February 25, 2005
Ward Churchill,
A fraud on so many levels.
I mean, look what I painted just this morning........
Posted by Nukevet at 01:37 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 19, 2005
Time can be cruel
But it usually takes a long, long time.
So Kyoto went into effect this week. And with it came more denouncements of the US for not ratifying it and stories of how, because we didn�t ratify it, WE�RE ALL GOING TO DIE!
Like this one, found at Ravenwood�s Universe.
Sinking Islands Cling to Kyoto LifebuoyIslanders on tiny Tuvalu in the South Pacific last week saw the future of global warming and rising sea levels, as extreme high tides caused waves to crash over crumbling sea-walls and flood their homes. "Our island is sinking together with our hearts," wrote Silafaga Lalua in Tuvalu News.
Tuvalu is a remote island nation consisting of a fringe of atolls covering just 10 sq miles, with the highest point no more than 17 ft above sea level, but most a mere 6.5 ft.
Global warming from greenhouse gas pollution is regarded as the main reason for higher sea levels, now rising about 2mm (0.08 in) a year, which could swamp low-lying nations such as Tuvalu and the Maldives in the Indian Ocean if temperatures keep rising.
Sounds bad, doesn�t it?
But if you do the math, like Ravenwood did, this story and the islanders tale becomes almost laughable.
"If the sea continues rising at 0.08 inch a year, that means Tuvalu will be mostly submerged in 975 years, and will disappear entirely in 2,550 years."
My aching sides! The Pain!
975 years? I have heard of drastic changes and that doesn�t sound very much like it.
Which, I�m pretty sure, is why Ravenwood came up with his next line,
�So in the year 4555 we can expect to read headlines like: "Tuvalu Disappears, Bush to Blame."
As an added bonus, in the comments of the post, Acidman puts up a link debunking the entire story of the sea rising to claim Tuvalu.
The island is actually sinking into the sea, not the other way around.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:17 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 13, 2005
Hey, Clare
Remember when you said this?
Well, I got your moral authority right here.
Of course, Maureen Dowd has time to point out who the real sex offenders are. (Hint - it's Bush).
Posted by Nukevet at 11:03 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Go to the CNN website, and search it for "Eason Jordan". Here's what you'll find:
CNN mentioned that he was embroiled in a "controversy" at 3:45pm on Friday the 11th. They then mention that he had resigned at 10:15pm. You have to go back several months to get to the next mention of Eason.
I guess CNN isn't embarrassed to have their head of international news resign only 7 hours after the deigned to mention that there was a controversy. If you actually follow the link to the resignation story, you find this:
Tucked away in the Entertainment section. It's not, you know, real news that the head of international head of CNN said that US troops targeted journalists - just something to be mentioned there along with the latest news from sweeps week. You certainly won't find any mention of it on CNN's front page - at least not that I can document. If anyone has a screengrab of the CNN homepage actually referring to Eason, I'd like to see it.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:30 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 09, 2005
Hey, Eason
This is what I think of when you use the word "targeted" when referring to the US military causing the deaths of journalists.
Targeting is an action based upon a conscious decision. You can parse words all you want, but you know what you said, and you know what it means. Any other stance is disingenuous and patently dishonest. Think it's too harsh a criticism? Well, so do I when you accuse our military of deliberately silencing those they don't like. It's a simple matter to clear up - ask the WEF to release the videotape of the session. If I'm wrong and you never said anything that could even vaguely be construed as an indictment of our military's actions with respect to journalists, I'll be on the front line of those apologizing (like you care what an insignificant blogger thinks, anyways, right?) If you did say the things reported, then you have a lot more apologies to offer than I, although I'm sure they'll never be forthcoming.
Update and request
Well, that didn't take long. Already have hate mail about how I'm
1) Belittling the lives of the reporters who have died - not my intent, and obviously the "kill tag" is not a real item. It is just to illustrate the first thought that came to my mind when I heard Eason talk about our military targeting journalists.
2) Pointing out that I am obviously a racist asshole for making foreign journalists worth more. Sigh
So, is it over the top, or not?
Posted by Nukevet at 11:26 AM | Comments (4)
February 04, 2005
Via Roger L Simon.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:15 PM | Comments (0)
January 30, 2005
Speaking of fucking prats
You can always count on li'l Bobby Fisk to show his true colors.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:27 AM | Comments (1)
January 27, 2005
Our Tax Dollars at Work
This is going to be on PBS on January 31st
In an interview with the filmmaker, Adriana Bosch
Q. What do you want people to take away from the program?A. Coming up with an ending to the film was very hard. We didn't want to be too judgmental, we had maintained a pretty careful objectivity... And at the end, you're expecting judgment. And that's a tough thing. So executive producer Mark Samels came up with a great idea, which was to end the film at the very beginning of the film. The film ends with the notion that there was one day in Cuba where all seemed possible, and when the hopes of an entire nation were put on the shoulders of one single man. I was very happy with that... because it leaves you with the question, was that good or was that bad?... I think the viewer has to make up their own mind.
Normally, this is exactly how I like my documentaries. Factual, concise and no agenda or preconceptions (I�m talking to you, Michael Moore).
But Castro is a monster who doesn�t deserve any of these considerations. I guess everyone but a documentary filmmaker would know this.
Found at Knowledge is Power
*Nukevet adds (in response to a comment):*
Well, the best way to make that "double standard" go away is to present all of the facts. But the left love Cuba, loves North Korea as symbols of progressive utopian living. So, which version do you get - that Cuba has a very high literacy rate, or that most of its people live in impoverished squalor and dissidents are summarily executed? Don't think it happens? One need look no further than Moore's depiction of life under Saddam to see the fallacy of that argument.
I haven't seen this yet, so obviously can't comment on its content. But I'm betting PBS won't be able to overcome their socialist utopia bias to tell both sides in a proportional and evenhanded manner. In fact, I think the entire "ending at the front" construct is just a scam to keep from having to deal with the realities of a failed communist ideology. If you end at the start of the revolution, of course anything is possible. If you end at the present, then you have to reach some conclusions that make those enamoured of Fidel just a wee bit uncomfortable.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:16 AM | Comments (4)
January 12, 2005
Like I've been saying
maybe some people should be less concerned about civil rights in America, and more concerned about what's happening in their own back yard.
With its federal system, the US has at least worked out how best to run an enormous country. In Seattle, where I stayed, you're as far from the centre of power as Vladivostok is from Moscow. Solidly Democrat, its citizens felt dispossessed after Bush's re-election. But, as counter-poise, they could elect their own governor and legislature. Bush isn't Hitler.
Isn't it better, though, to think about the country we can do something about: our own? Since the British empire collapsed, the left has been misled into believing that somehow we can change the world morally: a new, ethical imperium (a very different thing from the public's heartfelt response to the tsunami). But morality begins at home.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:26 AM | Comments (0)
January 01, 2005
And a little research (and I mean a very little) reveals.......
A few comments about sources, methodologies:
1) The dollar figures come from the MSNBC article mentioned below. They include only what the Governments have pledged, not what private citizens of those countries have pledged.
2) Qatar is the clear winner of the "per capita" game - coming in at over US$15 aid/person. Because their contribution was an order of magnitude greater than any other countries, it made all of the other bars too small to read if I included them. They were also excluded from my calculation of the "average" per capita aid figure, since they were such and extreme outlier (>5 standard deviations from the mean).
3) Population numbers are from the world UN database. Interesting that Taiwan is not in that database, but that the "occupied Palestinian territory" is. But I digress.
4) Japan has announced that it intends to pledge US$ 500 million to the relief effort. This would place them at over $4 per capita spending - the new leader of the non-Qatar pack. I did not make this change, since I wanted all of my numbers to come from the MSNBC research of governmental aid promised.
A few observations:
1) The US is well above (almost twice) the average for the countries reported. Twice the average is stingy and mean-minded? Well, maybe we should take a little peek at those below the average, then.
2) Scandanavia has been held up as a model for us to emulate. As you can see, some scandanavian countries are well above the average, while others are significantly below.
3) Some exceedingly wealthy Muslim countries seem to be well below the average. How stingy curious is that?
4) Canada, France, and Germany (especially Germany) are all well below the average. I suppose France and Germany get a free pass because of their war opposition and anti-Americanism. Canada must get a free pass because everyone knows she is going broke trying to live up to Kyoto.
5) I had to add an extra decimal point to the database for poor Egypt's contribution to show up on the list.
6) I wonder if it bothers the Guardian columnist I mentioned below that the UK only has a per capita contribution that is 1/3 that of the country she just called mean-minded and stingy? Probably not, because she's an idiot and the irony would completely escape her.
So, what does it mean? Beats the hell out of me. When people criticize our generosity, it's usually because we're not spending as much as they would like, or not spending it on what they would like for us to spend it on. And, refresh my memory again - how many countries came to our aid after Florida got bashed by 4 consecutive hurricanes?
A commenter takes umbrage at my conclusion regarding Scandanavian giving. The point was definitely not to belittle the efforts of these nations, and the 2 of the 3 countries the commenter wants to limit Scandanavia to are well above the average. My definition of Scandanavia came from here.
The data show that Finland is right at the average, and Sweden is well below average(I didn't show data for Sweden, but they have pledged US$ 750,000 from a country of 8.9 million - you do the math). So I think the point made is valid, even though I didn't do a very good job showing you the data supporting my contention. Again, I wasn't trying to belittle anyone's efforts, but rather to point out the data behind the "stingy Americans" facade. Well, actually I was trying to belittle the efforts of the rich Muslim countries and France and Germany - but that's how we "mean-minded" individuals on the right do things, don't ya know?
A final question - do you think Muslims mind being helped by Christian or atheist infidels?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:24 PM | Comments (2)
Damn, Stingy Americans
Go here and look at the "fact file" about 1/3 of the way down the page. This is just the official response of each government or NGO. See how much aid the rich, primarily Muslim countries are giving to the relief effort. Then tell me again how stingy we're being.
Tim Blair points to an screeching Guardian commentary by Polly Toynbee, wherein dear Polly says that every one on the right is a mean minded xenophobe. I dropped Polly a little note, but it won't make any difference. Polly's hatred of GWB and all things "right" is deep and pure - and she certainly won't let the facts get in the way of a good conservative bashing.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:35 PM | Comments (0)
December 08, 2004
Can you name these medals?
They are from an organization that has been in the sights of the ACLU for at least the last decade for being an "exclusionary and overtly Christian organization".
Mollbot, I know you can ace this one, so no telling. You can give hints in the comments if you want.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:43 PM | Comments (2)
November 29, 2004
The Double Standard of the Left
Helloooo? War Protesters, where are you?
This month, French peacekeepers in the former French colony launched a
pre-emptive assault against the Ivorian air force. They also
interferred with the internal politics of the troubled nation and
sought regime change -- or at least they have been accused of both by
President Laurent Gbagbo.
They acted without authorization by the United Nations Security
They violated both the UN Charter and the terms of the peacekeeping
resolution that established their specific mission in the West African
The Security Council did sanction their attacks after the fact.
Nonetheless, the French acted unilaterally, and only sought and
received a UN cover story later. There wasn't even a coalition of the
willing. No Brits, Aussies, Poles or Dutch to help out; just French
troops, jets, helicopters and armoured personnel carriers.
Where are the mass protests in the streets of the world's capitals
against France's military intervention in the Ivory Coast?
No blood for chocolate! No blood for chocolate! No blood for
More proof that the left is not anti-war, they're just on the other side.
Found @ The Blogs of War
Posted by Nukevet at 07:30 AM | Comments (0)
November 18, 2004
Still Delusional
It must be a hangover from the election loss.
Kos @ The daily Kos IMC:
The European Union is now, arguably, the world's largest superpower. Militarily, the US is the undisputed champ. But in eceonomic terms, and in notions of freedom, the welfare of its citizens, and in human rights, we've been lapped.
Economic Terms: Yeah right, the 'union' isn't even solidified yet and some of the member states are talking about throwing the Euro back.
What currency do the terrorists deal in mainly? The Dollar. Because it is taken EVERYWHERE.
Freedom: No express freedom of speech, no freedom of the press, no freedom of travel in and out of the EU if you travel outside of the eastern border, no right to self defense and firearms ownership, no freedom of trial by peers, no freedom against search and seizure.
Need I go on?
Welfare of citizens: First off, the two scales used to measure poverty between the US and the EU are different.
1 in 11 continentals do not have an indoor toilet.
How exotic! How nuanced!
I would say that someone who doesn't have indoor plumbing and cannot afford to have it installed lives in poverty. That automatically qualifies almost 10% for below the poverty line.
What about drug addiction levels? I bet that Amsterdam and Paris have a larger drug problem, both in total and per capita than Chicago or LA, respectivly.
Just because they don't throw them in jail doesn't mean that their standard of life is better.
Human Rights: I'm not really sure that the Jews of Europe would agree that they have better human rights in Europe than their bretherin here in the US. They cannot go outside their homes wearing their yarmulkas without having to worry about getting murdered. And even then, there are entire neighborhoods that they don't even dare to venture near.
Hell, tens of thousands are leaving Europe for Israel because, even with the bombings, THEY FEEL SAFER IN ISRAEL.
Europe is declining to thrid world status because of their immigration laws and overt governmental control over the daily lives of their subjects.
Which is why I use the word subjects and not citizens.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:37 AM | Comments (3)
November 16, 2004
With comments like these
It's difficult for me to understand how many in the world see Bush supporters as the feeble minded ones.
Some examples of the twaddle:
I believe Falluja will be remembered more as a brave stand by a vastly outgunned and outnumbered local resistance than as a victory for the US. International sympathy already favours the Iraqi resistance, terrorist fringe elements excluded. With every brave (or foolish depending on your perspective) act of sacrifice, I believe this will only grow.
I think Mr Bush wants to kill all Iraqis one by one in their own country and then only see calm, silent Iraq. Then he'll say that "Your Iraq is free and safe now."
Bush won his re-election and now he is going to use his "political capital". This is how Bush is celebrating his electoral victory by laying waste to not only Falluja but all of Iraq. Thousands of Iraqis will die for his gain.
Although, to be fair, many of the more asinine comments are being made by people from the US, so perhaps the "Americans as morons" theme is correct - but Bush supporters are perhaps not the target demographic.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:13 PM | Comments (0)
November 11, 2004
Point, meet counter-point
You've undoubtedly seen the site where everyone is apologizing to the world for re-electing Bush. Well, here's a site that shows those of us who are NOT sorry. Hmmmm, a lot of them seem to own firearms.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:53 PM | Comments (4)
November 07, 2004
Better move to the UK if you're homosexual
You know, they're so much more tolerant over there.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:07 AM | Comments (0)
October 31, 2004
What's the difference between Michael Moore and OBL?
One hates America and wants to destroy her, and the other is some terrorist asshole hiding somewhere in Pakistan.
Mike the Marine has a few thoughts on OBL's sphere of influence as well.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:47 PM | Comments (0)
October 27, 2004
Ohh, you mean THOSE explosives
"Oh yeah we have paperwork on THOSE explosives."
The United Nations nuclear watchdog group first reported that Saddam Hussein had begun moving stockpiles of explosives from his Al-Qaqaa nuclear weapons facility a month before the U.S. invaded Iraq.
The February 2003 report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), first reported Tuesday by the Fox News Channel, severely undermines claims by the New York Times, CBS News and the Kerry campaign that the Al-Qaqaa explosives went missing only after the U.S. gained control of the facility.
Newsmax gives a timeline for their evidence. Go take a look.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:54 PM | Comments (0)
The Free Speech Debate
You may remember a couple weeks back when the FBI grabbed a few servers that the Indymedia crowd were using to post pics of undercover Swiss police officers at a Swiss anti-war rally. The Swiss and Italians made the request that the servers be seized and the FBI followed through under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty.
The ACLU is crying foul and calling this a "Speech Threat".
And yet we have heard nothing from the ACLU on the plight of a couple of NYC cabbies who have been fined and had their licenses suspended by New York City for speaking fondly of GWB.
Found via Michelle Malkin
Which just goes to prove, once again, the more extreme your organization, the more the ACLU cares about you.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:39 AM | Comments (0)
October 24, 2004
So, let me see if I've interpreted this correctly
It's not OK to get rid of Saddam Hussein, who tortured, raped, and murdered hundreds of thousands (not him personally, but you get my drift), but it is OK to call for the assassination of the President of the United States because you disagree with his politics?
Throughout the debate, John Kerry, for his part, looks and sounds a bit like a haunted tree. But at least he's not a lying, sniggering, drink-driving, selfish, reckless, ignorant, dangerous, backward, drooling, twitching, blinking, mouse-faced little cheat. And besides, in a fight between a tree and a bush, I know who I'd favour.
On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod's law dictates he'll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?
This makes me incredibly angry - but in a good way. Rational people who see this kind of behavior by the "principled left" are going to be turned off. First the Clark county letter writing campaign, and now wishful thinking for the assassination of GWB. Keep up the good work, Guardian - every voter you drive to Bush's side of the equation is just icing on the proverbial cake.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:12 PM | Comments (4)
October 06, 2004
Is there anybody out there?
John Little @ The Blogs of War found this tidbit.
The Iraqi Coastal Defense Force took official responsibility for protecting its coastline Sept. 30 at a ribbon cutting and pass in review ceremony at the port of Umm Qasr.
Why haven't any of the MSM folks in Iraq been able to leave their hotels to cover this?
Anywhoo, I'd like to ask our curent and former Navy and Coast Guard guys what's a good naval greeting for these brave men in the Iraqi Coastal Defense?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:48 AM | Comments (2)
September 29, 2004
Remind me again, lefties....
Which country is turning into Nazi Germany?
The Canadian government had my site suspended for the last few days because it contained cartoons which they deemed "slanderous" to the Queen, and thus in violation of Canadian law. I had to remove the offending cartoons, and now my site is back up.
Here is the link to the site.
Here is the link to the offending cartoon.
Let's see, we can now add Canada to the list of countries that bans internet content to their subjects.
Canada, meet North Korea, China and all of the Arabian and Persian nations, just to name a few.
Hope you like the company.
Found @ Right Thoughts
Posted by Nukevet at 06:25 AM | Comments (0)
September 27, 2004
Who you gonna thank?
Why, France and Germany, of course.
Lt. Gen. Michael DeLong (USMC Ret.), who until last September was the No. 2 in command of the Iraq war under Gen. Tommy Franks, revealed Sunday that U.S. military intelligence had determined that weapons of mass destruction were being smuggled out of the country as the U.S. prepared to invade. "I do know for a fact that some of those weapons went into Syria, Lebanon and Iran," Gen. DeLong told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg, while discussing his new book, "Inside CENTCOM: The Unvarnished Truth About the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."
"Two days before the war, on March 17 [2003], we saw through multiple intelligence channels - both human intelligence and technical intelligence - large caravans of people and things, including some of the top 55 [most wanted] Iraqis, going to Syria," Gen. DeLong explained.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:00 PM | Comments (0)
September 26, 2004
Question for you Kerry sycophants
Does it bother you at all that the guy can't tell a story without making himself the center of it?
Funny that Kamp Kerry accuses Bush of living in a "fantasyland" with regards to Iraq. It seems to me that it's Kerry who has been living a fantasy for the past 30 plus years.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:41 PM | Comments (0)
September 25, 2004
Hometown paper
Poll: Bush lead grows in Ohio
Candidates to continue emphasis on state
WASHINGTON -- A poll out Tuesday showed President Bush leading Sen. John Kerry by a very unbattleground-like 11 percentage points in Ohio.
Bush has the support of 54 percent of likely voters, compared with 43 percent for Kerry and 2 percent for Ralph Nader, according to the University of Cincinnati's Ohio Poll.
I wouldn't put much faith in the second half of the article, where the ah, this don't mean nuthin qoutes are presented. The Advocate is a very democrat leaning paper, as most papers are. They candy coat the poll results, but they still have to be bitter for the dems. As to the abundance of kerry signs, AK has addressed the issue already. Bush signs are regularly trashed by kerry goons, and the kerry squad doesn't put just one per yard either. It's common to see a dozen in a single yard.
If Bush supporters were regularly destroying kerry signs, do you think they'd get a shot at a 60 Minutes expose'? Bet they would. The double standard again, democrats behave like thugs, because they are allowed to. Republicans get accused, then it's big news, wether proven or not.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:10 AM | Comments (0)
September 22, 2004
I'm ashamed to say, we have them too.
According to a Columbus police report, six witnesses who didn't know Barton said the person who beat him up was screaming profanities and making crude remarks about U.S. soldiers, Burton reported.
One witness, a friend of the alleged attacker, said Barton hit first. Police said they do not think that witness is credible since the six other witnesses said Barton was hit from behind.
I guess we need to spray again, they always come back. Columbus, and OSU have their share of the trendy leftwing nitwit squads. They also have a rather large arab community, though I suspect that the bushwacker was a lily white thumbsucker from the campus.
I will be sure to keep an eye out, and start honing a favored piece of cold steel. The next guy who tells me the war is a huge disaster and a crime, is going to catch some kind of Hell. He's gonna get both barrels.
After reading the article, if they know his friend, they know his name. He won't get very far. Cops will like this about as much as if one of their own had been ambushed. He'll have a fun time when they catch up to him.
Five will get ya ten, he wets his pants.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:40 AM | Comments (1)
September 07, 2004
Can I Get That to Go?
Mollbot reminds us that revenge is a dish best served cold.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:55 PM | Comments (1)
August 22, 2004
Just about right.
For the first time, the generation that had rejected war as only a tool of the oppressor, largely used as a club by American business to subjugate poor countries was faced with an enemy that didnt distinguish between the military and civilians, Marines or little girls on their way to disneyland or even the enlightened masses of Mahattan. They wanted to kill us all, left and right, progressives, liberals, men, women, it makes no difference to them, submit to islam, or die. That is the only choice the Jihadis have given us. That wasn't something the people who subscribed to the "Grand Unified Theory Of Vietnam" ever considered in their dogma. Kill us? why? We didnt vote for George W. Bush, They should have attacked Texas!
That would explain Michael Moore's outlook wouldn't it? There's a lot here, and worth checking out, found via Instapundit.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:12 PM | Comments (0)
August 19, 2004
Germany frets
With the evil capitalist warmongering Americans leaving, who will support their socialist lifestyle?
Pretty amusing, actually. They hate us, but love our money. I wonder if the people who thought Schroder's anti-American policies were so wonderful during the run up to Iraq still agree?
You should not get the benefit of our friendship if you are not our friend. It's not up to us to fund your socialist lifestyle - it's up to your government. Good luck with that.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:08 PM | Comments (2)
July 26, 2004
Michael Moore Must be SO Proud
At the impact his 'documentary' is having, that is.
From Army Spc. Joe Roche:
Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11, is making the rounds here at U.S. bases in Kuwait. Some soldiers have received it already and are passing is around. The impact is devastating.
Here we are, soldiers of the 1st Armored Division, just days from finally returning home after over a year serving in Iraq, and Moore's film is shocking and crushing soldiers, making them feel ashamed. Moore has abused the First Amendment and is hurting us worse than the enemy has.
One small quibble here - how can Moore hurt them worse than the enemy when it has become pretty obvious to that he actually is the enemy?
Yep, very proud indeed.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:42 PM | Comments (2)
July 23, 2004
What he lacked the guts to show you.
Blowing Smoke, Cox & Forkum has it about right, but in following some of the links, I read this take on it from LGF.
And then, the question occurred to me: why would someone who clearly understands the power of images choose not to show the most powerful images of our time?
Because Moore knew that if he showed those images, which have been mostly absent from media for almost 3 years, he ran the risk of awakening the anger and feelings of intense danger we all experienced that day.
And that was a risk he could not run�because it could very well spoil the tone of the rest of the film, and expose him for the smirking, unserious buffoon he is.
This is the key, Moore won't show you those images, because it might remind you of why the Taliban were crushed, why Huessein had to put down. Bin Laden and AQ are the spear point, but radical islam and all it's bases of strength are the enemy. So what did Moore want to censor from his own film?
Michael Moore doesn't want you to remember that this is about vastly more than wild conspiracies or the ravings of a beached whale who has openly referred to his fellow citizens as stupid, mindless. He knows that his arguement is hollow when compared to what has come before. That's why he won't let you see it.
How many of our fellow citizens have to die for the Bush haters to GET IT THROUGH THEIR THICK FUCKING SKULLS THAT THIS IS WAR! We didn't start it, and masturbating your fantasies to the theory that it's all made up and will just go quietly away if Bush is gone,.... Those people sicken me with their willingly stupid blindness.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:43 AM | Comments (7)
July 22, 2004
Just who are the 'Brownshirts' exactly?
It is short, but sweet. Go now and read the Op-Ed piece from guest Orbusmax writer Nicolas G. Jenkins about the squelching of his political speech here in Seattle.
The short, sad life of my Reagan/Bush bumper sticker
It was bad enough that some yahoo took my sticker. What's worse was that it only survived on my bumper for three hours. At most. I put it there at 3:30 pm. By 6:30, after driving all of one mile and parking my car on a very public street for about an hour, it was gone. So sometime between 5:30 and 6:30, some self-appointed guardian of All Things Fit for Public Viewing decided that my expression of Right Pride wasn't so fit. Three hours. John Kerry takes longer to flip flop.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:51 AM | Comments (2)
July 21, 2004
I really, really do not like this bubble head.
July 19 - September 11 either made me love this country or it made me realize how much I already did. I think it�s the latter. Seeing "Fahrenheit 9/11" made me think deeply about love of country�how it molds us, drives and emboldens us and how it can sometimes make us so angry we want to shout out to the world: "No, this is wrong." Many things have been said about the movie, and of course about its director, Michael Moore. But I don�t think I�ve heard anyone comment on Moore�s love for America. It seemed evident to me that the film was born from that love.
To which, I have to ask who sold her crack?
Many on the American left loathe America (they love the Constitution and their vision of what America could be) and have contempt for the average American. That is why most of the Left has such admiration for Michael Moore, who has said, among so much more, the following:
Americans "are possibly the dumbest people on the planet . . . in thrall to conniving, thieving, smug (expletive)" (London Daily Mirror).
"Should such an ignorant people lead the world?" (open letter to the German people in Die Zeit).
Elsewhere he speaks of America as bringing immeasurable misery and sadness to the world and as essentially deserving attacks on it.
This part both enlightens, and offends.
But I don�t think he loves us�the people who make up this land. The huddled masses. The millions of citizens who just want a peaceful, safe life. Those who want to put their kids through school and see them grow up; who want to take vacations to other countries without fearing for their lives because so much of the world hates us.
Right, the sheep, and the idle rich. Clue bat to the empty headed Patti, 95% of your countrymen will never "vacation" overseas. Why, because we don't have your money, so spare me the just one of the masses whine. You aren't one of us, I never hated my country as you admit to having done once, and I venture the number who did is far far smaller than you will willingly accept. Living in a wealthy enclave where the price of gas or milk is of no concern, where the children of other Americans enlist, and where "feelings" matter over the realities of war and survival.
In essence, the war and Bush make her feel bad, sniff. Given her own self reported history, I'm shocked she hasn't cut her wrists already. She has managed to put down in print what is so wrong with the left in America without realizing it. She writes for Newsweek, has coffee table liberal views, sympathies with radical leftist ones, yet thinks she is representative of the middle class. Got a six figure salary do we Patti? In real life that puts you in the top five percent, hardly middle class, and sure as Hell not grass roots.
Look, this whole sappy pile is just revoltingly sugary. Last time I checked Moore's film made 93,000,000 dollars, I'm sure he's happy, but Dodgerball has made more. Moore's only hope to sway the election is to get swing voters to both go see the movie, and to be convinced by his dog and pony slide show. That Patti thinks it's important tells me she hasn't really left her hate Amerika past behind, she's just traded her sandals and beads for silk and a Volvo and learned to talk in Oprah speak.
Not an improvement.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:38 PM | Comments (0)
July 19, 2004
Don't cha just love this?
LOS ANGELES � At anti-war rallies, thousands exercise their freedom of association and expression, but, if you're anti-left or pro-Bush, speech is not so free.
"You should be ashamed, you fascist," protesters jeered at demonstrators who opposed their anti-war message.
A handful of young conservatives founded Protest Warrior (search) last year. With an in-your-face style the group tries to provide a balance at demonstrations promoting a liberal, anti-war agenda.
"We were met with some violence," said Kafir Alfia (search) of Protest Warrior. "A lot of yelling and name calling. 'Nazi' and 'fascist' are very popular."
Leftist event organizers have tried to kick Protest Warrior out of their marches, but police refused, saying protesters can't censor what signs show up at their protest.
Censorship, from the left? I'M SHOCKED I TELL YOU, SIMPLY SHOCKED... Sucks when you have to live by the ideals you demand of others, don't it?
Posted by Nukevet at 03:35 AM | Comments (0)
July 16, 2004
A little too late
I'm sure you remember the report of the wounded 23yr old Iraq War veteran being called 'murderer' and 'baby killer' while he was marching in the 4th of July parade.
After a week and a half of trying to deny and/or downplay the incident, the Mayor of Bainbridge Island has finally issued apology.
No apology has been issued by anyone of the name callers or by the parade MC yet.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:04 AM | Comments (0)
June 17, 2004
the company you keep
Instapundit pointed this interesting article out,
Meanwhile, in the United Arab Emirates, the film is being offered the kind of support it doesn't need. According to Screen International, the UAE-based distributor Front Row Entertainment has been contacted by organisations related to the Hezbollah in Lebanon with offers of help.
Emphasis mine, but you get the point.
When you make a film that viciously attacks the president of your own country when you are at war, and the enemy offers to help distribute it and give it a seal of approval, just whose interests are you really serving? Whose side are you on?
The hate Bush at all costs movement is just reaping what it's sown. They've been so rabid and illogical in their hatred they don't even care about what kind of followers and friends they attract. I don't think Moore intended to attract terrorist interest to his cause, but he has. If he were a decent human being, he would take a serious pause in his antics because of things like this. Maybe get his priorities straight.
If he were a decent human being,...... so I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:36 PM | Comments (13)
June 03, 2004
If it bit them on the ass
If you've read the latest on the Chalabi situation, you'll know that, according to the CIA, he told Iran that America had broken their communication codes.
Very Bad.
If you're on the right, you want to know how this guy got so high up in the new Iraqi government that he could come by this information.
If you're on the left, you don't care about any of that as long as Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice/Wolfowitz/Rove all get impeached/put in jail.
Atrios is using this photo to 'prove' that Bush knew Chalabi would sell out the US forces.
Kos is calling Bush "A Traitor". And his IMC sycophants are, of course, filling the air with the chorus of "Treason, Traitor! Treason, Traitor!".
The jackasses wouldn't know treason if it bit them in the ass.
Because the majority of them are seditious little pukes. And an actual traitor might be staring them in the mirror.
Get ready for another charge from the LLL that will never stick, but we'll have to hear about for a week.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:43 AM | Comments (0)
May 29, 2004
Fight! Fight!
Well, not really.
I was watching the dedication of the World War II memorial when I saw former President GHW Bush give a friendly two hand push to Clinton while those two and President GW Bush were on stage. I knew that someone was going to say something stupid about it.
And Kos and his readers at the Kos IMC did not disappoint.
Hmmm, I wasn't watching the WWII Memorial ceremony, but apparently there was a bit of jostling around. Reef the Dog reports in the Open Thread comments:
It was on CNN. Bush 41, 43, and Clinton were talking at the end of the ceremony. Clinton wagged his finger in Bush 43's face. Dunno what they were talking about but it seemed at least superficially cordial. Then Poppy suddenly shoved Clinton in the chest with both hands, enough to throw Clinton off balance. I don't know why, but it was completely inappropriate and almost seemed to me like 41 was trying to prove his manhood or something. I'm not even sure what happened after that, the camera quickly went somewhere else.
Are these people blind!?
Here are two screen grabs (sorry, I can't get the pics to format properly)
Does GHWB look angry or violent to you?
Do you see those sunglasses GHWB is wearing? Hmmm, looks to me to be recent cataract surgury. Holy 'No Depth Perception' Batman!
My G*d, these people are looking for any reason to be angry.
And why wasn't Kos watching the dedication anyway?
Might be that he thinks the same way that another Kos contributor, Meteor Blades, does?
More than ever this year, it will be impossible to forget that in several wars - the Mexican War, the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American-Cuban War, the Vietnam War and the Iraq Attack - those dead soldiers were put in the ground by criminals inhabiting the highest levels of the U.S. government. Criminal politicians unworthy to touch the Stars and Stripes, much less wrap themselves in it to bolster their claim of having the best interests of America�s freedom and security at heart.
Memorial Day will be especially embittering this weekend. Moving with self-righteous self-importance among the mourners and the graves will be the liars who got us into Iraq. Those leaders who distorted and concocted intelligence assessments while denigrating and trampling the few courageous officials who objected will be stealing the rubric of patriotism for their speeches at this ceremony and that. They will reference the very American ideals that they have done their best to obliterate since September 11, 2001.
But I refuse to watch this weekend when the President, or Vice President or Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State or any of the others in this Administration appear behind the microphones and tell us how much respect they have for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
All along they have lied without remorse. Why expect any truth from them now?
Posted by Nukevet at 11:32 PM | Comments (1)
May 05, 2004
The truth is only the truth if it meets their criteria
What is it about the left that they just can't find happiness in good news?
Last year, we saw unprecedented collaboration between the United States and foreign partners to defeat terrorism. We also saw the lowest number of international terrorist attacks since 1969, and that's a 34-year low.
There were 190 acts of international terrorism in 2003. That's a slight decrease from 198 attacks that occurred the previous year, and a drop of 45 percent from the 2001 level of 346 attacks.
So are we winning the war on terror? Not really. For one thing, these statistics exclude most attacks on US forces in Afghanistan and Iraq on the grounds that blowing up soldiers isn't really terrorism. There's a certain logic to that, though it's at odds with the conventional understanding of the attack on the USS Cole and the Beirut barracks bombing as well as deeply at odds with the administration's account of what we're doing in Iraq. If you add those in, terrorism was up in 2003 from it's 2002 status. Even if you don't want to consider those attacks terrorism, the best you can say is that we're distracting would-be terrorists by giving them the opportunity to kill soldiers rather than civilians.
What the hell is wrong with this guy?
When you are not engaged in direct hostilities with a group, and you are sitting at a base or port of a country with whom you are not engaged in hostilites, and you are attacked by a civilian force, that is terrorism.
When you are in a direct military action against terrorists, you do not count each attack by the enemy on military personel as a terroroist act. Otherwise, each potshot taken at our armed men and women and every firefight could be considered a terrorist act.
It is just that easy.
Which leads to the complete idiocy of his last sentence.
Would he actually prefer that unarmed civilians, including children and the elderly be the ones going head to head with terrorists?
I think that every member of the military (at least the ones who aren't like Paul Rieckhoff) would rather they be the ones facing the Islamofascists and the Baathists, rather the their families back home.
His next statement makes me wonder how he can even type with so few brain cells.
As last year's report noted, moreover, the main cause of the 2001-2002 decline was "the sharp drop in oil pipeline bombings in Colombia" along with a diplomatic initiative in Sri Lanka. These are both welcome developments, but hardly the sort of thing people have in mind when discussing progress in the war on terrorism. Meanwhile, as Michael Ignatieff writes in The New York Times Magazine, Islamist terror seems to have "metastasized into a cancer of independent terrorist cells that, while claiming inspiration from Al Qaeda, no longer require its direction, finance or advice." Needless to say, the Bush administration seems to think the threat has abated sufficiently that we can afford to spend more money on a non-functional ballistic missile shield than on, say, securing ports against terrorist attacks.
Oh no! Someone is actually admitting that we have made progress in breaking up al-Qiada!
When you do not have the large amounts of cash, the easily found resources, such as guns and explosives, and the network to train individuals in, say, the niques needed to take over a commercial airliner, I would hazard to say that that could be considered a victory.
And where is the evidence that the Bush Admin thinks the threat has abated?
If I remember right, Bush had been talking about a missle defense system before Sept 11th. Why should he quit now?
This is America pal, not Canada. We CAN do both.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:49 AM | Comments (1)
The Mouse smells a turd
After seeing the last load of BS from Michael "I support the terrorists" Moore, Disney Corp is trying to keep his newest roadapple at arms length.
The Walt Disney Company is blocking its Miramax division from distributing a new documentary by Michael Moore that harshly criticizes President Bush, executives at both Disney and Miramax said Tuesday.
The film, "Fahrenheit 911," links Mr. Bush and prominent Saudis � including the family of Osama bin Laden � and criticizes Mr. Bush's actions before and after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
I can see it now, the board sees the first draft, notices that it is a load of crap and runs, shreiking from the screening room.
Moore has some sort of dark magic power to make staged situations, half-truths, myths, urban legends and outright lies look enough like reality that people who want to believe it, do so.
I think it gets transmitted out of the stubble on his face.
Found @ Right Thoughts
Posted by Nukevet at 07:19 AM | Comments (2)
April 23, 2004
Works of fiction
Take a walk over to the Spacecraft Blog and follow the link to "The Worst Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Ever" poll.
I wanted to nominate this story I found an some inane leftie blog, but there is no science in it. Not even journalistic science.
A brave and harrowing report from inside the besieged city of Falluja where ordinary people are trapped in the cross-fire.
You can taste the drama-mama cooking within her first four paragraphs. The rest of the story is full of heresey, third and fourth hand tales and just outright bullshit.
The sad thing is that some folks out there read this as gospel because it fuels their hatred of the US. They actually believe that an American Marine would kill a grandmother or child running for cover because their predecessors told tales about the 'war crimes' of soldiers in Vietnam.
They have no knowledge of tactics, procedures or protocol of the military and think only the worst of folks who wear the uniform.
Oh and just to let you know, because I disagree with the people behind the particular blog I found this article at, I am a 'close minded, racist, anti-gay, knuckle-dragging, Neo-Con Christian'.
And these folks all swear they'll be voting for Kerry.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:49 AM | Comments (1)
April 08, 2004
And we should care because....?
I'm sure we've all heard the seething and whining over the (hopefully non) accidental bombing of a wall surrounding a mosque in Fallujah yersterday.
But I have a question,
If the people who were said to have been inside the mosque compound, supposedly praying, were actually INSIDE the compound, wouldn't they be supporters of the Islamofascist whackjobs holed up inside the compound and not civilians?
And, wouldn't that make them targets?
And we should care that they got blowed the hell up (supposedly while praying) because....?
I'm going to wait a bit before I start to worry too much about it. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Apache pilot could see something going on inside that area of the compound that would have been very unkind to the Marines on the other side of the wall.
Also, I would like to present this little factoid for you to feed to the weenies that bitch and moan about us popping off high explosives inside that 'holy ground'.
"A Serbian Orthodox priest and his son, injured in a NATO hunt for war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic, were reported to be in a coma on Friday."
Nevermind that it was NATO.
And nevermind that the fight is still "Clinton's Non-UN Supported War".
NATO troops were given the OK to set off high explosives in an Orthodix Church during the hunt for a war criminal.
Why the hell can we not do this in a fucking mosque that is being used as a de facto Firebase for terrorists?
Posted by Nukevet at 09:46 AM | Comments (2)
March 15, 2004
NPR is more truthful than FOX News?
At least according to the Program on International Policy (PIPA) at the University of Maryland.
Lee over at Right Thinking on the Left Coast caught wind of this drivel and swifly give it the once over. Twice.
The polling, conducted by the Program on International Policy (PIPA) at the University of Maryland and Knowledge Networks, also reveals that the frequency of these misperceptions varies significantly according to individuals' primary source of news. Those who primarily watch Fox News are significantly more likely to have misperceptions, while those who primarily listen to NPR or watch PBS are significantly less likely.
An in-depth analysis of a series of polls conducted June through September found 48% incorrectly believed that evidence of links between Iraq and al Qaeda have been found, 22% that weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, and 25% that world public opinion favored the US going to war with Iraq. Overall 60% had at least one of these three misperceptions.
Such misperceptions are highly related to support for the war. Among those with none of the misperceptions listed above, only 23% support the war. Among those with one of these misperceptions, 53% support the war, rising to 78% for those who have two of the misperceptions, and to 86% for those with all 3 misperceptions. Steven Kull, director of PIPA, comments, "While we cannot assert that these misperceptions created the support for going to war with Iraq, it does appear likely that support for the war would be substantially lower if fewer members of the public had these misperceptions."
No sooner had he read those words that this thought jumped into his mind...
At best all this study shows is that people who hold certain beliefs tend to gravitate to certain news media.
For example, let's take a look at three other "misconceptions" about the Iraq invasion.
1. The invasion was a quest for American empire, to exert American global hegemony and provide new revenue streams for American corporations.
2. The war was all about oil, waged solely as payback by the Bush administration to its wealthy corporate backers, like Haliburton and Bechtel.
3. The war was waged to distract public attention away from Bush's gross mishandling of the American economy, and to divert media attention away from Bush's ties to the corporate corruption scandals like Enron and WorldCom.
Just another example of the left believing the people on the right are idiots.
Who, for some odd reason, kick their ass every time.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:26 AM | Comments (2)
March 12, 2004
Did you know that political party affilliation is hereditary?
At least according to the Daily KOS
Member of Prominent Republican Family Arrested For Spying For Iraq
This is the headline that KOS believes would be more truthful on the Susan Lindauer espionage case.
You see, since her father owned newspapers in Alaska and was the Republican nominee for governor there in 1998, and because Andrew Card is her second cousin, she must be a Republican.
Never mind the fact that she has worked for left wing/liberal news sources for most of her life. Her choice.
Never mind that she then topped that career off by working for Democrat members of Congress. Her choice.
Never mind that she has declared herself an anti-war 'activist'. Her choice.
Never mind that she is, quite possibly, a loony moonbat of the highest degree. Her choice to not to take her meds.
Just forget all about that. She must be a Republican.
Since my mother is one of those "Anybody But Bush" freaks, I guess I'm going to have to vote for Kerry this year.
Sorry folks.
No matter what swill KOS tries to feed their readers, Lindauer is a traitor and a staunch leftist.
KOS can stick their fingers in their ears and yell "Nya Nya Nya, I can't hear you"
KOS can even click their size 9 Ruby Slippers together a thousand times.
But the facts won't go away.
This broad is one of theirs.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:01 AM | Comments (2)
March 02, 2004
More Useful Idiots
Much moonbattery ensues.
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! I’m Amy Goodman. Congressmember Waters, can you tell us about the conversation you just had with Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide?
MAXINE WATERS: I most certainly can and he’s anxious for me to get the message out so people will understand. He is in the Central Republic of Africa at a place called the Palace of the Renaissance, and he’s not sure if that’s a house or a hotel or what it is and he is surrounded by military. It’s like in jail, he said. He said that he was kidnapped; he said that he was forced to leave Haiti. He said that the American embassy sent the diplomats; he referred to them as, to his home where they was lead by Mr. Moreno. And I believe that Mr. Moreno is a deputy chief of staff at the embassy in Haiti and other diplomats, and they ordered him to leave. They said you must go NOW. He said that they said that Guy Phillipe and U.S. Marines were coming to Port Au Prince; he will be killed, many Haitians will be killed, that they would not stop until they did what they wanted to do.
AMY GOODMAN: Did President Aristide say whether or not he resigned?
MAXINE WATERS: He did not resign. He said he was forced out, that the coup was completed.
AMY GOODMAN: So again to summarize, Congressmember Maxine Waters, you have just gotten off the phone with President Jean Bertrand Aristide, who said he believes he is in the Central African Republic.
MAXINE WATERS: That’s right, with French speaking officers, he’s surrounded by them and he’s in this place called the Palace of the Renaissance and he was forced to go there. They took him there.
I just want to know this,
So what if we told him to leave?
Especially if france was involved?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:29 AM | Comments (1)
February 24, 2004
Oh really, Mr. Carter?
Everyone's favorite dhiminni, Jimmeh Cahtah, who stated that the lack luster performance of the American economy during his presidency was your fault now says that everything else wrong in the world is as well.
Speaking at St. Olaf College Saturday, Carter said Americans are indifferent to the suffering of others around the world.
"The problem lies among the people of the U.S.," he said. "It's a different world from ours. And we don't really care about what happens to them."
He said the U.S. is a "great country, with great potential," but simply isn't doing what it could to bring peace, freedom and health to the developing world.
Hey Jimmeh, if I wanted your opinion, I'd have lifted Castro's ass off your nose and asked for it.
Now back down in the pit, you bastard.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:29 AM | Comments (0)
February 05, 2004
On the Moral Equivalence front
From the near-center of the 'Hate America First' crowd,
War in Iraq: Not a Humanitarian Intervention
Human Rights Watch ordinarily takes no position on whether a state should go to war. The issues involved usually extend beyond our mandate, and a position of neutrality maximizes our ability to press all parties to a conflict to avoid harming noncombatants. The sole exception we make is in extreme situations requiring humanitarian intervention.
Because the Iraq war was not mainly about saving the Iraqi people from mass slaughter, and because no such slaughter was then ongoing or imminent, Human Rights Watch at the time took no position for or against the war. A humanitarian rationale was occasionally offered for the war, but it was so plainly subsidiary to other reasons that we felt no need to address it. Indeed, if Saddam Hussein had been overthrown and the issue of weapons of mass destruction reliably dealt with, there clearly would have been no war, even if the successor government were just as repressive. Some argued that Human Rights Watch should support a war launched on other grounds if it would arguably lead to significant human rights improvements. But the substantial risk that wars guided by non-humanitarian goals will endanger human rights keeps us from adopting that position.
Now, the plain english version;
America is still an evil, imperialistic country because Hussein had only killed about a half-a-million people during his regime's reign.
Found @ Some Poor Schmuck's
Posted by Nukevet at 06:09 AM | Comments (0)
February 02, 2004
Cumonna tua Jaili
You might have heard about this,
Wailuku, Hawii - A woman driving a stolen white Cadillac had nearly run over a rental car employee in Kahului and had reversed toward a police officer on foot in Paia before she was fatally shot by a police officer Friday afternoon, police said Wednesday.
But did you know she was 'an heiress of a chiefly Hawaiian lineage who was executed by the white man to keep the Hawiian people under the thumb of the imperialistic American genocide'?
Me either.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:49 AM | Comments (1)
February 01, 2004
Even More Hollyweird
In the 'For Me, But Not Tor Thee' category,
Gwyneth Paltrow is following her friend Madonna by snubbing British hospitals and having her first child in America.
But they say Madonna - who caused outrage when she called our hospitals 'old and Victorian' - has talked her out of it.
Hmmm, it seems that 'Socialized Medicine' is not good enough for miss 'Patriotism is bad!'
I remember, either during or just after the 2000 election, Paltrow was on with Jay Leno and was talking about the economic situation and how she was worried about 'her relatives who were on welfare'.
I immediately yelled at the screen "You dippy B*tch! You just made $14 million off your last movie! How about spreading the wealth around with your money instead of mine!"
Does anyone else remember her on Leno that far back?
Posted by Nukevet at 08:52 AM | Comments (0)
More Hollyweird
So I hear that Robert Redford has a new movie coming out about Che Guevara called "The Motorcycle Diaries". I also heard that he invited Che's relatives to Sundance to watch the premiere.
What an asshole.
If he wanted to make a good movie, he'd have picked up a real story like Hunter S. Thompson's "The Rum Diary".
But then again, Redford is the type to not let his want to make a good movie get ahead of his idealism.
One of the local talk-radio hosts was talking about how Muslims have to take the pilgrimage or 'haj' to Mecca at least once in their lifetimes to be considered 'a good Muslim' and then noticed how it seems that leftie f*ckwits need to make a 'haj' to Cuba at least once in their lifetime to be considered a good leftie f*ckwit.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:46 AM | Comments (0)
January 29, 2004
Because they're afraid we won't make a 'good' choice
Translation: THEIR choice
In November 2004, U.S. citizens will elect their new President. The outcome of this election directly influences the life of citizens around the world.
Theworldvotes.org gives people all around the world a voice in the forthcoming U.S. Presidential Election.
Ensure that your voice is heard by casting your vote electronically and add momentum to a worldwide drive to establish global democracy.
So, they want everyone around the world to vote for the President of the United States.
Why? Because they�re not �dumb/brainwashed Americans�.
And they�d be right.
They�re �Dumb/Brainwashed Europeans�.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:51 AM | Comments (1)
November 19, 2003
Say that again, it sounded stupid the first time.
From Drudge, a snapshot of a minor brain in action.
Ms German said she did not expect any trouble on the marches organised by her group.
"The whole atmosphere is that people are very angry but they want to protest peacefully.
"They are not the war mongers. If there is any violence the cause will be the visit of President Bush, because it is very provocative," she added.
Ohhhhh, I see. They are little lambs of peace, wouldn't hurt a fly. But the presence of Bush so drives them into a frenzy that they'll wack cops with their signs,.................Bush MADE them do it. Christ, can I use that excuse when she's in town? I'm normally very peaceable, but that idiot bitch so enraged me I had to stuff 10 or 12 of her supporters in a dumpster, it was all her fault.
Can I huh, huh.........please can I?
I take it there is no kind of intelligence qualification to lead one of those protests?
Posted by Nukevet at 01:53 PM | Comments (3)
November 16, 2003
as long as they've known us, they still don't get it.
Cowboy is often used as an insult by Europeans, they seem to think we would take it that way, they might as well say something like stop acting like a man of character. It makes as much sense to American ears. When we hear the words cowboy or sheriff, this is what we think about, most of us over 30 anyway.
So this is how the lunatic fringe left expresses it's displeasure at our president, and by extension to us as well. They can say that "no, really, we like America, we just want your leader to die" as often as they like and it still comes across exactly as it sounds. It's an insult and beneath the dignity of a world power, You can imagine the reaction of the British left if their man of choice was burned in effigy on the Washington Plaza. They would be offended, insulted and wouldn't really care if every other speaker said we really "love" the UK, but you idiots elected a monster. A backhanded disclaimer is worse than a direct slur.
From even before our founding as a nation, the Brits never understood who we were, or what they were dealing with. With events like this I doubt they ever will.
There were and are exceptions certainly, Churchill understood, and Blair seems too. Various writers at various times have been very perceptive about us, strangely though those resources never seem to be accepted by the British left.
Our symbols tell our story.
Merely symbols yes, but they are uniquely our own. There is no Cockney counterpart to the Duke, no British version of The Shootist. There can't be, because we aren't the same, and they should stop thinking we wish to be just like them, because we don't. We chose a different path over two centuries ago, and haven't looked back.
We fought the greatest army in Europe to a bloody stalemate, then to victory, defeated their best generals. We did this when we were tiny and weak, barely a nation at all. That experience colored much of our history. We have refused limits, denied constraints from outside, and had the stones to make it stick. In all our history the only limit to our power and reach has been the restraints that we have placed on ourselves. When we stepped out from Europe's shadow, they spent a century pretending it was all just a big mistake, a hoax. They expected us to fail, to come crawling back, that we succeeded beyond all expectations was a rather rude shock to them. We are a mongrel race to them, they've said as much. Talented tinkerers and businessmen, but not serious players. We had no nobles, no ruling class, no cultural bias against change. We just didn't conform to their rules of class and culture.
The 20th century saw that dynamic change. The first global war, where we broke a stalemate that had ravaged Europe, a generation later when we emerged from the carnage of another European disaster the most powerfull nation on earth forever switched roles between the US and Europe. They can't seem to forgive us for that. As much as it pains them, the fact is we don't really want the job. We have inherited the position of hyperpower from the failures of the Europeans to succeed and to cope with the new world. The price is too high, and the Honors lacking, we would rather see another benevolent power assume the burden........
Just somebody point one out that could do it.
It becomes a simpler matter in that we just have no one we trust enough, or is strong enough to assume the mantle. There is nobody else.
9/11 came and the dynamic changed again. We were just beginning to lull ourselves into thinking that the big fights were all over, that we could coast for awhile. The smoking craters of New York, Washington and Pennsylvania showed us different. As bad as Pearl Harbour was, it was a military defeat. 9/11 was different, very different. They didn't attack our military, they murdered our citizens, .......men, women, children..........All sacrificed to the delusions of a dead culture based on past glories and blood fueds. A culture of spite and resentment. A culture that very often, finds common ground with the faded Empires of a selfneutered Europe, talking tough, but ashamed at it's lack of global power. The fall of the Soviets added to the mix. Western leftists found themselves cut adrift, cast off as the freed people of the Warsaw Pact soundly rejected their beloved path and came to embrace America as the only real opponent to what had enslaved them for so long. They haven't forgiven us for that either.
In esscense we are facing the bitter remnants of failed regimes, failed cultures. The more astute in Europe percieve that hating America for everything is irrational and short sighted. That success can only come from their own doing, not from our failure, .......and they're being drowned out by clowns with buckets of red paint.
So be it, their blindness to reality just ensures that they will continue to fail. That's their choice.
If they really want to ask a relevant question, it isn't why is America hated? It's why are they so bitter and angry? Why do they insist on trying to succeed by tripping us when they should be trying to run faster instead?
I see it this way, in the end we will succeed because we have no choice. Failure to win the War on Terror, the War in Iraq will put our children at risk, it will damn our people to being targets of oppurtunity by a bastard death cult patted on the head by halwitted losers from the west. We will win because we can't fail and still live our lives. We will win because we don't know how to crawl, won't learn and refuse to be taught. Understand that about us if nothing else.
I'm truely sorry so many in Britain have learned to crawl on their bellies. Have learned to deflect their own prejudices on us. Have learned to turn a blind eye to horror because they won't let go of a failed idea. They were stronger than that once, ...........in the past.........Blair knows what we can accomplish, what we wish too. Is he the only Brit to remember what it is to be proud,.......to do the right thing?
I hope not.
Whatever the outcome we fight on. Our critics will just have to get over it. As to the War on Terror? .......".You called down the thunder".
Be careful what you ask for.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:57 PM | Comments (2)
October 04, 2003
Memo to France:
Funny how the left screams about the US acting unilaterally to depose a vicious regime, but says nary a word about France acting unilaterally to keep him in power. Oh, that's right, it wasn't unilateral on France's part. They had a little help from Russia and Germany as well.
Even though there are not many things more entertaining than bashing Chirac, it appears that this story is in error. Or, more correctly, that the Poles were in error when the story was written.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:09 AM | Comments (2)
October 01, 2003
Fascist Saddam
Hehe. Who knew that Ba'ath is just arabic for Nazi?
Ba'ath party (b��th) , Arab political party, in Syria and in Iraq. Its main ideological objectives are secularism, socialism, and pan-Arab unionism. Founded in Damascus in 1941 and reformed, with the name Ba'ath, in the early 1950s, it rapidly achieved political power in Syria.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:31 PM | Comments (2)
September 22, 2003
Country Music to Dixie Chicks
Don't let the door his you in the ass on the way out.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:56 PM | Comments (7)
September 10, 2003
Their crime rate is ballooning, but at least they don't worry about morality
However you feel about abstinence, the tone and cant of this opinion piece tells us alot. You see, the problem is that us hick, backwards Americans care what kind of morals we instill in our young,.........I shit you not.
There are, needless to say, a lot of things wrong with this. First, many of the campaigns are absurdly scaremongering, which puts the wind up teens who inevitably do have sex and makes them less likely to seek medical help for treatable conditions. Second, most of the dumb slogans (like "If you don't aim to please, don't aim to tease") put the onus on girls to act as gatekeepers to sexual experience, which is misogynistic. Third, the overwhelming emphasis on teenage pregnancy expressly excludes homosexuals from the debate (at a conference organised by the rightwing Medical Institute of Sexual Health, in 2000, a young female doctor was asked how she would apply the abstinence message to a young homosexual coming into her clinic. She said: "I would tell him that he was sinning against my Lord!").
Well excluding homosexuals from abstinence programs might be bigoted, except that senior citizens are excluded for the same reason. They can't get pregnant and be forced into early poverty you bimbo! Well she doesn't like all this moral stuff, how nice. So how exactly do you instill in your kids that carjacking and sleeping around like an English Ferret are bad, if you preclude such judgemental things like morality?
So she's an alley cat, fine, I can accept that. But she's old enough to face the consequences of what she does, old enough to pay for a child, or an abortion. How poopooing the effort to teach children that some choices aren't in their best interests helps is beyond me. This paragraph shows where she's coming from clearly.
As Alastair Campbell memorably remarked: over here we don't do God. We don't do God at all. This must be the most valuable distinction still extant between us and America, that we have yet to fall back on bogus concepts of morality to explain why some teens sleep around and shoplift, and some don't. Sorry if that sounds like triumphalism, but, God knows, we don't have much.
"Bogus concepts of morality" this from a woman living in a city that makes New York seem like Disneyland. Where carjacking and muggings are not only rampant, but growing. Where self defense is a crime, where criminals get lighter sentences than the citizens who do fight back. Maybe your attitude explains why you "don't have much" compared to us,......Thinking seems a lost art at the Guardian.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:15 PM | Comments (2)
August 20, 2003
Yep, it's all our fault
Even though the UN turned down coalition recommendations on security, it's still our fault they got attacked:
Annan said he was surprised to hear reports that the United Nations turned down an offer of security from U.S.-led coalition forces. He stressed that security was the responsibility of the United States as the occupying power and if it was needed, the United Nations shouldn�t even have been asked.
�I don�t know if the U.N. did turn down offer for protection, but if it did, it was not correct, and they should not have been allowed to turn it down,� Annan said in Stockholm, en route to New York. �That kind of decision should not be left to the protected. It is those with responsibility for security and law and order, who have intelligence, which determines what action is taken.�
Hey, Kofi, just once I'd like to hear you admit that the UN screwed up. About anything. Ever.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 06, 2003
Great Author, or just another leftwing Crank?
Norman Mailer, the beloved giant of the literary world has once again proven that having a gift for words does not mean you have anything intelligent to say. When you read this steaming pile of dog excrement you find that it's not about any of the things you believed the war to be about. No, it's about poor dumb ignorant white man America! Once again proving it's manhood to itself by conquering brown people! Jesus Christ, even the hippies give us credit for being smart enough to pursue self interest, but not Normie.....nooooooo.
Of course, there were sports fans who loved the stars on their favorite teams without regard to race. Sometimes, they even liked black athletes the most. Such white men tended to be liberals. They were no use to Bush. He needed to take care of his more immediate constituency. If he had a covert strength, it was his knowledge of the unspoken things that bothered American white men the most�just those matters they were not always ready to admit to themselves. The first was that people hipped on sports can get overaddicted to victory. Sports, the corporate ethic (advertising), and the American flag had become a go-for-the-win triumvirate that had developed many psychic connections with the military.
See it's racism, you can't be white and not a liberal and be anything but a bigot, Normie says so. Normie also needs to have his head extracted from that overused highway of an ass of his. See how easy it is to explain away how a majority of people disagree with you when you just tag them as knuckle dragging boobs. Only really smart people like Normie can see the truth, everybody else is just stupid.
I can't let this go either,
The carrier was easily within helicopter range of San Diego but G.W. would not have been able to show himself in flight regalia, and so would not have been able to demonstrate how well he wore the uniform he had not honored. Jack Kennedy, a war hero, was always in civvies while he was commander in chief.
Is Normie on crack? Bush never "honored" the uniform he wore? He flew F-106's in the Air National Guard, I'm sure that all the ANG units who flew in our last two wars consider their service dishonorable. Compared to what, Bill (pussyboy) Clinton ducking the draft? Al (mr. internet) Gore securing a decidedly non dangerous media position thanks to daddy? He mentions Ike and JFK as if he didn't know they would probably spit on almost all his stated positions. It's not required that everybody like Bush, what pisses me off totally is the thought that hating him isn't enough for him. Nope he has to imply and insinuate shit that is a damned lie. Vote for Dean if you like Normie, but save your personality projections for the assholes you know. I doubt he even knows a republican, I also doubt he knows anyone not wealthy, think he debates politics with his household staff? I'm also sure the only nonwhites he sees everyday are the people who cut his grass, and do his laundry.
Rich white liberals are as predictable as death, and half as pleasant.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:45 PM | Comments (4)
June 28, 2003
Now why are we supposed to tolerate Canadians again?
I found this comment piece while doing my daily rounds at the Globe and Mail in Canada. It primarily discusses the Supreme Court decision to strike down laws making homosexuality illegal. That isn't my complaint with him. Read the piece and see if you don't agree that we may as well be talking about soft wood sales, cause it's another let's bash America fest.
Note the court was not asserting that the Constitution protects the rights of gay people to equal treatment before the law, only that laws actively prohibiting homosexual behaviour were unconstitutional, in that society had evolved toward a greater acceptance of homosexual conduct, which would make laws specifically targeting homosexuals invalid under the due-process provisions of the Constitution.
Consider the contrast with Canada.
Some would argue that the courts here have perverted the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to extend benefits to gays not sanctioned by Parliament. But it was the federal government that revoked the sodomy laws in the 1960s, and provincial governments that led the way in the 1970s and 1980s in prohibiting discrimination based on sexuality.
First, I think almost nothing about homosexuals, it's as much a non-issue to me as to wether someone is from Idaho,....... "you are! That's nice, so what do you think about the war?" I don't judge peoples relationships unless they hurt other people. So I guess I think the court probably got it right. nuff on that.
No my problem is it's plain this fuckstick clearly believes he comes from a more highly evolved, more enlightened race of human. Oh yes sweet Canada, where bad people who vote republican will never be, where everyone is in total lockstep with the latest socialist approved societal trends. No, no backslidders here.................
Does this retard even read his own paper? There's enough miscreant behavior to go around thank you very much. You are not so fucking special. Get over yourself. Does he really think homophobia is not in Canada, or racism, or nazi's, anti-semites? He needs to get out of the newsroom and go to a neighborhood bar and ask them if they think gay marriage is OK, bet he gets more than he cares to hear about how enlightened his fellow citizens are.
He can sew on the Asshole First Class stripe now, the paperworks in the mail.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:00 AM | Comments (1)
May 31, 2003
Sqaushing Dissent
If you're in Michigan you've probably already heard about this. But here we go anyway. You may remember the name "Thayrone" (aka Terry Hughes). He hosted a show on a NPR station in Ypsilanti, Michigan until he repeatedly expressed his pro-Iraq war/pro-Bush views on the air. On April 2nd he was fired for those offenses and then refusing to run NPR news , stating "we know if you want a current assesment of what is going on, you're sure not listening to us".
He has been picked up by an Ann Arbor, Michigan station and given his own show starting this Sunday night from 7-11pm. He has been given complete creative control over his new program, won't be forced to run news, and even *gasp* has the freedom to speak in favor of GWB.
For all the bitching from the left about having their view points being shut down, quieted, censored, etc. which we have had to listen to for months now, none of them can point to an experience such as this being done to anyone on their side. NPR being a psuedo-government entity, I would be tempted to go legal on their ass if it had been me. I don't retain a lawyer for giggles you know.
But Mr. Hughes is much more "mellow" about this than I. "But don't look for any paybacks this Sunday. 'It's going to be a real strong energy show,' Hughes says, 'not a get-even show ever. I'm not looking back, this is the next evolutionary step.'
Expect the tin-foil hat crowd to go ballistic over this since the station that he know works for is a Clear Channel station.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:02 AM | Comments (0)