February 28, 2005

Weekend of Highpower


The breaking in of the barrel on Saturday went well. I was getting 1MOA five-shot groups from the sandbag and bench after the first twenty rounds or so.

Sorry, no pictures as of yet. I was shooting and cleaning as much as possible after I got to the range and saw they now close down two hours earlier than before, so I didn�t get a chance to break out the camera. I know of someone else who was there and they should be sending the pics they took shortly.

I then went home and found out the bad news; I only had six inches of elevation left on my scope.


For those to whom those words may as well be written in Aramaic: Elevation is the amount of movement in your horizontal crosshair. Moving the hoizontal up or down will raise or lower your point of aim. If you have a zero at say, 100yds, you need to compensate for your bullet dropping at longer ranges by raising your elevation so that you can hold your crosshairs on the bullseye and still hit it.

On Sunday, I attended the final 500 yard Prone Practice of the year at an area range upon the invite of Boomershoot Rifle Clinic Instructor Eugene Econ. $5 to get on the line, 80 rounds of practice, how could I go wrong?

Here is how it went wrong. I had only six inches of elevation left.

At, say 500 yards, the point of impact of a 150 grain 308 Winchester projectile will be approximately 45 inches lower than the zero at 100 yards.

I was zeroed at 100yds. You do the math.

Basically, after using up the remaining amount of elevation, I had to hold on the top of the 5-Ring to get anywhere near the X. And this was on a target measuring 4ft by 4ft.

Needless to say, I was humbled. I got a couple X�s and a few 10�s and a few more 9�s, all in all, not a bad first attempt for a guy whose experience reaching past 200 yards was low. Next time I�ll just do better.

I also do not have any pictures of this event as there just wasn�t any time. I was either supposed to be on the line shooting or downrange in the target area. Not exactly the place you want to be popping your head up to take a picture.

Mr Econ introduced me to a gentleman who probably has more years in the highpower shooting circles than I have been alive. After discussing my elevation difficulties, I purchased one of his custom one-piece scope bases for the Boomershoot rifle. It has a 25MOA slope so that even when all of my internal adjustments are exhausted I can make some external ones and stay on target. If you think that this is something you might be interested in, contact me and I�ll put you in touch with him.

I have ordered the rings for it and should get them on Friday so as to hopefully get the pieces installed and go to the range again this upcoming weekend. For another sight in session.

As for the ammo selections I mentioned on Saturday, The Hornady 150gr SST was the clear winner, followed by a tie between the Winchester 150gr Ballistic Silvertip and the Black Hills 150gr Nosler with the Hornady Light Magnum 150gr SST coming in a distant fourth. The Light Mag moves over 200 feet per second faster than a standard 308 Winchester round (over 3000fps) and I think it is just too fast for my skill level.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:48 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

February 26, 2005

Good Times

Not much from me today folks. The ammo shipment has arrived and it is time to break in the barrel of the Boomershoot rifle today.

Here is what I will be testing.

Hornady #1

Hornady #2

Black Hills


Make sure you click on the specs line, especially in link #2

Short range (100-200 yds) today. Medium range (500yds) on Sunday. Results and pics on Monday.

I'll be back tomorrow for a bit. Have a good Saturday all.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:27 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 17, 2005

All Points Bulletin

From Monica Hill, Fox News Channel:

The Fox News Channel is producing a one-hour program on guns. We are searching for a female gun-owner who used the gun to defend herself and is willing to share her story. Interested individuals should contact me as soon as possible at 212.301.5376 or via email at monica.hill "at" foxnews.com

Things like this are rare from the MSM. Let�s find someone folks.

From the Second Amendment Sisters via Craig @ Buttle�s World and Headmistress Sondra K

Posted by Nukevet at 10:03 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 14, 2005

Monday Gun Post

On Saturday I posted a pic of my newly received Boomershoot rifle and said I�d try to take some better ones.

(clic for bigger pic)

I don�t know if this one is better than the first, but it is the best of the bunch I took over the weekend. Trust me, I am no where near done with taking pictures of this thing.

I would also like to thank everyone who clicked on the links to the Boomershoot site. Joe Huffman is updating the place regularly and you should keep checking back there until you feel the undeniable urge to go this May.

Now, I received more than one email asking me what I was going to name my new rifle.

I do not normally name my firearms. I just call them by what ever they are (Winchester, Bushmaster, SKS, 1911, etc).

But, I am willing to do what the people ask for. So I have decided to make this into a democratic process.

I am going to propose a couple names and by popular vote, you all are going to decide.

The word I chose for the rifle is �Lightning�. But as that is somewhat of a goofy thing to call an inanimate object in English, I have translated it into Hebrew and Scottish Gaeilc.

Choice 1:

Gaelic � Dealan (dee-alon)

Choice 2:

Hebrew � Barak

Let me know you choice by this upcoming Friday at midnight.

Also, and I knew this might happen; the rifle is too big to fit in my gun safe.

It is both too long (because if the safe�s low shelves) and too tall (because of the scope bell and turrets) and I had to remove three rifles out of a very packed safe to fit it in. I moved them into a spare locking gun cabinet, but they aren�t in the safe and I�m not happy with that.

Yay! I get to go gun safe shopping! Kewl!

Of course, the Analog Wife was thinking more along the lines of me selling some of my firearms. She realized the folly of making that statement as I walked away laughing.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:11 AM | Comments (6) | TrackBack

February 13, 2005


I almost forgot to follow up on the gun deal from yesterday. It's a doozie.

J&G; Sales (whom you'll always be able to find in my links section) is having a mondo sale on 7.62x39 ammo and AK accessories.

500rnds 123gr FMJ or Hollowpoint


1000rnds 123gr FMJ or Hollowpoint


Damn! Why do I have to be so broke right now?

Oh yeah, I just picked up my Boomershoot rifle.

You've heard the phrase "Buy it cheap and stack it deep"? Well, this is cheap.

Next up on the sale wagon:

30rnd steel AK-47 mags

$14.95 ($12.95 if you buy five or more at a time!)

Grrrr. I.Need.Cash.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 12, 2005

Saturday Gun Post

Howdy all. With only a minor glitch taking place, I was able to bring my Boomershoot rifle home last night. Sorry for the crappy pic, I'll hopefully have a better one tomorrow.

(click for colossal size)

I do not have a bipod for it as I am wanting to get a benchrest for it first, so I had to use some 45ACP ammo I had sitting around. I looked at the tag from the gunsmith when I picked it up and the first date on there was the last week of September, so this rifle is five and a half months in the making.

I'll be going to the range in a couple weeks when my ammo arrives to see if it shoots as well as it should.

Kirk at the Fun Turns To Tragedy blog just got his Nightforce scope mounted onto the Savage rifle that he is bringing to Boomershoot. You should go check it out.

And before you leave Kirk's blog, read the post that is one up from his rifle pics.

Kirk lives in Maryland. Members of the Maryland legislature have formally introduce an proposal for an 'Assault Weapons Ban' into the legislature. Kirk is gathering the skinny on it.


And finally, your gun deal of the weekend...

Classic Arms is having a sale on their new stock of Romanian AK-47s


Romanian AK-47, Hi-Cap Rifle with Original Hardwood Pistol Grip Stock, 1-20 Rd and 1-30 Rd Mag, Sling, Cleaning Kit, Manual, Etc.


Romainian-AK 47 Rifle With Original Military Hardwood Pistol Grip Type Stock, 1-20 Rd, 1-30 Rd, and 1-40 Round Mag, Sling, Cleaning Kit, Manual and Test Target - Plus 100 Rounds of Ammunition Free To Fill Up Those Mags

(+S&H;) For a limited time only

Stop by tomorrow for some other stuff relating to these AKs you're sure to want.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:45 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 06, 2005

Kickass Gun Deal

This week I have another piece of history for you.

Savage made Enfield #4 Mk I, US Property marked, in 303 caliber.

Almost all Savage parts on the rifles, but with occasional British bolt mixed in. A hard to find piece of history. These are US made rifles, many sent via Lend-Lease to the British during WWII. They are in good condition, and include the Savage made bayonet (with scabbard). Ordnance markings visible.

Get ready to cry... they're only $179.95!

After WWI, the Brits went around and disarmed their populace 'For The Good Of The Public'.

When the Germans started getting aggressive and the Brits decided that they may have to defend themselves, they found that there weren't going to be enough guns to go around if the Germans decided to invade their little island.

Sound familiar, lefties?

So as a showing of support, the US Government paid for a contract with American gunmaker Savage to build a bunch of Enfield rifles.

If for no other reason than to show the folly of gun control, you should buy one of these rifles.

Sadly, J&G; Sales uses frames on their web page, so I cannot give you a direct link to the sale.

Here are some directions: go here and click on the 'Online Store' button and then the 'I Agree' button. On the left hand column, click on 'Rifles' and then 'Military Rifles, Bolt Action'. These Enfields are the second from the top.

Good Shopping!

UPDATE: My post last week about the Schmidt-Rubin K31 helped make Kirk at Fun Turns To Tragedy blog's wallet a little lighter.

Go check out his new purchase.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:00 AM | Comments (2)

January 30, 2005

Sunday Gun Post

Once again, with another good rifle deal.

Perhaps you have heard of the Schmidt Rubin rifle from Switzerland? They�re bolt action rifles with a unique straight pull type bolt.

As with most things from Switzerland, they�re finely made, reliable, have an immaculate attention to detail and are very accurate.

At AIM Surplus, they�re also dirt f*cking cheap.

$79.95 each + $10 for handpicked

A 6rnd detachable box magazine that can also be fed by stripper clips, excellent sights and that wonderful straight pull bolt, you just can�t go wrong.

And as Kim du Toit stated in this Gratuitous Gun Post, �I�ve never spoken to anyone who�s regretted buying a Schmidt-Rubin.�

The only real downside to these rifles is the caliber they�re chambered in, 7.5x55. The caliber itself is excellent, but it usually runs $25-30 a box.

Not at AIM though,

$22.95 for a 60rnd pack of FMJ ammo.

When I finally have all my accessories for the Boomershoot together, I will be buying at least one, probably two, of these rifles and at least one, probably two, of the 480rnd battlepacks of ammo ($168) per gun.

You should too.

Even with a 25% dealer fee added to the price of the rifle, they�re still only $100 for a rifle that will probably shoot as accurately, if not more so, as a factory Remington, Winchester, Ruger, Savage, etc.

Posted by Nukevet at 12:52 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

January 29, 2005

Saturday Gun Post

Own a piece of history.

Firearm distributor Sounthern Ohio Gun International is having a sale.

German K98 Mauser $179.95 (second item from the bottom of the page)

These are rifles captured on the Easern Front by the Soviets. They're still in 8mm Mauser and they've been areneal refinished so the numbers do not match, but they still have their Waffenamt Eagles and are somewhat of a collector item. They're listed as NRA grade 'Good' to 'Very Good' condition and hand picked rifles are $10 more

If you don't need a collectors item and are just looking for a large ring Mauser to sporterize, they've got you covered too.

03/38 Mauser $89.95 (second item from the bttom of the page)

German 1903 manufactured and refinished in 1938 and in 8mm Mauser in 'Good' condition. Handpicked rifles are also $10 more.


Now here's the deal. You will need to go through a FFL holder to get these guns. What you'll need to do is find one who will order it for you and then charge you a minimal amount to run it through their books.

Most shops charge you 20% of the price of the item, but locally, I have found a shop that will charge me the cost of the item + S&H; + state tax + $25 for paperwork. That works out to about $235 for the K98 and $120 for the 03/38.

Still not a bad deal.

Stop by tomorrow to see what else I've found for you to spend money on.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:45 AM | Comments (2)

January 24, 2005

Getting Equipped for the Boomershoot

Since I've given up almost 2/3 of the pic over the weekend, feast your eyes on this.

(click for bigger)

In case you haven't been following the story, it started out as a simple Rem 700 base model ADL.

(click for bigger)

I have since had a stainless Hart 27in Heavy Varmit Contour barrel, Jewell HVR trigger, HS Precision stock and Detachable Magazine floorplate installed. The stock has been lengthend to a 15 3/4in pull with the addition of a Graco 3-Way Adjustable butt plate and Pachmayr D550 Decellerator recoil pad.

I will be ordering my Burris rings and bases in the upcoming weeks to have this scope installed on it.

Total cost: Too much for me to admit to in public

Give me a few more weeks to pay the smith off and we'll see if it shoots as well as it should. I would provide a link to the smith, but he doesn't have a site. I am trying to remedy that because he does VERY good work. Anyone up for some unpaid voluteer work in that category would be welcome.


I highly recommend, if you haven't already done so, that you go and check out the Boomershoot site by following this link or the one in the upper right hand corner of the site. While the Boomershoot Clinic is no longer open (though stand-by applications are still being accepted) there are still spots on the firing line open for that Sunday.

Check it out!

Posted by Nukevet at 05:26 AM | Comments (7) | TrackBack

January 23, 2005

Sunday Gun Post

Made it through another Saturday evening. And for those playing, here is another snippet of my Boomershoot rifle (full pic to be disclosed Monday).

And in my cataloging yesterday, I found something y'all might be interested in getting (or making yourself, if you're able).

You can look at it here.

Even the Analog Wife seems to like this idea. Though she'd have to move a rack of her candles so as to not light the coats on fire. When/if we get it, I'll feature/demonstrate it here.

Have a good Sunday and we'll see y'all tomorrow.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:22 AM | Comments (5)

January 22, 2005

Saturday Gun Post

Not a whole lot from me today. This week was a killer with just a string of 10+ hour days. I'm going to take a 10hr nap.

But first, I have a picture of my Boomershoot rifle (sans scope). But because I'm a tease, I'm only going to give you a part of the picture today and one tomorrow and the debut it on Monday.

Here you go,

In other gun news, go wish Mike at Sworn Enemy good luck. He's going on a gunshow roadtrip today.

Both Kevin Baker and Rivrdog have poignant things to say about the young woman who was kidnapped from the Wal-Mart in Texas and then later killed.


Posted by Nukevet at 09:01 AM | Comments (1)

January 20, 2005

Isn't Irony Delicious?

The second amendment for me, but not for thee.

Pretty classic celebrity attitude - I need guns for protection because I'm important. You don't, because you're not.

Posted by Nukevet at 12:15 PM | Comments (0)

January 19, 2005

Reach Out and Touch Someone

Or some thing.

My birthday present arrived last night.

(click for bigger)

Ain't she a thing of beauty?

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the scope that will soon be installed on my Boomershoot project gun.

It is a Burris Black Diamond 8-32x50 and can be seen and spec'd here (factory link here).

I suggest, nay urge, you to start an account with the Midway USA company. They have this wonderful habit of sending you coupons via email for your birthday. This year was 10% off anything I wanted in their inventory.

Guess what I chose.

I will be dropping the new glassware off at the smith's place on Friday and measuring for proper ring height. It won't be much longer until I get to try out the different loads to see what my 700 likes to eat.

Stop by RNS over the weekend. I'll remember to bring my camera this trip to the smith's.

Now, if you have not yet done so, and would be so kind, please click on the Boomershoot logo in the upper right hand corner of the page and check out the site.

And I highly advise you to try and come along and participate. If I have even just half as much fun at the event as I have in putting this new rifle together, I'll be quite happy.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:24 PM | Comments (5)

January 10, 2005

Monday Gun Post

To start with, Joe Huffman used a Claire Wolfe quote on his blog last week.

America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.

An alert reader left a comment to let him know that she had since amended herself and has stated,

I can no longer think of any moral reason not to "shoot the bastards."

So Joe, being the enterprising fella he is put forth a number of questions about 'The Hunting of Bastards'.

And I, being the affable smartass that I am, have answered his questions on 'Bastard Hunting' in his comments section.

Enjoy and feel free to update with your own rules.


Ravenwood went and got just plain vicious on a couple of anti-gun news stories.

1. How many cliches and lies can you fit into one article?

2. Gun grabbers going after shooting ranges


I was finally able to see my 90% completed Boomershoot rifle last Friday when I was dropping off parts for the stock to extend my necessary 'Length of Pull' to almost 15 inches.

I did not think to bring my camera however, because the smith had just gotten the barrel in from Hart the last time I was there and still had to ream and hone the chamber and put threads on it, along with bead-blasting the exterior, fitting it to the receiver, etc, so I did not think it would be anywhere near as done as it was.

Let me just tell you all that it is a thing of beauty. I wanted to take it home with me right then, even though the smith had not yet gotten the trigger from Jewell or put the bolt back together yet.

If it shoots half as good as it looks, I'll be a very happy man.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:04 AM | Comments (2)

January 04, 2005

Massive Gun Posting

First up, I was looking through my Miday USA mailer and saw these 50 round 10/22 mags on sale for $26!

I know they're not $15 like they were before the AWB, but this is truly cool beans!

But I wonder why this was not on the front page of the mailer and instead buried at the bottom of a page in the middle of the thing?


Next, I see that the NRA will now have a woman as it's President once again. Tuscon, AZ resident, Sandy Froman.

Here is Ms. Froman's story,

Sandy Froman heard a strange noise in the middle of the night.

She peered through the peephole and saw a stranger trying to break into her home. Fear gripped her. As she waited for the police, she tried to scare the man off: She banged on the door. Cranked up the stereo. The man left, but the feeling of helplessness was life-changing.

"I realized that no one was going to take care of me but me. The police can't be on every street corner. You need to be prepared," said Froman, who lived in California at the time but now lives in Tucson.

Sounds like she did the right thing and took control over her own safety and wants to get other women to do the same.


In local gun news, Seattle Police Chief, Gil Kerlikowske, is an idiot for leaving his service pistol in his unmarked cruiser, where it was STOLEN!

You'd figure that the guy with a title that gives him the ability to do what I can't, take a gun into any building in the city, wouldn't leave his damn Glock 26 in his Crown Vic.

I'm going to keep an eye open for new laws coming down the pipe covering the possession and storage of firearms after this little episode. The news commentators are already starting in with 'If it can happen to the Chief of Police, it can happen to anyone' crap.


With the unveiling of Mr. Mollbot's newst projectile thrower, the Rivrdog decided to show of his newest aquisition, the Black Rose (aka Rosie).


Much Kewlness. I'll be writing you soon, RD, and we'll figure out a way to put some rounds downrange.


After yesterday's Boomershoot extravaganza, I stopped by The View from North Central Idaho and saw that I was just a pawn in Joe Huffman's plan.

'Analog Kid at Random Nuclear Strike posts about �Senor Mollbot� at What Hath I Wrought picking up his new rifle to be used at Boomershoot 2005. I also would like to note that these guys are buying/building new rifles for Boomershoot 2005. It looks like my secret plan is working...'

It may be your plan, Joe, but I love it when a plan comes together!

And if you haven't done so already, don't forget to stop by the Bommershoot 2005 site and take a look around.

Posted by Nukevet at 01:31 PM | Comments (0)

January 03, 2005


That is the only word to describe this.


Senor Mollbot paid off and picked up his Remington 700 PSS this weekend!

And don't he look like a proud papa!

He should have his post on it up at What Hath I Wrought? shortly. Stop on by and give him some congratulations and learn what he named her!

Like the gun I am building, this will be Mollbot's primary rifle for Boomershoot, coming up this May 1st.

You may have noticed that, along with the resquaring of the corners of RNS over the weekend, the Nukevet has put up a Boomershoot banner in the upper right hand corner.

If you do not know of the Boomershoot, you should click on the banner and take a look around. The host of the Boomershoot, Joe Huffman, has offered a deal to those of us with blogs and websites if we send over 100 people his way.

If you would feel so inclined to help me out in this regard, I would greatly appreciate it. He is tracking IP #'s, so no cheating please. I'm a fair and square guy.

While I hate to give away the secret of what is on the other side of the banner, I'll try to sum it up,

'Long distance precision rifle shooting combined with impact sensitive explosives! What else could a guy ask for?'

For those interested in possibly attending, I'd like to put up a couple of suggestions that may sway your decision to going.

While Joe has set up links on the Boomershoot site for what you need to bring and local lodging, among other things, I am also willing to offer my help in anyway I can. I am not that far away from his location and I have been to Orofino, ID and the surrounding areas before.

I can possibly help with airports and lodging and that sort of thing.

So read up, folks. The more you read, the more you'll want to go.

UPDATE: Joe has posted about the Boomershoot on his blog, The View from North Central Idaho. He is gathering more and more entries for the 2005 event. Luckily, he added more spaces to the firing line since 04. But don't wait too long.

Also, he has people coming from as far away as Alaska, Texas and Florida. So none of this 'its too far away'.

UPDATE 2: I forgot to add about the Precision Rifle Clinic being offered by Mr. Gene Econ. He is offering one day for $70 or two days for $100. I'm in for the two-day clinc. I'll probably need it. Mr. Econ wants at least 10 people for the two-day clinic, so think about it.

All funds from this clinic will be going to the Lancer Memorial Fund, which you can read about on the link. If you don't want to take the course, but still want to donate to the fund, I'm sure that would be welcome.

Posted by Nukevet at 12:26 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

January 02, 2005


My apologies for not making myself available to those who stopped by yesterday as I had promised.

You can blame the neighborhood dipshits who decided that lighting off their firearms in celebration of the New Year was 'cool'.

Nothing exciting happened (damn compliant bastards) other than three out of eight dingbats were taken to jail on various charges and had their guns taken away.

It wasted my time that morning and I couldn't get to the computer for a while. That and I have to sleep when the sun comes out or I'm breaking my New Year's Resolution.


On Friday, I put up this post about local radio. I somehow forgot to include the following bit of info:

I was listening to the replay of the smartest man on radio, Michael Medved (you can listen here), on KRLA Los Angeles.

I heard a commercial from the California Rifle and Pistol Association. It warned people about firing their guns off in the air and I wondered just how many idiots California had, that they had to run commercials telling people that shooing your guns in the air was stupid.

Looks like I got some idiots right here that could have used a commercial.

And a swift kick in the nuts.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:51 AM | Comments (1)

December 02, 2004

Been Busy

With a long day at work and being in the middle of a discussion and I haven't read anything worth posting about yet.

If you would like to peek in on the discussion, you can start here. I'm the guy in the comments (1000 character max, so I had to post my comment in multiple posts).

It then moved here, with me being fisked in a manner of sorts.

My response is available below the 'Continue readin...' line in this post, as I don't want to think of how many times I'd have to post with a 1000 char max.

Click if you dare, but be sure to read it all and get the whole story before commenting.


You are darn (I�ll try to abstain from obscenities) right you struck a nerve. Anytime someone comes out with the terms �privileged treatment� and �creating another class of citizenship� and a �woe is me/victim� attitude, it always sets me off.

Also, you took my comment off Morpholine and never bothered to ask how it turned out. FYI, I got written up for 79 in a 60, still a $185 ticket, so I didn�t quite �walk away scot-free�. The other one would have been a tad more difficult to get tossed out, but I probably would have succeeded anyway.

I will admit that if I do get any preferential treatment, I am going to take advantage of it. I am not going to prostrate myself in front of the officer on the shoulder of the interstate and beg for him to charge me to the fullest extent of the law. I may be a goofy bastard, but I am not an idiot.

And I could be completely wrong about the permit being the thing that gave me the cut on the ticket. Maybe it was that I was courteous and admitted to running over the limit from the get go and wasn�t a jackass.

The reason I do not see it as wrong to receive any kind of advantage is that the permit is a sign that I am a generally upstanding citizen or at least I don�t go around mugging little old ladies, beating my wife, or shooting police officers.

That does not mean that those that do not have permits do any of those things. But when the officer sees a CPL, he knows he can go back to his car and run the permit, and as long as it comes back as current, he can be pretty damn sure that the person who handed it to him probably isn�t going to try and harm him.

You might not remember, but before the bastardized NICS system came into play, if you had a current permit, you could avoid the state�s ignorant waiting period and pick up your gun purchase that day. The CCW idea is stupid, as was the waiting period, but you put the two together, and something good happened.

Should I have refused to take advantage of this law (and it was a law)? Should I have said to the dealer �Oh, that�s OK. I want to wait the full 5 days�?

I may have failed to change your mind about my �enjoyment� of any special treatment I may have get because of my permit, but also, you have not shown that every time (or even a decent proportion of the time) someone without one gets jacked up, harassed or some other form of jerking around by the constabulary.

Nor have you been able to show cause for your paranoia of being killed for not having one.

I can probably guarantee that I have been pulled over and my vehicle searched by the police more times than you have. I drove very recognizable vehicles in my younger years and I could guarantee at least one traffic stop every two weeks.

Was it harassment? Probably. Did I deserve it? Probably not. I drove very highly mechanically modified vehicles for a number of years and I am sure that I fit into some sort of a stereotype of a street racer, because that is what I was.

And guess what? I was armed nearly every single time I was pulled over after the age of 18. Rifle/shotgun in the trunk/hatchback from 18-21 and handgun in the cabin after 21.

In fact, I considered getting pulled over a couple times in the same jurisdiction as a plus. Once these officers figured out that I wasn�t a danger and that I didn�t deal/haul/do whatever they were looking for (probably drugs), they�d leave me alone as long as I wasn�t doing anything stupid.

When they�d pull me over, I would inform them of the weapon, its status and it�s location when I handed them my license. Sometimes, they�d ask me to get out of the car, secure the firearm, continue their search, find nothing, put the gun back and I�d be on my way. Sometimes, they just ask me to sit in the car with my hands on the wheel. Sometimes, I�d get the full monty (handcuffs and pat down).

But I never once worried that I was going to be arrested or shot for doing something completely legal. Being courteous and helpful without being snide or snarky goes a long way to ending a traffic stop quickly and without incident, and sometimes, without a ticket.

The reason I switched topics starting my second set of comments was because of your overly paranoid comments about being shot by a cop during a traffic stop. I don�t know what your interaction with the police has been, but jeez-louise, you might need to get a grip.

You cited one rather anecdotal story of an officer shooting someone for your evidence. If that is all that it takes to get you jumpy, switch to decaf.

Hell, Al Sharpton had more evidence in the Tawana Brawley case in that his story teller was actually there. I trust nothing that I read in the news or hear from �friends of the victim�. It�s all biased and mostly unsubstantiated. You sound as if you are implying that the cop shot the guy on purpose because �he knew he could get away with it�. That is libel.

And what the hell was he doing driving down the highway with a shotgun in the passenger seat? Firearms must be secured inside a vehicle on public roads by law. A gun rack is all that it would take to suffice. I had one in my Corolla. In my current truck, all long guns are secured in their cases and locked in the bed under the canopy and bed kit and I go nowhere without my 1911 in the cabin. The 2nd says that you have the right to bear arms. Requiring you to secure the weapon in your vehicle is not a restriction on that by any stretch of the imagination.

As for you California/50cal line of questioning, how many officers were asked to go door to door collecting 50 caliber firearms?

Answer: None.

Exactly the same number that I know of who quit when the 50cal ban came down.

Most of your fourteen links that were supposedly there to show officers taking the law into their own hands are just lame. Let me list the ones that don�t apply�

Link 1: An officer in a burglary ring of fellow officers turns state evidence. Bad cops, committing crimes and going to jail. Exactly how does that violate my civil rights again?

Link 2: A Corrections Officer (who, more than likely, isn�t allowed to carry a firearm as part of his normal duties), calls and harasses his estranged wife and her family with verbal threats off duty. Again, stupid and illegal, but doesn�t constitute a violation of civil rights and had nothing to do with his job.

Link 3: An off duty officer has road rage. And again, not taking the law into his own hands, just being a jerk with a gun.

Link 4: An officer stealing guns that were supposed to be destroyed. Stupid, illegal, not a 2A violation.

Link 5: Retired cop has his 380 fall out of his pocket and accidentally shoots a store owner. The very same thing could happen to anyone who doesn�t secure their firearm. Not taking the law into his own hands.

Link 7: An off duty deputy starts a fistfight in a restaurant and then pulls a pistol to keep from getting his ass kicked. Ignorant, stupid, illegal, but not a civil rights violation.

Link 8: Fratricide. One cop mistakes an undercover cop for a drug dealer after an �officer down� radio call. Not a civil rights violation. The story even implies that the guy is thinking of going back on duty if/when he recovers.

Link 13: Officer on medical leave goes mental and barricades himself inside his house. Sorry, doesn�t apply.

Link 14: Off duty officer accidentally shoots himself in the hand at a party. Bad gun handling skills, not a civil rights violation.

So let�s count them up here�

Nine of your fourteen links have nothing to do with what you were talking about. Most are about officers being louts, jackasses and criminals. You have, if I remember rightly, eight (possibly nine) officers committing 2A or other civil rights violations.

Out of how many tens of thousands of officers from around the country? Did you know that their suicide rates are higher too? And sometimes they do it with their service weapons. We should disarm police officers RIGHT NOW!!

Oh wait, let me calm down for a moment.

I have fallen for your trick, Jason. You cherry picked news stories and gotten my underwear in a knot there for a second.

Do you know who also cherry picks stories, Jason? The Brady Foundation and the Violence Policy Center.

Is that what you�re left to resort to? Huh? How lame!

I�m going to tell you the same thing I tell them, except I am going to put the word �police officers� in the place of �armed citizen�.

Why don�t you go look through the news and find stories of officers saving kittens out of trees, police officers stopping armed robberies while off duty and, oh, I don�t know, how about police officers being killed in the line of duty to save the lives of others!

You really don�t know what you are talking about, do you? You just have a hatred of government officials that cannot be stopped, no matter how much you might be at fault.

You readily admit that your job isn�t as dangerous as that of a police officer. You also show that you have no bones about denying a fellow citizen their right to safety because of their chosen profession.

Sure, a person has to actively try to become a police officer. And that person would be ignorant to not know that the job is dangerous. But put yourself in their shoes for a second.

You pull a vehicle over, and after you get the drivers information and head back to your cruiser. The passenger starts digging around in the backseat and comes up with an object that you do not recognize, but could be a long metal object.

The vehicle registration comes back as odd/possibly stolen and now you have to go back up to that vehicle and try to sort this out.

What would you do?

You seem to think that the officer should have ESP and be able to tell that you are �a nice guy� and should just let you drive off. The trouble is, he still has your brother�s info in his hand and has to give it back before the driver can leave. And we still have that little issue of an unknown object in the hands of at least one of the occupants in the vehicle.

Now, do you get now why the cop was jumpy and asked you questions? Or are you so selfish as to think that you did nothing to make him worry about his safety?

The line about �rape, assault, and murder victims you see every night on TV� that you wrote don�t have to worry about it as a part of their employ. But if they want to, they can do what you do and I do, buy a weapon for protection and learn to use it. If their job restricts them from bringing it to work, they can always find a job that will.

Unless they�re convicted felons, or do you see them as being disarmed by the government as well?

Despite what you might think of their profession, police officers are human beings and DO have the same right to safety that you do. Not more, the same.

Or are you going to start denying others their civil rights based on their profession?

They do not have a right to knowledge of a firearm in your car, but as a courtesy, to put him at ease (and possibly get some of that juicy preferential treatment you speak of), your proper course of action would be, once again, inform him of the firearm, its status and location. If it is under the seat and unloaded, what exactly do you think you have to worry about?

The reason you tell an officer of the firearm and not the people at Wal-Mart or the gas station is because the officer is working in your environment (your car), whereas the gas station attendant and the Wal-Mart people have you in theirs. If the gas station attendant or the tire guy at Wal-Mart has a need to get in the cabin of my car (for reason that escape me right now), I take the firearm out with me. It really isn�t as difficult as you make it sound.

And that really was a very weak analogy, Jason.

And don�t be ignorant. You don�t put an unloaded weapon on the dash of the vehicle when you are pulled over. Again, to be courteous, all you have to do is leave it where it is and tell the officer where it is and its status. He may or may not ask to see it. He may or may not ask you out of the vehicle and the last thing you want to do is start reaching in that area.

You go on to accuse police officers of denying you and myself of our 2A rights by enforcing the CCW laws. Sorry pal, the courts have come down with that as law. Right or wrong, it is the current law. You don�t like, get up and try to change it.

If you believe that the �rights are flying out the window�, then get to fixing the problems you see, start running or start fighting. This �passive aggressive� crap you�re pulling against the state is pure chicken shit.

Jason, there is being prepared and being paranoid. When I go out and about, I prepare myself. I keep an eye open for locations for hard cover, in case the need arises, I keep an eye open for shady looking individuals, hell, I will wait for the tactically correct stall in the men�s room at the movie theater.

But I do not go out convinced that I am absolutely, positively going to have my civil rights violated by a member of the local constabulary.

That is paranoia. And you can keep any �just because I�m paranoid doesn�t mean they�re not out to get me� lines to yourself. I know what it means to have �them� out to get you.

I have weighed the possibility of having the government attempt to disarm me since the age of 10. My father owned his own gun shop and was active with local and regional gun rights groups.

When I turned 15, he half retired from his shop and started lobbying for the GOA and the CCRKBA regionally and then nationally. This pissed the feds off to no end, because he was very good.

The state and federal police agencies harassed him and us. I cannot count on both hands the number of times he had his vehicle searched on a trumped up traffic charge by a �plain clothes officer� who always turned out to be a stater or a fed and I am sure that a few of the vehicle searches I went through while in high school were due to who my father was.

We even had our house tossed once. It took me 2 days to get my bedroom back together after that one.

But guess what, we sued back each and every time and they stopped because they never found anything.

After Oklahoma City, a large number of the members of the rifle and pistol club I was associated with at the time got interviewed by the feds. Why? Because they were looking for white males who might like to get dressed up in camo and play soldier on the weekends.

That wasn�t us. We did once-a-month 3-Gun Combat Matches before the IDPA ever thought of it. We did a lot of metallic plates, bowling pins and things called �jungle walks�.

I refused to let them interview me in my apartment and met them at what I felt was a neutral location, though I am sure they had the restaurant wired for sound and covered with enough steel that I would have looked like Bonnie and Clyde�s car had I done something stupid.

The interview lasted 20 minutes and they bought my breakfast.

I seriously doubt that they ever knew about the large contingent of club members that had banded together and had surrounded the vicinity with enough firepower to make sure that any trigger happy agents would not have walked out of there either, unless they had air support waiting somewhere on the horizon.

We did this for each of the 27 people who were interviewed over a three week period.

You do not want to challenge me on my street cred in the fight to keep our 2A rights, nor do you want to tell me that I am not prepared to defend those rights with the barrel of my gun.

You should tell the folks at GOA and the CCRKBA what you think about open carry and police officers. Give them the same rant you put on your site. They�ll probably be very kind in telling you that while you should be right, you are very wrong.

Start going off and telling them how ready and �prepared� you are to shoot a police officer who is going to �take away your rights� and they�ll probably hang up on you.

The attitude towards law enforcement that you seem to exude is exactly what every gun grabbing asshole thinks is typical of every gun owner.

You can keep up with that attitude, but you can expect a lot of people, including fellow gun owners, to think you are paranoid and write long ass treatises on the subject.

I didn�t want to get into this the last time open carry was discussed at your site, but�.

If you are so sure that you are right about open carry, why not just get the question over with right now, today?

Go to a school and try to get in with your pistol on.

Go to the King County courthouse and try to get through the metal detectors with your pistol on. When the county security guy asks you to hand over your pistol so that he can secure it for the duration of your visit to the building, tell him to piss up a rope because it is your right to carry it. When he asks to see your permit, tell him you do not have one because you do not need one.

C�mon, Jason, if you think you�re right? Put up.

Otherwise, to quote James Brown, �you�re just talking loud, but ain�t saying nothing�

Posted by Nukevet at 04:23 PM | Comments (4)

November 23, 2004

Wouldn't this be so cool!

India-ASEAN car rally begins its Eastward sojourn

Beginning a new chapter in the country's relationship with South-East Asia, the inaugural India-ASEAN Car Rally on Tuesday kicked off from the historic Judges field in Guwahati in the presence of Assam Governor Lt Gen (Retd) Ajai Singh and Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi.

Nearly 250 participants from all the ASEAN countries and India will be touring in a caravan of 60 vehicles, and the rally will drive through hilly terrains, concrete roads and even dirt tracks and pass through Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore before culminating its 20-day sojourn at Batam, Indonesia, on December 12.

Accoriding to the Interested Participant, before the start, the drivers were warned about many of the dangers that may await them along the route.

Including violent heroin traffickers and armed rebel groups.

I want in on this. Not only do I get to haul ass through a foreign country legally, I have the possibility of getting into a shooting match with the locals.

Shoot and steer video games are so passe.

Posted by Nukevet at 01:35 PM | Comments (0)

November 19, 2004


It's here!

I'll be making my purchases this afternoon before I go to work.

And no, the timing of my purchases has nothing to do with me having to work sraight through an eleven hour shift last night either.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:49 PM | Comments (0)

November 16, 2004


I must be losing it!

How did I miss National Ammo Day (week)?

You should know the drill.

Buy 100rnds of ammo. Any ammo. Any brand. Any caliber.

Just make sure to get your ammo and let's try and show the GFW's that we gun owners are a market force to be dealt with.

It'll have to wait until Friday, but I'll be making my contribution that afternoon.

Probably not as much as I did last year though.

Posted by Nukevet at 01:57 PM | Comments (2)

November 15, 2004

Gun Fearing Wussy Update

I just want to let you all know that Mollbot is a very nice guy. Just don't start espousing Gun Fearing Wussy (GFW) propaganda in his presence.

Otherwise, you might just get treated like this,

GFW (Local News Division) - Legislative Building Security Chief Dan Eikum says, "Perfectly safer would be to have no weapons inside this building at all. That would make the building as safe as we could possibly make it." But when he's asked, "But you don't have that option?" He answered, "Not today."

Mollbot - Not ever, you sanctimonious utopian prick. It's a good thing the Founders had more faith in individuals than you do. I suppose you'd prefer only the Police were armed, and them only with sticks?

Those lines stem from a fisk he did of a news report about the reopening of the State capitol building after a long, and very expensive, remodelling that included millions of dollars of 'security equipment' (read: metal detectors and armed guards).

The local news stations found out that even with all of that 'security equipment', the Washington State Constitution provides for any citizen who posess Concealed Pistol Licenses to be able to carry their weaponry onto ALL STATE PROPERTY including the capitol building.

This, of course, put them into full freak out mode and their requisite cries of 'There will be gun wielding maniacs committing massacres all over the place now!'

They seem to forget that in the entire history of the capitol building, even before all their 'security equipment', there was not single shooting.

But what does that matter, law abiding citizens have guns!

And in another GFW report, Ravenwood finds a firearms retailer moving into a stripmall creating terror in the hearts of the Pacifica, California city council.

It has them so frighted in their liberal boots that they are thinking of making new zoning regulations for the placement of firearms retailers.

I agree with Ravenwood's closing line,

"These people need professional psychological help."

Posted by Nukevet at 10:06 AM | Comments (1)

Sunday Worship

It was Sunday, so I was at the Church of The Holy High Speed Projectile making the sign of the cross in my scope and sending sacrement downrange to honor the apostles.

Well, not really. But it sounds good though.

I finally got my Decot shooting glasses from the optometrist and I was itching to try them out (it was't Decot's fault, it was the folks ordering them).

Yes they're pink. Giggle all you want, I got a load of that from the Analog Wife. She now calls them my Elton John glasses and she can't help singing 'B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets' when I put them on.

But let me tell you, I can actually tell the difference between the front sight post on my Bushmaster XM-15 and the bullseye now that I have focus and color tone differentiation.

Seeing as how I can cover the lenses of my usual glasses with my thumb, these things are like windshields compared to those rear view mirrors.

My only complaint, isn't really a complaint. When you take these off, everything is really green for a about 5-10 minutes.

Other than that, I love these things and they will definitely be going with me to the Boomershoot next May. I never did get a chance to use them on my scoped rifle as I was having just too much fun with the XM.

Here is an average target from the XM that Sunday,

Black Hills 55gr ball ammo, 100yds, open sights, rested.

Not much better than usual, but I felt more comfortable in that I could distinguish the lollipop lining up instead of just guessing and hoping.

If you have prescription eyewear, I can't recommend these highly enough for high-powered rifle or skeet/trap.

Word of note: Never, never, ever get used to shooting with special equipment, especially eyewear, when practicing your defensive shooting. In fact handicap yourself whenever possible, because you can bet your ass you will be when you need it.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:41 AM | Comments (2)

November 13, 2004


It's like a SCUD missile, for crying out loud!

Posted by Nukevet at 01:57 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

November 01, 2004

The effect of outlawing handguns

is that only outlaws have handguns.

At the same time as government demanded sole responsibility for protecting individuals, it adopted a more lenient approach toward offenders. Sentences were sharply reduced, few offenders served more than a third or a half of their term, and fewer offenders were incarcerated. Further, they were to be protected from their victims. Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer jailed for killing one burglar and wounding another, was denied parole because he posed a danger to other burglars. "It cannot possibly be suggested," the government lawyers argued, "that members of the public cease to be so whilst committing criminal offences" adding, "society can not possibly condone their (unlawful) murder or injury".

Meanwhile, much of rural Britain is without a police presence. And the statutes meant to protect the people have been vigorously enforced against them. Among the articles people have been convicted of carrying for self defence are a sandbag, a pickaxe handle, a stone, and a drum of pepper.

This trade-off of rights for security has been disastrous for both. Crime has rocketed. A UN study in 2002 of 18 developed countries placed England and Wales at the top of the Western world's crime league. Five years after the sweeping 1998 ban on handguns, handgun crime had doubled. As was forecast at the time, the effect of outlawing handguns has been that only outlaws have handguns.

In recent years governments have even felt it necessary to prevent the public from defending themselves with imitation weapons. In 1994 an English home-owner, armed with a toy gun, managed to detain two burglars who had broken into his house while he called the police. When the officers arrived, they arrested the home-owner for using an imitation gun to threaten or intimidate. In a similar incident the following year, when an elderly woman fired a toy cap pistol to drive off a group of youths who were threatening her, she was arrested for putting someone in fear. Now the police are pressing Parliament to make imitation guns illegal.

The impact on law-abiding citizens has been stark. With no way to protect themselves, millions of Britons live in fear. Elderly people are afraid to go out and afraid to stay in. Self defence, wrote William Blackstone, the 18th-century jurist, is a "natural right that no government can deprive people of, since no government can protect the individual in his moment of need". This Government insists upon having a monopoly on the use of force, but can only impose it upon law-abiding people. By practically eliminating self defence, it has removed the greatest deterrent to crime: a people able to defend themselves.

All in all, an amazing set of circumstances. What recourse do you have when the state says it will protect you, and then fails miserably at the task? When the state fails to protect you, but then makes you a criminal for daring to protect yourself?

Posted by Nukevet at 01:35 AM | Comments (0)

October 18, 2004

My thoughts exactly

Just as I said in my #3 Debate round-up, I'll take Bush's stance on guns any day over Kerry's.

The Geek w/a 45 sums it up better than I can and even has a couple good quotes thrown in.

It might not be perfect, in that he does not jump atop the table and begin distribuing machine guns, but damn, I'll take it.

My thoughts exactly.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:18 AM | Comments (1)

October 14, 2004

New 45

No, not for me. Sadly.

Rivrdog has a new projectile throwing friend he wasnt to show you.

He also wants you to guess at how much it costs with bragging rights as a good guesser going to the winner.

Have at it.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:39 AM | Comments (0)

October 13, 2004

I am an Artist

But I am not normally a gambling man. Sure, I'll put a wager in now and then, but only if I'm sure the odds are in my favor.

But not this time.

Mr. McGuffey wrote back yesterday, accepting my apology, in pertaining to this post. His reply was a bit snarky about the debate tonight, so I, being the goofy bastard that I am, wrote back a snarky reply with a wager for Mr. Cheeky.

If Bush wins the election, he has to display my art in his gallery for sale for 8 weeks.

If Kerry wins, I have to wear one of Aschenbrand's shirts, one day a week, in public and at my place of work, for 12 weeks.

I'm awaiting his reply.

And now, I will be switching to my 'artiste' manner of speaking while I show you all some of my 'art'.

I em en artiste! Zee boolseye ees my kenves ahnd zee rifle my bruush.

Heer, zee my wark

I call thees wan '308 at 100' Oh, she is beeyouteefull, yes?

Zees wan is called 'Bushmaster 005'

I liek to call thees exampool 'New Smith and Wesson'

But I boor you with thees.

Heer, let me show yoo some of my abstract iteems.

Ahh, a masteerpeese. Thees wan ees called 'Bad Pumpkin'

You like? Yees?

Parhaps yoo wood liek to see sum uv zee examples of 'Modern Art'?


Zee lewer paert of thees artwerk, I em note a van uv. Eez she not steel beeyooteful, No?


Posted by Nukevet at 01:28 PM | Comments (2)

October 11, 2004

Caution: Gun Rant Ahead!

Working title for the rant: Stop Taking Your Damn Guns Apart If You Do Not Know What You Are Doing!

So the wife and I visit the lady who does our tattoos over the weekend and she says that she has found another one of her father's old guns when she was visiting her mom's house. Kewl!

(click for superduper size)

A Colt D.A. in 38 Special with a manufacture date of approximately 1904.

I start looking at it and I notice that the cylinder spins freely. I pop the cylinder open and notice that the cylinder bolt (the lever that pops up to hold the cylinder in place during and between shots) is not visible.

I ask her if she remembers when her dad last shot it. She says over a decade ago. Her dad cleaned it and then never took it out again, saying it was 'broken'. I tell her what I think is wrong and she tells me to take it home and do what needs to be done to fix it.

I get it home, remove the side plate and just as I suspected, the bolt spring is missing.

If you hit this pic and look in the middle of the green square, you'll see a dark diagonal line.

That is where the bolt spring goes. It is a lever type spring, not a coil, and it pushes on the inside of the frame and pushes the bolt up to hold it in place and hold the cylinder. It is about an eigth of an inch wide and half of an inch long and is very easy to lose.

As is evident here.

But it costs $25 plus shipping to replace. Not counting smithing time (which I'm not charging her after the deal I got from her on the S&W; Model 14).

So, my point is this. If you don't know what you are doing, don't go willy nilly into the guts of your firearm with a damn screwdriver.

If you think it is dirty enough to need a cleaning, take it to a smith. Most smiths will do the cleaning and a tune up for the same or even less (minus the cost for any worn parts) than the cost of replacing of this part.

A gun cannot save your ass if it is broken.

Rant concluded.

Posted by Nukevet at 12:41 PM | Comments (4)

October 03, 2004

Maybe I am Evil?

I have been called a creator of monsters after giving others the 'gunny bug'. It has even been suggested that I am evil for doing so. I plead not-guilty by reason of monetary defect. If I had enough money to buy all the guns in the world, I would.

But until then, I have to get other folks to buy them.

So Mollbot, Rivrdog and I got together for breakfast Saturday morning. Afterwards, we stopped by a local firearms retailer for some ammo and accessories.

And then it happened. Their eyes locked.

OK, she didn't have eyes. But by golly, a luv connection was made and a partial dowry was left for her honor.

I swear, if Mollbot wouldn't have bought her, I would have.

I blocked her out so that he can make a proper introduction in due time. Keep your eyes open here.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:26 AM | Comments (1)

October 02, 2004

The Soundboard: Gone Shooting Edition

It's off to the range again, today.

I'll be joined by Mollbot and the permenantly vacationing Rivrdog at Renton Fish & Game.

But I can't be leaving you all without some sort of entertainment, now can I?

In the late 80's / early 90's a group of club kids in NYC got together and formed the group DeeeeLite. I'm sure you've all heard their hit "Groove is in the Heart' with Maceo Parker, Bootsie Collins and Q-Tip (of A Tribe Called Quest fame).

Well, after the group's demise, their DJ, Jungle DJ Towa Towa (aka Towa Tei), went back to Japan for a bit and then went solo. It was then that he started putting out some of the best electro-box tunes ever released upon the planet.

The song today is off his first album, Future Listening. The whole album is very Brazilian, but this one swings.

If you would be so daring as to download the following tuneage and listen to it, and don't get the urge to sway in you seat, or crank it up and sway with your significant other, then you either have no soul or your legs are broken.

Towa Tei - Batducada

Towa's website is here

The vox babe on this tune is none other than Bebel Gilberto. And here site is here.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:50 AM | Comments (3)

October 01, 2004

Another Anti-Gun Lie

Shot Down In Flames

Van Douglas Godette Jr., 23, from Lake Charles was sentenced Monday by United States District Judge Richard Haik to 21 months imprisonment to be followed by three years supervised release for making false statements to a firearms dealer while attempting to purchase a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol announced United States Attorney Donald W. Washington.

The offense occurred when Godette attempted to purchase firearms at a gun show in Lake Charles in November 2002. While completing the Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Form 4473 Godette answered "no" to questions which ask whether the purchaser has been convicted of a felony.

Godette was convicted in April 2002 in 14th Judicial District Court in Calcasieu Parish for possession of ecstasy. Godette stipulated at the time of the guilty plea that he well knew tht he had been convicted of a felony when he tried to purchase the 9mm pistol and also an AK-47 type rifle at the gun show. The ATF was alerted to the transaction because of the required background check through the National Instant Criminal Information System which revealed Godettte's prior felony convictions.

Hit the link and bookmark it. You'll be needing it next spring when the gun-grabbers start pushing the new anti-gun legislation.

Found @ Ravenwood's Universe.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:29 AM | Comments (0)

September 30, 2004

A day late

The Neanderpundit posted the scores from the latest postal match. I'm just a day late in noticing.

Last Saturday, Mollbot and I hit the range to take on Og's challenge. After a few practice targets, I lined up with the Ruger 22/45 HB and gave it a shot. Actually 10 shots. Out of a possible score of 100, I shot an 84.

Mollbot lined up and shot an 87 with his 357Mag S&W; 19 (aka Leonidas).

Then I tried again with a different gun. My CZ-82. The thing is a tack driver for only having 3 3/4 inch barrel, so I lined up and shot....another 84.

Here are the targets

(click for bigger)

I sent both sets of targets to Og, as I originally thought the CZ target would have been an 83, but gave myself the point after taking in both the compactness of the gun and the way the round hit (look closely at the center bullseye on the top target).

While I was bummed I didn't do better, it turns out that the 84 wasn't bad. It put in a tie for fourth place with Og himself.

With my S&W; 14, I sucked rocks, shooting a 73. And don't even ask what I got with my 1911 (a damn 68. I hit outside of the first bullseye completely and got a zero for that bull)

Og is planning another postal match in two weeks or so. He has hinted that we will need a 30 caliber or greater rifle with optics to compete. He hasn't given out the target yet, but I'm going to grab some NRA certified 100yd bullseyes and practice on those this weekend.

I spoke to my mom and we will be going to her place late Sunday morning, which leaves all of Saturday open. If anyone cares to join me in my practice, I will gladly take suggestions as to which rifle range to go to here in the Seattle area. I'll be at whatever range at the opening bell and staying most of the day, as it seems that I need to get some extra pistol practice in.

Drop me an email or leave a comment in the box if you're interested. While this isn't an actual Blastarama, novices are welcome to join me and use my guns.

And since I'll be spending a good deal of time on the local freeways (100+ miles), you might find another driving rant on Monday.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:48 AM | Comments (4)

September 28, 2004

Dancing Naked in the Front Yard

Is where you'll find me.

Geek with a 45 is announcing, through his reliable source, that the US military has finished testing guns for service.

They have chosen the XM-8.

In the 6.8 Rem caliber

How cool is that?

Speaking of rifles, is anyone up for both rifle and pistol rangetime this weekend? Not an actual Blastorama, just a get-together.

I will be visiting my mom again this weekend and want to figure out which day folks want to go to the range so I can go to her place on the other day.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:35 AM | Comments (4)

September 26, 2004

Somebody knows how to accessorize

(Not Me)

Check this out

I'm sure you'll be able to read more about this thoroughly scary looking "assault rifle"here in the near future.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:40 AM | Comments (0)

September 24, 2004


Article here.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:22 PM | Comments (2)

September 21, 2004

A Challenge

Og, the Neanderpundit, has a challenge for us all.

A new Postal Match.

This is the target.

Print it onto a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and fire away. Two shots per bullseye, 25ft, any pistol caliber, offhand, iron sights. Send the score to Og by the evening of Monday the 27th. You will then be asked to snailmail the actual target for verification.

For the rest of the information, hit the link above

Mollbot and I will be meeting this weekend to practice and then serve as witness to each other's score. For more information on that meet up, send me an e-mail.

UPDATE: Correction!

The goal is two sheets with one shot per bullseye.

10 rounds - 10 bullseyes.

Og has more in the comments.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:47 AM | Comments (1)

September 11, 2004


Lucky Bastards.

I'm at a conference in the Northeast, so have no firearms available to me. I don't get home until late Monday night, but I plan on dragging the AR-15 out of it's hiding place (actually more of a "surprise - look what I have here place) and squeezing off a few rounds in celebration. Then I'm going to head to the first post-ban gunshow that comes to my neck of the woods. Not to buy anything, but just to see how te attitudes have changed.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:35 PM | Comments (0)

I see a sunset

In our immediate future

To quote the Geek with a 45 @ Walking the Walls

"The Senate has adjourned until Monday Afternoon.

It's dead. Deader than a damned doornail.

Now all that remains is the ticking of the clock."

Posted by Nukevet at 03:27 PM | Comments (3)

September 09, 2004

It's the principle

I am not a happy camper today.

The 8 families of the victims of "DC Snipers", Muhammed and Malvo, have finished their blackmail.

The families of eight victims of the Washington, D.C.-area sniper shootings will receive $550,000 from the manufacturer of a rifle used in the spree and $2 million from the Tacoma gun shop that it came from.

Yes, I said blackmail. Here is why,

Seattle attorney Paul Luvera, who represents the families of six people who were killed and two who were wounded in the fall 2002 killing spree, called the settlements landmarks.

That's right, they are landmarks. Landmarks for every litigous, money grubbing potential victim of an idiot with a firearm.

He said the settlement with Bull's Eye Shooter Supply in Tacoma and its former owners was the largest amount ever paid by a firearms dealer for this kind of case.

And Bullseye deserves to dish out every penny of that money. From what has been released so far, it sounds as if they had a problem with 'losing' guns. If this is truly so, then they're not only idiots, they're also assholes towards the entire gun industry.

This is the part that I am truly pissed off about.

He said the settlement with Bushmaster Firearms Inc., based in Windham, Maine, marks the first time a gun manufacturer has agreed to settle for the negligent distribution of a weapon used in a criminal shooting.

Bushmaster decided that giving these leeches half a million dollars would be cheaper than to fight them to the end.

Now, we have a precedent of a gun maker giving money to the families of crime victims that every lawsuit in the future can use to blackmail every other gun maker in the country and the world.

I am unable to figure out how Bushmaster could have known that their weapon could be stolen from or 'lost' by a federally licensed firearms dealer. Does an FFL now means that the dealer cannot be trusted by manufacturers to safely store and sell their products?

Bushmaster's attourney's have managed to find a ray of sunshine, though,

"The Brady Center's lawsuit was intended to put Bushmaster out of business and force it to change its business practices, and neither was accomplished," Bushmaster's Seattle attorney, Steve Fogg said.


Now every wormy legal eagle who wants to pad their bank account knows that all they have to do is find a willing plaintiff and the gun companies will fold like a chinese take-out menu.

Fight to the end. That is all I am asking the gun companies to do. I am willing to do so to keep my right to buy their products.

I am now going to have to stop and think about finishing the second of my XM-15's. I may have to switch manufacturers.

It's about the principle of the thing.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:25 AM | Comments (1)

Be sure to look to the West on Monday

I hear there is going to be a beautiful sunset.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:27 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

September 08, 2004

As the hours tick by

Geek With A 45 has opened up a Assault Weapons Ban watch site for the last week or so of the opportunity to renew it.

Walking the Walls

He has all the links you need and he is watching the C-Span broadcasts of the Senators as they try to tack on various amendments to various bills.

I think he is right that someone will try to attach the renewal of the AWB to a Homeland Security bill. We need to watch for this.

Go there now and get the numbers for your reps. Call them. Then call them again.

Get the message out.

Also found @ GWA45 was a link to the Analog Mouse from One Little Victory and her tale of a Bush rally in Erie, PA.

If you haven't seen it yet, you should go and see.

Here's my favorite pic from it.


Posted by Nukevet at 09:31 AM | Comments (0)

September 07, 2004

Cheap Shot

But funny.

Via Spoons

Posted by Nukevet at 01:58 PM | Comments (0)

September 06, 2004

Range Report and Blastorama Invite

Lesson #1: Remain Calm

If you are doing well and producing good groups, calm down and TAKE YOUR TIME!

Otherwise, you get this:

If you click on the pic, you'll see that my first three shots with my Rem700 were all touching. I then looked through the spotting scope, saw this, and my heart rate went up and I went for the 4th shot. Half an inch off. I mellowed out and took my fifth and put it right where I wanted it.

I was going to stop there, but I got impatient for the range break and decided to make this five shot group into a ten. As you can see, that was a bad idea.

So remember, five good shots are better than ten bad ones.

Later in the day, a guy and his girlfriend took up the lane next to me on the pistol range. He had just turned twenty-one and had bought his first handgun. A used Glock in 40 S&W.; He had one of those laser sights that fits into the recoil spring guide installed on the thing and it didn't work worth a crap. When he relied on it alone, he would put it in the bullseye and the rounds would hit the ground three feet in front of the target. Since he was 'tunnel-visioning' on the bullsye while firing, he wasn't seeing where he was hitting and went through an entire mag before wondering why he hadn't hit the target. I was able to kindly talk him into stoppping usage of the laser sight and into using the iron ones. He did so and started actually hitting paper.

And then he did it. He loaded a new magazine into the pistol and hit the bottom of the mag on the tabletop of the gun booth to lock the mag in and thereby making the slide go forward.

I just about leaned over and slapped the crap out of him. Luckily, there was a guy in the lane on the otherside who was a bit more, diplomatic, we'll say.

He asked "Why do you do that?" The kid said he did it because it hurt his hands to bap the bottom of the mag to lock it in. The guy then suggested that it might not be good for the gun to do that, reminding him that Glocks are made of plastic. I leanded over and said "Or Safe."

Dude's response? "Oh Yeah!" The slapping visions again went through my head.

The man who was so diplomatic was from Australia. He is the fourth Aussie whom I have met while at the range in recent months. Later, when I thanked him for keeping me from geting kicked off the range, I asked him how he liked the US. In not so many words, other than one trip to get his stuff, he said he wasn't going back down under. He is here on a long-term business trip and been here for six months trying to get things set up for his employer in OZ to set up shop in Seattle.

Yep, he is exporting Australian jobs to America. Oh the horror.

When his boss asked for volunteers to come to America, he was the first to raise his hand. Turns out, he was a competition shooter in his home country and since the ban, he hadn't been able to shoot. He came to America, borrowed a couple firearms from business associates until he could get his ResIm card and has gone to the range at least a couple times a month since then. And it showed. He was putting up groups with a four inch Ruger Redhawk that I could only dream about with my poor wheelgun skills and my S&W; Model 14.

Speaking of the 14, here are a couple pics of the new walnut I've installed.

(click for larger)

Sile K-TR #7's. I wouldn't recommend them for concealed carry or timed competition, but for shilouette shooting or target practice, they're mighty comfortable.

But new grips or no, I need to get some serious practice in on this gun. Hence, no targets.

Now, about the upcoming Blastorama. There will be two in Spetember. Here's why; I will most likely be getting my mom hooked up to the WWW and going to work that day. Plus, I can't figure out how do something respectful, range-wise, on September 11th. So, we'll be joining Kim du Toit's party in spirit at the range on Sunday the 12th, either at Wade's or Sam's. If you would like to go, leave a comment or send an e-mail stating your preference (Sam's will let you shoot bin Laden targets, I don't know about Wade's).

But, since some folks have their day of worship on Sunday and others have to work, we'll have another on Saturday the 18th. I haven't figured out where yet. My step-dad says that there is a new indoor range in Centralia he wants to try out, and I think that might be a good idea, but then again, maybe folks want to shoot rifle. Again, if you want to join us, just let me know your preferences.

Remember, expert or novice. Never shot before or put more rounds downrange than a Marine in training, it doesn't matter. I've got guns to loan and knowledge to share and so do most of the other Blasters who come along.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:20 AM | Comments (5)

August 31, 2004

Semper Fi!

The definitive answer to my questions about Marine marksmanship.

I apologize for doubting the veracity of our commenters remarks. You must, indeed, qualify at 500 yards with iron site in the prone position. No wonder so many guys end up dead when they take on the Marines.

Posted by Nukevet at 11:04 PM | Comments (2)

August 29, 2004

Marine Fact or Fiction?

A commenter in this post says that all Marines qualify at 500 yards with iron sites. Can any of you other Semper Fi's confirm this? I have done a ton of iron site shooting, and, back when I hunted deer, I never had a scope on my rifle. But hitting a man sized silhouette at 500 yards seems a tough standard to set for everyone coming through training.

I think this might be what is driving my desire to shoot at longer distances - I've been thinking about taking up hunting again, now that I've escaped from New York, and would like to maybe take on some bigger game.

Anyway - did every Marine out there qualify at 500 yards with iron sites, or is my commenter as prone to exaggeration as his choice for president? If he's right, then my basic life rule of "never piss off a Marine" takes on a whole new meaning. Please note, this isn't a SBVFT type thing - that just seems like a long distance to expect everyone to qualify from. If our commenter is right, I'll be the first to ackowldge it. Since he corrected his bronze/silver star "V" error of his own volition, I would expect the same of him.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:21 PM | Comments (3)

Something old, something new

Something borrowed, something parkerized?

Yep, I have a rifle that, so far, only Raging Dave has seen.

(click for supersize)

Recently returned from a barrelling company that shall remian nameless, my Remington 700 ADL in 308Win. Although the barreler's customer service folks said OK when I sent it off to them, when the smith got ahold of the order, he had to admit that he would not be able to complete it, and sent it back. It is kind of my own fault, as I wanted something they don't list in their catalog and wouldn't be allowed in any competition class.

Oh well, I know someone local who can do it, but at almost twice the price.

Anyway, I bought it new a whie back and only put a few rounds through it before sending it off. So, when I got it back, I found an inexpensive 6x scope and mounted it on so that I could put some rounds through it while I save up the cash for the work I want done.

After getting it on paper at Sam's place with Dave last week, I figured I was ready to zero it in at 100 yards.

(click for large size)

It took 6 shots to get it the black. It should have only taken me three, but I'm not confident on having regianed my skills yet.

After that, I stepped out for a 10 shot group at 200 yards.

(click for you know what)

Eh, not bad for the base model 700 with a $30 scope, cheap Spanish surplus ammo and a guy who has found too many bad habits in his time off from optics shooting.

And yes, the X is blown out of that second target. Round #3. No, I couldn't duplicate it in later targets. Not that I didn't try.

If you didn't go to the range yesterday, you should go today.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:33 AM | Comments (0)

August 26, 2004

More opinions, please


or this

or, should I save my sheckels and go for this?

Remember, my desire to do this is driven by nothing more than the fact that I have always been a very good shot with a rifle, and I wonder if I could shoot at distances >500m. I have no idea what, if any, aptitude I have for this sport. Perhaps I should start with the Remington, and move on if I can actually hit the side of a barn at that distance?

But damn, that M21 is awfully nice looking. And don't even think about the M25 "White Feather" model.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:01 PM | Comments (15)

August 18, 2004


If you haven't seen this post at Ravenwood's Universe, go now and then check you SHTF packs.

Here's the pic to the story, courtest of Jack Cluth.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:43 AM | Comments (0)

August 17, 2004

So, do you protect what's yours

or just stand by and let it be taken?

This seems like the best retort of all to the "you don't need a gun for protection - that's what the police are for" crowd, don'tyathink? The sheriff's office knows that looting is going on, but doesn't have the manpower to respond. Do you kill someone trying to steal your TV? I guess I don't know the answer to that question. Does your TV get stolen if you're sitting on what's left of your front porch with a shotgun/AR15/some other gun - I'm guessing no.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:23 PM | Comments (0)

August 12, 2004

Soon to be Rifleman

I didn't get to do alot of shooting while I was away, but the triggertime I was able to put in was excellent.

Mostly because I got to help create another gun junkie.

The nearest public range was over 90 minutes away from where I stayed, so we went out into the large amount of open country, northeast of Helena, MT.

With me was the brother of the Analog Wife, Stan (aka Standar the Merciless) and Standar the Younger (aka the Analog Nephew).

Watermelons were quite cheap. As were the the cantaloupes, cans of green beans (I knew I'd get my revenge one day) and 5 pound bags of potatoes. Not only were they cheap, but they exploded in just they way you want them to when you're giving a young man his first firearms experience.

Notice some of the carnage...

(click for larger carnage view)

We shot a little bit of everything, but the Analog Nephew really enjoyed the scoped 10/22.

By the end of the session, he was nailing 3 inch russet potatoes repeatedly at 50ft in near rapid fire.

Standar the Merciless was kind enough to pose along with the tools of his decidedly less than merciful lifestyle.

I misjudeged the age of another nephew I was hoping to bring along. While the Analog Nephew had his tenth birthday yesterday, the son of the Analog Wife's other brother is only seven. Also, the US Army has sent word that they will be shipping the other brother off to The Sandbox next month. So this might not have been the best time to tell the mom I wanted to take the young man out for his preliminary firearms training.

We'll get onto the topic during the next trip out.

As I mentioned earlier, the Analog Nephew had his 10th birthday yesterday. Before I headed home on Tuesday, I left a little something with Standar the Merciless for him.

The Analog Nephew was doing quite well with the scope, so I figured I'd give him something to help him get used to open sights.

I left my old digital camera with Standar after I bought my new one. I'll be sending the Analog Nephew some targets and other things to practice on. I'm thinking I'll be getting some pics back of the Analog Nephew's progress. And with the progress, we'll see what he gets for his next birthday (he he he!!!).

Oh and just one more pic of the Analog Nephew. I put the short stock AR lower on just for him.

This one is for Diane Feinstein.

I have a single finger upraised in her direction. Guess which one.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:27 PM | Comments (2)

August 03, 2004

Where's Nukevet?

Deep, deep cover:

Posting may be limited - secure satellite uplinks are hard to find.......

Posted by Nukevet at 02:41 PM | Comments (0)

August 02, 2004

Hittin' the Road

By the time y'all read this, I'll probably be on the road to Big Sky Country.

Here is a sampling of the soundtrack of my run to MT.....

As I pull out of the driveway...

Green Onions - Booker T and the MG's (link removed)

This ain't your momma's green onions. Load it up and listen for the surpise at the end.

As I cruise thru the high desert of eastern washington, do-wop will set the pace. I need it so that the journey will get that surreal feeling.

Whispering Bells - The Dell-Vikings featuring Krips Johnson (link removed)

And when I cross the border in Montana, it'll be a re-birth of sorts.

Birth Ritual - Soundgarden (link removed)

I'll try to post daily while I'm away. But probably not alot of current events stuff.

Oh, and to any islamofascists who may stop by, don't think you can try anything while I'm gone.

That's a 105mm artillery shell crate. And it is packed to the gills with ammo. That is only part of the ammunition I'm taking with me, along with 90% of my firearms collection.

Don't mess with Texas. Or Montana.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:49 AM | Comments (0)

August 01, 2004

Is my week getting better or worse?

So, I finally got an answer as to whether the Spanish Mauser I bought a few weeks back is safe to shoot or not.

The Verdict:
I'm lucky to still have my eyes and possible my face.

The firing chamber was so expanded/corroded that gas was escaping all the way around the case. It wasn't so bad as to ruptuire the cases yet, but enough to leave scorch marks inside the chamber down to within 1/4in of the base of the casing.

In my travels to get a thumbs up/down on the Mauser, I got to meet a very kind and very skilled italian gentleman, named Mike Palazzo. This man is going to be very bad for my bank account. While I was visiting his shop, he showed me over half a dozen bolt action rifles he made from scratch. That's right, receivers, bolts, barrels and trigger group. Everything.

Holy crap! I'd never heard of a cartridge called .300 Gonzo. Most likely because it is a creation of one of his customers. The guy who commissioned two of these handmade rifles is making his own casings and doing the math for his handloads. I heard that it will be a 180gr projectile cruising at over 3600fps. Daaaaaamn!

I was sent to Mr. Palazzo by the shop I bought the Mauser at. When he told the guys at the shop about the rifle, they offered to take the rifle back and give me store credit.

Kewl. I'm going to Montana on Monday and when I get over there I will have at least two nephews that have reached the age at which uncles take their nephews to the range. So, I started looking into their 22 bolt action rifle collection and found one I wanted.

Here it is...

(click for bigger)

A Marlin 81TS

Now, I'm going to give you all one warning and one warning only.

If you do not already know how to put something back together, do not take it apart.

I get the gun home (the range was closed for the day while the SASS Cowboys had their state champoinships at my local range) and find that the previous owner buggered up the guts.

The extractor was bent and the spring that actuates the shell kick-up lever was put in backwards. Basically, when you opened the bolt, the shell wouldn't arrive for the bolt to push forward and if you used your finger to bring a shell out of the magazine tube, the bolt wouldn't close because the extractor was bent towards the center of the bolt and was pushing on the back of the shell instead of hooking over the shell's rim.

I've got all that fixed, but I still want to find out who the previous owner was so that I may do the fish slapping dance on his ass.

One more day. I'll be spending all day Sunday getting the vacation gear packed and loaded.

Stop by tomorrow for a portion of the soundtrack I'll be listening to during my travels.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:27 AM | Comments (1)

July 31, 2004

Anyone up to go to the range?

I've had a hell of a week and I'll be heading off to Montana on Monday.

Anyone up for a range session?

I pretty much don't care where I go.

I'll be checking my emails at noon and two Seattle local time.

Let me know.

I may be buying a new 22 rifle but nothing is written in stone.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:45 AM | Comments (2)

July 29, 2004



Posted by Nukevet at 09:36 PM | Comments (3)

I've said it before and I'll say it again

If you have heard my guns have been taken, you will know I am dead.


Oshkosh, Wisconsin - Shooting of Oshkosh police officer results in knee jerk neighborhood gun grab

Following the shooting of an Oshkosh police officer Saturday night, area residents were forced from their homes, their lawful firearms being confiscated by police.

The Oshkosh Police Department's Special Weapons and Tactics Unit responded to the area, with a K-9 police dog in pursuit of the perpetrator who was reported to have fled on foot.

Citizens' guns were seized through searches of area homes. The police promised to return the firearms after forensic tests proved they were not involved in the crime. The injured officer's name was withheld, but media reports indicate his condition is not life-threatening.

"The message is: Hand over your guns, now!" said Corey Graff, executive director of Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc. "This is a blatant case of guilty-until-proven-innocent and an abuse of police power."

Still, residents in the area are furious about the home invasions by police and what they see as theft of their property. Although early reports are unclear, they indicate a search warrant was issued for two homes, yet additional home owners also had firearms confiscated.

"We want the perpetrator of this crime caught and brought to justice just like everyone else," said Graff. "But that doesn't mean the police should trample citizens' 4th amendment protections, steal lawful private property and enter the home without reasonable suspicion or warrant."

One homeowner in the area said his guns were taken by police, guns that hadn't left his gun safe since last hunting season. Another victim of the police searches -- an elderly women -- reported waking up to officers' searching her home in the early morning hours.

The Oshkosh Northwestern reported, "Residents were not being allowed to return to their homes by press time."

Found @ Ravenwood's Universe

Posted by Nukevet at 09:56 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

July 26, 2004

More FYI

I'm in!
(loud website alert)

Mollbot and Dave, check your e-mails.

You comin' Doc?

Posted by Nukevet at 08:32 AM | Comments (1)

July 23, 2004

More rangetime

And again, just to let anyone who might want to join in the fun know, I'll be at The Renton Fish and Game rifle range tomorrow in the afternoon. And probably Sunday too.

Send me an e-mail if you'd like to join me there or if you have another range in mind.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:46 AM | Comments (2)

July 19, 2004

Range Report: Update Mauser

So maybe I didn't get such a good deal on the Mauser.

While I was able to tweak the barrel band retainers so that they stay on, I am having second thoughts about firing full power ammo through it after some of the things that happened today. While I read and trust the H.P. White report that was linked by Kim duToit in this GGP, I like my face. It may not be the most handsome face, but it looks better now than it would with a Mauser bolt sticking out of the right cheek.

That, and I couldn't hit squat. I'd aim at the bullseye, it would hit 9 inches high at 11 o'clock. I'd then aim at the bottom right corner of the target, and it would hit 18 inches high at 11 o'clock (right next to my previous hit), etc. for 30 rounds until I gave up trying.

So here's the plan:

I'm going to inspect the barrel and reciever again for any malformations, cracks or bulges. Pending a thumbs up at the conclusion of the inpsection, I'm going to buy a chamber insert and convert it from 7.62x51 to 7.62x39.

If the caliber conversion is succesful, I'll be adding on this scope base and long eye relief scope.

If it doesn't pass inspection, it better look damn good on my wall.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:24 AM | Comments (3)

July 16, 2004

Announcements and questions

#1 I will be going to the range again this weekend. Both days (gotta break-in the new rifle). You are welcome to join me by sending an e-mail and letting me know you would like to come along. Any experience level. Experienced to not so experienced to only seen them on TV, feel free to come along.

As of now, I am planning on going to the Renton Fish & Game rifle range, but if you have somewhere else in mind, also feel free to let me know.

#2. I will be going on vacation the first two weeks of August. To Montana.

I plan on shooting every single gotdam day while I'm there. I am going to be contacting some Montana bloggers to see if I can get me some company at the various ranges available, but I would like to put the question out to any and all who may have shot at any of the ranges I have left in the extended entry.

Manhattan Wildlife Range in Bozeman

Butte Gun Club in Butte (of course)

North Valley Sportsman Club in Columbia Falls

Great Falls Trap & Skeet Club

Montana Outfitters (also in Great Falls)

Posted by Nukevet at 08:59 AM | Comments (1)

July 15, 2004

Surprise #2

Over the weekend, I spoke of a couple of surprises.

The first was the purchase of an SKS by Mollbot.

The second is my new Spanish M-16 in 308Win

(click for bigger)

A Spanish "Guardia Civil" Mauser M1916, actually.

Hey, I had to buy it. It was $85! (pre 8.9% Washington State sales tax)

The barrel is nice and shiny and the stock has already been sanded and oiled the way I like it. The bolt locks up tight, the trigger is crisp and serial numbers match. And it's now mine.

A range report will be filed this weekend.

You can read more about the Spanish 1916 over at Kim's place

You can see some better pics than I can take over at GunWorld.

If you want to purchase one for yourself for only $119, you can go to Samco (scroll down almost all the way).

Posted by Nukevet at 06:30 PM | Comments (4)

July 12, 2004

Range Report

Went to the range again yesterday. Didn't do quite as well as I did Saturday, but still had a good time.

That is 30 rounds, shot in two groups, one 16rnd group and one 14rnd group, with a 10 minute break taken when a gentleman showed up with a pair of Garands he'd gotten from the CMP.

All I can say is, Very Nice! (click for bigger)

Posted by Nukevet at 08:00 AM | Comments (4)

July 11, 2004

Surprise #1

In my earlier post from today, I spoke of a couple of surprises.

Well, here is the first one.....


When Mollbot and I went to pick up our ammo for the day, we fell prey to what I like to call "The Forward Gun Rack" (A rack of rifles that you have to walk past to get to the ammunition).

Mollbot has a nice post with more pics over at Morpholine. And to any naysayers about the make of the rifle, lets just say that ir was nearly a steal.

And so was mine. But I can't tell you about it yet (stupid NICS delay, can't tell a 32yr old living person from a guy who died in 1982.)

Posted by Nukevet at 07:38 PM | Comments (0)

Gettin' it in gear

Well, as I said on Friday, I went to the rifle range for the afternoon. I got a call from Mollbot, saying he wanted to join me and we set a time and that began the day.

But first, we had to stop by the local ammo supplier to get our projectiles for the afternoon. I decided to upgrade my 5.56 ammo from the uber-cheap Wolf the the slightly more expensive, but not wallet cracking, Black Hills 55gr FMJ. Also, there will be a surprise or two announced later this week from this stop off.

Anyway, we got to the range, found our benches and proceeded to punch some holes in some paper.

And now, I present to you, with Mollbot as my witness....

(click for bigger)

For comparison, this was my target last weekend. Same gun (Bushmaster XM-15). Same shooter (me). Same distance (100yds). Hell, it was the same damn bench (#14).

Different ammo.

I may just spring for the slightly more expensive Black Hills 52gr Match HP, if this is the improvement from Wolf green case.

And because I'm in such a good mood, a here's pic of the tool.

(also click for bigger)

And remember, every weekend in July, on both days, I will be at the range trying to improve this. If anyone in the Puget Sound area, experienced or novice, would like to join me, just send me an e-mail and we'll figure out when and where we can meet up.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:36 AM | Comments (3)

July 03, 2004

Walking 'em in

I met up with one of the Analog Wife's co-workers today for a 'first timer' session at the Renton Fish and Game range. After a couple of hours of learning, she had to go, but I stayed to test out my repairs to the Bushmaster's sights that I made last week.

At the last Blastorama, The gun was shooting so high, the only person who was able to put a hole in the paper at 100yds was Mollbot. And he was aiming at a dandylion 20ft in front of the target. This was with the sight adjusted to the extremes at both ends.

Well, it looks like it is fixed.

Tomorrow, on the Fourth of July, the range will be open.

And I will be going back to celebrate the holiday the same way I do nearly every year and (hopefully) put more of those in the black.

If anyone would like to join me, send me an e-mail. I'll send you the times and location.

Posted by Nukevet at 11:32 PM | Comments (1)

June 30, 2004

Coming out

A friend of mine said this a couple of years ago...

"It was easier coming out as a homosexual to my family of heteros than it was coming out as a gun owner to my gay friends."

I couldn't quite believe her at the time, but this helps it sink in (caution: throwable object alert)

Initially three, then later, four members of the Central Ohio Pink Pistols, a group promoting the safe handling of firearms in the GLBT community, were threatened by the Executive Director of Stonewall Columbus, who wielded a 2-foot club, and up to 30 volunteer security personnel at the Stonewall Columbus Pride Event on Saturday, June 26. The Pink Pistols were repeatedly ordered to surrender their legally-owned and carried firearms by a steadily-growing army of guards. Knowing the law was on their side, the Pink Pistols refused to surrender their property or knuckle under to illegal threats of violence, search, and seizure by Stonewall Columbus personnel. Police were summoned at Pink Pistols request. No firearms were surrendered or confiscated, and no arrests were made, as no laws were broken.

Go read the rest.

Found @ Ravenwood's Universe

Update: And on second thought, I am now adding the Pink Pistols to my blogroll.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:51 PM | Comments (0)

June 23, 2004


Death doesn't alter local Koreans' support for war on terror

The brutal death of a 33-year-old South Korean civilian beheaded Tuesday by terrorists in Iraq stunned members of Houston's Korean community but did not shake their support for the war on terrorism.

"We should completely wipe out that barbaric, inhumane group," said Francis Lee, 75, president of the Korean American Senior Citizens Association.

I've known Koreans, and I can tell you that if they thought murdering one in a savage manner would cower the rest into retreat,...then the terrorists who did this don't know any Koreans. They are proud, and now, they're angry. South Korean Rangers are among the fiercist soldiers in the world. They fought with us in the fiftes, sent men to Vietnam, and now are going to send in 3000 more troops to Iraq.

His captors, who claimed to be linked to Jordanian-born terrorist and suspected al-Qaida operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, had threatened to kill Kim unless South Korea abandoned plans to send 3,000 troops to Iraq. South Korea has 670 medics and engineers in the country.

The jihadists have just picked a fight with someone who can bite back. Not very bright was it? The Koreans may have been willing to help before out of a sense of obligation, now, they have an emotional motive.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:15 AM | Comments (6)

June 22, 2004

Complimentary Arm-Cannon Pic

Since Kim du Toit is a bit too angry to post today, I'll be filling in for your daily fix of firearms.

One gun I would love to own in the future is the 1874 Sharps rifle

Preferably the Quigley Buffalo model.

Sadly, the price for the base model starts at the "couple weeks pay" level and goes up to the "sleeping on the couch for a month" level rather quickly.

Also sadly, the Ballard Rifle, Remington Rolling Blocks and Winchester High Walls aren't any cheaper.

But are just as desirable.

Posted by Nukevet at 11:00 AM | Comments (1)

June 21, 2004

My Father's Day

Since I'm not a dad, I didn't have anyone to attempt any of the usual Father's Day activites for me (which is odd, because the wifey is not a mom, but she got presents and dinner and stuff).

Anyway, I made my own presents.

I took this

And made this

I have decided to go with the stubby stock on this version. To be truthful, the wifey likes this gun (no recoil, not too loud, etc) so I am trying out the shorter stuff that fits her (and this stubby stock is perfect for smaller framed folks).

I'll be ordering the parts for this upper in the next couple weeks.

More updates to follow.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:46 PM | Comments (1)

June 18, 2004

Why you don't walk away from a war with vermin.

Body of U.S. Beheading Victim Found in Saudi Arabia, AP Says

This is how the enemy wishs to be seen by us.

We're supposed to be afraid, to run away, beg for mercy, convert to islam, beat our women,....whatever passes for thought in these sewer dwellers misshapen heads. The opposite reaction is what they'll get, we aren't Spain, the sooner they learn that....the better. This is what they've just earned from us, they've earned death, just as swiftly as we can deliver it. Any KOS retard or Michael Moore fuckhead that says we should just go home and make peace with these guys should be clubbed, hogtied and dropped into a militant neighborhood of islamicist cavemen. Let them cut their own deal.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:16 PM | Comments (3)

June 15, 2004


Ms. Sondra K has posted a pic of her new CZ83

Yay Sondra.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:35 PM | Comments (0)

June 07, 2004

Keeping 'em clean

At the last Blastorama, Mollbot was aking about the stocking of a cleaning kit. But since I can be a ditz at times, I forgot to answer his question that day.

Since this was a weekend of relflection, I decided to do a re-cleaning of some of the Analog Gun Collection and do some reflecting. And since I had the cleaning kit out and was thinking about it, I snapped some pics.

So, here is my cleaning kit. And brands shown or mentioned get my approval, but your milage may vary. If you like to use something you don't see within, put it in the comments and I'll try to check it out.

The majority of it resides inside this $20 tool/tackle box

(click for bigger on all pics)

Notice the kewl Molon Labe sticker? You can get them here.

Click the 'MORE' for the extended entry on this.

Inside the two top compartments are all of my brushes, swabs, patches and patch pushes. I also keep 3 or 4 punches of different sizes and a small tapping hammer in here. Brass is best for punches, since they stand the least chance of marring the finish of your gun. But good ones are expensive and bad ones will frustrate you, so these aluminum woodworking punches do the trick on my service guns.

Also, I try to find rifle brushes in pistol calibers. The only reason I do this is because they are longer, and therefor have more bristles.

Inside I have my collapsable work mat. Otherwise know as a towel (try to remember to not use the wife's "good towels"), a set of needlepoint scrapers (used dental tools), pistol cleaning rod (one piece brass rods are the best), a borelight, multi-bit screwdriver, and a silicon rag for final wipe down after cleaning.

And in the bottom of the box...

From left to right: different types of spray lube, a mini-bucket of Hoppe's #9, different types of solvents, an extra towel and some spare cleaning kits. I keep the parts around for spares or in case someone has misplaced/forgotten their kit.

Outside the box, from left to right: more spare cleaning rods (including one for shotguns), bag of patches, allen wrenches (both SAE and metric), a larger tapping hammer, brass tipped punches, Q-Tips and shop rags.

What you do not see, for obvious reasons, is my one piece brass rifle cleaning rod and my large tub of Hoppe's. Both are necessary.

If you plan on owning and/or shooting large quantities of firearms, buy stock in Johnson and Johnson. After a good weekend of shooting, I can pretty much go through that entire brick of Q-Tips in cleaning 7 or 8 guns.

As for cleaning patches, I have found that, for some reason, .223 cal patches are cheaper that most other patches. Especially in large quantities. That is a pack of 1000 and they'll be gone in 3-4 months of semi-serious shooting.

The .223 cal patches work fine in all calibers (except shotguns, of course) provided you use a patch pusher and not the type you thread like a needle.

Keep 'em clean. Someday, they might just save your ass.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:45 AM | Comments (2)

June 05, 2004

A question

In the comments of this post from earlier today, I was asked why I needed an 'assault rifle'.

The answer, of course, is because I want one. This is still America, right?

To the asker, and to anyone who wishes to stop by, please point out the differences between these two rifles...

Bushmaster XM-15

Remington 7400

Both are semi-automatics, both use detatchable box magazines*, both have a parkerized finish and black plastic stocks fore and aft.

The Bushmaster is a 223. A varmit hunting cartridge. It can kill a man, but only with a good to excellent hit**. And after a few hundred yards, hitting your actual target can become quite a challenge.***

The smallest cartridge the 7400 is available in is 243Win. While not much larger in diameter than a 223, the power behind it makes it a human killer out to at least 500 yards. It is also available in 30-06, which stretches it's range out to over 1000 yards.

Why is only one of these considered an "Assault Rifle"?

And which gun is more dangerous?

And yet, which one is banned?

*There are commercially available 10rnd mags for the 7400 and 7600 pump action. I've even seen custom made 20 rounders (made by welding 4's together and fabing up a spring). They cost about $70, but my M1A mags cost $50.

**I don't want to hear about bullet tumbling. I want a bullit that drops what it hits.

***To all you long distance AR shooters. Yeah, you might be able to shoot your 5.56 at ridiculous distances, but can any chucklehead pick up your rifle and do this? I didn't think so.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:41 PM | Comments (6)

The Check is in the Mail

Actually, I used a credit card and sent the order via the web.

I got a little bonus in the the paycheck area and was able to put the order out yesterday for both the lower parts assy for the Bushmaster

And the stock

I chose the stubby stock for this one so as to make it easier for the wife to shoot. If she likes this one, I'll build another for her after I get my M1A.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:16 AM | Comments (1)

To eBay or not to eBay

I was zipping around eBay, looking into accessories for my soon to be new rifle (the M1A) when I came across this message

As June 8th, 2004, eBay will no longer be allowing the listing of items that include parts and accessories for assault rifles.

I would like to think that this is just some putz putting this on his ad listing hoping to raise the bid prices, but sadly, I have seen it on a number of adds for different items from different sellers. So, I'm pretty sure this is not a joke.

Now, I use eBay for buying misc stuff. Odd ball CD, posters and quite often, gun parts in lots. Mostly, I'll go through and look for either a particular part or a deal on a large group of parts I think I may need in the future. You would not believe how many bits and pieces of 1911 stuff I have (Mollbot and Raging Dave have seen only a couple of my bins) from doing this.

Now, I am a bit pissed at eBay for doing this, but I halfway expected it. They put a ban on the selling of 10+ round mags long ago. This was just a natural progression.

If anyone knows of any decent auction sites that haven't been taken over by FFL holders, let me know.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:05 AM | Comments (2)

May 28, 2004

I love the smell of gun parts in the morning

The paycheck falls in my hands and I trade part of it for this...

Next week, the guts. The week after that the stock.

Yay for me!

You can do this too. Go here or here.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:54 PM | Comments (0)

May 26, 2004


Since I am over half way to my M1A, and in order to get ahead of myself monetarily, I am already thinking of my next project gun.

I am wanting a rifle. In a large caliber. Something inbetween .30 and .45 diameter caliber.

But I am undecided and am looking for suggestions.

I got my inspiration from Olympic Arms.

They make ultra strong, pre-64 Winchester Model 70 actions for heavy magnum calibers.

I will probably hunt with this rifle. Probably at extended distances. Probably nothing bigger than elk.

I would prefer a cartridge I can buy off the shelf, but handloading doesn't scare me and would probably be a good learning experience.

Help a brother out.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:47 AM | Comments (7)

May 18, 2004


Alas, it is complete.

(click for supersize)

Back in January, it started out like this.

Then, I got the guts for it.

I then ordered the bolt and carrier kit. And a couple weeks ago, the upper arrived.

I got to build one more. Then, I get one of these

Posted by Nukevet at 10:08 AM | Comments (3)

May 10, 2004

hard lessons

If God forbid, you ever find yourself in a country with the UN telling you that you're safe and under their protection......

Grab your gun, your wife, your kids and head for the fucking hills!

Posted by Nukevet at 01:46 AM | Comments (1)

April 28, 2004

Let the fretting begin

The criminal enablers/true-believers in gun control are starting to worry about the sunsetting of the "Assault Weapons Ban". Hence the alarmist article/report by the lamestream media here in Seattle, which I shall commence fisking.

There is a poll connected to this article. GO THERE NOW and help bend the curve.

Fisking to start in 3...2...1...

Local Police Make Plea On Assault Weapons Ban
By Essex Porter, KIRO News

SEATTLE -- With the federal ban on assault weapons set to expire, Seattle's police chief made a plea to the president Tuesday.

Because he's a pansy turd of a police chief. During the March 2003 anti-war rallies, he caved in to nearly demand made by the demonstrators. Including, but not limited to decreasing the number of cops on the street because the protesters said they "felt threatened".

Inside the Seattle Police evidence locker, there are assault-style weapons. If the ban is lifted, it will again be perfectly legal to sell them.

Yes, it will be perfectly legal to sell them to law abiding citizens! Oh the horror! As of now, the only people who can buy them are CRIMINALS, you halfwitted, grovelling hopolophobe.

Supporters of the ban say it has worked -- that after 10 years, far fewer of the guns traced to crime are assault weapons.

Supporters of the ban also say that the only people who want to own a so called 'assault weapon' are either terrorists, gang-banger or militia member.

How odd. I want one, but I'm am not included in any of the above groups of people.

The Gun Fearing Wussies are wrong again.

"I believe I've been shot at by one of those. I don't want to be facing them, that's for sure," said Tom Fitzgerld of the Seattle Police SWAT Team.

But at least the city cares enough to arm you appropriately, pal.

How would you like to be facing down some homegrown islamofascist with a pelletgun. That is what the people who want the AWB re-signed are willing to 'allow' me to have. At least until someone puts an eye out.

In the evidence vault, dozens of assault-style weapons -- one of them called the Street Sweeper -- are all illegal to sell since Congress banned them in 1994.

Wait, just a few sentences back, the gun grabbers claimed that fewer crimes were being committed with 'assault weapons'. I've seen the Seattle PD gun vault! It ain't that big. And Seattle likes to melt the guns down after they're done with them. So where'd all these ones come from?

Western Washington mother Heidi Yewman is a graduate of Colorado's Columbine High School. Some of her former teachers were killed by assault weapons. "It astonishes me that we are not willing, our government is not willing to keep these banned," she said.

And here comes the tear jerker. The AWB sure didn't stop Klebold and Harris. Oh wait! NONE OF THE GUN LAWS ON THE BOOKS STOPPED KLEBOLD AND HARRIS.


But gun rights advocates say the number of crimes committed with assault weapons is few. "About 2 to 3 percent of the crimes reported involve these so-called assault weapons and that's not me talking, that's the Justice Department," said David Workman of Gun Week.

OH NO! FACTS! Backed up by a source! How dare he do that!

Workman said gun control advocates have another agenda. "They're not really interested in banning certain semi-automatic firearms, the ultimate goal is to get them all. Whether it's a semi-automatic rifle or your grandpa's 12 gauge shot gun," he said.

Yep. After the 'assault weapons' are taken care of, the anti-gunners will start up the "Shotguns are very dangerous weapons. Only a criminal would want a shotgun" cry.

President Bush has promised to sign a renewal of the assault weapons ban, but he doesn't appear to be pushing for one.

Because it took him a bit to figure out that gun control is a losing issue.

"Members of Congress: shame on them if they don't pass this out and put this on the president's desk," said Gil Kerlikowske, Seattle Police Chief.

And shame on you, Kerlikowske, for being a dumbass. I would take one Sheriff Dave Reichert over a dozen of the likes of you. And I'm very happy I no longer live within your cities limits.

Kiss my ass, Kerlikowske.

Despite the demand to continue the ban, there is no evidence the Republican-controlled Congress will pass it.

Because they HAVE figured out that gun control is a losing issue. Hopefully.

But here in Washington, it is not over.

I am hearing whines and moans from members of city, county, and state lawmakers saying that if the AWB doesn't get re-newed, they'll try to get a statewide version passed.

I am taking apporpriate measures.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:50 AM | Comments (5)

April 26, 2004

My worst day at the range

Still beats my best day at work.

So I went off to the range yesterday afternoon. Since my usual spot (Wade's) won't let the 7.62×39 round be fired inside, I decided to pay a visit to a place I haven't been to in over a decade.

Renton Fish and Game Club

All was going well. I arrived, paid my range fee, made my way to the rifle range and unloaded my stuff. I then found my shooting bench, got set up and headed downrange to set up my target.

First shot with the new SKS. 100yds. I got all snugged up and pulled the trigger.

And immediately punched myself in the nose.

You see, I neglected to remember that the stock was built for 5'5" Chinese guys. Not for 6'4" Yankee Dogs with long monkey arms. The receiver came back with the recoil and gave me a 'reminder tap' on the tip of my schnoz.

My nose didn't bleed, but I deserved to have it do so.

But that was OK. I learned my lesson and continued on.

A few rounds later, I reach for my spotting scope. And, because I'm an idiot, I didn't notice that during the process of lighting off the SKS, the excess gun oil put there by the guns previous owner (what I like to call bug juice) had gotten all over my hands.

And I dropped the dang scope. It hit the table, gathered momentum and went over the edge and onto the concrete.

But that was even OK. It was a $30 clunker that I picked up at a garage sale a while back. And I continued to just shoot and hope for the best.

But doing so leads to things like this

Click for supersucky larger view)

The larger holes are the SKS. It shot to the left. Way left. The problem has been corrected. The smaller holes are the 10/22. I had it sighted in for the 60ft range at Wade's but that made it shoot about 4 inches low at 100yds.

But since I couldn't see the itty-bitty holes made by the 22LR 100yds away and the rangemaster only stopped the firing line every 15 minutes, I had alot of waiting time and did alot of guess shooting.

But that was OK, because I eventually got it re-dialed in.

And then, as the final insult of the day, I finally get both rifles dialed in and get to putting down some halfway decent groups. And as is wont to happen with myself and battery operated devices, the digital camera died.

But as the saying goes, "My worst day at the range is still better than my best day at work."

Now here is a guy who's day at the range at least went a little better than mine.

Head on over to Mr. Dogtulosba's place and let him know we haven't forgotten about him.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:31 AM | Comments (6)

April 23, 2004

Papa's got a brand new...


When I posted the link last week about the $300 CETMEs, I wandered down to one of my local firearms retailers to see if, by chance, they may have had one or more in stock.

Sadly, they didn't.

But they did have this....

(click for bigger)

It is an early Norinco SKS. Machined reciever, screw-in barrel, folding spike bayonet, and, of course, matching serial numbers, right down to the press in the stock (which still has the original cleaning kit in the cubby).

All for $160.

I also picked up 20 of the ten-round stripper clips for $7.

The usual retreat for the Blastorama (Wade's of Bellevue) won't let the 7.62×39 cartridge be fired indoors, so an alternate location will be found and invites will be going out shortly.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:35 AM | Comments (4)

April 22, 2004

I'm a little unhappy with the Blogosphere Today

And with Fox News

I first saw this story over at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical

Illegal Arms Shipment Seized En Route to U.S.

But I didn't click on the link.

I then saw it at 4 Right Wing Wackos

Raging Dave made a rather funny quip at which I giggled an evil giggle.

Until I clicked on the link.

While the poking fun at the stupidity of the New York Post reporter and at Fox for using the stupid reporters story is all well and good, I am afraid that people aren't seeing the real story here.

Before I point out the real story here, I want to express some anger over this line,

"The ship's deadly hoard of more than 7,500 terrorist-grade rifles and machine guns"

I know that the press are ignorant, but jeez-louise, can you get anymore dramatic?

And this line,

The AK-47s had been tampered with so they couldn't be rapidly fired, but the modification was one that could easily have been reversed, authorities said.

Fuck "the authorities"! Again, ignorant people shouldn't write on subjects they don't know anything about. Would anyone like to know how to make a Ruger 10/22 rock & roll? That is a modification that can be easily done AND reversed (and no one could ever tell you made the mod). But I don't hear anyone calling the 10/22 "terrorist-grade".

Now onto the real story that it seems everyone missed,

"Documents showed the cargo containers were ultimately headed to a large U.S. company based in Georgia."

While the NYPost and Fox would like to imply that these guns were on their way to some crazy Imam in Georgia so that he can distribute them amongst his 'followers', that is simply not the case.

Back in the mid 80's, there were 3 main importers of the first SKS's and AK-47's into the US. One was in So Cal, one was in Las Vegas AND ONE WAS IN GEORGIA.

Where do Glock's come from? Yeah, yeah, Austria. But they enter America through Smyrna, Georgia!

Someone is gambling here.

They have put a minimum of 1.25 MILLION DOLLARS on the line, gambling that the Assault Weapons Ban will be going bye-bye later this year so that when it does, they will be the first in line with some prime MACHINED RECIEVER ROMAINIAN AK-47's.

According to the AWB, the guns cannot be SOLD. It mentions nothing about POSSESSED. If, through some deal with the devil, the AWB does get re-signed, the gambler can make most of his money back selling the parts.

That's the real story here. Start saving now, folks. I've seen all grades of the Romainan AK. They are of an above average quality and can cost a bit more than others.

And, although I don't have 1.25 mil to gamble with, I would like to propose a wager myself.

I will bet that I am right in my interpretation. The first 5 people wanting to bet $20 that I am wrong are in. All bets will be paid via PayPal

And to let you all know, I am holding back on some info. Including about why the cash was also in the load.

And when I am proven right, I can either buy 1000rnd case of ammo or half of another SKS.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:19 AM | Comments (5)

April 21, 2004

Gone shooting

Not me this time, I'm talking about Mollbot.

Pete, the gunsmith @ Wade's has nearly completed repairs on Mollbot's Kimber Pro-Carry and he got to shoot it yesterday, with decent results.

While not a half bad grouping, don't be giving the guy jeers, he was concentrating more on the gun actually functioning, not accuracy.

Pete modified the malfunctioning part instead of making Mollbot wait for Kimber to get off their lying asses and send the proper one (we're 6 weeks on, so far). It works well enough now, but I don't think Mollbot will be either forgetting or forgiving Kimber for being pricks about this problem.


On another note, Frank J of IMAO fame went shooting recently. He doesn't actually say when, but I would guess that it was sometime over the weekend.

Also, with decent results

I sent him an e-mail about the Blogger Blastorama a week or so before the event, but I never heard back from him. Now I find that he actually went to the range, but by himself and he took no 'in the booth pics'.

This will not do.

While I am not wanting to bicker with the ever-hilarious Frank, but golly gee-willikers, give a brother some love here.

I think I will have to use some of Frank's tactics against him when the next Blastorama rolls around (tentativly, May 15th) to try and get a plug from him.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:39 AM | Comments (9)

April 20, 2004

Blair opening a rift?

I doubt that the comments of Tony Blair are intended to force a break between him and George Bush. Probably more a play to the anti-semtic hard left in his own party. The left has it's own yahoo's, especially the socialist ones who routinely polish Arafat's ass with kisses. I think Bush did what he had to, we can't be a fair broker between two warring parties when one of them is Hellbent on the utter destruction of the only real democracy in the middle east. When the one tragets the children of the other, when one sees peace as merely a step on the way to genocide.

Abdel Aziz Rantissi was a baby killing piece of shit, he was a legitamit target, and death came not soon enough to him. The line to piss on his grave should encompass every decent human being. There is no justification for suicide bombers killing civilians in mass, the Palestinians apologists can whine about due process, but in this case due process was served up with a Hellfire missile.

Justice was served, on to the next target.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:18 AM | Comments (1)

April 15, 2004

Today is the day: Part 1

Today is Buy A Gun Day.
Brought to you by Aaron the Liberal Slayer

Recognize either of these two fellows?

I don't have one for myself yet. Mostly because I keep the pics of me well hidden (don't want to go scarin' the children, you see).

But here's one,

And that reminds me, this weekend is the April Blastorama (nice how that all ties together, huh?)

While I will be spending enough money to buy a whole gun, I am only picking up one of these today.

While not a complete firearm, the liberal pucker factor of the black plastic alone is worth the expense.

Sadly, Aaron was only able to collect $280 towards his first gun. Just over half of a Springfield Armory XD-9 and not quite 1/3 of a 1911. But if you've a couple $$ to spare, he's still taking donations.

Now get out there and at least by some ammo today.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:17 AM | Comments (5)

April 13, 2004

Help a Sister Out

Ms. Sondra K is wanting to take her "Tax Cut For The Rich" and use it to purchase a firearm for self defense.

And she is asking for suggestions.

While she is leaning towards this,

I am trying to steer her towards something more along the lines of this.

Remember, she has only been shooting regularly for a few months now, so she is not a novice but also not an expert.


And I agree with Mollbot. I like the girl in the pic too, so I brought her on over to RNS.

You gotta love a well armed woman in cammie jammies. G*d knows I have (in another life).

Wrestling with sprout eating, college hipster chicks gets boring after a while.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:10 AM | Comments (2)

April 12, 2004

Don't Forget

Only a few more days until April 15th.

AKA Buy A Gun Day

And don't forget to help Aaron out with his 'Help Buy Aaron Buy His First Gun' fund, while you're there.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:55 AM | Comments (0)

April 06, 2004

A pair of stiffs

Lucky stiffs that is.

Both The Poor Schmuck and The Rivrdog are on the road again.

Rivrdog will be picking up his new yacht sometime this week.

Check out the craft here

And The Schmuck is on an extended family outing in Florida.

Check out his vacation digs.

Man, I need to make more money.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:06 AM | Comments (1)

April 01, 2004

Help Aaron Buy a Gun

And not just ANY gun,

His First Gun.

Now that our bear has found his way home, you may have noticed that the "Have You Seen Me?" tab has been replaced with one of Aaron's BAG Day tabs.

While buying a gun for yourself this April 15th is an important thing, so is helping Aaron become a gun owner.

Mr. The Liberal Slayer will be helping me promote our upcoming Blogger Blastorama and, in return, we will be helping him get his word out.

And to put my money where my mouth is, I have given a piece of my latest paycheck to Aaron for his 'Buy Aaron a Gun' Fund.

If you can do so as well, just remember, Aaron lives and works in LA.

By him getting a pistol, he will both be protecting himself and his family and pissing off every city official in LA and most of the rest of the ones in California.

And that is worth a $5 donation in and of itself.

And while I would prefer that he get the stainless Springfield 1911 over the XD-9, for half the price, it is a good choice. He has let me know that he has shot the XD-9 recently and did rather well with it. So more power to him.

Now head on over and give until the criminals hurt.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:23 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

March 30, 2004

Double tap to your gun rights

At Ravenwood's Universe I found a pair stories that both come to you with a warning to remove all throwable objects from your immediate area.


Tom Diaz, Violence Policy Center's spokeman admits that the 'Assault Weapons Ban' is not about guns, it is about control.

"If the existing assault weapons ban expires, I personally do not believe it will make one [bit] of difference one or another in terms of our objective which is reducing death and injury and getting particularly lethal class of firearms off the street, so if it doesn't pass, it doesn't pass."


It seems that some sheriffs in Ohio are trying to 'delay' (read: stop) the issuance of Concealed Pistol Licenses in their respective jurisdictions.

In Cuyahoga Co., the sheriff's office is telling citizens they won't take applications until their new office space is prepared, perhaps around the end of May.

In Darke, Stark and Tuscawaras counties, sheriffs are attempting to accept applications "by appointment only".

In Shelby Co., the sheriff is attempting to add an additional hour-long class (taught by himself) to the requirements for getting a license.

Which is part of the reason I do not want Sherrif Reichert to win the open seat in the House that Ms. Jennifer Dunn has decided not to pursue. He is a good sherrif who supports the rights of those who live in his jusridiction to own and carry personal firearms.

A very rare thing in the Seattle Metro area.

And as a bonus, head on over and congratulate Ravenwood on the purchase of his first M1 Carbine.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:49 AM | Comments (4)

March 22, 2004

No, I am Not Dead

Sorry to be away, but school has been kicking my ass for a while. I hope to be caught up soon, but for the last three weeks or so, I have barely had time to read a few blogs to keep up with current events.

In the good news department, I recently added a new member to my firearm collection. A Marlin 1894 Cowboy in .357 Mag found its way into my gun cabinet. With the 24" octagonal barrel, its appearance is comfortingly traditional, but it has a hammer block safety to go with the original half-cock. I picked .357 Mag so it would take the same ammo as my Taurus 608, and produces negligible recoil. Like most of my guns, it is far more accurate than I am. ;)

Anybody know of a good carbine in .45 ACP? I need a partner for my USP.

Now I just need to find a decent outdoor range......

Posted by Nukevet at 04:42 AM | Comments (7)

March 19, 2004

You go grrrl

Lee @ Right Thinking from the Left Coast is in Texas during his fathers recovery from a heart transplant.

He saw something wonderful there yesterday (besides his dad's recovery).

So I took my mom out for lunch to this new Thai place around the corner. The food was pretty good. While we were sitting there eating I looked over at a table across the restaurant. There was what appeared to be a young mother, early to mid 20s, with a newborn baby in a high chair. With her were an older child, maybe three or so, and an older couple, most likely her parents. The woman was quite doting over her kids, playing peekaboo and the like. It was quite a heartwarming scene.

It was when the young woman stood up to get something out of a bag that was on the floor that I noticed the Glock 9mm that was strapped to her waist. I appraised her once again, and it didn't look like she was a police officer, due to the casual style of her clothing and the fact that she didn't have a visible badge. She looked too young to be a detective, at any rate.

Nope, she was just a young woman with two kids who, thanks to Texas' respect for the 2nd Amendment, has the ability to defend herself and her family should the situation arise. I'd love to see some scumbag try and carjack this young lady.

You Go Grrrl!!!!!!

Posted by Nukevet at 05:53 AM | Comments (3)

March 17, 2004

You looking at us Syria?

You must be looking at us.

Kurdish sources said Syrian intelligence arrested hundreds of suspected Kurdish separatists in Aleppo and surrounding communities. The unrest was sparked by a soccer riot on Friday in the town of Qamishli near the Turkish border.

Syrian officials have accused the United States of fomenting the Kurdish riots. They said the Kurds, who raised U.S. flags during anti-regime demonstrations, were connected to the U.S.-aligned Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in northern Iraq.

Yeah, keep squashing those pro-democracy uprisings.

It'll guarantee that you see even more US flags very soon, assholes.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:35 AM | Comments (0)

March 15, 2004

Four More Years

Ok, actually five more years....

Surprise #1

I recently got my renewed License to Carry Concealed Pistol in the mail.

Ain't it pretty?

All red, white and blue too!

(This is not an actual CPL. My camera takes really crappy close-up shots so I made one up with MS Picture It)

Posted by Nukevet at 09:34 AM | Comments (3)

February 26, 2004

And here you have it....

The first of what I'm sure will be many attempts to back-door renewal of the "assault rifle" ban.

The GOP-controlled Senate plans to take up the legislation Wednesday, with Republicans saying they have enough votes to pass it in an early morning vote. But Democrats plan to force votes on at least two other gun issues they want to attach to it, including an amendment to renew the assault weapons ban and another to require background checks for all purchasers at gun shows.

Am I missing something here - background checks are already required for all purchasers at gun shows, aren't they?

And this part is just pure fiction:

Getting the 1994 assault weapons prohibition renewed has been a Democratic priority this year. They picked up support Tuesday from GOP Sens. John Warner of Virginia, Mike DeWine of Ohio and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island.

"Although I voted against the ban a decade ago, over the past 10 years it has reduced crime dramatically and has made our streets safer," Warner said. "The legislation also has protected the rights of gun owners better than many of us predicted."

Show me where ANYONE has shown that the assault weapons ban has done anything to crime statistics. Even the CDC had to admit that there was no evidence that gun control laws OR BANNING CERTAIN WEAPONS had any effect on crime.

A sweeping federal review of the nation's gun-control laws � including mandatory waiting periods and bans on certain weapons � found no proof such measures reduce firearm violence.
The review, released yesterday, was conducted by a task force of scientists appointed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

I posted on the CDC study when it was first released here and here and here.

Posted by Nukevet at 01:28 AM | Comments (1)

February 15, 2004

Warm Barrels and smiles all around

Ahhhh, another day at the range is done. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.

We are assembling the pics from yesterday's Blogger Blastorama and will have a full report tomorrow. There were two new folks who came on down as guests as bloggers that you'll be introduced to as well.

And a little bird tells me that Mollbot has given a home to yet another orphaned firearm this weekend. So you may want to head over here later today to see if he'll give us a peek. I don't see myself being able to keep up with him on the new purchases lately. But, oh well, I think I can live with myself.

So long as his accountant doesn't start to hunt me down.

See you all tomorrow. The Analog Wife has today off and we will be celebrating a belated St. Valentine's Day today.

If you have nothing on your plate today, head to the range darn it!

And send me pics.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:47 AM | Comments (1)

February 14, 2004


What do you think you're doing here?

There are only two things you should be doing today.

#1. Spending time with your significant other or,

#2. Going to the range.

Or both.

Remember, there is no better way to show someone you love them than by buying them a shooting lane and some ammo.

Yeah, yeah, trips to Rome are nice. But you have to go home sometime. Diamonds are forever. Until they slip off the finger and down the sink or shower drain. Chocolates give you cavities. Flowers die. Lingere needs to be washed by hand.

So take your loved one shooting.

And if you're single, you might meet a very nice person who is also spending today at the range.

We'll see you all on Sunday. And then on Monday with pics.

PS - If you are outside the Seattle area do go shooting this weekend, send me the pics (analogkidATsoftgreenglowDOTcom) and let me know where abouts you are and I'll get them posted.

Remeber, next month we're going to try to take this thing Coast to Coast.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:23 AM | Comments (0)

February 13, 2004

Buy it cheap

And stack it deep.

And then buy some more for the range.

Get ready ladies and gents, the St. Valentine's Day Seattle Blogger Blastathon is tomorrow.

Earlier this week, I posted a list of firearms I would be bringing. Sadly, I may be one Winchester 1894 short on the day of the shoot. I have gotten two professional opinions and they both say that I will have to send it back to the factory for warranty repairs. 6 to 8 weeks without my lever action might just send me into a deep depression, but probably not. I still have my shotgun.

But not to fear! Ms. Leigh has recently made a purchase of a brother of my 1894 and she says that she will be bringing her's along to share. I just hope my 94 still has its gorgeous walnut stocks when it comes back from the factory.

See all you Seattle bloggers tomorrow.

To everyone else, head out to the range and join us in spirit. Like you really need an excuse to go shooting.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:15 AM | Comments (2)

February 12, 2004

Help Wanted

Or at least, 'Help Needed'.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

It looks to me like Israel has a shortage of snipers (aka marksmen, precision riflemen, sharpshooters, etc)

In exhibit A, you have a single individual setting up mortar launching device. While not rocket science, I seriously doubt that any of the future bodybag occupants dancing around him have the knowledge to set it up.

A single sniper of moderate skill would be able to make the shot necessary to halt the masked individual from successfully completeing the set up of the device. The dancing fools around him would only be a minor hinderance.

And as long as the IDF weren't too worried about the bad press they'd get anyway for killing the masked individual, a wounding shot on one of the human shields would most likely scatter the rest, leaving the masked individual in a very good position to meet Allah.

Exhibit B is an even easier situation.

From the picture, the buildings in the background look to be approximately 500 to 600 yards away. Even with a decent crosswind, that is childs play to a skilled riflemen.

The people dancing behind the 'brave militants' (as reuters would call them), would probably be less inclined to aspire to become 'gunmen' in the future when they see one of their idol's heads turn into a fine mist.

I'm really getting worried that Israel has not taken into account the ability of snipers in urban warfare. I am unable to get even an approximate count of the snipers in the IDF, but from these two pics, I can tell that there are not nearly enough.

As is being shown in Iraq today, as has been shown in every other major conflict that America has been involved in, going all they way back to the Revolutionary War and as the Soviets learned in the defense of Stalingrad, a good sniper is worth a company of men.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:32 PM | Comments (6)

A damn good idea

In yesterday's gratuitous post publicizing this weekend's Blogger Blastorama, Ms. Emily Nelson brings up something I had only thought about for a few quick moments when I first wanted to get together with other bloggers and go shooting.

Taking the Blogger Blastathon nationwide, baby!

That is right. If you have a favorite blog (besides RNS, oh the shame) or blogs that you visit and you know that they are firearm owning folk, let them know that we are having a meet here in Seattle and see if they would hold a meet in their area.

Or, if the meet this weekend is too short of a timeframe, have them get ahold of me and I'll let them know in advance about future meets so that they can get a head start on gathering people for the next one.

Happiness is a bunch of bloggers with warm guns.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:31 AM | Comments (4)

February 11, 2004

New stuff

While I haven't gone out and purchased any new guns for the St. Valentine's Day Blogger Blastathon (Link 1 - Link 2), I have finally received by new, aftermarket wood grips for my CZ 83.

Ain't it a handsome firearm?

The new grips do beef up the grip a bit. Something that did not make the wife (and her teeny little hands) very happy, but I may order a second set and play with them to see if I can narrow them down a bit.

I will be bringing a screwdriver and the stock plastic grips to the Blastathon in case the woods prove uncomfortable to those who want to shoot it.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:13 AM | Comments (7)

February 10, 2004

It is not all my fault

I would like everyone to go over to Morpholine right now and give Mollbot a big round of Congratulations.


Because he is now fully legal to carry a concealed pistol in the State of Washington (and a few other states as well).

Why is this not all my fault?

Well because he assigning some of the blame to Mr. Kim du Toit. And of course, he went into the city building to apply under no duress.

Soooo, I'd say that it is actually all his fault!

Neener Molbot! And congratulations!

Posted by Nukevet at 09:56 AM | Comments (1)

February 05, 2004

I'm not so sure about this

Jennifer Dunn, Washington States 8th District Congresswoman recently announced that she would not be seeking re-election. And there has been a bunch of speculation as to who would take her place on the Republican ticket in the race for her spot in the US House of Repersentatives.

One of the names that has popped up is none other than King County Sheriff Dave Reichert. Tomorrow he will be holding a press conference to announce whether he will run or not. And I'm hoping (just a little bit) that he says he won't run.

I have written about Sheriff Reichert before. I have nothing but praise for the man. In late autumn of last year, the 9-1-1 call center got a late night phone call from him stating that he was holding a car prowler at gunpoint. When the deputies rolled up, there he was, down the street from his house, in his bath robe and slippers and sidearm.

Like I said, he is a good man.

When he isn't stuck in his office, the guy responds to calls. If you live in his jurisdiction and call for help, you stand a good chance to have the top police officer in King County (the most populous county in the state) be the one who responds. And I'm not talking about weenie 'Oooo! Someone broke into my car! Come take a report!' calls. He shows up at in-progress domestic violence altercations (for those not in the know, DV calls are one of the most dangerous call for police officers this side of an in-progress robbery).

And that is the reason I'm hoping he doesn't run. I think that being stuck around all of those phoney-baloney pols and lobbyists in D.C. would put him out of his head. Or get him in trouble when/how he tells them to piss off.

I would gladly support his run for the soon to be open, King County Executive spot. Or a 2008 Governor run. Heck, I'd even work for either of those campaigns. But while I wish him the best, I just cannot see him going from his current spot to D.C. and staying sane.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:06 AM | Comments (0)

February 04, 2004

And now,

The continuation of the "Bending Our Knees to Our So Called Allies" show.

The US is preparing to cut the number of troops stationed in Europe by up to a third, diplomats said on Tuesday. This will be one of the biggest reductions since American soldiers were first based there after the second world war.

Washington will not establish new permanent bases in eastern Europe - allaying fears that the Pentagon was preparing to punish some countries of "old Europe" for their opposition to the US-led war against Iraq.

"If anything, the troops taken out of Europe will be sent home," said a Nato diplomat. "From there, they will be sent on exercises or training missions to small bases established on a temporary basis in Poland, Romania or Bulgaria. The old days of the giant US barracks . . . are over."

Romania and Bulgaria will be disappointed by the news, although east European diplomats played down their concerns. "We will be delighted if we now get a little base," one said.

Russia has warned against moves by Nato or the US to shift forces eastwards once seven new countries, all former communist states, join the European Union in May.

In Moscow last week Colin Powell, US secretary of state, told Vladimir Putin, Russian president, that Washington had no intention of encircling Russia.

"We are not looking to move bases, of the kind we used to have during the Cold War, closer to Russia just to put a base closer to Russia," said Mr Powell.

Diplomats said the Pentagon was set on creating highly flexible, small units that could be moved quickly to temporary bases. General Jones, the US commander in Europe and Nato's military chief, wants to create these structures for Nato as well.

I don't care if we are scaring Russia. These eastern European countries have given us more support than anyone expected them to. We should be doing the same back for them.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:01 AM | Comments (2)

February 02, 2004

More stuff I'd forgotten

Raging Dave sent me this yesterday. I think I saw this over at From the Halls to the Shores right before the great iPowerWeb sneeze and just forgot to post it.

I can think of one woman in particular that handles the 45ACP rather well, but otherwise, it is pretty darn close.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:35 AM | Comments (7)

January 23, 2004

Eh, It's OK

I found the link to this over at the Spoonman. I read the whole thing and have come to the conclusion that they are re-inventing the buggy.

XM8 Assault Rifle
By Murdoc Online

There are lots of pics over at Murdoc's place of this thing (I'm still having trouble with pics). I swear I saw this thing 2 years ago at Toys-R-Us.

The XM8 (M8 if it's adopted) assault rifle is a proposed replacement for the current M16 rifle and M4 carbine, the standard infantry weapons in today's US military. The XM8 action is based upon the Hechler & Koch G36, a tried and true infantry weapon with a reputation for toughness and reliability. The XM29 OICW, which combined both an assault rifle and a smart grenade launcher, turned out to be too heavy, fragile, and expensive. The rifle part of the XM29 was adapted to become the XM8. The smart grenade launcher part of the XM29 is being developed separately as the XM25.

My opinion: Squads of 6-8.
1 - SAW
1 - 12ga
Everybody else gets a machine pistol. The MAC-10 carbine
is prefered because it has even fewer parts than the M-3 Greasegun.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:57 AM | Comments (12) | TrackBack

December 15, 2003

Answer to an unasked question.

We are pariah's, outcasts among the world community, so sayeth the leftwing faithful. That we have enemies is not in doubt, never has been. But their contension that the feelings against us are universal are just absurd. As was recently pointed out to me by a libertarian, AWolf, we have always been considered pariah's and outcasts. By the governments and elites of the world, but not so much their citizens, they vote with their feet. Nobody had to climb over barbed wire to get INTO the Soviet bloc, but they sure as Hell had to to get out didn't they?

We are the bad guys says the hard left, the world hates us for what we've done in Iraq. Explain this then please......

Care to guess which ones are
Iraqi journalists?

In Stockholm


South Korea

Our own imigre population

And finally in Iraq itself.

These images are plain enough, no fancy words can deny the joy in the eyes of people who have been freed of a fear. Saddam the boogeyman is no more, it's Saddam the coward, the betrayer, the butcher, the tyrant.

And now Saddam the inmate.

Justice and mercy have had a good day on Sunday. Try as they might, the monkeys of the radical left can't pull down what many people feel, can't change what's clearly in their hearts. Their bitterness is their own, it's not something a great many people choose to share.

I think they have been pretty elequent here already, don't you?

Photos courtesy of Yahoo news.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:34 AM | Comments (5)

December 14, 2003

It did look cool in the movies

The German MP40, also known as the Schmeisser. Here's a list of international weapons pics. I have no opinion of the weapon as to it's effectiveness, I simply don't know enough about it to comment. I just remember that it was the sexy weapon of choice in WWII films during the sixties and seventies. Everybody used it on film, the bad guys, and often the allies as well. Remember the Dirty Dozen? 9mm, with a thirty round box magazine, it had a good reputation.

Does anyone have a first hand opinion?

Posted by Nukevet at 03:52 AM | Comments (4)

November 30, 2003

A study in contrast

To get a feel for how the men and women in uniform actually feel about Mr. Bush, just study their faces. The first person to say staged photo-op get's thrown head first into last years vat of candied yams. These are soldiers, not actors, they don't know how to lie with their eyes.

Contrast that with this.........

In fairness, I did not chose the least flattering images of Hillary. They all came from Yahoo.com news photo's. I also did not exclude any shots that showed smiles from any troops. I choose the ones where both were standing with soldiers, not generals and staff.

Still the differences are striking. I don't deny that Hillary may have been liked by some, that she hasn't got some sympathy from a few. Clearly however, Mr. Bush is adored, and I can just as easily come up with images from any point during his presidency to show the same thing.

So the point is,

Do not presume to lecture soldiers and veterans on who we should or should not like. We keep our own council on that, thank you very much. It is also especially galling for someone who has never served, has barely expressed a thought in our favor to tell us what to think. So the next time someone tells me that Mr. Bush is some kind of imperious monster with no regard for the men and women he commands.

I'll show them this.

Secondly, the next dem who suggests that the Clinton's really did well by the military, that they really cared about them,..............

I'll show them this too.

Our people are professionals, they'll do the job correctly regardless of who sits in the White House. But don't you think it's easier for them when they believe in the one calling the shots?

Posted by Nukevet at 03:35 PM | Comments (4)

November 27, 2003

Reminding the people of who is important

I'm glad the man has heart, no matter what anyone says, this proves it.

Nothing else to say.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:08 PM | Comments (5)

October 18, 2003


Tears of the Sun.........

My wife asked for the DVD, and we saw it yesterday. I love watching Bruce Willis, and I have to say I loved this film. I recommend it highly, the action is great and the supporting cast is superb. Is it art? Make up your own mind, but I found it a worthy diverson.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:15 AM | Comments (6)

September 29, 2003

Weekend Happenings

Hope you all had a good weekend.

While it is technically fall, here in the Seattle area we had temps in the +80's over this weekend. So I did what any sane person who was tired of the heat would do, picked up a friend and headed out to the mountains to have some fun (and by fun I mean putting holes in lots of things).

Grabbed this pic on the way up to the shooting spot (click the pic for fullsize)

Approximately 4500ft up. 800 more to go. (he,he,he!)

Once up there we commenced to putting holes in anything we had found at our homes with ITP (Interesting Target Possibilities).

I started in with the 1911 (Again, click for larger pics. And no, that is not a UFO).

And then my friend Jon had to let a few fly. Its addicting, you know.

After that intro, nothing was safe. I let a few fly out of my favorite little carbine (Win 94 Trapper 357Mag cal, 16in bbl)

And then Jon test patterned his new shotgun on an unsuspecting bottle of squeezable mayonaise.

After the first 90 minutes of hammers dropping we slowed down a bit and sent over 1000 rounds of 22lr downrange over the next 3 hours or so. We ended up trying to see who could hit the most number of Starburst chews with help of the Ruger Twins (scoped 10/22 and the MKII 22/45).

All in all, an excellent time was had by all (unless you were reincarnated as a waterbottle). Close to 1500 rounds expended total, lots of objects covered with holes (yes, we picked up all of our ITP and brought them out with us), fresh air breathed, but minus one centercap on my truck (oh well).

Like I said before, I hope you all had a good weekend, and hope you continue to have a good week.

Posted by Nukevet at 01:44 AM | Comments (5)

August 25, 2003

Not a fan of the MP-5?

Well, then try the HK UMP.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:17 AM | Comments (2)

August 20, 2003

Too bad Tony Martin

Wasn't a better shot. But I guess 1 out of 2 ain't bad.

What's really amazing is that the leftists have been falling all over this con-man, trying to turn him into some kind of national hero for getting shot while committing a robbery, while Tony Martin got to spend 3 years in jail for being a "danger to burglars". Think that's being a bit melodramatic on my part? Read this and get back to me.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:36 PM | Comments (0)

I want to buy

JC Adams a drink.

Recently, 74-year-old J.C. Adams was confronted by armed robbers in his Atlanta convenience store. As he did last year in another robbery, the Korean War veteran grabbed his 12-gauge shotgun and -- using one hand to steady himself on his walker -- fired, again with fatal results. This is what Adams had to say to other criminals: "Go to work and make your own money. Quit trying to take mine."

Posted by Nukevet at 08:22 PM | Comments (1)

June 11, 2003

Rules to live by

Found a list you might like at Stars and Stripes, in the form of a Firearms Refesher Course "From A to Z".

Some examples,

c... Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface. (I think the "c" is supposed to stand for Colt. But that is just one fellow's opinion. AK.)

j... The United States Constitution 1791. All Rights Reserved.

l... The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.

v... You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.

Plus 22 others that you may or may not have heard about. Since Mr Kennicott is at a blogspot address, I can't link directly to this. Look for the top post from 06/09.

Also, I can't for the life of me, remember who directed me to this. But thanks goes out to whomever you are.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:18 AM | Comments (0)