March 01, 2005



One expressing a real hope for freedom and democracy. Another, who has never known anything but freedom and democracy, expressing support for a brutal and repressive regime that would have slaughtered the first for daring to dream of something better.

Your choice.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:37 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 23, 2005

Idiots on Parade

Commies for al-Qiada are at it again!

March 19th, 2005. Global Day of Coordinated Actions on the 2nd Anniversary of the "Shock and Awe" Invasion of Iraq initiated by antiwar organizations worldwide including the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition in the United States

Local & Regional AntiWar Actions in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Fayetteville, New York, New Paltz, Chicago, Seattle, Minneapolis & in hundreds of other cities around the country and the world.

Here is the part that will have you falling out of your chair:

We will demand: * Bring the Troops Home Now * End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to Palestine to Haiti & Everywhere * Stop the threats against Iran & Cuba * Health Care, Education, Housing, and a Job at a Living Wage Must be a Right!

Now that I have might have your blood up, go here and read the list of states that have active International ANSWER chapters.

If you don�t count Washington DC they are only in 50% of the states. That is funny. They say they�re �interntaional�, but they can�t even count themselves as �national�.

Sadly, my state IS listed. I�ll have to fix that.

Found at FreeWillBlog

Posted by Nukevet at 08:57 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

February 22, 2005

Twat a Loser

Scott Ritter; sex offender and reporter for al-Jazeera was in my fair state the past couple days, making anti-Bush rhetoric and pro-Islamofascist speeches to the masses in and around the state capital of Olympia.

In his ramblings, he decided that he needed to punch up the atmosphere and said something that has the local left wing all abuzz,


Scott Ritter, appearing with journalist Dahr Jamail yesterday in Washington State, dropped two shocking bombshells in a talk delivered to a packed house in Olympia�s Capitol Theater. The ex-Marine turned UNSCOM weapons inspector said that George W. Bush has "signed off" on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005, and claimed the U.S. manipulated the results of the recent Jan. 30 elections in Iraq.

Olympians like to call the Capitol Theater "historic," but it's doubtful whether the eighty-year-old edifice has ever been the scene of more portentous revelations.

On Iran, Ritter said that President George W. Bush has received and signed off on orders for an aerial attack on Iran planned for June 2005. Its purported goal is the destruction of Iran�s alleged program to develop nuclear weapons, but Ritter said neoconservatives in the administration also expected that the attack would set in motion a chain of events leading to regime change in the oil-rich nation of 70 million -- a possibility Ritter regards with the greatest skepticism.

Of course, Ritter-the-Kiddie-Diddler would not reveal his source/s on this hot topic, which leaves me only to remind everyone of Congressman Maurice Hinchey�s comments from over the weekend alleging that there was �A Rovian Plan� to give CBS the fake documents,

All the left wing has is wild accusation and conspiracy theory.

I heard Mr. �I Took Money From Saddam� Ritter on the loony left wing radio channel last night, espousing all that is reported in the link above and more. Most of the new info was just crap about how Israel is tying the US to this June bombing plan.

Wooo-doggie! I hope I didn�t scare any of my co-workers with my maniacal laughter.

Oh and BTW, if the attack does not happen in June, they�ll say that it was only because �They exposed the plans to the world� and the US and Israel had to call it off.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:15 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

You thought our news was bad

Check out the crap the Euros are having stuffed down their throats;

*Agence France-Presse, under the headline 'Palestinian schoolgirl shot dead by Israeli troops in Gaza'
*The Independent based its story on a UN official who directly accused the IDF of firing on Deab, then passed off IDF spokespersons who denied culpability as 'plainly embarrassed.'
*Knight Ridder-Tribune quoted both Ahmed Qurei decrying the shooting as an IDF 'war crime,' and a UN official condemning 'the Israeli military's indiscriminate firing into civilian areas.'

It sounds horrible doesn�t it? I mean, the little girl being shot is most definitely horrible, but, I mean it sounds bad for the IDF, right?

That is the way the reporters want you to feel.

Here is what actually happened;

On Monday (1/31), 10-year-old Nuran Deab was struck by a bullet in southern Gaza and died shortly thereafter. The IDF immediately suggested the gunshots may have come from nearby Palestinians firing celebratory shots in the air. Further, Reuters stated that 'it did not appear that Israeli soldiers some 600 meters away could have seen into the [school] compound from their position behind high walls.' ... This lopsided version of events appears all the more ludicrous given the Jerusalem Post's report that PA police have now arrested a Palestinian man for the shooting.

But the reporters have to play the child�s death up so that they can sell copy to their potential Eurabian readers.

That is truly sick.

Found at Honest Reporting via Discarded Lies and via the Happy Carpenter

Posted by Nukevet at 08:57 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 21, 2005

The Plans

A couple weeks ago, Mike at Sworn Enemy linked to a report from the NRA-ILA about a coalition of �human rights groups� lobbying the United Nations to draw up and pass new Gun Control legislation that would be able to be enforced WORLD WIDE.

A coalition of human "rights" groups is urging the United Nations (UN) to begin drawing up plans for a "legally binding," worldwide "marking and tracing" system that they foresee as a means to track firearms from "factory" to "user" anywhere in the world (including the United States).

The coalition includes the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) and its vehemently anti-gun Director Rebecca Peters (who, in October 2004, debated NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre in the "Great Gun Debate"), in addition to Amnesty International and Oxfam International.

Despite the fact that numerous iterations of this flawed concept have already proven ineffective and unworkable, the gun-ban groups are nonetheless pushing the proposal, which, in the end, amounts to nothing more than a dressed up global registration scheme. It is also, they hope, a means by which they can foist their anti-gun agenda on other countries worldwide.

And this is where the Gun Control argument gets sticky among some gun rights supporters.

Just as abortion will never be outlawed by the Republicans, firearms laws will never get to the point of confiscation under the Democrats.

Oh sure, they�ll try their hardest, and they�ll bitch, moan, whine and scream bloody murder when they don�t get their way. But chances are that the Dems will never have the power to do anything like that without the help of the Republicans.

Basically they will need the Republicans help in either putting a judge or judges onto the SCOTUS bench who will rule the Second Amendment is irrelevant or will need them to pass an Amendment nullifying the Second.

Now don�t get me wrong, this is no reason to not watch their every move and vote as many of them out of office as possible. This goes for �Republicans in Name Only� (RINOs) as well. But the Dems simply will not get their way on Gun Control Legislation without Republican help.

Unless you add the help of some international body like the UN.

This is the Dems one ace up their sleeve on this topic.

Before I even started blogging, Misha had a post about the UN trying to count the firearms in the US. I cannot find it now, as I am sure you�ll understand that trying to look up disparaging words about both the UN and Gun Control at the Imperial Website is a long and arduous task.

Here's the scoop, the UN held meetings with the ATF during the eight years of the Clinton Administration and believes that they now know an approximate and accurate estimate of how many firearms are privately owned in the US.

If that doesn�t scare the shit out of you, I don�t know what will.

I think we can all agree that �idiot� and �stupid� are two entirely different things. The people in charge of the UN are all �idiots� but they are not �stupid�.

Before attacking America, Japanese Admiral Isaroku Yamamoto said �You cannot invade America. There will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.�

He was right, and the UN knows it. They know that before they can get to America they will need to take all the firearms out of the hands of its citizens.

I also think that we can agree that before you can remove a group of somethings is to know how many somethings you need to remove.

They already have that part.

You can guess what comes next, I�m sure. I mentioned it at the beginning of this post.

If you subscribe to the Shotgun News, you probably already know about Fred of Fred�s M-14 Stocks. Fred writes about the UN and scenarios involving them being on our soil, unwelcome by the citizens.

Now to some, Fred seems a bit �out there�. But I assure you, he writes in that way to get folks eyes opened up, hoping that they read a little further and get more knowledge. He is right in the fact that the UN would love nothing more than to take over their largest benefactor and use its resources for their own needs.

You can go here and read some of his previous essays. I suggest that you do so and then also suggest that you subscribe to the SGN so as to get his new ones (and read the adverts for a large quantity of great deals on firearms, ammunition, accessories and obscure miscellany).

Fred, like Kim du Toit, is doing what he can to build a �Nation of Riflemen�. He has easy to read and informative manuals and targets for getting yourself and your firearms up to speed.

Please take it under advisement that you should take this task on as your 2005 resolution since, if you are anything like 99% of the rest of the population, you have probably already given up on any that you made previously.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:36 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

February 18, 2005

Discover the Network

David Horowitz of has created a new website for keeping track of your favorite leftie called Discover the Network.

It is still being fully developed, but you should go check this thing out today.

Basically, you have a selection of people to choose from or you can run a search on a name.

Once you do that, you get a short biography and the option to see the lines drawn that connect the dots to their funding sources.

My House Rep, Baghdad Jim McDermott made the list, of course. I already knew that he was affiliated with The Democratic Socialists of America, but if that only is because I blog and look into these things. My neighbors probably have no knowledge of this.

Think of it as a handy-dandy resource for connecting the dots.

And think of it as a tool that will piss the left off to no end. Watch for the debut of this thing to hit Kos and Atrios this weekend or Monday probably.

Watch them call it things like �Blacklisting� and �McCarthyism�

Watch me laugh my ass off at them because it is nothing of the sort. It is merely an informational tool.

If they had any sense of history, they would know that "blacklisting" is actually what currently happens to conservatives in Hollywood.

I heard about this site a couple weeks ago when David Horowitz was being interviewed on the Buzz Patterson Show.

I heard the Buzz Patterson Show on the Right Talk On-Line radio network.

You've been able to find FrontPageMag in my links section for a while. Now you will also be able to find Discover the Network and Right Talk there as well.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:44 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 17, 2005

A Message from the DNC

To all of us mean old Right Wingers

Found at the Danegerus Blog

Posted by Nukevet at 09:59 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 14, 2005

Good For Us

Lynne Stewart, left wing radical and terrorist supporter, is looking more and more like the virulent anti-American that folks on the right all knew her to be.

Trial evidence:

j. On or about May 19, 2000,

during a prison visit to Abdel Rahman by STEWART and YOUSRY, YOUSRY told Abdel Rahman and. STEWART about the kidnappings by the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group in the Philippines and Abu Sayyaf�s demand to free Abdel Rahman, to which STEWART replied, �Good for them.� STEWART then told Abdel Rahman that she believed he could be released from prison if the government in Egypt were changed. STEWART also told Abdel Rahman that events like the Abu Sayyaf kidnappings in the Philippines are important, although they �may be futile,� because it is �very, very crucial� that Abdel Rahman not be forgotten as a hero of the �Muiahadeen� (Jihad warriors).

Because the guy in charge of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, at least in the mind of Stewart, deserved to go free so that he could strike America again.

She should never see daylight again.

Found at the New Sisyphus via the Belmont Club which I found via DANEgerus.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:48 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 10, 2005

Caught One

No, I�m not talking about a high ranking al Qaida member. I�m talking about an enemy journalist.


A part-time cameraman who worked for NBC found out the hard way that "Akbar," the international broker he had met on eBay, wasn't really looking to ship stolen night-vision lenses to Iran.

Instead, the broker was a federal customs agent, and the cameraman, Erik Kyriacou, 24, of North Babylon, found himself in a Philadelphia courtroom Monday pleading guilty to four federal counts, including trying to export technology to an "axis of evil" country...

Kyriacou was arrested last April after offering four Astroscope night-vision lenses for sale in a public auction on eBay, then privately negotiating an $8,000 sale price with the undercover agent, court records show. He shipped them to an address in Vienna, Austria, in January 2004, according to the court papers.

He had stolen them from NBC, where he worked as a news camerman, Welsh said.

The US Attorney�s Office report

Found at Michelle Malkin's blog

Posted by Nukevet at 08:58 AM | Comments (0)

February 08, 2005

Pitiful Sods

I'm sure you all remember Sgt. 1st Class Jeff Due.

Sgt Due is the U.S. Army recruiter who was mobbed by the 'students' at Seattle Central Community College on Inauguration day.

Well, it seems that the louts who ran him out, tossed over his table and tore up all of his gear are petitioning the school to keep all military recruiters off campus forever.

Anti-war group targets on-campus military recruiters

Students Against War has launched a petition drive aimed at persuading administrators to order a halt to on-campus military recruiting.

I feel the need to warn you that there is a throwable objects warning on that article.

The Administrators of the school have backed off the threat to kick 'Students Against War' off campus if they didn't apologize to the recruiters.

Apparently, all you have to do nowadays is claim that there were other student groups involved in your illegal activites for any punishment to be called "A Witchhunt".

There is no word from the campus Wiccans about how that statement made them feel included in the article.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:10 AM | Comments (0)

February 07, 2005

Stomping on the head of a conspiracy theory

Murdoc overhears a coworker telling an anti-Bush lie,

"And you saw how those gas prices went down right before the election, didn't you?" he said. "Then they shot right back up. Funny how that happened, isn't it?"

As he is retelling this story, he posts a graph that effectively crushes the head of this lie. Check it out.

Keep this one handy folks. I�ve heard this one multiple times from the Teamsters I work with and I don�t expect it to go away for a while.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:05 AM | Comments (0)

January 18, 2005

Stupid Liberal Tricks

The Interested Participant links to one of those ineffective "No Questions Asked, Gun Buy-Back" programs going on soon in Cleveland.

How I wish I had $10,000 and a ticket to Cleveland. I'd rent myself a table and buy some pens and poster board and set up just down the street from the turn in location

I got to see the haul that the City of Seattle took a couple years back when they were trading 'Guns for Tickets to Sporting Events'.

I think I remember actually crying that day.

Also, as you may or may not know, the Analog Wife works for a local 911 call center. You wouldn't believe the calls she gets from little old ladies whose husband has passed away and they want to just get the guns out of the house.

Just this last weekend a man called saying his wife was suicidal and he wanted the police to stop by and take all of the guns from his house.

I keep telling her to let them know a plainclothes officer who looks surprisingly like me will be stopping by shortly to gather them up.

She says her bosses might not look upon that very kindly, though.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:50 PM | Comments (0)

January 06, 2005

Getting Your Message Out

Drumwaster has posted a pic from his travels around his town yesterday.

It depicts the back end of a truck that has every rear facing surface covered in bumperstickers of almost every leftist slogan on the planet.

My favorite sticker is on the bottom left corner of the truck under the burning man sticker.

It says "Sport Untility Vehicles - Big Wheels for Small Minds"

The reason I love this one is that the truck is a late 90's Mazda B4000 Xtra-Cab.

A Mazda B4000 XC is the sister ship of the Ford Ranger. And a Ford Ranger is basically a Ford Explorer with a bed instead of a passenger compartment. It may be a bit lighter due to the shorter and lighter body, but it IS, basically, an SUV.

I have always wondered if it was possible to be a fool and a hypocrite at the same time.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:24 AM | Comments (1)

January 04, 2005

Those 'Civilized' Europeans

Those lovable french folks ring in the new year in their own special way.....

Vandals torched a total of 333 cars in France during New Year's celebrations, according to official figures released at the weekend - an unpleasant annual tradition that is not seen anywhere else in Europe.

The total was up nine from last year, prompting the interior ministry to note a "stability in the phenomena of urban violence".

More than 270 people were detained for questioning in connection with the blazes, while 19 police officers were slightly injured.

In nearly all cases, the arson attacks came in what the government considers to be "difficult" areas on the outskirts of Paris, the eastern city of Strasbourg and its suburbs.

France is the only country in Europe where torching cars has become a New Year's custom, according to data collected by AFP's bureaux across the continent.

That's OK in my mind, the French don't make any decent cars anyway.

Found @ the Interested Participant

Posted by Nukevet at 11:15 AM | Comments (0)

January 03, 2005

Up to her old tricks

California Senator and hopolophobe, Diane Feinstein, has a new bill out and is looking for help in getting it passed.

To dismantle increasingly violent street gangs operating nationwide, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Wednesday that she'll reintroduce a sweeping package of federal laws modeled after those used to combat organized crime.

The proposal would establish a separate class of federal crimes targeting participation in criminal street gangs, just as the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, or RICO, Act targeted organized crime.

I'm with Mike @ Sworn Enemy on the subject "I wonder what's buried in this one?"

Keep an eye out on your favorite firearms message boards and pro-gun websites (hopefully, including this one) for more info when it becomes available on what this bill includes.

I can easily see her trying to slip parts of the so called "Assault Weaopns Ban" in through the side door via this bill.

Remember, in 1994 the "AWB" was put through as an 'anti-gang' and 'tough on crime' bill.

That was why we had such an impossible time stopping it.

We cannot let it happen again. Now is the time for the repealing of gun legislation, not for more.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:55 AM | Comments (0)

December 28, 2004

I like the shape of Florida

Because it looks like we're pissing on Cuba.

Ten UC Davis students are paying $11,000 each to go to Cuba for an "intensive 10-week experience filled with side trips across the island to African-Cuban and other cultural enclaves, Spanish and music classes, and individual ethnographic studies of Cubans."

I can picture it now, almost a dozen softheaded Americans wandering aimlessly around this 'worker's paradise' and wondering why AmeriKKKa can't be more like it.

Of course, the Cuban government will be keeping almost $100,000 of this $110K trip. And of course, some of these students will be paying their way with government funded student loans and grants.

Thanks, UC Davis, for organizing this useless expenditure of my tax dollars!

But here is the funniest part,

In Cuba, where food is rationed, they will be eating mostly pork, chicken, rice and beans, which the (Woodland, CA, Daily Democrat) saw as a challenge for the vegetarians in the group.

Oh, the pain in my sides! I can just picture these brainwashed children crying because they have to kill their own food!

On another note, I wonder if any of these dictator suporting students is a member of an environmental organization?

Because, with the ferver that those organizations opposed the drilling in ANWR, they will be right there on Castro's doorstep to protest him drilling in his newly discovered crude oil deposit.

Oh wait, I forgot. There isn't a protester brave enough to demonstrate in Havana. Castro might have them executed.

But remember, AmeriKKKA is the evil empire!

Posted by Nukevet at 01:50 PM | Comments (1)

December 27, 2004


George Bush and the Americans are RIGHT?!?

The fight in Iraq isn't about Iraqis fighting for their country's sovreignity or about the actual citizens rising up against their American oppressors?

One of two French journalists released from captivity in Iraq has said he saw other hostages who were later beheaded.
Georges Malbrunot, giving details of his ordeal in the French media, said he and his colleague Christian Chesnot both feared for their lives at times.

Mr Malbrunot said his captors were driven more by Islamic holy war than Iraqi nationalism.

"We were very aware of the fact that it wasn't the Iraqi agenda that motivated our kidnappers, but the internationalist jihadist agenda.

Sacre Bleu!

Found in a number of places, but first at The View from North Central Idaho

Posted by Nukevet at 04:53 AM | Comments (0)

December 23, 2004

Good Riddance

The first of what will hopefully be many Seattlites moving to Canuckistan.

The first of an expected influx of Americans unhappy with the re-election of President George Bush have received their visas to come to Canada.

The Kilbourne family of Seattle has already been approved by Immigration Canada, and they're now looking around B.C. for a place to call home.

The Kilbournes applied more than a year ago after deciding they couldn't take another term with Bush as president.

Tresey Kilbourne says initially they planned to withdraw their applications if the Democrats won.

"With the Republicans in full control of everything, there hasn't been anything that has caused us to think that we weren't doing anything other than the smart thing a year ago," he says.

The Vancouver law firm the Kilbournes first contacted says it has retained more "Bush refugees" � and it predicts dozens of them will be moving to B.C. once their immigration applications are processed.

Get out and don't bother coming back.

Found @ Right Thinking

Posted by Nukevet at 10:46 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

December 21, 2004

It has been a long time

Since I have muddied my boots by treading in the swamps known as my local Indymedia centers.

It didn't take me long to figure out why when I stopped by this morning.....

Gary Webb was the reporter who 'broke' the story about the CIA's supposed involvment in the LA crack cocaine supply. Webb commited suicide last week and the by-line from most of the blogs that reported it was "Let the Conspiracy Theories Begin".

And boy oh boy, have they!

Webb 'Suicide' Looking More Like Murder

We owe it to ourselves, to Gary Webb, and to all truth seekers, to get behind Alex Jones and his courageous DEMAND for a full and independent investigation of Webb's suspicious death, including an autopsy of his body, before his ashes wind up in an urn on a fireplace mantle in Langley, Virginia.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:19 AM | Comments (1)

December 17, 2004

Somebody Needs A New Hobby

Mr. Sidney Stock apparently has too much time on his hands. So does his wife, Jennifer.

Poor little Sidney is afraid of a Christmas Tree that sits in the lobby of the City Hall in Bellevue, Washington and he wants it removed.

Nevermind that the city has already renamed it 'A Giving Tree' and that it generates almost $25,000 in donations.

It is threatening to Baby Sidney.

Nevermind that the courts have decided that Christmas Trees are secular symbols and are free to be displayed in public areas of public building.

It hurts Sidney the Idiot Manchild's feewings.

A quote from Sappy Sid,

"I try and be aware of injustice and inequality when it affects anybody or everybody," he says. "Certainly this is something that has been a problem for as long as I can remember."

Oh really, Sidney? How about the injustice that it was people like you who made the city change the name to 'A Giving Tree', when it is clearly a Christmas Tree?

Get a life, loser. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that you have a right to not be offended.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:58 AM | Comments (0)

December 13, 2004

I really don't now what it is about me....

That sets people off, but I got swamped this weekend with folks on the left who just didn't like what I had to write about this last week.

The one who sticks out in particular is one Carl Ballard who really didn't like what I wrote about Tumwater's discrimination towards Wal-Mart.

I grabbed the original link to the story from him, and in doing so, I graduated to 'Monkey' status on his blog "Washington State Political Report".

In fact, I got top billing for Sunday. You should go read it.

It all started here, with my post about members of the Anti-Corporate Religion.

It then moved into my email box when he came here to comment on my post. His comment was, of course, approved and is posted in the comments here.

He seemed to take offense that I had the gall to challenge his ideas and write him back, so he classified my response as "Monkey Mail", which, since we are only Marauding Marsupails in the TTLB Ecosystem, it would seem that I have stepped up on the ladder, at least for a bit.

My response to his comment is here at his blog, where he reprinted it in full and attempted a fisking. Sadly, he is as familiar with fisking as he is with the truth about his own intentions. While it is entertaining, it really isn't fun verbally duelling with someone who can only argue in hyperbole.

After getting poorly fisked, I decided he needed to be taken to town and treated like a truckstop urinal cake.

My response to the fisk is in the comments on his post. However, he has a 1000 character limit, and my response is around 14 comment posts long. If you want to read it uninterupted, it is below the fold of this post.

Have fun reading. Let me know how you think I did. Let Carl know too.


Ahhh, Mr. Ballard,

How kind of you to send me links after I sent a few to you.

Let�s start at the beginning, my decision to write you back was due to your thoughtfulness to write in the first place.

It is something called �courtesy�. If you like, I can go to Webster�s for the definition of this one as well, for you. I find that it helps in most of life�s interaction. If you decide to ever leave your home for the real world, I suggest you work it into your repertoire.

Next, I am one of those folks who works a graveyard shift in order to make those who work in the daytime lives comfortable. That would make 4AM my afternoon. Again, I can understand how adjusting to abnormalities would prove difficult for some.

Especially those who do not know what �diversity� means.

As to your rebuttal (AKA � fisking) of my email, I am allowed to have a go at pointing out the discontinuity and insipidness of your points, aren�t I?

Here I go,

I find it humorous that you believe that I, and others, on the right are unable to understand the concept, if not the meaning of the word �nuance�. But of course, being the prejudiced and discriminatory person you have shown yourself to be, I can understand. Again, try to get out more. Learn by experience.

Onto the point of your assertion that W-M �subverted democracy�,

If there was no actual law on the books to dodge, then there was no subversion, they, just like everyone else, were working within the established rules and regulations. Maybe the Tumwater council should have thought about this new moratorium in previous sessions, or even in previous years. That way, they never have to worry about having their �democracy subverted�.

�An application that you know a democratic process (sadly more on this later) was looking at.�


�To say that something just doesn't apply to you. A law for example.�

Mr. Ballard, unless you have supernatural powers, you have no positive way of knowing that this moratorium was going to pass with a positive vote by the council. Hence, you have no way of knowing that it would have become the law that you say W-M �subverted�. Hence, you are making unjustified accusations. People who live in reality do not do this.

�Locke doesn't have the power to do that. (b) The supremes would overturn it anyway. So your dad should just let the courts work their magic. So should WalMart, rather than say the law shouldn't apply to them.�

Yes, that worked really well in the Dred Scott case, didn't it?

So, until the courts get around to overturning this hypothetical rule, listening to the pro/con arguments and deliberating for who knows how long, my father is not allowed to drive, unless he wants to break the law.

Also, who is to say that they will overturn it? Driving is not a right and can be denied to anyone, including the group I proposed.

�GLBT bookstores don't have a history of violating labor laws, discriminating against women, and depressing wages. Also the Tumwater ban was on size, not on being a specific store.�

I take it from this quote and others you included in your rebuttal, that you believe all of these things about the current state of Wal-Mart, which is good, because it shows you can read and comprehend. Now, if you would only do so to what you write.

If you assert that Wal-Mart is guilty of all of those things, then you have just made yourself out to be an idiot. You want to ban Wal-Mart because of these, which proves that you, and the Tumwater city council (who list items such as these as reasons they would prefer to not have Wal-Mart in their town), are attempting to ban W-M specifically because of them and are only using the size issue as a tool in doing so.

Mr. Ballard, I have attempted to be as friendly as possible here, but this blatant lie on the front page of your site is almost too much for an honest discussion to stand. Especially if you are going to just say that the ends justify the means.

�you seem to be saying that if W-M fills out a form wrong they should get special treatment.�

I said nothing of the sort. In fact, you have shown that you want Wal-Mart to get a very special treatment, in the negative sense, before they are allowed to even file their application. And now that W-M have filed their application, you want it to go through another negative special treatment because of your, and the city council�s prejudice.

I would say that Wal-Mart has followed every rule that the Tumwater democracy has established, and that it is you and they who are doing the actual and real �subverting�.

But of course, you offer no evidence for refute this argument, because you have nothing but �Wal-Mart is Evil� in your mental repository. It must be sad to be you.

�I have no idea what people's friends and relatives stand to lose if WalMart goes in, but you obviously have no evidence that there is any wrong doing.�

My point exactly, Mr. Ballard. Let the people see what, if any, reason the members of the city council may have for denying Wal-Mart due process in their application or even the ability to file one.

If the council members only objection is to W-M�s business practices, then let them say so and raise a moratorium on businesses that have been shown to operate in that manner and not hide behind the issue of facility square footage like cowards.

Again, let us keep the standards equal for both sides here.

And your Adam Smith quotes show that, yes, you have taken the bait and have let people pull you into the anti-corporate religion. Using selective quotes, will only get you so far, Mr. Ballard. Had I more time, I am positive that I could find a quotation from Smith that would directly contradict yours.

Also, I have found in life that those who need to quote others to prove their point have nothing to say for themselves (the one exception being the judiciary profession). As it seems, from your blatant lie and limited argumentative vocabulary, I have been proven correct once again.

(in pertaining to unions breeding sloth and incompetence) �No they don't.�

Is that really all you could come up with, Carl? Did you even try?

And yes, if you talk to police, firefighters and pilots, they will be able to tell a plethora of tales where the union saved someone�s job even though they were incompetent or lazy.

I used to be a Teamster and the wife is currently a member of a union that covers local civil servants. I would relate a story or two to you, but since you complained that my previous response was beyond your attention span, I will digress from relating any of them to you at this time as I would not want to deviate from the subject matter and confuse you.

�The Tumwater council is elected. By the people of Tumwater.�


�The citizenry empowered them to make that up or down vote.�

Hence the term �representative democracy�, Carl, I know that it is difficult for some to recognize the difference between the two terms, but try to concentrate, here. To not do so is rude.

�Because the stand of let locals do what they want is too complex for you?�

How do you know what the locals want? And for that matter, how does the city council?

Did they put this moratorium up for a vote from the citizenry? Or are they just taking their own prejudices into their own hands. Or, again, is their a possibility that they stand to lose financially by Wal-Mart coming to their town?

I would bet money that you would object if the issue was that of council members throwing out the welcome mat to Wal-Mart. You might even want the person/s involved to be investigated to see if they were going to gain financially from W-M coming to town.

But you, being the liar you have been shown to be, have let your standards be lowered by your prejudice against corporations so that what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

The locals have a very good way to show that Wal-Mart is not a store they want in their town, THEY DO NOT HAVE TO SHOP THERE. Apparently, you need to read up on your free market theories, as that is very near the top of the list of how they function.

�Good use of a paragraph!�

Is that all you have, Ballard?

If so, go to your room and cry. You have had your ass handed to you twice now on this topic, and all you can come up with is elementary insults and hyperbolic statements.

You have been proven a liar who cannot stand by his own professed standards when they do not meet his needs. Therefore, you are no better than you claim Wal-Mart to be.

Carl Ballard, are YOU evil?

Go pound sand, baby-boy

Posted by Nukevet at 02:18 PM | Comments (4)

December 09, 2004


You have probably already heard of Pablo Paredes, the Navy petty officer who refused to ship out to Iraq aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard, because it was transporting US Marines.

Citizen Smash, The Indepundit has a few words for him here,

In the big scheme of things, your action will have no impact on the war. The Bonhomme Richard sailed out of San Diego on Monday, along with her entire battle group. Your attempted desertion may have caused a media stir, but you did not delay the battle group�s departure by so much as a minute. The embarked Marines are on their way to the Sandbox, to perform the mission that they were trained to do.

You did, however, manage to fuck up your own future.

As I�m sure you�re aware, the Navy isn�t just going to let you go easily. They�re going to put you on trial for desertion. You will probably end up spending a year or longer in military prison, doing hard labor. And how do you think your fellow prisoners will respond to you? Do you think they�ll respect your decision to shirk your duty? Of course, you will also be reduced in rank to E-1, forfeit all of your pay, be dishonorably discharged, and lose eligibility for the GI bill and any veteran�s benefits you might have otherwise claimed.

To your credit, you�ve stood up before the cameras and said that you are prepared to accept the consequences for your actions. We�ll see about that.

Lee at Right Thinking from the Left Coast also has some words for him here.

"Cowardly pieces of shit like this guy are the reason brigs and firing squads exist, which will no doubt mean that he�ll be hailed as a hero in Michael Moore�s next film."

Make sure you read Lee's follow-up here as well.

And since we're already talking about tools of the left, Judicious Asininity has the words of former US Army Staff Sergeant to the Canadian Immigration Board on behalf of the deserter Jimmy Massey (a true 'Former Marine') who is applying for asylum in Canuckistan.

On several occasions, his soldiers pumped hundreds of bullets into cars that failed to stop at U.S. military checkpoints, killing all occupants - who were later found to be unarmed, Massey said.

"What they were doing was committing murder."

Massey's statements echoed earlier testimony from Hinzman, who says he fled the U.S. military because he believed the invasion of Iraq was illegal, and any violent acts he committed there would be unconscionable.

And in the 'Sit Down Strike' category, The Mudville Gazette finds a report about the punishments that will be given to the soldiers who refused to haul gasoline in late October "Because it was too dangerous".

The American military has ordered punishment, but not courts-martial, for 23 Army Reserve soldiers who refused in October to deliver fuel to a base in Iraq, claiming that it was too dangerous, military officials here said Monday.

The soldiers are receiving nonjudicial punishments under Article 15 of the military justice code, which could include reduction in rank, loss of pay and restricted movements depending on their commander's discretion, said Lt. Col. Steve Boylan, a military spokesman.

Greyhawk says that Article 15's can be quite harsh. I would have prefered they get the 'Big rocks into small rocks' punishment, myself.

Or, at least giving the guys from the 639th QC MNG from Kalispell, MT who VOLUNTEERED to make the SAME TRIP (and did so successfully, without even a scratch) the choice.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:11 AM | Comments (6)

December 03, 2004

Guess who's back..... Back again.

McDermott's Back. Crazy Man.

I didn't vote for him. In fact, I voted for an over-the-top right wing looney in the hopes that she could get rid of him.

I was wrong and now Jim McDermott is back and spouting off his collectivist medicine plan clap-trap to the next generation of physicians at the University of Washington.

U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott (D-7) outlined the need for federally funded universal healthcare in front of a standing-room-only crowd of primarily pre-med and medical students last night in the Health Sciences Building.

McDermott, a licensed psychiatrist, currently has a resolution in committee that would establish healthcare coverage for all U.S. citizens.

And yes, McDermott is still a licensed psychiatrist.

That is a good thing because it sounds like he could use one himself. Let's hope he gets a good referral.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:54 AM | Comments (0)

December 01, 2004

Watching them laugh, then cry

With the 3rd Circuit Court saying it is OK to ban military recuiters from the university campuses, even if they accept federal money, the left went wild with jubilation and made the correlation with the Boy Scouts decision, calling it "Kharmic Payback".

But the folks over at the Kos IMC found this little tidbit from Nathan Newman and spread it around and now they are starting to cry.

This is a massive and dangerous expansion of the principles underlying the Boy Scouts decision. In that earlier decision, it was held that the government could not force a completely private organization to accept as a leader a person who's public views were at odds with the organizational principles. It's not even clear that the Boy Scouts under that decision are allowed to exclude gays who keep their views quiet, so it could be a limited precedent. However, this Third Circuit decision is far more expansive. Not only can a university refuse to hire peoples whose views they disagree with, they can exclude them altogether from their physical property. And the government is REQUIRED to fund such exclusionary organizations.

By the logic of the case, if the Klu Klux Klan sets up a university to teach hate speech, they would be within their organizational free speech rights to exclude blacks and the government would be required to fully fund that university in the same way as all other colleges.

Not the best analogy, in my mind. I mean, what degrees can you earn at KKKU besides woodshop, knot-tying and 200 Ways to use the word Ni**er? Plus who the hell would hire anyone who attended?

What I think he is trying to point to is something along the lines of how scared the left is about Bush's Christian roots and the possibility of places like Bob Jones University getting federal funds in the future.

He could have just come right out and said it, but that would have probably been too scary for their side.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:22 PM | Comments (0)

November 30, 2004

Glass Houses

What with Bush's visit to Canada to start today, and Canuckistanians looking to get him Jailed for 'War Crimes' this will be the beginning of a week that is sure to draw idiots from all corners of The Great White North.

But maybe the subjects of Canada should look a little closer to the bretheren for real war criminals.....

French soldiers opened fire on crowds of angry youths during days of mob violence and looting in Ivory Coast earlier this month, French Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said.

French forces had previously said they fired warning shots during the unrest, but Alliot-Marie told France's RTL television on Sunday night the troops had most probably "made full use of their weapons" in some cases.

"When they tried to stop our armoured vehicles from getting to Abidjan, to stop them from protecting our citizens and other foreigners who were victims of the violence, they had to fire," she said.

"Naturally, they fired warning shots and in some cases, most probably, they had to make full use of their firearms. That is the reality. There was nothing else that could be done."

How unilateral of them!

Fuound @ LGF

Posted by Nukevet at 01:51 PM | Comments (2)

November 23, 2004

I just hope they keep their pants on

With their pride shoved straight up their ass because of the election they couldn't win, the loonies have a new strategy.

"Turn your back on Bush"

Basically, the plan is to gather along the parade route on Inauguration Day and when Bush's limo passes by, they're going to, get this, turn their backs toward him in 'silent protest'.

This all stems from a 2002 campaign of turning around in Bush's presence that actually went by the same name, but was organized by different people, and therefor has a different web addy.

Go here for this particular group of losers.

The guy organizeing this new back turning campaign was on local late night leftie whiner, Mike Webb's radio show last Tuesday and I just kept forgetting to post about it.

I wonder how many of these stoned freaks will forget either where DC is or on what day the Inauguration is.

Unoriginal and pathetic. It's the young left wingers. Go figure.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:21 PM | Comments (0)

November 22, 2004

Puppets on Parade

In one of the stupidest protests of all time, the local tree-hugger community came out to protest the Seattle City Council's decision to cut the budget for mainenance of the trees that line certain city streets last week.

And they brought their puppets and costumes!

Take this nincompoop for example,

If you read the sign in the background, it says "Water a Tree $15 - Replace a Tree $350"

I guess he forgot where he lives, so I'm going to remind him.

Hey jackass, you live in Seattle. You know, that place where it RAINS ALL THE FREAKING TIME!

The city can stop wating our water supply and just let mother nature do all the work.

I thought that was what the envirowackos wanted?

And this guy wins my award for 'The Best HR Puffinstuff Imitation of the Year'.

You know that these people have been 'Puffin way too much Stuff' to have the time to make these damn things.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:38 AM | Comments (0)

November 19, 2004

You Keep Trying To Scare Them, Kofi

But it never seems to work.

Annan urges security council warning on Sudan

Kofi Annan today called on the UN security council to issue "the strongest warning" to forces fighting in Sudan to bring an end to the civil war in the south and the crisis in the western Darfur region.

I remember a guy in the middle east that the UN tried to scare with "their strongest warning" act.

It didn't work.

So President Bush gave him a strong warning. That didn't work either.

That's when the Marines got involved.

Saddam got the message then.

Amazing how that works, huh?

Posted by Nukevet at 02:18 PM | Comments (1)

November 11, 2004


While covering Atrios' back yesterday, Eschaton poster, Hectate, wrote about what he calls 'American Values'. It was basically just a mishmash of leftwing talking points, but it was entertaining.

Take this one for example,

Destroying the Environment Is Not an American Value

No, but molding it to our needs is. I laughed so hard at his opening line that I almost had to go to the doctor.

There's so little wilderness left.

Oh really? Just what was that stuff I drove through for almost an hour to get to Mount Rainier, pal?

Maybe Hecate needs to get out more? Perhaps to one of those Red States? I keep hearing that those states are so sparsly populated, maybe they have some wilderness left?

Another thing Hecate wrote about was the 1971 'Rules for Radicals' written by Saul Alinsky.

These "Rules" are still alive, well and in use today. I'm going to attempt an emergency fisking of them in the extended entry.

See if you recognize any of them.

Rule 1: Power is both what you have and what your opponent thinks that you have. If you have few members, hide your numbers and make a lot of noise.

The lefties do this by calling themselves 'The Mainstream' and the folks on the right 'Extremists'.

Even though the right wing was able to bring more people out just a week ago to vote for a man I consider too mainstream in some of his policies, the lefties are convinced that they have the numbers on their side.

Or at least they like to portray that they have the numbers on their side so as to try and make themselves feel less insipid.

Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people. The result is confusion and retreat.

The left follows this one extremely well. Just look at the environmentalist movement. They get a couple highly educated people to whine about 'Global Warming' (or global cooling, depending on the decade), they then get these people to fake some numbers to match with their conclusion and then pass it through the university and college system as gospel.

Abra-kadabra and whaddayaknow, it's "The Truth" and anyone who doesn't believe is either ignorant, a corporate shill, or both.

Rule 3: When possible, do go outside the experience of an opponent.

Group think.

The left loves it.

The right hasn't a clue how the left gets so many stupid people to believe a lie.

The left gathers 10,000 ignorant fuckers to march for 'peace' while they break or steal everthing in sight and leave tons of trash along the route.

The right holds peaceful gatherings and wonders how the lefties get all worked up.

Rule 4: Make your opponent live up to his own rule book.

This is one I can agree with. I someone wants to claim the moral high ground, they better hold it.

And to anyone on the left, yes, if Bush gets his knob polished and then lies about it under oath in the next four, I expect him to get the same full monty that Clinton got.

Rule 5: Ridicule is your most potent weapon. Ridicule is difficult to counter and it infuriates your opponent, causing him to react to your advantage.

I guess that is why they make puppets. It makes ridiculing them so much easier.

Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy.

So if your people enjoy following each other off a cliff in lemming form, by all means do what they want.

Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long is not a good idea. Change tactics.

That is why the left gets so worked up about so many things. That way, their tactics seem different depending on the issue, and they can keep the anger up all the while doing the exact same thing.

Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Maintain a constant pressure on the opposition.

Even if there is no injustice, make shit up so as to not lose momentum.

Rule 9: The threat of your tactic or action is more terrifying than the tactic or action itself. Use this to your advantage.

Sounds like the racket that Jessie Jackson has mastered.

The whiteys haven't quite figured out that their bluff can be called any day, any time we want them to stop.

Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. You have to know what to say when your opponent asks you, "If you're so smart, what would you do?"

Apparently, the left hasn't been able to read this far down the list as of late.

Their answer to Iraq was "Get our troops out now!" When you ask them what to do with the murderous civil war that would erupt if we did that they either say "I don't know" or, and I'm paarphrasing here, "Who cares, they're just brown people. It is better that if kill each other than if we do it."

And they think they're "sensitive" to the third world.

Rule 11: Pick your target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Don't attack an abstract such as a corporation. Identify a responsible individual and ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

While they seem to have missed #10, they have #11 down pat. this is exactly what they did to the swift vets.

Remember Lawrence O'Donnell

So now the right faces a choice.

1. They can be the nice guys and just continue on with 'Business As Usual


2. We can adopt these rules as our own and finally put an end to the Socialist travesty masquerading as the Democratic Party within the next four years.

Helping Howard Dean and his band of nitwits into the top spot at the DNC would be a good start. They'll alienate any sane moderate Dem in suburbia, effectivly shrinking their numbers to Libertarian Party size.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:21 AM | Comments (1)

November 05, 2004

The Cannibalism on the Left

From the looks of the happenings on the Left Wing websites, the lefties are in full on fratricide mode. No one on their side is safe from attack by a fellow traveller.

To add to that, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of Kerry supporters who are actually sounding as if they plan to follow through on their plans to exit the shores fo our fair country. Most are thinking of a permenant emmigration, but some are just planning on sitting out the next four in their self chosen haven of 'safety'.

I found this story over at The Emp's Place, posted by GTurner, and it mostly asks if the Dems should prostitute themselves as being 'The New pary of Values'. But the part I love is the last two paragraphs which basically covers anything and everything left wing in terms of lashing out at the only people the Dems have to blame for losing the election.


The Values Ploy By Stephen Pizzo

If ever there was moment justifying a wholesale purge of the Democratic Party leadership, it's this morning. Start with that little scumbag Terry McAuliffe, but don't stop there. Get rid of Bob Schrum once and for all. Carville, Bagala � shut up. Just shut up. You have nothing useful to offer to the discussion after this. And don't give me that crap about me organizing a "circular firing squad," either. You guys are so yesterday.

We either need a reformed Democratic Party or a moderate third party made up of refugees sick and tired of the mediocrity and mendacity of the other two parties.

Forget the fact that most of us would love to see McAuliffe go as well and look at what he is actually saying, because this is what is being touted, either in part or as a whole, on the leftwing blogs.

They are thinking that they should divide their party even further, to the point of separating themselves in an entirely separate party.

How can I say PLEASE! loud enough?

Go away Democrat Party. Go far, far away so that your name only appears in history books as your moderate values already do. You have the shell of the proud party which acts as a facade for your extreme values and has since the early 1970s. Most of the folks who voted for your candidate would shriek in hooror if they bothered to peel back the curtain. I believe that many of them know this and just refuse to walk up to the curtain, preferring to just believe.

You are a Rouge Corpse. Lifelike, but dead.

If the Dems become anymore of a minority party, a real conservative party will be able to step up into the mainstream, pushing the Republican Party into the spot that the Dems currently occupy. Something like a looney free Libertarian Party. Anti-Big Government but Pro WoT.

I swear I would have voted Lib this election but for their whacked out isolationist proclamations.

Go away Dems. Please! I'll actually send money to help.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:40 AM | Comments (2)

November 01, 2004

What do we have here?

It seems that Al-Jazeera has 'decieved' the left wing media with their special editing of the last OBL tape. I put deceived in quotes because the media love to be 'decieved' like this.

I speak, of course, of the part of the tape we haven't see in which Osama whines about Bush hunting down and killing or capturing members of Al-Qiada and putting a crimp in his plans.

Osama bin Laden doesn't seem nearly so cocky in the unedited version of a videotape aired on al-Jazeera, complaining that the manhunt against him has hampered al Qaeda.

Osama bin Laden's newest tape may have thrust him to the forefront of the presidential election, but what was not seen was the cave-dwelling terror lord talking about the setbacks al Qaeda has faced in recent months.

Officials said that in the 18-minute long tape � of which only six minutes were aired on the al-Jazeera Arab television network in the Middle East on Friday � bin Laden bemoans the recent democratic elections in Afghanistan and the lack of violence involved with it.

On the tape, bin Laden also says his terror organization has been hurt by the U.S. military's unrelenting manhunt for him and his cohorts on the Afghan-Pakistani border.

Which is why this is so true.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:13 AM | Comments (2)

October 29, 2004

Pay up, McDermott

McDermott gets $600,000 tab in leak of illegal phone tape

Baghdad Jim will go on and on about how 'evil and intrusive' the Patriot Act is, but he still thinks he was in the right to leak opponent's private phone conversations to the press.

But I guess calling him a hypocrite one more time isn't going to bother him much.

And take a look at this pic.

He's got the same thing going on with his left eye that Kerry does.

Is McDermott getting Botox as well or is it from some kind of implant all the commie puke Dems got?


In other McDermott news, he was on Mike Webb's Local Looney Leftie Liberal radio show last night. When asked about the CIA confirmed terrorist threat tape, McDermott said that it wasn't real.

"It is from the Bush Administration. It's got Karl Rove written all over it."

UPDATE: Kim du Toit has made his statement on the Islamofascist Threat Recording.

Please, go into the comments and read what 'Rescue Mike' has to say about it. I concur with his words. Every last one. Down to the punctuation.

The only thing I would like to add is that I find it incredibly stupid to threaten Bush supporters as the guy in the video does. Bush supporters are 'the ones with the guns', as they say.

What he did is tantamount to pissing on the foot of a US Marine.

Bound to hurt.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:33 AM | Comments (1)

October 26, 2004

Oh, that wonderful ACLU

Some times, even banging your head against the wall doesn't help.

Former library official honored by the ACLU

Candace Morgan, former associate director of the Fort Vancouver Regional Library, was honored Saturday for her fight against mandatory pornography filters on library computers.

Because kids need to know about bestiality.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:14 AM | Comments (1)

October 23, 2004

See BS is at it again

Just what did they think they were going to pull off?

Kristen Breitweiser has been an active, publicity-seeking Bush-bashing 9/11 widow who has spent time on the campaign trail for Kerry-Edwards and is featured in a new Kerry-Edwards TV ad in which she denounced Bush for opposing the 9/11 Commission and then declared that "during the Commission hearings we learned the truth, we are no safer today" and since "I want to look in my daughter's eyes and know that she is safe...I am voting for John Kerry." But on Thursday's Early Show, CBS News reporter Byron Pitts mentioned none of that as he portrayed her as some sort of random Bush voter who was so impressed by a Kerry speech line making fun of President Bush that she now plans to vote for Kerry.

On the October 21 Early Show, Pitts played a clip of Kerry, during an Ohio campaign appearance: "A President of the United States has to do more than one thing at the same time and I believe that this President has failed, failed to make our country as safe and secure as we ought to be." Over video of himself walking next to Breitweiser down a sidewalk, Pitts asserted: "That struck a chord with supporters here, especially one."

"Here?" Pitts was checking in from Girhard, Ohio and so viewers unfamiliar with Breitweiser may have assumed she was just a local Ohioan when, in fact, she resides in the New York City area.

Like we don't all know who this publicity whore is?

Posted by Nukevet at 10:57 AM | Comments (0)

October 20, 2004

What a waste of carbon

The ever irritating Jimmeh Cahtah takes a drink out of the same bottle of stupid juice as Jim McDermott.

In an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC's 'Hardball', Carter proves, once again, that he has 'No Balls'.

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you the question about�this is going to cause some trouble with people�but as an historian now and studying the Revolutionary War as it was fought out in the South in those last years of the War, insurgency against a powerful British force, do you see any parallels between the fighting that we did on our side and the fighting that is going on in Iraq today?

CARTER: Well, one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we�ve fought. I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided. It was an unnecessary war.

Had the British Parliament been a little more sensitive to the colonial�s really legitimate complaints and requests the war could have been avoided completely, and of course now we would have been a free country now as is Canada and India and Australia, having gotten our independence in a nonviolent way.

Huh? Wha? My head hurts from reading something that ignorant.

The colonial british of the 18th century needed to be more sensitive?

I guess the Founding Fathers just didn't appeal to their collective feminine sides.

And to think that the left still believes that Bush is the worst president ever just boggles my mind at how short their memories are.

Found @ LGF.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:49 AM | Comments (2)

October 15, 2004

Keep it up, Kerry

John Kerry's comment about Mary Cheney during the last debate is growing into a small firestorm and I hope it continues. Because everytime Kerry has to re-explain himself, it takes time away from Kerry getting his 'message' out.

While those on the left think it was no big deal and is "Actual Proof" that the Cheney's are 'ashamed' of Mary, their ignorance shows their inability to understand what was being objected too.

Here's the quote: "...I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was. She's being who she was born as."

In those two sentences, Kerry shows his arrogance by assuming that he knows what Mary Cheney thinks.

That is the jist of the argument here. And the "I think" isn't a disclaimer. It is proof of him showing his arrogance to believe he knows what she thinks.

Kerry can go fuck himself. He probably thinks he knows what we are thinking.

And if he is incorrect, he's not wrong, we're just going to have to listen to him because we're the ones who are wrong.

It was his running mate's spouse is the one who turned this spark into a grease fire.

Elizabeth Edwards is blasting second lady Lynne Cheney for objecting to John Kerry calling her daughter "a lesbian" during Wednesday night's presidential debate.

In the ugliest outburst yet in the Kerry-lesbian contretemps, the woman who wants to replace Mrs. Cheney told ABC Radio network news Thursday morning, "I think that [Mrs. Cheney's complaint] indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter's sexual preferences."

And they say she's the 'smart' one. Keep it up Liz. Hope you like being a private citizen in North Carolina.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:08 AM | Comments (2)

October 07, 2004

Whine Free Miami


For a larger pic, head to Murdoc Online.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:49 AM | Comments (0)

September 28, 2004

Dope is on the way!

Elizabeth Edwards blogs about blogs @ blog

First, on blogging, a couple of notes. Read Kos and found out about the NY Times piece on blogging -- thorough piece. I have traveled this road so long moving with the masters (in order to read them) from the acidic edge of newsgroups to the more definitive personalities of blogs. Today, too, Ed Cone's blog sent me to Mr. Sun (a new one for me) who was commenting on the (Greensboro) News and Record blog. He wrote, and it is true about this blog as well: "The blogs sound like the people I choose as friends: smart, informed, funny, curious, and imperfect." The genius of it is completely captured there. Even coverage by the NYT won't change 'em.

While her little dittie is mildly comical, you need to scroll down into the comments to get your gut busted.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:56 AM | Comments (0)

September 25, 2004

Like we won't notice...

Why do trolls always post a comment on a old post? I suppose they think that it'll give them the last word, that we wouldn't bother to reply. Maybe some won't, but this last guy asked for attention, so I endulged him by whopping him with a coal shovel.

For future refference, if you are going to troll my older posts, then register. Because if you don't, I'll simply delete you. I am under no obligation to give you a forum so you can be a pest and come to pee on the carpet. Be a man and do it in current posts, where you have to defend your opinion. The old posts get you no free entry, we see you.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:15 AM | Comments (0)

September 24, 2004

And he knows what's in Area 51 too

In a follow-up to this post from yesterday...

MoveOn.Org is blaming Bush for the hurricanes in Florida.

Attempting to take political advantage of the devastating hurricanes that have hit Florida and the southeastern section of the United States in the past few weeks, liberal political action group is saying that President George W. Bush is to blame for "making extreme weather stronger."

In an e-mail to supporters, rhetorically asks "why such extreme weather" has taken place with Hurricanes Charley, Frances, and Ivan causing billions of dollars in property damage and loss of life.

"Scientists agree that global warming makes sea levels rise and makes storms stronger, because temperature shifts disrupt the normal balance," explained. "Warmer water makes more violent hurricanes."

The group added that insurance companies such as Swiss Re and Munich Re say "global warming is causing more losses."

Ridiculing President George W. Bush for "handing out emergency aid" in Florida while doing "nothing to reduce global warming," contends that the president has "done a lot to make the problem worse" and has caused the massive hurricanes to form.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:51 AM | Comments (1)

September 22, 2004

The face may change

But the fundraising remains the same.

Kerry Fund-Raisers, S. Korean Spy Met

A South Korean embassy official who met with John Kerry fund-raisers to talk about creating a political group for Korean-Americans was in fact a spy for his country, raising concerns among U.S. officials that he or Seoul may have tried to influence the fall presidential election.

South Korean and U.S. officials told The Associated Press that Chung Byung-Man, a consular officer in Los Angeles, worked for South Korea's National Intelligence Service at the time he was meeting with Kerry fund-raisers.

Must be another one of those 'foreign leaders' Kerry spoke about earlier.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:26 AM | Comments (0)

A Fate Worse than Death

Posted by Nukevet at 04:39 AM | Comments (0)

September 20, 2004

I bet this guy is on the Secret Service's watch list

David Blomstrom - Death for Bush

I, David Blomstrom, a candidate for state office (Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction), hereby declare my belief that President George W. Bush deserves and should receive the death penalty, after the appropriate legal or quasi-legal formalities. I urge other patriotic Americans and foreign nationals alike to openly call for Bush�s execution. Furthermore, I sent my first press release announcing my position to Al-Jazeera in a symbolic gesture designed to call attention to the corruption that runs rampant in America�s media.

Oh yeah, the left loooooves democracy.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:56 AM | Comments (2)

September 18, 2004

Whislting past the graveyard

Bush Seen Vulnerable to Kerry Among Independent Voters

But they say this too.

A New York Times/CBS poll released on Saturday found that among likely voters, Bush led Kerry 51 percent to 42 percent. The poll, however, did not break out the views of independents.

The polls all show a Bush lead, some more than others. The independents aren't identified in some, are in a couple. The plain fact is, is that however you jumble the numbers, Bush's lead is hardening while kerry's remains soft. The so-called toss up states are trending for Bush, and once solid kerry states are becoming competitive. Nothing is certain till November 2nd, but come on, kerry is foundering here. If he were on a boat they'd be calling the Coast Guard right now. The shriller kerry gets, the more votes go to George.

I call upon the kerry campaign to attack with even more venom, they are the best tool Bush has right now for gathering independents.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:53 PM | Comments (0)

September 13, 2004

Canada honors those we will not

As usual.

U.S. draft dodgers who fled to Canada are finally getting some recognition - in Canada.

Artists and activists in this picturesque lakeside town have announced plans for a bronze monument and festival to honor them.

"This will mark the courageous legacy of Vietnam War resisters and the Canadians who helped them resettle in this country during that tumultuous era," said Isaac Romano, director of Our Way Home, a celebration set for 2006.

Dennis Klein, a sculptor and teacher at Kootenay School of the Arts, and artist Naomi Lewis have been chosen to make a memorial depicting Canadians embracing the hands of American resisters.

"I've met so many draft resisters over the years and some of them are local peers of mine that are artists and others are a part of the community," Klein said. "It would be nice to honor them and all those that actually took a step toward peace."

A step towards cowardice is more like it.

Found @ Right Thinking

Posted by Nukevet at 06:02 AM | Comments (0)

September 09, 2004

The World Press Plays With Synonyms

Daniel Pipes shows that the world media has quite the vocabulary.

Assailants - National Public Radio.
Attackers � the Economist.
Bombers � the Guardian.
Captors � the Associated Press.
Commandos � Agence France-Presse refers to the terrorists both as "membres du commando" and "commando."
Criminals - the Times (London).
Extremists � United Press International.
Fighters � the Washington Post.
Group � the Australian.
Guerrillas- in a New York Post editorial.
Gunmen � Reuters.
Hostage-takers - the Los Angeles Times.
Insurgents � in a New York Times headline.
Kidnappers � the Observer (London).
Militants � the Chicago Tribune.
Perpetrators � the New York Times.
Radicals � the BBC.
Rebels � in a Sydney Morning Herald headline.
Separatists � the Christian Science Monitor.
Activists � the Pakistan Times.

Found @ Spot On and Tim Blair

Posted by Nukevet at 09:06 AM | Comments (0)

September 07, 2004

They still don't get it.

When Chesnot and Malbrunot - both Middle Eastern specialists -- were seized somewhere on the Baghdad-Najaf road last week, commentators in the U.S. observed smugly that France's opposition to the Iraq war had not brought immunity from terrorist attack. But observers point out that France was able to call on reserves of influence and prestige in the Islamic world to enlist the support of leading Muslim clerics and key Middle Eastern governments in a diplomatic blitzkrieg to free the two French citizens.

But the two Frenchmen haven't been released, have they? This is a lose lose situation for France. If the Terrorists kill the hostages, plainly their policies have bought them nothing but disdain. Even if the hostages are released for a negotiated sum, then the French have proven they can be played. The third option, that they get the hostages back with no concessions,... well, we know that ain't going to happen.

The French, selling out for two centuries, and Kerry wants their approval.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:23 PM | Comments (0)

September 02, 2004

New Security Measures in Our Near Future?

Judging from reports coming out of Russia on the subject of the two passenger planes the islamofascists blew up last week, pre-flight searches may become even more uncomforatable than being asked to remove your shoes.

Russian Airliners Were Likely Exploded From Their Toilets

Further supporting this theory, Voice of America (an international broadcasting service with a weekly audience of 96 million people) reported from Moscow on August 28, 2004, The body parts of one woman were scattered widely on the ground. Officials said parts of her legs were found in the toilet section of one plane, leading to speculation that she might have detonated some kind of explosive from there.

I found this report via Pat @ Judicious Asininity who has this to say in the entry titled 'Hexogen Tampons';

If autopsies show that the explosives were smuggled on board using body cavities, then Norman Mineta is going to have to make some tough decisions. It's one thing to randomly check shoes, quite another to check vaginas and anuses.

Future airport conversation:
"No sir, my dog isn't happy to see you, he's hitting on some C-4. Could you step into our booth please?"

Posted by Nukevet at 09:59 AM | Comments (0)

August 30, 2004

Valium for patient Atrios! Stat!

In a recent interview in TIME Magazine, Laura Bush was asked about the SBVT ads:

TIME: "Do you think these swift-boat ads are unfair to John Kerry?"

BUSH: "Do I think they're unfair? Not really. There have been millions of terrible ads against my husband."

While 'millions' was an exaggeration of the number of ads, it is definitely not an exaggeration of the dollars spent on those ads.

So what does a leading member the Loony Left have to say about it?

Atrios: "We have a First Lady who spits on Veterans for sport. Disgusting."

What a drama-mama. How does anyone take him seriously?

He accuses the First Lady of 'attacking' Kerry while simultaniously making a far worse 'attack' on her. Going so far as to accuse her of figuratively spitting on veterans "for sport".

Now that is what I call a bitch.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:22 AM | Comments (2)

August 29, 2004

Oh, the pain, the pain

Hugh Hewitt expresses his displeasure


Unfortunately for Boyd, the pain keeps coming. (editor's note - if you don't read Powerline regularly, you are missing a well written, intelligent right of center blog)

Last Sunday, editorial staff member Jim Boyd wrote a column ("Republican smear machine can't stand up to the facts") attacking our Aug. 18 column on John Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia fable as "fraudulent," and attacking us personally as "smear artists" engaged in "immorality." When someone uses language that strong, you'd expect him to have facts to back up his words. Yet Boyd's tirade was remarkably fact-free.

First, the basics. We wrote that the Kerry campaign has retracted Kerry's oft-told tale of being in Cambodia on Christmas 1968. Boyd did not dispute this. We wrote that there is no record of John Kerry being in Cambodia in December 1968, or at any other time. Boyd did not dispute this. We wrote that Kerry's commanding officers have denied that he was ever sent into Cambodia. Boyd did not dispute this. We wrote that not a single crewman who ever served with Kerry has supported Kerry's claim to have been in Cambodia, and several crewmen have denied that their boat was ever in Cambodia. Boyd did not dispute this. We wrote that there is no record of Swift boats being used for clandestine missions as claimed by Kerry. Boyd did not dispute this. We wrote that Swift boats were unsuited for such secret missions, given their large size and noise. Boyd did not dispute this.

"Remarkably fact free" - like everything thrown out to try and defend Kerry's Cambodia claims. The medals issue is a loser - which is why the Kerry camp keeps trotting it out. How do you decide if someone "deserved" a medal - especially 35 years after the fact? Kerry is hammering away at the medals to keep people from focusing on the more damning Cambodia charges, pure and simple.

Even better is Jim Boyd's defense, however:

Now comes their second piece. I could do extensive line-by-line analysis, but I will not. It would take space I do not have. For the fair-minded, two examples should suffice.

The top of their piece is devoted to negatives: No record of this, no record of that, etc. This proves nothing. There generally are no public records of clandestine activities. The burden of proof here is on Hinderaker and Johnson, not on Kerry and not on me.

On the relatively minor point of the Khmer Rouge, Hinderaker and Johnson rely on someone named Andrew Antippas. What they don't say is that he has just popped up, in an op-ed on the subject published in the Washington Times, the Moonie paper that has been a veritable fountain of attacks on Kerry. I have no idea if Antippas is who H & J say he is, and I suspect they simply appropriated his Washington Times op-ed as truth. I do know that all kinds of scholarly works on the Khmer Rouge date the beginning of its armed struggle to 1967 at the earliest and 1970 at the latest. For starters, you might try "Brother Number One" by David Chandler. Or you might check the numerous New York Times articles in 1968 about the armed Communist insurgency and Prince Norhodom Sihanouk's worries over it.

This is too beautiful for words - "I could refute the arguments, but I won't - but if you're a fair minded reader, you will accept my arguments at face value._(ed. - should that read instead "simple-minded"?)_ Don't question too closely while I try and make the argument that the reason no records of Kaptain Kerry's Kourageus Kambodian adventure exist is because the mission was "clandestine", while completely ignoring the possibility probability cetainty that said adventure never happened. The only other refutation he can offer is on the "relatively minor" point(his words, not mine) of the Khmer Rouge. In the face of this awful smear campaign that Boyd obviously sees himself courageously fighting, couldn't he come up with something a little more, um, tangible? The argument that you will only accept records of an operation that never happened as absolute truth seems to be absolutely asinine. Jim then provides us with an example of his beliefs:

What do I think about Kerry in Cambodia? I have now read his biography and a number of other things, and I believe there is ample evidence that he was at least very near Cambodia on Christmas Eve 1968 (see pages 209-219 of his biography, "Tour of Duty," plus the history of the SEALORDS campaign) and at other times as well.

Wow, great research - a use of Kerry's own autobiography to support the contention that the things Kerry said were true. Yep, that's right, the only citeable souce is Tour of Duty, with an admonition to do our own research on the reams of stuff written about the Sealords campaign. The stuff I have read on Sealords suggests that the final phase of the campaign did indeed includ incursions into Cambodia - and wasn't initiated until 1970. Ahh, that must be Boyd's super secret "clandestine" defense. You know, no records exist because it was top secret, just like no records exist for the Manhattan project, and it's absolutely amazing that D-day went as well as it did, considering that none of Operation Overlord could be written down, lest someone leave a record of a "clandestine" military operation. Now, there are certainly covert operations that we the people know nothing about. But that's because the documents are still classified, not because records were never kept. Deflecting the burden of proof from Kerry to those questioning his statements is disingenuous at best, intellectually dishonest at worst. Kerry has made the incredible claim that he was sent into a neutral country to carry out acts of war. He has used this claim to further his political career, and to try and manipulate policy while a member of the US Senate. The burden of proof lies squarely with Kerry, not his challengers.

Funny, isn't it, that in some quarters an absence of records proves that Kerry is telling the truth, while an absence of records proves that Bush is lying? More importantly, in Kerry's case, the burden of proof is entirely on the detractors, while for Bush the converse is true.

Still More Pain

No Illusions does it better.

And more here, HAH!

And finally, the Powerline boys blog their own reaction to Mr. Boyd's latest screed.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:50 PM | Comments (0)

August 26, 2004

Seems like sometimes it would be vey difficult

to maintain trigger discipline.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:35 PM | Comments (1)

August 24, 2004

Making McDermott Pay

But just in cash, this time.

A federal judge has sided with Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, in his six-year-old lawsuit against Rep. James McDermott, D-Wash., over an illegally recorded phone call.

Boehner sued McDermott after a Florida couple, using a scanner, found and recorded a 1996 conference call in which Boehner, then-Speaker Newt Gingrich and other House leaders discussed strategy involving announcement of an ethics committee finding against Gingrich.

The couple gave the tape to McDermott, who was on the ethics committee at the time, and the contents ended up in news stories.

In his decision Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan ruled that McDermott "participated in an illegal transaction when he accepted the tape."

McDermott had admitted leaking the taped phone conversation to reporters. But he argued that he did not break the law by receiving the tape and that punishing him for making it public would violate his free-speech rights.

The judge, however, said McDermott had no First Amendment protection because he knew he was receiving a recording that had been illegally obtained.

Hogan set a hearing for Sept. 16 to discuss whether Boehner should be awarded punitive damages and attorney costs.

Of course, McDermott doesn't see what he did wrong.

Apparently, the right to privacy only applies to ProKerry AnarchoSocialist groups who plan to protest at the RNC.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:34 AM | Comments (0)

August 22, 2004

The WP attempting to explain it away.

Drudge points to the Washington Post's new story on the swiftees version vs. Kerry's. In effect saying it's inconclusive, since neither camp cared to fully disclose everything to them, obviously taking an easy out. The mindset of the Kerry vets is well displayed with this comment.

"A lot of people just can't forgive and forget," countered Kerry crew member Medeiros. "He was a great commander. I would have no trouble following him anywhere."

Forgiveness? To get forgiven you must be penitent, Kerry just acts as if he never knifed his fellow vets in the back. The Congressional Record on his testimony is clear, unrefutable, and damning. If the anti-Kerry vets are guilty of being unable to forgive and move on, what are the pro-Kerry vets guilty of?

Of being far too quick to forgive treachery for a moment of fame? Of overlooking the crimes they were all accussed of merely for partisan gain? What else would they overlook and forgive? Forget the medals, just focus on what Kerry has done since he left Vietnam, that alone is what damns him for betrayal and duplicity.

I've tried to look back on my days in the service, tried to remember the officers I served with. Remember who I would have followed, and who's hand I would have had to hold in we had ever come under fire. I can't imagine believing one thing about them, but saying another even if they ran as a democrat. The vets in Kerry's boat have much to gain by being loyal, but do they really believe what they say now? What I cannot forget or get beyond is the numbers. So many who say Kerry blew as a leader, so many who say he can't be trusted. So few who say he can. They cannot all be republicans, that's just wishful thinking by Kerry's camp.

So, if you support Kerry, explain to me why? Why are the numbers so lopsided? If Kerry is the target of a smear, then surely the numbers would at least be even. But they aren't, not even close. Which raises another issue, if you believe the Kerry vets, why are their accounts truthful and so many men from so many backgrounds lying? It doesn't say much for your confidence in America's fighting men when you simply write them off as angry and bitter partisans.

How much more angry and bitter will the vets of Afghanistan and Iraq be if Kerry wins, and follows his pattern of blaming them? Of telling them they were saps who fought for nothing? How angry will they be?

In twisting to explain away Kerry's deeds, you sow the seeds of the future battles that you'll have to fight. All because it's just so dammed important to you to win at any cost. You'll still lose, and in the process make us even more divided than before.

Posted by Nukevet at 01:52 AM | Comments (0)

August 20, 2004

Keep clapping Jimmeh

Now that the Venezuelan Recall Election has Jimmeh Cahtah's stamp of approval on it, they're finding new evidence of fraud and are going to have a manual recount.

We are also finding out that the suspected fraud might be from the electronic voting machines. Yep, code tampering.

But the left likes the results.

So, if fraud is actually discovered, and Chaves gets the boot, will the left try and say that it was all a ploy by the Bush Admin?

And another question...

Is the sky blue?

Posted by Nukevet at 07:09 AM | Comments (0)

August 17, 2004

Why are they talking about fear?

I read this at LGF last night and was immediately pissed off.

It is a NYPost story about how the AnarchoSocialists plan to disrupt the RNC in a couple weeks.

This is the line that got me;

"We're not calling for a shutdown of the convention," Fithian said. "No one has an intention of being arrested. If the police exercise restraint. . . they have nothing to fear."

Excuse me Ms. Fithian, the police don't fear you or your mental midget friends. Nor do they fear you or your compatriot's actions. They never have and they never will.

You and yours have promised to do everything in your power to disrupt the gathering. Even going so far as to threaten the safety of the those attending, those nearby not attending and the police themselves.

Trust me, they're ready for a group of pseudo-intellectual, elitist-wannabes such as yourselves and whatever you have planned. You think that you've got people 'on the inside' of the happenings, but the police have had people in your organizations for years. They know everything you think is secret. You won't be able to take a crap without them being there to hand you a roll.

Little girl, you are talking about New York's finest. Not only them. They've been joined by the United States Department of the Treasury. They know who you ordered your take-out from last night and that you fed the leftovers to your dog.

The NYPD lost 75 good men on September 11th, 2001 to the worst terrorist attack ever seen in this hemisphere.

And if those same terrorists that struck that day decide to do so again while you are protesting, the terrorists who see support in your words and your actions, the NYPD officers will step inbetween your ilk and a bullet or piece of shrapnel.

Even though you in no way appreciate, and therefor, do not deserve, their service.

So I guess that it is actually YOU who have nothing to fear, ma'am.

But then again, that is why you are demonstrating and calling Bush a fascist. Becuase you and yours are utterly clueless.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:14 AM | Comments (1)

Rock-a-bye baby

Big brother is watching you....

Children of criminals are to be "targeted" and "tracked" from an early age by the Government to prevent them following their parents into a life of crime, as part of a campaign to tackle the next generation of offenders.

In an offensive on youth crime, a programme to prevent 125,000 children whose fathers are in prison from joining them in jail, is being planned by the Home Office.

That's right.

The sins of the father fall heavily upon the son.

I think you get dumber the closer you actually are to france.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:08 AM | Comments (0)

August 05, 2004

Tell me another one.

NEW YORK (AP) - In an unprecedented series of concerts in nine swing states, more than 20 musical acts - including Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam and the Dixie Chicks - will perform fund-raising concerts one month before the Nov. 2 election in an effort to unseat President Bush.

"We're trying to put forward a group of progressive ideals and change the administration in the White House," Springsteen told The Associated Press in the most overtly political statements of his 30-year career. "That's the success or failure, very clear cut and very simple."

Um no, not really, in 84 Ronald Reagan's campaign song was Born in the USA, and Springsteen was mightily pissed about it. Boo hoo, and this statement is the dumbest of all.

The artists of different generations and genres will tour under the name "Vote For Change," with shows Oct. 1-8. But the money generated will go to America Coming Together, which promises on its Web site to "derail the right-wing Republican agenda by defeating George W. Bush."

Even if Kerry were to win, will we all 300 million of us suddenly become good little latte' sipping Naderites? Fuck no, half the country will hate Kerry's French cheese eating guts and the guts of his rabid supporters. But that doesn't matter to these morons. See if Bush wins, we are a nation divided, torn apart by hate, but if their guys wins, suddenly,..... America is united in a common goal to defeat the RIGHTWING. It won't matter that 49 percent think Maines is a cunt. Save us the united horseshit when hate and division is all you have to sell.

I notice that Al Quada is never mentioned as an enemy, just republicans. No war on terror, just on conservatives, no bad guys in the world, just the GOP here in America. They are that blind, that focused on being in charge that no external threat exists, just internal ones. McCarthy lives anew I guess. "Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the republican party?" Fuck these people, they'd rather attack their own countrymen than the Ladenites.

I'm ashamed that dumb cunt Maines is from the United States.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:22 AM | Comments (2)

July 27, 2004

They got him

I speak of MOOREWATCH.

It seems that poor wittle Mikey faked a newspaper headline in F9/11.

Not only that, but the text below the headline was actually an op-ed piece, not an actual article.

Head here to get the full story.

That ten grand is going to buy a lot of server space for MOOREWATCH.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:40 AM | Comments (1)

They just figured this out?

After how many years?

SEIU chief says Dems lack fresh ideas

BOSTON, July 26 - Breaking sharply with the enforced harmony of the Democratic National Convention, the president of the largest AFL-CIO union said Monday that both organized labor and the Democratic Party might be better off in the long run if Sen. John F. Kerry loses the election.

I'm trying to get this through the heads of the Teamsters I work with.

I'm not having to work too hard. Kerry is doing most of my job for me.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:15 AM | Comments (0)

July 26, 2004

Hiding their true colors

The Dems don't want the public to know who else supports them..

When John Kerry glances around the convention hall in Boston this week, his eye will be drawn to brightly lit television network signs � ABC News, NBC, CNN, CBS, and banners for Hearst-Argyle and Belo.

Missing from the lineup is Al-Jazeera, the controversial Arab-language TV network that often is first to carry news involving al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.

The Qatar-based network, which has 16 staff members assigned to the convention, was directed by convention officials to remove its sign. If it had remained, Al-Jazeera's sign would have been seen by millions of television fans looming over the shoulder of convention speakers.

Convention spokeswoman Peggy Wilhide said Al-Jazeera was not singled out and the concern was aesthetic. "Frankly, we're not providing a forum for companies to advertise," Wilhide said. "We're trying to create the kind of atmosphere we want to best present John Kerry and the Democratic Party."

They want to present Kerry and themselves as 'centrist', when, in reality, he and they are a group of socialists who think that America would be better off with france's economic and foreign policies and in permenant negotiations with islamofascists who will have their 'political wing' talk to us as their 'military wing' attack us.

Haven't they figured out that none of that works?

Found @ Right Thoughts

Posted by Nukevet at 08:26 PM | Comments (3)

July 21, 2004

"kill the hippy"!

I will never buy any Ben & Jerry's ice cream, unless....I get to dip Ben here in it and leave him staked out on an ant hill. Maybe he should take heed of the greatest hippy thinker of them all.

Or, just tell Vyvian wear he lives.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:21 AM | Comments (3)

July 14, 2004

Oh, those WMD

To go along with the over one and a half tons of nuclear material the US has shipped OUT of Iraq in the last year or so comes this snippet straight out of the Senate Intelligence Report.

While the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded on Friday that Saddam Hussein didn't have much in the way of weapons of mass destruction, its conclusions on Iraq's nuclear weapons program weren't quite the clean bill of health that the media have suggested they were.

For instance, according to the report's "Overall Conclusions" section, "Iraq was procuring dual use equipment that had potential nuclear applications."

What's more, the Committee found that "Iraq had kept its cadre of nuclear weapons personnel trained and in positions that could keep their skills intact for eventual use in a reconstituted nuclear program."

To be sure, the Committee managed to come up with alternative explanations for these developments, such as labeling Saddam's nuclear team "former nuclear scientists" who just happened to be working at "former nuclear facilities" while carrying out work unrelated to any weapons program.

Oh, those WMD.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:42 AM | Comments (7)

June 28, 2004

Dissent in the Ranks

It seems the left can't get itself together.

Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn have stated many times that they favor ousting Bush this election, even if John Kerry is �Bush-lite.� And that stand has been repeatedly used by progressives opposed to Ralph Nader�s campaign.

However, Chomsky and Zinn, both residents of John Kerry�s home state of Massachusetts, say they plan to vote for Ralph Nader.

The godfather and his Igor-like sidekick are breaking ranks with Kerry.

Run Ralphie, Run!

Found @ the return of The Blogs of War

Posted by Nukevet at 06:01 AM | Comments (1)

June 25, 2004

The big I

By now, I'm sure you've heard about the remarks made by Judge Guido Calabresi, 71, of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan, comparing Bush to Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.

He has apologized.

But that is not enough.

Keep what he said in mind as you read this...

Partisan Political Activity. A judicial employee should refrain from partisan political activity; should not act as a leader or hold any office in a partisan political organization; should not make speeches for or publicly endorse or oppose a partisan political organization or candidate; should not solicit funds for or contribute to a partisan political organization, candidate, or event; should not become a candidate for partisan political office; and should not otherwise actively engage in partisan political activities.

That is from Section A of Canon 5 of the Code of Conduct for Federal Judicial Employees

Sounds like impeachment time to me.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:39 AM | Comments (0)

June 19, 2004

the difference between a sunburn, and walking into a furnace

The nature of our enemy, and the press that ignores it.

The swordsman-torturer, not sufficiently satisfied with his first effort, raises the sword again and drives down once more on the man's immobile hand. This time he severs the fingers closer to the knuckles as blood spurts cartoonishly from his hand spilling over and down the concrete slab. The victim emits a wail I have never heard � could never imagine hearing � from a grown man, this time louder, harder than the first.

The camera then turns to the assembled Fedayeen as they continue rhythmically chanting.

Instapundit pointed this out, and frankly it's the most comprehensive detailing of the video in question I've seen yet. So, when the only thing evil needs to win is for good men to do nothing, I need someone to explain to me how leaving Saddam alone served a higher moral purpose. It certainly isn't obviously true, not when you know that he did things like this as policy, as do his followers and Islamicists in general. We have to win this war,unless you wish that kind of rule to be your gift to world peace. It's an easy peace to get, it's the peace of the grave, of the gulag, it's pretty cheap too,

It will only cost you your children.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:53 AM | Comments (0)

June 18, 2004

What the headline should be

Commission members said today there were links.

What in fact is reported instead.

CBS Evening News said the commission -- "directly contradicted one of President Bush's justifications for going to war against Iraq."

ABC said the report -- "unequivocally" disputed the Bush administration's claims of an Al-Qaeda-Iraq link.

NBC reported that -- "the Commission is sharply at odds with what leading members of the administration continue to claim."

A front-page headline in today's New York Times reads -- "Panel finds no Qaeda-Iraq Tie,"

Washington Post says -- "Al Qaeda-Hussein Link is Dismissed."

Very nice, playing directly to their anti_Bush democrat base, it's also misleading as Hell, because it's not exactly what the 9/11 panel said.

But commission members said today there were links, just not a working relationship and no evidence of any Iraqi involvement in September 11.

Bush claimed there were terrorist links, not a direct working relationship. But having built this strawman, the left procedes to demolish it anyway. This piece of news however knocks that tactic right off the table.

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday his government warned Washington that Saddam Hussein's regime was preparing attacks in the United States and its interests abroad - an assertion that appears to bolster President Bush's contention that Iraq was a threat.

Having opposed the war, why would Putin lie about this now? It smacks of the truth, coming with the better economy and the hand off of the Iraqi government to Iraqi's, People are staring to feel better about Bush. The big media will have to try harder to spin for Kerry.

Pew Research Center Director Andrew Kohut says the survey shows President Bush's approval rating was 44 percent in interviews taken before President Reagan's death.... but rose to 50 percent in polling conducted during the following days.

I'm sure that Rather, Jennings and Brokaw will give flowery excuses as to why they distorted what the report said, but the fact remains, they did distort it. Tell me again how the press isn't largely leftwing, when liberals will sink to this level to win an election, what else will they sink too?

Posted by Nukevet at 09:15 PM | Comments (0)

I could think of a few dozen

Groups or individuals who would fit this description.

''A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.''

--Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C

But I would rather you leave your suggestions in the comments.

Found @ Dr. Horsefeathers

Posted by Nukevet at 07:49 PM | Comments (1)

Want to see something funny?

Head on over to the Kos IMC and watch them scratch their heads over the new revelation from Putin.

It is like monkeys and fire.

Hateful moneys. But monkeys none the less.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:16 PM | Comments (0)

June 14, 2004

rocking the boat

When you consider that whole generations of generals and diplomats made their bones during the cold war by doing the cocktail circut in Paris and Bonn, this is utterly predictible. It's also sad, that a group of "learned" men can be so frivilous with issues of security, boiling it all down to saying, in effect, that since Chirac doesn't like Bush we should give in to him.

A group of former top U.S. officials is urging Americans to vote against President Bush in the November election.
The 26 retired diplomats and military officers plan to issue a statement Wednesday condemning Mr. Bush's foreign policies.

Spokesmen for the group accuse the president of alienating key allies and endangering the nation's security through his decisions regarding Iraq and the Middle East.

This election isn't between those who want to want to win the war on terror and those who want to loose. It's between those who want to win, and those who refuse to acknowledge that it even exists. The consequences are the same however. Kerry is an ass, unpredictible except to be counted on to do what's in his very own personal interests. Bush love him or hate him operates on guiding principle. That the spineless and egocentric Euro's have a problem with him is more an issue of their bigotry and close mindedness than anything Bush has actually done.

Kerry could preform exactly as Bush has done, and their reaction would be far different. Why? Because he drinks wine with dinner, speaks a little French and has a greater fondness of elite tastes than for BBQ with the neighbors. He's a snob, so the Euro's identify with that. Bush could give a damn for style over result, which is why we like him mostly. That group of former officials falls into the same league. They can suck up to the decadent Euro's all they like, they rest of us see them for what they are.

We don't take our orders from Europe, any president who thinks we should will find the sidewalk hot on his ass.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:52 PM | Comments (17)

June 08, 2004

Thank G*d it's fiction

I found this scary piece of fiction over @ Samizdata.

Today, we commemorate one the most glorious chapters of German arms: the lightning-fast response of 21 Panzer Division to Eisenhower's overconfident thrust, a response that rolled up the British left flank and culminated in the annihilation of the British and American invaders.

How appropriate it is that, lacking the the confidence in race-destiny that comes so naturally to the Germanic peoples the Allied commander had actually composed his memo taking responsibility for failure beforehand!

Despite the somewhat tense international situation, the commemorative ceremonies have proceeded with our customary German precision. It is certainly a sign of how the bitter memories associated with the dawning of the atomic age over Hamburg, Smolensk and Manchester all those years ago have faded that for the first time we have welcomed to our remembrance the President of France, speaking from Vichy by audio-visual link, and the General Secretary of the British Communist party speaking from London. Many have seen in this technical and political triumph a sign of a possible convergence between the two great systems, National Socialism and Communism, that currently dominate our world.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:42 PM | Comments (9)

June 07, 2004

They're not ant-war

They're just on the other side.

Just before the war against Iraq I began to receive strange calls from BBC journalists. Would I like information on how the leadership of the anti-war movement had been taken over by the Socialist Workers Party? Maybe, I replied. It was depressing that a totalitarian party was in the saddle, but that's where the SWP always tries to get. Why get excited?

Oh there are lots of reasons, said the BBC hacks. The anti-war movement wasn't a simple repetition of the old story of the politically naive being led by the nose by sly operators. The far left was becoming the far right. It had gone as close to supporting Ba'athist fascism as it dared and had formed a working alliance with the Muslim Association of Britain, which, along with the usual misogyny and homophobia of such organisations, also believed that Muslims who decided that there was no God deserved to die for the crime of free thought. In a few weeks hundreds of thousands of people, maybe millions, would allow themselves to be organised by the opponents of democracy and modernity and would march through the streets of London without a flicker of self-doubt. Wasn't this a story?

It's a great story, I cried. But why don't you broadcast it?

We can't, said the bitter hacks. Our editors won't let us.

The BBC refuses the print or broadcast the true motives and the funding behind the anti-war protests so as to not scare folks who might be on the fence.

But they'll throw crap on the wall daily (to see what sticks) about the supposed movtives behind the 'imperialist' Americans.

Found @ Buzzmachine via Spot On.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:32 AM | Comments (0)

June 03, 2004

Nicely done.

Another Bush rope-a-dope?
Did W. use the UN like cheap Kleenex to endorse a fait accompli in Iraq?

No one else will say this, so I will. The Bush administration has handled the transfer of power in Iraq more cleverly than anyone expected, including me. The summoning of the U.N. envoy, Lakhdar Brahimi, looked like very bad news (a poisonous old Arab League chauvinist who brokered the sell-out of Lebanon to Syria in 1982). In grim moments, I believed the Bush people were cynically using him to wash their hands of Iraq, and as it were, dump the quagmire back in the swamp of the U.N. Instead, they froze the ground beneath Brahimi's feet, and skated rings around him, haggling behind his back with Iraq's new political heavyweights to leave him endorsing a fait accompli. If it were not vulgar, I would say the Bushies suckered the U.N. into signing on to the New Iraq through Brahimi. A sovereign, free Iraq which will, incidentally, have a few things to say about the U.N.'s $100-billion "oil-for-food" scam, in due course.

Via Instapundit.

Score one for the Cowboy over the limp wristed pink panty club at the UN,...again. Ya think they'll ever get wise to the concept that underestimating him is getting costly? I doubt it,

so much the better.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:57 AM | Comments (0)

May 25, 2004

'nuff said


Posted by Nukevet at 05:05 PM | Comments (0)

May 22, 2004

Nick Berg's dad is nuts

Stark raving mad, totally looney to make this statement with a strait face.

People ask me why I focus on putting the blame for my son's tragic and atrocious end on the Bush administration. They ask: "Don't you blame the five men who killed him?" I have answered that I blame them no more or less than the Bush administration, but I am wrong: I am sure, knowing my son, that somewhere during their association with him these men became aware of what an extraordinary man my son was. I take comfort that when they did the awful thing they did, they weren't quite as in to it as they might have been. I am sure that they came to admire him.

Did I read this right, this shitstain actually grants the men who sawed his son's freakin head off more humanity than the president of his own nation? The men who led him to a death so gruesome and savage that the national media felt we had to be protected from seeing it? The men who cut his son's throat so crudely he was heard to scream for a good while till the managed to sever his windpipe?

The mind reels with the utter screaming shameless insanity of this so called father. The killers were no doubt touched?..I'll never truely understand the workings of the rusty cogs in this morons head. Never in a million years will I understand the simpleminded witless pandering to savagery.

It's a simple thing, he could choose to blame evil, but he doesn't fully. He could understand the will of our president to bring justice to the bastards who applaud his son's murder. But he doesn't, he makes excuses for the very thing that killed his son. He is a twisted goblin with no soul, no real heart, and I spit on him for doing the finish work for those who murdered his boy. He's doing the leg work for them, granting them the victory of justification by his deeds.

I don't know if Nick Berg was a good man or not, at this point it hardly matters. All that matters is I see a father so bound and determined to cling to his lefty dogma, he can't even wholeheartedly damn the men who butchered his son without granting them a higher moral plain than the man determined to end their Hellish reign.

The choice between the lovers of life, and the lovers of death.....and he chose the side of death to forgive. Damn him for that, damn him straight to whatever passes for Hell to a aging hippy with not a shred of decency or Honor. Damn him for being eager to use his son's corpse for a step to his fifeteen minutes of fame.

Damn him.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:48 AM | Comments (3)

May 15, 2004

scale of outrage

The GI's who failed us at Abu Ghraib will pay, that's a given. What they are accused of merits the harshest punishment possible, and justice will be done. Prison abuse is as old as time, and shocking video has once again surfaced in Iraq. The crimes detailed in this account just make you weep from the horror of what was done. How anyone could just ignore them staggers the mind. But they are being ignored, ignored and pushed to the side because the soldiers who commited these crimes..........

Aren't in the right uniforms. They're not American. They are Iraqi, Saddam's men.

Let's talk about moral outrage shall we?

What our people did sickens me, not the sleep deprivation, the nudity, even the humilation, they may well be useful as interogation the sexual aspects and the run amuck sadism is what grates on me. It appears what happened was a clic of like minded scumbags fell in together to start their own jollytime fun factory. So the result....A nation ashamed that such a thing could happen, our soldiers put at greater risk because of unnecessary cruelty, and our cause set back amongst a world opinion eager to condemn America while excusing the vicious killers we're fighting. The result is damaging and shameful.

But now let's take a real look at what the arguement is about shall we? Is the US covering this up? Clearly not, as the first Courts Martial has already started. Does the abuse continue? Also,...clearly not. Have steps been taken to ensure that such things don't happen in the future? Again,...yes. The questions not asked, but that should have been, was anyone killed? Was anyone maimed? What was done was disgusting, but let's get real here, the crimes Saddam's goons commited are so horrible as to compare jaywalking to Buchenwald. So some prespective in the level of rage would be in order.

So why the shrill pollyanna tone from the world press?

When something like this has no legs, meaning it's a mere blip to the world press,...

First, the photographs. They are of actual live castrations of Kurds.

Now, the video tapes:

Two beheadings, during one of which "Happy Birthday, Saddam" is being sung in Arabic.

Fingers being cut off one by one from a hand tied to a board.

People being thrown off four-story buildings, one forced to wear a Superman costume.

A man scourged ninety-nine times.

Three different instances of gas poisonings (probably employing different types), including dead babies.

You have to believe it isn't the crime that gets their anger, but the people envolved. The Iraqi's, well, the world turns away because that's just the kind of thing they expect to see, them being close to the earth third world types and all. Yawn, just another day, nothing to see here folks,.....move along. But AMERICA?.......OH YES,....let's get these bastards, conspiracy thories run riot and every charge aired on and on and on, even when they are disproven they are not retracted or withdrawn. Because that doesn't fit the agenda, doesn't matter because the leftwing will not let go of that bone when it damages their favorite whipping boy.

I'm not saying that we are perfect, or that bad things don't happen. What I'm saying is that going after us when we are doing the right thing with hammer and tongs will ignoring or excusing something like moral blindness incarnate. When a national paper runs faked porn pictures of US troops as news,...but then says this about the evil doings of terrorists....

You have to ask,.......when did the inmates take over the asylum?

links courtesy of Drudge and Instapundit.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:52 PM | Comments (0)

April 28, 2004

Bow Wow Wow, Yippie Yo, Yippie Yay

John Kerry is in the Doghouse with the Villiage Voice.

This may be difficult, but try to picture yourself as a 'cultured' ast coast liberal. You think the NTY is a bit too 'right wing' for you So where do you go for you political reading after you're done with The Nation?

Why The Villiage Voice, of course.

This should scare Kerry a tad...

John Kerry Must Go

Note to Democrats: it's not too late to draft someone�anyone�else

With the air gushing out of John Kerry's balloon, it may be only a matter of time until political insiders in Washington face the dread reality that the junior senator from Massachusetts doesn't have what it takes to win and has got to go. As arrogant and out of it as the Democratic political establishment is, even these pols know the party's got to have someone to run against George Bush. They can't exactly expect the president to self-destruct into thin air.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:31 AM | Comments (1)

April 16, 2004

Return to Sender

Location: FRANCE

UNITED NATIONS, April 14 -- Large amounts of nuclear-related equipment, some of it contaminated, and a small number of missile engines have been smuggled out of Iraq for recycling in European scrap yards, according to the head of the United Nations' nuclear watchdog and other U.N. diplomats.

ElBaradei said an IAEA investigation "indicates that large quantities of scrap, some of it contaminated, have been transferred out of Iraq, from sites monitored by the IAEA." He said that he has informed the United States about the discovery and is awaiting "clarification."

"Clarification" = Having the frencies double check the serial numbers.

Found @ the Junk Yard Blog

Posted by Nukevet at 06:08 AM | Comments (0)

April 13, 2004

Richard Clarke is a lying turd: Part #652

Just when I thought I'd gotten over the whole Richard Clarke Lie-a-thon, I get wind of this story from one of my local talk show hosts.

Clarke book has errors about arrest of Ahmed Ressam
By Mike Carter, Seattle Times staff reporter

If you don't remember who Ressam was, let me fill you in.

In late 1999, Ressam was caught at the US-Canadian border with a trunkload of explosives in his car.

Why do I remember this? Because it caused the then Mayor of Seattle Paul Schell (aka Mayor McCheese) to shut down all Millenium Celebrations going on in Seattle a week before New Year's Eve.

And why do I call Tricky Dick Clarke a liar (besides the FACT that he is)?

Because all of the points that he got wrong in his book could have been found IN ANY ONLINE NEWSPAPER ARCHIVE IS SEATTLE!

If this shitless puke cannot get this story right, why should anyone believe him on what color the sky is?

I would like to take a moment to thank ABC for this though.

Clarke, now working for ABC, snubs other news organizations

Thank you, ABC, for taking this bicycle seat sniffing, wanna-be human off his media blitz.

Oh, THAT liberal media.

Second link found @ the Poor Schmuck's place

Posted by Nukevet at 07:04 AM | Comments (0)

April 08, 2004

MoveOn (dot org) nothing to see here

I guess that no one in Kerry's camp objects to the guy who helped push the whole "Bush=Hitler" campaign.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:09 AM | Comments (0)

April 03, 2004

My nickel

Because two cents isn't enough to explain my thoughts on Fallujah.

I can't really give you any new links that you can't find everywhere else. But here they are anyway.

The screen grab of Kos' proud statement of "Screw Them"

His post trying to cover his ass

LGF's post about Kos trying to cover his ass by deleting the original statement from the internet archive

Taranto on Kos

Michele's post on the matter: The Daily Coward (a sentiment I will expand upon shortly)

Junk Yard Blog having 'had it' with the anti-American Left

The Spoonman having discovered a new type of weasel to watch "Kos Weasels"

And finally, a post on three of the four individuals who were killed in the ambush by Jay Reding


Some of you may have noticed that I have stayed away from this topic. I apologize if I seemed to be ignoring it, but I have my reasons. The first one being that I had met Mr. Zovko. I did not 'know' him. You could say that I had met him in passing a couple of times.

That said, I think I now have to admit that I know quite a few individuals currently in Iraq who are not wearing the uniform of any participating coalition nation. When I heard that the attack had happened and that the victims of the attack were private security personnel, I decided to hold off on commenting until I got a call or the names were released.

I want to make one thing very clear. I have a deep vein of respect for people who were doing what Mr. Zovko, Mr. Teague and Mr. Helvenston were doing. And yes, I think the word 'mercenaries' is a respectable word to describe their occupation. Others may disagree. But their disagreement will be because the word has been degraded in polite society, and even further in the world of Kos and his readers, to mean something it doesn't.

Some people can do things better than others. If you consider soldiering a skill, you could say that these three gentlemen were good enough at it to be highly paid for doing a job.

America probably wouldn't exist without mercenaries. It can be argued that their help during the Revolutionary War helped put us over the edge (Lafayette anyone?)

So, while I should be insulted by Kos' use and definition of the word, I'm not. Because I know he is just clueless about the subject.

Now, since I cannot say anything that someone else has not already said about his original statement, I am going to focus on his half assed 'excuse'.

In his cowardly response to the beehive he shook, Kos tries to bring in his childhood as a possible excuse as to why he said what he did.

But because his head is regularly up his ass, he actually shows that he is an idiot who does not learn from his childhood.

"Unlike the vast majority of people in this country, I actually grew up in a war zone. I witnessed communist guerillas execute students accused of being government collaborators."

Boo-fucking-hoo. Let's all feel sorry for little baby Kos.

You are an adult, aren't you Kos? You do know how to 'deal with it', don't you? Or is that papercut you got last week still giving you nightmares?

Communist guerillas, huh? So why exactly do you espouse the virtues of and advise your readers to vote for the very people who supported those guerillas, Kos? Or the people who support men like Castro who are still committing atrocities like the ones you saw, Thereby making sure that more and more children will have to witness those things?

Please Kos, tell me why? I really, honestly want to know.

Then, in his last line he proves that he missed the point of the rage from folks like myself.

"So not only was I wrong to say I felt nothing over their deaths, I was lying. I felt way too much. Nobody deserves to die."

What you felt was way too much hatred for Bush. And while you were doing that, you were excusing the actions of that mob. What a sick fuck you must be.

It wasn't the fact that they were killed that pissed most folks off, Kos. They were in a war zone. Things like that have a tendency to happen.

And while every death, American, Brit, Pole, Spaniard, Italian, Japanese and IRAQI CIVILIAN is, in and of itself, a horrible thing, the killings weren't the reason we were pissed off, Kos.

It was the desecration of the bodies, asshole. Even the Muslim clerics who cannot bring themselves to condemn the killings condemned the atrocious behavior of the crowd afterwards.

Ten minutes after I heard the news report, I knew that Islamic leaders and 'spokespeople' were going to condemn the act of the desecration of the bodies but not the killings. Are you that out of the loop of reality to not be able to figure that out for yourself?

Also in his piss poor rebuttal, he says

"So I struck back".

Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but you have withdrawn your 'strike back'. You have even gone so far as to make it impossible for anyone who wasn't intelligent enough to get a screen grab (myself included) to see your 'strike back'.

You sir, are a coward.

In polite and civilized society, you are allowed to retract a statement. But only with an apology to those whom you offended. An apology consists of admitting you were wrong and being solemn in your recant. You are not allowed to act as if you never said such words, thereby running away and showing the weakness of your convictions.

You have not apologized for your words. In fact, you have only shown your cowardice and the cowardice of those who read and support you and then offered further insults.

So, you and your sycophants can continue to circle jerk each other in your emporium of Kos worship. They can continue to suck your e-dick and you can continue to offer insincere thanks.

But know this,

You are the lowest of the low. You are one of a very few whom can count on being stabbed in the back by people just like yourself because they are the only ones who can stand your presence.

You look down on the men who died in Fallujia just as you look down on anyone who is selfless enough to serve something as abstract as an ideal.

But those men mean more to the freed citizens of Iraq than 1000 of the likes of you. The only people who appreciate you are the people who rape and kill women and children for the hell of it. People like the Baathists in Fallujia. People who would kill you, not because you are an American, but because you are weak (but they might first treat you like a goat).

Fuck you Kos. Fuck your readership. Fuck every single one of your advertisers who does not remove their ads from your page.

May you someday know what it means to care about something that doesn't revolve around you.

I apologize for the profanity used in my statement. I will admit to not being a man of words.

But I am a man of my word. Unlike Kos

Posted by Nukevet at 11:33 AM | Comments (11) | TrackBack

March 29, 2004

I'll say it one more time

Richard Clarke is a lying prick.

He had previously stated:
"I will not accept any position in the Kerry administration should there be one," he said, adding that he voted Republican in the 2000 election.

But now....

MTP 3/28
RUSSERT: Did you vote for George Bush in 2000?
CLARKE: No, I did not.
RUSSERT: You voted for Al Gore?
CLARKE: Yes, I did.

And have I mentioned that he has a book for sale. He gets cash bonuses for every week that it stays on the best seller lists.

Lying prick.

Found @ Right Thinking on the Left Coast

UPDATE: Lookee what I found!

It seems that this self-described 'Republican' only like to give his money to Democrats.

Lying Prick

Posted by Nukevet at 08:24 AM | Comments (0)

March 28, 2004

Bards and Demons

Ironbear has presented another of his thought-provoking essays over at Who Tends the Fires. He argues that some bloggers are not just amatuer journalists, which they are, but they are throwbacks to the predecessors of the newspaperman and the talking heads - the Bard, the storyteller.

These Bloggers must face the dark - the Jihadists, the Fellow Travellers, the Useful Idiots - and tell the rest of the Tribe about these Orcs and Goblins and Demons. They also strive to remind us that our Tribe - America - has done far more good than ill, and that the silken, practiced lies of foes are just that - LIES.

These are noble goals, and require great sacrifices. The Fires they light to show us the way must be bright and hot, and such Fires consume quickly. Yet even more dangerous than the Fire is the Dark. One cannot stare into the depths of the Dark - the Hatred, Fear, Madness, and Lust for Power that fuel the Jihadists and their de facto allies, the Left of the Western World - for long before the bile and venom begin to etch your soul.

Yet it seems that burnout - the sense that all your sacrifices cannot stop Hordes of Darkness - claims more bloggers than anything else. The Bloggers' foes are Legion, and seem immune to the weaponry of decent men - logic, reason, and respect for the Rights of All. And to turn their weapory - Hatred and Fear - against them is to risk corruption.

Those who face the Dark with words alone are better souls than I. To face that Bile and Venom with nothing more than reason, facts, and clear rhetoric demonstrates far more patience and compassion than I am capable of. More and more, it seems to me, the only response to the lies and threats of the Dark must eventually be violence. Yet the Lies and Hatred of the Dark survive long after these foes have gone to Hell. Just look at the Wahabbism and Communism. So how do we silence the Liars in the Dark with turning them into martyrs for their cause?

At one level I understand that to silence these people, merely for what they have said, is to become one of the enemies we fight. Yet, the Talking Heads and Useful Idiots poison this country every day with honeyed lies, impossible promises, and accusations that we are the Evil of the World - becuase they are free to do so. Will the cost of our freedoms one day be more than we can bear?

I hope the answer is no, but I fear that everyday the answer seems more like yes.

Posted by Nukevet at 05:01 PM | Comments (0)

March 26, 2004

I ain't afraid of nothing

Except the kiss of Helen Thomas

And I will be needing to cover my ass for the next couple of days because SHE'S IN SEATTLE.

In a laughable article by Geov Parrish, he kisses Helen's wrinkly (probably, I don't KNOW) ass profusely.

Caution: DO NOT click the above link to the article unless you can stand a large image of Helen smiling at you (it looks more like she's just constipaited).

Posted by Nukevet at 06:51 AM | Comments (2)

March 11, 2004

The Treehugger West Coast Tour

Yes you read that title correctly. The eco-weenies got themselves a bus and they're hitting the road.

The Oxygen Collective proudly presents . . .
The Fire and Forests Roadshow 2004
Save the Wild Siskiyou!

This April, a merry band of performers, activists and trainers known as the Oxygen Collective will climb aboard their forty-foot biodiesel bus and travel the West Coast for the 2004 Fire and Forests Roadshow. The trip will include 15 stops from San Francisco, CA to Bellingham, WA. Expect live music and laughter, action video and information.

I have serious doubts that they'll make it halfway through their tour before they start to use their maps as rolling papers.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:10 AM | Comments (1)

March 08, 2004

Echoes of Irving Berlin

'Anything you can do , I can do better'
'I can do anything better than you'

John Kerry must be watching a lot of showtunes while on the campaign trail. Take a look at this crap,

"I won't do it anything like Bush. You can be assured of that. I'm very different than Bush. I will send envoys out to talk about how much the nations should work together, and I will say how much I respect the UN. But, for those of you that are afraid I might go soft, don't be afraid, I'm going to do the same things Bush has been doing. Only Better. Because I'm nothing like Bush."

What the hell did he jut say?

Found @ the Poor Schmuck's place

Posted by Nukevet at 06:04 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

March 04, 2004

Breakin' their little hearts

I was having a hard time finding something to report that you wouldn't find at a dozen other blogs, so I decided to go to the last resort weapon, leftie blogs.

And found this...

During his February 25 testimony before the House Budget Committee, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan generated sensational national headlines by recommending that President Bush's $1.5 trillion in tax cuts be made permanent while Social Security and Medicare benefits be dramatically cut to achieve long term deficit reduction and a balanced budget.

In spite of the media furor and across the board condemnation by the remaining Democratic presidential candidates, there should be no reason for surprise at Greenspan's remarks. In his capacity as shill for the Bush administration, the Chairman's recommendations make perfect sense, as long as one is not foolish enough to believe the window dressing about a long term balanced budget. Mr. Greenspan is laying the groundwork for a second Bush administration, not a balanced budget. His remarks, and most of the economic policies of the Bush administration, can only be understood against the backdrop of the little remarked right wing agenda of deliberate federal bankruptcy.

From the first months of the Bush administration, when their initial breathtaking tax cuts were presented to Congress, it has been obvious that the explicit goal of this administration is to bankrupt the federal government to justify a sweeping program of privatization. Pursuing federal bankruptcy is a deliberate policy.

I understand that not having a nanny government looking out for their smallest need (state sponsored toilet paper) scares the socialistas on the left, but do they have to be such children about it?

The funny part is that they cannot come up with one good reason NOT to privatize Social (In)Security and Medicare/Medicaid.

But at least the cacophony is funny to listen to.

It is kind of like the whole 'Global Warming' idea they like to scare people with.

Evidence, who needs evidence?

Oh yeah, and their hypothesis that you can turn a murderous dictator into a peace loving individual with lots of hugs.

That one makes me laugh for hours.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:49 AM | Comments (2)

March 02, 2004

Leftist Amnesia Pt. 356

Go to any leftie site and you'll still see posts on the topic of "America supplied Hussein with weapons...yada, yada, yada"

It seems that they love to forget that their old friend, the USSR, gave Hussein some nifty toys as well.

And Khaddafi.

And Arafat.

Go to Front Page Magazine and read through this interview with Ion Mihai Pacepa, former acting chief of Communist Romania’s espionage service.

He's got the scoop.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:22 AM | Comments (0)

March 01, 2004

No!? Really? I never would have guessed!

Hussein's Regime Skimmed Billions From Aid Program

'B-b-but....Hussein was a swell guy who was only doing what he could to help his people against the eevviill USA.'

Here is one of the worst bits,

In the high-flying days after Iraq was allowed to sell its oil after 10 years of United Nations sanctions, the lobby of the Rashid Hotel in Baghdad was the place to be to get a piece of the action.

That was where the oil traders would gather whenever a journalist, actor or political figure would arrive in Iraq and openly praise Mr. Hussein. Experience taught them that the visitor usually returned to the hotel with a gift voucher, courtesy of the Iraqi president or one of his aides, representing the right to buy one million barrels or more of Iraqi crude.

Let's indict Sean Penn and Jim McDermott for war crimes against the Iraqi people.

Found over at one and only Horsefeathers

Posted by Nukevet at 06:37 AM | Comments (0)

February 27, 2004

More Proof

That the BBC are a bunch of turds.

From the editors of 'In Defense of Marxism'

It seems the truth will out. The intrigue, deceit and lies surrounding the build up to war in Iraq continue to leak out. No sooner had the Hutton whitewash absolved Blair � convincing no-one - and scapegoated the BBC, than once more Radio 4�s Today programme delivers a devastating blow.

Former Cabinet Minister Clare Short, who resigned over the war, astounded presenter and listeners alike by candidly admitting that British Intelligence had spied on UN officials including Secretary General Kofi Annan, in the run-up to war. When asked to confirm that she was certain about this Short replied that she had known about it whilst in the government, �I know. I have seen transcripts of Kofi Annan�s conversations� she said.

The editorial goes on to tout the Katherine Gun statement as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help her Trotsky.

To the BBC,

When the only people who think you are the innocent party in the Kelly suicide, you should realize you're screwed.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:37 AM | Comments (1)

February 26, 2004

Darth Nader

According to Lowell Ponte, that is the name that leftists are using to describe 'ol Ralphie boy.

If you thought the Dems were acting childish before, take a read at Mr. Ponte's essay over at FrontPageMag.

Here's just a snippet,

If Lefties had any largeness of vision and spirit, they would have welcomed Nader’s entry into this contest. The old warrior could attract new idealists, many of whom would sooner or later become Democrats. Nader could propose more radical policies and make more strident attacks on President Bush than Kerry would dare, thereby giving Kerry more running room on the Left to expand his proposals and attacks. Nader could deter Kerry from any temptation to drift rightward by giving those on his left flank an alternative candidate. But simultaneously Nader, by being more extreme, could make far-Left Kerry appear more moderate, centrist and hence attractive to voters.

But the New Left notions of aging Baby Boomers were never that new - and are now menopausally sclerotic. Most Lefties - increasingly senile in their socialism - possess no larger vision, spirit or suppleness of mind.

As an old joke goes, that guy has “Irish Alzheimer’s” - all he remembers are his grudges. All that increasingly brain-dead Leftists seem able to remember is their hate. They hate the George W. Bush they looked down on…but who proved to be smarter than they were and showed them to be the fools they are.

So the Left is angry, hate-filled and, in the depths of its primitive reptilian brain, afraid. These base emotions have left most Democrats nearly unable to see clearly or to think rationally at all.

The dumb leading the blind, as I like to call it.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:56 AM | Comments (0)

February 23, 2004

Proof Positive

That the 'palestinians' abuse their children. As if LGF's photos weren't proof enough.

A, supposed, 15yr old 'palestinian' student named Iltezam Morrar wrties a letter about the euroweenies trying Israel in The Hague for their building of the security fence and somehow gets it to the Philidelphia Inquirer, where they publish it.

Besides the fact that the letter is written better than a 15yr old American student could write, the facts are just a bit off kilter.

For instance, he says that he lives in a village called Budrus, west of Ramallah. Yet he writes,

"Americans should know that, from our viewpoint, the wall is not a security wall."

Now here is the strange part. In Budrus, the 'wall' is a 10ft tall fence.

Remember, only 3% of the 'wall' is made of concrete. The other 97% is chainlink fence.

Sounds to me like 100% ISM written propaganda.

Little Iltezam then goes on to whine about how those mean old Joooooos won't let him tour his country just because his bretheren go and blow up schoolchildren.

If you need a good laugh or something to fisk, head on over and be my guest.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:40 AM | Comments (0)

February 20, 2004

Bye Bye Billy

No, I'm not talking about the *spit* former president *spit* Bill 'Bongwater' Clinton (G*d knows he'll never shut up).

I'm talking about Bill Moyers.

Seems he is going to finally stop kicking my sensibilities in the teeth while simultaneously sucking away my tax dollars.

Of course, according to the raving moonbats, the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that runs PBS is forcing him to leave because he won't tow the 'Rove Line'.

Posted by Nukevet at 07:29 AM | Comments (1)

February 17, 2004


Guess who got an award yesterday.

Sorry, afraid not.

Rachel Freakin' Corrie, Holy Priestess of the Dozers.

Read on as the bullsh*t rolls off the tounges of the Jew Haters.

�The atrocious killing of Rachel Corrie by agents of the Israeli State, as she placed her body between a Government bulldozer and a Palestinian home, is further testimony to just how far Israel and its American backers will go to maintain power at the expense of a just and lasting peace emerging in the Middle East. By awarding the Housing Rights Defender Award posthumously to Rachel, we honor her fortitude, her dedication and her courage by paying the ultimate price in trying against the odds to protect the housing rights of the Palestinian people against further abuse,� said Scott Leckie, Center On Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) Executive Director.

That's right. Yesterday, the whiny-weenies got together and presented a dead idiot with an award for something she was not doing.

Any member in good standing within the Interstellar Zionist Conspiracy knows that she was attempting to stop the collapsing of tunnels used for smuggling people and weapons into Israel when her dumb ass tripped and fell into the path of the Cat D-9.

I'm still trying to find where this broad is interned at so she can get her golden shower.

But at least I got to eat pancakes in her honor before last weekends Blogger Blastorama.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:58 AM | Comments (0)

February 10, 2004

Power to the Bourgeoisie

Just kidding. I wanted to grab your attention.

I normally do not bother with this type of crap, but I thought that you all might find it funny what the german working class are being fed on a weekly basis.

"For its business, industry in Germany needed 9.2 billion work hours in 1991. Ten years later only 6.2 billion hours were necessary..Those who cause unemploy-ment and crises should pay for their consequences just as the one causing an accident must be responsible.."

So those who make work more efficient, like Microsoft and Hewltt-Packard and IBM need to pay for the unemployment of those who cannot/will not re-train.

Interesting. And stupid.

You can read the complete version here.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:20 AM | Comments (0)

February 04, 2004

I'll tell him

Where he can stick his batteries.

Howard Dean, once the fresh face in American politics from computer screens to magazine covers, finds himself as just another struggling White House hopeful who can't seem to get a win.

The former Vermont governor declared himself undaunted Tuesday night as state after state went to his Democratic rivals in the seven-state voting.

"Here's why we're going to keep going and going and going and going and going just like the Energizer Bunny," Dean told supporters in Washington state, which votes on Saturday. "We're going to pick up some delegates tonight and this is all about who gets the most delegates in Boston in July and it's going to be us."

He told a town hall meeting at Sacred Heart Hospital that "Washington state is going to be the turning point, if we win, of this campaign."

Washington Democrats hold caucuses on Saturday.

Go Kucinich!

Posted by Nukevet at 05:55 AM | Comments (0)

January 30, 2004

Another victim of "rectal-Cranial Impaction'

So, during the couple of days we were down, I decided to go about trolling at left wing sites.

Actually trolling isn�t really a good term, seeing as how I was civil and could provide information that made some kind of sense. I guess you could say �looking for a good argument� would be more appropriate. I was so frustrated by not having a place to vent, that I almost started posting at the Seattle IMC.

But the Doc, in his good timing saved me from that fate.

One of the places I happened upon is called Green Voicemail, He posted the funniest thing I had read in a while. It was SO funny at the time, I couldn't stop laughing long enough to comment on it.

And looking at it now, two weeks later, it seems hilarious enough to qualify for Monty Python's "The Killer Joke".

Here is an excerpt;

I believe that what's happened is something new. We are seeing a new generation of progressives in their mid-twenties. As they came of age, the first president they knew was Ronald Reagan. Eight years of Reagan, Eight years of the Bushes, and twenty four years of vicious ad hominem from the conservatives.

What's happening is nothing short of a cultural revolution in progressivism. Before 1980, the norm was that, for the most part, progressives and conservatives would meet on the battlefield of election politics and occasionally pointed op-ed pieces. Republican politics for the most part was Nixonian or post-Nixonian. Even in the days of Nixon, there was a limit as to how far you could go with an attack on someone

Yep, he's a Dean supporter.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:11 AM | Comments (1)

January 27, 2004

You’d be happier if your were poor

Didn’t you know that?

At least according the freaks at The World Watch Institute.

A Study of the Worldwatch-Institute declares: The Western Lifestyle makes People Rich, Swollen and Heavy-set but not Happy

If you are looking for something to set your ears to steaming, you greedy bastards, this is it!

Posted by Nukevet at 09:50 AM | Comments (0)

January 22, 2004

They issued a report

It seems that Amnesty International has discovered horrors in North Korea. And they have filed a report.

Starving North Koreans have been publicly executed for stealing food and have died of malnutrition in labor camps, Amnesty International said in a report released yesterday.

The human rights group urged the North Korean government to "ensure that food shortages are not used as a tool to persecute perceived political opponents."

The report — released in Bombay at the World Social Forum, an international gathering of antiglobalization activists — records the chilling testimony of North Korean refugees interviewed in South Korea and Japan, and interviews with international aid groups during 2002 and 2003.

The report accuses the North Korean government of distributing food unfairly, favoring those who are economically active and politically loyal.

"Some North Koreans, who were motivated by hunger to steal food grains or livestock, have been publicly executed," Amnesty International researcher Rajiv Narayan said.

"Public notices advertised the executions, and schoolchildren were forced to watch the shootings or hangings," he said.

No outcries from celebs. No calls for the ICC to step in. None of things that the lefties asked for for the terrorists in Gitmo.

Just lots and lots of bodies.

But they're Nork bodies, so the angry white libs will just pass this over.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:43 AM | Comments (2)

November 30, 2003

Talk about taking it in the nuts!

BAGHDAD, Iraq � In the deadliest reported firefight since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, American forces fended off attempted ambushes Sunday, killing at least 46 Iraqis and capturing eight others in the northern city of Samarra (search ). At least five U.S. soldiers, 22 Iraqi attackers and a civilian were injured.

From FOX but it's popping up everywhere now. This sounds like the ambush was known about before it happened. Escape routes were obviously compremised, unless it was purely a suicide operation. The telling line was this one.

U.S. officials have only sporadically released figures on Iraqi casualties, and wouldn't say whether there has been a deadlier firefight that went unreported.

The headlines of US soldiers killed, were never counter balanced by enemy killed. Surely while they could never have totally accurate numbers, our forces must have some idea of how many enemy fighters have been brought to heel, just by the number of burials alone. They should release the numbers more often, it may dispell some of the publics frustration at seeing how many we lose but always to some elusive unseen enemy. They aren't unseen, or bulletproof as today's action illustrates.

In a standup fight, those feydayeen make a good abject lesson on how not to attack an armored convoy. They'll run down some blood trails in daylight and the count will rise.

Seem's Bush hit a nerve when he popped in and shot them the bird. More stupid wasteful use of the faithful please, we'd like to wrap this up.

Posted by Nukevet at 11:04 PM | Comments (0)

November 29, 2003

Bitterness born of an illusion.

I read this with some anger, not that these people don't fear, don't grieve, I'm sure they do. But this, if expressed as how one of them suggests, isn't only not helpful, but may be a source of increased attacks.

The leader of the 10-member group, Fernando Suarez del Solar, said it is important for Iraqis to realize that not all Americans support the U.S. military presence in Iraq. His son, Marine Lance Cpl. Jesus Suarez del Solar, 20, was killed in Iraq eight months ago when he stepped on an unexploded American cluster bomb.

The message such a trip sends is twofold. It's great that opposing opinions are tolerated in democracy, that even people like these are allowed to speak.

It also says that we are weakening, just push a little harder and people like me will win, then we'll cut and run. Abandoning you like we did in 91. Leaving the thugs with the RPG's free reign, to butcher, torture, rape, pillage, main and destroy. We will allow all this because we just want to be liked, and to not suffer the tough choices that come with responsibility.

The illusion these people suffer from is that some misbegotten policy "robbed" them of their family members. That's a concete, an arrogance. The choice of a son or brother doesn't seem to matter at all to them. That death can be arbitrary and random, taking those it will regardless of politics or background seems somehow terribly unfair to them. Well guess what, it is unfair, the old phrase "only the good die young" has more than a grain of truth to it.

These people are taking a noble choice that they themselves did not make, and twisting it to make these young men victims instead. They rob these men of respect, rob them of the responsibility of their decisions just because they themselves fear.

Lord protect us from people interviening for "our own good". They are seldom right, and often bring about worse consequences as a result.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:00 PM | Comments (1)

November 18, 2003


An utterly forgettable experience, proving once again that crack smoking and keyboards don't mix. Just one little thing.

According to European polls Bush is tied with Kim Jong II for the number-two position for greatest threat to world peace, and is considered by 37 percent of Britons to be, well, "stupid." Protests are expected to bring tens of thousands of people from all over Europe, and intelligence shows a major threat of al-Qaida violence creating a daunting challenge for British security and prompting the christening of "Fortress London."

Let's see here, the last numbers I saw said there were something like 400 million Europeans. They can scramble a MERE tens of thousands? What a bunch of candyassed halfwits............Come on bright guy, if he's roundly hated by so many you can't even scrap together a half mill? Hell we get more people at one of our own lefty loveins. You asswipes can't organize a fire drill, and you want to lead?


Posted by Nukevet at 03:25 AM | Comments (0)

November 08, 2003

An old sin, with new excuses.

Once again, the arguement arises, what is Evil, and whatever it is, the Americans got it wrong. A Canadian engaging in the usual sport of second guessing us, this time the globe and mail.

It is often hard to take evil seriously: When Ronald Reagan spoke of the "evil empire" in 1984, or when George W. Bush referred repeatedly to "the evil one" and "the evildoers" two years ago and briefly and regrettably tried to locate an "axis of evil," the words made these presidents sound childish and pathetic. Shouldn't world leaders have a more nuanced view of morality?

Oh, that's how it works.......The Soviet's weren't the Evil Empire. The North Koreans, Iraqi's and Iranians were all just nuances and shades of grey, just subtle missunderstandings of perception. The author has the understanding of a child, he rejects the religious then scrambles to define and name something that's already as old as time.

The American concept of evil, rooted deep in the old theodicy of religion, is in danger of preventing good from being done. This is no longer, in most respects, an evil of big men with big ideas. Once the last of the big tumours have been eradicated, Mr. Rumsfeld's underlings must face the much more patient, gentle and expensive work of allowing the dank layer of fungus to evaporate from otherwise decent and good societies.

This is the mind of secular philosphy, that it's less a matter of Evil than of cultural conflict and poor education. In the rush to distance themselves from the religious they make the fundemental mistake of thinking they have come up with a shiney new idea. Not so new, not so shiney. Lord Chamberlain probably thought as they do, Hitler can be "managed".

You have to have way too much education and a strong sense of selfhate to believe that. Some people, some ideas are just damaged goods, utterly beyond of any serious consideration. We know it when we see it. The graves, the bodies, the haunted children. His redefining evil as something that just happens to ordinarily good people like the flu or a cold is slanderously stupid. If it were true we would have seen a rash of confessions and suicides from among the Nazi's, the Soviet's and now the Taliban when forced to face what they had done.

We haven't.

They ran and hid when not caught out and exterminated, then pecked from the sidelines, killing, bombing, making more orphans, more sorrow. Evil isn't something that can be talked away or convinced that violence isn't the answer.

Common people aren't so foolish. After having seen some of the things they have done, the horror they leave in their wake, only a really stupid man could say that they are the same as we. That it'll all be better from just some kindness and understanding. The last century has taught us different.

It will not end until the excuses stop, till the handy reasons for sitting on their hands go away. There aren't any observers, no safe seats in this, if you don't support the fight then you give the evil your support by default, I should think an educated person would realize that.

Posted by Nukevet at 01:57 PM | Comments (3)

October 31, 2003

As bad as the NYT's is, they could be worse.

A battle rages in the Abu Ghraib suburb of Bagdad, a stronghold for Saddam's Sunni loyalists. A protest, turn riot, turn firefight. Clearly with thousands involved and differing loyalties, nationalities, there is going to be dispute over the cause. The New York Times oddly enough say's so, noting the general confusion over what happened when exactly.

Local residents and American soldiers offered widely varying accounts of the genesis of the firefight. Residents said the violence grew out of an effort this morning by American soldiers and Iraqi police officers to clear vegetable sellers from the street. Soldiers threw a stun grenade into the crowd, injuring some Iraqis, they said. After the Friday prayer services, a pro-Saddam Hussein demonstration of at least 1,000 people later gathered, escalating the confrontation, the residents said.

"People started calling, `By blood and soul we sacrifice for you, Saddam Hussein,' " a resident, Hamad Ali, said. Then Iraqi police fired on the demonstrators, and a firefight broke out, Mr. Ali said.

But American soldiers said the violence flared when someone threw a grenade at troops patrolling the Abu Ghraib market, slightly wounding two soldiers. Then the police station was hit by mortars, they said. On Sunday night, a mortar attack on the station killed at least one person and wounded two others.

The Guardian?....Well never let it be said they ever passed up a chance to blame the whole mess on the US alone. Compare the headlines of the two articles. Note as well the differing account of the same action as described by the NYT's.

Iraqis said the clash at Abu Ghraib, a western suburb of the capital, erupted when U.S. troops tried to clear market stalls from a main road. Youths threw stones at troops and Iraqi police, and set tires ablaze. Protesters shouted, ``Allahu akbar,'' or ``God is great.''

A U.S. officer at the scene, 1st Lt. Joseph Harrison, said someone tossed a grenade at soldiers in the marketplace, wounding two Americans. About the same time, mortars hit a police station near the market. The Americans said they arrested two Iraqis carrying a mortar tube.

Three hours later, when hundreds of Iraqis emerged from nearby mosques after Friday prayers, gunfire erupted as U.S. armored vehicles moved into the area. Ten explosions and machine gunfire were heard, and U.S. helicopters hovered overhead.

The bodies of two Iraqis - identified by friends and family as Mohammed Auweid, 45, and Hamid Abdullah, 41 - were carried from the area.

``God damn America!'' shouted friend Ali Hussein, who said the men were innocent passers-by. He said the Americans fired indiscriminately when Iraqis began throwing stones at them.

The Guardian by printing the qoutes they do, clearly believe them, completely ignoring the context, or passions involved. The truthfullness of arab man on the street interviews is highly suspect. I'm sure that civilians were probably killed, but is the Guardian so certain that we killed them when Iragi's were firing and lobbing mortar rounds? Or that the man qouted even knew the dead, did they follow up, will they check the story out after the fight?

Remember Jenin? They was no shortage of breatheless arabs running up to a camera and screaming massacre, thousands dead, murderers and terrorists...I feel sorry that anyone innocent was caught in the middle, but these shitheads started a shootout in their OWN neighborhood. Liars are not scarce in arab culture, they continue to prove that at every oppurtunity. Check any account by Al Jareeza where they qoute arab spokesmen of any kind. We are burning their tanks by the thousands, they are all committing suicide rather than fight us.

Claims of misdeeds need to be checked, but it would be nice if just once the Guardian and it's ilk actually checked the facts and reported what they know for certain, as opposed to reporting what sounds juicy, then turns out to be smoke.

One other point, did you notice that the first account duly noted that the Iraqi's were lobbing mortars, that a mortar tube had been captured. The Guardian account,

Ten explosions and machine gunfire were heard, and U.S. helicopters hovered overhead.

No mention of the Iraqi mortars, but pointing out the gunships were there. The implication is quite clear, they imply we were the ONLY cause of the explosions. Now when they supposedly were there and talked to the same Army spokesmen, why would they leave that part out?

No wonder we get bad reviews in Europe. The Guardian couldn't slant this any harder without making stuff up.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:52 PM | Comments (0)

October 30, 2003

A wordsmith should be more carefull, his contempt for us is showing.

Bill Moyers....(gag, retch,..ack, ack .....awwwwwwwwk, spit), is so well educated, such a pious icon of Christian lefty goodness that I desire to break things when he speaks. This caught my eye.

Unlike today's crop of cookie-cutter, blow-dried corporate television news celebrities, Moyers is a man who chooses his words carefully because he values and respects the power of language and the importance of his own integrity. He is a craftsman in an age that values the assembly line production of indistinguishable news churned out at a numbing pace.

Nice suckup Buzzflash, now if that is true, then consider this piece here in Moyer's own words.

Everyone operates today in what a friend of mine calls "the blinding white light of 24/7 global medium" -- an increased conglomeration of megamedia corporations has essentially stripped journalism of purpose except pleasing consumers. --Moyers

Oh that's bad, very bad, horribly bad, we are supposed to be indoctrinated,...oops I mean educated by the Reverend Bill without something inconvienent like our own thoughts or wishes getting in the way. Naughty old consumers.........Oh, also let's not forget to dump out something like this. Even if the media isn't leftwing enough to please him, he has discovered the internet.

Right now, as we speak, House Republicans are trying to sneak into the energy bill a plan that would prohibit water pollution lawsuits against oil and chemical companies. Millions of consumers and their water utilities in 25 states will be forced to pay billions of dollars to remove the toxic gasoline additive MTBE from drinking water if the House gives the polluters what they want. I can't find this story in the mainstream press, only on niche websites.--Moyer's

Now any reasonable person might conclude from that, that the story is either without merit, or a flatout lie. The web is full of lunatic fringe sites, we all know that, apparently, Bill does not. You can almost imagine him sitting breathless before the monitor, sweaty hands waiting for the next Bartcop or Dem underground release on the EVIL doings of Bush and his minions. For someone who claims to want to teach the rest of us on what to think, he's pretty damn gulible.

Multiple sources Bill, never take just the word of one or two that the sky is falling. The web is a tool, use it smart guy, or is it possible that as much as you laud the power of free thinking, you indeed don't engage in it yourself.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:58 PM | Comments (4)

October 01, 2003

I didn't know Fox News owned

The Hindustan Times

Kuwaiti security authorities have foiled an attempt to smuggle $60 million worth of chemical weapons and biological warheads from Iraq to an unnamed European country, a Kuwaiti newspaper said on Wednesday.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:34 PM | Comments (11)

September 30, 2003

Ted Turner should just stick to charities.

Ted Turner is without a doubt, among the strangest of billionares, I mean just flat out weird. His latest mutterings aren't of much note, except for this statement.

"The most dangerous thing in the world right now is the fact the Russian and American nuclear missiles, 10 years after the Cold War is over, are still a hair-trigger away with less than 10 minutes response time from two presidents who thankfully are together today," Turner said.

Look, ametuers shouldn't make broad public pronouncements on things they know absolutely nothing about. The ICBM forces of the US and Russia are aimed at uninhabited patchs of the Pacific ocean, by mutual agreement, neither targets the other anymore. The targeting can be changed in about a half an hour, and the launch orders from either man regiures athentification from more than one person. No man can just go nuts and order a strike because he was in a bad mood that day, that's not how it works.

Meaningless, except that some of the chicken little crowd will grab it and run, spreading opinion as if it were fact. I think we need look no further than our resident troll to see that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Better to have all the information, than just the opinions that fit your agenda.

From Drudge.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:02 AM | Comments (2)

August 24, 2003

Speaking of ISM

Go visit ISM Central

The stated purpose: A skeptical look at the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement

Hosted by Tal G. in Jerusalem


Posted by Nukevet at 11:25 AM | Comments (1)

August 20, 2003

In a Word:


Via Seamole's.

Posted by Nukevet at 06:16 PM | Comments (0)

June 10, 2003

I wonder

If any of this is in Hillary's new book?

Well, if it's not, at least it is the World Net Daily. Article by Joseph Farah
"Bill and Hillary Clinton and other top U.S. political operatives laundered money for Ehud Barak's campaign to become prime minister of Israel through Americans for Peace Now."

"Over the last five years, Marks' investigation show, at least $3.8 million has been raised by APN and transferred for use by Peace Now in Israel for its overtly political purposes."

"Bill Clinton held a major fund-raiser for APN in New York in 1998. Hillary Clinton served as honorary chairman of an APN fund-raiser the same year."

And if you don't know who Americans for Peace (appeasement) Now is, here's the skinny.

"Americans for Peace Now claims to be 'educational' in nature, it actually serves as a front for the activities of the Israeli Peace Now movement. The American support group admits as much in its official charter. Peace Now is hardly a group in the mainstream of Israeli politics. It's an extremist organization. The group is most well-known for its denunciation of Jewish "settlements" in supposedly Arab territory. Peace Now organizes rallies throughout Israel that give great aid and comfort to Arab terrorists."

Sounds like a lovely group of folks.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:42 AM | Comments (0)

June 06, 2003

Young Pyros in Love

ELF has set fire to 3 more houses under construction in 2 hits. One in Michigan and the other in California (of course).


"on june 4 at about 2:45 am elf set fire to a luxury home at 145 sterling oaks
drive in chico ca. we used a napalm incindiery. it would have burnt to the
ground if the pvc pipe containing water didn't put out the flame. the pvc pipe
caught on fire and released the water. the damage ended up being minimal to our disssatisfaction. we targeted these luxury homes due to the damage to the
bioregion that occurs through development. chico is slowly becoming victim to
sprawl and we will not sit back as all that is natural and beautiful is
destroyed. civilizaion as a whole has proved to be detrimental to humans and
non human animals. we won't settle for anything less then complete collapse.
liberation for all life"


A pair of houses under construction were burned in an upscale suburban
development in Washington Township, Michigan.
The two houses were both in late stages of construction. The two houses under
construction had a combined value of $700,000, she said.
Graffiti reading "ELF" and "stop sprawl" was spray painted on nearby
construction equipment.

A cottage industry has started on the east coast, with construction companies either letting their employees stay in the in the houses they are building or paying people to stay the night in them. If they could guarantee at least a phone line in the home I'd love to take them up on this offer. But why can't ELF just come directly to me? And why can't they properly use the CAPS button? All lower case or all upper case does not make you a rebel.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:23 AM | Comments (0)

June 04, 2003

What a bummer, dude

Tueday at the anit-LEIU rally..... nothing happened. That pisses me off almost as much as what happened yesterday. I left for work early and headed up to the the massing area and no one was there. Ok, there were people there, but they all looked like they were on Ritalin.

So here's a run-down of the reprocussions of yesterdays action. The 12 people that were arrested yesterday were released later that evening. Tuesday morning some folks showed up at city hall to complain to the city council about the "police brutality" Monday. The normally left leaning city council had the doors chained shut to keep them out, and the protesters were once again, not happy campers. The deputy police chief stepped outside and read a statment that basically said "if you show up at a rally with backpacks containing ball-bearings and mason jars full of urine or fire propellant, you are no longer a peaceful protester." This really harshed the mellow of those gathered. Their response was "but those people don't represent us. Why do you want us to police our own ranks?" Go figure.

Then a magically peaceful rally happened. It included no property damage nor any "police brutality".

Meanwhile over at the Seattle Indymedia site, the moonbats were spraying their guano everywhere. One included a commenter giving instructions about how to set the police officers on fire. More crap here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, andhere. More pics are here, here and here.

The second to the last of the non-photo posts asks for Chief of Police Gil Kerlikowske's resignation. Which makes me wonder how much these dipshits know about the recent history of Seattle. For those of you who don't live here, the last guy who held the Chief's position, basically got cut loose because of they way major events were handled. We had a guy beaten to death in full view of the police on freakin' Mardi Gras.

The protesters are basically all upset that they weren't allowed to act like spoiled children and break other peoples stuff. Tuesday, the police let it be know that they were going to review the video they took on Monday and make arrests during the week of those they could ID. This put the IMC'ers in a tizzy that a gallon of LSD couldn't re-create.

I will continue to go to the massing points and at least try to get my own pics. I would have today, but they would have looked just like fans of 'The Greatful Dead' met 'The Living Dead'. Or basically a large group of 'The Brain Dead'. But I digress.

Posted by Nukevet at 08:33 AM | Comments (4)

June 02, 2003

Dumb and Dumberer

Also pointed out by LGF, is a story from the Anchorage Dailey News about a co-conspirator of St. Rachel of the Dozers', who should have been denied re-entry to the US.

Megan Eirman recently got back from 7 weeks in Israel. She snuck in under the guise of a tourist and snuck into and out of the "palestinian" settlements in order to help them propagandize whenever the IDF so much as let loose some flatulence near a "palestinian".

It is a heart-warming, almost made-for-tv-movie story about a union organizing mom and her non-conformist daughter. Mom didn't want her to go over so badly that she refused to put any amout of cash towards her daughter's travel expenses. Mom's own words, "I was worried she'd get lost in the hatred along with the rest of them."

Of course Megan was working towards sainthood according to her letters she sent to her mom, "Feb. 20: I saw my first dead body today. ... A 23-year-old boy is dead. ... He left his house at 5 a.m. to go to the Mosque to pray. ... He saw that the military vehicles were at the end of his street, so he turned to go back inside and was shot in the neck." 23 year old boy? 5am to the mosque? Turned away and was shot? I saw her picture attached to the article and thought she had "the look of the simple", but she's got the naivete of a 4 year old. And, apparently, she thinks her mother does too.

"She wrote of driving around in an ambulance with a dead man, stopping along the streets to ask if anyone knew who he was. It turned out this one was a terrorist." This one? Just how many dead guys in ambulances does she ride around with? Is this some kind of necro fixation?

I will never understand these people. And I am almost sure that I never want to, lest I need to start taking heavy psycotic meds.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:25 AM | Comments (1)

May 23, 2003

Apparently the new motto should be

"All the news that's fit to retract"

Posted by Nukevet at 10:26 PM | Comments (0)

May 13, 2003

Actions have consequences

Edition 2,341

Posted by Nukevet at 01:11 PM | Comments (3)

May 10, 2003

I bet France wishes they had bought

an industrial strength paper shredder for Saddam.

While France adamantly denies dealing with Iraq after the start of the war, multiple intelligence reports indicate the French may have helped some Iraqi leaders escape. The Washington Times was the first to report Wednesday that France offered visas to Iraqi officials who had fled to Syria. France denied those charges as well.

Posted by Nukevet at 04:16 PM | Comments (0)

May 01, 2003

More fun with numbers

Apparently it's not just civilian body counts we have trouble with. The estimate of 170,000 looted items from the National Museum of Iraq has been revised ever so slightly downward. To 29. Not 29,000, just plain old 29.

Posted by Nukevet at 03:07 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

December 29, 2002

Useful idiots part mmxxcccix - Human Shields

Tim Blair has a question for a Westerner heading for Iraq to sign up for the Saddam Hussein Human Shield Brigade. To paraphrase Tim: Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

Posted by Nukevet at 01:57 PM | Comments (4)

December 21, 2002

Just another Democratic Faux Paus

I wonder if Senator Murray knows what country spends more in foreign aid that any other country in the world?

And the spinning begins. It would look a lot more like opening a thoughtful debate if she had spent even a little bit of time thinking before she opened her mouth.

Also interesting that any criticism of Murray gets described as right wing hate mongering. Funny how hiding behind that didn't work for Lott. But, of course, only "right wingers" can be haters - just ask Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi about that.

Another interesting thing I noted - many of my left leaning colleagues (I work in academia, remember) were openly dancing in the halls yesterday when Lott resigned - and pasting hard copy of the story from CNN and MSNBC all over their doors, and sarcastically asking me if I wanted a copy for my door (my political leanings being well known in these parts). Funny thing is, some of these same people were openly hostile to me after the mid-term elections (like I was personally responsible for the failure of their ideology), and I didn't gloat or post the results on my door or any such nonsense.

The Republicans did the right thing in forcing Lott out. The best way to combat the all out charges of racism that seem to form the cornerstone of the Democratic hopes for 2004 (wouldn't coming up with a platform that people actually agreed with be more effective?) is to get rid of the dinosaurs, and combat the scare tactics with social and economic programs that make sense for everyone.

Posted by Nukevet at 09:55 AM | Comments (2)

December 18, 2002

ANSWER nonsense

From a reader - the latest release from the international arm of ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War And Racism)

The world is being menaced by Weapons of Mass Destruction in the hands of a government that is openly threatening and planning to use nuclear weapons in preemptive wars of aggression against others, including non-nuclear countries. While all eyes are focused on the purported threat coming from Iraq, the Bush Administration has sharply reorganized U.S. military doctrine and strategy as it prepares to actually use Weapons of Mass Destruction in coming conflicts as a matter of declared policy.

It is for this reason that on January 18, people across the United States will converge at the West side of the Capitol Building in Washington DC and march in a mass demonstration to the Washington Navy Yard -- a massive military installation located in a working class neighborhood in Southeast Washington DC that parks warships on the Anacostia River. We will demand the immediate elimination of US weapons of mass destruction and a people's inspection team will call for unfettered access and a full declaration of U.S. non-conventional weapons systems.

Bush seeks to have world attention focused on the disarmament of Iraq as the preeminent threat to world peace, while the real threat of nuclear war and the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction arises within the U.S. Administration. This is the politics of diversion and should give pause to those who are thinking of joining in Bush's sleight-of-hand anti-Iraq chorus believing it to be a path to peace. The nuclear threat posed by the United States is neither rhetoric nor speculation, it is the now announced doctrine and strategy of the Bush White House. It represents the ushering in of a new era of unrestrained and unprovoked catastrophic violence.

"Preemptive Strikes are Part of US Strategic Doctrine," reads the headline of the front page of the Washington Post of December 11, 2002. A classified version of the new Bush Doctrine "breaks with the fifty years of counter-proliferation efforts" by planning for the use of nuclear weapons against countries that not only have not attacked the US but that do not themselves possess nuclear capability.

A.N.S.W.E.R. believes that all Weapons of Mass Destruction should be banished from the planet. But this is impossible until the biggest arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destruction -- the one at the disposal of trigger-happy George W. Bush and Co. -- is eliminated. Any other call for disarmament will not be viewed as legitimate by the rest of the world.

These war hawks are determined to breach the "taboo" against the use of nuclear weapons that grew after the world experienced the horror of the incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

It would be cowardly and foolish to turn our attention away from the open threats and plans to use Weapons of Mass Destruction that are issuing from the White House, not Iraq, and are embodied in the new Bush military doctrine.

We must stop the Bush Administration from threatening and killing the people of the world who are not our enemy.

ANSWER is, of course, a tool of the World Workers Party, who see North Korea as a model for the rest of us to follow.

I do agree entirely with the last sentence in their missive, however. We should not be threatening and killing people of the world who are not our enemy. We only want to kill the ones who ARE our enemy, preferably with extreme prejudice.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:45 PM | Comments (3)

This certainly explains a lot

No wonder Gerhard Schroeder doesn't want us to topple Saddam. Who would Germany sell weapons to, then? If this report is true, I say pull the US out of Germany and let them fend for themselves. Go somewhere that our help is actually appreciated.

From the article:

The most contentious piece of news for Germany is that the report names it as the number one supplier of weapons supplies to Iraq. German firms are supposed to easily outnumber the firms from other countries who have been exporting to Iraq.

They have delivered technical know-how, components, basic substances and even entire technical facilities for the development of atomic, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction to Iraq right since 1975.

In some cases, conventional military and technical dealings between Germany and Iraq are said to date till 2001, ten years after the second Gulf war and a time when international sanctions against Saddam Hussein are still in place.

The paper reports that the dossier contains several indications of cases, where German authorities right up to the Finance Ministry tolerated the illegal arms cooperation and also promoted to it to an extent.

Pretty amazing, eh? Perhaps it is more Iraqi disinformation. But I bet there is more than a kernel of truth to the report.

Posted by Nukevet at 02:34 PM | Comments (0)

Penn back on US soil

And his handlers are none to impressed with the flack he is catching for his useful idiot performance over in Baghdad. I was going to comment on it, but Emporer Misha has already scored a clean kill on the subject. Too bad we can't string the corpse up on a fence line to serve as a warning to other wanna-be "moral compasses".

And no offense, but how fucking stupid do you have to be to go to Baghdad on a self directed "fact finding tour" and not anticipate that it will be turned into a major propaganda opportunity for Saddam. Well, Penn wanted publicity, and he got publicity. Now he has to deal with the fact that most Americans think he is a jerk.

Posted by Nukevet at 10:02 AM | Comments (4)

December 17, 2002

Useful idiots (aka "entertainers") part MMCXXIV

I wonder what he really said? And I wonder why he would go to Iraq to be a willing shill for Saddam? It seems like all of these entertainers with sagging careers feel the need to come out firmly in stride with Saddam. I guess it is just a desperate ploy to bolster their public presence.

Just in case it disappears, here is the text from the above referenced article in the Iraq Daily.

Sean Penn condemns US threats against Iraq
Baghdad, Dec 16, INA
The American movie star, Sean Penn has condemned the US-British threats to wage war against Iraq.

He told press conference that there is no legitimate justification for the brutal campaign against an authentic state like Iraq.

He confirmed that Iraq is completely clear of weapons of mass destruction and the United Nations must adopt a positive stance towards Iraq.

He also condemned the US misleading claims arguing that it is the US and not Iraq who is practicing such illegal behavior.

Mr. Penn went on saying that he would convey to the public opinion in US the real situation that the Americans should force the US administration to stop such aggressive campaign.

Finally, Mr. Penn passed a written communiqu� in which he declared that his visit to Iraq is to evaluate the humanitarian situation of Iraqis and to reject the crippling sanctions on Iraq since 1991.

And again, why do these numbskulls always wait until they are safely overseas before they take their "high and mighty" moral stands?

Posted by Nukevet at 09:10 AM | Comments (2)