thinking thinks that the intent contained in that line is exactly what the US did when the UN voted to keep the status quo on Iraq and I agree with him.
Two more points,
First, since when are armed combatants, caught on a field of battle in another country on another continent entitled to US Constitutional Rights?
I am taking it that, due to the name of this particular organization, that they believe they are entitled.
Second, why is it that they are going after Donald Rumsfeld for something he had no hand in and leaving Castro, Kim Jong Il, the Iranian Mullahs and the Chinese government alone.
Oh wait, I forgot they're just socialists with a stick in their ass and a hard-on of hatred for the Bush administration.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:12 AM | Comments (1)
January 20, 2005
Sorry, guys - but I can't fight comment spammers anymore. I tried to have a pretty unrestricted status of allowing unregistered people to leave comments, and then the post author would just have to approve the comments seperately. Today I spent an hour cleaning out over 500 comment spams. These things eat up our bandwidth, which costs me money, and make it almost impossible to keep track of legitimate posts. Therefore, effective immediately, you will notice 2 changes:
1) You no longer have to provide your e-mail addy if you don't want to. I originally thought that this would provide some level of protection, but it doesn't.
2) You have to have a typekey account to comment. I know it's a pain in the ass, but I just don't have the time to deal with it anymore. If I miss a couple of days of cleaning out spam, our comments folder is literally choked with spam for texas holdem, viagra, and lolita sex sites.
Typekey registration is here.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but the spam issue is taking all of the blogging fun away.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:58 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
Inaugural Day
Today is the day that George W Bush is re-sworn into office for another 4 years.
I love that sentence for the simple fact that those words, combined together in that order, drives lefties apeshit crazy.
So crazy, in fact, that they are planning numerous symbolic protests today.
Let's list some of them, shall we?
Here in Seattle, Not In Our Name - Seattle Brigade, is planning a rally in the middle of our downtown's commercialism, Westlake Center.
Someone, NOIN won't name who, has been posting flyers around town that say "Start a fire, blow up a bank". The NOINers say that it is a government agency that is trying to "set up Not In Our Name for political attack".
Doubt it. The NOINers are famous for not policing their own. More than likely, it is one of their more lively members thinking they're more progressive than the rest.
Just south of me, in Portland, OR, there is a whole lot going on today.
They've got a carnival, a Bean Bush Bash, an Inaugural Day Funeral Procession, a labor march sponsored by non other than the Industrial Workers of the World, a Food Not Bombs rally (because food is a human right?) and a SCRAP The Regime dance.
But best of all, Code Pink is putting together a "Tin Foil Hat Parade"
From their site:
Have you ever had the discomfiting suspicion that powerful people get together and plan nefarious things such as fraudulent elections? Well, you must be one of those "Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy Theorists" we are constantly being advised to ridicule.
Well, we say Stand Up and Be Proud! You are invited to wear a tinfoil hat of your own design, and to carry a sign that suggests you might just be one of those TFHCT's -- on January 20, Counter- Inaugural Day. Oh, and dress in PINK!
You have to wonder how many of these people will be going to therapy tomorrow.
Nationally, there will be dozens of other protests across the country. Including the NotOneDamnDime boycott group and the Turn Your Back On Bush gang.
Symbolism must be all that they have left.
Be very careful when you're out and about today, most of these people aren;t very stable mentally. You thought that the freaks outside the RNC in NYC were in need of medication, well, Bush has actually won and is being inaugurated. If their heads don't just spontaneously explode, they'll be lucky.
I may be mistaken, and if so, please correct me, but I do not remember Republicans coming out in this manner either time Clinton was elected.
And they call us "Wingnuts".
Posted by Nukevet at 02:14 PM | Comments (19)
January 19, 2005
Run, Dean, Run!
Florida may be the best state in the union when it comes to Republican politics.
First they resoundingly help re-elect Bush. Now,
Florida DNC members endorse Howard Dean for Party Chairman.
The Florida delegation to the Democratic National Committee has voted unanimously to endorse Howard Dean to be the party's next chairman, bucking an effort to orchestrate an endorsement of one candidate by all 50 state party leaders at the same time later this month.
The decision, announced yesterday by Scott Maddox, the Florida Democratic chairman, is a major lift for Dr. Dean, a former governor of Vermont, and it is a shift in a contest where most Democrats have been holding back from endorsing any candidate in the crowded field.
Mr. Maddox said in an interview that Florida made its endorsement despite some Democrats' concerns that Dr. Dean might not be the right ideological symbol for the party as it tries to regain power because of his liberal views on some issues and fervent opposition to the Iraq war.
Mwahahahaha! My dreams are coming true!
Please! Please! Please!
Posted by Nukevet at 11:51 AM | Comments (0)
January 18, 2005
Too many similarities here
They're both on islands. They both think of their subjects as too stupid to think for themselves. They both wish America was impotent. And they both hate George W. Bush.
I can see it now, Castro tells Livingstone the best way to round up those who disagree with him and execute them in soccer stadiums.
Livingstone gives Castro the number to the company that makes the streetside surveillance cameras.
Afterwards, as they're lying in bed, sharing a cigar, they whisper sweet nothings of Bush insults in each others ears.
Shortly thereafter, myself and a few selected other VRWC bloggers burst into the boudoir and have fun making Castro explain to us what a wonderful country America is while Livingstone is made to repeatedly hit himself on the head with a cricket bat.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:02 PM | Comments (1)
January 11, 2005
So as to not sully their little minds
Or make them have to think.
Someone has come up with "The FOX Blocker!"
It screws inline with your coax and supposedly blocks FOX News from your cable box.
Lord knows the lefties can't stand dissent of any kind, even if it is only perceived.
I really, really hope that this is just some right winger who came up with this and is going to make mega bucks from looneys.
Found at both Right Thoughts and the FreeWillBlog
Posted by Nukevet at 12:55 PM | Comments (0)
January 10, 2005
Making fun of the Left
Should be done everyday, but on some days, you need to gather up a bunch of stupid stuff and pass it around for display.
To start with, my local leftie fuckwit, David Neiwert of Orcinus, once again proves his ability to make a tin foil hat that will absolutely block the mind control beams from the government satellites by posting that he thinks the RatherGate memos are AUTHENTIC.
You need to read this, even if just for comic relief.
While on the topic of SeeBS, it looks as though the broadcasting network is going to try to get it's reputation back by hiring professional publicist, Donna Dees.
If you recognize the name, but can't put a face to it, you'll be happy to know that Ms. Dees was the Lead Organizer of the Million Mom March
As both Lee @ Right Thinking and JimK @ Right Thoughts said, OH! That Liberal Media!
The big story for the left right now is the payola scandal involving Armsrong Williams and the Dept. of Education. While I don't think that it is as big a deal as the media is making it out to be, I don't think it was an especially bright thing to do.
Of course, this brings out the moonbats in Congress like Rep. Louise M. Slaughter who says, "Williams incident makes the case for The Fairness Doctrine"
That comment is so damn ignorant that I am amazed that she can feed herself. Of course, I have not seen any evidence that she actually can, in fact, feed herself, but since she is still alive enough to put out a press release, I take it on good faith that she is wholly able.
I found the USAToday link at Atrios' Eschaton. Friday is Atrios' usual day for 'Cat Blogging'.
But not this last Friday. He says "One of them was very bad and must be punished."
Rumor has it that one of them actually expressed happiness that Bush won.
Over at the Kos IMC, they are all atwitter about the possible formation and use of Iraqi nationalist 'death squads' for hunting down and killing the leaders of the insurgency.
Well now, we can't use anything that might be construed as 'torture' on the insurgents, and now the lefties don't want us to kill them either.
No wonder they think we're losing the fight over there!
Newsweek has penned an articles titled "The Salvador Option"
What better way to whip the left into a frenzy than to remind them of communisms loss in Central and South America!
Say it with me once again "OH! That Liberal Media!"
Posted by Nukevet at 11:15 AM | Comments (0)
January 08, 2005
And the courts will probably give into him
It's Canada, after all.
VICTORIA, British Columbia (AP) � A homeless man is asserting he is entitled to sleep on the grounds of a historic site in the British Columbia capital, even if he winds up in prison.
David Johnston, 32, pleaded guilty Thursday to violating a probation order banning him from the 21 acres of manicured lawns, fruit trees, flower beds and a gazebo at St. Ann's Academy. Sentencing was set for next Thursday.
Johnston claims he has a "right to sleep undisturbed in a public-access place" and has not disputed testimony by St. Ann's officials who say security personnel and groundskeepers have repeatedly removed his furniture, bedding and garbage.
He said Thursday he will continue to disregard probation orders and regulations until a judge agrees that he has a right to sleep peacefully in public places.
This is also known as the "It's winter in Canada and jail is warmer than the outdoors" plan.
Of course, he says that it is about 'rights',
While others may be disturbed by his presence, "that luxurious enjoyment is secondary to my sleep," he argued.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:34 AM | Comments (0)
You know you're a sicko
When your hooker calls the cops on you.
A hooker turned in a john after she saw disturbing child pornography on the man's home computer, police said Thursday.
Detective Carlos Negron, police spokesman, said police were contacted by the prostitute two days ago. She told police she went to the suspect's apartment on the 1800 block of Jefferson Street to service the man and while inside saw numerous pictures of children between the ages of 3 and 16 performing sex.
Too bad she didn't just pull an Aileen Wournos on the guy. I'd also ask that she put a torch to his place, but he lived in an apartment.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:30 AM | Comments (0)
January 06, 2005
Past and Present
Lee at Right Thinking from the Left Coast put up a pair of pictures yesterday.
One was of Hitler Youth giving the one-arm salute.
The other was of 'palestinian' Fatah Youth Movement members ALSO giving the same one-arm salute.
But remember, to a large numbers of EU members, the Israelis are 'the new Nazis'.
And yet the left still actually cares what those people think.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:09 AM | Comments (0)
January 05, 2005
Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth
A handful of House Democrats plan a long-shot effort to snarl President Bush's formal re-election by preventing Congress from counting Ohio's pivotal votes when lawmakers tally the electoral vote on Thursday.
No one expects the action to undo Bush's victory. Instead, it seems likely to do little more than call attention to Election Day voting irregularities, a growing frustration for Democrats who blamed similar problems in Florida for Bush's 2000 defeat of Democrat Al Gore.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:30 PM | Comments (0)
January 03, 2005
Ignorance in full view
John @ Some Poor Schmuck asks "Does part of the preparation for taking a seat on the Oregon Court of Appeals involve having your brains sucked out and replaced by sawdust?"
My answer; Nope, they just hit you repeatedly over the head until you cry out "Jimmy Carter is a genius!"
The question arose from this ruling by OCA,
In a victory for political protesters, the Oregon Court of Appeals on Wednesday struck down a state law that makes it a crime to disobey a police officer.
The court said the law was unconstitutionally broad because police could use it against people who are lawfully attending a political rally.
While I agree that 'disobeying a police officer' is rather vague, when you are at a rally and are told to disperse, you need to disperse, either for your safety or the safety of others.
Living in the protest capitol of the country (seriously, these freaks up here will publically demonstrate for bike lanes!) I am sick and tired of ANSWER and SNOW and others of their ilk trying to shut down portions of the city.
Remember WTO?
When these groups start getting violent and start destroying private property, unless the police have a person on video doing something illegal, the only charge they have at their disposal is 'failing to disperse/disobeying a police officer' in order to charge and hold these hooligans.
Oregon PD's statewide no longer have this tool.
Carry on, anarchists. The state is yours.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:11 AM | Comments (0)
December 31, 2004
Radio, Radio!
So I was listening to this shrill harpie of a substitute leftie talk radio host last night and she was bitching about the funds being sent for tsunami relief by the US Gov't.
After a commercial break, she came on with the fact that the aircraft carrier, the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72-based out of Everett, WA) was heading there to help, along with a number of other vessels from the US Navy fleet.
Being a good leftie, she decided that she couldn't figure out how a carrier could help in this situation, what with it being a 'machine of war' and all.
About 15 minutes later, some mean old 'neo-con' had to call up and correct her way of thinking about the usefulness of an large military vessel in a disaster area. He was both kind and informative, but she still hung up on him and said that he was 'lying'.
One of the facts he brought up is the amount of distilled water the Lincoln can produce, something I had never looked into before.
In 24 hours, a Nimitz Class aircraft carrier can produce 400,000 US Gallons of fresh, distilled water.
Holy crap! That is an lot of freaking water!
Of course, I could have just asked Mollbot. But it was kind of late at night.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:39 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
December 28, 2004
On the Rumsfeld comment from yesterday.
After listening to the looney left wing Seattle radio hosts last night, I realized that there was one poll response I had not thought about including for you all to choose from.
This was the basic jist of what the local lefties chose as their response:
Rumsfeld's statement pertaining to the shooting down of Flight 93 on September 11th is proof that he is getting senile and should step down.
How could I have missed that one?
Posted by Nukevet at 11:06 AM | Comments (0)
December 22, 2004
My Two Cents
On this lawsuit against Wal_mart for selling a shotgun to a mentally unstable woman who used it to commit suicide, brought by the woman's mother.
If Wal-Mart loses this one, I'll be very surprised.
If Wal-Mart settles this one, I'll never shop there again.
Except for the most socialized and gun controlled cities, the retailer HAS to sell you the firearm if you NICS check comes back as approved or otherwise face a civil rights charge.
The only exceptions to this rule is if they deem you as drunk or otherwise intoxicated and/or if they call up their right of "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" and have you escorted from the premises.
The Wal-Mart pharmacy is legally obligated to keep all medical records private, so even if they knew that the woman was at the sporting goods counter purchasing the shotgun, they couldn't have stpped the purchase without the woman being able to sue them for improper disclosure of her medical records.
The fault for the approval of this purchase lies with the federal government and their ignorant NICS check system. The woman was forcibly hospitalized by the government twice, but this information was never entered to the NICS system, so she was allowed to purchase her firearm.
Whereas, approximately 70% of the time, I am told that I must wait up to three days for approval to purchase a firearm because the ignorant NICS system confuses me with my grandfather.
My grandfather who has been dead for over 22 years.
Just more proof that the entire NICS system should have gone the way of the Assault Weapons Ban.
Found @ The Interested Participant
Posted by Nukevet at 08:54 AM | Comments (0)
December 21, 2004
Remember those tax cuts?
And besides their "Tax Cuts For The Rich!" message, remember the response from the left?
To summarize their message; they said that were willing to pay as much in taxes as it takes to get the country to run the way they want it to and that the folks who wanted the tax cuts were greedy.
Well, apparently, the liberal lefties have found their breaking point on the 'Tax Us Please!' issue.
After years of voting for various tax measures that have made Berkeley's property taxes the highest in the state, voters are now saying: enough already.
On Nov. 2, four tax measures designed to fund basic services such as fire and police, youth programs, medical services and libraries -- yes, libraries -- failed to get the two-thirds vote they needed to pass.
I can understand them not wanting to fund the police. I can almost understand them not wanting to fund the fire department. But 'youth programs', 'medical services' and LIBRARIES?
What kind of liberals are they if they don't want to fund libraries!?!
Oh, and if there is a firehouse that has to close in Berkeley, will the residents and voters blame themselves for voting against them or will they still blame Bush?
OK, that was a dumb question.
Found via Michelle Malkin
Posted by Nukevet at 10:39 AM | Comments (0)
December 20, 2004
Those Goofy Lefties
In a one day series of goofyness, I'll be posting utter stupidity from all over the world and laid it out in distance from you and I.
I will start with general goofiness and radiate out in the following posts.
We start with the wannabe Indymidiots, the Kos IMC and their attempt to prve that the draft is near!
TTagaris lists that the recruitment goal is below expectations, that the NG's are going to be asking for $20 Billion to replace arms and equipment lost or destroyed in Iraq and Afghanistan, that signing bonuses are being increased (you'd think that was a good thing?) and then finally, he says this,
"If you don't believe it yet, you can just take the word of the Commanding Officer for the Army National Gaurd."
Army Reserve, Lt. Gen. James R. Helmly, told The Dallas Morning News that the Army Reserve recruiting was in a "precipitous decline" that if unchecked could inspire renewed debate over the draft. General Helmly told the newspaper that he personally opposed reviving the draft.
So, because there could be renewed debate of the draft and the guy in charge is against it, that must mean the draft is imminent!
What a fool.
Next up, do you remember the story of Foster Barton, the soldier who was wounded and on leave from Iraq and was attacked at a Toby Keith concert back in September?
Well, accoriding to the attacker, Brent Cornwell, who was a former soldier himself, says that he attacked Barton after they traded insults about each others former units.
And of course, the lefties totally believe him.
Because they believe that military types always attack each other after a good natured ribbing! Especially when one of them is recovering from wounds received in theater!
What must be the funniest thing I have heard in the longest time is that the ACLU is data mining their membership list (link goes to Reynolds).
I am still in pain from that one.
Which, of course, proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the ACLU does not stand for anything that you or I would call civil liberites.
They only want to reshape America in their collective vision using the fairest and best damn legal system on the planet.
And finally, Natasha at the "Official Weblog of the King County Democratic Central Committee" wants to know what YOU are doing to help the Democrat Party here in Washignton State.
Her e-mail addy is "natasha.the[at]gmail[dot]com" (and if you are a Dem, you need to be told that you have to change the 'at' to an '@' and the 'dot' to a '.').
Why don't you all drop her a line, letting her know what you are doing to help.
At first, I was going to tell her that I am hunting and killing every Republican I can find. But I thought that might frighten her too much for a response.
Then, I was going to say that I'm giving away BJ's in Wal-Mart parking lots, trying to get folks to vote Democrat.
But that sounded creepy in an entirely different way.
I'm sure I'll think of something soon though.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:41 AM | Comments (1)
Those Goofy Canadians
In another step towards total insignificance, the Canadain Supreme Court has decided that drug testing of people on probation for criminal offenses is a violation of their civil rights as Canadians because if they fail, they can be thrown back in prison.
And they can't have that!
Vancouver B.C.'s highest court has ruled that people on probation shouldn't be forced to submit to drug testing. The court says the tests � a common probation condition � are unconstitutional.
The B.C. Court of Appeal was hearing the case of a man facing such an order. In a 2-1 decision, the court ruled those tests are unconsitutional.
But that is probably for the better since the best selling Christmas gift in the city of Vancouver, BC is a 'Monopoly' style board game in which you pretend you are a marijuana farmer!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:12 AM | Comments (0)
Those Goofy Europeans
From Captain Ed comes a reminder about the proposal in the EU Council to make internet medias outlets give the EU government the ability to respond to any articles or words that they feel are critical to them.
Captain Ed wonders if this will mean American blogs, since they too can be read in Europe?
I certainly hope so. I absolutely do.
First of all, I believe that the comments section of a blog is a formal venue where EU types can voice their responses and I would love to make some chucklehead government official in france have to type into the RNS comment system, his email addy and his governments response IN ENGLISH to be able to respond to an accusation from little old me.
Mostly because I will then have his email addy. Goody for me.
If his email addy is a fake, into the trash goes his response. The rules are very simple, even a french government official should be able to figure them out.
So, as a pledge to you, the RNS reader, if this EU rule goes through and becomes law, I promise to make fun of a member-country of the EU every day until, and then after, we get a response.
And in the spirit of being feisty, I will toss out a preemptive strike at none other than france.
Remember the 'War for Chocolate'?
It appears that the french have, surprise, surprise, raised the white flag and have pulled out of Abidjan.
And in utterly humiliating news for france, the Ivory Coast government wants America to arbitrate the negotiations!
Ivory Coast story found at the FreeWillBlog
Posted by Nukevet at 08:49 AM | Comments (0)
December 16, 2004
Well Metalheads...
Whatcha gonna do?
The mother of Nathan Gale, the guy who shot 'Dimebag Darrel' Abbott and three others last week has admitted that she bought him the pistol he used in the murders after he graduated from Marine Corps boot camp.
She also admits that it didn't cross her mind to take it away from him after he was prematurely released from the Marines when he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
"When he came home for Christmas the year he was in the service, I was so proud of that man for cleaning up his life the way he did," Clark said. "And I bought him that gun. I'll never, never be able to live that part down."
I don't like the fact that he shot four people, one of them being one of the best modern guitarists in America, if not the world. But I don't want to hear one word about a lawsuit against the shop that sold it to her or the manufacturer.
If you want to sue her, that is fine with me. He was of the age of majority, but was still not old enough to purchase a handgun. Making her, as the purchaser, the legal owner of the unsecured firearm that was used by a mentally unstable person to commit mass murder.
But there should be NO 'follow the money' lawsuits.
Also, no more threatening family members, real or assumed.
That is all.
All links found @ The Interested Participant
Posted by Nukevet at 09:17 AM | Comments (0)
December 15, 2004
In Surprising News
Remember the pre-election story about the NAACP organizer that was buying fraudulent voter registrations with Crack?
That was Georgianne Pitts.
Ms. Pitts was found dead on December 6th in her home.
From and apparent drug overdose, though toxicology reports have not yet come back from the Lucas County Coroner's Office.
Another possible vicitm of Post Election Selection Syndrome......?
Found @ via the Interested Participant
Posted by Nukevet at 10:12 AM | Comments (0)
December 13, 2004
Go Howard!
Kos IMC poster, Kid Oakland has a friend who got to meet Howard Dean in a town hall style format. Here is some of what Howard the Angry had to say,
"When asked about 2008, however, Dr. Dean had an interesting response. He said, paraphrasing, if we don't reform this party now, and do the hard work of fixing it, if we don't shake this thing to the core, then we've already as much as lost 2008..."
The you go, Howie. You and your followers go and reform that party into what you think it should be. I beg of you!
And when you lose in 2006 and 2008 and 2010 and 2012, just don't go crying in my direction.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:57 PM | Comments (0)
December 10, 2004
Another Stupid Decision
In their (hopefully, not so) eternal wisdon, the Washington State Supreme Court has decided that you child's phone conversations are Constitutionally guaranteed rights.
Mom's eavesdropping violated Privacy Act, Supreme Court rules
SEATTLE (AP) � Striking a blow for rebellious teenagers, the state Supreme Court has ruled that the Privacy Act prohibits a parent from eavesdropping on a child's phone conversations.
The case came to the Supreme Court because of a purse-snatching in Friday Harbor. A 17-year-old boy was convicted of second-degree robbery, based in part on testimony from his girlfriend's mom, who overhead him discussing the crime on the phone with her daughter.
The daughter had taken a cordless phone into her bedroom and closed the door. In another room, the mom pressed the "speakerphone" button on the base of the phone, listened to the conversation and took notes.
The court ruled that the daughter and her boyfriend had a reasonable expectation of privacy on the phone. Washington state law prohibits intercepting or recording conversations without consent from all participants.
"The Washington privacy statute puts a high value on the privacy of communications," Justice Tom Chambers wrote in the unanimous opinion.
The daughter's boyfriend will get a new trial.
The case is State of Washington v. Oliver C. Christensen, No. 74839-0.
Watch this quickly spread to e-mail conversations as well.
They live under your roof, for which you pay all the bills to keep up and you can go to jail for their actions.
But if you try to keep tabs on their activities so as to make sure they are doing nothing to get themselves or yourself in legal troubles, you are denying them their civil rights.
Smart parents will, as of today, put only a wall mounted phone in the kitchen, one computer in the living room, and remove the doors from their childrens bedroom.
No doors and public egress areas mean no expectation of privacy.
Of course, next the courts will require that parents give a child a "private space of their own".
This is the same court that agreed that beating a 22 month old child to death IS NOT MURDER.
And these are the same people who will be interpereting the election laws on Monday afternoon. In case you were wondering why I am worried.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:46 AM | Comments (1)
You can have it!
Are they stupid or just spoiled?
MoveOn to Democratic Party: 'We Own It'
Liberal powerhouse MoveOn has a message for the "professional election losers" who run the Democratic Party: "We bought it, we own it, we're going to take it back."
A scathing e-mail from the head of MoveOn's political action committee to the group's supporters on Thursday targets outgoing Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe as a tool of corporate donors who alienated both traditional and progressive Democrats.
"For years, the party has been led by elite Washington insiders who are closer to corporate lobbyists than they are to the Democratic base,'' said the e-mail from MoveOn PAC's Eli Pariser. ``But we can't afford four more years of leadership by a consulting class of professional election losers."
Divide and conquer. Let the self hating cannibalism of the left BEGIN!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:46 AM | Comments (0)
December 08, 2004
Good Guys/Bad Guys
So I'm going through my blogroll of left wing blogs and what do I find?
A list compiled by Dems of places to frequent and places to boycott depending on their monetary political contributions.
Since, I have never claimed to be bigger then they in terms of not buying my stuff from folks who actively work against my politcal beliefs, I am posting the list, with necessary title changes (good/bad), of course, and I will not shop at the places or buy the products of companies who give a large portion of their cash to the Democrat Party.
Shouldn't be too difficult. There aren't to any firearms industry names on the list.
FYI: I am not under the illusion that any of these companies will notice the loss of my business or even care about it. Nor am I going ask that anyone who visits this site follow me in my endeavor. It is more of a personal thing, if you get my drift.
Unlike those on the left. A quote from Digby @ Hullabaloo
"Let's be sure to spread some Holiday cheer to the good guys --- and stick it to the others. This is America, after all."
Yes Digby, this is America. Revel in the fact that you CAN choose who to buy from and what you buy. You are not allowed that courtesy in a large number of other nations.
The list is below the fold.....
UPDATE: Found another leftie website with another list of good companies/bad companies. This one includes some of those eevviill oil companies
BP Oil gave $188,000 politically with 65% ($122,200) to Republicans and 35% ($65,800) to Dems.
American Gas gave $179,000 politically with 63% ($112,770) to Repubs and 37% ($66,230) to Dems.
Phoenix Oil & Gas gave $185,000 policically with 100% going to the Dems
Shell Oil gave $212,000 policially with 56% ($118,720) going to the Dems and 44% ($93,280) to Repubs.
If you add that up, The Republicans got $328,250 and the Democrats got $435,750.
The oil companies actually favored the Democrat Party with almost 20% more in monetary contributions.
'No War For Oil' Indeed!
PS: I have written the site moderators to see if they have left off some of the numbers or if they are just misrepresenting the numbers in their statemnts. We'll see.
Good Guys:
WalMart, $467K, 97% to republicans;
K-Mart, $524K, 86% to republicans;
Home Depot, $298K, 89% to republicans;
Target, $226K, 70% to republicans;
Circuit City Stores, $261K, 95% to republicans;
3M Co., $281K, 87% to republicans;
Hallmark Cards, $319K, 92% to republicans;
Amway, $391K, 100% republican;
Kohler Co. (plumbing fixtures), $283K, 100% republicans;
B.F. Goodrich (tires), $215K, 97% to republicans;
Proctor & Gamble, $243K, 79% to republicans;
Coors, $174K, 92% to republicans; (also Budweiser - sd)
Brown-Forman Corp. (Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels, Bushmills, Korbel wines - as well as Lennox China, Dansk, Gorham Silver), $644, 80% to republicans;
Pilgrim's Pride Corp. (chicken), $366K, 100% republican;
Outback Steakhouse, $641K, 95% republican;
Tricon Global Restaurants (KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell), $133K, 87% republican;
Brinker International (Maggiano's, Brinker Cafe, Chili's, On the
Border, Macaroni Grill, Crazymel's, Corner Baker, EatZis), $242K, 83% republican;
Waffle House, $279K, 100% republican;
McDonald's Corp., $197K, 86% republican;
Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Smokey Bones, Bahama Breeze), $121K, 89% republican;
Mariott International, $323K, 81% to republicans;
Holiday Inns, $38K, 71% to republicans
Bad Guys:
* Price Club/Costco donated $225K, of which 99% went to democrats;
* Rite Aid, $517K, 60% to democrats;
* Magla Products (Stanley tools, Mr. Clean), $22K, 100% to democrats;
* Warnaco (undergarments), $55K, 73% to democrats;
* Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, $153K, 99% to democrats;
* Estee Lauder, $448K, 95% to democrats;
* Guess ? Inc., $145K, 98% to democrats;
* Calvin Klein, $78K, 100% to democrats;
* Liz Claiborne, Inc., $34K, 97% to democrats;
* Levi Straus, $26K, 97% to democrats;
* Olan Mills, $175K, 99% to democrats.
* Gallo Winery, $337K, 95% to democrats;
* Southern Wine & Spirits, $213K, 73% to democrats;
* Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons (includes beverage business, plus considerable media interests), $2M+, 67% democrats.
* Sonic Corporation, $83K, 98% democrat;
* Triarc Companies (Arby's, T.J. Cinnamon's, Pasta Connections), $112K, 96% Democrats;
* Hyatt Corporation, $187K, 80% to democrats;
Posted by Nukevet at 09:53 AM | Comments (1)
December 06, 2004
Rewriting History
Remember the Wellstone Funeral, where the followers and worshippers of Paul Wellstone booed people they decided weren't worthy to be there. These people are also known as Republicans.
Well, Al Franken is joining the ranks of those who are trying to rewrite what happened.
FRANKEN: This is about the [Senator Paul] Wellstone [D-MN] memorial [after he and seven others died in a plane crash in October 2002]. He [Caldwell] wrote a piece for The Weekly Standard, in which he basically said a number of things. He said that: "The crowd of 20,000 booed a succession of people who had come to pay their respects to a dead colleague." Now, 20,000 people didn't boo anybody. A few people booed. I was there. And I challenge anyone to go to the website. The guy who was booed was Trent Lott and you cannot hear the booing. OK, there's that.
Sorry Al, but we've got the video. We don't need a racist liberal to tell us what he thinks happened.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:19 AM | Comments (0)
December 03, 2004
Oooh, yeah! Let's be more like them!
On the other hand, let's not!
German unemployment rose 7,000 in November to 4.464 million people, or 10.8% of the workforce.
And the left still thinks the Euro's temporary surge over the dollar is permenant?
Wait until Germany's and France's respective deficits skyrockets next year.
Found @ Digger's Realm
Posted by Nukevet at 10:34 AM | Comments (0)
December 01, 2004
A Day Late
But a dollar richer.
In case you, like me, forgot that yesterday was the fifth anniversary of the WTO Riots, don't worry, you only missed another group of insipid war protesters trying keep their spirits up by protesting the war in Iraq. Again.
And it looks like I wasn't the only one who forgot about the anniversary.
In other news, hippies smell and there are only 24 shopping days until Christmas.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:04 PM | Comments (0)
November 30, 2004
Only in Seattle
In the city that voted 85% for John Kerry, there is a neighborhood called Fremont.
And in Fremont, there is an 18ft tall bronze statue of Vladimir Illich Lenin.
Yeah, I know.
Well, this year, as of this upcoming Friday afternoon, the man who outlawed Christmas in the former Soviet Union is going to resemble a well lit Christmas tree.
In downtown Seattle, they light a big Christmas tree for the holidays. But in Fremont, they're going to light up, what else, the big statue of Vladimir Lenin.
Lenin will be lighted at 5 p.m. Dec. 3 at the corner of Fremont Place North and North 36th Street. (It's the intersection with the big statue of Lenin.) The monument will be bedecked with garland and lights, and probably not just red ones.
One of the Fremont chamber members, Corky Merwin, "I think it's an interesting time to honor a controversial head of state."
No big surprise there, a woman named Corky thinks that Lenin should be "honored".
And the people of Fremont wonder why the only people who take Fremont seriously are its residents.
But later in the article, Corky gets confused...
Reporter: Do you think using him in a lighting ceremony makes more light of Lenin and his regime?
Corky: I don't think putting lights and garland on him is honoring him.
Reporter: What do you think of Lenin?
Corky: I studied him in college and so my feelings are mixed.
Mixed between what Corky? Or is that too long a thought for your dumb hippie ass?
But I'm sure that if you asked her about her feelings on George Bush she could give you an hour long tirade on how eevviill he is.
More of the article,
Reporter: How do you think Lenin would feel about being all lit up?
Corky: I don't know. He didn't sound like a guy with a great sense of humor. I think Trotsky probably would have had more fun with it.
Reporter: How else have you used the Lenin in front of your store?
Corky: I wanted to watch the (presidential) debate, so I brought a little television to the store and I put a notice on, "Come watch the debate in the shadow of Lenin." It was great. About 40 people showed up. Where else in the United States could you do that?
Yes Corky, where else in the world can you criticize your country's leader under the shadow of a statue of a mass murderer.
Hit the MORE botton to read the history as to how Vlad made his way to Fremont.
As the story goes, a sculptor named Emil Venkov was commissioned to build the statue by the Czech Communist Party. But when the regime fell, so did the statue. It lay in a dump until an Issaquah man teaching in Poland happened upon it. Struck by it, he mortgaged his home in Issaquah and had the statue shipped from the East Bloc to the Eastside. It sat in a pasture behind his house until the Fremont Chamber of Commerce agreed to take it.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:11 PM | Comments (1)
Get Him Off The Air
The Neanderpundit has a story and then a request....
I was at Kingsbury on Sunday, but between the early morning hours and the evening hours, I drove the truck around listening to the radio- until WLS began to broadcast the drivel of this moron David Jennings. Mr Jennings began his show talking about a recent flap over Concealed Carry on some college campus. "Let's forget about the second amendment." It does not, he posited, has never referred to private individuals, it refers to a "militia" which we have in our national guard. "I am nervous about firearms in the hands of individuals. Only cops should be allowed to carry guns".
Write the station. Get him off the air.
Since we know you have a keyboard, and you probably also have a phone, I'll just tell you this,
You know what to do.
And to anyone who may stop by and wants to whine about me trying to squash David Jennings' freedom of speech, here is an FYI just for you.
Having a talk radio show is not a right.
Jennings can go stand on a street corner and scream about his wish to 'forget the Second Amendment'. That is freedom of speech. There is no Constitutional right to 50,000 watts.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:28 AM | Comments (1)
November 29, 2004
Just because they think they can lie to the general public
Over at the Kos IMC, in Kos' abscence, DemFromCT elevated a post from the Kos Diary of Toadvine on the topic of Nationalized Heathcare.
In the diary, an orthopaedic trauma surgeon working at a university medical center who, during his training, spent 3 months working in a hospital in England.
The hospital was the main facility in one of the NHS system's regions. He worked there as a "senior registrar", the equivalent of a senior resident in the states.
He does a short contrast and compare of the UK NHS and healthcare in the US. He talks about rationing and wait times and the shortage of equipment in the UK. His closing line is excellent....
So, although our system is expensive, and doesn't cover a lot of people, I think it's naive to assume that a system like the NHS is perfect. Moving to such a system carries its own set of problems.
And as is usual for the kool-aid drinkers on the left, they totally miss the point of his story.
After two 'excellent post' comments, the discussion turns not to the problems of socialized medical system versus what America currently has, but how to repackage it so that people who read the horror stories from other countries will support switching to one.
I think that we progressives should talk about "affordable health care" rather than "affordable health insurance," about "providing care for the uninsured" as opposed to "insuring the uninsured." In other words, not treat insurance as entrenched or inevitable, but concentrate on the care aspect.
Talk about not being able to take a hint.
I'm sure you remember my foray into the mocking of Oliver Willis' "Brand Democrat" line of Democrat apparel.
Well, it seems that someone has done me one better
Welcome to Rebrand Democrat
Found @ Alarming News
Posted by Nukevet at 07:52 AM | Comments (0)
November 23, 2004
You have got to be kidding me!
From what I have heard, it is mostly Hussein's wife that is basically pushing this.
My guess is that she is jealous of Arafat's widow.
And speaking of that wench, Vinny at Insignificant Thoughts found this AP article that whines about how poverty stricken the 'Palestinians' are.
Despite a slowdown in fighting, the Palestinian economy remains crippled by four years of violence with Israel, with nearly half the population living in poverty on less than $2 a day, the World Bank said in a report released Tuesday.
He then points out that nowhere in the article is it mentioned that Suha Arafat is living off a paltry $2,000,000 a month.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:39 PM | Comments (0)
November 22, 2004
I thought dating was hell, but
But I never knew that dating was a creation of the devil.
Ok, so there really isn't anything funny about this story, but I had to make the joke because of this quote,
Modern dating techniques are frowned upon by Ireland�s Muslim elders. Earlier this year, a chaperoned singles event aimed at introducing Irish Muslims to prospective marriage partners was cancelled.
Some 50 Muslim men and women were due to take part but it was called off after Muslin elders claimed the match-making dinner was �the work of the devil�.
Anywhooo, a young Muslim girl in Ireland starts dating a 35yr old man and they start having sex.
Her family finds out and boots her out of the house. The Irish Gov't tries to get them to take her back, but they refuse.
The Ire CPS agency should just be happy that her father didn't make her the subject of an honor killing.
Although I can think of a few things I'd have liked him to do to the 35yr old.
And speaking of sick fuckers,
A lawyer for Roman Polanski said the filmmaker was being denied justice because he isn't allowed to sue a magazine for defamation in a British court while remaining in France.
The Polish-born director, who has lived in France since fleeing child-sex charges in the United States in 1978, is seeking to sue Vanity Fair over a 2002 article that accused him of seducing a woman while on the way to the funeral of his wife Sharon Tate, who was brutally murdered by Charles Manson's followers in Los Angeles in 1969.
Polanski story found @ Ravenwood's Universe
Posted by Nukevet at 08:52 AM | Comments (0)
November 18, 2004
Il Happenings
Strange goings on in North Korea. At least stranger than usual.
Some portraits of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il have reportedly been taken down in Pyongyang, news agencies quoted diplomats as saying on Tuesday.
The portraits were removed from some public buildings, the diplomats said.
North Korea is one of the world's most secretive states, and it is difficult to know if the reports are significant.
But South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported that Mr Kim ordered the move himself, amid worries he had been "lifted too high".
The kinder, gentler, more modest Kim Jong Il?
Found @ The Free Will Blog who found it at The Captain's Quarters.
Mike the Marine is in a serious quandry because of a quote from an NYT report,
NYT: In Seoul, a government intelligence analyst reported that in recent days North Korea's state radio had shifted one catch phrase from "Kim Jong Il, ruling according to the Kim Il Sung legacy" to simply "Ruling by Kim Il Sung."
Mike: So now the DEAD GUY is in charge? WTF is goin' on over there!?
Here's my take, tell me what you think......
Kim Sung Il came to Kim Jong in a dream and bitch slapped him for making himself seem larger than "The Father of North Korea".
Kind of like a Ghost of Christmas Past kind of deal.
I hope the Navy keeps an eye out for Kim Jong Il's massive porn collection floating in the water off the coast. If dad came back in spirit form to give him a wallup for trying to walk in daddy's boots, I bet he told him to quit spanking Lil Kim too.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:31 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 15, 2004
Bring the Hate
And now the left is trying to make a buck off their loss on November 2nd by saying "Screw Unity, Bring the Rage".
Over at The Blue Stater Store they are selling things like this,
Coffee mugs, shirts and stickers. I encourage them to follow their instincts. Kim du Toit is itching for some entertainment.
Or how about this,
I hope that the store sells out of these. I want every liberal in Seattle to have one to display to the terrorists if the islamofascists are ever successful in attacking my home town.
Maybe then the left will learn that appeasement doesn't work.
What am I saying, they're not smart enough to ever learn that.
And since they're not that smart, the organizers of the store put their true message right on their website.
That is all they ever do.
(Sure it isn't spelled correctly, but they were hoping we wouldn't notice)
Found @ Sondra K's place.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:21 AM | Comments (0)
November 13, 2004
I knew that there were stupid people in this world
But Daaaaaamn!
Imposter Police Officer Asks Women To Disrobe
TACOMA, WA. -- A man posing as a police detective has called at least 14 women in Tacoma, asking them to disrobe in front of their windows.
Police said the man apparently calls from a cell phone, claims to be a detective and says he needs help with an investigation.
"He talks them into or at least attempts to (talk them into) disrobing in front of a window in front of the house," said Mark Fulghum of the Tacoma Police Department.
Some of the women have complied with the man's request, police said.
This guy isn't showing up on their doorstep and asking this, HE IS CALLING THEM ON THE PHONE!
And even worse, THEY'RE DOING IT!
Posted by Nukevet at 10:27 AM | Comments (0)
November 11, 2004
Dumb Lefties
And they wonder why we think that they're the stupid ones,
Vladimir Morales, who helped organize a Puerto Rican flag-raising ceremony in honor of Puerto Rican month, is asking for a formal apology from the woman he said took the flag down.
Friday, the flag was raised on the Town Common with more than 100 people gathered to celebrate and sing the Puerto Rican national anthem. But on Sunday, Town Meeting member Patricia K. Church apparently thought the flag was the state flag of Texas. Upset with the results from last week's presidential election, Church later told Morales it was she who took it down, Morales said. Bush is from Texas.
Both flags have a single star set on blue background. But the Puerto Rican flag has red and white stripes and the star is set in a triangular background, while the Texan flags is half white and half red with the star set in a rectangular background.
I want her picture put up at the 'We're Sorry' site.
What a fucking dumbass.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:53 AM | Comments (0)
November 10, 2004
The Specter of Gun Control
I have never really had an opinion of Arlen Specter. I treated his asshattedness with a sort of 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' mentality.
Even with the current brouhaha over his statements about judicial nominees. I figured that if he wasn't a jerk about it to Bush, someone else would step right up and fill that spot.
But now I do have quite the opinion of Arlen,
This is the same Specter who has opposed your gun rights over the last several years. To be sure, this is the Specter who:
* Cosponsored legislation in 1991 to make it a FELONY to possess any
magazine that holds more than 15 rounds (S. 635).
* Voted FOR the crime bill (HR 3355) which contained the Clinton semi-
auto ban in 1994.
* Voted FOR the Incumbent Protection Act in 2002 to prevent groups like
the NRA and GOA from criticizing public officials in the electronic
media up to 60 days before an election (HR 2356).
This is also the same Specter who voted AGAINST arming the nations
pilots in September 2002. Amazingly, he was one of only SIX senators
who voted against this bill. Even anti-gun Senators John Kerry and
John Edwards voted right!
Specter has shown his true anti-gun colors over his career in the U.S.
Senate, and now he is next in line to be the chairman of the all-
powerful Judiciary Committee which controls judicial nominations --
not to mention gun control legislation.
The last thing we need is for pro-gun Supreme Court nominees to be
blocked by a Republican Chairman.
This RINO needs to be dropped before he charges.
Found @ The Daily Pundit via Right Thoughts
Posted by Nukevet at 01:14 PM | Comments (0)
November 09, 2004
Separated at Birth?
Michael Moore's long lost sister?
Lynne Stewart defends using violence to overthrow governments
Activist attorney Lynne Stewart yesterday defended using violence to overthrow oppressive governments and institutions that engender "entrenched ferocious capitalism" -- including those within the United States.
But Stewart, who is charged with passing messages from her imprisoned client, radical Islamic cleric Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, said civilians should not be targeted.
"Institutions which perpetuate capitalism and institutions of government do have to be attacked," she said. "And for that reason it seems to me that at some ultimate point the institutions which perpetuate capitalism -- and by that I mean the institutions of government which protect it and make sure that it functions -- do have to be attacked."
It is either that, or she is getting the same satellite signals broacast into their heads.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:02 AM | Comments (1)
November 08, 2004
He's undeserving
Last week I posted a message to the Anybody But Bush crowd that it seems some jackass took it waaay too seriously.
The Port Authority Sundaysaid it was investigating the private security firm hired to guard Ground Zero after a man gained access to the site over the weekend and killed himself with a shotgun, officials said.
The body of 25-year-old Andrew Veal, a research worker from the University of Georgia, was found in the World Trade Center pit Saturday morning, lying near a shotgun.
A source said Veal may have been suffering from some personal problems, though his family has told authorities that he was very upset about the war in Iraq and President George W. Bush's re-election.
This freak travels all the way from Athens, GA with a shotgun just to eat a dram of lead at the WTC. I seriously hope he wasn't trying to equate himself with the people who died there on September 11th, because he is totally undeserving of any sorrow.
Those people we truly innocent. Just sitting at their desks when a group of megalomaniacs fly a pair of planes into their break room. The puke was so full of hate for a man that got elected to the highest office in the land that he traveled a couple thousand miles with his suicide implement and took a crap all over the memory of those innocent folks.
Sounds like a true leftie to me.
Self centered to the core.
Come on moonbats! You can save your life and become overtaxed citizens of Canada. And you don't have to wait for a visa. I mean, you sure don't like it when people insist that mexican immigrants be made to wait.
Make a run for the border today!
Suicide story found at Right Thinking
Canada story found at The Mudville Gazette
Posted by Nukevet at 10:09 AM | Comments (0)
November 06, 2004
Or just plain, unadulterated, hatred?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:01 PM | Comments (0)
November 05, 2004
The Therapists in Hollywierd Will Be Busy
For at least the next couple of months.
Producing a Hollywood flop - The Washington Times
Just the juicy bits here.
Sherry Lansing, the soon-to-be-retired Paramount studio honcho and friend of Sen. John Kerry, is said to be "depressed."
Actress Sharon Stone, who stumped for Mr. Kerry in Wisconsin, reportedly was "traveling" yesterday. It wasn't clear whether the "Basic Instinct" star had fled the country, as she had hinted that she might do if the Democratic nominee lost.
"Sure, I feel terrible," said New Yorker editor David Remnick, whose published endorsement of Mr. Kerry was a first for the magazine. "There are a lot of long faces today."
And "Fahrenheit 9/11" propagandist Michael Moore's Web site actually went silent.
George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire who went on his own 12-city speaking tour and spent an estimated $17 million on ads and get-out-the-vote drives to defeat the president, posted a message on his Web site describing himself as "distressed."
"There's a lot of disappointment out here. A lot of apprehension," said Robert Dowling, editor in chief of the Hollywood Reporter. "People are comatose."
It was the right coast versus the left coast, and the morning-after mood was described by Mr. Dowling as "somber." It left many Kerry supporters reaching for their Prozac vials.
"Mine is already empty," joked a high-level publicist who counts A-list celebrities as his clients. "Everyone's so down. All the studio execs are bummed."
"This is definitely Kerry country," said Gabriel Snyder, senior writer for Variety, the industry bible.
One can only imagine the despair of the Hollywood stars over the specter of glittery state dinners and policy lunches that could have been: Barbra and Moby,, Uma Thurman and Viggo Mortensen, Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro, Bette Midler and George Clooney. Directed, perhaps, by Rob Reiner and Steven Spielberg.
Who knew "moral values" voters could triumph over production values?
Al Franken is also a loser today; Dennis Miller a winner.
Sean Penn, Whoopi Goldberg and Meg Ryan: losers. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ron Silver and Angie Harmon: winners.
Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi lost their full-throated bids to play at an inaugural ball. Larry Gatlin and Brooks & Dunn, call your agents.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:25 AM | Comments (1)
November 04, 2004
Note to Michael Moore
That's why they call them slackers.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:54 PM | Comments (1)
November 03, 2004
I smell manure coming from somewhere......
Flying off to Kansas City for a conference.
An interesting flight. When I travel, I go for comfort � jeans, t-shirt, ball-cap. I suppose that I don�t exude a �hey, look at me, I�m a professional� aura, but I just don�t care. I�m secure enough in my career and my place in the profession that I just really don�t give a damn what you think about the way I�m dressed. Anyways, I found the plane on the first leg of my flight to be full of Louisiana teachers. I became aware of this fact when an older lady asked the person in the seat beside her if they were �teachers�. The rather icy reply was �yes, we�re educators�. Just sitting and listening to them for the 45 minute flight to Memphis was rather educational, in and of itself. They were not aware that Kerry had conceded, so the majority of their talk dealt with how it was possible, nay, probable, that Kerry would be the next president of the United States. Lots of democratic talking points, and an almost absolute belief that anything Susan Estrich says must be gospel � they kept coming back to her statement about the exit polls, about how you should always believe bad polls, and that Bush was in real trouble. There was complete trust in the exit polling data, and a conviction that, if Kerry would just hang on, he would win the electoral college (I suppose �selected, not elected� wouldn�t apply to any democratic presidential candidate who failed to capture the popular vote). My favorite was the one woman who was absolutely sure that Bush would lose because the Washington Redskins lost their last home game before the election. Her claim was that the Redskins won/loss record in that game had accurately picked every President since 1910 (did the Redskins exist in 1910? I�m writing this in the airport with no internet access, so I can�t check for myself as I write). Nope, no Redskins in 1910, not even an NFL in 1910 (the first professional football league was founded in 1920. The Redskins were founded in Boston as the Braves in 1932, and moved to DC in 1937.)
The best part of the entire flight was after we landed. I got my backpack out of the overhead compartment, turned to the chattering �educators� behind me, and said � �you guys realize Kerry conceded, right?�. The look on their faces and complete and utter silence that followed was priceless.
Now I�m just waiting for my connecting flight. There is a very angry man talking about how much he hates Bush sitting in front of me, muttering at the TV and making multiple cell phone calls to people apparently willing to listen to his anti-Bush diatribes. CNN is having an absolute meltdown, simultaneously canonizing Kerry and demonizing Bush. All in all, a very interesting flight. They are announcing general boarding just as President Bush is giving his acceptance speech. He gets to the part where he says �America has spoken�, and a young woman says, very loudly � �No, only some of America has spoken � the stupid part�. I point out that Bush won the popular vote by over 3.5 million votes. She is unconvinced, telling me that it is too bad that a majority of Americans are too stupid to know that Bush is an evil moronic genius, no blood for oil, etc, etc.
Coming up next: My harrowing shuttle bus ride from the KC airport to the conference hotel, where I learn that Cuba is a much better place to live than the US of A. Also, how Americans deserve what they get for failing to heed the warnings about Bush presented by Michael Moore.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:36 PM | Comments (0)
November 01, 2004
McDermott Update
An update on this post where a $600,000 judgement was finally handed down on McDermott for his involvement in the proliferation of illegally recorded phone conversations.
McDermott's allies line up to help him pay damages
That's right, because Baghdad Jim is so beloved by the Washington State Democratic Party, they feel he shouldn't have to pay for his illegal activities.
In their minds, he's a victim because he got caught.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:43 AM | Comments (1)
October 30, 2004
Whistling in the Dark
Found at a local Indymedia.
The Latest Bin Laden Video Tape Is A Fraud
And, of course, the 'Bush must have gone non-union to find such a non bin Laden lookalike' calls are abounding at the IMCs.
Something else I found,
At the Portland IMC, they're talking of protesting on Nov. 3rd if they don't get their way.
Seems to me like they've gone "Beyond Thinking".
Posted by Nukevet at 12:00 PM | Comments (1)
Born to Fail
European leaders sign first EU Constitution
This can't be a good idea.
PREAMBLE: Europe is based on "equality of persons, freedom, respect for reason" and draws "inspiration from the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe." It proclaims, "The people of Europe are determined to transcend their ancient divisions, and, united ever more closely, to forge a common destiny."
As long as that 'common good' is what france and germany want. All others should "Remember their place".
RIGHTS: A 50-article charter enshrines rights including freedom of speech and religion, and the right to shelter, education, collective labor bargaining and fair working conditions.
Notice they have the right to collective bargaining and safe working conditions, but no freedom of the press.
And we already know their 'freedom of speech' is limited. While I wouldn't agree with it, try wearing a shirt with a swastika printed on it in Berlin or Paris. Hell, in Paris a couple years back, you may remember the government banning an issue of a British newspaper (The Sun, if I remember correctly) that put Chirac's head on the body of a worm.
Gotta love the EUnichs idea of freedom!
LEADERS: The constitution states that the European president will be chosen by EU leaders for a maximum five-year term to lead EU summits and represent the EU abroad. It also creates the post of European foreign minister.
This process has already turned into a something, oh, I can't think of the word to describe it....hmmm....oh yeah, Quagmire.
PARLIAMENT: Currently 732 seats, the European Parliament will grow to a maximum of 750 members in the EU of 25 nations when it expands. The assembly gets more powers -- especially in justice and interior affairs -- to influence or reject EU legislation.
With upteen parties from two dozen nations, this ought to be more entertaining to watch than Saturday Night Live's parody of British Parliment.
Will Farrel as an MP "Can we not all agree that Oasis is the greatest band of all time!?!"
Cracks me up every time.
The countdown starts now.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:02 AM | Comments (0)
October 28, 2004
Florida Voting Antics
First up, from FreeWillBlog,
Thousands of absentee ballots have been stolen
U.S Postal Service investigators Wednesday were trying to find thousands of absentee ballots which should have been delivered to voters in one of Florida�s most populous counties, officials said.
Broward deputy supervisor of elections Gisela Salas said 60,000 absentee ballots, accounting for just over 5 percent of the electorate in the county north of Miami, were sent out between Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 to voters who would not be in town on election day.
While some had begun to be delivered, her office had been inundated with calls from anxious voters who still had not received their ballots.
Not to mention the attempted vehicular homicide on Katherine Harris that the suspect calls 'an exercise of his free speech rights'.
If that is so, I invite him to come up here and I'll express my free speech rights. 230 grains at a time.
Also in Florida, people too stupid to vote are complaining about getting parking tickets when they park illegally near their polling places.
DELRAY BEACH -- After waiting nearly three hours to vote on Tuesday at the supervisor of elections branch office in Delray Beach, Richard Smart found an unwanted surprise tucked under his car's windshield wiper: a $25 ticket.
Along with dozens of other early voters, Smart couldn't find a parking space. He wedged into a makeshift spot along the curb in the Congress Avenue complex's congested parking lot.
I think the Florida sun cooks their brains. Here is the guy's excuse...
There weren't any "no parking" signs,
He must be a Democrat. Hey pal, there aren't any signs that say you can't take a crap on the sidewalk. You gonna do that too?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:30 AM | Comments (0)
After death in Boston, Seattle suspends use of pepper-spray pellet gun
At least one big-city police department has suspended use of pepper-spray pellet guns blamed for the death of a 21-year-old college student who was shot by police trying to break up a rowdy crowd of Red Sox fans last week.
The Seattle Police Department said it has shelved the equipment until it can determine what happened in Boston. Department spokesman Scott Moss said that the guns are normally restricted to a few trained officers and have yet to be used.
Other police departments around the country said they have found such crowd-control weapons to be effective and would keep using them.
Great! Just f*cking wonderful!
We have the entire left wing, including the party's Vice-Presidential candidate's wife, saying that if they don't get the results they want, they'll riot.
And now I have my home town police department, in the city that spawned the ELF/ALF eco-terrorists and the radical Indymedia Center, putting one of their most effective tools for crowd control on the shelf.
More proof that you cannot count on the police to protect you.
Good thing I bought it cheap and stacked it deep. Next week could prove to be wild.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:15 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
October 27, 2004
Holy Ohio, Batman!
More election antics by the Democrats are popping up.
To start, we have Ohio Governor Bob Taft telling us that there are more registered voters than eligible voters in 4 Ohio counties.
Appearing on CNN�s "American Morning" program Tuesday, Ohio�s Republican Governor Bob Taft painted a disturbing picture of widespread vote fraud in his state.
Taft told CNN�s Bill Hemmer that in four Ohio counties, more people have registered to vote than live in those counties and are of voting age.
Found @ Election Hell via TheFreeWillBlog
Next, from the Interested Participant points us to a report about the Republican Party demanding that the Cuyahoga County Elections Board find up to 17,000 registered voters whose existence can not be confirmed by the Board or the Party will challenge their legality to cast a ballot.
The Dems are calling this "making it difficult for minorities to vote".
I guess that fake voters are a minority. But that's really pushing the definition.
Also, the Participant found a report that shows the voter registration of the population of Oberlin isn't at 100%.
Talk about the Dems 'getting out the vote'.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:26 AM | Comments (1)
October 26, 2004
Some people find him intelligent
Of course, some people are idiots.
Bill Maher gets interviewed by the CBC
CBC: First of all I have to ask you something that everyone wants me to ask you which is what are the five things Canadians should know about the American election?
Maher: I don't know about five things but I think what Canadians should know about the American election is that you're lucky you don't live here. You don't have to participate in this sham democracy we have, you know? I mean I could tell you about, I could tell you five ways we don't really have a democracy in this country.
And he wonders why he lost his TV show.
Go read the rest. Please remove all throwable objects from your immediate area.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:29 AM | Comments (0)
October 24, 2004
She's Right, You Know
Mamamontezz thinks outside the box.
You've all heard about Ann Coulter's brush with cowardly pie-throwers in Arizona. It made the news, and lots of blogs have covered it as well.
Seems these hooligans got off pretty easy. Sure they got charged with a felony for damaging a backdrop at the venue. But all of the charges directly related to their assault are misdemeanors. Misdemeanors? Seriously?
Let me break my thoughts down on this. Two men assaulted a woman. They assaulted a tiny woman on stage during a presentation of her political beliefs. The woman was assaulted because she holds political beliefs contrary to theirs. They hate her political beliefs and acted out that hatred by assaulting her.
If they had been some Aryan Nation types throwing things at a hippy-chick, it would have been a hate crime. So where is this different?
Yes, exactly.
Found @ Knowledge is Power
Posted by Nukevet at 06:30 AM | Comments (4)
Yeah, Right!
Right Thinking on the Left Coast has the lowdown on some jackasses who keep trying to name a VA Hospital after the deceased Minnesota Senator, Paul Wellstone.
What next, are they going to try and name the ER after Kevorkian?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:30 AM | Comments (0)
October 23, 2004
You must pay your debt to society
SEATTLE (AP) � People who have completed prison terms for felony convictions but are still denied the right to vote because of court-related debt are victims of a "modern form of the poll tax," the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington says.
The ACLU filed suit Thursday in King County Superior Court on behalf of five such plaintiffs.
Under state law, those convicted of felonies cannot vote, even after completing their sentences, until they pay off debts to the legal system imposed at sentencing � obligations that can include docket and filing fees, court costs, restitution and incarceration costs, plus 12 percent interest.
The complaint contends that violates voting rights guarantees in the state and U.S. constitutions.
"Washington must end this modern form of the poll tax," said Kathleen Taylor, ACLU of Washington executive director, referring to fees once charged by some southern states for the right to vote � a means of discouraging poor black voters.
"The state should not hold hostage the right to vote in order to collect legal-system debts," Taylor said.
Let's look at the demos of who felons tend to vote for and them wonder why the ACLU hopes will win the election.
Or, we could just use our heads and not waste the time.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:19 AM | Comments (0)
October 22, 2004
Walrus sighting in Seattle
The folks from The Daily Recycler got up the gumption to go to the Michael Moore event here in Seattle the other night.
Outside the venue, they met the gentleman named Perry who was punched by a Boeing union employee a couple months back.
Talk about a 'Protest Warrior'.
Head on over and read the update and watch the vid again.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:12 AM | Comments (0)
October 21, 2004
And they wonder why we think their stupid
EU agreement allows Syria to keep WMD
The European Union appears to have resolved a year-long dispute with Syria over its weapons of mass destruction program.
Officials said Brussels and Damascus have agreed on a clause that addresses Syria's WMD programs. They said the clause does not stipulate that Syria must dismantle its programs, rather that Damascus would not proliferate biological, chemical or nuclear weapons.
Now, if the Syrians are half as smart as the Norks, they'll say that this agreement also means that they can keep the WMD that Saddam passed off to them.
Stupid EUnichs.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:28 AM | Comments (0)
October 20, 2004
Oh, that liberal media
The Agence Fran�aise de Presse (AFP) pulls the media whores, Monica Gabrielle and the rest of the handful of anti-Bush September 11th widows, out of the cellar for one last scream in this article.
Still no coverage about the '9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America'.
Oh, that liberal media.
Found @ Insignificant Thoughts
Of course, we really cannot blame the MSM for doing things like this. They're just promoting their sisters in the Hysterical Women for Kerry gang that Michelle Malkin writes about here.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:16 AM | Comments (0)
October 18, 2004
Returning the favor
Over the weekend the blogosphere was introduced to a photo project called 'For Iraq'.
Large numbers of the brain dead left made signs and gave their hollow empathy for 'the people of Iraq' with homemade signs like this one,
Then the right wing of the 'sphere started to send a message back.
Found @ Ipse Dixit
Then on Sunday, The Mudville Gazette started the "Photoshop Peace" program with the reminder that the left can never get through their skulls,
And remember, never! never! never! put yourself on the internet holding a sign.
Here are 3 entries from me (please forgive my zero photoshop skills).
I call these first two "Ain't it the Truth? Pt 1 and 2"
And the third contains original art from the Free Will Blog Store
Go make your own. Have a good time with it. And remember hollow empathy is worth less than two shakes of a rat's ass.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:31 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Triple Shot of Lefty Lunacy
Found at the Free Will Blog
I have had little time over the weekend to do much blogging, as you could probably tell. But I did get enought time to blog around a bit and found some interesting news that will be posted today.
Three stories I found at Free Will
First up, the ALF/ELF Eco Nazis have utterly lost their freakin' minds.
Scientists fear the graves of their relatives will be the next target of animal rights extremists following the desecration of the burial ground of 82-year-old Gladys Hammond.
As hundreds of mourners gathered yesterday for a service of rededication in the Staffordshire village churchyard where her body was stolen, representatives of leading drug firms involved in animal research admitted that the remains of their ancestors may be next in line.
Richard Ley, spokesman for the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), said: 'How many ancestors are they going to go back? Where does it end? There is an implied threat in all this for us, but it is impossible to defend every graveyard.'
Terrorizing the researchers at their homes wasn't enough, now they terrorize the corpses of their relatives. I've done some hanging out in cemetaries with previous girlfriends. Nowadays, it seems that I could get the chance to kick some ass instead of getting some.
Next Aaron @ Free Will wonders, since he's on the ballot twice, will he get to vote against Southern Illinios 5th Circuit Appelate Judge, Gordon Maag twice.
Maag is running for the Illinois Supreme Court 5th Judicial District which represents 1.3 million Southern Illinoisans. He is also running for retention for the 5th District appellate justice seat in which he sits at the appellate courthouse in Mount Vernon.
It's not just 'Vote Early and Often' in Illinois, it's also 'Run Often'.
And finally, proof that Canadians have no freedom of speech.
Quebec's Human Rights Commission has ordered a used car salesman in Sorel to pay a gay man $1,000 for a derogatory comment made three years ago.
In 2001, Marcel Bardier told the man's travelling companion to keep an eye on him because he was a "fifi", a french word that equates to "fag".
The man, who cannot be identified because of a court order, filed a complaint with the Commission which said the comment caused him to feel dehumanized, humiliated and degraded.
Imagine the money Kerry could make if he had Edwards sue us for calling him a flip flopper!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:40 AM | Comments (0)
The UN funded schools in the 'palestinian' controlled areas of Israel aren't teaching the students too well.
Laurence has the pics of what happenes when you throw rocks at bulldozers.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:23 AM | Comments (0)
October 16, 2004
In Defense of Signage
Men save signs for Bush in stakeout
By Ashley Bach
According to two Mercer Island men, signs supporting President Bush are an endangered species. Within days of going up in the affluent neighborhood, the signs disappear.
So there the men were this week, camped in the dark woods with lawn chairs and a video camera, waiting for the thieves to strike.
It only took three hours. At about 10 p.m. Tuesday, a 25-year-old Mercer Island man walked to a grassy area along the 6700 block of Island Crest Way and began to pull up Bush signs installed by the two men, police said.
The amateur detectives burst out of the woods and confronted the man, who was apologetic. The men detained him until police arrived.
The man was arrested and released on suspicion of third-degree theft, a misdemeanor, said Mercer Island police Sgt. Lance Davenport.
The two Bush supporters said they set up the stakeout after 60 of their signs were stolen on the island last week. One of the men, who did not want to be identified for fear of reprisals by Kerry supporters, said the anti-Bush sentiment in the neighborhood is extreme and angry.
I love how the reporter tries to make the charges of Bush yard sign theft seem like a myth by using the word 'according' right off the bat. And then proceeds to tell the factual story of how Bush yard signs are being stolen.
Here and now, Ashley Bach is a jack ass.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:22 PM | Comments (0)
October 15, 2004
He's going to the right place
Fahrenheit 911 filmmaker plans trip to Eugene, OR
"Fahrenheit 9/11" creator Michael Moore is bringing his nationwide search for so-called "slackers" to the University of Oregon next week.
Hell, that could be half the city.
And don't feel sorry for him, bit it looks like poor Mikey is slumming.
And the controversial filmmaker is apparently so eager to speak in Eugene that he's foregoing his using $20,000-and-up fee, and has agreed to speak at a smaller-than-requested venue.
Oh no. Mikey has to settle for less. Maybe he should do that at McDonald's too.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:53 AM | Comments (1)
Alliance Builder?
All Italy is abuzzing today about a Kerry gaffe aired last night on HBO in Italy. As reported in today's Corriere della Sera in Italy, Defense Minister Antonio Martino criticized John Kerry for an incredible remark that the conditions of the Iraqi Army were so bad that even the Italian Army could kick their a**es.
Martino remarked that Kerry, "instead of saying what he thinks, should think about what he says."
Michael Lendeen said it best, "But that would be too much for the great statesman from Massachusetts, wouldn't it?"
It doesn't really matter, Mr. Lendeen. To Kerry, we're all just potential servants.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:49 AM | Comments (1)
October 14, 2004
What with this story getting a little bit of coverage in the media, it looks as if the Kerry Campaign kicked themselves in the nuts.
Complaints against the Sinclair broadcasting network by John Kerry's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee may have backfired, with non-Sinclair TV stations now expressing an interest in airing the documentary "Stolen Honor." The film chronicles the top Democrat's role in the anti-Vietnam War movement.
"A few other TV stations around the country have contacted the producer of this documentary as well," Sinclair spokesman Mark Hyman told nationally syndicated radio host G. Gordon Liddy on Tuesday. "So there appears to be some growing interest in making this available to the nation's viewers."
Let the giggling commence.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:30 AM | Comments (0)
October 12, 2004
The left is at it agin in Oregon.
Campaign to register voters takes sign-ups in Oregon's county jails
But on Friday, at Multnomah County's Inverness Jail, an inmate outreach group dispelled the jailhouse rumors about voting, prompting 37-year-old Brian Schaefer to register for the first time.
Schaefer, serving time for a probation violation on a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence of intoxicants, is one of hundreds of inmates who has signed up recently in Multnomah and Marion counties as part of a registration drive sponsored by the Western Prison Project.
I wouldn't exactly be proud to say that I have probation violators voting for me, but I guess the Dems don't mind.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:23 AM | Comments (0)
October 08, 2004
"I want to drop bombs"
"But not on terrorists!"
'Conscientious objector' loses Iraq war legal battle
A Muslim reservist airman who refused to take part in the Iraq war because of his religious beliefs has lost a legal battle over his prosecution by the RAF for going absent without leave.
Mohisin Khan, 25, from Ipswich, absented himself from duty on the grounds of conscientious objection.
Mr Khan, an aircraftsman and medic, had been mobilised with others last year to return to the regular forces to supplement service personnel in the Iraq war.
The court was told he held a "genuine and deep belief" that the pending war was wrong and contrary to his religion. There had been interference with his right to conscientious objection.
Bombing people is against Islam? Maybe he should tell that to the terrorists.
Oh wait, they'd call him a infidel loving heretic and stone him to death.
Found by Samizdata's Perry de Havilland, who says "Please read the damn job descrition!"
Posted by Nukevet at 11:27 AM | Comments (2)
It's funny
Because it's true
Found @ The Blogs of War
Posted by Nukevet at 11:16 AM | Comments (0)
October 07, 2004
Too many Phish concerts
Will make you hard of hearing.
SEYMOUR ARM, British Columbia - This lakeside hamlet is so remote it can be reached only by boat or logging road, and so small there is only one store. But investigators say many of the 60 residents were involved in one business operation � growing marijuana.
The Mounties must have been tipped off my the large airdrops of Cheetos to that store.
One hundred Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers executed search warrants on 14 homes and 14 vehicles Tuesday and found several factory-sized operations within a 2 1/2-mile radius, said Police Superintendent Marianne Ryan. At least 16 people were arrested in the rustic town about 240 miles northeast of Vancouver and more arrests are likely, she said.
"We've never seen anything like this before, not where a whole community is affected this way," Ryan said.
I guess they didn't hear the horses splash as the Mounties rode out of the lake.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:56 AM | Comments (0)
October 06, 2004
Bi Polar?
I was only concerned about the sanity of McDermott before.
But now I'm getting actually worried
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) did something a little unusual yesterday. First he protested when Republican leadership scheduled his own bill for a vote.
Then he sent out a letter encouraging his Democratic colleagues to vote against it.
Rangel�s bill, which the leadership had placed on the suspension calendar, would create a national-service draft under which all 18- to 26-year-olds would serve in the military or perform two years of national service as determined by the president. Rangel has been advocating a draft for several years, but he argued yesterday that the bill was too important for the suspension calendar, �which is reserved for non-controversial items,� he said in a statement.
Bills on the suspension calendar cannot be amended on the floor and require two-thirds of the House to clear the chamber.
The article only names Rangel, but McDermott also voted against the bill.
Dr. McDermott and Mr Jackass, maybe?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:33 AM | Comments (0)
October 04, 2004
Under the wheels
The recent controversy involving CBS News's use of apparently forged memos -- and the reaction to the controversy -- prompted a Newsweek editor to demand that conservatives stop trying to "intimidate" the media.
"I think conservatives ought to quit trying to intimidate the rest of the media," said Eleanor Clift, a contributing editor to Newsweek, in an interview with following Thursday night's presidential debate at the University of Miami.
The liberal Clift was responding to a question about whether CBS News correspondent Bob Schieffer should retain his role as the moderator in the Oct. 13 presidential debate between President George W. Bush and Democratic nominee John F. Kerry.
"Bob Schieffer is one of the most respected newsmen on all sides of the political debate," she said, defending CBS's role in the third and final debate.
A conservative website,, has called for Schieffer's removal from the debate that will take place in Phoenix and suggested NBC's Tim Russert or former CNN anchor Bernard Shaw as possible replacements.
Maybe if conservatives weren't treated as if they had sprouted horns by the MSM, we wouldn't have to call them on their bias.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:14 AM | Comments (0)
September 30, 2004
Nope, the Dems aren't bitter at all
Lynne Cheney comments on Kerry's magical new 'oompa loompa orange' sun tan,
When (Dick) Cheney paused as if searching for the words to describe the shade of orange, Lynne Cheney said, "How about John Kerry's suntan?"
How does the Kerry Kamp respond?
Kerry campaign spokesman Bill Burton said, "Is Mrs. Cheney jealous considering how hard it is to get sun in the undisclosed location with her husband Dick? Or is she distracted over how red-in-the-face George Bush should be considering his failed presidency?"
They're not bitter, they're just souring.
Oh, and to answer the question as to the shade of orange currently sitting on Kerry's face.
It's not Burnt Sienna, it's Burned Ass.
Found @ Spot On
Posted by Nukevet at 05:26 AM | Comments (1)
September 28, 2004
Getting Personal
More dirty tricks from the gun-grabber supporters
There is someone going around (again) to Summit county convenient stores and gas stations telling them that they must post �No CCW� signs because they sell alcohol. The gentleman in question is even nice enough to give the stores the �No CCW� signs free of charge. I have compiled info and supplied it to a couple stores. Upon seeing the truth, they have removed the signs.
While I do agree with the Ohio CCW group in that it is probably just the anti-gunners playing dirty pool, I would definitely take Ravenwood's idea under consideration.
OhioCCW thinks it's just anti-gunners. I guess the guy could just be the demented Sarah Brady type that will stop at nothing to further his cause, but when I heard about it the first thing that sprang to my mind was a criminal wanting to rob the place.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:16 AM | Comments (0)
Somebody's got some pent up anger
Again, exactly who are the violent ones?
Some of my friends have told me that they want to rip buttons off of shirts or rip off T-shirts of people � especially gay New Yorkers - who sport anything pro-Bush.
My only reaction to someone who is wearing Kerry/Edwards apparel is giggling.
One round of Ritalin for the whole Democratic Party. On me.
Found @ Spot On
Posted by Nukevet at 05:33 AM | Comments (0)
September 25, 2004
If they think Bush is dumb? How do they explain this idiocy?
He says he's going to be a better diplomat?
White House spokesman Scott McClellan agreed.
He said sarcastically during a press briefing aboard Air Force One that "denigrating our allies is an interesting way to build coalitions," referring to Mr. Kerry's principal criticism of the conduct of the war in Iraq � that the administration did not put together a sufficient worldwide coalition.
"Senator Kerry questioned Prime Minister Allawi's integrity, a brave leader who is risking his life to bring freedom to the Iraqi people," he said.
"This is part of a pattern by Senator Kerry of showing contempt for our closest friends and allies," he added. "This is not the first time."
Last year, for example, Mr. Kerry called the nations that ousted Saddam Hussein � including Britain, Australia and Poland � "some trumped-up, so-called coalition of the bribed, the coerced, the bought and the extorted."
In March, Mr. Kerry diminished the importance of dozens of nations that were participating in the U.S.-led mission in Iraq.
"Those countries are really window dressing," he said.
He insults nations that do join us, and sucks up to those that do not,.... This is serious diplomacy? This is how coalitions are built?
kerry is the real moron here. Only an idiot like him could in such a short time manage to insult just about everybody friendly to us. His pandering is skirting awfully close to sabotage of American relations overseas. He says no one trusts us, then denegrates the ones who do. Can he really be that stupid?
Yes, I think he can.
It's getting harder and harder to just not bust out laughing whenever kerry speaks now.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:28 AM | Comments (1)
September 24, 2004
High Frequency Moonbattery
Yesterday, over at 4 Right Wing Wackos, Raging Dave posted about late night talk radio here in Seattle.
As some of you know, I work nights and am stuck listening to some of this pap. My selections are either the sometimes hilarious tin-foil hatted conspiracy theories of Coast to Coast with George Noory (the new Art Bell Show) or what I like to call Democratic Underground Radio.
Go read Dave's post and know that I agree with everything he wrote on the subject and that you can, of course, trust him to be truthful as to the content on our airwaves. Then read what I put in the comments as to Wednesday night's content on DU Radio.
Thursday night's topics were 'Kerry was right about what he said about Allawi' and 'Karl Rove is a dirty fighter who probably is behind the Rathergate memos'.
I shit you not.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:08 AM | Comments (0)
September 22, 2004
Moon shadow no longer
Now he's being followed by the FBI
Singer Cat Stevens and his daughter have been escorted off a diverted transatlantic flight by FBI agents, it has emerged.
The pop star, who converted to Islam, was denied access to the US because his name was on a security "watch list", government security sources said.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) said the singer was denied access to the US "on national security grounds" and would be returned to Britain.
sings/ And if I ever lose my mind, leave the US, leave it all behind.
Oh, if I ever lose my mind, ooh-ee-e-eee-e-eee, I won't be allowed back no more.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:35 AM | Comments (0)
September 21, 2004
Yes, we have some very different folks here in Seattle
But this is the wierdest thing I've heard in a while.
Amy Ellen Trefsger likes to walk around with the word "engaged" on her forehead. The word signals that she's alert, awake and aware, but it also means that she's engaged to be married.
To herself.
Saturday at 2 p.m. in Golden Gardens Park, Trefsger will marry herself, complete with matrons of art (bridesmaids), the tying of a huge knot, her vows, music and dance. If it rains, the event will be moved to the Center on Contemporary Art, 410 Dexter Ave. N., and take place at 7:30 p.m. At 8 p.m., there's a party for the bride and the bride at CoCA, with a suggested donation of $5.
Trefsger, 29, didn't invent the idea of saying "I do" to the person in the mirror.
According to Sasha Cagen, who wrote a singles manifesto titled "Quirky Alone," women marrying themselves has become a mini-trend. "Sex in the City" devoted part of an episode to it.
But Trefsger's ceremony isn't a "Quirky Alone" declaration. She's borrowing the form of marriage to commit to her creative self, not to give up on men, romance or even a solid thing with somebody.
Oh, I get it.
It is a meaningless 'feel-good' gesture that will be forgotten after the next time she sees a shiny object.
Yep, sounds like Seattle to me.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:15 AM | Comments (2)
September 18, 2004
The more things change
The more things stay the same.
This cartoon is from 1989.
Found @ The Grouchy Old Cripple
Posted by Nukevet at 06:23 AM | Comments (0)
September 17, 2004
The Truly Paranoid
I want you all to write this phone nuber down, right now, and put it in your wallet next to your voter registration card.
1-866-OUR VOTE.
That's a hot line set up by the Election Protection Coalition, a group that was formed to identify and stamp out attempts to disenfranchise voters, especially in predominantly black and Latino precincts around the country.
On Election Day in November, the coalition expects to have as many as 25,000 volunteers, including 5,000 lawyers, available to provide assistance to voters who encounter irregularities or feel they are not being treated fairly at the polls. Voters who call the hot line will immediately be put in touch with volunteers in their local area.
The coalition is also urging people to call the hot line now if they are aware of efforts to discourage or prevent people from voting.
The left is setting the groundwork for a massive lawsuit on November 3rd.
There nothing saying that we aren't allowed to call in with our examples of harassment.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:11 AM | Comments (2)
A Bad Example
Anchorage, Alaska - An Anchorage mother was arrested Wednesday for assaulting an assistant principal at Central Middle School after an open house for parents Tuesday night.
Tuesday night was seventh-grade open house night and the multipurpose room was packed, (Central principal Johanna) Naylor says. �People started milling around to leave, and all of a sudden I see this woman in the back of the multipurpose room, waving and yelling.�
Naylor says the woman, a mother, approached assistant principal Mario Toro demanding to know why he didn�t talk more about the school�s anti-bullying policy. �At that point is when she body-slammed him pretty hard and just said, �Now how would you handle that situation if that happened?�� Naylor recalls.
Wait until she finds out that her childs school supplies are out of spec.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:10 AM | Comments (0)
Big tough union guy
And notice the lady yelling in the background.
What a bunch of prats.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:50 AM | Comments (0)
September 16, 2004
You've got to be kidding me
I like Star Trek and all, but this is ridiculous.
German radio starts Klingon service
The German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) is celebrating 10 years of its online service by adding a new language to the 30 it already publishes - Klingon.
The language was developed for the Star Trek television and film series and is spoken by a warrior race of alien bad-guys from the planet Qo'noS.
In a futuristic leap, the Klingon pages appear on DW's web site under the date "September 2379", and describe Germany and the radio station at the start of the 21st Century.
The Berlin Wall has fallen, the Cold War has ended and Klingons - once the sworn enemies of Star Trek hero Captain Kirk - are now accepted as allies in the new world order.
I don't know if the words in my head that describe this move could be translated into Klingon.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:19 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
September 14, 2004
Have you ever noticed
That the people who scream that people need to vote for Kerry to "Save American jobs" drive Volvos?
But on to other things that are funny.....
Canada's unemployment rate in August remained unchanged from July at 7.2 per cent, Statistics Canada reported Friday.
Overall employment fell by about 7,000 jobs in August.
The number of Canadians out of work stood at slightly less than 1.25 million in August, up from just under 1.24 million in July.
Found @ The Interested Participant
Posted by Nukevet at 07:35 AM | Comments (4)
Refusing to believe
Matthew Miller takes Bush's "Ownership Society" and tries to convince the true believers on the left that there is no such thing, there never will be any such thing and that the idea itself is a hscary idea.
Unless you're one of those eevviill rich people.
George Bush's "ownership society" sounds so fabulous it's almost a shame to expose the hoax with an actual fact.
But here's the fact: 48 percent of households today have no stock market holdings whatsoever, either directly themselves, or indirectly via pensions or 401(k) plans. Only 40 percent of Americans hold stock (in any of these forms) worth more than $5,000. And of those households that do own stock, the least-well-to-do 40 percent have a portfolio worth $1,800 on average.
Hmmm, it seems that Mr. Miller has no attention span or imagination.
If every person under 40 years of age is cut free of the ruinous Social Security Idiocy and is allwed to invest their paycheck withholdings in the stock market in order to save for a healthy retirement, America will have over half of it's population added to the 'Invested' rolls.
Now, please let me know if I am wrong, but didn't Bush talk about this in his RNC acceptance speech?
Matty here must have been yelling "NNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" at the tv screen when Bush was talking about it and couldn't hear him say it.
I have been waiting for someone to let me invest my own money for retirement and quit stealing money from me every payday. Since high school I have known that SSI wouldn't be there for me or if there was anything left in SSI, it wouldn't be enough to live on and I came to the conclusion that I will work until the day I die.
And that doesn't bother me in the least bit. If I am ever able to retire before my death, I will be the only person I have to thank.
Not my government.
Bring on SSI reform, Bush. Start the ball rolling and give it a forward pass to your successor. The GOP will be a long way towards getting my vote in 08 if that happens.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:00 AM | Comments (1)
September 09, 2004
AP hatchetman
Powerline is all over media bias.
Our source says that the AP reporter behind the story was Scott Lindlaw. Lindlaw is one of the AP reporters who cover the Bush campaign. His anti-Bush prejudices are well-known; our source has heard him say that his "mission" is to see that Bush is not re-elected.
I ask this of any Kerry supporters who may read this. Are you comfortable with this? A reporter for a major media outlet that has decided to tell you how to think? To push the story in a certain direction? If that's good for you, then forget anything about having integrity, you've just sold it. Facts and truth shouldn't be political footballs to be made up out of whole cloth. A lie, is still a lie, even when it comes from the AP.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:50 PM | Comments (0)
What you didn't see on 60 Minutes last night
If you bothered to tune in for the crapfest.
Turnipseed states Bush was never ordered to report to the Alabama Air National Guard. He points out that Bush never transferred from the Texas Air National Guard to the Alabama Air National Guard. He remained in the Texas Guard during his stay in Alabama. This was confirmed by the Texas Guard. And Turnipseed added that Bush was never under his command or any other officer in the Alabama Guard.
Turnipseed added that Bush was informed of the drill schedule of the Alabama Guard as a courtesy so he could get credit for drills while in Alabama for his service record in the Texas Guard. There was no compulsory attendance. This was also confirmed by the Texas Guard.
Gordon Bloyer has the whole rundown over at ChronWatch
Found @ Judicious Asininity and Betsy's Page
Posted by Nukevet at 09:19 AM | Comments (0)
Attack dogs on the left
Frothing-at-the-mouth Democrat attack dog James Carville is accusing Republican Party officials of drugging Sen. Zell Miller for media appearances after his speech to the GOP convention last week.
"They probably shot him up with something," the wild-eyed Ragin' Cajun insisted Wednesday during an interview with radio host Don Imus.
Clinton's bayou circus freak needs to maybe try some decaf.
He's accusing the President's people knowingly posessed and distributed illegal narcotics and possibly endangered the life of an elderly man.
What a jackass.
Found @ the JunkYardBlog
Posted by Nukevet at 09:13 AM | Comments (1)
September 08, 2004
Another Flip-Flop from Kerry
If you go here, you can see Kerry holding a Remington 11-87 shotgun (that a Guardian reporter called a 'rifle')given to him by the United Miner Workers of America.
But according to the National Shooting Sports Fountation, that firearm is exactly like one he would call an assault waepon and ban under a bill he co-sponsored (S. 1431), aka "The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003"
I want a reporter to ask Kerry if he knows the exact location and condition of security condition of that shotgun.
Oops, I mean Assault Weapon.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:14 AM | Comments (0)
September 07, 2004
Idiot for President Part II
Remember the last time we saw a firearm in Kerry's hands?
1. Finger on trigger
2. Not paying attention to the muzzle's direction
Well, Sine Qua Non has found a couple more. Here's one,
Notice anything missing?
Something like, oh I don't know, ear and eye protection?
I went back and looked at the old photos and realized that he wasn't wearing any then either. He was making so many other grevious errors that I hadn't previously noticed.
What a freaking idiot.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:18 PM | Comments (2)
September 06, 2004
More "Republicans = Nazis"
This time from New York Newsday.
Including directly comparing Bush to Hitler.
* Given the tone of what Republicans have been telling us at their convention about the direction George W. Bush is leading us - and the way they are delivering the message - let us not forget one other thing: Hitler was decisive, too.*
Funny thing is, Kerry's already whining like a baby, and I think the real criticisms of his Senate record have yet to be aired. When they are, the screams of indignation will no doubt be deafening. And hilarious. Nice to see a newspaper become the print version of the Democratic Underground.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:11 PM | Comments (0)
September 02, 2004
Terrorists in Training
When you're in the beginning stages of terrorist training, you need to start small.
From the NYC IMC
This is a press release to be sent out directly to all major media demanding the release of all jailed RNC protestors, and all political prisoners, or the Brooklyn Bridge flag (kidnapped last night) WILL be burned.
They must be showing their solidarity with the "Iraqi Resistance". Soon, they'll work their way up to hostages.
Found @ LGF
Posted by Nukevet at 09:36 AM | Comments (0)
September 01, 2004
Tim, of 4 Right Wing Wackos
gathers up all of the love, and puts it in one place.
Gee, I wonder what the undecideds think when they see this kind of activity? Hell, I wonder what the Kerry supporters think when they see people acting like animals over politics.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:47 PM | Comments (0)
Incriminating Evidence
Of Stupidity.
BaseTree, the Igor of Indybay, has a couple galleries if the insipid ingrates currently wasting perfectly good oxygen on the streets near Madison Square Garden.
Hey puggs, what do you think of this one?
Found @ the Kos IMC
Posted by Nukevet at 09:36 AM | Comments (1)
August 30, 2004
They LOVE America
They just want to change it a bit.
If you need a laugh on this Monday, go here and read the best argument the staff at the NYTimes can come up with for dumping the electorial college.
The closing paragraph;
The Electoral College's supporters argue that it plays an important role in balancing relations among the states, and protecting the interests of small states. A few years ago, this page was moved by these concerns to support the Electoral College. But we were wrong. The small states are already significantly overrepresented in the Senate, which more than looks out for their interests. And there is no interest higher than making every vote count.
If you don't have the time to read the whole thing, let me boil it down for you.
The uber-intelligent city people need to be able to use their superior numbers to rule over the ingnorant country bumpkins.
Because they have haven't figured out that mob rule is a bad way to govern.
Found @ Drumwaster's.
Along with this snippet;
They want the areas in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles (a combined total population greater than the States of Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, and the District of Colombia) to decide who wins election.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:42 AM | Comments (1)
August 26, 2004
Well, just another fake official Bush website. The site is very well done, and looks to be professionally designed/maintained (how much money, you say?). Apparently only redneck creationist Nascar dads think supporting Bush is a good idea. Well, I guess I'm a redneck, not too much of a Nascar fan, and creationism's definitely not my bag.
But, of course, Kerry and his supporters would never resort to any dirty tricks.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:25 PM | Comments (0)
Clinton Bites Bush in the Ass
You may remember a few Presidential Pardons that were handed out, quite liberally, I might add, in the last days of the Clinton Administration (spit). Two of those pardons were for Weather Underground members Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans.
A number of extremists with ties to the 1970s radical Weather Underground have recently been released from prison and are in New York preparing to wreak havoc during the Republican National Convention, The Post has learned.
A top-level source with extensive knowledge of police plans wouldn't disclose the names of the aging rabble-rousers but said a handful of them are already here and will play a behind-the-scenes role in attempting to disrupt the GOP gala.
Let's see, they know how to make improvised munitions and complete a kidnapping, it's been thirty years and they're getting itchy, could prove interesting.
Found @ The JunkYardBlog
Posted by Nukevet at 10:07 AM | Comments (0)
August 25, 2004
Can you feel the
love desperation?
Hey, look. The Bush camp can write letters as well!
You can�t have it both ways. You can�t build your convention and much of your campaign around your service in Vietnam, and then try to say that only those veterans who agree with you have a right to speak up. There is no double standard for our right to free speech. We all earned it.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:48 PM | Comments (0)
August 24, 2004
If you own a small business
You might not want to hire anyone with recent transcripts from South Carolina's Benedict College.
Benedict College has fired two professors who refused to go along with a policy that says freshmen are awarded 60 percent of their grades based on effort and the rest on their work's academic quality.
Students "have to get an A in effort to guarantee that if they fail the subject matter, they can get the minimum passing grade," Swinton said. "I don't think that's a bad thing."
Benedict College is treating education like the UN treats regional conflict. Sadly, just showing up, still doesn't count.
Found @ Interested Participant.
More @ The Backcountry Conservative
Also on the topic of education, teachers are afriad to give students red letter days.
When it comes to correcting papers and grading tests, purple is emerging as the new red.
"If you see a whole paper of red, it looks pretty frightening," said Sharon Carlson, a health and physical education teacher at John F. Kennedy Middle School in Northampton. "Purple stands out, but it doesn't look as scary as red."
Found @ Knowledge is Power. Headmistress Sondra isn't afraid of giving red letters. Although, I think that she'd much rather just paddle your behind until it's red.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:04 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 20, 2004
You're kidding, right?
Yep, I'm real scared of the masked avenger, here. I wonder why New Yorkers get to have all of the fun?
Posted by Nukevet at 08:48 PM | Comments (0)
Needs a whacking with a good book
Lloyd Hart, of dadapop fame, is angry with the use of the term "Islamist". He thinks it is derogatory term, no matter how it is used.
So he has created a new term...
Imagine if you would a death cult called the Christianists who through their estranged relations with the natural world led them to destroy in a terrible convulsion of violence all of their knowledge and wisdom that once allowed them to live in harmony with nature. These Christianists then stole ideas from other civilizations mostly to do with weapons which they then claimed as their own and through their terrible isolated mental illness mutated these ideas under their new philosophy they dreamt up that stated man had dominion over Earth.
The Christianists then developed all their technology to be diametrically opposed to the nature of things on planet earth subjugating all creatures, plants, animals and women to be beneath man and therefore in need of correction. They then popularized a new section of their death cult philosophy, the Book of Revelations which simply poured gasoline on an already terrible and out of control fire of violence and destruction. Because they claimed that there Messiah told them to spread the word of their God they then went out to into the world with a bad attitude of superiority. But because of resistance to except the word of their God the Christianist philosophy mutated again. This led them to the creation of a skin color caste system of slavery and economic dominance of the world that they secured through murder and mayhem on a scale never seen by humanity prior. The Christianist sponsored genocide against all those of skin color finally led to the greatest insult against nature, nuclear power, the atomic bomb and the use of the atomic bomb in a war to subjugate all of Asia in the economic servitude of Christianist fascism.
It's guys like this (and this from yesterday) that make guys such as myself want to grab a large bible and hit them in the head with it.
Like this.
Except harder.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:24 AM | Comments (0)
August 19, 2004
Now who is mixing religion and politics?
People of faith ask: How would Jesus vote?
Of course, the title is highly misleading. These aren't the 'People of Faith' you'd normally ascribe that title to. They're Kerry supporters.
In attendance was Karl Rove Conspiracy Theorist, James Moore, "If ever there were a bleeding-heart liberal, it was Jesus Christ."
The leader of the Texas Faith Network conference, (this story reuires registration) one Rev. Timothy Tutt, pastor of United Christian Church in Austin;
"As I read the Scriptures and as I understand faith, God's side is the group that's feeding the poor, caring about children, making sure that people have enough food to eat � not killing others,"
Now, I'm not what anyone in their right mind would call a "Proper Christian" (I more fall into the 'Grand Clockmaker' deist scatergory), but even I can blow enough holes in their theory so as to make it hydrodynamic.
1. Jesus was apolitical in his time. "Give unto Caesar what is Caesars" ring a bell?
2. Speaking of "Give Unto Caesar", he didn't say 'Give unto Caesar so that he may redistribute the wealth through a welfare plan and socialized medicine'.
3. Jesus was a Jew. Which candidate supports Israel and which candidate wants to negotiate with Arafat?
4. Christians believe that it is their responsibility to "feed the poor and care for children", not the governments to take money from Christians to do so.
You have a leftie nutjob and a socialist in a robe saying that Jesus would have voted for Kerry. What a couple of egotistical creeps.
A question to all the actual christians out there:
Are their attempts to know the mind of the Son of God enough to earn them lava baths and burning hot coals in the sphincter for all eternity?
Posted by Nukevet at 06:56 AM | Comments (2)
August 17, 2004
Another reason to dislike Nancy Pelosi
When Louisiana Representative Rodney Alexander switched parties last week, a half dozen of his D.C. staffers quit and walked out in protest.
California Representative Nancy Pelosi's bleeding heart was so touched by the children taking their ball and going home that she put them on her payroll until they find other work.
That's the difference between the left and the right.
Folks on the right know that you need to find a new job before you quit your old one.
And they won't support you if you pull a childish manuever like that.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:52 AM | Comments (0)
The Truth Hurts
The enviroweenie's junk science.
Maybe you've already heard of the "Data Quality Law". But you probably haven't. Yesterday, the WaPo did, and the fact that they can't stand it comes through in their article.
Basically, the DQ Law is two sentences tacked on to a bill passed in 2000 (nope, they can't blame this on Bush, although they try) that says that all data submitted for environmental regulation must be made available for review by the public and corporations for inaccuracies.
I'm going to call it a environazi BS Detector.
Found @ Just Some Poor Schmuck
Posted by Nukevet at 06:03 AM | Comments (0)
August 16, 2004
And the hypocrisy meter pegs out
Europe takes bids for it's own separation fence.
And accepts a bid from Israeli security company.
After European representatives launched a campaign against Israel's separation fence, and voted against Israel at the UN general assembly, the EU is planning a separation fence of its own. The EU plans to build a fence to separate its new members - Poland and Hungary - from its new neighbors - Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - to prevent the free movement of migrants seeking to enter the EU.
Maybe this is another reason why the Euros like Kerry so much. They're both lying hypocrites.
Found @ LGF
Posted by Nukevet at 08:36 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 13, 2004
Deep Doo-doo
By now, I'm sure you've heard about the resignation of New Jersey Governor, James McGreevey. He has come out of the closet and it seems that the left is focusing on his being gay and implying that he is being 'forced out' as the reason he is stepping down.
As usual, they are completely ignoring the fact that he is the subject of a sexual harassment lawsuit from one of his staffers and the fact that he had a homosexual affair behind his wife's back.
Hence these words from the Kos IMC spinmaster himself...
"This is a shame. F*ck the people who force people like McGreevey to hide in a closet."
I never thought that Kos would ever come out against the Democratic Party so strongly.
I gratuitously stole the title of this post from Michele. I think her mother would put it perfectly.
And if you can stand it, take a peek at the link she has to the DU on how the Looney Lefties have found a way to blame this on Bush and Rove.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:31 AM | Comments (0)
July 30, 2004
Mainstream Conspriacy
So, by now I'm sure you've heard that Pakistan has handed over Ahmed Khalfan Ghailini to us.
Now, I expect and could easily understand the freaks of the IMC set or the whackos in the DU to make up a conspiracy about the timing, but I was slightly surprised to see both the Koc IMC and Atrios do it.
But not really.
Kerry is going to lose so bad with these guys behind him.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:20 AM | Comments (1)
July 29, 2004
Revenge of the Morons
Gee, I wake up to find my RNS e-mail box jammed full of "Thanks for Registering" messages from all kinds of places. Strangely enough, they all seem to be in the UK. Apparently the person hijacking my e-mail likes to use the nick "Harley" while asking for all kinds of spammy goodness to come my way. Sure is nice that Thunderbird makes it so easy to identify messages as "spam", and eliminate them altogether. Of course, a better idea might be to bounce all of the spam to another e-mail addy - like the one of the person most likely to be doing this.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:12 PM | Comments (2)
The second coming of Jesus?
To the Dems, at least...
With John Kerry as president, global climate change and other threats to the health of our planet will begin to be reversed. With John Kerry as president, the alliances that bind the community of nations and that truly make our country and the world a safer place, will be strengthened once more.
Tereza Kerry
Recreating the Garden of Eden and brining about world peace.
Is there anything this guy can't do?
Oh yeah, have only one view on any topic.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:28 AM | Comments (0)
July 28, 2004
Big Brother on the Left's Terms
And I thought that they were all for free speech.
A recent Sunday found Tina Kolm changing her morning routine. Instead of attending a Unitarian Universalist service, she was at the Lenexa Christian Center, paying close attention to a conservative minister's sermon about the importance of amending the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage.
Kolm is one of about 100 volunteers for the Mainstream Coalition, a group monitoring the political activities of local pastors and churches.
The coalition, based in suburban Kansas City, Kan., says it wants to make sure clergy adhere to federal tax guidelines restricting political activity by nonprofit groups, and it's taking such efforts to a new level.
The left freaks out when someone suggests monitoring muslims, but monitoring the speech of christians is A-OK.
Mayhap the left would find it even better if the IRS hired their own crew of monitors? One for every church. That would help Kerry create a few thousand jobs. They'd love it!
Posted by Nukevet at 10:08 AM | Comments (1)
July 23, 2004
You open it
Teddy Kennedy must be afraid of something.
Five staffers were forced to evacuate the office of Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) yesterday after aides to Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) forwarded them a package that they thought could have been potentially hazardous.
What a pussy. He votes the way he does and then makes other folks open the packages from his angry constituents.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:45 AM | Comments (0)
July 22, 2004
As if he wasn't already there
"Baghdad Jim" McDermott camps out in the deep end.
"They want to have the government able to reach into our lives, no matter what we are doing, no matter what you read in the library," said Rep. Jim McDermott (D.-Wash.). "Do not buy a ticket to Fahrenheit 9/11 on the Internet, because they will get your Internet records. They are going to get everything about your life, and they will continue to do it until we finally wind up with martial law."
How sad that he just refuses to take his meds.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:40 AM | Comments (0)
July 20, 2004
Down his pants!?
President Clinton's national security adviser, Sandy Berger, is the focus of a criminal investigation after admitting he removed highly classified terrorism documents from a secure reading room during preparations for the Sept. 11 commission hearings, The Associated Press has learned. Berger's home and office were searched earlier this year by FBI agents armed with warrants. Some drafts of a sensitive after-action report on the Clinton administration's handling of al-Qaida terror threats during the December 1999 millennium celebration are still missing.
Berger and his lawyer said Monday night he knowingly removed handwritten notes he had taken from classified anti-terror documents he reviewed at the National Archives by sticking them in his jacket and pants. He also inadvertently took copies of actual classified documents in a leather portfolio, they said.
I have never stuffed anything down my pants 'inadvertently". I haven't even stuffed anything down anyone elses pants 'inadvertently'. I have 'put the banana in the tail pipe' (in the Axel Foley sense), but I really don't enjoy papercuts, on any body part, and have never been drunk enough to stuff a large diversity of foreign objects in my pants. Even on purpose.
But then again, this guy is from the Clinton Administration. There was a lot of things dealing with 'stuffing' and 'down' and 'pants' from that time, so I'm sure that some of it must have 'rubbed off' on Berger.
Eeew. OK. I apologize for that image.
Found @ The Captain's Quarters Blog via TheJunkYardBlog
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 AM | Comments (0)
July 17, 2004
Looney for President
I am and always have been considered a little 'off'. But this guy makes me look mainstream and downright normal.
Libertarian Party presidential nominee Michael Badnarik believes that the federal income tax has no legal authority and that people are justified in refusing to file a tax return until such time as the IRS provides them with an explanation of its authority to collect the tax. He hadn't filed income tax returns for several years. He moved from California to Texas because of Texas' more liberal gun laws, but he refused to obtain a Texas driver's license because the state requires drivers to provide their fingerprints and Social Security numbers. He has been ticketed several times for driving without a license; sometimes he has gotten off for various technical legal reasons, but on three occasions he has been convicted and paid a fine. He also refused to use postal ZIP codes, seeing them as "federal territories".
If you can make The Kid look normal, you might want to run a check.
Found @ Drumwaster's Rants
Posted by Nukevet at 07:25 AM | Comments (2)
July 16, 2004
Different Ideas
And now we turn to the wannabe white Oprah, Rosie O'Donnell.
Little Miss Rosie decided to rant to the news cameras during a stop on a gay-friendly cruise.
Yoda says "Fool of herself she did make".
"It will be the first time, except for Prohibition, that bigotry has been added to the Constitution,"
Alcohol prohibition was BIGOTRY?
Oh wait. I forgot.Rosie is Irish.
Now it all becomes clear.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:42 AM | Comments (1)
July 15, 2004
Another reason for California to fall into the Pacific
California Looks to Sky for Help With Energy
�Harnessing the sun�s energy and putting that to good use sounds good, but when you boil it down,� it is not that practical, said Tim Coyle, vice president of the California Building Industry Association.
Last month, the California state Senate passed a bill requiring builders to install on new homes solar photovoltaic energy systems, which are solar cells that capture the energy of the sun. According to the plan, new homes would generate much of their own energy. When the cells generate more energy than the homes can use, the surplus would be sent to the grid. At night, these homes would take power from the grid because the cells would not be generating any energy.
Did you get all of that?
If you build a new house, your building costs have almost doubled because you have to buy and install enough sloar panels to power your home in the daytime.
And if your solar panels make more energy that you use, the State of California will take it off your hands AND NOT PAY YOU FOR IT!
I guess you could call than an energy plan.
But I wouldn't.
Found @ Right Thinking
UPDATE: Commenter Lynxx Pherrett has finally decided to return with evidence of my incorrect assumption of electricity producing homeowners not getting paid for their power generation (Note to Lynxx, it would have better had you just provided this in your first comment instead of coming in and pissing on the carpet. If I remember correctly, your comment had to be apporved to be shown. Piss here again and it won't be. I'm blogging as a form of civility lessons, maybe you should do the same).
In conclusion, I still think it is wrong to make people building new homes pay an extra $20,000- $30,000 in electicity generating equipment in order to get the permit to build.
I also think that, in the future, the state will completely take over their power supply. In doing so, they will outlaw the storing of electricity beyond what your house could use in a week and possibly even go so far as to call your power generation a public necessity and stop paying you for it altogether.
They already tell the fed to piss off when it comes to the Second Amendment. Electricity is not a constitutionally protected right.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:48 AM | Comments (6)
July 10, 2004
Another Kerry Flip Flop
Kerry last week: "I stand for the values of middle class America".
Kerry yesterday: The Kerry-Edwards campaign Friday declined to release tapes of a New York concert at which lewd comments allegedly were made about the president.
I guess he really only stands for CYA values.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:35 AM | Comments (0)
July 07, 2004
Don't worry, the police will protect you
That is the line of the liberal left when it comes to reasons to not buy and learn to use a firearm for self defense.
What a group of jackasses.
Here is someone they would probably like to forget about.
Woman killed in front of empty police station
OCALA, Florida (AP) -- A community college professor was shot to death in front of an empty police station by her husband, who then committed suicide, police said.
Debra Allen Vazquez, 50, had driven to police headquarters to get help, but all officers were on assignment at the time, authorities said.
Vazquez, a communications professor at Central Florida Community College, had been arguing with her estranged husband near a Wal-Mart on Sunday.
She drove away with the couple's 8-month-old granddaughter in the car, but Jose Vazquez followed her in his pickup truck and started to ram her vehicle to get her to stop. He caught up with her at the police station.
The baby girl was unharmed and later taken home by her parents.
Vazquez, also 50, was later found dead in his truck on the side of a road with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, investigators said.
"Sorry lady, we're busy. Can you arrange to be threatened tomorrow at around 3 o'clock?"
It would have taken very little time or money for her to buy a pistol and take a few firearms classes. But, like a large number of women I've known/met, they're taught that firearms are EEVVIILL and would transform her mind into that of a killer.
And for any of the nay sayers who would talk about how that her getting a gun would have just led to a gunfight in the street, think about this....
Which would be more likely to keep her husband away, knowing she was armed or a restraining order?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:36 AM | Comments (4)
July 05, 2004
Idiot for President
By now, I'm sure you've already seen this picture.
I can spot 3 gun handling errors in this pic. Each one is egregious on it's own. But combined, they produce something so destructive, it cannot even be named.
1. Finger on trigger
2. Not paying attention to the muzzle's direction
3. A liberal with a gun in his hand.
Anyone who cares about their gun rights and votes Kerry deserves to have their trigger fingers permenantly removed on just this picture alone.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:37 AM | Comments (30) | TrackBack
July 02, 2004
Here he goes again
NEW DELHI: President George W. Bush's taxation sops will backfire on him like the 'India Shining' campaign of the previous Indian government, US Congressman Jim McDermott said here on Thursday.
McDermott also acknowledged that there could be some surprises from the Bush administration in the run-up to the elections.
"There are already rumours circulating that Osama bin Laden is being held somewhere already and it's only that they are trying to decide what day they should bring him out," he said.
I'm beginning to think that when Bush wins in November, McDermott will blame the aliens.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:33 AM | Comments (0)
June 30, 2004
All your election will be ours
You can see this as covering our bases or, like the left, you can see this as the Republicans ending this democracy and opening up the prison camps.
WASHINGTON - The government needs to establish guidelines for canceling or rescheduling elections if terrorists strike the United States again, says the chairman of a new federal voting commission.
Such guidelines do not currently exist, said DeForest B. Soaries, head of the voting panel.
Yes, it is a bit scary to think about. But sometimes you have to think about the scary things.
Found @ Eschaton
Posted by Nukevet at 07:44 PM | Comments (0)
June 29, 2004
Gone South
A few weeks back I put up a Soundboard post featuring Skinny Puppy.
Now, I've always known that their politics and mine aren't an eye to eye thing, but since they're not blaring hypocrites I've put up with it.
Well, reader James D went to their most recent show in Philidelphia and here is his review.
"As predicted the visual spectacle featured a pretty long montage superimposing American and Nazi imagery. Bush morphed into Hitler, the stars and stripes morphed into a swastika, endless parade of photos of war casualties which no doubt 99% of the audience has at this point in life been desensitized to, etc. The irony of it all was the Nuremberg-like crowd of fist wavers and middle finger flashers in unison reacting in a religious frenzy as orchestrated by their enlightened high priest of the moment, Ohgr.
And apparently the PETA activists at the show didn't seem to be too horrified by the bovine holocaust that had to take place in order to provide pants for at least half of the crowd. I just hope that their calculated move from Canada to Los Angeles has fulfilled Cevin Key's ulterior motive of scoring big in Hollywood. They have the right politics intact so it's a start no doubt."
Why is that the creative ones have weak minds?
Now I have to have an internal debate as to whether to purchase their new album.
Sad as it is, thank you for the review James.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:52 AM | Comments (1)
Michael Moore likes democracy so much
The Smoking Gun reveals that Michael Moore is registered to vote in two states: New York and Michigan.
Although he has claimed to be an "independent� and not a Democrat, records from the New York City Board of Elections show that in reality he registered as a Democrat, the Web site reported.
"Now here's the good part: Moore is simultaneously registered to vote in Michigan, where registrants aren't even given the option of party affiliation (so he's not an Independent there either)."
And there's more: "as a New York City voter, TSG can tell you it's hard not to realize you are registered, since a voter's mailbox is regularly bombarded with candidate mail, official voter guides, and Board of Election notices about upcoming elections and reminders about the location of your polling place."
Posted by Nukevet at 07:38 AM | Comments (0)
June 28, 2004
Why PG-13
I was listening to talk radio host Michael Medved last week. He said something you might be interested in (sorry it took me so long to post it).
If Michael Moore had gotten the PG-13 rating he wanted for Fahrenheit 9/11, the film would have been ok'd to be shown in secondary schools (junior high and high schools) under teacher supervision.
But since he wasn't able to get the lower rating, he has switched to usurping parental supervision.
"I have encouraged teenagers to go see this movie," Moore told MTV News. "Sneak into this movie. Get in by any means necessary. If you see me near a theatre, I'll help sneak you in. Just get into this movie, because it should not be R-rated. And if your parents object, tell them I said it was OK. I'll write you a note or something."
Found at the newly returned Blogs of War. Welcome back, Mr. Little
Posted by Nukevet at 07:41 AM | Comments (1)
June 24, 2004
The guy that Michael Moore Ate
Take a look at this. Borrowed directly from Mikey's website.
I know that the guy on the right is Bush.
But who the hell is the guy on the left?! That is not Michael Moore!
It looks like the guy that Michael Moore ate.
Photoshop magic works a lot better for his ego than TrimSpa will do for his ass.
Found @ Right Thoughts
Posted by Nukevet at 07:47 AM | Comments (7)
The major media are still ignoring the statement Puting made last week.
I guess their objectivity is on vacation.
Putin referred to Saddam's "special forces" as the instruments of his planned terror attacks. But no country in the Middle East has genuine special forces, certainly nothing to compare with what the US or the UK can field.
Moreover, Saddam would never have been stupid enough to use 'special forces' that could be directly traced to him. So who was going to carry out his terror attacks? Who had the network and the necessary fanatics for such tasks? Guess who? That's right, al Qaeda.
The same people who would deny this conclusion and call it nothing but self-serving speculation is the same crowd that deny any al Qaeda-Saddam links. They will admit that al Qaeda operated, and still does, in South East Asia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, North Africa, etc. In fact, just about any place, including Toyland, except Saddam's Iraq.
But unless Putin is lying, and I doubt that even the most pathological Bush-hating journalist would even suggest that, then we must turn to al Qaeda as Saddam's 'special forces'.
Found @ The Junk Yard Blog
Posted by Nukevet at 07:25 AM | Comments (0)
June 22, 2004
Oh, That Liberal Media
MSNBC's Keith Olbermen, commenting that Fox News was the most watched cable news outlet during coverage of Ronald Reagan's funeral....
And I quote
"Shallow, phony patriotism will always draw a crowd - like dogs humping in the street."
Oh, that liberal media.
Found @ The Junk Yard Blog
Posted by Nukevet at 09:36 AM | Comments (8)
Huh? Illegal? Wha?
Coming soon to a town near you.
In a push to get more immigrants involved in their children's education, San Francisco officials are considering asking voters in November to give parents who are not U.S. citizens the right to vote in school board elections.
Under the proposed ballot initiative, even illegal immigrants would be able to vote, so long as they are parents with kids in public schools.
And I'm sure they wouldn't think of letting the illegals vote for, oh say, the Presidency? Right?
Found @ Right Thinking
Posted by Nukevet at 09:19 AM | Comments (0)
June 20, 2004
They're crying in their cappucinos
The assets of Air America are reported to be sold to a new corporate entity, leaving creditors of its existing corporate parents, Progress Media and Radio Free America, high and dry. Supposedly, millions are owed by the current corporate parents.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:00 AM | Comments (2)
June 14, 2004
Michael Moore, Running Scared
Yeah, I know. Michael Moore running is damn near an impossibility. But he is scared.
So scared in fact, that he has hired a couple of Clintonista spinmeisters to cover his lying ass when his new mockudrama with the stolen title (you know which flick I'm talkin' 'bout here) hits theaters.
Anticipating increasing attacks from Bush campaign and supporters, Moore said he has formed a group to counter any future attack on his movie. The group will operate 24 hours a day, monitoring TV newscasts, news reports and other publications for statements discrediting his movie.
Moore said he has hired two political advisers to former Democrat President Bill Clinton's campaign to establish a "war room" that will immediately support any claims made in the movie that come under attack.
If pointing out hyperbole, innuendo, half truths and outright lies that Moore puts into his POS fictional celluloid is an attack, then I wonder what Mikey calls a hemmoroid?
Oh, that's right. He doesn't call them anything. He just calls his Park Avenue doctor.
Link found @ Right Thinking.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:51 AM | Comments (0)
June 12, 2004
Again with the VRWC
Burt Cohen is a New Hampshire Democratic Senate candidate. He is having to drop out of the race.
Because his campaign manager absconded with half of his campaign funds and hasn't been seen or heard from since.
Why am I posting this?
Because I found this at the Kos IMC.
It took only two, count them, TWO commentors to accuse the Republicans of having a hand in the managers absconding with the funds.
I wish they would quit projecting.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:26 AM | Comments (0)
June 11, 2004
Feel the love
Posted by Nukevet at 07:16 PM | Comments (6)
Fun at All Costs
By now, I'm sure you've heard of the "J12" demonstrations that will be taking place tomorrow.
I've got at least two of them within 150 miles of me. Sooooo....
If someone has a spare 30K they could lend.......
I promise to drive this through at least one throng of smelly hippies.
And the icing on the cake....
Posted by Nukevet at 10:24 AM | Comments (8)
Playing Hide and Seek
With their heads shoulder deep in their ass.
Carol Rose, executive director of the Massachusetts chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said the police raised constitutional concerns because the Fourth Amendment would require that the bag searches be either completely random or the result of officers having a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.
"It's an excuse to exercise discretion without cause, and it becomes a guise for racial and ethnic profiling," Ms. Rose said. "If they are going to instead institute a random policy, that means they cannot use any discretion at all in a random checks. The problem with total randomness, if it is totally random, is that it's unlikely to catch terrorists."
She knows that what she is doing will make it much harder to prevent another September 11th, but she doesn't care.
Just so long as whitey only searches grandma's and kindergarteners.
She is hoping the terrorists are playing "Hide and Seek".
Instead, they're playing "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"
And the "Tail" is a WMD.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:45 AM | Comments (0)
June 07, 2004
My take on Feingold
Puggs wrote about this sicko on Saturday. It was heading towards D-Day weekend and I figured I'd wait until today to put in my two cents.
With this line,
I am of the opinion that if Feingold comes to Seattle, I can legally take as it as a threat to my life and act appropriately.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:58 AM | Comments (0)
June 04, 2004
No BBQ for you!
The "You might Hurt Yourself" police are out in full force.
Live in an apartment or a condo and love to barbecue on your deck? You have 28 days before your grill will become an expensive planter box.
Starting July 1, all open-flame cooking on charcoal and propane barbecues will be prohibited on combustible apartment and condominium decks -- unless there is a fire sprinkler overhead.
Also, unless changes are made next week, Christmas trees will be prohibited in churches, apartments and condominiums, meeting halls, stores, jails, schools, hospitals and day cares -- again unless there is a fire sprinkler overhead.
That's right folks, if you OWN a condo, the state of Washington has now adopted a rule (not a law) that you cannot BBQ on your own property.
If you read further into the article it says that, in a move to conform nationwide safety regulations, your activites on your personal property is now being curtailed.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:14 AM | Comments (4)
June 02, 2004
Michael Moore is a Big Fat Idiot
Ray Bradbury puts it in his own words.
�Michael Moore is a stupid son of a bitch. He stole my title and changed the numbers and never asked for my permission.�
Bradbury explains that he tried to get in contact with the director. Moore was �busy� and promised to get back to him that same afternoon�but he never did.
�He is a dreadful man. A dreadful man.�
Bradbury sees Moore�s appropriation of Fahrenheit as a simple case of theft: �I could write a novel tomorrow called Gone with the Wind, couldn�t I? But I�m not going to do it because that would be dishonest. Let�s just say that Michael Moore is dishonest and that I want to have nothing to do with him. That pretty well does it.�
Found @ Right Thinking
Posted by Nukevet at 09:35 PM | Comments (3)
June 01, 2004
How rude of them
But at least the RSVP'd.
He was hoping to discuss democratic reform in the Arab world, known as the Greater Middle East Initiative at the summit.
Every single one of them turned down the invite.
I wonder why?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:46 AM | Comments (0)
May 28, 2004
Not even worth the bullet
To put him out of his misery.
John Paul Cupp, Editorial Board of the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network
Shall we stand and fight a dead Hitler, who is not even skin and bones, and his martyred-in combat soldiers who have had 60 years to decay, doing so via turning WWII from a human catastrophe to the ETERNAL "pogrom" the Zionist Entity needs, or shall stand as one against the fascism-in-power of our era, the "globalization" or our era, the "New World Order" and unipolar hegemony of our era? That is, do you want to fight FAKE "anti-semitism" or real "anti-semitism"? Do you want to fight primarily Nazism or the fascism-in-power of our era, US Imperialism and Zionism? Here is the question I ask to those who claim to fight "fascism" and "anti-semitism"? It is a question of outdated idealism and a sort of red flag of dogma, or a dialectical red flag that is growing in livelihood and vitality, one which is an ever-flowing fountain, non-stop in it creative ideological struggle, with fresh and vivid militant strategies and tactics against "the common hated enemies" of our era. In simple layman's terms, you must choose if you want to be part of the dustbin of history based on your stances, particularly your stance on Zionism.
Luckily, this is their only existing website. Their geocities website has been removed.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:27 AM | Comments (0)
May 25, 2004
Imagine That
A Crazy, Anti-Semetic Frenchman.
Paul-Marie Co�teaux, French Deputy to the EU Parliament.
There is, however, another serious imbalance for which we are in part responsible, namely the imbalance of forces. I have no hesitation in saying that we must consider giving the Arab side a large enough force, including a large enough nuclear force, to persuade Israel that it cannot simply do whatever it wants. That is the policy my country (DF: i.e. France) pursued in the 1970s when it gave Iraq a nuclear force. We have now destroyed it. So we will carry on with our policy of imbalance and what is happening today is merely the annoying but inevitable result of our collective blindness and cowardice.
In his eyes, Israel holds too much power over the Arab nations that surround it.
Nevermind that they have never used it offensively.
He wants to give the Arabs nukes so that they might "level the playing field".
Nevermind that the arabs have promised to use them to eliminate Israel.
Good G*d, what an ignorant lout.
Found @ The Dissident Frogman via Judicious Asininity
Posted by Nukevet at 06:36 AM | Comments (0)
May 24, 2004
In fear for their eternal souls
Not being an overly religious person myself, I find this extremely entertaining.
Forty-eight Roman Catholic members of Congress have warned in a letter to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C., that US bishops will revive anti-Catholic bigotry and severely harm the church if they deny Communion to politicians who support abortion rights.
The Congressmen and women go against their chosen religion when they vote. And when church leaders say that their voting patterns are reason enough to refuse them communion, they react by threatening the church.
Threatening the church?
Isn't that something the Constitution says they aren't supposed to do?
And doesn't this snif of hypocrisy?
I remember hearing that it was the Republicans who were hypocritical Christians.
I've got my popcorn at the ready. This will be one time I'll definitely be rooting for the church.
Found @ Radio BS via The Spoonman.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:29 AM | Comments (0)
May 21, 2004
think we should put stoning to a vote?
The French lefty elite is miffed cause this guy got hacked. was created in 1999. It boasts a membership of 120,000 web surfers and over 10 million hits per month. A constant propaganda tool against Israel in general and its "bete noire" Ariel Sharon in particular, is the mouthpiece of Tariq Ramadan, an Islamic new wave extremist theologian and a proven anti-Semite. Ramadan, grandson of Hassan al Banna, the founder of the Islamic Brotherhood, is the darling of the French-speaking left and the guru of the young Muslim generation. Soft spoken, good-looking and neatly dressed, Ramadan is being used by the Leftists as a gateway to the otherwise non-politicized Muslim youths.
The face in Europ, France in particular of the NEW muslim,....
The self-promoted modern Ramadan was also caught off base when it was revealed that he refused to condemn the stoning of adulterous women. In his latest book, he pronounced himself for a "moratorium" on the issue.
He would support putting the issue of stoning women to death to a vote? That's progressive in the muslim world? WELL JESUS CHRIST, thing you know he'll be up to banning child labor and the practice of slavery in the Sudan.
Or not.
You don't have to make up stuff about muslims, they provide all the ammo you could ever need to feel their culture is diseased and backward. How morally bankrupt do you have to be to say that the issue is not an absolute? With the muslim's being the fastest growing segment of France's population, if you are a woman in France..............
Be afraid.
You'll have good company with France's Jewish minority.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:03 PM | Comments (0)
More Kerry BS
A couple days back, I posted about Kerry taking the support of his campaign by fellow Vietnam era Swift Boat officers for granted. There were a couple of links that I was unable to get to work later that day attached to that post.
So, here's the photo in question.
Here's the skinny,
Of the 19 Swift boat skippers pictured, 12 oppose Kerry, 2 are neutral, 2 have yet to be contacted, one has died, and 2 are working with the Kerry campaign. The four officers not present for the photo all oppose Kerry.
Pic found @ Judicious Asininity
Posted by Nukevet at 06:48 AM | Comments (1)
May 20, 2004
Remember the Past
This time, Howard Dean's campaign was just starting to heat up. Here's a post from May 19th of last year.
My favorite line,
One line from the artilce is from a previous meeting he had at a retirement home outside of Hanover, New Hampshire (acoording to the writer, a liberal enclave). He was shaking hands after his speech when one of the ladies who lived there said "you beat that g*ddamn Bush".
I mean, c'mon grandma. Stop the hate.
One year later, it seems that the one thing Dean did for the Dems is to normalize hatred. If you weren't as angry as Dean, you weren't angry enough. One just had to watch the Dem debates to see that he set the pace.
Now that those angry people have had their champion squelched by the Dem political machine, they have settled for Kerry.
He's not as angry, but he is just as ludicris. And they'll settle for a dupe.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:25 AM | Comments (0)
It'll only hurt for a little bit
Yesterday, in the comments section, our own illiterate harpy, Harm, said...
"and by the way I'm still awaiting with baited breath this mystical post where I revelled in the death of anyone"
While I was scrolling through the old posts, I found this line...
�We will not stop our resistance as long as one Zionist continues to breathe our air,� Hamas, which has vowed to wreck a U.S. peace plan for the region, said in a statement.
Now, for anyone who has been with us @ RNS for a while or anyone who cares to go through the comments, Harm's defense of groups like Hamas is legendary. In her mind, Arafat is like a "palestinian" George Washington.
Now, I know that this is just guilt by association, but the "palestinians" have plenty of guilt to go around. And it is only fitting that their supporters get some of it.
And to ensure that you have a nice day, Harm, I have dug up your favorite pic ever featured here @ RNS.
The PissCorrie
Inspired by the IrrigateHillary of Aaron the Liberal Slayer
Posted by Nukevet at 07:20 AM | Comments (5)
May 14, 2004
the truth comes out
LONDON (Reuters) - Piers Morgan, the editor of Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper, resigned Friday over publication of pictures claiming to show the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by British troops that proved to be fake.
Good, maybe the Mirror will think twice next time before they grab the juciest piece of lefty propaganda and wave it like a bloody shirt. But I doubt it. Still they get bonus points for having the stones to face up to a mistake like this.
The Boston Globe? Or should I say the Kerry campaign mouthpiece?
In Friday's column Chinlund said flatly, "There's no excuse for what happened. ... The photo, headed for the publication pipeline, should have been flagged for discussion by top editors." But she added that criticism that use of the photo provided evidence of anti-Americanism or the paper's desire to "bring down Bush" were "off the mark."
Editor Martin Baron told Chinlund, "We are not firing anybody."
Of course not, and they won't do a full page retraction either after filling the heads of millions world wide with rape porn labeled as purported proof of American troops raping Iraqi women either. They put a dinky assed note on the editorial page saying in effect that they goofed only in not verifing the source,...ooops!
This is Bullshit. The Arab press is running this as fact and the best the Globe can do is belch and scratch? They libaled the whole US military and we get this?
Baron declined to comment Thursday on the situation, saying "the editor's note is all I have to say."
Not fucking good enough you asshole, not by a country freakin mile. To make that kind of charge, get busted for printing a lie, then in effect do nothing in way of real retraction crosses over into TREASON. To print a lie and not retract is to treat it as truth, to allow it to live without even trying to squelch it is the same as saying, wink, yeah,....sure sure,...wink wink, it didn't happen.
If one GI gets killed as a direct result of the Arab press running this piece, inciting a driveby or car bombing, then Baron should be charged with conspiracy to murder. He knows it's a lie, but doesn't care as long as the damage is done. If this were a just universe, Baron would get slapped down to correspondent and have his ass shipped to sit in the back seat of a Bradley.
Papers make mistakes, they retract or not, but in a war,....letting a libal stand because you hate the President? What wouldn't you do Baron? What lie will you print next? What faked picture? Millions of GI's Honor sacrificed on the alter of poltical expediency,......and how many extra will die because you are a gulible asshole with no shame?
How many?
Links from Drudge.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:22 PM | Comments (0)
MoveOn Ice Age
Did you know that it was the Bush Administration that is fostering all the anti-'Day After Tomorrow' movie propaganda?
You didn't! then you must not get e-mails from
Dear MoveOn member,
On Memorial Day weekend, Hollywood is releasing a summer blockbuster movie that's making the Bush administration very nervous. In fact, they'd rather you didn't see it at all.
Why? Because it's a disaster movie about global warming.
While "The Day After Tomorrow" is more science fiction than science fact, everyone will be talking about it -- and asking "Could it really happen?" This is an unprecedented opportunity to talk to millions of Americans about the real dangers of global warming and expose President Bush's foot-dragging on the issue.
My sides are now sore. Ow.
Thos movie is a project backed by Art Bell. If you do not know who Art Bell is, he takes "Alien Abductees" quite seriously. Here is a link to the Coast to Coast AM website. Just find your local station and tune in this weekend (George Noory does the weekday shows).
Posted by Nukevet at 07:31 AM | Comments (0)
May 12, 2004
I wonder if they'll be calling for their own resignations?
If the lamestream media will report it.
Democrats howling for the resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for not informing them of reports of prisoner abuse in Baghdad are ignoring the fact that concerned parents of an accused soldier informed 16 members of Congress - top Democrats such as Senators Hillary Clinton, Edward Kennedy and John D. Rockefeller - and the governor of Virginia of the burgeoing scandal as far back as February 26th of this year.
None of these people acted to disclose the detailed information contained in the letters.
Here are the names, all Democrats except for Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, Sgt. Frederick's congressman:
Senators Jack Reed, Mark Dayton, Robert Byrd, Bill Nelson, Evan Bayh, Mark Pryor, Edward Kennedy, Benjamin Nelson, Hillary Clinton, Joseph Lieberman, Daniel Akaka, Paul Sarbanes, John D. Rockefeller, Governor Mark Warner and Rep. Roscoe Bartlett.
Senator Byrd's office would not even accept the letter e-mailed to him on the grounds it was too long.
Bartlett said he was looking into the matter.
Sarbanes said he had written the the "appropriate officials."
Rockefeller begged off on the grounds that he was barred by privacy rules.
Sounds like some people need to STFU.
Found @ the Junk Yard Blog
Posted by Nukevet at 07:32 AM | Comments (0)
The idiocy continues
Once again, at the Kos IMC, the cup of stupidity overflows.
You remember these folks. They are the ones who praised this from one of their own:
�Ask not what Iraqis did to you in Fallujah.
Ask what you did to the Iraqis before Fallujah.�
To which I responded:
�Ask not why your head is in your ass,
Ask why you feel comfortable in that position.�
But now, the true face of the left comes out....
I'm sure Inhofe is eager to get a copy of this video so he can go home and wack off to it. DeLay and the boys will bring some of their lobbyist friends from these "contractor" companies over to Inhofe's so they can all do a circle jerk.
I'm thinking someone is projecting here.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:16 AM | Comments (0)
May 11, 2004
Flippity Floppity
Go, Johnny, Go.
You'll remember that last week, Kerry reminded everyone that he asked for the resignation of Rumsfeld 'over a year ago' by again demanding Rumsfeld's resignation. His website now also sports a petition that demands Rummy resign.
Well, it seems that Kerry mellowed out over the weekend.
Saturday, Kerry took a fairly soft line on the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, telling a local Pittsburgh station "this is a moment for America to try to deal with this without any partisan politics. This is not about politics. This is about our country. This is about how we're going to be stronger."
And speaking of petitions, from Ms. Sondra K comes a link to one that demands that Rumsfeld stay.
I signed it,. You should too.
UPDATE: From Aaron the Liberal Slayer
Here are the terms:
Love Rummy? Show da love for da SecDef.
Post a pic of you on your blog holding rum, preferably Bacardi, since it seems to really annoy the Ch�-lovers. Or post a pic and let Aaron know and he�ll superimpose a �Bloggers Bats for Rummy� logo on it for you.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:50 AM | Comments (1)
May 08, 2004
Friends of Jim McDermott
In the wake of the Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Investigation (that has been going on since November of 2003) the United States House of Representatives passed this resolution
Title: Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 627) deploring the abuse of persons in United States custody in Iraq, regardless of the circumstances of their detention, urging the Secretary of the Army to bring to swift justice any member of the Armed Forces who has violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice, expressing the deep appreciation of the Nation to the courageous and honorable members of the Armed Forces who have selflessly served, or are currently serving, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and for other purposes.
So, to recap, the resolution;
1. Condems the soldiers who cimmited the acts.
2. Urges swift justice and court martials for the commiters.
3. Praises the good soldiers who have sacrificed to serve honorably.
Sounds good, right?
Well, apparently not good enough for the Dems in the HoR.
The resolution did pass. With every single Republican and an Indie or two casting the winning votes.
I knew that McDermott was a turd, but now it looks as if we have even more positive proof that the entire left wing of the HoR is a sack of sh*t.
Found @ Insignificant Thoughts.
I also gratutitously borrowed the 1,2,3 countdown. Purely because it would have been impossible to create an original one of my own that was better.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:41 AM | Comments (2)
And another thing...
I am noticing another inconsistency in the folks demanding the resignation of Rumsfeld.
The same people asking for the resignation of Rumsfeld are the same ones who voted against the 'resignation' of Hussein.
And some of them still refuse to demand that Castro and Arafat resign.
What a bunch of losers.
And the name is 'Rumsfeld' losers, not 'Rumsfield'.
Also, they are the same folks who want our US Marines to leave al-Sadr alone.
Al-Sadr, who is wanted for killing a moderate Muslin cleric for speaking out against him.
Al-Sadr, who made HIS BROTHER DIG HIS OWN GRAVE before killing him.
You folks have NO moral high ground to stand on.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:18 AM | Comments (0)
May 06, 2004
They call him Blubber, Blubber,
Ass wider than the skyyyyyy...
Have you ever heard the sound of a wounded elephant?
It sounds something like this...
Yesterday I was told that Disney, the studio that owns Miramax, has officially decided to prohibit our producer, Miramax, from distributing my new film, "Fahrenheit 9/11." The reason? According to today's (May 5) New York Times, it might "endanger" millions of dollars of tax breaks Disney receives from the state of Florida because the film will "anger" the Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush.
The link above was found @ Sondra K's 'Knowledge is Power' Blog.
And so was this...
Mel Gibson didn't whine about freedom of speech when he couldn't get anybody to back, produce, or distribute his movie ... he was so committed to the project that he found other ways that didn't directly involve the traditional Hollywood System.
Michael Moore, on the other hand, relies on it.
by Black Hawk
Now go here and take this poll
Disney is blocking its Miramax Films division from distributing Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 911," which criticizes President Bush's handling of 9/11. Should this film be released?
You know what to do.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:57 AM | Comments (1)
May 04, 2004
Will they ever get it?
This morning I had a Dr. appointment, so I was up and out long before my usual time. Since I have to drive 25 miles to get to my HMO, I took the opportunity to do something that I rarely have time for; I listened to Rush Limbaugh.
This morning he had a caller named "Tiffany" who purported to be an Independent Gen-Xer. They were discussing the war in Iraq, the pictures of American soldiers mistreating Iraqi prisoners and the U.S. response in the Middle East. Of course, Sept 11 came up.
Tiffany's response to that was "Why does it always have to come back to that"?
Knock down two skyscrapers, demolish 1/5th of The Pentagon, kill 3000 people and declare war on the western world all in one day and all the left can do is say "Yeah, So?"
And these dumb bastards can vote!
Posted by Nukevet at 07:14 AM | Comments (0)
May 03, 2004
What a Turd
With my lame photo editing skills, my offerings
Is someone collecting these somewhere? And where would that be?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:27 AM | Comments (7)
April 29, 2004
Pimp Calls For War
Jessie jackson, one of the original Poverty Pimps, has called FOR a war.
But not a War on Terrorism. Or a War on Black Poverty. Or a War on Whiteys Who Make Jessie Look Bad.
He has called for the UN to delare war on America.
In comments made before and during a speech at the 21st Century Black Massachusetts Conference in Boston on April 3, the Boston Herald reports, Jackson condemned U.S. efforts to remove Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein from power. He called the U.S. liberation of Iraq "a crime against humanity" and said Iraqi deaths resulting from the actions of U.S. forces are "murder." He encouraged the United Nations to sanction the U.S. and consider the use of military force.
......................sorry, I had to get a glass of water to help me recover from laughing my ass off.
I've got an idea, let's put Jessie Jackson in charge of the UN. He can't do too much more worse of a job than Kofi "The Blind Man" Annan.
I still think we should have sent him to Haiti instead of wasting the Marines time.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 AM | Comments (3)
It takes a villiage
To have an idiot.
Jim McDermott is the idiot in my villiage.
Rep. Jim McDermott, a Washington Democrat who criticized President Bush while visiting Baghdad, omitted the words "under God" as he led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance this week.
Dim Jim then offers two excuses as to why he omitted the line.
Excuse #1: Spokesman Mike DeCesare said McDermott told him that as a child he had learned the pledge without the phrase "under God." The phrase was added to the pledge in 1954.
So I guess that he wasn't listening during those 15 YEARS he has spent in the HoR. That I could almost believe.
Excuse #2: "Basically he caught himself up," DeCesare said, adding that McDermott was unsure whether to include the phrase "under God" while the 2002 ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is being reviewed by the Supreme Court.
Then maybe he is unfit to serve as a Representative since he forgot his college civics class that says while things are being thought over by the SCOTUS, the rules stay the same.
I really don't see the brouhaha over the phrase "Under G*d" in the pledge. Mostly because I don't care enough either way. But when Baghdad Jim makes an ass of himself, repeatedly, I gotta let you all know.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:05 AM | Comments (1)
April 27, 2004
You Found Me Beautiful Once
Honey You Got Real Ugly.
Isn't it funny how the Left is against Capital Punishment, but for the abortion of those who annoy them?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:29 PM | Comments (1)
April 26, 2004
Even More Double Standards
Some of those on the left are wondering why Bush's pollnumbers are going up and Kerry's are going down.
Maybe it is because of Kerry's hypocrisy. The most recent example
Democrat John Kerry on Sunday criticized the firing of two cargo workers who photographed flag-draped coffins of U.S. soldiers, saying such images shouldn't be hidden from the public.
So let me get this straight, these 'contract employees' broke a rule and they were fired BY THE CONTRACTOR for doing so, and he thinks that they shouldn't have been.
I wonder if he would have the same opinon if, instead of the contractor being Maytag Aircraft Corp, the contractor was, say, Halliburton?
Found at Some Poor Schmuck
If you missed my opinion on my this story, it is here.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:40 AM | Comments (0)
April 25, 2004
Yet another reason
The UN should never set foot in Iraq again
Israel a 'poison,' says UN envoy
The United Nations attempted yesterday to distance UN Secretary General Kofi Annan from his top envoy's description of Israel as "the great poison" in the Middle East but Israel said it wasn't satisfied and is considering a formal protest. The flap erupted when Lakhdar Brahimi, who is trying to help Iraqis agree on a transitional government to take power June 30, gave an interview to France Inter radio Wednesday criticizing Israel's policy and U.S. support for it.
Brahimi, a UN undersecretary general and special adviser to Annan, said his effort to help establish an interim government in Iraq is being made more difficult by Israeli policy toward the Palestinians.
"The problems are linked," he said.
Sorry pal, I think the problem is that the Iraqi people hate the UN for letting Saddam trade oil for influence while they starved and died.
But go ahead, blame it on Israel. If it rains in So Cal, the anti-semites blae it on Israel.
Found @ Spot On
Posted by Nukevet at 08:38 AM | Comments (1)
April 22, 2004
More double standards
Some of the folks on the left are whining about the woman and her husband from Maytag being fired for snapping and distributing the pic of the flag draped caskets being loaded into a plane in Iraq.
Namely, folks over at Kos' IMC
Neither the woman or her husband HAVE to be in Iraq. They are over there as contractors working for money.
Hey lefies, they're mercenaries.
SCREW 'EM. Remember?
Posted by Nukevet at 11:54 PM | Comments (1)
Neal! Look out!
And arm yourself appropriately!
Kerry Sees a Little Vietnam in Louisiana Coastline
Be careful, Neal You never know when he'll have a 'flashback' and start committing more 'war crimes'.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:00 AM | Comments (0)
April 20, 2004
Clearing out the links bucket
I found a 'My Favorites' folder with a couple old links in it that I will be going over here.
First, before Kos' 'Screw Them' comments, he posted this story up.
Avoiding attacking suspected terrorist mastermind
Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant with ties to al-Qaida, is now blamed for more than 700 terrorist killings in Iraq.
NBC News has learned that long before the war the Bush administration had several chances to wipe out his terrorist operation and perhaps kill Zarqawi himself � but never pulled the trigger.
So, we now have PROOF that al-Qiada was in Iraq, that they were possibly building CHEMICAL WEAPONS and that Hussein probably knew about it.
I thought that maybe he was schizophrenic. Now I have proof.
Next, found @ Samizdata
Posted by Nukevet at 09:08 AM | Comments (2)
April 17, 2004
Another reason everyone needs a gun
Random Numbers had a run in last night with some barking moonbats. It appears that they decided that his pro-Bush posters needed to be knocked down.
So they threw beer bottles and rocks at the sign, which happened to be INSIDE his house. Thus, they broke one of his windows in their troglodytic attempt at fun and political discourse.
They also managed to scare his wife into being unwilling to STAY IN HER OWN HOME alone.
So Random Numbers has decided to purchase one or more firearms, and to attempt to catch the perps int he act next time. I suggested a .357 Mag revolver and a 12 gauge shotgun.
Anyone with any helpful advice for either goal, please head over and share.
A later post indicates that one of the Union toadies last night asked about his house out of the blue, so the scumbags may work with him.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:02 PM | Comments (4)
Gee, Thanks Again California!
It all started in the late 70's/early 80's.
California started sending its citizens to Washington State. They arrived and immediately started whining about the rain. They raised the property costs and clogged traffic with their numbers and their inablility to drive on wet pavement.
And then they began to take over the local governments. Doing their darndest to make everything just like the state they missed so much.
And all was not well in the Emerald City.
And now, in an effort to keep up with the stupidity of the 9th Fecderal Circuit Court, the 4th Circuit, in Los Angeles, went and released King County, Washington native, Edward Stokes. A convicted serial rapist who had decided that LA held a better selection of victims for him to choose from.
Why did they do this?
Becuase his last victim was so distraught from being raped that he committed suicide shortly before Stokes' trial. And therefor, Stokes' attourney was not able to cross-examine him.
Yes, I said him. Stokes likes teenage boys. He has admitted to over 212 victims to his therapist.
And now Stokes has returned to his old stomping grounds. He applied for a Washington State drivers license in the first city he drove through, Vancouver Wa. (not to be confused with Vancouver B.C.). And later, he purchased a Costco membership in his old hometown.
He's back.
On a tip from a citizen, the Vancouver PD investigated the address he used when he applied for the drivers license. The person living at that residence confirmed that Stokes does not live there and there has been a felony warrant issued for his arrest on charges of perjury of official documents.
Now, we just need to find him.
The good news is that with all of the press that his return is getting, some of his previous victims have decided to make themselves known and are willing to press charges. DA's across the state are working overtime taking statements and checking the statute of limitations on these allegations.
Thanks again California.
On another note, I have been listening to the local left wing talk radio shows and been laughing my ass off. Some of the callers have JUST figured out that electing liberal judges who are endorsed by the ACLU might not be a good idea after all.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:51 AM | Comments (9)
April 16, 2004
The Grouchy Old Cripple (in Atlanta) fisks an article on the subject of Bush's recent backing of Israel in the Atlanta Urinal and Constipation.
By the time the GOC is done, he's not the only one who needs crutches.
A snippet,
AJC: "You'll have no takers for this,'' said Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council.
GOC: Y'know what? We don't give a shit! We ain't asking. We're telling.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:15 AM | Comments (0)
April 15, 2004
I know that this is Oliver Stone were talking about here
But jeez-louise, I cannot fathom the depths of his cluelessness.
I must say, you're really picturing [Cuba as] a Stalinist state. It doesn't feel that way.
I guess that Stone never told Castro that America is better than Cuba.
No surprise there, I guess.
Found @ the Ace of Spades
Posted by Nukevet at 08:17 AM | Comments (0)
April 12, 2004
Posted by Nukevet at 04:44 AM | Comments (0)
Anti-war protesters aren't dissenters, they are seditious bastards
There was a 'Iraqi Insurgence Solidarity Day' in San Francisco today. Take a look at these pictures.
Calls for 'Solidarity' with the 'Insurgents of Falluja' - you know guys who set fire to people who guard food for a living.
Calls to 'Support Our Mutineers' and 'Free Hasan Akbar '. You know the guy who decide to roll grenades into a tent full of OUR soldiers.
Now look at the text of this law:
SECTION 3. Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully make or convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States, or to promote the success of its enemies, or shall willfully make or convey false reports, or false statements, . . . or incite insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States, or shall willfully obstruct . . . the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, or . . . shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the Constitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States . . . or shall willfully display the flag of any foreign enemy, or shall willfully . . . urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production . . . or advocate, teach, defend, or suggest the doing of any of the acts or things in this section enumerated and whoever shall by word or act support or favor the cause of any country with which the United States is at war or by word or act oppose the cause of the United States therein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both....
Seems to be an apt description of the Indymediots starring the pictures above, no?
This law was repealed in 1921. Has the day come to put one like back on the books?
These people are not dissenting loyalists, they are seditious, backstabbing scum who OPENLY CHEER FOR THE OTHER SIDE. They mourn TERRORISTS and MURDERERS while maligning AMERICANS who were AMBUSHED and MURDERED defending FOOD.
How long are we supposed to tolerate this kind of 'speech' from these Fifth Columnists? I ask because my patience has worn very thin, and those MARS kits look mighty tempting.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:12 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
April 08, 2004
What if.....
Not only would they be the most bloated, hateful and ugly couple in DC...
They could share each others meds
Posted by Nukevet at 07:20 AM | Comments (1)
April 07, 2004
What kind of monster
Does something like this?
If that was my dog, there'd be a little more "ball kicking" going on. Freaking heartless moron.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:33 PM | Comments (2)
Na na na na, na na na na hey hey hey
Tim Giago, an Indian activist, who was previously rumored to be running against Tom Daschle in the Democratic primary for the latter’s South Dakota senate seat, is now running as a third party candidate. This could take votes away from Daschle and give John Thune, the Republican challenger, the victory.
Found @ Spot On
Posted by Nukevet at 07:26 AM | Comments (0)
April 06, 2004
The guy just doesn't know when to lay off.
"Let's make it clear -- our regular armed forces don't like the mercs. That's why no one responds to mercs in distress (like the four in Falluja)."
"Our men and women in uniform deserve all the support we can muster. They are myred in an impossible situation by a government that doesn't know what it's doing. They are doing the best they can. The mercs, on the other hand, choose to be in theater "looking for good money and the taste of danger".
And he, yet again, proves to all that he knows not of what he speaks,
An attack by hundreds of Iraqi militia members on the U.S. government's headquarters in Najaf on Sunday was repulsed not by the U.S. military, but by eight commandos from a private security firm, according to sources familiar with the incident.
Before U.S. reinforcements could arrive, the firm, Blackwater Security Consulting, sent in its own helicopters amid an intense firefight to resupply its commandos with ammunition and to ferry out a wounded Marine, the sources said.
Provided Kos pipes down on this issue, I will wash my hands of it. Either he doesn't care or doesn't know who he is pissing off. Probably the latter. He needs to remember that there is a difference between being brave and speaking your mind and being stupid.
I'm just sayin'......
I don't know. But I have a feeling he thinks he can milk his original idiocy for hits that he doesn't need, and will continue his lip flapping.
So I am pre-emptivly calling up the 10% theorum (explained below).
But on a lighter note, Ironbear has written a parody for Kos.
Ground Control to Major Kos
Ground Control to Major Kos
Take your fuckwit pills and put your tinfoil helmet on
Ground Control to Major Kos
Commencing postings, redirect is on -
Check your typos and may God's love The Red Book be with you
I'm sure you can guess the song, now head on over and read the rest.
10% of the population of any group, be they dentists, mechanics, ditchdiggers or bloggers, will be assholes/wackjobs/full-on psychos.
They also go by the name of 'Some People'
As in "Some People ruin it for everybody else".
Posted by Nukevet at 10:33 AM | Comments (4)
It's officially a quagmire
For once, I will agree with the AP.
Boston's Democratic Convention a Quagmire
This ought to be hilarious!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:31 AM | Comments (0)
April 05, 2004
The Soundboard: Kos I want to
Over the weekend, I put more than my two cents in on the whole "Kos, Screw Them" issue. That was a nickel. Today, I'm going to 'drop a dime on his ass'.
But first, I would like to make a musical dedication to Kos.
When I cooled off from the initial blast of this stanza and chorus immediately popped into my head.
"Well I hope you live long now, I pray the Lord your soul to keep
I think I'll be going before we fold our arms and start to weep
I never thought for a moment that human life could be so cheap
But when they finally put you in the ground
We'll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down"
It took me two days to figure out where it came from.
It came from here,
Tramp the Dirt Down - Elvis Costello
Costello used the song to put a slap across the face of Ms. Margaret Thatcher, so be careful when you listen. The remainder of the lyics will be in the extended entry.
And now, the rest of the story.
Over the past couple of months, I have been stopping by the Emporium of Kos Worship about every other day or so. After Kerry's eagerness to change his opinions according to how many votes it would get him was brought to the forefront, Kos started a series of "Bush Flip-Flops" posts. Post 1, Post 2, Post 3)
But, from this LGF post, I would like to let you know what Kos thought of Kerry just a few short months ago.
"As for Kerry, screw him. His new slash-and-burn tactics are not only harmful to the party, but they�re not helping his popularity in the least ... Kerry is going down, and he doesn�t give a damn who he takes down with him."
If I had more time, I'd bet money that I could show Kos flopping like the carp at the end of Faith No More's video for their song 'Epic'. And I may just get more time soon.
Next, we have Kos claiming that the majority of the people who were angry (you know, eevviill Republicans) are/were violent, hate spewing racists.
Sorry Kos, you can play the race card all you want, but the folks who were angry at what you said have the Royal Flush, which beats that card. The Royal Flush link goes to the Official Kerry Blog, which has decided to de-link his cowardly and ignorant ass. And as of my writing this, I haven't been able to find Kos' post acknowleging said de-linking.
Anyone want to start a pool on the date and time?
You all should really try going over to the Kerry blog. There are some real Kos worshippers in the comment there who claim that the de-linking is about "sensorship" (I'm not kidding! Multiple people there spelled it that way multiple times).
I think that "sensorship" has something to do with communications with the planet that anyone who could vote for Kerry must live on. You'd figure that the Dems whine about being censored enough, that they'd know how to spell it by now. But I digress.
And Kos, until you produce one of those e-mails, I doubt that most sane people will believe your claims on that. Everybody I read daily posts the majority of their hate-mail. Why don't you try some disclosure?
And as for Kos' ads, the last pol who was advertising before Kos showed his true colors dropped her ad on Sunday with this disclaimer.
So Kos, when you gonna take down her ad?
Now he says he has a new pol lined up who want to advertise on his site. The guy must be a complete twit, since he admits to knowing what was said by Kos and thinks that those word were "relevant".
I wonder how small a military/ex-military vote this dweeb will get.
In closing, I would just like to point out how stupid Kos is. And in doing so, I don't want to have anyone consider this a threat in any way, shape or form.
I'm just sayin'.....
He says "Screw Them" about the deaths of four 'Mercenaires'.
I think he has forgotten that these guys get paid to use a variety of weapons. And, yes, kill people. FOR MONEY.
That would be one of the very last group of individuals I would even think about pissing off.
I'm just sayin'.....
I saw a newspaper picture from the political campaign
A woman was kissing a child, who was obviously in pain
She spills with compassion,
As that young child's face in her hands she grips
Can you imagine all that greed and avarice
Coming down on that child's lips
Well I hope I don't die too soon
I pray the Lord my soul to save
Oh I'll be a good boy, I'm trying so hard to behave
Because there's one thing I know,
I'd like to live long enough to savour
That's when they finally put you in the ground
I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down
When England was the whore of the world
Margaret was her madam
And the future looked as bright and as clear
As the black tarmacadam
Well I hope that she sleeps well at night,
Isn't haunted by every tiny detail
When she held that lovely face in her hands
All she thought of was betrayal
And now the cynical ones say that it all ends the same in the long run
Try telling that to the desperate father
Who just squeezed the life from his only son
And how it's only voices in your head
And dreams you never dreamt
Try telling him the subtle difference
Between justice and contempt
Try telling me she isn't angry
With this pitiful discontent
When they flaunt it in your face
As you line up for punishment
And then expect you to say "Thank you"
Straighten up, look proud and pleased
Because you've only got the symptoms,
You haven't got the whole disease
Just like a schoolboy, whose head's like a tin-can
Filled up with dreams
Then poured down the drain
Try telling that to the boys on both sides,
Being blown to bits or beaten and maimed
Who takes all the glory and none of the shame
Well I hope you live long now,
I pray the Lord your soul to keep
I think I'll be going before
We fold our arms and start to weep
I never thought for a moment
That human life could be so cheap
But when they finally put you in the ground
We'll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down
Posted by Nukevet at 10:22 AM | Comments (3)
April 04, 2004
AAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh hell no!
Real?....couldn't be,.....could it?
(tromp, tromp, tromp),...............Frying pan (toss),...steam iron (hurl),.........cinder block...nah! (fling)..............mumble,....mmmmmm....ahhh yes here we go, (lifts acme anvil high over head).
Shit, I still don't believe it. and now I need a new anvil..
Must lie down now..
Dammit this is so freakin nuts.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:05 AM | Comments (0)
April 03, 2004
Lies and the lying liars that spout them
No, this isn't about Al Frankenstupid. I don't live in a city that broadcasts his show and even if I did, I would fear that my IQ would fall even even further than normal by listening to him.
This is about the econazis and ANWR.
Take a look at this pic
These are the pics that the eco-weenies show when they talk about ANWR. But the fact that these pics are of a part of ANWR that is hundreds of miles from where the drilling would occur draws back the curtain on the Big Lie.
This is where the drilling was originally proposed
Not exactly as picturesque is the phrase that popped into my head immediately. I guess that if it isn't pretty, it isn't worth being saved. Or shown, according to the enirowackos.
But, according to Mr. Bill Hobbs (whom I borrowed these pics from) we are getting around the eco-nazi roadblock by drilling directionally here.
"Alaska Governor Frank H. Murkowski announced yesterday that the state will open for oil drilling certain areas off the coast of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge."
"The plan will even allow for "directional drilling" into the so-called "1002 area," the tiny area of ANWR that the Bush administration has sought unsuccessfully to open to oil exploration."
"The 1002 area could produce up to 1.6 million barrels of oil per day. Directional drilling from the off-shore leases will allow oil companies to drill horizontally into the 1002 area and get at that oil."
Posted by Nukevet at 07:55 AM | Comments (4)
March 29, 2004
Looks like Kerry hired some plumbers
A Bay Area historian on Friday reported the theft of three boxes of confidential FBI documents, some detailing government surveillance of presidential hopeful John F. Kerry when he was a spokesman for a 1970s veterans group protesting the Vietnam War.
Nicosia said he suspected that the thieves were specifically in pursuit of the files because a camera and other expensive items in the home were left untouched. He added that he did not know exactly what material was taken because it was not cataloged or marked. Three of 14 boxes of files that had been stacked in his kitchen are missing. He said he was moving the remaining documents to a secure location Friday afternoon.
How convenient for Kerry.
I just want to know who Kerry's "Deep Throat" is.
(On second thought, I think I'll just not worry about that. Eeeewwww)
For those not understanding the "Plumbers" reference, go here and read some history.
And because this story is at the LA Times (and registering there is a bitch), I've cut and pasted the artilce in the extended.
A Bay Area historian on Friday reported the theft of three boxes of confidential FBI documents, some detailing government surveillance of presidential hopeful John F. Kerry when he was a spokesman for a 1970s veterans group protesting the Vietnam War.
Gerald Nicosia told police that the theft occurred sometime Thursday from his home in Corte Madera, a Marin County suburb of San Francisco, said Sgt. Chuck Lovenguth of the Twin Cities Police Department.
I don't know who could have done this," Nicosia said Friday. "It could be somebody who saw the boxes via news reports and wanted a piece of the presidential candidate for posterity, like a piece of the Berlin Wall."
Kerry, a Democratic senator from Massachusetts, will almost certainly receive his party's nomination this summer and challenge George W. Bush for the presidency this fall.
Nicosia had received 20,000 pages of internal FBI surveillance files in 1999 through a Freedom of Information Act request. At the time, he was researching "Home to War," a chronicle of the Vietnam protest years. But the release came too late for use in the book, which was largely about Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Kerry was among the leaders of the group, which was founded in 1967 and drew 10,000 members nationwide.
Nicosia said he suspected that the thieves were specifically in pursuit of the files because a camera and other expensive items in the home were left untouched. He added that he did not know exactly what material was taken because it was not cataloged or marked. Three of 14 boxes of files that had been stacked in his kitchen are missing. He said he was moving the remaining documents to a secure location Friday afternoon.
Nicosia has not yet looked at all the files. Last week he allowed The Times to photocopy 50 pages concerning the FBI's monitoring of Kerry in the fall of 1971. The author also supplied the same 50 photocopied pages to Kerry. The Times published a story about the files Monday.
The files he allowed The Times to review showed that Kerry, who served in Vietnam as a Navy officer, was closely monitored by FBI agents for more than a year between 1971 and 1972 as he traveled the country protesting the war.
The FBI eavesdropped on meetings of the veterans group, recorded the content of Kerry's speeches and took photographs of him and fellow activists. The dispatches were sent to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and President Nixon, the files show.
Kerry told The Times that while he was aware that the FBI had monitored his activities in the early '70s, he was surprised and angry at the scope of the surveillance.
He said that in 1987, two years after becoming a senator, he requested the FBI dossier on him, which he received. He later told aides it was "boring" and mostly included news clippings. The senator said he was unaware that a much larger file existed that included reports on his activities as a VVAW leader.
"If I was the subject of individual surveillance and individual tape recordings, I'd have thought it would have been released to me," he said.
Nicosia said he left home Thursday and returned to find several doors inside his house ajar. He said he did not realize until Friday morning that there had been a theft.
"The police told me that burglars very easily could have come in through a sliding door without signs of a forced entry," he said.
He added that he had no idea why the thieves didn't take all 14 of the boxes. "My guess is that they were surprised during the act and didn't have time to take everything � maybe the dog next door barked," Nicosia said.
He said that while the boxes had been tightly packed when released by the FBI, he saw signs that ones not previously opened had been riffled.
Lovenguth said police were investigating the case as a burglary. "Our investigating is ongoing," he said. "We're waiting for the victim to tell us exactly what was missing so we know what we're looking for."
"Whoever did this wanted to know something about John Kerry," Nicosia said.
The author said that he promised at one point to deliver the files to Kerry so the senator could more fully review the information gathered about him.
"But in the meantime, somebody got there first," Nicosia said.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:47 AM | Comments (3)
March 28, 2004
File uner: I should have thought of that
The truth about Kerry
Found at Curmudgeonly and Skeptical
Posted by Nukevet at 08:51 AM | Comments (1)
I know
It was up on LGF on Friday, but I found it at Dr. Horsefeather's place before I found it there.
And I know that what I'm about to say was said in the comments @ LGF,
But I have to say it.
"Palestinians reenact Yassin's assasination"
I wish Israel would reenact Yassin's assasination.
A couple of thousand times.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:48 AM | Comments (0)
March 26, 2004
Miserable Lie: Redux
Dr. Horsefeathers has a Tricky Dicky Clarke quotes comparo for your reading pleasure.
Opening volley:
"I find it outrageous that the president is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months"...Richard Clarke, interview on CBS's "60 Minutes," March 21, 2004
"...the Bush administration decided then, you know, mid-January, to do two things. One, vigorously pursue the existing policy, including all of the lethal covert action findings... The second thing the administration decided to do is to initiate a process to look at those issues which had been on the table for a couple of years and get them decided...."Richard Clarke, background briefing to reporters, August 2002
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 AM | Comments (0)
March 24, 2004
Tree Bitches
"Wake Up Weyerhauser: Protect Forests Now"
Raging Dave offered his opinion here.
I do a decent amount of work with building sites like this one (and possibly including this one). These owl fuckers have absolutely no idea how much danger they put themselves and EVERYONE ELSE IN THAT AREA in.
Countless numbers of times, I have had to change my schedule because the winds that day made it dangerous to run the crane.
Now, imagine that the wind catches the protesters banner like a sail, toppling the crane, killing all of the protesters, the guy running the crane, a dozen people on the ground, 2 people in a car driving through the intersection next to the site and 2 people in the building next to the job site when the crane slams into the building. Not to mention the damage to the building, any vehicles the crane hits or the cost of the crane itself.
These people should be tried, convicted and put up against the wall and shot for being brainwashed and terminally fucking stupid.
As it is, all I can hope for is that each of them get turned into someone's bitch in prison.
And that is all I have to say about that.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:56 AM | Comments (4)
March 22, 2004
For some, it is a profession
Well, just like everywhere else, Seattle had it's own "Anti-Occupation Protest".
But only Seattle had Ed "I'm an ignorant pustule" Asner.
And, of course, he let out a few words of insipidness while onstage.
First they gathered, then they marched, then they stopped.
At the end of it all, they took a count and came up with the attendance number of 15,000.
From one of my secret sources, I'm told that they were lucky to have 7,000.
The protesters took their count at the end of the march in the middle of the first nice day of the year on the Seattle Waterfront during the NCAA Championship play offs. Kind of hard to get an accurate count down there.
I drove through looking for protest stragglers at around 16:00 and it was nothing but wall-to-wall tourists.
I saw one guy with two different signs, each proclaiming that all wars are started by The Illuminati. He was leaning up against a beat up 1974 Volvo Wagon with the phrase "Dick Cheney Hates You" painted down both sides.
Other than him, all of the other protesters must have had an appointment to keep with their bongs.
Her is a link to Mr. Brent @ The Ville with instructions on putting the demonstrator counts in perspective.
Here is a link to a pre-demonstration Seattle IMC post telling people to bring dolls and wrap them up in blankets to make the police think there were infants in the protest crowd (to ward of the police using pepperspray).
Here is another Seattle IMC link to a post by a Kerry supporter saying that because Kerry was arrested protesting the Vietnam War, he is just like today's Iraq War protesters.
And a flame war ensues.
And here is a Seattle IMC post about Noam "The Loam" Chompsky giving his support to Kerry.
Another flame war ensues.
Don't these people ever learn?
Posted by Nukevet at 08:42 AM | Comments (0)
March 19, 2004
For Sale: One Dean Endorsment
For all of Howard Dean's firebranding during the Dem Primary Circus, he sure seems to be Kerry's bitch right now.
SEATTLE -- Former Democratic Presidential candidate Howard Dean is telling his Washington supporters to stay involved in politics and vote for presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry.
Dean says Kerry is the only person who can beat President Bush this fall.
The Seattle visit was the first stop in a nationwide tour to promote Dean's new political organization, Democracy for America. The group will encourage Democrats to run for elected office and raise money to help their campaigns.
Dean says he chose Seattle to start the tour because of the strong support he received during his presidential campaign.
One-time Democratic presidential front-runner Howard Dean said Thursday he is focusing his new political organization on dislodging right-wing Republicans from positions of power across Washington and holding both political parties accountable.
"To defeat George Bush, the Democratic Party and its nominee must stand up strong for our principles, not paper over our differences with the most radical White House in our lifetime,'' Dean said in a statement posted on the group's Web site. ``We must directly expose the ways in which George Bush's policies benefit the privileged and right-wing ideologues.''
Yeah, sure Guardian.
Dean is one of the 'privileged'.
At least until he forgets to take his meds. Then, he's a 'working class guy'.
But if you're looking for a good laugh, head on over to Dean's "Democracy for America" site.
I've already sent them an e-mail reminding them that we are not a democracy. But I'm sure they've already forgotten.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:06 AM | Comments (1)
March 18, 2004
I don't like Spam!
I've found him. Now, let's get him!
Orlando Soto looks forward each evening to spending time on his home computer after work. But when he logged on one Wednesday night last month, he was disappointed: There were 17 spam e-mail messages waiting for him.
"Only 17," he lamented, scrolling through them. "That's a very light day."
Mr. Soto routinely comes home to some 150 e-mail pitches, and he loves getting them all. The 45-year-old grandfather opens most of them. He answers spam questionnaires. And he buys stuff pitched in spam e-mail -- again and again. "Everyday people call it spam," says Mr. Soto, who prefers calling it "unsolicited" e-mail. "But I'm open to everything."
It's people like him who make other people's lives miserable.
Freaky spam junkie!
Posted by Nukevet at 07:33 AM | Comments (2)
March 17, 2004
A Day Late
And a dollar flat.
Ooops, I mean short.
For your viewing pleasure....
The PissCorrie
Posted by Nukevet at 09:17 AM | Comments (1)
Caught another one
There is one less ELF running free.
How odd, we found him in the socialist utopia of Canuckistan.
Accused eco-terrorist Michael Scarpitti, known as Tre Arrow, was on the FBI's most-wanted list, charged in a June 2001 arson of Estacada, Ore., logging trucks.
The FBI said Scarpitti also started fires at Ross Island Sand and Gravel in April 2001, causing $200,000 in damage.
The activist is well known in Portland for scaling a downtown building housing U.S. Forest Service offices and living for several days on the ledge. He has worked to stop logging operations and ran unsuccessfully for Congress.
Scarpitti has had connections with the Earth Liberation Front, a loose group of activists that the FBI has classified as an eco-terrorist group and lists as its No. 1 domestic terrorism priority.
Scarpitti was arrested Saturday in Victoria after allegedly trying to shoplift from a hardware store. Victoria police contacted Canadian immigration officials, who used fingerprints to tie him to the FBI's most-wanted list.
UPDATE: Here is the statement from the ELF in support of 'Tre Arrow'.
Key Paragraph
"It is a horrific day for our country, for the environment and for those working to make the world a better place," Rosebraugh commented on the news of Scarpitti's arrest. "Tre Arrow is neither a terrorist or criminal, he is a hero and should be recognized as such."
Posted by Nukevet at 06:58 AM | Comments (1)
March 16, 2004
And the left calls America a police state
While admiring that bastion of freedom (except for Tony Blair), the UK.
Maybe this UK propsal will wake them up?
You get arrested for a crime you did not commit but are found guilty anyway, and are put in prison.
After 10 years, it is found that one of the witnesses against you commited perjury and you are aquitted.
And then, instead of apologizing for the miscarriage of justice, the state CHARGES you for room and board while loafing around in your cell.
What do you give someone who’s been proved innocent after spending the best part of their life behind bars, wrongfully convicted of a crime they didn’t commit?
An apology, maybe? Counselling? Champagne? Compensation? Well, if you’re David Blunkett, the Labour Home Secretary, the choice is simple: you give them a big, fat bill for the cost of board and lodgings for the time they spent freeloading at Her Majesty's Pleasure in British prisons.
On Tuesday, Blunkett will fight in the Royal Courts of Justice in London for the right to charge victims of miscarriages of justice more than �3000 for every year they spent in jail while wrongly convicted. The logic is that the innocent man shouldn't have been in prison eating free porridge and sleeping for nothing under regulation grey blankets.
Sounds like a new tax scheme to me.
Why don't they just charge the people who are already in prison?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:10 AM | Comments (1)
So true
From (I forgot where I found a link to this)
35 Principles of Being a Good Democrat
1) You must believe that those who work hard and become successful are evil and should pay your way in the world.
2) You must say that you’re against big government, but then continue to support giving government complete control of education, social security, social welfare, and support a president who created 90,000 additional government jobs.
3) Understand that it’s okay to break the law so long as you call it “civil disobedience.”
4) You must say that you believe tobacco is bad even though one of your top party members owns a tobacco farm.
5) You agree that prohibiting Christianity while allowing all other religions is “fair.” In that effect, a monument of the 10 Commandments can be torn down but a statue of the Greek god Zeus just a few blocks away must be protected by round-the-clock security paid for by taxpayers.
6) You must keep pushing condoms on teenagers while saying that they’re the panacea to the problem, even though the rate of STDs is higher than it’s ever been in our nation’s history. Abstinence sounds like a Christian method, so refuse to acknowledge its effectiveness.
7) Realize that anyone who can’t vote doesn’t deserve to live.
8) Constantly misquote and misrepresent the Bible because if voters found out that it really said to love everyone including homosexuals and those with AIDS, they might actually like conservatives.
9) Constantly pick at the scab of slavery and racism as a tool to keep the black vote.
10) Try to override laws by standing behind the ACLU.
The other 25 are in the extended entry....
11) Believe that Ken Starr is outrageous for spending millions to investigate Clinton’s testimony while under oath instead of blaming Clinton for not just telling the truth in the first place about getting a blowjob while literally in the Oval Office.
12) You will define reinterpreting the constitution as “defending the constitution.”
13) You must hate the NRA because they won’t let you take away their Second Amendment rights. (see #12.)
14) Believe that taxpayers are responsible for paying the healthcare costs of AIDS, a preventative disease. Also say that the government ignores AIDS in spite of the fact that we’ve spent millions in twenty-years’ time educating people about it. Breast cancer kills more women a year than AIDS kills both sexes, but that’s irrelevant so don’t give them as much funding.
15) You must believe that it’s okay for a lesbian to teach kindergarteners about sex but learning about the Golden Rule from the Bible is wrong.
16) Evolution is better than Creationism, and anyone believing in Creationism is a dumb, stupid bigot.
17) Believe that you can create a healthcare plan while receiving astronomical kickbacks from insurance companies and HMOs.
18) Believe that the children of Iraq who were shot in the back of the head, or that the women who were gruesomely raped and mutilated were better off that way than being liberated by the United States.
19) Refuse to allow our country to look within our own borders for sources of fuel, but at the same time blame our country for being too dependent on other countries for fuel.
20) Believe that the public has a “right to know” about government affairs but put a gubernatorial seal on your own records.
21) When attacked about affairs while being president of the United States, try to point out what other conservatives did when they were 21-years-old and not President of the United States and expect the public to hold it against them forty years later while telling everyone else to “Move On” regarding your own behavior.
22) Believe that you have the right to know everything even if it compromises national security.
23) If it compromises national security blame the conservatives.
24) Tell voters that you support state rights, but then continue to allow judges who break the law in one state enforce their actions across the entire country.
25) Support unions, but then do not support NAFTA, trade with China, or drilling in Alaska, all things which unions are for.
26) Criticize trade with Vietnam even though you and the current DNC presidential nominee brokered the deal.
27) Believe that, in spite of IRA hard data, the poor pay all the taxes.
28) Believe that the IRS is a weapon that can be used by a president of your party to censure people who disagree with him publicly.
29) Say you’re for democracy, but then refuse to acknowledge the majority vote for laws in each state.
30) Believe that the U.N. is fair and good and that Syria and China are better judges of human rights than the United States.
31) Ignore the fact that you delivered the two biggest tax cuts in the nation’s history.
32) Criticize conservative efforts at nation building while your project in Hati falls apart and the president you put into power is called “clinically psychotic” by the CIA director you nominated.
33) Believe that people should not have the option to invest their Social Security even though it’s been proven that it would yield greater gains, and instead stick with the mantra that it’s better off in the hands of the government. (See #2.)
34) Everyone else who does drugs is a criminal and a moral failure, unless they are in your party, and then you defend them and say that they “didn’t inhale.”
35) You must believe that lying under oath is permissible.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:56 AM | Comments (0)
Lawyers, the New Protected Class
Quoting Tongue Tied:
Colorado’s Better Business caved to complaints from lawyers and pulled an ad from the airwaves that members of the local bar association called demeaning to their profession, reports the Rocky Mountain News.
The 15-second ad, part of one intended to encourage people to check with them before hiring doing business with people, featured an announcer saying “You inherited a fortune . . . You hired a lawyer . . . Now it's his fortune."
The ad was banished from the airwaves following a hearing in which the state's two largest attorney groups complained that it was offensive.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:52 AM | Comments (0)
March 14, 2004
The world according to Kerry
Everyday I'm beginning to think that the 'F' in John F. Kerry stands for 'Fantasyland'
Kerry says threat of terrorism is exaggerated
GREENVILLE, S.C. � Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts said during last night's Democratic presidential debate that the threat of terrorism has been exaggerated.
I think there has been an exaggeration," Mr. Kerry said when asked whether President Bush has overstated the threat of terrorism. "They are misleading all Americans in a profound way."
Well Johnny Dim, if you'd have paid attention during your Senate Intelligence Committee meeting (or even attended them), you realize that you are a lying sack of shit.
Found @ Dr. Horsefeathers
Posted by Nukevet at 08:17 AM | Comments (2)
March 12, 2004
The Conspiracy Theorists
Have already started dissecting the bombings in Spain.
As I write this, it hasn't even been 24 hours since they took place.
Did you know that it has been 911 days since September 11th, 2001?
(Actually, when correcting for the leap year, it was 912 days)
And did you know that it was done so that the conservative party in Spain could win the elections coming up in a week or so?
Posted by Nukevet at 06:37 AM | Comments (1)
March 09, 2004
They're starting a war for peace
What is this, like the 121st time they've done this?
In case you haven't heard, on March 20th, the first anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, the whiners on the left are planning on having a world-wide get-together to, as LGF would put it, "Whine and Seeth".
And now we come to the Seattle part of the story.
My local IMC is trying to get folks together on that day.
Yet they cannot stop arguing amongst each other.
It's a laugh a minute folks.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:23 AM | Comments (1)
He is just so popular
No. Yes. Probably not. Maybe.
Those were the wishy-washy answers yesterday from four top Democrats thought to be on John Kerry's short list of potential running mates.
The first waveoff came from New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who raised his hand during a TV appearance to indicate Kerry should scratch him from the vice presidential short list.
"I've only been governor a year," shrugged Richardson in an appearance on CBS' "Face the Nation."
Sen. Bob Graham of Florida, a failed presidential candidate, alluded to the 2000 Florida recount fiasco by suggesting Kerry will need a sure strategy to net the battleground state's 25 electoral votes. "I think who [Kerry] selects as vice president will have a lot to do with what that strategy is," said Graham, who has made it no secret he wants the job.
Another popular Democrat, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, insisted he lacks the chops.
"It should be someone who could be President," Rendell said. "[Graham and Richardson] both have foreign policy experience. They both have real homeland security and domestic terrorism experience."
Former contender retired Gen. Wesley Clark fielded similar questions by aping the vague statements he made on the campaign trail - he said neither yes nor no.
"As I said during the campaign, I was running to be President of the United States," Clark told CNN's "Late Edition." "I am going to try to help John Kerry."
I knew that the Dems were fans of finger pointing, but this is more like trying to figure out who is going to be thrown into the volcano.
Found @ Judicious Asininity
Posted by Nukevet at 06:50 AM | Comments (0)
March 08, 2004
Whackoloons on the schoolboard
And I'm not just talking about the regular leftie loons who inhabit school boards across the nation.
ST. LOUIS - A school board member arrested after dousing an assistant superintendent with ice water called the move justified, likened herself to Rosa Parks and threatened to attack anyone who questioned her mental fitness.
St. Louis County police are pursuing a separate investigation over Moore's behavior at a suburban St. Louis insurance office where she worked.
On Thursday, Moore, who is black, insisted that an array of people were plotting against her, from co-workers at AFLAC insurance to Donald Suggs, publisher of the St. Louis American, the state's largest weekly black newspaper.
Moore was in the news last summer when she allegedly threatened to kill the city's former comptroller over comments he made about her mental fitness. Police abandoned their inquiry in the matter after Virvus Jones said he never considered his life at risk and chose not to seek an investigation.
Last August, Moore wrote a letter apparently placing a curse on the mayor. The letter, filled with Biblical references, said the Lord would smite Mayor Francis Slay and anyone who helps him because of the position he has taken concerning the city's financially troubled school district.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:56 AM | Comments (2)
February 27, 2004
True Anti-Semitism
If the American Jewish Community thinks that Mel Gibson's "The Passion" is anti-semetic, they haven't seen anything yet.
From the sunken mind of Julian Bond come a play regarding the 'plight of palestinians' living in the 'Occupied Territories' entitled "Nest of Angels".
A statement from Julian,
The play is based on diary accounts of Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories. However I have transferred the narrative from the Occupied Territories to the city of Liverpool, UK, where I live, showing the action as if it was happening to a contemporary Liverpool population. Only at the end through a dramatic device is the true subject matter made explicit. I chose to use this structure to get round the cultural and media barriers that are in place against Palestinian representation. A play purporting to deal with local people undergoing military siege might provoke the curiosity of a local audience more fully than if reference is given immediately to the Palestinian question. With this in mind the play was written for performance to a non-political audience. The aim is to act as effective propaganda to illustrate the plight of Palestinians, and is thus unapologetic in its 'deceptive' structure.
The fact that the play is set in Liverpool is incidental in itself. What is important is that any potential audience identify themselves as closely as possible to the given situation. With this in mind I want to make the play available to theatre groups, where ever they may be (in the UK or further afield), to wave copyright for the purposes of performance, with free reign given to any interpretation of the material a theatre group may see fit. That is to say, if for example, a group in London were to use the material, they should adapt the play to a London locale, using actors who reflect a London population rather than keeping the locale as Liverpool. They have the artistic freedom to adapt the text as they see fit.
This and the above link goes to a very large MS Word version of the script.
This link goes to the IMC post about it.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:06 AM | Comments (3)
February 26, 2004
Linky Love
To start out with, we have The Ville's eagle eye spotting just one more example that Dean is unqualified to hold public office.
One-time presidential candidate Howard Dean, whose campaign fund went from boom to bust, is pleading with donors to open their pocketbooks one more time and help him retire at least $400,000 in debt.
"Most of these expenses are small businessmen, printers who created brochures, yard signs and stationery, family restaurants who provided gallons of coffee and thousands of doughnuts for volunteers, and local merchants who provided buses, microphones and staging equipment," Dean wrote. "When these things were ordered, we thought we could win key early contests and use the momentum to secure more victories in other states," he said.
So he screws the little guy/small business owner to get what he wants. Sounds just like what he was accusing Bush of doing.
And the funny part is that his 'loyal followers' (aka sad, little hate-mongers) will, of course, give the angriest dwarf more of their money.
The Ville has even found some song lyrics for Howie.
Next up, from Ms. SondraK, we have an example of socialized medicine making people lazy that she found in her local newspaper.
Recently, my 5-year-old daughter's vision was tested by the nurse at Horizon Elementary School. Unbeknownst to us and her doctor, her vision is impaired. We found out it is very common for our schools to identify vision and hearing problems in children. I also discovered that the health services children receive in schools are funded through the levy process. Without funding, we could lose these important services. Shelly, Olympia WA
As Ms. Sondra points out, this mothers ignorance to her daughters health is nothing short of child neglect.
I remember these tests along with a test for MS (which was comprised of the phrase "Take of your shirt and bend over") that were given by the school district nurses throughout my elementary school years, but had forgotten about them.
Here is the jist of my point: Personal Responsibility.
More importantly, the responsibility of parents to take care of their own children.
If you can't bother yourself to keep up with your childs health or if you cannot afford to take them to the doctors frequently enough to keep them healthy, why have the kid in the first place.
I remember when my parents found out I needed glasses. I was squinting and getting headaches. Home diagnosis: I needed glasses (dad) or I had a brain tumor (mom). Doctor's diagnosis: Bad left eye. Solution: Glasses.
And this was at a time when the parental units couldn't stand being in the same building.
So what is Shelly's excuse?
Posted by Nukevet at 06:39 AM | Comments (0)
The Moonbat which Crows at Midnight
While AK has been bring reports of the Moonbats from Nazimedia known as 'Morlocks', I decided to report on a species of Moonbat, that while less dangerous, is no less insane.
I am referring to the Moonbatticus Chicken Littleus or the Coast to Coast Am caller. While the Morlock screams about Bushco, or the Zionazis, the Coast to Coast Am caller, or Turnip Trucker as I call them, is concerned with much more pressing issues.
Like 30m objects that miss Earth by millions of kilometers. Or buried treasure, in Arkansas, of American Knights Templar who worked for the Confederacy. Or, perhaps the most dangerous of them all - the dreaded Chupacabra.
They are also afraid that Britain could be Siberia by 2010. Now they mention a 'secret report written by the Pentagon and given to Bush saying global warming is more dangerous than terrorism'. Now this report, it does exist -that part is true-, but it was written for, not by, the Pentagon. And it was written by two 'futurologists', who hold NO SCIENTIFIC DEGREES. Their date of 2020 is an absolute worst case secenario. SO the COast to Coast crew think that an estimate by two untrained 'experts' and based on no evidence, is TOO CONSERVATIVE.
And this is not the first time that Coast to Coast AM has said that Global Warming could result in a sudden Ice Age.
I have no problem with people who believe that science does not provide answers to all the mysteries before man. There are certainly questions which science has not answered, or only offered partial explanations for.
Yet it seems, to me anyway, that the Coat to Coast Am callers will believe ANY pie-in-the-sky claim by ANY 'paranormal expert'. They do not believe these claims when no evidence from more reputable sources exists, they believe the claims INSTEAD of the evidence of reputable scientists. And I have noticed that their claims reappear on 'progressive' websites - though usually as a Bushco plot.
Are our opponents so out of touch with reality that they believe 'futurologists' and The Centre for Fortean Zoology are more trustworthy and accurate than climatologists and biologists? Have they become that paranoid? And if so, can we convince them to go somewhere, maybe hunting Chupacabras, instead of going to the polls Election Day?
Posted by Nukevet at 12:09 AM | Comments (7)
February 23, 2004
New York Times Hits Bottom, Calls In Tunnel Boring Machine
Yes, just when you thought the Paper of Recycled Stories� could not get lower, they call in the Master of Sanctimonious and Vapid Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism� - Noam Chompsky. Either the Editors at the Pravda on the Hudson� have lost their last 4 neurons, or they think there is a vast pool of 'progressive' Americans just waiting to read the Gnome's screeds.
Either way, I hope that this costs the New York Times more subscribers. The day the Slimes closes its doors there will be a celebration at my house.
Perhaps this deeper foray into Moonbattery by the Times explains Ralph Nader's bid for President. It isn't that Nader is just an egotistical, anti-capitalist has been, it is that he is an egotistical, anti-capitalist has been who thinks that the 'progressive' Chimpskites will help him save America from Bushco.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:54 PM | Comments (19)
February 21, 2004
Ignore the man in the turban behind the curtain
If you stop by the Emperor Misha's place, you'll find a link to this BB.
The topic is the low voter turn out in the 'elections' in Iran. A large number of the population are boycotting the elections because of their corrupt nature.
The board itself is a very good read, in and of itself. But then you follow links like this one and the story starts to flesh out even more.
It seems as though the Mullahs were so frightened of the will of the people that they banned over 2300 people from becoming candidates.
And then you step into the twilightzone of your local IMC site and find crap like this.
A Great Election Day for Iranian Nation
TEHRAN, Feb 20 (Mehr News Agency) - The Iranian nation rushed to the polling stations across the country on Friday to cast their polls for their favorite candidates in parliamentary election contested by thousands of hopefuls.
I know that IMC'ers have never been one for consistancy, but they rail day in and day out about 'State Run Media" blah, blah, blah, and then go and post this junk.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:02 AM | Comments (3)
February 20, 2004
Who are the Nazis again?
I have noticed from AK's tales of danger and Cluebattery� in the
dangerous wastes of Morlockia, aka Indymedia, that the 'progressives' there
love to call Israelis and their allies Zionazis.
Last time I checked the Sieg Heilers, and not their victims, were the Nazis.
From Emperor Misha's Imperial Residence.
I wonder how the Morlocks would spin this?
Posted by Nukevet at 08:14 PM | Comments (0)
February 19, 2004
More Research Stymied
Chris DeRose, founder of the group Last Chance for Animals, writes: "If the death of one rat cured all diseases, it wouldn't make any difference to me."
Posted by Nukevet at 04:47 PM | Comments (3)
Some people's children
From the website 'YouthPower.Net'
10 Ways to Rock Your School:
1. Give Your School a Report Card
3. De-Test A Test
6. Don't Go to School
10. Have a School-wide Walkout
Power to the Youth is an organization of youth (and cool adults) around the nation who are taking charge of their schools, lives, and world.
Let's face it, most schools today are some of the most boring and unhappy places around. In the words of George Bernard Shaw, "There is, on the whole, nothing on earth intended for innocent people so horrible as a school." But we don't have to spend our childhood and adolescence responding to bells, whistles, multiple-choice tests, and report cards. We can either try to improve our schools, or just not go to them in the first place! Working within the schools, we will work to increase the decision making power of students, and increase the academic freedom given to students. Imagine the ability to design your own curriculum or create your own classes! We will work on all levels to convince administrators, teachers, and parents that change needs to happen and that change is going to happen. The other option is of course, not going to school at all. Otherwise known as "unschooling," there is a quickly rising movement of young people who are learning far more and living a much better life without any type of "formal" education. Both movements are vital to giving youth the ability to learn in freedom and shape their own lives.
My, my, my.
Guess where I found this.
At the Hennepin County Library 'Teen Links' main page.
How did I find a website in some off the beaten path part of Minnesota?
From that blonde bombshell of right wing talk radio, Laura Ingrahm.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:44 AM | Comments (2)
February 18, 2004
I wouldn't have argued for the severance pay
If you listened to the far left, you'd think that this is what those 'Eevviill Corporations'.
PHALABORWA, South Africa - Police dropped murder charges Tuesday against one of four men accused of feeding a dismissed farm worker to lions at a northern game park.
Scott-Crossley, owner of the Engedi Game Farm, and two workers allegedly tossed Nelson Chisale over a fence into a park where lions are bred, after a labor dispute.
I've spoken before about when I used to drove a transporter van for the 'Welfare to Work' program. Every now and then, I would work phones for the programs hotline and occasionally I would get a call from the employers who tried to give jobs to the people in the program.
With some of the crap that the people in the program pulled on these local small businesses (theft, destruction of property, etc), I think that the threat of helping out starving lions might seem to be a good way to motivate the lazy.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:49 AM | Comments (0)
February 16, 2004
They've dug up McCarthyism again
But this time, they're using it on their own.
The main target of these McCarthyite tactics is a faction of Sierra Club members called SUSPS (formerly known as Sierrans for U.S. Population Stabilization), whose followers believe that limiting US immigration will stabilize population levels, thereby protecting the environment.
There are indirect links between SUSPS and some rather unsavory, right-wing groups also advocating immigration restrictions, along with white supremacy and racial purity. The key words here are �indirect links,� because at least some individual SUSPS advocates seem concerned with human rights protections for immigrants. They support quota reductions from a deeply-held, environmental ethic, not from a right-wing political orientation, as has been charged.
The larger problem, which could have long-term, negative implications for democracy within the Sierra Club, is that any threat that may be represented by SUSPS-backed candidates has been imaginatively and indiscriminately expanded to include all petition candidates. The letter from the thirteen former presidents posted on Groundswell Sierra is a prime example and questions the credibility of all petition candidates with a broad brush of vague damnation.
The presidents� letter says that there is an organized effort to elect �outsiders� who want to capture the majority of Board seats in order to �move their personal agendas� - making McCarthy style leaps of guilt by association and assumptions based on vague links instead of solid evidence. A San Francisco Chronicle article said, �The bedrock issue�isn't immigration, but whether the club should be controlled by insiders or outsiders.�
Mmmm, "Divide and Conquer" works again.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:34 AM | Comments (0)
February 12, 2004
Was is it with this guy
You have possibly heard of the musician who calls himself Moby. Some folks classify him as a 'techno' artist and I've even heard him called an 'Adult Contemporary' artist.
I classify him as a few rounds short of a full magazine.
One of Sen. John Kerry's celebrity supporters is ready to pull out all the stops to get him elected. Republicans are shrieking over a suggestion by rocker Moby that Democrats spread gossip about President Bush on the Internet.
"No one's talking about how to keep the other side home on Election Day," Moby tells us. "It's a lot easier than you think and it doesn't cost that much. This election can be won by 200,000 votes."
Moby suggests that it's possible to seed doubt among Bush's far-right supporters on the Web.
"You target his natural constituencies," says the Grammy-nominated techno-wizard. "For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you're an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion.
Maybe if he'd stop shooting his mouth off all the time, that magazine would fill back up. Because pretty soon, he's gonna be on lockback.
Found @ Ravenwood's Universe
Posted by Nukevet at 09:22 AM | Comments (2)
February 09, 2004
Lookee what I found
Posted at the Seattle IMC
The attached manual was located by the Manchester (England) Metropolitan Police during a search of an Al Qaeda member's home. The manual was found in a computer file described as "the military series" related to the "Declaration of Jihad." The manual was translated into English and was introduced earlier this year at the embassy bombing trial in New York. The Department is only providing the following selected text from the manual because it does not want to aid in educating terrorists or encourage further acts of terrorism.
But of course the IMC'ers wouldn't want to help their domestic terrorist friends by showing the excerpts on their web page.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:37 AM | Comments (0)
February 07, 2004
It's the weekend, do you need a good laugh?
Then go here and read this Dennis 'Moon Bases' Kucinich interview. I'm pretty sure that this came from earlier this week when Kucinich was at Evergreen State College. Head on over to Ms. SondraK's place for pics of that visit from Coo-Kucinich.
Shakti Gawain (author, "Creative Visualization", "The Path of Transformation"): What's happening in the world is a reflection of what's going on individually within each of us. One way to do the healing externally is to do the healing internally, within us.
Kucinich: I read "Creative Visualization" 30 years ago, it was great. In the visualization you lead last night [during an advisory circle meeting], I saw a horse race, and at the last minute, I saw a horse break through across the finish line. I saw it clearly!
More 'touchy-feely' political talk ensues here.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:50 AM | Comments (2)
February 06, 2004
Run Ralphie Run!
Even Ralph Nader gets angry with the lefties.
I'm wondering what my fellow activists are thinking about Ralph Nader's performance on NPR's "All Things Considered" this afternoon. The guy really got his back up about folks he termed "liberals" asking him not to run this time around. Fact of the matter is, a whole lot of folks far more radical than your basic liberal are asking him not to throw his hat in the ring, even his former campaign manager, but apparently Ralph doesn't view such pleading as coming from friends and supporters. He just went off about his fucking right to run, calling such genuine concern "censorship". Wake up, Ralph. We're talking about neo-fascists in the Whitehouse, the biosphere and the Constitution going down the tubes, and you're worried about your bruised ego?
And that is just the beginning. Click on the above link and read th hilarity that ensues in the argument afterwards.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:37 AM | Comments (2)
February 05, 2004
Survivor - IMC
I swear, I had nothing to do with this!
Effective February first, the Seattle Independent Media Center is taking a three-month break - an organizational hiatus that will allow IMC volunteers to reflect, pay off debts, heal interpersonal divisions, and re-connect with the greater community. After three months, the group plans to reconvene, joined by other interested media-makers and organizers from progressive communities in the region, and to initiate a process of re-envisioning the Seattle IMC’s purpose and structure.
In other words, they are still bickering amongst themselves about their 'vision' of what the IMC should be and need time to vote some people off 'the island'.
It is pretty much the same thing that was happening in the Indymedia San Francisco vs. IndyBay fight.
If you missed that catfight, it went like this:
Too many special interest socialists fighting amongst one another in a knock down, drag out, mudslinging bitch session to see who hated 'the establishment' the most.
For more entertainment, head here. It is a discussion I had with an adamant (and mostly civil) IMC'er that lasted almost three weeks. I think I finally tired him out.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:02 AM | Comments (0)
February 04, 2004
Those Zionist Squirrels
Also found at Samizdata,
Do you love red squirrels? I love red squirrels. They are very red and they are very squirrely. I love them. There are also some ecologists in England who love them too, almost as much as I do. They just love those big fluffy red tails.
They love them so much they hate anything which may come to lessen their numbers. They particularly hate grey squirrels, with a determined pathological intensity. They hate them so much, that they find great pleasure in killing them, wherever they can find them. Fine action for beardy ecologists, you may think, wiping out one species with murderous fury, to preserve another specially blessed one. But in this case, it's OK, because the grey squirrels deserve it.
Mr. Duncan is not kidding in the least bit.
You can go here ( and read all about the plight of the Red Squirrel and how it is 'being driven out of IT'S territory' by the American variety, Grey Squirrel.
You can then go here and read about the best ways to kill Grey Squirrels.
Some people have way too much time on their hands.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:15 AM | Comments (3)
February 03, 2004
Someone at MJ has been drinking their bongwater
In a couple of articles over at Mother Jones, Robert Dreyfuss, Jason Vest and Nigel Holmes make wild assumptions about the 'Intelligence Chain'
But, of course, they don't mention that anywhere.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:21 AM | Comments (2)
Kamikaze Politics
This is more than just a little bit scary
International financier George Soros is worth $7 billion - and he so desperately wants to oust George Bush from the White House he says he would even give away his whole fortune to do so.
Soros did not make this comment glibly, telling the Washington Post it would be a real consideration "if someone could guarantee" Bush's defeat.
The billionaire's zeal to unseat Bush has caught the notice of top policy-makers in Washington who worry that Soros would not need to risk his whole fortune to cause mischief.
Here's the real worry: Could the master currency trader manipulate the financial markets to create a panic, collapsing the stock market or the U.S. dollar on the eve of the November election?
The thought of such a scenario - dubbed a "Financial October Surprise" - has some worried.
I wouldn't put it past him to give it a try. The man is clinically insane.
Either that or Hillary has some dirt on him, just like she does on Clark.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:54 AM | Comments (2)
More on 'Plastic Spine' McDermott
First off, I'd like to thank persnickety for the excellent comment on this post
"My hunch is it's plastic and will turn into a shapeless blob when heat is applied."
And now, get a load of this,
On January 25, 2004, a daily newspaper in Iraq called al Mada published a list of individuals and organizations who it says received oil from the now-deposed regime. Among those listed is Shakir al Khafaji, an Iraqi-American from Detroit, who ran "Expatriate Conferences" for the regime in Baghdad. Al Khafaji also contributed $400,000 to the production of Scott Ritter's film "In Shifting Sands." Finally, al Khafaji arranged travel and financing for the "Baghdad Democrats"--Jim McDermott, Mike Thompson and David Bonior--last fall. Following the trip, al Khafaji contributed $5,000 to McDermott's Legal Defense Fund.
The Weekly Standard has contacted McDermott's office about returning the contribution. McDermott spokesman Mike Decesare said this morning that he had not yet spoken with McDermott, since it's three hours earlier on the West Coast. Asked about the contribution and the subsequent allegations about al Khafaji and oil, Decesare said, "I don't know anything about it." The Weekly Standard will post a response from McDermott's office as soon as we get one.
If I have to take money from supporters of murderous dictators to get a plastic spine that was spray-painted gold, I'll just make my own.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:39 AM | Comments (0)
February 02, 2004
Blame Microsoft
Why not, everone else is doing it.
Amnesty International has indicted Bill Gates's company for an 'inadequate response' to escalating abuses in China. 'We don't believe this is appropriate or responsible,' said Mark Allison, an Amnesty International researcher who wrote the report. '[Microsoft] should be more concerned about human rights abuses and should be using its influence to lift restrictions on freedom of expression and get people out of prison. It is worrying that they don't seem to have raised these issues.'
Here's the analogy I sent of to Amnesia Int'l:
"So, I guess you could that because Karl Marx wrote 'Das Kapital' that it is his fault that close to 100 million people were murdered by their governments during the 20th Century?"
Do you think they'll get it?
Posted by Nukevet at 09:22 AM | Comments (0)
January 31, 2004
Glock Rock
"A monster of a weapon"
Please pemit me a moment to stop laughing.
You see, the quote above came from a British Detective Inspector. And what kind of firearm was he talking about?
A Glock.
OK. Not just any Glock. A Model 18 Glock.
For those not 'in the know' about Glocks, the Model 18 is a fully automatic version of the origianl Model 17 Glock.
A criminal in the southeast end of London was (gasp!!!) found to posess one of these pistols when he was arrested.
Head on over to Ravenwood's Universe to read more.
But before you do, please read this.
There are people who make and sell illegal conversion kits that will make your Glock function in full auto. Here in the Seattle area, one of our local Sherrif Departments busted a guy earlier this week for manufacturing and selling these kits on a website.
If you ever hear about someone selling these, wanting one or wondering how to make one of these kits, RUN QUICKLY IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.
I've shot the 18. It is no big deal. And it is a bit painful. I got to see one of these kits and the watch as they tested the guns they confiscated off the guy. Also, no big deal and a bit painful.
They say that the 18 can run at 1100 rounds per minute. I have also heard estimates of 800 and 900 rpm. And that is all well and good. But with a 10rnd mag, or even an original 17rnd mag, you're empty before you can say "Holy Sh*t!". Plus, you're guaranteed to throw the last half of the mag everywhere else but where you want the rounds to go (even with the compensator).
And, of course, the most important reason to never 'Rock-a-Glock' is, if you get caught anywhere near a converted Glock, you lose your right to ever own firearms in the future.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:41 AM | Comments (3)
January 29, 2004
More Mooreonity
If you don�t go to Moorewatch and read around on a regular basis, you should.
I have a question for you Michael Moore fans. Suppose a new political party were to emerge in time for the 2004 elections. Its platform espouses the following beliefs.
1. All unearned income, such as that derived through capitalism and other speculative enterprises, would be abolished. All income would be based upon work. No more would corporate fatcat CEOs be paid millions of dollars a year while their laborer employees make virtuallly nothing.
2. Any and all profits that global corporations make from the Iraq war will be confiscated and placed into public projects, like education and health care.
All public utilities will be run by the government. No more will energy speculators and corporations be able to manipulate prices for their own greedy ends.
3. Social Security benefits will be greatly expanded.
4. To promote a sound middle class, housing will be provided to those citizens who require it, and special consideration will be given to small businesses when government contracts are awarded.
5. Those people who break the law and work against the public good will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
6. All education, including higher education, will be paid for by the government.
7. The government will provide health care to all citizens at no cost to the individual. This will include programs to promote general fitness and wellness.
8. All religious beliefs should be tolerated and encouraged, provided they do not interfere with the secular nature of the state.
9. To implement these programs will require a strong degree of oversight by the federal government.
Sounds good, doesn't it? Most of these points have been brought up by Michael Moore a multitude of times. So, ask yourself this question: if a party with this platform fielded a candidate in the 2004 presidential election, would you vote for him?
If you said yes, Congratulations! .
You just voted for Adolf Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Hmmm, and didn't Mikey endorse a former 'military man'?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:03 AM | Comments (1)
How did these guys get Clue-Bats?
I think someone has stolen the keys to Misha's Imperial Armory
A teenager serving five years' probation for felony arson in a flag-burning case headed a group of self-described environmental guerrillas who vandalized almost 50 sport utility vehicles, officials said Tuesday.
Precinct 4 deputy constables said the group, led by Randall W. Heinrichs, 18, smashed windows and slashed tires on SUVs in north Harris County from October through December.
Investigators said the vandals used bats embedded with nails to smash windows and cut tires and sprayed graffiti, including Nazi swastikas, on the vehicles.
Lindsey Garofano told deputies she particularly resented "arrogant ladies" who drive expensive SUVs instead of buying more economical cars and donating the surplus money to charity.
I bet her parents are very proud of her. What a waste.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:44 AM | Comments (0)
January 28, 2004
Those loveable vandals
The monkey-wrench gang has gotten the best of Berkeley's bedeviled parking meters -- again.
Armed with coin-slot-jamming matchbooks and gum wrappers, cheapskate vandals are knocking out meters by the hundreds, costing the cash-strapped city millions of dollars and prompting officials to begin thinking about yet another expensive overhaul of the system.
Parking meter theft and vandalism has dogged other Bay Area cities. Martinez, for example, has lost the use of half its 1,050 meters, which will cost the city about $220,000 in the current fiscal year, said City Manager Jane Catalano.
But no city -- not even parking-madhouse San Francisco -- can touch Berkeley's meter mess.
"I know of nowhere that has the petty vandalism of meters that Berkeley has," said Patrick Ryan, president of Reino Parking Systems of Australia, which provides multispace meters to Berkeley. "It's Berkeley -- people are a bit, uh, anti-establishment."
No Mr. Ryan, they're human pieces of shit with too much time on their hands.
I suggest we round them up and strap them to the sides of US Military vehicles as shields againt improvised claymore attacks.
Since they think we live in a police state, we may as well help them be right at least once.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:38 AM | Comments (1)
January 27, 2004
Something they don't deserve
Did you know that PETA gets 'tax-exempt' status from the US Gov't?
Some 'Police State' we live in, huh?
Anyway, head on over here to sign a petition in a drive to get that status removed.
Found @ The Ville
Posted by Nukevet at 09:45 AM | Comments (0)
I can't wait!
Do you know what this is?
It is a diagram of a formation the wingnuts are planning on using during their planned demonstration (aka premeditated riot) at the Rebuplican Convention in New York later this year.
Go here to see the post at the Seattle IMC.
Here are some funny excerpts;
Code of Nonviolence: We are fighting to dismantle the system of violence that is being inflicted upon the earth and its inhabitants by political and corporate powers that be; the violence which leads to the destruction of earth's biodiversity and integrity, the torture and extinction of its species, and the oppression and genocide of its peoples, in the interests of capital profit. With compassion and respect for all life we will fight, by any means necessary, to end this violence of injustice.
The intention of this guide is not to show you how to incite or conduct a riot. It does not promote violence or try to make moral judgments on the efficacy of certain tactics over others. Nor does it want to dwell on the various definitions of 'violence' and 'non-violence' and partake in those arguments which plague and hinder the activist community.
Various definitions of violence and non-violence? What? Do these people know what the definition of 'is' is?
Throwing is a defensive act. If you want to throw, do it defensively, strategically, and en masse - a constant hail of debris will create a 'sterile area' where the police will not want to go.
OK, maybe they don't.
Go read the whole thing. There is plenty of hilarious stuff in there like,
Dress for success
Basic police choreography
Bike Scouts
I'm glad these dimwits are publishing their playbook waaaay ahead of time so that the constables get a chance to scan it.
It'll either be a ghosttown or a slaughter.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:48 AM | Comments (14)
January 23, 2004
Friday Funnies
This is Sick!. Just Sick!
Howard Dean has proven to be a very attractive candidate, for many reasons.
This site is dedicated to one of them: the fact that he is just plain attractive! As regular Blog for America participants and observers, we couldn’t help but notice that, scattered among the earnest policy discussions, campaign strategy suggestions, and cheers for the latest good poll numbers, were comments like, “God, I love this man!” and “Look, he’s dancing with Carol Moseley-Braun—swoon!” As we probed our fellow Deaniacs’ motivations for dedicating enormous amounts of time to furthering his campaign, we discovered that a number of women—and men—were willing to admit that his impressive record, intelligent policies, and message of hope and community were not the only things that turned them on to Dr. Dean; there was also his outright sex appeal.
What kind of emotional cripples are these freaks?!
Posted by Nukevet at 07:22 AM | Comments (8) | TrackBack
An Oslo, Norway court ruled that Andr� Riseng was within his rights to urinate on a shop window in a public place.
You would think, with as cold as it gets in Oslo, that it should have been a charge of littering yellow icecubes.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:35 AM | Comments (0)
January 16, 2004
We got another one
One of those 'homegrown' terrorists.
Animal rights activist arrested in Seattle grand jury probe (the probes are the reason I never want to be on a grand jury)
Allison Lance-Watson, a prominent animal rights activist, has been arrested in a grand jury investigation into an arson attack on a forest product company and the theft of chickens from an egg farm.
Lance-Watson, 45, of Friday Harbor is accused of lying to the panel about potential links to two ecoterrorist attacks. She was shackled as she was led into court Wednesday but was released without posting a cash bond pending a preliminary hearing next month.
Animal rights activists and environmentalists demonstrated outside the U.S. Courthouse, accusing federal investigators of repressive tactics that violate their civil rights.
Lance-Watson's husband is Paul Watson, a former Greenpeace leader who heads the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. If convicted, she could face as much as five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
They were demonstrating. I was driving my trying and to figure out how I could pull off having a "mechanical failure" in my truck.
The state will be much kinder to her than I would.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:03 AM | Comments (0)
January 01, 2004
So France is annoyed, that's gotta be a plus.
France on Wednesday called for reviving the peace negotiations on the Syrian-Israeli track in order to achieve peace in the region, based on Security Council's resolutions numbers 242 and 338 and "Land-for-Peace Formula."
In a statement, French Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Herve Ladessus, stressed that the Israeli government decision to expand settlements in the Syrian occupied Golan will further complicate the peace process, and constitute a violation of the international law.
He reiterated France's and European Union's stance that rejects the expansion of Israeli settlements in occupied Arab territories.
Well now, how about some history then. In three major wars with Israel Syria used the Golan Heights as a staging area for it's tank columns, Israel finally being strong enough to take them in 67. The very same nation that has a history of aggression from that piece of dirt, is angry because they don't get it back. France, weighing in, clicks it's tongue and shakes it's head.
Well fuck them both.
France has openly rooted for the other side in this little scrape for far too long to be an "honest broker" of peace. We support Israel's right to exist and thrive, France supports the arab view that Israel has no such right. Unless you are an anti-semite the moral high ground should be plain enough. The Syrian's should just give it up, there will be no tank march to the sea, certainly not from the Golan, that dream of theirs is dead. Killed by Israeli guts and American missiles.
You rolls the dice, you takes your losses.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:05 PM | Comments (1)
December 14, 2003
Well at least the moonbats have eachother to cry with....
True to form, the lunatic fringe just can't decide wether to cry or just explode in anger.
Poll question: How Long Will It Be Before Ashcroft's Goons/FBI Comes Knocking At My Door?
Edited on Sun Dec-14-03 03:10 PM by Bertha Venation
In response to *'s comment (thank you, trof) warning us Americans that "The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of violence in Iraq. We still face terrorists who would rather go on killing the innocent than accept the rise of liberty in the heart of the Middle East." I wrote*:
"PRICK! I swear to god if I did not have so much to live for I'd go spit in that mother fucker's face! BRING OUR TROOPS HOME RIGHT NOW, YOU GOD DAMNED WARMONGER!"
How long will it be before I'm carted away by the Befucked Administration's goons?
(Yeah. I'm a little angry. This may be a lame thread but I am pissed off! I despise what the Bush Admininstration has done to the world!)
It must really suck to be such a mindless drone of the hateful fringe. Spitting is a filthy habit usually associated with trashy people, you surely qualify.
And this gem of a thread. The more level headed among them spoke against it, but were quickly drowned out in th rush to paint Bush as just as evil.
This is sick...
we can watch video clips of Saddam getting a medical exam. Yes, he was a bad man, but this is just makes me sick. We treat him like an animal.
Oh the humanity, we gave him a check up, bring out the crying towels. This string produces some really insightful looks at what they really think about their own country. Why they can never be trusted to run things.
If the majority vote for him...
...I have no sympathy for them. They deserve what they get.
The next election will be about what this nation values most: people or corporations. If the majority trusts corporations to do what's right for America, they will get screwed! Granted, they will get screwed while embracing the almighty God and wrapped in the the almighty American flag, with images of eagles on all their conservative websites to make them feel mighty, and listening to all their patriotic speeches, meanwhile America will be increasingly scorned (and feared) by the rest of the world, but the masses will have a big smile on their face the whole time they're being screwed.
If you know what Jesus REALLY taught, you know that Bush is the Anti-Christ !!
REeeoooooowwwrrrrr,.....phiissssst! Bad kitty, bad bad kitty. These assholes always threaten to......
Hello comrade frog! Welcome to DU!
Edited on Sun Dec-14-03 03:49 PM by sexybomber
I may be joining you in the Great White North soon... the day Bush wins is the day I submit a transfer application to a Canadian university.
But they never freakin do it, glad they put so much stock in keeping their word. You know also that while most accept the capture as real, the diehards must scream fake and conspiracy as loud as they can.
If the left picture and the right picture were both taken today...
these are two different men.
Look at the left eyebrow. In the "after" picture, the left eyebrow is bushier at the outside than it is in the "before" picture.
It never ends.
These guys could take a sunny day and make it sound like a thunderstorm. All Bush's fault don't cha know. Small minds unable to grasp that life exists beyond their little theories and dark dreams. That maybe they might not have any, let alone all the answers. This is a good event, and they can't accept that at face value and just move on. That would be too mainstream I guess.
Much as they say it, Bush is not the same as Saddam. America isn't a "rogue" nation any more than any other, and the truth be told, far better than almost all. Iraq will be far better in ten years than they have a right to expect, and will these guys then say it's all wrong, all built on a lie because they lost the debate? I think they will.
The hallmark of a small closed mind is the inability to assimilate new information and adapt to it. Refusing and denying it is hardly going to change the facts as presented.
What a wretched little tribe they are.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:08 PM | Comments (0)
Is there anyone else on Earth as totally messed up as a French Canadian socialist?
Heather "My panties are wet over Noam Chomsky" Mallick is drooling on herself again. Bad enough she's stupid, bad that she's vapid, shallow and as deeply thoughtful as a layer of bird droppings on an old car....Now she professes to speak for the "little man".
The man who mends my shoes says his dentist reproved him for not bringing the kids in for two whole years. "I couldn't afford it," the man told me. Can a man with a country house as lavish as Mr. Martin's comprehend this? Does he understand that it is a disgrace for Canada to define children's teeth as skinless and therefore not part of the body, just so medicare doesn't have to pay for their fillings?
Did you tip him well you bimbo? Or just suggest he vote socialist?
I really can't stand this harpy. All full of gushy praise for idiots like Chomsky and full of venom for all things American. She's told in past columns in lavish detail about her frequent trips to Europe, her spending sprees, her collections of designer labels. Her kept self has it just rosey and pink, spending what she will when she wants, the entire time imagining herself the covert revolutionary champion of "The man who mends my shoes" and his family...
Freakin reality check already. This bimbo is the damned enemy in class warfare for crying out loud. How many tax shelters has your old man got Heather? How many lawyers to see to it that your lavish lifestyle is well funded?
What's that? Can't hear you with your mouth full like that. But it pays well don't it? She speaks of conscience as if she freaking understood what it means. As if being a fashionable leftwing fanatic was somehow elevating her above the fact that her very existence is an abomination to the politics she spews.
The far left is so friggin dumb, she doesn't even see the irony of a jetsetting socialite pushing a marxist agenda, doesn't see how if the world she wants came about, she would be in the first group of prisoners stood against a wall and shot, by those very same revolutionaries she gets all wet over.
The really sad part is, she would thank them for it.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:55 AM | Comments (0)
December 07, 2003
Ain't they cute........(Hooooccccck...pthew!)
That was very crude of me, and I suppose I should apologise, and I would,'s parody! That means I have license to make up any lie, any slander, any insult I choose about public figures and you had better respect me for it. Just ask Tim (Hollywood revolutionary) Robins about it.
Oh, that's right, he's not talking to anyone now because he's being repressed. So repressed that he wears tux's and has millions in the bank, so distraught that he felt the need to fly down to Cuba and strike a deal with Castro to forment communist revolution in California. So heartbroken he's started righting Dennis Kucinich's speechs, so depressed, he's buying Philipino boys and flying then to Michael's Neverland ranch...................
Yeah, of course it's all bullshit. But that has never got in the way of a good oppurtunity to push an agenda now has it Timmy. I mean, Hell, that's how you do it right?
I am so tired of hateful personality disorders disguised as art. When actual fact is irrelevant to "truth" as portrayed by anyone. We all suffer. Fantasy is fantasy and should be labeled as such. Don't paint it in political dissent and put bows on it to push a lie.
If what Timmy believes is true, why is he still breathing?
Posted by Nukevet at 03:19 AM | Comments (2)
December 01, 2003
So how much rage can a millionare doctor have against Mr. Bush? This much?
Oh, please,......................spare me the theatrics. Let me share a little bit on rage. Rage is the burning anger that comes from deep inside, so dark and hot that it barely knows restraint. Dean has a hot headed temper and a talent for throwing tantrums, hardly the stuff of rage. He's lived a privilged live, the best schools, the best excuses to stay out of Vietnam, (his own admission), the best clothes cars and lifestyle. What in the Hell has he known of rage? His rage is the fiegned righteous indignation of a richman's realization that there are POOR people out there. Not that he wants to give them his money......he wants to give them ours. Typical limousine liberal horseshit. Cruising through life doing good works by beating up on people who have far less and work far harder than he does.
He wants rage, then how about this kind of rage? The rage of growing up poor white trash, of being thought inferior because you didn't have the "right" family? The rage of guarding your two brothers backs through the school years, because they were mentally retarded and easy targets for bullies and thugs? The rage of fighting everyday of the school year, alone and always outnumbered? The rage of having illness strip your family away from you, one painful horror at a time? The rage of having your own body fail you when you need to depend on your ability to work and feed your wife and kids? The rage of getting up everyday and biting down the pain, fighting back the urge to throw up because your spine is damaged and going to work is akin to being beaten in your mind? The rage of knowing that maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky you will still be able to walk in your retirement years?
Rage? He has no idea what true rage is. It burns white hot in your veins, giving you strength, but constantly battling your mind for control. Rage is a beast, a rampaging thing of darkness that you bury deep down inside until you can vent it in harmless fashions. Pouring it out in torrents of pain and frustration. I do it away from my wife and children, I don't want them to see it, don't want them to ever fear me. I know rage very well and I truely doubt Dean fits the profile.
Rage is born of trauma, emotional, physical, it's not a stage prop for a crowd of mouthbreathing college richkids. Not a reasonable plank to run a campaign on. It's a deadend in and of itself. Dean uses it like it has merit, doesn't.
You control it, or it controls you. Dean's too stage managed to make me believe his rage is real.
Just to reassure,...I'm not unable to control it. Everyone has a dark side, I just know mine when I see it. The trick isn't to deny it's there, but to channel it as a resource. My wife, my kids need not fear me, I would end my own existence before allowing them harm. The reasoning mind over the instinctive brute is an age old battle, won most of the time by most people, but sadly, not by all. I just wished to allow a peek at what some turn away from, channeled correctly a man's rage is the source of strength and endurance when it would be all too easy to just quit.
Loved ones are perfectly safe as are innocent bystanders. But I truely am bearlike, in that if I percieved a threat to my family...........have you ever seen what a bear does to a deer carcass? Then the limits come off, the civilization, the reasoning,.......But I've made it through the first 44 years without loosing control, I don't intend to start now.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:31 PM | Comments (5)
November 30, 2003
OK, who are these people again?
Drudge is a bit over done on this piece of news.
Top Hollywood activists and intellectuals are planning to gather this week in Beverly Hills for an event billed as "Hate Bush,' the DRUDGE REPORT has learned!
Laurie David [wife of SEINFELD creator Larry David] has sent out invites to the planned Tuesday evening meeting at the Hilton with the bold heading: "Hate Bush 12/2 - Event"
Even if these people were A list instead of D or E it's a dog bites man story. Bears growl, fish swim, and progressives lick their nuts in public, wait, that was dogs wa
Posted by Nukevet at 11:32 PM | Comments (0)
November 23, 2003
Anti-semitic? who us, surely not, we're european!
The bigotry that dare not be named, fashionable as it is in ye old Europe, has been researched, studied and a report has been filed. Then it was promptly killed and buried. Why? Because they didn't like the conclusions............................
When the researchers submitted their work in October last year, however, the centre's senior staff and management board objected to their definition of anti-semitism, which included some anti-Israel acts. The focus on Muslim and pro-Palestinian perpetrators, meanwhile, was judged inflammatory.
Oh by all means lets not pick nits here, poor little islamicist and terror loving assholes might be offended. Can't have that, no we can't tell the truth, it might give the wrong impressions to people.
Like they haven't learned jack in Europe, where yellow spines go hand in hand with PC dogma. Ass kissing the radical muslims won't get them spared, they have ample proof of that, they just refuse to see it and stop bending over.
From Instapundit.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:29 AM | Comments (0)
November 19, 2003
Justice delayed, but maybe not denied.
Past sins and some new ones may have finally caught up with Michael Jackson. There's no redemption for a child molester, no forgiveness, no atonement. All he can do is pay, not with his money, but with his freedom.
His sanity was lost a long time ago.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:31 PM | Comments (12)
October 29, 2003
And these guys are supposed to be smart and informed?
Instapundit pointed to this article. I refuse to pay Salon for all of it, but even the lead paragraphs are telling.
Oct. 27, 2003 | Allan Johnson, a high school English teacher and debate coach from Fairfax, Va., held a sign saying "U.S. Troops Out of Iraq. Bring Them Home Now!" at Saturday's "End the Occupation" rally in Washington. In fact, though, Johnson isn't sure he wants to bring the troops home now, or to end the American occupation of Iraq. At least, not yet.
"We've made a giant mess," said Johnson, a handsome man who wore his long snowy hair in a ponytail and had a sparkling stud in one ear. "I would hate for the Bush administration to halfway fix things and then leave, and then blame the Iraqis if things go wrong. Once you go to somebody's house and break all the windows, don't you owe them new windows?"
Why, then, was he marching at an End the Occupation rally? "I don't agree with all the people here, believe you me," he said. But his own sign? He glanced at it, startled, and explained that someone had handed it to him. "I didn't even look at it," he said. "I was just waving it."
I wonder if this English teacher can spell "SAP"? Really, how can anyone take someone like him seriously on the Iraqi issue? He attends the damned protest, and doesn't even bother to see what he ends up endorsing.
And the Headline?
Dazed and confused about Iraq
ANSWER supports "the Iraqi anti-colonial resistance." Military Families Against the War wants to bring their loved ones home safely. Others who rallied Saturday just hate Bush. Can this antiwar movement be saved?
No, it can't. Because of both who backs it, and who attends it, they have shot their credibility right in the head. A good solid double tap to the back of the skull, right behind the ear. In order to succeed a peace movement needs broad support, a grassroots appeal. This hasn't got anything but the usual suspects, anarchists, communists, radicals, anti-globalists and anti-semites. Whatever small amount of merit a peace arguement may have had is drowning in a sea of distorted facts and ANSWER handouts.
Nobody killed the peace movement, it was a suicide.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:11 PM | Comments (5)
October 27, 2003
Gender confusion
So which of these in drag spicettes do you think he/she/it most resembles? Considering harm's past love affair with swarthy young arab fanatics, perhaps we should let it in on a little secret. Muslim countries stone people like him. To survive and be gender confused in the middle east, you have to live in Israel.
But I digress......I will not waste any effort replying to it. It's like talking to a fart machine, designed to offend, without a mind to understand how utterly pathetic it is. Feel free to work it over some if you like, the mop and bucket will be provided.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:58 PM | Comments (0)
October 26, 2003
Birds of a feather....
Cox & Forkum have struck again, this time targeting the slap happy lefty love fest on the Washinton Mall. This pretty much says it all, I can't add anything to it.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:22 PM | Comments (0)
October 18, 2003
Classic scifi horror
IT, Terror from Beyond Space!.................
This film was my favorite as a kid, it was dark and fun. Whenever it comes around on late night TV I try and catch it. A perfect Halloween film. The effects are horribly dated, but come on anyway, suspend your belief for a little while and enjoy a classic piece of fifeties cheese.
In the year 1973, a Martian stows away on a rescue rocket back to Earth after the rescue personnel retrieved the sole survivor of a failed mission on Mars. While most of the astronauts are busy suspecting that survivor, Carruthers of murdering his former shipmates, the Martian begins killing everyone. The crew eventually becomes aware of the beast, and attempt to kill it with grenades, bazookas, gas, and handguns, before deciding to simply evacuate all the air from the ship.
It don't get no better than that...................Bazooka's....OH YES!
Posted by Nukevet at 01:45 PM | Comments (2)
October 12, 2003
Have I ever mentioned
That I despise the BoSox?
Way to go, Pedro. You were able to take on a 72 year old guy with medical problems like a real pro. Not to mention that you started it with your headhunting crap. AGAIN.
Pedro Martinez is just like Keyshawn Johnson in my book. A spoiled athlete that has never won the big one, but somehow believes he doesn't get the "respect" he deserves. What a sniveling little puke.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:01 PM | Comments (0)
October 05, 2003
Ohhhh, yeah baby
Maybe we are finally about to vanquish the specter of Huey P. Long's Democratic machine.
Pretty amazing when you consider that it wasn't all that long ago that David Duke was a "credible" politician in this state.
Hmmmm, watch out going to that last website. Apparently it is where the ISM gets a lot of its propaganda - at least I can't tell the difference between what the KKK and ISM are saying about Iraq. STrange bedfellows, indeed - or maybe it's just the fact that all truly hateful speech sounds exactly the same, regardless of who utters it.
KKK + al Qaeda/Taleban/Ba'athists/Hama + ISM: Now THAT'S an axis of stupidity as big as the come.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:49 AM | Comments (3)
October 04, 2003
Hero worship
The commentor who says "i'll kill you if you ever come near me" pretty much sums up my feelings on the topic. Although I'm sure Harmonia is trying to find an address so she can send the parents a nice fruit basket in honor of their daughter's brave sacrifice.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:48 PM | Comments (0)
October 03, 2003
Do you play chess?
Hahahaha! Too beautiful for words.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:03 PM | Comments (0)
October 01, 2003
Did you know the world was in perfect harmony and peace before Iraq? Me neither.
Sometimes you find a piece written with such bile and distortion, you have to douse it in gas to bring a little purity back into the world. A match helps too. The New Zealand Herald is the halfwitted step brother to the UK's Independent, and just as distorted. This opinion piece says it all about their attitude. The US did it, the US is wrong, always has been, always will be. The author is in a funk because we haven't embraced the kum biya bend over and give us another please brain rot of NZ leftiness.
For instance,
And then, last week, Iraq was put up for sale. Defoliated now of its infrastructure, its morale, its educated and competent people and all impediments to the new regime of a perfect free-market economy, the US announced that all 192 state companies will be sold to foreigners, income tax will be introduced for the (local) workforce and the entire country opened to unlimited foreign investment.
I take it she would be happy if they continued to live in rubble and starve instead? She can't even begrudge these Iraqi's the simple concept of making a dollar to feed their families. It's the usual anti-globalism rant. Dark people are proud and noble while they starve and suffer, it's selling out to actually embrace the global economy. She's an idiot.
Her words on the US using the Mark-77 (naplams successer), is to say it's bad because .......then goes into a rant about agent orange. Failing to make any connection between the two. Her facts are wrong, her assertions based on halftruths and half remembered history from Vietnam. This piece so deserves a serious fisking, but I don't have the time right now.
Suffice to say she's unhappy because Americans walk the earth. Well, I grant her the same courteousy, till she grows a brain anyway.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:30 PM | Comments (7)
September 30, 2003
Human Scum
It boggles the mind to know that someone could just abandon their child to die.......
Posted by Nukevet at 07:04 PM | Comments (1)
September 19, 2003
proving a point
A conspiracy?
It seems that in places on the web, there are people utterly desparate to prove that 9/11 either didn't happen, or if it did, was all a secret CIA plot to give Bush a reason to conquer the world. My friend Bsti at Chapel Perilous has located one such debate. B doesn't give much credence to alot of it, I give none at all. There are poeple who say they see something strange about the belly of the 767 but don't know what it is. That's a fine point of view, perfectly normal, this guy? Let's just say we had better not ever meet.
I explained what I believe the image to show in the comments at b's, but I really had to show everyone this in a more graphic manner. The top image, I took it and cropped at expanded it on my own to show what happens when you have no knowledge and a paranoid mind. My blow up.
The object that they claim is a bomb, FLIR pod, missile and or little green man is what? The white patch of wing between the engine pod and the body of the aircraft reflecting the sun..........and that is all. I see no bomb, no missile, no agents of the CIA or Israel, clearly there is nothing there but the light and the structures of a normal 767. The guy who came up with the flame thrower in the nose theory needs to seek medical help, quickly.
I'm no aircraft expert, but I'm logical, methodical, and I've been a lover of flight my whole life. I've seen bombers loaded, I've seen them manuever, I've been at Air Force bases. When you compare that limited knowledge against someone who gets their info of the military from comic books and the X-files.........Fantasy is not a viable option on something like this. This clown above seems to think nobody else can study a photo and come to another maybe he forgot his meds today.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:21 PM | Comments (0)
September 14, 2003
What happens when Muslims rule and Jews are in the minority
We've all heard it before, "evil zionists", "occupiers", "murders of arab children". Every lie, slander and libel that can be commited is commited. All in the name of a "Free Palistine". "They want to live in peace, they want a just settlement." Just pull back, give in and all will be sweetness and light. All the good things will happen if we just restrain and disarm Israel,..........that is the line isn't it?
Here's another, "Don't try and blow sunshine up my ass!"
Because this is a graphic example of the kind of scum we are dealing with.
Violent Islamists have murdered two members of Morocco's shrinking Jewish community in the past four days and look set to drive out most of the remaining members of a community whose history stretches back centuries.
The stabbing to death of 75-year-old Elie Afrat as he left his house in Meknes, 90 miles east of Rabat, to go to the synagogue on Saturday has finally shattered what the Moroccan authorities had always held up as a model of coexistence between Muslims and Jews.
The killing of Mr Afrat, one of just 120 Jews left in Meknes, came two days after a similar murder in Casablanca. On that occasion the victim was Albert Revivo, 55, a timber trader in the city's Lakria market.
What did a Moroccan citizen who happens to be Jewish have to do with Palistine? Or Iraq, or anything at all?............................
This is why Jews trust no one but themselves to protect them, why Israel was founded. The pogroms of Europe drove them out or murdered them, homes for centuries abandoned because it became popular to target and kill Jews. The only real friend Israel has in the world, is us, for which I am very proud.
But I've had it with the ISM types, the arab delusions and fanatical hate, and the tut tuting, the rolling of the eyes in Europe whenever Jews are murdered. For nearly the whole of their history, Jews have been hounded and persecuted for merely being alive. We are supposed to forget history, forget Israeli suffering, forget muslim bigotry and lies, forget that shooting a terrorist is justice and bombing children on a bus is not. We are supposed to forget everything except the lies and halftruths of anti-semites and islamicists. Them we are supposed to believe. When even in a country where Jews have lived peacefully since 586BC they are hunted just because they are Jewish, the veneer is stripped away. this is about genocide. The more honest arabs admit it, Hamas admits it, Al Quadia admits it, it doesn't have shit to do with money oil or the burned out moonscape of Palistine. It's about killing the infidel and establishing another mullahtocracy like the one in Iran, and the one in Afghanistan we ground under our heel.
It is a war of cultures, and there is no opt out for the squeamish, no running and hiding under the bed. We can tolerate "other" just fine, after all Micheal Moore is still alive. The Islamicist do not, we didn't make it ' Either you are with us, or against us." they did. They declared the war, we are merely acting accordingly now. So anyone stupid enough to believe that some kind of retooling of Oslo will fix everything, when one side has the complete extermination of the other in mind,...........well shit, I've got some property on the Moon I'd like to sell.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:47 PM | Comments (10)
September 06, 2003
Oh what that guy would have given for a shotgun.
I hadn't heard of this before. I know gun control is the mantra in the UK government, but do you think anyone has second thoughts after hearing of this?
She added that he would only be released in the future if the Home Secretary or a tribunal headed by a judge were satisfied that he no longer posed a risk to the public.
I cannot foresee a time when you will be safely released into the community," she added.
Jones escaped after suffering serious injuries to his hands as he tried to fend off Ashman's two-foot-long sword. The attacker then turned on Pennington, stabbing him six times.
A good handgun, or even better, a 12 gauge would have ended the issue completely. That bastard gets to hum to himself during basket weaving classes while a brave man is dead, and another maimed. This guy should assume room temperature, after being properly ventilated of course.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:25 AM | Comments (0)
August 31, 2003
Well, sure
Posted by Nukevet at 10:21 AM | Comments (1)
August 24, 2003
Hey, ISM
Unbelievable. Trying to protect a terrorist bomb making facility. Of course, by the time they get around to posting their version of events, it will be transformed into an orphanage full of kids whose parents were killed by the IDF.......
Posted by Nukevet at 11:15 AM | Comments (1)
August 20, 2003
Is Staging a Hate Crime
Posted by Nukevet at 07:06 PM | Comments (0)
June 09, 2003
They won't even take the blame for sucking
Whoa, nelly! I found this place called "" where facts have benn declared an endangered species. One of the articles I found there was a speech from Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. The speech was given at the "Conference of the Campaign for America's Future".
In it, she talks about how folks on the left are asking "Where are the Democrats?" To which she responds "Where are you?"
She is blaming registered Democrats for being asleep at the wheel.
"All of you know who I'm talking about; I may be talking about you."
Talk about blaming the victim.
She lays into lawyers and judges. " So where are the lawyers and judges? Why am I not hearing your protests, your e-mails and phone calls, your high profile law suits?"
Women. "My sisters, where are the demonstrations against the war on women that is being waged every day in every way."
Seniors. "Seniors, where are you? I want to see sustained, loud, angry activity. After all, the Republicans still want to privatize Social Security and Medicare and cut Medicaid so they can give tax cuts to their rich friends and destroy those basic programs to boot. It's a twofer for them."
Environmentalists. "So where the hell are you? I want to read about you or even join you protesting at hearings in Washington or Big Oil shareholder meetings."
She then goes into full moonbat mode with her list of why they need to get off their asses.
#2 - "They control much of the media and that creates a very effective echo chamber for all their initiatives and smear campaigns. The June 2 ruling of the Federal Communications Commission lifting most restrictions on consolidation will allow the Foxification and Clear Channelization of even more."
And #4 - "They lie with impunity. Let's face it. They're liars. They lied about the reason they took our sons and daughters to war. They tout a child tax credit and then silently drop it in favor of more tax cuts for millionaires."
I think somebody's tinfoil hat is on too tight.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:03 AM | Comments (1)
June 06, 2003
Yep, it's true
The acorn never falls far from the Oak.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:31 PM | Comments (2)
June 05, 2003
I don't have time to deal with this bit
of leftist hysteria right now. Gotta go earn those CE credits. But go read it, Fisk it, discuss it amongst yourselves, and we can debate it later. I found the print version being handed out by some hippy guy in downtown Charlotte.
Even though it was the right being accused of "jingo-ism" after 9/11, you can read sentiments like this closing statement:
Are we so few, or are the numbers we see part of the Bush-Fox disinformation campaign -- like Saddam's missing uranium and his 25,000 liters of anthrax? This faint last hope will be tested in the presidential election of 2004. If the polls are right and Malone is wrong, as I fear, it's going to be a long, sandy century for the United States of America, for our children and grandchildren and all those sweet singing children yet unborn.
There you have it. Leftists of the world, UNITE! Stop the Bush/FOX administration - it's for the children.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:45 AM | Comments (3)
June 02, 2003
Hell is for Children... least according to Yasser Arafat.
According to IMRA (Independant Media Review and Analysis), Arafat met with a group of children on International Children's Day (June 1st) and "devoted his remarks to encouraging the children to be 'shahid' (die for the cause)."
This came from a video tape from an Israel Channel 2 news correspondent. The reports author, Dr. Aaron Lerner, along with the news reporter, Ehud Yarri, noted that "Arafat said nothing in his remarks about peace or reconciliation".
Why is this prick still alive? Anyone, anyone?
Found at that bation of hate (at least according to Indymedia) Little Green Footballs.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:04 AM | Comments (1)
May 25, 2003
Posted by Nukevet at 11:22 AM | Comments (1)
May 24, 2003
That'll Show 'em
OK, this is just fucking weird.
Several people have e-mailed me (why are poeple afraid to use the comments section) to say that the word I am looking for is "insane" not "weird". Unfortunately, that is probably literally correct.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:27 PM | Comments (3)
May 20, 2003
Hope we didn't spend too much
From the "well, duh" part of the "study"
...drugs and alcohol often lead to sex...
Posted by Nukevet at 01:13 PM | Comments (0)
May 19, 2003
Vanilla People
So, these 2 students at UCSB are irritated that "Vanilla People" have been wandering around campus wearing sombreros. They feel that having Crackers wear sombreros is demeaning to the hispanic culture:
This ad, along with the mad sombrero-wearing, reiterates to us the cluelessness with which people around UCSB engage in activities involving exoticism, racism and cultural exploitation. More importantly, the ad identifies UCSB's explicit role in perpetuating cultural stereotypes.
OK, now I might be able to let this slide and say these brave college students are just trying to protect the hispanic culture from brutal and unjust destruction by white anglo saxon persons. Let it slide, that is, if I hadn't just spent 4 days on a cruise ship to Mexico. While I was actually on foreign soil, every REAL Mexican that I ran into tried to sell me a sombrero, a pancho, or a pinata shaped like a bull. Maybe the real Mexicans didn't get the memo that Honkey isn't supposed to be sold anything that he might actually wear, thereby demeaning the hispanic culture in the process. Explain to me why I am "bringing home a cultural souvenir" if I buy a sombrero in Mexico, but am engaged in "cultural stereotyping" if I wear a sombrero as a part of some stupid promotion in southern California? The authors of the letter to the editor actually sum it up the best:
Now some of you reading this might be immediately tempted to dismiss our commentary as some "PC" reaction to what you might perceive as a rather harmless appropriation of Mexican culture. For those of you who just don't get it, consider a modest proposal.
Those of us who "just don't get it" are apparently those who don't agree with the authors. The "modest proposal" entails changing the mascot of USCB into a white, puke stained surfer dude and calling him the hispanic equivalent of "honkey". Suits me fine. Anything to make them stop whining about the damn sombreros would be just peachy with me.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 PM | Comments (3)
May 07, 2003
Speaking of Being had
More accounts of the "looting" of the Iraqi National Museum.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:23 PM | Comments (13)
May 05, 2003
Why can't people who don't live in the US
Understand that being called a Cowboy is not such a bad thing?
Careful, this link takes you to a "Peace Poster" contest, where you can see all kinds of interesting things. One of my favorites is the poster that features this headline from a South African newspaper - "Go to Hell, Mugabe tells Bush", with "and so say all of us" appended by the artist. And the anti-liberation group wonders why their message didn't play well in the US?
Found via Treacher's place.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:15 AM | Comments (9)
May 02, 2003
I really, really, really hate the
"I'm gonna sue if I don't get my way" mentality that permeates the US.
Speaking of asinine lawsuits: - How about what this girl is doing to undermine her father's lawsuit, allegedly filed in her name?
Posted by Nukevet at 02:12 PM | Comments (0)
So that seems to make the score
Ahhhh, the horrors visited on the left by the current Administration. Crucifixion of those who disagree with the religious fanatics in the White House (at least according to some of our commentors), the unexplained disappearance of US citizens (according to the tinfoil hat crowd over at the DU-MB), the "chill wind" of McCarthyism, etc, etc, etc. And it's all just a bunch of shrill harping and caterwauling.
Here's a hint - if you say something that angers the "general public", maybe you aren't speaking FOR the general public. There's lots of angst over the fact that "conservative media" is taking over the US airways. Well, why the hell is that true? Maybe it's because that is what a majority of people listening to the airways want to hear. Rupert Murdoch is, first and foremost, a greedy capitalist. The only reason Fox and Clearchannel have the right wing focus that do is because it PAYS well for them to do so. Why does it pay well - because it's what people want. It's not my fault that O'Reilly plays better than NPR or PBS. And cries that Fox needs to be "reigned in" and that other perspectives need to be given "equal time" are just asinine. It irritates the hell out of me that my tax dollars ONLY support a broadcasting corporation that I think is very left leaning (although I do listen to NPR fairly regularly, just to get the "other perspective"). I'll be damned if I'll support the concept that right wing radio needs to be reigned in so NPR can better compete in the marketplace.
For the record - I have very little use for Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, or Mike Reagan, and I think Dr. Laura is an idiot. I do occassionally watch Bill O'Reilly, and find that I agree with him more often than not.
However, my stance on abortion and religion pretty much quarantee that I disagree with just about everything else these "VRWC" talking heads espouse.
Maybe a reprieve for Boycott-Hollywood.US? Who knows, maybe we will end up with a late inning comeback by the "free speech for me, too" crowd. What we need is a rally monkey of some type. I guess this will just have to do.....
Oh, yeah, and then there's this:
Posted by Nukevet at 10:29 AM | Comments (2)
May 01, 2003
Could you do THIS?
Posted by Nukevet at 11:41 PM | Comments (6)
April 26, 2003
Well, we've seen slogans for
Party naked, surf naked, and now, apparently, fly naked!
This sort of puts that whole "mile high club" thing in a rather gruesome light.
Speaking of Gruesome.........
Posted by Nukevet at 10:30 AM | Comments (4)
February 01, 2003
Smoking (as in gun), Anyone?
This certainly defines the concept of breathless anticipation.
But, of course, you will still have people saying things like this:
The transcripts �show that there�s been a pattern of deception,� said another official, who had been briefed on the evidence. �But does that make the case that you have to go to war?�
Amazing the number of free passes Saddam is given, while Bush gets none.
"There's a pattern of deception, he's hiding stuff from us he doesn't want us to see, he's clearly in violation of the latest impotent UN resolution, but do we really have to go to war?"
Just unbelievable.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:46 AM | Comments (1)
December 27, 2002
I suspect these claims are bogus
I have been very peripherally involved (as in, went to look at the cloned calves) in some of the cloning efforts undertaken at my university. There is a very high mortality rate, a high incidence of genetic defects, and many of the calves died of respiratory dysfunction. In fact, some studies estimate a 95-97% failure rate, and the failures are often pretty ugly. Furthermore, the random genetic defects generated by cloning may be manifested anytime during the life of the clone. This means that an apparently normal clone at birth may develop severe abnormalities later in life.
The claim by this group, affiliated with a sect that believes extra-terrestrials created life on Earth, that they have cloned a healthy human baby sounds false to me. I guess only time will tell, but I sure want to know where the DNA they are testing comes from.
Personally, I don't have a problem with cloning, and allegedly this group has multiple "cloned" babies due in the next few weeks. I do, however, think we should be able to do it flawlessly and repeatedly in animals before we start trying it on people.
One part of the article really did freak me out:
Two of the expected babies were, she {Brigitte Boisselier, head of Clonaid, the company that claimed success in the project-RNS} said, copies of dead children made using preserved cells.
This seems waaay to gross and freaky to me. We are a product of our genetics and our environment. Just because we clone someone that looks just like a dead child doesn't mean that it will behave like the same child, or have the memories of that child, or have the likes and dislikes of that child. This kind of thinking also makes people seem almost disposable - Little Timmy got hit by a bus? No problem, let's just order up a new one.
We get LOTS of requests to harvest cells from dead pets. There are a couple of companies that store the harvested cells in liquid nitrogen, with the promise that they will clone the pet as soon as technological advances make it feasible. One of these companies even operates out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana!
Posted by Nukevet at 11:03 AM | Comments (0)
December 23, 2002
Another Serial Killer Victim
This one lived west of Baton Rouge, in Lafayette. Her body was found by a hunter.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:07 PM | Comments (1)
The good side to silicone breast implants
and perhaps a reason to move to Brazil!
Posted by Nukevet at 12:46 PM | Comments (1)
December 22, 2002
War protestor checklist
Via the Ville.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:17 PM | Comments (0)
December 21, 2002
Most "year end" lists are really stupid
You know, "Best 1,000 plays in Baseball", "Top 1,000 Rock and Roll songs of all time", etc.
But Right Wing News has the top 20 annoying leftists of 2002. Go give it a look, and see if you don't agree with all of the choices.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:09 PM | Comments (1)
December 19, 2002
Ahhh, the irony
A scumbag makes a really bad holiday choice. Notice how it appears that the guy with the illegal handgun didn't even give his intended victim a chance to peacefully give up his automobile. Just walked up and shot him in the face. I did like the part about shooting his assailant "multiple times", however.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:19 PM | Comments (0)
From hate crime to prank in one fell swoop
So, what would have happened to the "pranksters" if they were white?
Link via Instapundit
This is why hate crime legislation is so bogus. If a white guy hangs a stick figure in effigy outside a black dorm - he deserves to be aggressively prosecuted under some hate crime provision. But if a black guy hangs a stick figure in effigy outside a black dorm, then it is just a "prank", punished by nothing more than an administrative slap on the wrist by the university.
But, didn't these merry pranksters incite hatred against whites by their actions? Didn't they accuse an entirely innocent group of people of a heinous act (and get on their moral superiority hobby horse asking for protection from "white on black" acts of hate)? Aren't these black pranksters guilty of inducing hatred against someone of another race, and just as guilty under the hate crimes provisions as if the original charges had been true?
Posted by Nukevet at 12:35 PM | Comments (0)
December 18, 2002
Dutch court releases 4 terrorism suspects
I wonder if the information the judges evaluated will ever be released for general consumption/independent investigation?
Will the Dutch authorities let these 3 guys continue to live there? Will the one deprted from Canada be allowed to return (and welcomed with open arms)? Only time will tell.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:37 AM | Comments (0)
December 16, 2002
Canadian Moral Superiority
Gee, I wonder if this guy is a prime example of the "moral superiority" Canada has over the US?
Maybe he can get a job teaching at Concordia University, eh?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 PM | Comments (2)
More secular Christmas nonsense
Once again, we need to be sure that everyone's sensibilities are protected. Except, apparently, for those of Christians who actually celebrate Christ's Mass as a spiritual event, rather than a material orgy of gift giving and over-indulgence.
This behavior just makes me crazy, and I'm a freaking atheist. But, even though I don't believe that a supreme being created the physical universe, I would NEVER try and interfere with someone's right to peacefully follow their faith. Let's remove all semblance of religion from the Christmas holidays, because non-Christians will possibly feel excluded. How about this as a plan: If you aren't Christian, then you don't get to be upset about a holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ. If you want to join in the holiday pageantry, great! You bring the little Christmas tree shaped cookies for the office Christmas party. But if you don't want to participate, then keep your damn hands off of my holiday celebrations.
At some point, this freaking PC bullshit has to end.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:31 PM | Comments (8)
That's our Mayor
Actually, it's the mayor of New Orleans. And he's getting serious about fighting our rising murder rate.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:15 PM | Comments (0)
Gore gone
And the feeding frenzy begins. Amazing the number of people that will throw their hat into the ring when given the opportunity. It must have hurt like hell for Gore to step down, but it had to happen for the Dems to have any chance. However, I'm not sure the new line-up produces any stronger candidates than Gore:
Vermont Gov. Howard Dean has already thrown his hat in. He might be joined soon by Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri, Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota and Senators John Edwards of North Carolina, John Kerry of Massachusetts and Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut......
Should be an interesting 2 years, that's for sure.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:21 AM | Comments (2)
October 17, 2002
Add Woody Harrelson to the list
Of stupid entertainers without clue, that is.
Here is a revoltinglittle opinion piece by Harrelson in the Guardian.
Go take a look at it, and you can read statements by Harrelson like:
And now my government is creating its second war in less than a year. No; war requires two combatants, so I should say "its second bombing campaign".
Apparently Woody doesn't consider what happened at the WTC an act of war, and perceives that we just went in and bombed Afghanistan for no good reason.
This is a racist and imperialist war. The warmongers who stole the White House (you call them "hawks", but I would never disparage such a fine bird) have hijacked a nation's grief and turned it into a perpetual war on any non-white country they choose to describe as terrorist.
Again, I guess the fact that these "non-white" countries are actually engaged in terrorism against us doesn't enter into the equation at all. Typical attempt to turn this into a racist argument, rather than deal with the actual facts of the case.
In a country that lauds its freedom of speech, a word of dissent can cost you your job.
Here, Woody is referring to Bill Maher. And perhaps there is a ring of truth to it, or perhaps Disney just saw it as a chance to pull the plug on a slumping show. But again, nowhere does the term "freedom of speech" suggest that you also enjoy "freedom from consequences" from private citizens or companies. From the government or public spaces, yes. From private concerns, no way. Nowhere does the constitution guarantee that you won't lose your job (or get punched in the nose) if you say something hateful or stupid or inflammatory that your boss disagrees with. This is just another example of the far left whining because their views aren't popular with the mainstream.
And, just in case you doubt how far to the left ol' Woody is, I offer his answer to what he would do in Bush's shoes:
Easy: I'd honour Kyoto. Join the world court. I'd stop subsidising earth rapers like Monsanto, Dupont and Exxon. I'd shut down the nuclear power plants. So I already have $200bn saved from corporate welfare. I'd save another $100bn by stopping the war on non-corporate drugs. And I'd cut the defence budget in half so they'd have to get by on a measly $200bn a year. I've already saved half a trillion bucks by saying no to polluters and warmongers.
Then I'd give $300bn back to the taxpayers. I'd take the rest and pay the people teaching our children what they deserve. I'd put $100bn into alternative fuels and renewable energy. I'd revive the Chemurgy movement, which made the farmer the root of the economy, and make paper and fuel from wheat straw, rice straw and hemp. Not only would I attend, I'd sponsor the next Earth Summit. And, of course, I'd give myself a fat raise.
I really try to keep my language PG rated on this site. But when I watch another "American" bash the US from the safety another country, all I can feel is contempt. You hate the US so much, Harrelson? Well, all I can say is "fuck you, asshole". That and, "please don't bother to come back". And here I thought the stupidity of his character on "Cheers" was just an act.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:02 PM | Comments (23) | TrackBack